89-315 WNITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F A I NT PA U L Council Q �/ f` CANARY - DEPARTMENT � � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. d �� - , C unci�l esolution �� �_.� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the proper City of icials are hereby authorized and directed to execute an Agreement grant'ng $1,000.00 to the SUMMIT HILL ASSOCIATION/DISTRICT 16 PLANNING CO�1NC L for the purpose of staging the Winter Family Festival ; to held Sunday, Febru ry 12, 1989 and conducted in accordance with Council approved guidelines dated August 12, 1987; a copy of said Agreement to be kept on file and of re ord in the Department of Finance and Management Services. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Long [n Favor Goswitz E ;y i �6e� � Against Sb��l Sonnen Wilson FEB 2 �� �9�'� Form Ap ov by City t ey Adopted by Council: Date ���� Ceri�f�ed Pass y uncil Se r By � Z � �� sy . _ Approv d Mavo • — �E 1 i �$� Approve Mayo r S missi to Council B — V"�G�. �t� iv1N�t - 41 89 _ • . . ��� � //� v � .�l° �13011 C,�,M 7 ITY `ERV CES nEPait�rlT � YIC WITTGENST IN CONTACT N 292_7409 pHOr� � 2-3 89 DATE ASSIGN NZJIiBER FOR BOUTYNG ORDER: (See r e e side.) 1 Department Director Mayor (or Assistant) �-Finance and Management Services Direc or 4 City Clerk Budget Director �P�t^ks & Recreation 2 City Attorney _ TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATIIRE PAGES: 5 (C ip all locations for signature.) W V NG 0 0 C ? (Purpose/Rationale) � The City will grant $1,ODO.00 from the Nei hti rhoo� �ival Fund �o the Suaimit. Hill Associ ati on/Di strict 16 P1 anni ng Counci 1 f r he� purp��fS�V�stagi ng the Wi i�ter Family Festival ; to be held Sunday, February 12, 98 . F�.� � o F� �oF T �9�9 AH A T1y f H�`DiR RECEIVE� N� � �croR ST N U G ND PERSONNEL �IC� F E B O� �089 $1,000.00 from the Neighborhood Festiva� F d S F MAYOR'S OfFIC.. N C T CTI ITY C G D R C T D: ' (Mayor's signatnre not required if under $ 0, 00.) Total Amount of Transgction: $1,000.00 Activity Number: 23143 � Coun��l Re���rch CentQJ� , Fundiag Source: 325 - Special Services , FEB 1 � �i��J ATTACHMENTS: (List and number all attachm t .) 1. Council Resolution 2. 4 co'pies of Agreement between thp City a d Ihe Summit Hill Associationj�ist. 16 Planning Council � � 3. 1 copy of grnt request with appropriate tt chments. ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES F E B �� �98g , Yes No Rules, Regulations, Proce ur s, or Budg��p�d���}���$�d� _Yes _No If yes, are they or t�met bl at�ached? � � �'� ���' � DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEK X Yes _No Council resolution required Resolution required? _Yes _No • X Yes _No Insurance required? Insurance sufficient? _Yes _Na . X Yes +rto Insurance attached� Insuran e ertificate due Feb 6 , ,`�: � C�- �/ -�3i� DIVISION OF PAR S AND RECREATION COMMUNITY F STIVAL FUND APPLI ATION Date v-� • �� � � �g� Check One: Loan Grant � Organization Name Sbt�yww�,.l� �I 11 hh0l�l�!70-vv /,1�, J ���.. Description of Orqanization, bri�f istory T� �vu-�-�-� l-��� l �455o�wfi an� w� �v l-�wvl�%- � I �lo� -t� n,r�-te� --tl� l�,h�-vl�c��d.� �— .�vi-� 77tie o l�-�v�h r�- ��t��6L� ��'l�,R,.� t-v� �o �= iri1��►�G .�-� fi.n-�� • y"1�,� .��h��t�ze�,�...� !�Q-r�u�-� - � s�-h2� L��w(. r,� c��d.c� t.� h-Lr.dyv��� �-ov..� a-��..� � v�l�-vvv�-c a� Q.c�l�t-u.U�7-ch .ca�-�{-- l.t�f� ' ,�v� �. � � � � Non°Profit Status 503c Yes �v No Don' t Know Project Coordinator Name GI�L�lrjtYt�l� � � 7�1�0� LD ' f�� sw►l�e.�j- Addre s s ��}'S bv�-h-d- ..4'V.�=v►�C.2� � l 9/ 55i D'.�� Phone �-�--�— ��--�-�-- day eve ing Project Description (purpose and i pact on area) : Attach additional information if needed) , � �1-u��� ,.� �tta�l�-ed� � � ►Q,�l-t�.� �-v � �-t:vw . ,� A-v�-d, u� �� • Total Amount Requested From Community Festival Fund: /� 000 � If this application is a request f r a grant, how do you plan to match it? Please be specific. (Attach additional sheets if necessary) . 77/L,° � � �'ifiLl. }�"�vh'D � GYt-� A�vt-iL- �(.v�Gv d�if..� %�/wl�. �v G� it�GL Gp�f" �ciGr��v��� � �c-�.� � ,yl� D Gultit� �v-L � - ti!� .- ' �n,rtir�r-,,�.r� �j�j�� . , ,, . �. . �t' 8��3/,� C;hi�•i �tir�ie Fl, 7'i�c,�t Summit E•�i1J. ��;:�c;c:i �:�•k:ac:,ri/lli�•tric� � 1f� f':I.�ar�r•fir�c,.� C::c:,�..�rir_i1 '74� Gr a►7 d Fr�t�n t.�E7, ;.�i.�i�t� 1�►1 �rt. f�'���.�1 , hii nr����c:,t r:� a`:;:L�"��~; � �2.��-1��� f�f1E'�a�3 f�cE.L.E'F3,�-�'C:W W I IV°fEF; FAlr1I LY �'E=S"f:{�JF11... Th� S�.immi t--F�i ]. ]. Fas��or_i Gnt:.i nr� anc:i L..i.nwcacrci F���E, f��cr-��t i or� C�nter �re ca—��SCar��c�ring �� Win�t r F�mi1�,� ��stival can r3i_tr�rcJ��'Y , Fe�br��a►��y 1�.', •Fi�•cam :�:: t�ca fa�m, �:tt .inwc�r.��! F���rL.w "fhi�� i �: 7 c;�r��,t ra�apc�rt�u��i•ty tc� m�-,�•t yc��_�r- ntic:�hta r4�, cJi�;c:�.�sr� neic�hb�7rhra�7r..1 �cti vi t i E3�, E�cii:�5►•-t•.�K:i r� yr�4ir chi :t i��rn �nc_i =�i mp1 y E_-n.:i .r.,y 4�aa ry�:.e•�r-.. 7'h� w�rrninra h�c�u�n� will t» an�an , �aa hi�:ing �,�ca�_�r ic:F���L;��t�s �.�ncJ s>1�.�c:ls. I�lemt��rs c�f �k:t•►� l...a r�wc7c,ci f-�'�r-L; U��>� ��n T�_a�.�rn ti��i 1 1 ta� ori h�-tr•�ci tc, e>;p1 �in th� propc�3ed p1r:�n� •FcaN- � he-� n�w i�inNic�r�d �"�C-trE: C:tammuni,ty r��c.�•-���•ki r•�r� L:Nar•iter. C�Sc�fre�hment� �nr..! hra�r:. t�e�r�:���r�gF;:� v i 11 k;� �,r-o���i c1�d , �=��; w�i 11. t�iel i�.�m bal 1 ocan� C7r�rJ �.a c��.u�pi�-i se �nt�.�r°t.�i n�r- �Fc,r t:.t��.=� �>�c,a..�r�tc� �r•�cl "y�.�unc� a� hwart. rtr-i nc� th� whal� •f��mi 1.y �.and .j c�i n yc��_�r- ri�i c�t7bca��s f or � da�,� r.a•F c�l��k-.,��•�.�t1:i c:,rr :i r� L_i r7Maaraci F''C:�i�-�; ! GJF� �t.ill nped h�lp with �l:hiw ar� ._....d�ay e���✓�rit. T� �,+au c-,�n I�i�1P , a ar •Far •furt.t��►� :infca��•m�=t•t:acari , c-�:tl. J. tl-i��s �l-1w� o•F�f:ic� ,-�t. ';:��:�':�:f.....1:'�.�?., � ; . _ . . � �j-�l� � . . . . J . . ' ^�� • Addrsss sny raply to: Federal Buildfng.�nd . S. Court House, 316 No�th Robert Street, Si. Paul, Mfnnesota 55101 ,. ...-.� � � _ , ��i s�� 5-5� Dop�r�4c���4 04 4[�c�����ap� . ;��N . � . DD ���QPH64 DBPC�C�(�OP Internal Revenue Servic� ' �,�.: i� ..piy ►.i.►�o: hrs:� Labe} 725-7344 September 18, 1975 StP:E0:75_1241 nnL; Summit-Hill Asaociation p 6kk Goodrich Avenue , � Saint Paul, Hinnesota 55105 r Accounting Period Eading= December 31 Purpoaei . Chariteble - Educatioaal • Gentlemen: Based on information supplied, a d assuming your operations will be as stated fn your application for recognitior� o exemption, we have determined you are exempt from Federal income tax under ection 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue •�Code. We have further determined you a not a private foundation within the mean- ing of section 509(a) of the Code, bec use you are an organization described in section You are not liable for social �ec rity (FICA) taxes unless you tile a waiver oP exemption certificate as provided i the Federal Insurance Contributions Act. � You are not liable for the taxes impos d under the Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA) . Since you are not a private found tion, you are not sub,�ect to the excise taxes under Chapter 42 of the Code. ' Ho ever, you are not automatically exempt from othQr Federal excise taxes. Donors ma� deduct contributions t you as provided in section 170 of the Code. Bequests,. legacies, devises, tra sfers, or gifts to you or for your use are d�ductible for Federal estate and g#ft tax purposes under sections �055, 2106, and 2522 ot the Code. If your purposes, character, or m thod of operation is changed, you must let us know so we can consider the efteCt f the change on your exempt status: Also, � � you must inform us of all changes in y ur name or address. „ , If your gross receipts each year re normally more than $,�,000, you are re- quired to file Form 990, Return of Qrg nization Exempt From In�ome Tax, by the 15th day of the fifth month after the nd of your annual accou�ting period. The law imposes a penalty of $10' a day, up to a maximum of $5,000, fdr tailure to file a return on time. You are not required to file Fede 1 income tax returns unless you are sub- �ect to the tax on unrelated business come under section 511 of the Code. If you are sub�ect to this tax, you must le an income tax return on Form 990-T. In �_ this letter we are not determining whet er any of your present or proposed activi- ties are unrelated trade or business as defined in section 513 of. the Code. You need an employer identificatio number even if you have no employees. If an employer identiPication number wa� n t entered on your application. a number will be assigned to you and you will be advised of it. Please use that number on all returns you file and in all corresp ndence with the Internal Revenue Service. Please keep this determination let er in your permanent records. SincQ rely ours � � . � •i4� � c. n, sWitZ� .. .. r � Please see attached Caveat. District Director Form L-178 (Rev. 7-71) , , . , .. . . . . . . .. ,. .,,.k i . .. . . L. ,� ... . .S . `fr"' 1 r . . . -' '':K V el., {�;.. � .. .. . .. ... . ... . . .. .... . .. . ._ ... . ... .. .. � . .. . .. ..... .. .., . �.. .,.__... . . .. . . �„�' ..��..�.• .. . �� ,_..':i......... �� � ' T.�S•��- L./ ✓ �, ' ' ' �� l.�.w5 a,S Cc�,�ro v�d a�- ; G��� �QGfi��� y'o v. s, r q s'� BY-LAWS OF THE S T-HILL ASSOCIATION Arti le I. MEM ERS Section 1.1. This Corporation shall hav one class of inembers, which shall consist of those per ons defined in the Articles of Incorooration. The Secret ry shall maintain a roster of persons r�aking cantributio s to the Corporation. ARTI LE II. MEETINGS OF MEMBERS Section 2.1. ANNUAL MEETIVG OF MEMBERS. An annual meeting of the members of the Corporation shall b held in the City of St. Paul, State of Minnesota, on th first jaednesday in the month of May in each year. Section 2 . 2. SPECIAL i�ETINGS OF A2EM;BE S. Special meetings of the menbers of this Corpora,ti n may be called at any time by the President, a Vice Preside t, or any five { 5) Directors . Section 2. 3. NOTICE. written notice o each meeting of inembers, stating the time and place thereo , and in the case of a special neeting, its purpose, �h 11 be given not less than five nor � more than thirty (30) da s in advance thereof to the members. ,;_ . :�; _ . ������ . , ; , . ir .. . . �. ./� ..... _...�... . .. �+ • '"'-�. � '.... T_�.�..�,.� . . � .. ....._...._ . ...�.,. � . .... .. . .... . ....:�:.. i.... . .. ��...�J�.._......i..!ni/6vu.:iC � : .,. .� . .'. . . . : '.. �� .,i'. � ' � � .� G� �9���5' Section 2 . 4 . QUORUM. A quorum for any eting of the members shall be thirty (30) members. The mbers present at a meeting at which less than a quorum is present may adjourn the meeting to a future time. Section 2 . 5. VOTING. Each member person lly present at any meeting of the members shall be enti�tl d to cast one (1) vote. There shall be no voting by mai�l r by proxy nor shall there be any cumulative voting. Section 2. 6. ' DISCUSSION. Discussion shall be limited at each regularly scheduled board meeting. A aximum of fifteen (15) minutes shall be allowed for present tion of items and discussion for each standing and ad hoc committee. A maximum of twenty (20) minutes shall be allowe for presentation and discussion of new business. A majo�ity vote of the board nembers present at a meeting shall be required to expand discussion beyond the time 1 'r�itations set forth in this section. �-2- � -. ..... _,.-... .n .. :"•... ,.... . •�.....i. .. . ti.. ..... ..... .... . ....._.. ....r. �1�:�_. ..�... :. ..... . .,, . � .. .. .. . .. ._ . .. . ..._. ..5 _s� � . .. .b...�.�.:_:?'u.v���p�. � ' ' � �'t-�3/,r ARTIC III. BOARD OF IRECTORS Section 3.1. NUMBER. The number of direc ors shall be twenty-one (21 ) , subject to change from time o time by the vote of a major�ty of the r.lembers pres nt a� a duly constituted meeting of the members, prov ' ded that no board member whose term has not expired shall b compelled to leave the board by reason of a proposed redu tion in the number of board members. Section 3. 2. AGE. Directors shall be at east eighteen (18) years of age with the exception of th student representative who shall be at least fifteen (15) years of age. Section 3. 3. STUDENT REPRESENiATIVE'. One director position may be filled by a high school stu ent representative. A student representative is defined a a s�udent who either lives in or attends a school with' n the Summit-Hill Association boundaries. � - - .,... !.6. .....�.r,.... .. � . . . , , . :., ...,�..'. �_:.. r . J ����.�y,� .. .. n...r.�..... .... .. .� .. "."'v ........�,.. . � ��... �1......i..�.� J.. . �.r�uL:�.... .1......._ .. .;i.c�.......t. .... ... .s . -. ..w-.a.l� ................ .�. '.ftvi.iZ�J�ii.Y� ' • � �'�/ � Section 3.4. ELECTIO:I. Directors shal be elected for a three (3 ) year term by the members at th annual meeting except for the student representative, w ose term shall be two (2) years. No person who shall have erved as a director for two terms shall be eligible for re- lection until after the lapse of one (1) year. Section 3. 5. REMOVAL. Directors are su ject to removal for cause including misfeasance, mal easance, use of office for personal gain, unauthorize expenditure of Association funds or violation of any provis 'on of the Association By-Laws . In addition, any Director s subject to removal by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of t e Board of Directors . Section 3. 6. ATTENDANCE. Any elected b ard member absent from three meetings within any period of time during which there are six regularly scheduled mo thly meetings will be terminated from Board membershi� unle s the Board votes to the contrary because of extenuating cir ur.tstances. Any Community Organization which sponsors a board menber who is absent from three meetings within any period of time during which thCre are six regularly �ch duled Board meetings will be � notified as to �he attendan e record of that board member. -4 _ � . :;. ..,,: . . _. .... ��... ...i.'._. . �.�. ....��f.._......_. . ..... ..._, . . .. «�:t, a_1 `, i�. ... ... .. . . � .. . . . . . . � � •s�. �� ._ _�l . �.w. . _. .. . . � . .. . . . . ... .� �L. _. ._;.Y .3Yr..,i..C..�_.':s � � , � Gf' �t�..3/5 Section 3.7. VACANCIES. Any vacancy in e office of a Director may be filled by the Board of Direc ors at any meeting of the Directors . Any Directors so elected shall serve for the unexpired term of the Direct r whose office became vacant and may thereafter run for e ection pursuant to Section 3 .4 . Section 3. 8. PERSONNEL REVIEW AND JOB DES RIPTIONS. An annual review of all officers, committee chai s, directors and staff inembers shall be conducted by the pe sonnel committee. The personnel committee shall pr pare written descriptions of responsibility and author ' ty for committee chairs, committee members and direct rs, and a written job description for staff person el. - ARTIC IV. MEET NGS Section 4.1. QUORUM. A quorum for mee�in s of the Board of Directors shall be a majority of the D' rectors. Section 4.2 . ANNUAL HIEETING. Immediately follo�ving the annual neeting of the members, or at such othe time as the Board of Directors shall fix, the Board of Dire tors shall meet and elect from their number the officers of the Corporation. The officers R 1 / � �1 y ��f. 1� ryf ���. I..' . '1�� .f/ �/�� ::1 � Y" )Y, 4� Ii �..�....._ .....�...... ......... ...�1...... ... . . . . . . . �_.._.. . ... .... ..._. ,4_ . , .., .J . ... . _. • .... ., . .�... .. .. . .. _w1 .�,,.���.. ..t.....�� w-:.J✓.�.L:L:i�: ' . ; . G� SI-�3/S� shall be a President, Vice P esident, Secretary, Treasurer, and such other officers as r.1 y be designated by the Board of Directors. The term of o�fi e of each officer shall be until the next annual meetin of the Board of Directors and until a successor has been d ly elected and has qualified. If any office becomes vac3nt during the year, the Board of Directors may fill the vacan y for the unexpired term. Sec�ion 4 . 3 . REGULAR HIEETINGS. The requl r meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held a�C 1 ast four (4 ) times per year at such time and place as may b designated by the Board of Directors. Section 4 .4 . SPECIAL NIEETINGS. Special m etings of the Board of Directors may be called at a y time by the President, Vice President, or by any five (5) Directors whenever such meetings may be deemed neCes ary or desirable. Section 4 . 5. NOTICE. A written notice of each regular meeting of the Board of �irectors, stating he tine and place thereof, shall be given not less than five (5) days in advance thereof to each director. written notice of each special , R meeting of the Board of D�re tors, stating the •time and place thereof, shall be give not less than two (2 ) days in 6- -.___ -- . _, ,.., .. _� _ . . .,.,,. ' . . .:�. .. r .. .- t� . . �[� '.: r�...'� • �.. r. "�: ♦ �i s . l.�y:. 5. . . _.�t . . ... . . ♦is .. . ,�` �� • f rLi.. �/.�V.. � �� � . . . � � . . .�'._ . .r ... .'. .:. • .. ��.._._..... .. . ... .. ...._1 .. •'�t.i ' � . .... . . ... . .. • . .. . .. .+��.... .-...�._ '.1�.Y�S. . � '• � 8/'3�� advance thereof to each m mber of the Board of Directors. All notices shall be deem d to .have been given when deposited in the mails. ART CLE V. DUTIES F OFFICERS Section 5.1 PRESIDENT. The President shall have all authority usually incident to the office of Pr�sident and shall have general authority over the affair of the Corporation, its officers, agents, and employees. T e President shall preside at all neetings of the members a d of the Directors. Section 5. 2 VICE PRESIDEPIT. Zn the sence of the nresid2nt, the Vice President shall serve in he President ' s place. The Vice President shall have such additional duties as may be assigned by the President or the Board of Directors. Section 5. 3. SECRETARY. The S�cretazy shall k�ep or cause to be kept the minutes of all meetings o the members and Directors and committees of the Directo s; shall attend to the giving and serving of all notic�s of the Corporation; shall keep and R � / _�_ �c.,,,.. „_�S . ..... � . . � . . . . . . _ti...�.N..�._.w�l.!a:..�..�..........iN..�°. ....i�_ . _ �� . ,v��i. 4� ), h.t.�„1,��.s. ,, 1. i.� - . , . . . .. . .`.. _.1. .. ... . .. ... _ ... .. .. ._ . .. _.. . . _.. . .. .�,.. ... .� ._.. ..a.i... ............�=K..'�:`. , , ' � Gt' 8'�-�3/� � have charge of such other books and papers of the Cor�oration as the DireCto s may direct; and in general shall perform all duties i cident to the office of Secretary, subject to the ontrol of the Board of Directors . Section 5. 4 . TREASURER. The Treasu=er hall cause accurate accounts to be kept of all monies of th Corporation, causing same to be deposited in the name of an to the credit of the Corporation in such bank or banks as shall be designated from time to time by the Bo rd of Directors. The Treasurer shall have cha�ge of all bo ks, records, papers, and accounts of �the Corporation, except such as are in the charge of the S�cretary, and shall render to the Board, whenever required, an accura e account of all transactions of the Treasurer and of the inancial condition of the Corporation. The Treasurez hall perform such other duties as nay be presc,.ibed f�om ti. e to time by the Board of Di�ectors . �. - - .. .... ..`r'.. - .... .�..�.. . J.. ..R .. �. ...... .n .`.J. . .� ..''. .J' .. .. . . .. .. . . .. . .. .. . . �� . . :f•.i. . . ♦. . . 1 . .��.i...?'...A�i_:di. : . . • .. � �j-�3/.� _ ART CLE VI. CO ITT�ES Section 6.1. STANDING CONIP�lITTEES. Co ittees may �e established by resolution of the Board o Directors from time to tine. The membershi� and chair of e ch committee shall be appointed by the President with the ap roval of the Board of Directors. Each committee shall cons' st of at least one member of the Board of Directors and au h additional association members as �he President shall de m appropriate. The chair of each such committee shall be a isory to the Board af Directors and the President. In th event the committee chair is not a member of the Board of irectors, he or she shall not serve on the executive co . ittee. Section 6. 2 . SEARCH COMMITTEE. At leas sixty (60) days in advance of the annual meeting the ,Pre ident shall appoint a Search Committee, consisting o� n t less than five ( 5) persons, who shall be �esponsible for p esenting a list of candidates for all of those positions on he Board of Directors which will expire as of �he date of t e annual meeting. � -9- i ; C',�- �q-3/� , Section 6. 3. SPECIAL COMMITTEES. Specia committees to deal with issues of short duration may from ime to time be appointed by the President. Section 6 . 4 . REMOVAL. Each committee ch ir serves at the discretion of the President. Section 6 . 5. EXECUTIVE CONIMITTEE. An ex cutive comr,►ittee, composed of the officers and chairs of he standing committees, shall meet at least once a month o set the meeting agenda, consider all requests for� f nding and review all items reguiring board action. This committee shall be chaired by the Vice-President and be e owered to spend a maximum of $250 . 00. In addition to its �egular monthly meeLing, the commit�tee shall mee�t as requ ' �ed to consider items requiring ir.�mediate atten�ion. The co ittee shall also act as the standing personnel committee. ARTICL VII. FISCAL YEAR Sec�tion 7 , 1 . FISCAL YEAR. The fiscal yea shall be from July 1 to June 30 . Contributions r�ce ved from individuals shall be applied to the year in which they are received. � , " 5l.Jl"Ilyl I T' I-{:(l,..l... llf�>t:3C7f.:::C r=`�.1..]:C'.1N/ :C�a`I"f';:L 1�:.1.. :�f.�a 1='4....F•11'JIV:C h•I(:•.i (':(�1l.JI+1C::C L._ � • � ��f-3/u� • �{��1�11�=:'1'J ('�f�+ I:).l'I"afwC:..f.(ll"J�-i �JF`tl�a1.1F1F:'`1 1"'i�{':3�� �:�I'1 r:ll'1 �1 tCJfl y �'�1'"fi:'.�:1.C:�f�?f'1'f:. �"'��i:iY{"'l:)1.F�? ��.)1..1�i �;'G�3 (:�c:�ocJrich �'J�1 1::-�jii�-rric.-��_u-��1:. :1?2.�"'..-•1c:��7 (h) ;:'c�.-�;.....:1."";;:;:� {h) ���--7�17�i !w) I:)��in f°'u�r°��,h:i n kicL: ���e��c�n ,..l..r-�.�r.i���..�i-_�::i�° :L!��::?:L (����c�rJrich �3��'c,' Lirtwrc,r_l �:'c:;'1•--:I.E:IF�:�_' !t�yi ��.--���.....A�`�43'7 !h) ;� :..; �E.....:L'y'i:_' �,�'1 .�...:..s_ ,.,::.�: , r f.����.__,�►i 4;� J�,� �.._,:,�.��...:c r-���:i��f1Eii�.,r.:::G r� r�:�:���;„ Li r i�i n k+E�1 i�,1 a:� `��';���;c'� (::�ca r.a ci i�°i c�1-7 Elw��,' C1sc:E�w�o1 �:i ;�:�;.t�....:'.;'.;1.'-i' !t•t') . �?�4...�7.:�:'�4 !h? 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AUGUST E>;�c�.�•t�ive Cc�mmit•tfr� Di�c�.i�s Cummunity 1=estival » 4J�s 1��t ye�r~ 'e, ��✓�r�t. �>�.�cc:E-�+�s�F ul"} Do we a��-7nt i:c� hcaJ.�J canw� �ha. !� y�r�r'� C'�a n w�a ra•f•f c�i��I •t.r� h ra 1 d r_�n� : C�hcaose ��v�r«1 E�c��tc�nti.�l d�7•���s� C:hc�rs� �c��t:.k�r�ti.G.�1 1 r_y.r_rtt:i.�ari� L-�n�rd a•F (Ji r�c�•kc�r•� I)i r.>c t��:.,�_> cµ..t��.�t i.c::�r��s �:�n cl C:"r;e�c- . f.:;c:�rn rn a �F:i n c�l:i.rr r.:a•_>,. :Di�c�_i5� .r_c�--�{�c�r��c�r�•r�l��ir:� aii�k i (:�c�:tl��n l_c-�a�� aEf-''"I"EI�iH�'t�( G;>;e�r�_�tive (;c�mmi•F�te�: I7�tte �>�.�qg��:-s•���c:l^ �a�..tr�icJ�-�`,� y I�'�: . s•�u�-�r..y J..2, :1�,�3"� L.c�c��t a can ��..�r�gF�s•t�c�: �.i nwc�c�J l='�r E; C:�a....���e:;�°7�ui�..� l._:i r��wcyc�cl �'r�i•-k C"<:;�r:r-F�.,t:�t.:i r.:�r�� C:�Sr�i•ka��•.. A11 p�nding c�n ca�..�r- c��.���a1 i fy ' r7r� �Fc�r� thE= f�frv-1�= C:ar��r�nt: . Etcr�i►�•d c�f I):i��•�c•Fc_rr-s� - � lq�t•ke ��ppraved, L_ac�tti r_�n �pprc�v�+ci� Co—sp��7�c�r �F�ps�-�a�,+�r�. AgreerJ t_t�wat tt•yt� Ui wtri.c:� C: �_�nr.:::i :l aa:i :L :L �r�,:�L:r•i <�lr�; � �F��:a 1 i��i t i a r7 �f c�r t h� G F ° r�r�,�n t: i rt ,J��rt�.��:t r�y a (JC�I`QL�EF; raec.�:i n �:tc:l�rt,ri-�t.:i r>i.ric� tt•��.� C'�'�;:sti v��1 u E{�gi n ta recr�_�i.•t �✓c�7.�_1ntF�c�r-+:�. F'7. �n c�i r•��:� t:.t�ti F�, �a�a�::ri�t�, F�d�»r-ti �:inc.� th� event. h-I�1�i r�ir� thF� rJ��y r.��F� th�:� �v�� �t�, AsE; de�ign �t_E=�rn •F�:�r 1:arr��r����<� Lirwac�c�c� i��?�crE=���fic�n �:.rt-i•hc�i� �t.c::a F��.jrticip�tE:S t -�:. , , , _ . . . - , � � �-�3/� lyt]VEh1Ei�'f�; I:)i�c:�i�x gac:�1 �: �:�r�c:i t::7kl.)f?C"'f:.l Vf.:?!ii's c�f �t:.t�iF::, e..,,rr;r��•l:. 1)z�cu�� •faucJ. 1)i�c:�iss �nt�i�•k:�.�i r�mF�rit. Cant i n�_�� adv�r•h i.�i nr�. [warita r��_��: r�F�c.:i�•i..�i. t.a.i7r.� vc;1�..�rit.��±r :�. J�IIVII�I�(Y w��E; l. w Ca11 %riG��.u��ar�ic:e 4xr;��r�t r.:� c-:nnf�ii~rr� c:c:;�✓�::�i�..c:tr��� c:,�F e:�vF:,nt.. D�ci cJt= can F•�r�itF7rtcti:i�-�rne�i �h. r�r�cJ ���e��F..�h.l c� c:t::ar��l�i�_�_�c.t_ . G�ri t:i n�.��_a r..e,r���u i•h i n cj v 1 �.�r�t.e��;i-��>. w��+; 2. 4Jri t� �yr�:�ss r��l ra���e:�<a. E���y �tdv����•�i =_>i r�r� i n Cii� r�cl f��:t:�-w�t•l:�•:�. �c��i dc� c�n c��_���nt i•ty t�•f �F c_�c�c1. Qr c!e-_�i•. .E�ca�ad. Qrd�r h��,:t 1 r�c�r��. F:��c�:i.r� c.�i°�r-_�rt�t. �:y i�c.;r�r_��>�a 1 . w�c�E: ._.; Desi r�n �f 1 y�:-r�„ �r�i r�7t. •F 1.yk;►�... �.Of��.L�'t.E_a L�1"u-'tl'l'I� �Y"O�:�C7'�sr"i „ �ie�N: �: I)�1 a�✓F�i•.. t:i r-�:��..i.1.: F:�i•..c:,�:;r.:;�>r�:t � Leliver- �f1�,��.�rs. ~ Clrcic��M r..E�wr•�t.r�7. �q�..i:i�ame�nt:. Ordc�r haa:C i�..im. r�l..l P�C..��C,C'Y E:y fft l C C��. �. �I�l E:?�lL.l�i �w>t_t�1�::1.�. 1 E'r'ci. u r-���r-�u�r�;v a�e�4: i : Cc,r�•f a.i�m ��nte��i^tai nmF;-r�it. Con��i r-m c:iesi c�i� tP��m di!-��:! 3y. C�ori�firrr� �i11. r.�rciE::�i���. Cc,n f i r m ���%�1�_u-�•F�-:e�r <.•s�t���f•f� . [=eb. 1 1 : I��1 i.v�•r��- .f c-�,r.:�r.:! 1-.ca 1_.:i r��wc�c; .I !'�:f::�r.-i•��-�::tt:i.r..zr�i (�;r'r.i•k:.c�7r-� 'L��1 i v�_+i�- a-..�r��t:<�1 F�c:��.�i�a m E�� ���1�. �t_ca ��:,_�m c�. � _ � Ff�-3�s J�ary�.��ry 2��, 1�,��tt�' �r-r��:�t��;ts��e:l �i..�c:ic7�#.�. •Fr.:ai"' t::1l..lflY1'Il:l.'f. I"�:L .L F•�I�::!:ii�:;c:a �:a�t::ic�r�}il...:iryUac:�cac:l F'�_�i•..6�. UJin�F�r 1=estiv�l ; � F��it�1 i c i t y: �lr..! in C:�rw:�nr�l L"-;�:��.F:�ttE.�, . . w . . ,. . . . . . � � u , i�ic�i„c��r.';i 2s.���ca •F 1 y�i�� �:ar-i r�i�t�c�. . . u . , . w „ u � „ „ � » . 1 r:�r��, t,)(') �r�t.�r��ai nm�rri•t. Hcand� •k:t7� I"I��r�i c.:.i.rar7. . . . „ . „ w . � . . „ u w � . :���r�.!:r!:� ��saca. a1�F�r:1 Ftrr.l-►i�k��_t�� . . . . . . . � � � . . . . ;"�;�„ ���i:t m G�t�r..i ��1 ��> •f ca r.. r.:l�:��>i c�r7 r.:l:i .>x:�:t �.�y T:��tlior�r7+.•�» � . , . . ,. w ,, , . . . . . w � , . , , . . . . � . . 7:a. �:�ri C r��.i:i �nyE�n t 1=4���r��t:r:�:t C;c�•f�•F�F� l.l i��r�i�; �4�c:;i�• r..:r.:��f�F e�:-,�� r.::c.:;r��,r_•:i cl E,i,... � w �i•���. �;:�G� Lv�r,•t Tr�isur<-�i7r..�. � n . . . . . . . . . . < . . � . � . . , . . 1ii<�►, C.�ri �1y�•rnt� F�nci�,� 1�1��n°����F•�� Lc�cryriyt..�ri i t:.�,� :L r i��.u�•�:�n � (:;r�c..�F:��i-�,:;�•k.i vFa . ��.�1--i►�,c i _ {c r.a�s y r_•�•f� r.::c:,rY�k r-�:t c..�k �.v i :i. 7. ki�:� �.���:r►t'1 _i �aod c�nrj R���FWr-�c,.7c�<.:x. . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . , :�:;i:►, r►�_� F'�per �r-c�cl�..�c�t�a. . . . . . . . . . � . „ u � . w „ w „ . .�:;�::rN C�C� � �