89-314 wH�Te — ciTr CLERK COU[1C11 ^y PINK — FINANCE GITY OF S INT PAUL CANARY — DEPARTMENT / "� / BLUE — MAVOR File NO. f Return copy to: Valuations - Room 218 Council eso ution i` ��� (PW) (Scenic) / �� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS , the City of Saint Paul took a slope easement in the lands necessary for slopes , c ts , and fills including the right of removal of lateral support rom the subject lands or remainder thereof occasioned by egcava ions thereof or construction of slopes for the grading of Bur s Avenue in Lots lg, 20, 21 , and 22 , Block 6 , Scenic Hills , sai easement being in the land along the south line of said lots an immediately adjacent to the north line of Burns Avenue and be ' ng of variable width but not to egceed a magimum width of 28 f et ; and WHEREAS, the above deac ibed land across which the above described easement lies has een replatted as Registered Land Survey 364. tract A, and WHEREAS , the current fe owner has requested the City of Saint Paul release the above d scribed slope easement , and WHEREAS , the City of Saint Paul Public Works Department determined that the above des ribed slope easement is no longer needed by the City of Saint Pa 1. BE IT THEREFORE RESOLV D, that the City of Saint Paul release the slope easement o the lands formerly described as Lots lg, 20, 21 , and 22 , Block 6 , Scenic Hills , and now described as Registered Land Survey No . 64 . Tract A. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Finance & Mana ement ervices Lo� In Favoc � � Goswitz i �h;"�� � _ Against BY C'� Director Sonnen Wilson � �E� � ;� is�a Form Appro by Cit Attor ey Adopted by Council: Date C Certified Yasse y o ci_l Secret By By ���� � ¢ d i i��� Appro d y Mayor for Submissi o Quncil t#pproved - Mavo • — — B B �PUBI.1Sli� �a��-?i; � �'_ 19 8 � 89�3i� An eaeement iri the iarid rieceASa for the e].opes, cuts and fills, includir right of removal of laterRl :�t���� i•t; from Rub�ect land or remainder thereoi oceasioiied by excavaLions tl�ereo or eonetruction of slopes for the grading oi' Rurns Avenue in .�.,ots ineteen (ly), twenty (20), twenty-one (�:: and twent;�-Lwo (?_2), Hlock aix ( ), Seenic Hitle, eaid eaeemPnt bein� in the land alo�zg ttie south line of said lots a�d innncdia.tely ad�acent to the north liiie of Durns Avenue d bein of varlable width but not to exceed a maxlmum widLh ui' twenty eight �28) feet, according to the plat �hereof filed o� record in the o fice oP the Registrar oi' Titlea within and for eaid County, being the s taken by the City oP Sa�int Paul under Couneil File No. 223177. � � � W �� �� � ��� .� � b . ,$ ������ � , � � :� H12/0N • � � . �� � � �� � � �t# � � � � � � .� 3 " ri�� - -------- _----- ---Q�y- —+ 1Nf/N�F'W — I � � .. � ' a ������— s� �� �.- ' f � � � ,!� ,O � . � � n = � : � . sF � _ .__ � � 4 '��. .k Q y � ���\ ' � � • � �, � _ �� � N � W r � � v _ : w � � � � � ' � • � _--_-- --�---- ' _ ���� �--,_ �� _ � �� _ ___ _______ _ _ __. � ���-b� .�-a • � � � �.Q�i 11lA • . � . . � @A7! DAT�C011M.EfED� . . .. ��_�i/r�� � . �'inance & Management Services ,Z,� g , G'R��� '��"'�� NO. �Q�G 13 , corrr�cr v�nso�+ o��rrr w�cron 3 -�voa ca►�sr,wq Peter White/Yvonae Ka.stens �' � �g��� ��� ,� . a ttAtiotls �29�-�1 � euooeranECroA _ � cm nTrorw�r Release slop� eaaement on north si f Burne Avenue at Burns and McKn3ght R�ad �at the raquest of proparty cwner. Le 1 escrip�ien and �ap are attaahs� E�awow W o►nyx+(a!) cou�. a�oar: : .. � . PLANNNCi OOMtAI8810N - CML BEFYICE OOMIMBBION - DATE�N DATE OIiT MNLY'SF -- . . . PlIONE NO. �- - . . aE)ItlWO OO�ION .19D 625 8Cd00L BO�AHD . . � . � . . . . ��.�'1 � BTAFF -. -� . - ClYIRTEI9 COMIMBSIIXJ � AS IS . .. AODi MAFO.ADOED'� . l�RD�TO CAMFA�T . ' .CONS7iTllBR� . . � - � _ . _'POR AD6'L M1F0. . . _,,._FEEE)BitCK ADDEO*. - . . � �DIB7'RIC'fCOUIiCY.� . . *. . . � . • . . . . . - . �,���, �c� RfCEI�/ED � �� 1 1 8 `� ; FEB 14����'EB 07 1989 _ 9 : _ °�1eE F TM o� �ua���s `�'�,�` ATT�I�!��Y _ qMpAAR ENT F C1'pR MqA} ,AfiiC� . ntru►nno.noneM..wue.e�wo�w+rr+c cwao.w�w.wn�,w►�.va�y): g _ : This temporary construction easement was a r ed by the City Council on April 27, I965. The date of termination�-was written on the o but not included in the finaZ vrder a�d so remains on recard. dus'11�+c.AnoM�.Aawir.g.s.aau�e�r. Not releasing the tet�►pora e ement in 1965 was an oversight. :t�,ia�n:.na�r�waon,>: � � ; , � ` Releaeing the temporary con r tion now will _quiet �the title _ for the fee owner. �u.�ss�u►rnes: . c�s ' , To be determined. . � „^ f'� k� � , . . . � - . ..Lu. � ti�i�:, k��'r .. . ..,+.:i�l�i�j ' � FEt� 1 E� ����3 ��: Standard procedure. �.EO�u.�s: None. at this tim