89-311 `NHITE - C�TV CI.ERK COUIICII PINK - FINAN�E G I TY O SA I NT PA U L CANARV - DEPARTMENT � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � �'/ Co nc l Resolution �.X;: �J;: Presented By �- Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Council of the Ci'hy f Saint Paul has been advised by the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul ("Port Au�Fho ity") that the Port Authority has approved the issuance of $1,440,000 in revenue bond by the Port Authorlty to finance the costs of acquiring properties in the Rice Str�ee Urban Revitalization Action Program; and WHEREAS, Nor-West Bank has agreed to purchase said revenue bonds; and WHEREAS, the bonds will be refun ed once the Tax Increment District is approved by the City of Saint Paul for the Rice S reet Urban Revitalization Action Program; and WHEREAS, in the interim, revenue from the Port Authorlty�s Accumulated Revenue Fund will pay the debt service on the bmnd ; and WHEREAS, Laws of Minnesota 19�6, Chapter 234, as amended provides that any issue of revenue bonds authorized by the Port uthority of the City of Saint Paul shall be issued only with the consent of the City Cou cil of the City of Saint Paul by Resolution adopted in accordance with law; and WHEREAS, the Port Authority hi�s equested the City Council to give its requisite consent pursuant to said law and fio f cilitate the issuance of said revenue bonds by the Port Authority subJect to final appr al of the details of said issue by the Port Authority; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, by th� Council of the City of Saint Paul , that in accordance with Laws of Minnesota 197b, Chapter 234, as amen ed, the City Council hereby consents to the issuance of the aforesaid revenue bonds for t e purposes described herein, the exact details of which, including but not limited to, provisions relating to maturities, interest rates, discount, redemptlon, and for the is uance of additional bonds as are to be determined by the Port Authority, pursuant to Reso ution adopted by the Port Authority; and the City Council hereby authorizes the issuan e of any additional bonds ( including refunding bonds) by the Port Authority found by #he P rt Authority to be necessary to carry out the purposes for which the aforesaid �on s are issued. COUNCIL MEMBERS � Requested by De artment of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� � In avor Goswitz Rettman 0 g s�ne�net _ A ga n s t Y Sonnen Wilson FE8 2 � 1 �� Form Appro by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Yass d y ncil Se e.� B '�+��� sy� �' `% ?:�".�?? Appro d by Mayor for Sub ' sio to C,QJincil A►pproved y Mav � - g _ 8 �Ug{,� iv��tl - 41989 �, St. Paul Port Authority DEPART ,EN � � +��� , N� 2203 Perry K. Feders CONTA (612)224-5686 PHONE February 13, 1989 DATE 1 Q��� Q� ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER Cli All c tions for Si nature : � Department Director I 3 Director of Management/Mayor ✓������ Finance and Managem nt Services Direct r � City Clerk Budget Director � Council Research 2 City Attorney RE: $1 ,440,000 TAXABLE COMMERCIAL DEVELOP- MNTNTE - URAP WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON H ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : The purpose of the financing is t p ovide 1-emporary funding for the cost of acquisition and site improvements at the Rice Street URAP project. I COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMP CT ANTICIPATED: The Port Authority will issue a 1 , 40,000 Taxable Noi-e to be purchased by Norwest Bank for a term of six months to o er the costs of acquisii-ion, relocation, demolition, and other related de el pmeni- costs. The City Councii approved this project by Resolution No. 88-155 o September 20, 1988. FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NU ER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Transaction: quired if under N/A $10,00Q) Funding Source: Activity Number: ATTACHMENTS List and Number All Attach n s) : I . Staff Memorandum 2. Draft City Counci I Resoluti n � �,:--�;' 4�! ,�,....,_ � 3. Port Authority Resolution N . 082 �_;,l ���t°r cc: J : Shoho l m �L� � `' �`��`'� DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Council Resolution Requi d Resolution Required? X Yes No Yes X No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? X Yes No Yes X No Insurance Attached: � (SEE REVERSE ID FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 } PORT ,3�� AUTHORITY `�� � OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL • emorandum TO: BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS DATE: Jan. 20, 1989 (MEETING JANUARY 24, 1989) FROM: � � , � Perry K. Feders ` SUBJECT: SALE OF $1 ,440,000 1270 NOT RICE STREET URBAN REVITALIZ TION ACTION PROGRAM (URAP) RESOLUTION NO.� 3082 At the October 3, 1988, Reg lar Meeting the Port Authority approved participa- tion with Ctty of St. Paul in the Rice Street Urban Revitalization Action Program (URAP Project) for total of $1,440,000. The City has informed staff that they have utilized the proceeds from the $490,000 Urban Renewal Bonds for acquisition of residential roperties. Staff has completed negatta ions with Norwest Bank for a $1,440,000 Taxable Note to be issued for a ter of up to six months at the Bank�s prime rate. The Note wiil be used to fund the remaining budgeted costs on the proJect and reimburse the Port Authori for any costs that have been incurred to date. Staff is working with the ity to complete the Joint Powers Agreement which will govern the Tax Increm nt District created for the project. Longer term financing will be negotiat d once this Agreement is completed. This is ex- pected to occur within the next month. City Council approval will be sought immediately after Board ap roval of the Note. Staff recommends approval f the above Resolution which authorizes the is- suance .of the Note and on n interim basis, payment of expenditures from the Property Sale and Rental F nd or Accumulated Net Revenues. sJs /� � � C����-e-��zr�-�/�'�J4=�i�C�'I�'�C? �-�;srzc.f�C-� , � � �,"�.`.�'� ;,�..� � , � � �` . _ FAX (612) 223-519� PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAU TOLL FREE (800) 328-84"? �'-` �� 1900 LANDMARK TOWERS • 345 ST. P ER STREET • ST, PAUL, MN 55102 • PHONE(612) 224-5635 February 13, 1989 Mr. Ken Johnson, Director Planning and Economic Development Department City of St. Paul 13th Fioor - City Hali Annex St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 Re: $1,440,000 TAXABLE COMMERCI DEVELOPMENT NOTE URBAN REVITALIZATION ACTION ROGRAM Dear Mr. Johnson: We submit herewith for your revie and referral to the office of the Mayor, City Council and City Attorney's ffice detaiis pertaining to the issuance of a $1,440,000 Taxabie Note to fina ce the acquisition and related development costs for the Rice Street URAP ar a. Both the Port Authority Commissi and the City Council have approved funding for this project. The Note to be issued will be for a term of six months at which time permanent financing wili be sought. In addition to the staff inemorandum we are attaching a draft copy of the proposed City Council Resolution and a copy of the Port Authority Resolution No. 3082 which authorizes issuan e of the Note. Your expeditious handiing of thi matter will be appreciated. Yours truly, �1� � ��G�y ��,Ct�'��- Perry K. Feders Assistant Executive Vice President PKF:sjs cc: Mayor Latimer EUGENE A.KRAUT,C ID.� PERRV K.�EC`.�RS,C P,4. JOH�A.CAMPOBASSO.�i D� JAMES F.FAUE.CJD� �AF.'��_ !- _._ - _ �� =rE.,., �E J'�Cc P'?ESIGEf�i.C.E.O �,��� _. ., ,_� , �_, C-- DiRe� . J.�iiST�;N.�i,�._ ':iF'.:' .,_�� � r -.__, ..-���•��,� _�.;. -_._ . . _ . .. . LAWRENCE H LANGER,P.E 2iCHARD A-GIERGAL PAT41C�(� DEAN, ?A. RC6ERT A-"SI"ET.CPA. KAP1r•20N L.CARLS(.�,N.�'A .-_- � - - . - . CNIEFEVGINEER � �f Upc,^. ....���' ='���A'.� )��RK7 7a AS�' a.�._�� �"._ _�rJ..• .:.A�.v�_ .. _ . . COMMISSIONERS GEORGE W`1JINTER WILLIAM R PET5250"�� i1� �-VA�dD h1 GJiH�9AfvN !E.A':M SVESi VI�TOR F Rcln,4 Av1ES a:,.�ci8__ ___� __ ,_ PRES1DEh' - __�_.. SfC'2�`A�� aSS ..._ :.. £C�occ ; "._.._._ -. - - . . �C I,D CER IFlFG iNn�ISiRIA�DE'iEl 4PER ' PORT '� AUTHORITY � �-31 � OF THE CITY OF ST. P/1UL � � emorandum TO: BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS DATE: Jan. 20, 1989 (MEETING JANUARY 24, 1989) FROM: � � , ,�d�" Perry K. Feders � � SUBJECT: SALE OF �1 ,440,000 1270 NOTE RICE STREET URBAN REVITALIZA ION ACTION PROGRAM (URAP) RESOLUTION N0.� 3082 At the October 3, 1988, Regu ar Meeting the Port Authority approved participa- tion with City of St. Paul i the Rice Street Urban Revitalization Action Program (URAP Project) for a total of �1,440,000. The City has informed staff that they have utilized the roceeds from the $490,000 Urban Renewal Bonds for acquisition of residential p operties. Staff has completed negotia ions with Norwest Bank for a $1,440,000 Taxable Note to be issued for a ter of up to six months at the Bank�s prime rate. The Note will be used to fu d the remaining budgeted costs on the proJect and reimburse the Port Authorit for any costs that have been incurred to date. Staff is working with the C ty to complete the Joint Powers Agreement which will govern the Tax Increme t District created for the project. Longer term financing will be negotiate once this Agreement is completed. This is ex- pected to occur within the ext month. City Council approval will be sought immediately after Board app oval of the Note. Staff recommends approval o the above Resolution which authorizes the is- suance of the Note and on a interim basis, payment of expenditures from the Property Sale and Rental Fu d or Accumulated Net Revenues. sJs . g�,3� � G� TABL OF CONTENTS Page ARTICLE ONE - DEFINITIONS, LEGAL AUTHORIZATION AND FINDINGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Section 1-1 . Defini ions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Section 1-2 . Exhibi s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Section 1-3 . Legal uthorization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Section 1-4 . Findin s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ARTICLE TWO - THE NOTE AND LOAN AGREEMENTS. . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Section 2-1 . Author' zed Amount and Form ofNot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Section 2-2 . The No e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Section 2-3 . ExeCUtion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Section 2-4 . Owners ip of the Note . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Section 2-5 . Limit tion on Note Transfers . . . . . 4 ARTICLE THREE - NOTE FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Section 3-1. Note und . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Section 3-2 . Advan es Prior to Issuance. . . . . . . . 5 ARTICLE FOUR - PREPAYMENT OF NOTE BEFORE MATURITY. . . . . 5 ARTICLE FIVE - MISCELLAN OUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Section 5-1 . Sever bility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Section 5-2 . Limit tion of Liability . . . . . . . . . . 5 Section 5-3 . Authe tication of Transcript . . . . . 6 Section 5-4 . Regis ration of Note Resolution . . 6 Section 5-5 . Appro al of Lender . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Section 5-6 . Auth rization to Execute Loan Agre ent and Incidental Docuents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Section 5-7 . City Council Approval . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 SIGNATURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 -g�-3� l � NOTE RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the P rt Authority of the City of Saint Paul as follows: AR ICLE ONE DEFINITIONS, LEGAL UTHORIZATION AND FINDINGS 1-1 . Definitions . All terms used in Special Resolution No. 1270 shall h e the same meanings when used herein as assigned them in S ecial Resolution No. 1270 unless the context or use thereof ' ndicate another or different meaning or intent . In addi ion, the terms hereinafter set forth shall have the follow'ng meaning unless the context or use thereof shall require o herwise: Act: Minnesota Statut s, Chapter 469 . 001 through 469 . 068 and all amendments and supp ements thereto; Business Day: any day other than a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday or a day on w ich banking institutions in the City are authorized by law r executive order to close; City: the City of Sai t Paul, Minnesota, its successors and assigns; Lender: Norwest Bank innesota, National Association, a national banking associatio located in Minneapolis, Minnesota, its successors a d assigns; Loan Agreement: the T rm Loan Agreement by and between the AUTHORITY and the Lende providing for the loan of the proceeds of the Note to the AUTHORITY, and the repayment thereof, including any amen ents_ or supplements thereto made in accordance with its prov' sions . Note: the Port Author' ty of the City of Saint Paul $1,440,000 Taxable Commerci 1 Development Revenue Note, Series 1989-1 (Urban RevitaliGatio Action Program Project) , to be issued by the AUTHORITY pur uant to the Note Resolution and this Loan Agreement; Note Fund: the Note F nd established pursuant to Section 3-1 hereof from which the A THORITY shall disburse sums to make payment of principal a d interest on the Note to the Lender; � .�3�� . C� �`� Note Resolution: this Resolution of the AUTHORITY adopted January 24 , 1989, ogether with any supplement or amendment thereto, pursuan to which the Notes are authorized to be issued; Project Revenues : re enues derived from the Project. Project: the acquisi ion of approximately 17 acres of land in the Rice/Sycamore/ ylvan/Acker area of the City of Saint Paul lying north of mpire Builder Industrial Park and the redevelopment of such and for light industrial use; S ecial Resolution No. 1270 : Special Resolution No. 1270, initially adopted by the AUTHORITY on November 1, 1977 as from time to time amend d; All references in thi instrument to designated "Arti- cles, " "Sections " and oth r subdivisions are to the designated Articles, Sections and su divisions of this instrument. The words "herein, " "hereof" nd "hereunder" and other words of similar import refer to t is Resolution as a whole and not to any particular Article, S ction or subdivision. 1-2 . Exhibits . The following Exhibits are attached to and by reference made part of this Note Resolution: Exhibit A: For of Loan Agreement. 1-3 . Le al Aut orization. The AUTHORITY is a body corporate and politic org nized and existing, and is a rede- velopment agency within t e meaning of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 469, as amended, nd is authorized under said law to issue and sell the Note f r the purposes, in the manner and upon the terms and conditions set forth in the said Chapter 469 and this Note Resolu ion. 1-4 . Findings . The AUTHORITY has heretofore determined, and does her by determine, as follows : ( 1) it is desirabl , feasible and consistent with the objects and purposes of he Act to issue the Note for the purpose of providing fin ncing for the costs of the Project; ( 2) the Note and t e interest thereon cioes not constitute an indebtedne s of the AUTHORITY or the City of Saint Paul within the me ning of any constitutional or statutory limitation and do not constitute or give rise to a 2 . C� ��-��� pecuniary liability of the AUTHORITY or the City or a charge against their general cred t or taxing powers and neither the full faith and credit nor he taxing powers of the AUTHORITY or the City is pledged for the payment of the Note or interest thereon; ( 3 ) the interest on he Note is to be taxable; (4 ) the Note herein uthorized is issued under and secured by Special Resolution No. 1270, incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof, and the Note shall constitute a "Special Rev nue Bond" as therein defined; and ( 5 ) the estimated c llection of Special Net Revenues derived from existing Fac ' lities, including the Project (and any tax increments or oth r unencumbered sums pledged to the payment of Special Revenu Bonds under Section 5-2 ( 4 ) of Special Resolution No. 12 0 ) will exceed the amount needed to pay when due (a) the annu 1 principal (after taking into account any mandatory red mption schedule) , except principal to become due on Bond Ant cipation Notes or Short Term Bonds or principal to become du on the Note after the maturity date of all outstanding Specia Revenue Bonds, and (b) interest secured by such pledged s ms to become due on all outstanding Special Revenue Bonds an the Note. ARTICLS TiiTO THE NOT AND LOAN AGREEMENT 2-1 . Authoriz d Amount and Form of Note. The Note issued pursuant to thi:s ote Resolution shall be in substantially the form a tached as Exhibit A, to the Loan Agreement attached he�et as Exhibit A, with such appropriate variations, omissions an insertions as are permitted or required by this Note Re olution, and in accordance with the further provisions he*eo ; and the total principal amount of the Note that may be out tanding hereunder is expressly limited to no more than $1,440, 000 unless duplicate Notes are issued under Section 2- hereof . 2-2 . The NQt . The Note shall be dated the date on which it is delivered t the Lender and (a) shall be payable at the times and in the manner, (b) shall bear interest at the rates , and (c) shall be subject to such other terms and condi- tions as are set forth herein, and in the Loan Agreement. 3 - ��'� / �� - V� 2-3 . Execution. The Note shall be executed on behalf of the AUTHORITY by the manual siqnatures of the Presi- dent and Secretary of the UTHORITY and shall be sealed with the seal of the AUTHORITY. In the event of the disability or resignation or other absen e of either such officer, the Note may be signed by the manua signature of that officer who, under the bylaws of the AU HORITY, may act in behalf of such absent or disabled officer In case any officer whose signa- ture shall appear on the N te shall cease to be such officer before delivery of the Not , such signature shall neverthe- less be valid and sufficie t for all purposes, the same as if he had remained in office ntil delivery. 2-4 . Ownershi f the Note. The AUTHORITY may deem and treat the Holder of th Note, whether or not such Note shall be overdue, as the a solute owner of such Note for the purpose of receiving payme t thereof and for all other purposes whatsoever, and t e AUTHORITY shall not be affected by any notice to the contr ry. 2-5 . Limitation on Note Transfers . The Note has bee issued without registration under state or other securities laws, pursuant to an exemption for such issuance; and accord'ngly the Note may not be assigned or transferred in whole or p rt, nor may a participation interest in the Note be given purs ant to any participation agreement, except in accordance with applicable registration requirements or an applicable exemptio from such registration requirements . TICLE TIiREE NOTE FUND 3-1. Note Fund ( 1) The AUTHORITY h reby establishes in the Bond Fund a special separate Note Fun for the Note and covenants to disburse sums from such N te Fund only to make payments to the Lender on account of the ote, all as provided in the Loan Agreement. ( 2 ) The AUTHORITY h reby pledges to the payment of the Note, and covenants that it shall make monthly deposits into 4 . ,31 l _ - �� � the Note Fund of, Project R venues derived from the Project in an amount necessary to make any payments to come due on the Note in the next succeeding month; ( 3 ) Any interest earn d on sums held in the Note Fund shall inure to the benefit f the AUTHORITY and may be used by the AUTHORITY for any prope corporate purpose. 3-2 . Advances Prior to Issuance. The staff of the AUTHORITY is hereby authorized and directed to use funds from the Property Sale and Rental Fund of the AUTHORITY or, if necessary, the Accumulated et Revenue Fund, on an interim basis to pay for the costs f the Project, and to reimburse the Property Sale and Rent 1 Fund or Accumulated Net Revenues Fund, as appropriate, from proceeds of the Note for the amounts advanced therefrom. TICLE FOUR PREPAYMENT O NOTE BSFORE MATURITY The Note may be repaid in accordance with its provisions and the provisi ns of the Loan Agreement. TICLE FIVE MI CELLANBOUS 5-1 . Severabili If any provision of this Note Resolution shall be held o deemed to be or shall, in fact, be inoperative or unenforceab e as applied in any particular case in any jurisdiction or jur sdictions or in all jurisdictions or in all cases because it conflicts with any provisions of any constitution or statut or rule or public policy, or for any other reason, such cir umstances shall not have the effect of rendering the provision in question inoperative or unen- forceable in any other cas or circumstance, or of rendPring any other provision or pro isions herein contained invalid, inoperative or unenforceab e to any extent whatsoever and shall not affect the remai ing portions of this Note Resolu- tion or any part thereof. 5-2 . Limitation of Liabilit . To the extent permitted by law, no provi ion, covenant nor agreement con- 5 � g�.�\�. . � tained in this Note Resolution shall give rise to or impose upon the City or the AUTH RITY or any of its officers, employ- ees or agents any pecunia liability. 5-3 . Authentic tion of Transcri t. The officers of the AUTHORITY are directe to furnish to the attorneys approv- ing the legality thereof, certified copies of this Note Resolution and all docume ts referred to herein, and affidavits or certificate as to all other matters which are reasonably necessary to e idence the validity of the Note. All such certified copies certificates and affidavits, including any heretofore urnished, shall constitute recitals of the AUTHORITY as to th correctness of all statements contained therein. 5-4 . Re istrat on of Note Resolution. The Secretary of the AUTHORIT is authorized and directed to cause a copy of this Note Resol tion to be filed with the County Auditor of Ramsey County, and to obtain from said County Auditor a certificate tha the issue of the Note hereunder has been duly entered upon hi note register. 5-5 . A roval f Lender. The Lender has examined and given its approval to this Note Resolution and all terms hereof and the Lender app oves the purchase of the Note as provided for herein for t e price and terms set forth herein. 5-6 . Authoriza ion to Execute Loan A reement and Incidental Documents . T Loan Agreement is hereby approved in substantially the for attached hereto as Exhibit A; and the President and Secret ry of the AUTHORITY are authorized to execute the same (and al other agreements r-equired therein or in this Note Resolution) in the name of and on behalf of the AUTHORITY and such other documents as Bond Counsel or Independent Counsel cons 'der appropriate for Note Closing. In the event of the disabil 'ty or the resignation or other absence of the President or Secretary of the AUTHORITY, such other officers of the AU HORITY who may act in their behalf shall without further ac or authorization of the AUTHORITY do all things and execute a 1 instruments and documents required to be done or to be exec ted by such absent or disabled officials . 5-7 Cit Council A roval . In order to facilitate completion of the financ ng contemplated herein, the City Council of the City of S . Paul is hereby requested to consent, pursuant to law of Minnesota, 1976, Chapter 234 , to the issuance of the Note and any additional bonds or notes 6 � �q'��� which the Port Authority ma prior to issuance or from time to time thereafter deem necess ry to complete the project or to refund the Note, and for su h purpose the Executive Vice President of the Port Autho ity is hereby authorized and directed to forward to the ity Council copies of this resolution and any addition 1 available information the City Council may request . , ADOPTED: January 24 , 1989 .; _� / � %: �,`z �'�- Pr t f the Port Authority f the f�ity of Saint Paul AttesL- : - ,_ - � : .._ ._ - - Secretary 7 , -3��. - . �+' � 1/20/89 TERM LOAN AGREEMENT (Urban Revit lization Action Program) Dated as f , 1989 The PORT AUTHORI OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, a body corporate and politic (the "Authority") and NORWEST BANK MINNESOTA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, a na ional banking association (the "Bank") , agree as follows: ARTICLE T efinitions Section 1 . 01 Definitions. For all purposes of this Agreement, er,cept as other ise expressly provided or unless the context otherwise requires: � (a) the terms defined in this Article have the mean- ings assigned to them ' n this Article, and include the plural as well as the ingular; and (b) all accounti g terms not otherwise defined herein have the meanings assi ned to them in accordance with generally accepted acc unting principles. "Accumulated Net evenues" has the meaning given that term in Special Resolution o. 1270 . "Advance" means a advance of principal of the Loan by the Bank pursuant to Sectio 2 .01 hereof. "Authorizing Reso ution" means Note Resolution No. adopted January 24 , 1989 by the Authority authorizing issuance of the Note and the sale there f to the Bank. "Business Day" me ns a day on which banks are generally open for business in Minnea olis, Minnesota. "Floating Rate" m ans an annual rate equal to the rate of interest publicly announ ed from time to time by the Bank as its "prime rate" or any sim' lar successor rate, which rate shall change when and as that pri e rate or successor rate changes. "Loan" means the urchase of the Note by the Bank from the Authority, such purchas to be effected by the Bank' s making of Advances to the Authorit from time to time pursuant to Section 2 . 01 hereof. "Loan Documents" eans this Agreement, the Note, the Authorizing Resolution, and all other documents and certificates �+ ,� ��/�'� . V' executed by the Authority a d delivered to the Bank in connection with the Loan. "Maturity Date" m ans July 31 , 1989 , being the date on which all advanced and outs anding principal of the Note shall be due and payable in full. "Note" means the uthority' s Taxable Commercial Develop- ment Revenue Note , Series 1 89-1 (Urban Revitalization Action Program) of even date herew' th issued to and payable to the order of the Bank in the original principal amount of $1 ,440 ,000 , in substant�ally the form atta hed hereto as Exhibit A. "Project" means a proximately 17 acres of land in the Rice/Sycamore/Sylvan/Acker rea of the City of Saint Paul lying north of Empire Builder Iri strial Park and the redevelopment of such land for light indust ial use, whether such land is owned, leased, financed, held, op rated or used in any manner by the Authority. "Project Rever_ue " has the meaning given that term in Special Resolution No. 127 . � "Reimbursement P oceeds" means (i) any reimbursements the Authority receives for costs incurred by the Authority in connection with the Projec under any agreement with The Housing and Redevelopment Authorit of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, whether or not such reinbu sements are derived `rom tax increments arising from th Project, and (ii) the proceeds of any bonds issued by the City o Saint Paul, The Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, i�?innesota, or the Authority to reimburse the Authority for such costs and secured in whole or part b a pledge of tax increments derived from the Project. � "Special Project Revenues" means all Project Revenues , as defined in Special Reso ution No. 1270 , received by the Authority from ar with res ect to the Project. "Special Resolut ' on No. 1270" means the Special Resolution No. 1270 initially adopted November 1 , 1977 by the Authority, as amended by Resolutions Nos. 1276 , 13Q4 , 1583 , 1907 , and 2885 , and as further amended from ti e to time in accordance with its terms. -2- � �.�`� _ �. � AR ICLE II Terms of the Loan Section 2 .01 Makin the Advances. The Bank agrees, on the terms and conditions here ' nafter set forth, to make the Loan to the Authority by making Ad ances from time to time to the Authorit�y as folloo�s: ( a) Rectuest for Ad aiice. 4dhztlever tlie P.uthority desires to obtain an Hd�� nce hereutider, �rtiich sha11 be no more ofteti than t:aice pe cnonth, t�ie Authority shall subtnit to the Bank a written re uest, duly executed on behalf of the Al.tthorit� an�l settin forth the following information: ( i ) a statement certiiyi g that no Event of Default or event which, but for the p�ssii g of time or the cJivitig of notice or both, �aould he an Eve t of Default has occurred and is continuing; ( ii ) a state. ent certifyiilg the proposed use of each Advance; anrl ( iii ) statement certifying that all proceeds of the immediat ly precedin� Advance have beeil applied to�:;ard palment o costs of acquiring and redeveloping the Pi•oject as conteinplated by tlle request f_or Advance sub�itted �aith r spect thereto. Tlie iiiitial �avance hereunder shall a� in th amount of $1CO,OCO a:�d each subseqtient Advance shall be in aii amount tiot less tiian $100, 000. Each request hall be subnlitted at Least one business day betore the ate an Advance is desired. Each request for an P.dvance li reunder shall constitute a representation and warrat ty by the A.utlloLity that all representations and warr nties set forth in Article III are true and correct as of tle date of such request. (b) The Tlote . All Advances to �he .�.UrilOrlti/ shall be evider,ced by the Note, s a11 k�e repayable in a si.zgla installment oii the Matur' ty Date (unless aizy suc�i Advance stiall become subject to andatory redemption aiid prepayment pursuant to Sections 4.0 or 5 . 02 hereof) and s�ia11 bear interest and be payable s set forth herein and in the Dlote. Th� Note shall not const tute a revolving note and, once made, an Advance hereund r sha11 reduce the aggregate amount which the Bank may, in i s discretion, make available to the Authority hereunder, whe her or not any sucli Advance is thereafter repaid. Section 2 .02 Inter st. The principal balance of the Note from time to time outsta diilg shall bear interest from the date hereof until paid in ful at the Floating Rate. Section 2 .03 VOLtIIl ary_Prepayment. The Authority may, upon one Business Day' s notic to the Bank, prepay the Note in whole at any time or from tim to time in part. No penalty or. -3- _ �.3 �\ � � premium shall be payable wi h respect to prepayment of the Note in whole or in part. Section 2 . 04 Com utation of Interest. Interest under the Note shall be computed n the basis of actual number of days elapsed and a year of 360 d ys. Section 2 . 05 Pa ent. All payments of principal of and interest under the Note shall be made to the Bank in immediately available funds. The Autho ity hereby authorizes the Bank to charge against the Authorit ' s demand deposit account with the Bank an amount equal to the accrued interest from time to time due and payable to the Bank under the Note or hereunder. Section 2 . 06 Pav ent on Non-Business Da s. Whenever any payment to be made here nder or under the Note shall be stated to be due on a Satur a��, Sunday or other day wnich is not a Business Day, such pa��men may be made on the ne:ct succeeding Business Day, ana such exte sion of time shall in such case be included in the computation of payment of interest on the Note. Section � . 07 L'se o� Proceeds. The proceeds of each Advance shall be used by th yuthority for the acquisition and redevelopment or tize Projec iIl the manner ai;d for the specific purposes described by the A thority in its request for an Advance made pursuant to Section 2 . 1 hereot. Notwithstanding anything herein or in Section 2 . 01 t the cor.trary, the Authority covenants and agrees tnat proceeds of Advances will not be used i�y the Authority �cr payment o� ir. erest on the Note. RTICLE III Re resenta ions and Warranties The Authority rep esents and warrants to the Bank as follows: Section 3 . 01 Le 1 Existence and Power. The Authority is a body corperate ar.d pol ' tic and is duly and validly organized and existing as a redevelop ent agency within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes , Chapter 469 , as amended, and is authorized under such Chapter 469 to i sue and sell the Note and to obtain the Loan evidenced thereby rom the Bank in accordance with the Authorizing Resolution, S�e ial Resolution No. 1270 ar.d this Agreement. ' Section 3. 02 Aut orization of Borrowin ; No Conflict as to Law or Agreements. T e adoption of the Authorizing Resolution and Special Resolution No. 270 and the execution, delivery and performance by the Authorit1 of the Loan Documents and the issuance of the Note by the Authority is pursuant to and in -4- - � �q'3�� � accordance with the Constitu ion and the laws of the State of 6linnesota, including without limitation Chapter 409, f�finnesota Statutes, and have been duly authorized by all necessary action on the part of the Authority and do and will not ( i ) require any additional authorization, co sent or approval by the City of Saint Paul or any other gove nmental department, commission, board, bureau, a��ency or ins rL:mentality, domestic or forei.gn, whicYi has not k�een obtairzed y the Attthority as of tt1F, date hereof, ( ii ) violata any pro ision of ��4iiinesota Statutes, Chapter 469, or any ottier 1a , ru1e, regulation or outstanding resolution oF the Aathori�y r of any order, writ, injunction or decree presently in effect h ving applicability to the Authority or of the organizational doctmetzts of the Au�lzority or ( iii ) result in a breach of or constitute a default under any indenture or loan or credit agreement or ny other agreement, lease or instrument to which the Authority is a aL•ty or by c•�llich it or its �roperties may be bound or affected. Section 3 . 03 LecJal Agreeraeni.s. ThiS ACJL'?el?l?Ilt and the Note have been duly and valic ly e.{ectited ai.d de].i�ered on behalf of the Authority and constit te t.�n 1ey�a1 , -�alid and binditlg special obl.igations of the P_LthoL�ity, 1: !nited to t�:e e;�tent and in the manner set forth in tr� P.Lltil0l'1Z1I1�J RPS�l�.�tioii aiid 7JPClc"�1 Resolution No. 1270, enforcea 1e against tils c'�.LLt:ilOL'1tI! in a�:cordai:ce with their respective terms; rovi.ded liowever, �.:�iat t�12 Bank acknowledges ar.d agrees that tiie �1ote and tlle iiiterest thereon do not constitute an indebtedness of the Authority or tiZe City of Saint Paul within the meaning of any constitutiotzal or statutorl iimitations and do not con�titute or give rise to � pecuniary liability of the P.uthority or t�le Cit� or a charge agaiilst thair general credit or taxinc1 po�f:ers and .�eitl:eL the ru11 faith and credit nor the taxing po�::ers f �:.1� Autr,oiity or rhe Ci�y is pledged for the payinent of th �1cte or i:Ztarest t'..�reozi; Section 3 . 04 P1edc; of Revenues under Special Rn:olutioTi No. 1270. The i�Iote constitut s a "Special Reveizue Bond" wit�iin the meaning of Special Resolu -ion `;o . 1270 and, as a result thereof, is entitled to all b :�efits, pledges c"�I1C3. security interests granted by the �uth rity to �zolders of Special Revenue Bonds under Special Resolutio No . 1270, iizcluding without limitation the pledge to the ayment thereof of Project Reveiiues, Special Project Revenues and _ccumulated rlet Revenues pursuant to Section 4-4 thereof. By aciop ion of the Authorizing Resolution and issuance of the Note purs ani, thereto, the Project Revenues, Special Project Revenues and ccumulated Net Fevenues are therebl irrevocably pledged, and a li n thereon and a security interest therein, is granted to the Ba k to secure payment of the IVote to the extent and in the manner rovided in the Authorizing Resolution and Special Resolution No. 12 0; provided that Accumulated Diet Revenues shall not be availab e for payment of the P�Iote tinless and until such tllil° as there re insufficient funda in the Note -5- . , � q-��\ � Fund created pursuant to the Au horizing Resolution (the "Note Fund" ) to pay principal of and ' nterest on the Note when due; and further provided that any Speci 1 Project Revenues not required by the Authorizing Resolution t be held in the Note Fund shall be automatically released of said lien and security interest, except and to the extent that e Special Project Revenues become a part of Accu�;;ulated rlet Reve es and are sttbject to the pledge of Accum.ulated D;et Revenues as providecl herein. Section 3 . 05 Financ ' a1 Conditien. The Authority has heretofore furnished the follo ing financial stateinents to the Bank: '�ear-end audit covering tlie year ended December 31, 1987 and the November 30, 1988 inte im uilaudited report. Those financial statements fairly pr sent the financial condition of the Authority on the dates the eof and the re�ults ot it� operations for the periods the er_ded, and �r�ere prepared in accordance :aith generally acce� ted acccuiitir.g principles . SectlOIl "3 . OG Advers Ci:c1I1�J2. 1}7@t� n�.s baen ��o material adverse char.qe in tlie bu�inesa, nroperties or c�;?:dition ( financial or otherwi.�e) of ti1 .=�ut}zori ty si.cice the c,ar.� of rhe latest financial statemer:t ret r��d L-o in S�.ct�ozz 3 . G5 . Section 3 . 07 Litiga ion. Ti:ere are �io aCL10Ila� suits or proceedings pending or, �o he knowleilge of tne rL1t�lUY'lti/, threatened a�ainst or affectin �lie .�.ut.iority or the pro�erties of the Aut?.iority bePore any co rt or governmetZtal depart;:lent, commission, bolyd, bureau, age cy or iilstrumecitality, domestic or foreign, which, if dateLmined dvarsely to the �uthority, ��ould have a material adverse effect oii t.::e financial COI7C�ltlOI1, nroperties, or operatioiis of t1e �uthority. Section 3 . 08 Tax I. cr:'1ilZllt`.S . li.� Project has been designated as a special tax ii•cre�:lent fir.anciiZg district pur�L�ant to P�Iinnesota Statutes, Sectio -�09 . 177 atid, by anpropriate and lawful action on behalf of th Atithority. �11 Reimburseir:eizt Proceeds shall be applied tow rds repaymeiit of the Dlote, provided that nothing in this Section hall be con�trued or applied as a pledge of any tax increments erived frem the Project and the tax increment financing district f which the Project is a part, within the meaning of Minneso a Statutes, 5ection 469. 178, subdivision 1 . AR ICLE IV Affirmative Cove ants of the Authorit So long as the Note shall remain unpaid, the Authority will comply with the followin requirements, unless the Bank shall otherwise consent in wr' ting: -6- . � S q�3�� Section 4. 01 Fi ancial Statements . The Authority will deliver to the Bank: ( a) as soon as vailable, and in any event within 120 days after the en of each fiscal year of the Authority, a copy of the arinual udit report of the Authority, ��rhich annual report shall i clude the balance sheet of the �uthority as at the F�nd of sucn fiscal year anci tlie related stat�:?:lents of operations, capita , sources and uses of casli and investnents of the Au hority ior tr.e fiscal �ear tr.en eilded, all in reasonable det il and all prepared in accordance �.�ith generall1 acceptad ac ounting principles applied on a basis consistent with tr.e a counting practices applied in the annual fi.�ancial scat ments referred to in Section 3 . 05 (except for chanqes i wtiich such accountants concur) , a:lzich annual report shall b accompanied by the opinion of independent certified public accouiitants of recognized national standing ae1 cted by the Authority .^tating that its examinatioil of the Au hority' s books, recorcls and accounts in connection with su h anntial audit :aas made in accordance with generally accept d aLiditing standards and accor•dingly included such tests o Lhe accounting records utl-.:1 such other auditing procedures as were considered ziecessary Litld�r the circucnstances; and (b) as soon as available and in any event wittiin 25 days after the en of each month, an unaudited balance sheet and schedule o fund balances of the Authority as at t�le end of such mont , and a statement of operations for the period then ended in reasonable detail, all prepared itl accordance c�ith gene a11y accepted accounting principles applied on a basis c r.sisteilt with t�1e accounting ;�r�ctices reflected in the ann a1 financial statements referred to in Section 3 .05, witlz t e exception of the recordincf of customary payables and accrual , subject to year-eiid audit adjustn;ents; and, each third mont ' s report s�iall be accompanied by a certificate of the c ief fitlancial officer stating tnat such financial statements have been prepared in accordance with generally accepted a counting principles applied on a basis consistent with the ccounting practices reflected in the annual financial sta ements referred to in Section 3 . 05; and (c) such other information respecting the financial condition and r�=��ult of oparations of the Authority or the Project as the �;ank ay from time to time reasonably request. Section 4. 02 B oks and Records; Ins ection and Examination. The Authority will keep accurate books of record and �ccount for itself i which true and complete entries will be made iii accordance with �enerally accepted accounting principles -7- _ , �q .��\ � cozlsistently anplied aiid, upon equest of the Bank, caill give any representative of the Bank acce s to, and permit such representa- tive to examine, cooy or �ake e tracts from, any and a11 books, records ar.d documents in its po session, to inspect any of its properties and to discuss its a fairs, finances and accounts with any of its prii:cipal officers, 11 at such times during r_ormal Uttsiness l�ours =�nd �s often as he Bank may reasonably i�equest. Section ^. �3 Pt•oject R�venues. To t,ze extent not otll�rwise acco:noLisiied by issu�, ce of t.tie i;ote puisuant to Special F'.esolution P�;o. 1270, th Futhorii:y he�'eby gratits to �he Bank a sectirity interest in, ari hereby irre�✓ocably pl�dges to the Eank, Special Project Reven ies, Project Revenues �nd :�ccur,lulafied Net Revenu�.�, inclu;ling a11 earnings tilereon, to the �xtent contemplated by, and subject t tiie li��itatiotzs set tor*�i iti, Special Resolution �Io . 1270, t secu�e nayme:it ot tlle ��ii7cinal of and interest oii the �?ote an a11 oth�r :tilOLlllts c��ilicn ;�,ay become ciue and payabLa to the aiik unc�er tllis �,�rree�nent. "'il° Authority will apply Special P eject Re��e:ivas to ti.e payi;,r�nt of principal of and int���-est due n the r;ote, ancl �ri11 :i•�po�it �uch Special Project R.evenues montli y i�lto t!:e :;o�e �L1I1C� (defin�d iil the Authorizing Resoltition) in an amoutic :lace:�sary to �la}:e :=,uch paytnents. To the extent that ' roject Reveiiues are noL ,�utiicient to malte pay�nents due ozZ the vo e or oti�ercrise �121U�L' this �;greement, at the time that ;uch payments are dtie, or i� =oi �Il� o�i:er reason amounts on deposit in t .e D1ote Ft:nd are i:isuitici�tit to make payments due on the Dlote r other•,�ise under tliis :�greement, the Authority <:grees to transf r funds to tl:e `io�e L'ui:d f�:o,n its Accumulated r;et Revenues Fund ' n amounLS, anci at tir.�es, sutficient to make payments due on t�ie No e or otherwi se under t:li s Agreeme,it, all as more specifically provi ed in, ai:d subject to the limitations of, Special Resolution No. 1270 aizd tne �utl�orizing ResaLuticn. Section 4. 04 P-lailcla or� Prebavment; c"�pq11C�t�on oi rlet Proceeds. Upon any sale or r financinq of the Project, tize c;ote shall be subject to automatic redemption aiid prepaycnent, �,�ithout notice to or demand on the Au hority, in an amount equal to the Net Proceeds (as dePined in S ecial Resolution i�1o. 12?0) available upon such sale or refinancing less that portion, if any, of the Net Proceeds not allocable to the Note as nrovided in Section 2-4 of Special Resolution No. 127 . Notwithstanding any provision of Section 5-3 (6) of Special Res lution No . 1270 to the contrary, rlet Proceeds derived by thQ A thority from the sale or refinancing of the Project ( including the issuance of tax increment bonds with respect thereto) less th t portion, if any, of the Dlet Proceeds not allocable to the Note as providecl in Section 2-4 of Special Resolution No. 1270 s all be deposited in a separate account in the Reserve Fund (defined in Special Resolution rlo . 1270) , and shall be imme iately applied to the redemption and prepayment of the Note. -8- � ,3�\ � �q � � Section 4 .05 Tax ncrement Financin Takeout. The Authority agrees to exercise its best efforts to secure tax increment financing of the P oject, from any and all tax increments to be derived fro the Project, ar.d for that purpose the Authority hereby irrevoc bly pledges and qrar.ts the Bank a security interest in all Rei bursement Proceeds , including the proceeds of all bonds issued by the Authority in reliance on the availability of tax incremen s to be derived from the Project and the tax increment financing istrict of which the Project is a part; and all Reimbursement roceeds , including the proceeds of such bonds issued by the Aut ority, shall be applied to the early redemption and prepayment in full of the Note in accordance with Setion 4 .04 hereof; provided in no event shall this Section be construed or applied as a pl dge of tax increments derived from the Proiect and the tax incr r�ent rinar.cir,g district of which the Project� is a part, within th meanina o� Minnesota Statutes, Section 469 . 178 , subdivision 1 . Section 4 . 06 Comp iance with Laws. The Authority will comply with the requirements ot applicable laws and regulations, the non-compliance with wnic would materiaiiy and adversely affect its business or its f ' nancial condition. Section 4 . 07 Pres rvation o� Le al Existence. The Authority will preserve and aintain its legal existence and all of its rights, privileges an �ranchises unaer appl.icable Minnesota Zaw. `-_RTICLE V Events of Default , Ri hts and Remedies Section 5 . 01 �ven s o� �etault. "Event of Default" , wherever used herein, r.:ear.s ny one of the followi::g events: (a) Default in th payment o� any pr�ncipal cf or interest on the Note :vh n the same become due and payable and the continuance bf such default �or a period of three (3j Business Days a:ter there has been gi��en, by dclivery of first class mail to the Authority by the Bank, a written notice specifying such efault and requiring it to be remedied; or (b) Default in the payment o� any other amounts due hereunder when the same become due and payable and the continuance of such de ault for a period of (10) ten calendar days; or (c) Default in t e performance , or breach, of any covenant or agreement f the Authority in this Agreement (other than payment de aults) , and the continuance of such -9- ,3�� . , �� � default or breach for a p_riod of t}iirty (30) calendar days after there has been give , by delivery of first class mail to the Authority by tl�e �ank, a written notice snecifying such defauLt or breach a d reqtiiring it to be remedied; or (cl) Tl�� Authority lzall make a general assigi::nent for the ber_efit of cr.e�litors; or the r.tlthOL'ity 3�11�1 ar,:�11 for OL' con�ent t0 i.�l° 3j�l101i1 !;lE'.?7fi Of 321�� r'�'C'.�'1�.'C'C, t:L'll.�tr_'�2, OL' .�irailar of.ficPt• for it o sor all or �ny sttl>�tant�_-�.1 ,��:rt of it:� property; or �,.t�;il r� ei�rer, t��.�:�tee or .,�:nilar ot�ic�r atlall be appoint�:d wi�.ho� t =1:a arplicatioti or con:�ezit of *lie authority and :uc}i :���poii tment shall cotitinue ui:cii:_ci�ar�ed for a period of thirt� ( . 0) calendar days; or the i�t;tl:ori ty :��1.�1� lI1StltLlt@ �il�j i�@tl 1011, :I7'�1=C�t1.0I1, �I7:='::��r, -.:ri�:_'Ilt OI Ot�7@L'`r/l��'� 1lly L��'.li{Y':: �C`i, lii.30�`.'°_riC��; L'F_'OL"J�.12?1'..11:10;1, arrangement, readjustmetl ot c.ebi:, �liss�lut�cn, 1i��.;�.'ation or simil�r prcceedir.g ?�e ati::g :o iL unclar rhe 1a�;rs ot �:zy ]UL'1�:�1Ct1CT1; �?Y' clill :i�_1C ��'.'vC°p�1=:�J �[1r11L �:3 lI1:tli�Llr°C� �1J1 r`@t1t10T1� applicacion OL' O i.i:c?Z'':il:;e � ��Jd1IlSt' �`.i?@ .•.UZ.:iOL 1�''/� OY' aiiy ]L1�.�CJi?1FIlt, �/L'lt, �;,•' �L'a.7� Of ���'c?C�i:?;el.� C�Y' �::E'.�Ut1Gi1 OZ similar 'JYOC��S S�lall. :JC? l�o:'.@C.�. CL' ' t?`71dC� d�j�iI15L "cl '3lln� sta�tial part �f the pro arty of ll:� ::ut��^,-; ��� ��,d .��..ich jucigment, ��rit, ur simil _ r JL'OC't?53 :;1ia11 :�.vt i:� ��ci�ased, vacated or iul ly i021C�C� Ii�i:ii1 ti:i rt:y (30) c��1�_:c3.�r �;ays after its issue or levy; oL• (e) Aiiy represeilt L-ion or �;:arraiity �t,c:d�� `.,y t�:e :�.Litizority in this Agreement or b� t�.e :�ti�.liority (or a.iy of it.� officers) in any certificate, ins rur.l�ilt, or statc-menc cot.te;�;pla�ed i�y or made or delivered pu �Ll�I1L �o or i.l CO21212CC1021 ;J1Li1 �.zis Agreement, sha11 �roce o iiave be�n it:correct in atil rnaterial respect when made . Section 5 . 02 Ri;�z s atld �e-::�cii�s. (a) Upon the occu •rence oi CiIl �venL of Default specified in Section 5 . 1 ( a) or (d) the Note sha11 become subject to mandatory re lemption ai�d prepay:nent in �,�lzole and, upon notice from the Ba k to tize yuthority specifying the date on which such rede ptioil aiid prepayment sha11 occur, the Authority shall pay to t�he Bank on stich date Co specified the entire un aid principal amount of the Dlote, a11 interest accrued ar. Linpaid tliereon, �nd a11 other amounts payable under tlis Agreerent, without presentment, demand, proter�t or furtler i:otice of any kind, a11 of which are hereby expressly waived by the Authority. (b) Upon the occ L•rence of any Event of Default ( including those �peci ied in Section S . O1(a) and (d) ) or at any time thereafter un il such Event of Default is cured to the written s�tisfacti n of the Baiik, the Bank shall have no -10- �3�� . �� � further obligations to ake any Advance to ttie Authority under Section 2 . 01 here f and the Bank may e�ercise any or all of the following ri hts and remedies: ( i ) The Bank may, without notice to the Authority and �aithout fttrthe �ction, apply any and all money owing by the Eank o tre Authority to th� payment of the Note, .111CZUCi1T1 interest accrued t�le�eon, acid of all otl:er st:r.ts ttie owiizg by the At�tiioritl hereutider; (ii ) The Bar�k may coMmence an action or procePding against the Author' ty or other�,aise take sucn actions as it may d�em appropiiate to ccmpel perforrnaiice aild ebservarice of the uthority' s �.�arrantie�, coJenatits and agreenents hereund r and to recover d�mages for atly breach thereof; ( iii ) The �ank may exercise any otl�er ri��llts and remedies available to it by law or agre�ment. �� ICLi VI :rIi scellai.�ous Section 6 .01 No Waiver; Ct.mulative R��ne�ies. No failure or de1Gy on the part f the Bank in e�ercising any right, power or remedy under the Loa Docu:nents sliall operaie as a waiver thereof; nor shall any single or partial exercise of acly such rignt, po���er or remedy p eclude aiiy other or further e:;arcise thereof or the exercise of an other right, power or remedy tiiider the Loan Docutitents. The reme ies provided in tlle Loan Docutt�ents are cumulative ai.d iiot excl�.is 've of any re�neclies �rovi:led by la�,�. Section 6 .02 Amer.d ents, Etc. i�10 amendnlent, modification, termination or �aiver of any prc✓ision of the i�lote or this Agreement or con�ent o any departure by tiie Autliority therefrom shall be effective �nless the same shall be iii writin� and signed by the Bank, and t en such waiver or consent shall be effective only in the specifi iilstance and for the specific purpose for which given. No otice to or demand on the Authority in any case shall entitle the Authority to any other or further notice or demand in similar o • other circumstances. Section 6.03 Addre ses for Dlotices, Etc. Except as other�aise expressly provided erein, all notices, requests, demands and other communicati ns provided for hereunder shall be in writing and mailed or cleli ered to the applicable party at its address indicated below: -11- � �� -��� . c� If to the Authori y: Port Authority of the City of Saiiit Pau1 1900 Fm�ioist Towe 345 St. Peter Str et St. Pau1, L�Iir.neso a 55102 Att_i: Chicf Fina cial Otr�.cer If to the Bank: Norwest Ba.zk Minn sota, *1.:�. Sixth Street and �Tarquette �.veiiue hliniielpolis, C•Zinn sota 55479 Attn: Letlnie ,•'I. 'aufcnaii or, as to each party, at 5u l: otl:�r �::idre�s as siiall be �;:,�igiiated by such party izi a writi.C'21 :otice �o �l�e ot::er paL•i:y cor.lz�l�iizq as to deli�rery with tne terms i this S�ction. r?11 :,�_ich not�c��s, rectuests, deman�ls and ot�ler cc::�muiiica�ions s11a11, �.�tien ir,ailed, be effective ���lien deposited i;l t�ie raai L:�, �:��tcii�essed as aforasaid, except that iZOtices or requ s cs to t..�� �ac:k pur:�Ll'allt to an�l of the provision� of Article II uizd to -'.,e �_ut}.ori�y pursuzilt to Section 5 . 01 sllall clot ue e �±=ecti•.-e LtiiL-i1 L��ceiv��l by t�:e aarty entitled to such notice or ��•c{utst. Sectioil 6 .04 Cos s and �?:~x�°clses. Tlie �.�_�tilority ac;Lees to pay on demand (i ) a11 costs and e:;nen5as incurred by the �ank in connection with the enforcement of t},e Loan Documents and the otliPr instruments and docu. ents to ne �:�`ii��ered iiereunder and thereunder, and ( ii ) the reasonaUla ��es aiid out-ot-pocket expenses of counsel for the Bank wi�h respect to the t:egotiation, preparation, execution, adnitiistratioii, �inendment cr c:nfor�::°ment Of the Loan Documeiits �I7� he Otilzi 1!iSi.�ll:r°11t� zCii� GOCLI;;��i1CS delivered hereunder. � Sectioii 5. 05 E�c CLltlOIl i:� Cou,zterparts. This hgreement may be executed in any nurn Pr of cotinterparts, each of which :�lzen so executed and delivered hall be deamed to be an original and all of which counterparts f this Agreement sha11 constitute but one and the same instrumen . Section 6.06 Bi ding Effect, Assignment. Tlie Loan Documents shall be hinditlg upon and inure to the benefit of the Authority and the Bank and tlieir respective successors and assigns, except that the A thority shall not have the right to assign its rights thereund r or any interest therein without the � prior written consent of t e Bank. Section 6 . 07 Go erning Law. The Loan Documents sliall be governed by, and constr ed in accordatice with, the laws of the State of Minn�sota. -I2- �,3�� � S Section 6. 08 Severab 1it of Provisions . Any pro- vision of this Agreement whic�i s prohibited or unenforceable shall be ineffective to the ext nt of such prohibition or unen- forceability without invalidati g the remaining provisions hereof. Section 6 . 09 Heading . Article and Section l.eadings in this Agreement are inclttded iereizz for ccnvenience of refer- ence only and shall not COI1S�lt it@ a part o£ this AcJreenteiZt for any otlier purpo5e. IN 4��ITrIESS P;HEF'.EOF, he parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be execttted by th ir respective officers tiiereuilto duly authorized, as of the dat first above written. ORT .'vjJTHOR I TY OF THE C I TY OE' SAINT PAUL Y Its �nd By Its �IOR6lEST BANK PdIDINESOTA, �I�TIONAL ASSOCIATION By I ts -13- � , ��.3�� . C�' 1_/20/89 UNITED STA ES OF AMERICA STATE O MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY PORT AUTHORITY OF HE CITY OF SAINT PAUL Taxable Commercial D velopment Revenue Note, Se ies 1989-1 (Urban Revital ' zation Action Program) $1 ,440,000 Minneapolis , Minnesota , 1989 For Value Received the PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUI,, a body corporate and politic (the Authority ) hereby �� �� promises to pay to the order of NORWEST BANK MINNESOTA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, a national bank ' ng association (the "Bank" ) , at its main office in Minneapoli�, innesota, or at any other place designated at any time by t e holder hereof, in lawful money of the United States of Americ and in immediately available funds, the principal sum of One Mi lion Four Hundred Forty Thousand Dollars (�1 , 440 , 000) , toget er with interest on the principal amount hereunder remaining npaid from time to time from the date hereof until this Note is f 11� paid at the rate determined in accordance with Section 2. 0 of that certain Term Loan Agreement of even date herewith by an between the Authority and the Bank (the "Loan Agreement" ) . The advanced and utstanding principal of this Note shall be payable on July 31 , 1989 . Interest accruing each month shall be payable on the last business day of such month and at maturity or earlier prepay ent of this Note in full. This Note is iss ed pursuant, and is subject, to the Loan Aqreement, which, amo g other things , requires payment of a prepayment premium under c rtain circumstances and provides for an automatic mandatory red mption and prepayment in full hereof upon the occurrence of der ain events set forth in the Loan Agreement. This Note has be n issued by the Authority pursuant to and in accordance with the Constitution and laws of the State of Minnesota, particularly C pter 469 . 001 through 469 .068, Minnesota Statutes, and p rsuant to the Authority' s Special Resolution No. 1270 , init ' ally adopted November 1 , I977 and amended by Resolutions No . 1276 , 1304 , 1583 , 1907 , and 2855 , (such Resolution, as so a ended and as hereinafter amended from time to time in accordanc with its terms , the "Special - � $ � '3�` � Resolution") and constitut s a special obligation of the Authority payable solely from the No e Fund, as defined in the Authority' s Authorizing Resolution No. , to which the Authority has pledged and appropriated P oject Revenues and Accumulated Net Revenues , both as defined in the Special Resolution. This Note and i terest payable hereon do not constitute an indebtedness of the Au hority or the City of Saint Paul withing the meaning of an constitutional or statutory limitation, are not payable from or a charge upon any funds other than the funds, revenues and proce ds pledged to the payment hereof in accordance with the Speci 1 Resolution (the "Pledged Funds and Revenues") , and do not gi e rise to a pecuniary liability of the Authority, except to the xtent of such Pledged Funds and Revenues, or the City of Saint Paul or, to the extent permitted by law, of any of its officers, agen s or employees , and no holder of this Note shall ever have the ight to compel any exercise of the taxing power of the Au�ho ity or the City of Saint Paul to pay this Note or the interest hereon, or to enforce payment hereof against any property of t e Authority or the City (except as to Pledged Funds and Revenue ) and this Note does not constitute a charge, lien or encumbran e, legal or equitable, upon any property of the Authority or the City of Saint Paul (except as to Pledged Funds and Revenues) and e agreement of the Authority to perform or cause the performance of the covenants and other provisions herein referred to shall be subject at all times to the availability of Pledged Funds and Rev nues or other funds furnished for such purpose in accordance wi h the Special Resolution and the Loan Agreement. This Note has een issued without registration under state or federal or othe securities laws, pursuant to an exemption for such issuance; and a cordingly this Note may not be assigned or transferred in whol.e r part, nor may a participation interest in this Note be given pu suant to any participation agreement, except in accordance wit an applicable exemption from such registration requirement . The Authority ereby agrees to pay all costs of collection, including re sonable attorneys ' fees and legal expenses, in the event t is Note is not paid when due, whether or not legal proceedings ar commenced. Presentment o other demand for payment, notice of dishonor and protest ar expressly waived. It is hereby ertified and recited that all conditions, acts and things require to exist, happen and be performed precedent to the issuan e or enforceability of this Note do exist, have happened an have been performed in regular and due form as required by law � �,3�� . � � IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Authority has caused this Note to be duly executed in its n e by the manual signatures of the President and Secretary as o the day and year first above written. � PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA By President An By Secretary MMITE ± CITY CLERK P,INK._ = FINANCE COI1flC11 BLUE�v — M,d.P�RTMENT GITY OF S INT PAUL File N0. ������,r Valuationsy-tRoom 218 Council esolution (PW) (Hoyts) �,/� e� Presented By ,���GG�f/' '---_____--'-''' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS , the Saint Paul C ' ty Council adopted and approved a Final Order on April 27 , 1965 to condemn and take a temporary easement to enable the City of Saint Paul or its agents to wreck the entire building occupyin the premises located at 496-502 Jackson Street on the followin described parcels of lands in the City of Saint Paul : Lot 1 in Hoyt ' s Subdivision of Morrison ' s Block of Hoyt ' s Addition to St. aul, egcept the W' ly 44 feet thereof; that part of L t 2 in Hoyt ' s Subdivision of Morrison' s Addition to S . Paul , described as follows : beginning at the SW' ly corner of said Lot 2 , thence N' ly along W' ly lir�e f said Lot, 1 foot - 3 3/¢ inches , thence E' ly 1�0 eet to the E ' ly line of said Lot 2, thence S ' ly along said E' ly line , 1 foot - 4 7/8 inches to the S ' ly lin of said Lot 2 , thence W' ly along said S ' ly line 13 feet to the SW' ly corner of said Lot 2 , the place of beginning, egcept the W' ly 44 feet thereof; that part of Lot 13, Auditor ' s Subdivision No . 24 � St. Paul , Minnesota, described as follows : Beginning at point on the W' ly line of said Lot 13 . 83 •93 feet N' ly of SW' ly corner of said Lot 13 , thence N' ly along W' ly ine of said Lot 13 , 1. 56 feet , thence E' ly 76 feet to point 85 . 32 feet N' ly of S' ly line of said Lot 13 , hence S ' ly parallel with W' ly line of said Lot 13 , l. 3 feet , thence W' ly 76 feet to place of beginning, except the W' ly 44 feet thereof, being a parcel of l�nd adjoining the S. line of Lot 1 of Hoyt ' s Subdivisio of Morrison' s Block of Hoyt ' s Addition to St. Paul , nd WHEREAS , above tempora y easement described as follows : That part of Lot 12, A ditor' s Subdivision No . 24, St . Paul, Minnesota, descr bed as follows : Beginning at a COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �" Finance & Mana em t Services I-o�g [n Fav r Goswitz �, �`, ��� Rettman B � Director scne;t,�i _ A gai n s y �"0 " Sonnen Wilson Form Ap ro City Atto ey Adopted by Council: Date C Certified Passed by Council Secretary , By � B}� /Approved by Mavor: Date _ Approv b Mayor for Sub ' sion to�ouncil By B