89-310 WMITE - CITV CLERK � I PINK - FINANCE � CANARV -DEPARTMENT �� GITY OF SAINT PAUL CO11HC11 e BLUE -MAVOR �� F1Ie NO. •� �_ � I � r. +► I . Ordindnce Ordinance N�. � ���J� Presented By � Referred To �' •Committee: Date °2 °�� r`� ! Out of Committee By Date � Page 1 of 8 An Ordin�nce amending Chapters 60 through 67 of the . _ Saint Pa�l Legislative Code (Zoning Code) pertaining to the r�gulation of colleges, universities, and seminaries. THE COUNCIL OF THE C$TY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: ' Section 1. That Section 60.413 16) pertaining to the regulation of colleges, universities, and seminaries as pr ncipal uses subject to special conditions in the R-1 through R-4 zoning d stricts be amended to read as indicated: (6) (a) P��ps��a�- ssess-�e-sa�d-s��e-sqa��-�e-���es��y-��er� The cam us boundary a defined under clause (d) at some point shal e adjacent to a major ,thoroughfare as designated on the major thoroughfare plan. (b) Ple-������p -spa��-�e-s�esef-�s-apy-q�=epe��y-��pe-�qa�-a-d�s�a�se e�ba�-�e-� e-We�gq�-e€-�qe-����d�pg3-s�-68-�ee�3-wq�eWe�re�-�s g�ea�ef, uildin s shall be set back a minimum of 50 feet from ever ro ert line, us an a ditiona two eet or ever oot t e bui ding s �height exceeds 50 feet. (c) On a cam us� of five (5 acres or more no buildin shall exceed 90 feet in hei, ht• on a cam us sma ler than five 5 acres no buildin sha exce d 40 eet in ei t. (s) (d) The boundar�,ies of the institution shall be as defined in the permit, and may noti be expanded without the prior approval of the Planning Commission, as evidenced b an amended S ecial Condition Use Permit. The cam us at is e ine t e oun aries s a e a minimum o three acres, and all property within the campus boundaries must be �contiguous.i COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� [n Favor coswitz Rettman s�ne;ne� �— Against BY Sonnen Wilson � Adopted by Council: Date Form Ap oved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Seccetar BY By Approved by Mayor: Date ' Appr e by Mayor for Subm' i to.�ouncii i � By I WHITE - CITV CLERK � f . PINK - FINANCE � COIIflCll BLUE`y-MAVORTMENT � GITY O� SAINT � PAUL File NO. ��- �/� � � Ordindnce Ordinance N0. ��� Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 2 of 8 The applicant shall submit an "anticipated growth and development statement'� for approval of a new or expanded campus boundary, which statement shall include but not be limited to the following elements: 1. Propo�,'ed new boundary or boundary expansion. 2. Enrolliment growth plans which include planned or anticipated maxim�m enrollment by major category (full-time, part-time, undergraduate, graduate) over the next 10 years and also the antic�pated maximum enrollment over the next 20 years. i 3. Plans for parking facilities over the next 10 years, including poten�ial locations and approximate time of development. 4. Plansjfor the provision of additional student housing, either on-catnpus, or off-campus in college-controlled housing. 5. Plans for use of land and buildings, new construction, and changes affecting major open space. 6. An analysis of the effect this expansion (or new campus) will have on tl�e economic, social , and physical well-being of the surrqunding neighborhood, and how the expansion (or new campus) will benefit the broader community. Approval� of a new or expanded campus boundary shall be based on an evaluati,'on using the general standards for special condition uses found ir� Section 64.300, and the following criteria: 1. Anti�cipated undergraduate student enrollment growth is supported by p�ans for student housing that can be expected to prevent excessive increase in student housing demand in residential neighborhoods adjacent to the campus. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays j Requested by Department of: Dimond �ng In Favor Goswitz Rettman Scheibel A gai ns t By Son�n Wilson I Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Dat� Certified Passed by Council Se�retary BY By ' Approved by Mayor: Date ' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY i WHITE - CITY CLERK I . P�NK - F�N�~cE � CITY OF SAINT PAUL Council /� / CANARV - DEPARTMENT �. � [ �J /� BLUE -MAVOR � FIIE NO. � v / � � . • ��/ Ordinance Ordinance N0. ��G7f�/ Presented By ' Referred To ' Committee: Date Out of Committee By � Date Page 3 of 8 2. Potential parking sites identified in the plan are generally acceptiable in terms of possible access points and anticipated traffi�c flows on adjacent streets. 3. Plans for building construction and maintenance of major open space areas indicate a sensitivity to adjacent development by maintaining or providing adequate and appropriately located open space. 4. The proposed new or expanded boundary and the "anticipated growth and d�velopment statement" are not in conflict with the City's Compr�hensive Plan. �) �e� The insti'tution shall not exceed b more than 10 ercent or 300, w ic ever is es t e student enro ment, sta f and em o ee size and/or d rmitor ed levels identified in the ermit unless re uired off stre + parking is provided and approved by the Commission. (f� A theatr�, auditorium or sports arena located on a college, universit,y or seminary campus must provide off-street parking within 600 feet of the building to be served as measured from a principal entrance to the building to the nearest point of the off-street parking �'acility, and also provide the number of parking spaces specified in Section 62.103. The Planning Commission, after public hearing„may determine that the existing parking provided by the institutjon for students, employees and dormitory beds meets this parking �requirement based upon the following: 1) The �paces are within 600 feet of the building they are intended to s�rve, as measured from a principal entrance to the building to the nearest point of the off-street parking lot; and COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� i [n Favor c°�"`c� I Rettman �be;�o � Against BY Sonnen Wilson , Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Dat¢ Certified Passed by Council Se�retary gY BY I Approved by Mayor: Date I Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHITE - CITV GLERK I t PINK - FINANCE COUIIClI CANARV -DEPARTMENT I CITY O� SAINT PAUL File NO• � ��O BLUE -MAVOR ` Ordinance Ordinance N�. �7�0'TY I Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 4 of 8 2) It carn be demonstrated by the institution that the spaces are not neede� by students and employees during times when events attra�ting non-students and non-employees are to be held. Section 2. That existing clau�e (e) of Section 60.413 (6) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be re-1 ettere��g�. Section 3. That Section 60.20i� be amended to add a definition for college, university, and semi nary, as i ndi c�ated: ; C. College,juniversity, or seminary. An institution for post-secondary educatio�, public or private, offering courses in general , technical , or relig�ous education and not operated for profit, which operates in buildings owned or leased by the institution for administrative and faculty pffices, classrooms, laboratories, chapels, auditoriums, lecture halls, libraries, student and faculty centers, athletic facilitiies, dormitories, fraternities, and sororities, but not includinjg colleges or trade schools operated for profit. Section 4. That Sections 60. 04, 60.206, and 60.219 be amended to clarif the definition of a dormitor an add definitions for fratern�t an sororit houses, as i n i cate : . COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays I Requested by Department of: Dimond i �� � In Favor Goswitz Rettman I s�6e;ne� Against BY Sonnen Wilson Adopted by Council: Da�e Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Se�cretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By � By WHITE - CITV CI.ERK ', 1 � PINK - FINANCE � COl1I�C11 BLUERy-MAYORTMENT ,�' GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO.�_�� O ^ . Ordindnce Ordinance NO. i���� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date age 5 of 8 60.204 Dormi�ory. A building designed for or used as qrou living quarters for students of a high school , college, university, or semin�ry, organized and owned by, a high school , college, univer�sity, or seminary. Be��a��e�y-�ps���es-€�a�e�p��y-apd sefe�#�y-qebses. 60.206 Frate�nity House. A buildin used as rou livin uarters for students of a colle e, universit , or seminar who are mem ers of a fra ernit that has een officiall reco nized b the colle e unive sit , or sem�nar . i 60.219 Sororlity House. A buildin used as rou livin uarters for students of a col e e, universit , or seminar w o are mem ers of a so orit that as been offic�a reco nized the co le e univ rsit , or seminar . Section 5. That Section 60.423 Subdivision (2) pertaining to dormitories, fraternities, and sororities as 'principal uses permitted subject to special conditions in the RT-1 zoning district be amended to clarify existing requirements and add additional conditi�ons, as indicated: (2) Fraterni,ty and sorority houses and dormitories which are located on or withim 250 feet of �qe-�ea�es�-��=epe�=�y-��pe-e�-�qe-sspee�: a campus b�oundary as established in the special condition use permit for a colle e universit , or seminar , subject to the followin con itiqns• � COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond � �ng � In Favor Goswitz ' Rettman � s�ne�ne� ; Against BY Sonnen I Wilson I Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Da�e Certified Passed by Council S�cretary BY By I Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHITE - CITY CLERK � COIlI1C11 PINK - FINANCE � GITY OF SAINT PAUL CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO.� �-- ��O BLUE -MAVOR ; ' • Ord�nance Ordinance 1�1�. L ��� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 6 of 8 a) The propqsed use must be located in an existing structure designed and buil� as a one or two family dwelling unit or new structure that mee�s the height, density, and setback requirements for two family umits if it is outside of the campus boundary but within 250 feet � of it. b) Off-stre� t parking provided must be consistent with the requirerr�ents specified in Sections 62.103 and 62.104(12). i Section 6. That Section 60.532 ubd. 2 ) ii regulatin arkin re uired for co e es, univers�ti s an seminaries as ermitte uses in t e 6-2 and B-3 neighborhood commerc al districts be amended as indicated: � ii When an institution is established in the district the institution shall be re uired to provide the minimum num er o off-streetrpar ing s aces or em lo ees sta�� or students as set ort in Section 6�:�A� e 62.103 g 2 . T e institution s a e re uired to provide� a ditional parking spaces on w en t e mim mum num er of ap rkin� s�iaces will have to be increased due to a more than 10% or 300 gain �in the tota number of em o ees staff, or students, whichever �is less. Thereafter, additiona arkin s aces will have to be prouided for eac su sequent gain o more t an 10 or 300 in the total �number of employees, staff, or students; and Section 7. That Section 62.103, (g) (2) (1 ) pertaining to parking requirements b use be amended as indicat�d: COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� In Favor Goswitz Rettman scne�net Against BY Sonnen i Wilson i ; Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Datie Certified Passed by Council Se�cretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHITE - UTY CIERK , . PINK - FINANCE � GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARV -OEPARTMENT Flle NO. ��� �O BLUE -MAVOR � . . � Ordindnce Ordinance N0. f 7�T��_ Presented By Referred To ' Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 7 of 8 ` (2) (1 ) College, univ�ersity or seminary. One for every �Mfee-�3� �two 2� employees and members of the staff and either one for every three (3) full-time students not residing on campus or one for every three (3) part-time students, whichever is greater. Section 8. That Section 62.108 (b) pertaining to site plan application be amended as indicated: � For arkin faci;lities, the cit traffic en ineer or lannin administrator ma�y require submission of a traffic im act ana sis as art of the site plar� ap ication. Such an analysis shal include, but not be im�t�lce to, the ;foT ow� ements: trip generation, direc it onaT distribution, tr�affic assignment, and capacity� analysis. Section 9. That Section 65.234 pertaining to principal uses permitted subject to special conditions in the R�-3 River Corridor Urban Open District be amended as indicated: COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �ng [n Favor Gosw;tz Rettman s�be�net Against By Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Da�te i Certified Passed by Council S�cretary BY BY I Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY i WHITE - CITV CLERK ��I PINK - FINANCE �, COLLIICII CANARV -DEPARTMENT '�. GITY OF SAINT PAUL BIUE, -MAVOR ���� F1Ie NO. ���/�� ._ i . Ordindnce Ordinance N 0. �7� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 8 of 8 60.234,. Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions. Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions are those specified by the corresponding underlying � district as established in Section 60.301 to the extent that they are not prohibited by any other provision of , the zoning code. They are subject to standards ' specified in the corresponding underlying district section and to those specified in Sections 65.233 and , 65.400 et, seq. ' Section 10. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from its passage and publication. ' , COUNCIL MEMBERS e artment of: Yeas Nays Requested by D p Dimond �� �_ In Favor Goswitz Rett� ' � Against BY Scheibel Sonnen Wilson ' Adopted by Council: Date ' APR _ � ��$� Form A roved b Cit Attorney Certified Pass d ouncil r t BY By Approv Mayor: Date �'�' � � � Appr d by Mayor for Submi i to�ncil By By �UBItSi� ���; 1 :��� 1989_ � 8�-a�a� - � �I° 013 41 � PED - Planning pEp��� . - - - - - - Danna Drurrrnon or er� or corrrACT t+i� - or - �PHONE � e ruary , DATE ASSIGN NFJM�ER FOIt T TrNG ORDER: (See reverse side.) i Department Dire tor 3 l�ayor (or Assistant) �`���� _ Finance and Man geme t Services Director 4 City Clerk Z` 1 : � Budget Director City Attorney 1 (Clip all locations for signature.} �' N 9 {Purpose/Ratianale-� Attached is a City ou cil ordinance form with Zaning Code amen ments that would imp ement the recorr�nendations of the Planning Comnission contained in the College Zoning II 40-Acre , Study. The ordinan e language here was contained in the 40-acre study report, which has already been transm tted by the Mayor to the City Gouncil. This ordinance form must be signed so that the mendments can appear on the City Council agenda fo.r first reading. COS N ND SO C P D: None. 3 7 'A - � � " �. ��,� N C IVI C 0 C D T D: (Mayor's signature n t required if under $10,000.) Total Amaunt of Tr nsgction: Activity Number: Funding Source: ` ATTAGHMENTS: (List d number all attachments.) 1. City Council ord'nance form (signatures on last page). Co uncil Research Center FEB 1 �� ��89 ADMIIdI TRAT 'VE PROCI� S _Yes �No Rul s, Regulations, Pracedures, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes _No If es� are they or timetable attached? DEPAR.TMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY E�VIEW �Yes iJo Counc 1 resoZution required? Resolutioa required? �Yea _No _Yes �No Insur ce required? Insurance sufficient� _Yes _No _Yes �No Insur ce attached? - HO(i TO USE THE G�EEN SHEET ._., _ 4�•.i ti..v a The GREEAI SHEET has th�es PURPOSSS: . 1. to assist in routing docum�et►�s and in secu�ring required signatures; ,. 2. to brief tYte revis�ara of dqcuments on the impaets of approval; 3. to help ensure that aercessary° auppo�ting materials are greparad and, if sequired, � attached. . Froviding complete information under the listed headings ertablss revie�srs to make decisions on the documen�s and :�Liminates follo�r-np contacts� �[a�t may delay eaecution. . ,� _ Belo� is the t�referred ROUTING for the five moat frequent types ;of docwnents: CQNTRACTS (assumes authorized budget exists) 1. OutsLde Agency 4. Maqor 2. Initiating Department 5. Financa Director 3. Gity Attorney 6. Finance Accounting Note: If a �ONTRACT amount is less thaa $10,000, the Mayor's s,ignature is not requirad, if �the department director signs. A contract ntust always be signed by the outside sgency before routing through City offices. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget Revision) ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (a21 others) 1. Activity Manager • . 1. Initiating Department 2. Department Accountant 2. City Attorney 3. Department Director 3. Maqor/Assistant 4. Budgat Director 4. City Clerk � 5. City Clerk 6. Ch3ef Accountant, Finance and Ma�rtagemeat S�rvices , COUNCIL �ESOLUTION (Budget Amendment�Grant Acceptance) COUNCIL RESOLUTIOD3 (ail others) ' 1. Department Director 1. Department Director 2. Budget Director . 2. City Attorney 3. City Attornep 3. Mayor/Assistant 4. Mayor/Assistant • 4. City Clerk 5. Chair, Finance, Mgmt. , and Pers. Cte. 5. City Council 6. City Clerk 7. City Council 8. Chief Accountant, Finance and 1�lanagement Services The COSTJBENEFIT. BUDGETARY. AND PERSOi�NEL IMPACTS heading provides space to explain the cost/benefit aspects of the decision. Gosts and banefits relate both to Citq budget (General Fund and/or Special Funds) and to broadar financial impacts (cost to users, homeowners, or other groups affected by the action). The personnel impact is a description of change or shift o€ Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) positions. The ADMINI3TRATIVE PROCEDURES section must be completed to indicate ahether additional � administrative procedures, including rules, regulations, or resource proposals are necessary for implementation of an ordinance or resolution.. If yes, the procedures or a timetable for the completion of procedures must be attached. SUPPORTING 1�1ATERIALS. In the �TTACHMENTS section, identifp all attachments. If the Green Sheet is Nell done, no letter of traasmittal need be included {unless signing such a letter is one of the requested actions). ote: If an agreement requires evidence of insurance/co-insurance, a Certificate of Insurance should be:one of the attachments at time of routing. , ' te: Actions ahich require City Council resolutions include contractusl x.elationships �ith other governmen�tal units; collective bargaining contracts; purchase, sale, or lease of land; issuance of bonds by City; eminent domain; assumptfon of liabilitq by City, or granting by �City of indemn�fic8tion; agreements �ith state or federal government under which they are providing funding; budget amendments. ,. I � \ ��y � I � N � CJ �J ^ �j � �'-_ � � w a � . . I � . � 41 � � � � � 0 I W O W O •� � a.t I N � � F- � Z ' � � � I ro O � � .� � � l0 N W N I � � � m tU N � � ro� O � � U � I' �� �� � � � i U N � � � !I � v a i I +' c � , � O i M I � � �r � � N j ~ � H d' _J fZ I d � � -� O J N � �' � _ � ��, N � � �- E VO� E �j V '�- �' r0 N I �- >- Z +� C r �-- �o � , ~ ~ � � v a C.� �..�M , , ' • ,� _ Jf:t ......`� .._ . � : :__ ��( ,� -i=�,� � �� tt ` ' . � �?iai�;iC i {,'��} '�t��� � � REGORDEQ� ON �;��;�r. c������;��� �.��a �u� 5 �99a ��� 5 8 So a� ��� � n�� 3��ir�� t .lt� i'� , ,., f li t`' ' _.: , _�-[ `� � � � � � � STATE OF MINNESOTA ) County of Ramsey ) ss. CITY OF SAINT PAUL ) I - Albert B. Olson I, . . . . .:: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .City Clerk of the City of�'Sairit Paul, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have compared the attached copy of Council File No. .$9,-�1Q, , , , , , , . , , , , 'as adopted by the City Council. . . . . ,A�ri1.6: . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.89, . . and approved by the Mayor. . . . . . . . . , ,Apri1.7.. .. . . . . . . . . . . ig.89. . . �with the original thereof on file in my office. I I I further certify that said copy is a true and correct copy of said original and the whole thereof. j WITNESS my hand and the seal of the City of Saint Paul, I ' Minnesota this . . . , .24th. , , , , day of . . . . .MaY. . . . . . . . . .A.D. 19.90. . . . .C-.��.��.�e�. . . .�� ����:�`:�:. . . . . . . . . . f �I��� � �� .,�'� City Clerk. � � . ��4:���saa���e�pl�',`���.j i . N +���° ' 1 l�r:'�r I o ' ,A - �, : ;; �'� C�» �;:�►�,��` I :'_ �y7. _.,...+ ;'r.. yw�I �i�J � � � �r n�..� �m ��° • in����.����s�� �•`� , y , �,�6 .fO c�; ��ie��s������'� �o� .. i ��� . � � �/[�J/1 ��� k. '6,, � / r�• k;�� 'sy'� � i �`�S w� Y (� v � .e� � !' 7 • e.. Iti9.� � ^'� 1�. k� :�" ' �� WMITE - CITV CLERK PINK � FINANCE GITY OF SAINT � PAUL Council �J � CANARV-.QEP(�RTMENT � �j 1 BLUE -MAVOR � F'llg HO. �_ �/ / � � -. • O/ WZ��/`�G dinance N O. � 254834� � � Presented By , _ B r Referred To � n • �Committee: Date °Z °�� � Out of Committee By Date � Page l of 8 An Ord'nance amending Chapters 60 �through 67 of the 2 S 4 83 42 Saint aul Legislative Code (Zoning Code) pertaining to thei regulation of colleges, unive�sities, and semi nalri es. �I THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: I ' Section 1. That Section 60.41�3 (6) pertaining to the regulation of colleges, universities, and seminaries as 'principal uses subject to special conditions in the R-1 through R-4 zoning districts be amended to read as indicated: (6) (a) P��p���a�-as�ess-�e-sa}d-s��e-sqa��-�e-d��es��y-€fe� The cam us boundary' as defined under clause (d) at some point sha e a jacent to a major thorough are as designated on the ma�or thoroughfare plan. (b) Ple-�b�����g-sWa��-�e-s�ese�-�e-a��r-��e�ef�y-��pe-�pafl-a-��s�aASe e��a�-�er�qe-qe�gb�-e�-�qe-�������g3-e�-�A-�ee�3-wq�eqe�e�-�s g�ea�e�: Buildin s shall be set back a minimum of 50 feet from every ro ert line, us an ad itiona two eet or ever foot the uildin s hei ht exceeds 50 feet. (c) On a cam us of five 5 acres or more, no buildin shall exceed 90 feet in ei ht• on a cam us sma er t an five 5 acres, no buildin sha ex ee 40 feet in ei t. (s) (d) The bounldaries of the institution shall be as defined in the permit, and may �not be expanded without the prior approval of the Planning Cort�nissibn, as evidenced b an amended S ecial Condition Use Permit. The cam �us t at is de ine the oundaries s a e a minimum of three a res, and all ro ert within �the cam us boundaries must be contigu us. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimoad �� In Favor Goswitz Rettman s�be;bei Against BY Sonnen Wilson Adopted by Council• Date Form Ap oved by City Attorney . Certified Passed by Council Sec etary BY sy Approved by Mayor: Date Appr e by Mayor for Subm' i to,�ouncil By � c� � WHITE - CITV CLERK COL1[IC11 T PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT � PAUL � CANARY -aEPA.RTMENT �// / BLUE -MAVOR File NO. �` V V 4 , . � � Ordin�nce Ordinance N 0. �� Presented By 2548342 Referred To �, — Committee: Date Out of Committee By�_ Date Page 2 of 8 �, The appl�cant shall submit an "anticipated growth and development statemen�" for approval of a new or expanded campus boundary, which statemen� shall include but not be limited to the following elements: 1. Proposed new boundary or boundary expansion. 2. Enrollment growth plans which include planned or anticipated maximum enrollment by major category (full-time, part-time, undergraduate, graduate) over the next 10 years and also the antiqipated maximum enrollment over the next 20 years. 3. Plans for parking facilities over the next 10 years, including potential locations and approximate time of development. 4. Plans for the provision of additional student housing, either on-campus, or off-campus in college-controlled housing. 5. Plans for use of land and buildings, new construction, and changes affecting major open space. 6. An ar�alysis of the effect this expansion (or new campus) will have on t e economic, social , and physical well-being of the surr unding neighborhood, and how the expansion (or new campus) will benefit the broader community. I Approvallof a new or expanded campus boundary shall .be based on an evaluatiOn using the general standards for special condition uses found in Section 64.300, and the following criteria. 1. Antitipated undergraduate student enrollment growth is supported by plans for student housing that can be expected to prevent excessive increase in student housing demand in residential neig�borhoods adjacent to the campus. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond ��g In Favor Goswitz Rettman Scheibel Against BY Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Sectetary BY , By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY � WMITE - CITY CLERK I - . PINK - FINANCE i COUIICll BIUERr-MAVORTMENT �� - GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO._ ��+ ��� t . � • �/� Or�in��tce Ordinance N�. ��G y(O Presented By ' 2548342 Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 3 of 8 2. Potential parking sites identified in the plan are generally accept ble in terms of possible access points and anticipated traffi flows on adjacent streets. 3. Plans �or building construction and maintenance of major open space dreas indicate a sensitivity to adjacent development by maintaining or providing adequate and appropriately located open space. , 4. The pr posed new or expanded boundary and the "anticipated growth and de elopment statement" are not in conflict with the City's Comprehensive Plan. � (eZ The instit tion shall not exceed b more than 10 ercent or 300, whichever s es t e student enro ment, sta and em o ee size and/or do itor ed levels identified in the ermit unless re uired off street arkin is rovided and a roved b the Commission. �fZ A theatre, �auditorium or sports arena located on a college, university or seminary campus must provide off-street parking within 600 feet o the building to be served as measured from a principal entrance t the building to the nearest point of the off-street parking fa ility, and also provide the number of parking spaces specified n Section 62.103. The Planning Commission, after public hearing, m y determine that the existing parking provided by the institutio for students, employees and dormitory beds meets this parking re�uirement based upon the following: 1) The spa�Ces are within 600 feet of the building they are intended to servp, as measured from a principal entrance to the building to the nea�rest point of the off-street parking lot; and COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� � In Favor coswitz Rettman ' s�he;t�� ; Against BY Sonnen I Wilson � Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY gy I Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By � BY � � WHlTE - GITV CLERK COUflCll PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL CANARV -OEPARTMENT ��� �/O B�.UE -MAVOR File �O. f � Ordin�n�e Ordinance N0. 17t07Y Presented By ' 2548342 Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 4 of 8 2) It can be demonstrated by the institution that the spaces are not needed by students and employees during times when events attrac ing non-students and non-employees are to be held. Section 2. That existin claus� e of Section 60.413 (6 of the Saint Paul Le islative Code be re-lettered . � Section 3. That Section 60.203 be amended to add a definition for colle e, universit and seminar , as indica ed: C. College, �niversity, or seminary. An institution for post-secondary education� public or private, offering courses in general , technical , or religi us education and not operated for profit, which operates in buildings owned or leased by the institution for administrative and faculty o fices, classrooms, laboratories, chapels, auditoriums, lecture h lls, libraries, student and faculty centers, athletic facilitie , dormitories, fraternities, and sororities, but not including colleges or trade schools operated for profit. II Section 4. That Sections 60.20q�, 60.206, and 60.219 be amended to clarif the definition of a dormitor and add definitions for fraternit and sororit ouses, as indicate : COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� In Favor Goswitz Rettman scbe;bei j Against BY Sonnen II Wilson Adopted by Council: Date '�' Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY , By , Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By �BY WMITE - CITV CLERK �I � PINK - FINANCE '' CO11I�C1I CANARr -�EPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL � BIUE �MAVOR ', Fll@ NO. �_�� O . • / Ordinc��ce Ordinance N 0. !7G�Y� 2548342 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date age 5 0 8 60.204 Dormit ry. A building designed for or used as �roup living quarte s for students of a high school , college, university, or semina y, organized and owned by, a high school , college, univer ity, or seminary. Be�r���ef�r-�ps��des-�fa�e�p��y-ap� se�e���y-be�ses. 60.206 Fraternity House. A building used as group living quarters for studen{ts of a colle e universit , or seminar who are mem�6ers of a frat'�ernity that has een officially recognized by the college, u m ve sit , or seminar . 60.219 Sorori, y House. A buildin used as rou living uarters for studen�ts of a col ege, university, or seminary w_o are mem ers of a sor rit that as been official reco nized b the co� e� e unive sity, or seminary. -� ' Section 5. � That Section 60.423 Subdivision (2) pertaining to dormitories, fraternities, and sororities as rincipal uses permitted subject to special conditions in the RT-1 zoning distri t be amended to clarify existing requirements and add additional conditi ns, as indicated: (2) Fraternit and sorority houses and dormitories which are located on or within 250 feet of �qe-aea�es�-��e�e��y-��ae-e�-�qe-ssbee�: a cam us bo ndar as established in the s ecial condition use ermit for a colilege, university, or seminary, subject to the followi� conditi ons• � COUNCIL MEMBERS i Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� I In Favor Goswitz Rettman ; B &heibel A gai ns t y Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date', Certified Passed by Council Sectetary By By i Approved by Mayor: Date I Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � gy BY . WHITE - CITV CLERK I COUIICII PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL t BLI�ERV-MAVORTMENT �� F11C NO. ��� �IO ' 0'/ dZnfZn1�`, Ordinance P�0. L��� 2548342 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Cort:mittee By..,_.- Date Page 6 of 8 ' a) The p�oposed use must be located in an existing structure designed and bluilt as a one or two family dwelling unit or new structure that meets the height, density, and setback requirements for two family units if it is outside of the campus boundary but within 250 f ieet of i t. b) Off-s!treet parking provided must be consistent with the requirements specified in Sections 62.103 and 62.104(12) . Section 6. That Section 60.53 Subd. (2 (g) ii ) regulatin arkin re uired for co eges, universi ies, and seminaries as ermitte uses in the B-2 and B-3 neighborhood comme cial districts be amended as indicated: � (ii When an jnstitution is established in the district, the institution shall be required to provide the minimum number of off-street parking s aces f � r em lo ees, staf , or students as set ort in Section 6�:�9� � e 62.103 g 2 . The institution sha be re uired to rovi e additional arkin s aces on w en the m�n�mum number of arkin aces will have to be increased due to a more than 10� or 300 gain in the total number of employees, staff, or students, whicheve is less. Thereafter, additional arkin s aces will have to be r vided for eac su se uent ain o more t an 10� or 300 in the tota number of employees, staff, or students; and ' Section 7. , That Section 62.103, (g) (2) (1 ) pertaining to parking requirements by use be amended as indicat�ed: i COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays i Requested by Department of: Dimond �ng In Favor Goswitz Rettrnan ' B s�he;�i ' Against y Sonnen Wilson i Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Dat� Certified Passed by Council SeCretary BY By �. Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By ' BY wMITE - Ci7r CLERK � PINK - FINANCE �� COUI1C11 �w`J BLUERY-MAYORTMENT I GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. ����L�� O�dZn�nCP, Ordinance 1��. f 7� � ' 2548342 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 7 of 8 � � (2) (1 ) College, uni�ersity or seminary. One'for every �q�ee-43� �two 2� ' employees and members of the staff and either one for every three (3) full-time students not residing on ' campus or one for every three (3) � part-time students, whichever is greater. Section 8. That Section 62.108 (6) pertaining to site plan application be amended as indicated: (4� For arkin facillities, the cit traffic en ineer or lannin administrator ma require submission of a tra fic impact ana ysis as part of the site lan a lication. Such an anal sis shall include, but not be imited to, the o owing e ements: tri eneration, directiona distribution, tra�ffic assignment, and capacity ana ysis. � Section 9. That Section 65.234 p rtaining to principal uses permitted subject to special conditions in the RC- River Corridor Urban Open District be amended as indicated: j � - COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �og In Favoe soswitz Rettman B Sc6eibel � Ag8lllst Y Sonnen Wilson ' Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Passed by Council Secre��ary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By � gy ,. WHITE - CIT�CLERK I � . PINK � = FINANCE � GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARVr-DEPARTMENT � � BLUE -MAVOR � F1Ie NO. ��� D 9 � �� • �� Zn�n�e Ordinance N 0. �7�0� Presented By ' 2s48`3a2 Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 8 of 8 60.234. ' Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions. Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions are those specified by the corresponding underlying district as established in Section 60.301 to the extent that they are not prohibited by any other provision of ' the zoning code. They are subject to standards specified in the corresponding underlying district section and to those specified in Sections 65.233 and ' 65.400 et. seq. i i Section 10. � This ordinance shall ;take effect and be in force thirty days from its passage and publication. I i i � I � i COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond j �ng i � [n Favor Gosw;tz xemnan i � Against BY Scheibel Sonnen j Wllson i I �P� _ � ��+�r� Form A roved b Cit Attorney Adopted by Counc�l: Date'� i Certified Pass d ouncil et BY By Approv Mayor: Date � �' � � � Appr d by Mayor for Submi i to�ncil By BY Pt1B��St� �r�: 1 � 1989_ � C� 8�t- 31 a cit of saint au !�G�� y p . P��9 �r��sion resolut�on f ile number 8�-89 �tE; December 9. 11988 WHEREAS, the Planning Cpmmission initiated a 40-acre study, as authorized under Minnesota Statutes Sect�.on 462.357(5) and St. Paul Zoning Code Section 64.400, for the purpose of consider�ng amendments to the text of the Zoning Code as it pertains to colleges, universitijes, and seminaries; and WHEREAS, the College Zou�ing Committee, an ad-hoc committee created by the Planning Commisaion to study Zonjing Code issues related to colleges, universities and seminaries, released it�s recommendations for needed Zoning Code amendments in August, 1988� after num�erous public meetings and discussion; and WHEREAS, the Planning (�ommission conducted a public hearing on November 4 and 18, 1988, regarding the Co 'lege Zoning Committee's proposed amendments; and WHEREAS, the College Z ning Committee has revised its recommendations based upon the comments made at the p blic hearing, and has presented them to the Planning Commission for its con ideration; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ESOLVED, that the Planning Commission recommends approval of the Zoning Code amendm nts presented by the College Zoning Committee in the College Zoning II 40-Acre Stud , dated December, 1988, and directs the Planning Administra�or to forwa�d these amendments to the Mayor and� City Council for their consideration and acti n. - . I � � 'I _ i , � � I mov�ed by � P� -- • NEID seconded by � in fav�or- ' against- ; Abstained 1 - I , GF 8`t-3�a -'''��=r o';°�, GITY OF SAIN'r P'AUL �7�y� _�o"P4 � '� OFFICE OF THE MAYOR '' iiii i ii ii � ° � 347 CITY I{ALL �°�� SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 GEORGE LATIMER (612) 298-4323 MAYOR RECEIVED February 2, 1989 ' �EB p s �ggg ' CITY CLERK Council President James Scheibel and Members of the City Council . 716 City Hall Saint Paul, Minne�ota 55102 RE: College Zoning Code Text Amendments Dear President Scheibel and Members of the City Council: I am pleased to t�ansmit to you proposed ammendments to the zoning code in the way it regulates �olleges, universities, and seminaries. These are the recommendations o the Planning Commission, which are explained in the attached College Zoning II,' 40-Acre Study report. The recommendations are the result of work by the Colle�ge Zoning Committee, an ad-hoc committee of the Planning Commission, which! conducted a lengthy and extensive process of public discussion over the past year to arrive at its recommendations. � The Planning Comm'ission held a public hearing on the Committee's recommendations o� November 4 and 18, 1988. Based upon the extensive public testimony at the earing, the Committee revised its recommendations, which the Planning Commiss on then approved on December 9, 1988. The Planning Commission resolution, and a� memo from the College Zoning Committee responding to the public hearing tastimony, are also attached. The primary purpdse of the recommended amendments is to insure that as Saint Paul's colleges and universities respond to the demands and challenges of the future, they con�inue to grow and change in ways that are positive for te neighborhoods they are in. The recommended amendments would: establish a maximum building ,height and increase the minimum setback requirement for campus buildings, requi�e a minimum area size for new campuses, increase and clarify parking requirements, improve and clarify existing ordinance language, and most significantly, r�quire that colleges and universities wishing to expand their campus area or e�tablish a new campus submit an "anticipated growth and development stat�ment" to the Planning Commission as part of the special condition use pe�mit application. I strongly suppo t these amendments and the process of public discussion that was followed in �eveloping them. I urge you to adopt these amendments as recommended by the Planning Commission. 8�40 � � �- 3/d 4�v`'T T O•+� j . CITY OF SA17T �AUL ° � DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT , n11m� , � � ��� A� ' DIVISION OF PLANhIVG . , 25 West Fourth Sheef,Saint Paul,Minnesoti 55102 ,��. � 612-228-3270 GEORGE UTIMER MAYOR MEMORANDUM DATE: Decembe� 2, 1988 T0: Plannin� Commission Members FROM: Gary Pa�k, Chair, College Zoning Committee RE: College� Zoning II 40-Acre Study: Revised Recommendations Introduction On November 4 a d November 18, ,1988, the Plan�ing Commission held a public hearing on the ollege Zoning Committee's recommendations for the College Zoning II 40-Ac e Study. Based on the public testimony presented at the hearing, the Co ittee has revised its recommendations somewhat, and presents them here for y ur consideration, In addition to the revised recommendations, this memo attem ts to respond to some of t�he points raised at the hearing, and - explain further the reasons for the recommendations that have been made. The full-length 40-acre study report, with the revisions recommended in this memo is attache . In addition, there are some minor technical wording changes that have been ade to some of the recommended ordinance language. These do not represent s bstantive changes, and they have been indicated in the document for your inform tion. _ Swnmarv of PublJic Testimony The main messag of the college representatives seemed to be that the "regulatory env�ronment" should balance the contributions of the colleges with the need to pro ect neighborhood interests. In other words, that what the colleges contri ute to the city in terms of economic, educational, and cultural benefits has be n undervalued given this set of recommendations. Several speakers noted that the regulations treat all colleges the same even though each is differe t in terms of mission, geographical location, impact on the neighborhood, cademic programs, etc. More emphasis should be put on individualized effort on the part of each institution to address college/neighb rhood issues rather than trying to resolve problems through blanket regula ions. 1 , �.3�v _ Neighborhood spokespeople were generally appreciative of the Committee's —" GY'� efforts, feeli�ig that the recommendations were definitely heading in the right � direction, but wanted more and tougher requirements. Several speakers noted with disappoin ment the absence of the student density restriction and wanted it re-examined One speaker called the set of regulations a "rational plan for coexistence" , plan that will provide more security to neighborhoods by establishing s me basic principles regarding land use. The Committee' es onse In response, t e Committee would like to restate the purpose of the Zoning Code and_the reason to consider amendments to it. The purpose of the Zoning Code (as explained �n Section 60.101) is to regulate the location, construction, and use of buildin�s� structures, and land in order to: insure adequate light, air, privacy, nd convenience of access to property; conserve property values; prevent harmfu� encroachment by incompatible uses; and avoid overcrowding and undue congesti�n of population, buildings, and vehicles. Amendments to the Zoning Code ar� considered in response to changing social, technological, and economic condi ions so that zoning regulations continue to fulfill the purposes described abov . The recommenda ions developed by this Committee have been put together with these principl s in mind. The goal has been to fine-tune the. requirements to insure that as colleges and universities grow and change, their development continues to f t well with the development around it, that access is adequate, that enough pa king is provided, and that future conversions of land from residential to institutional use are carefully considered for their impact on the well-being of the surrounding community as a whole. These are stra ghtforward goals. Th�s process has not been about determ�ning whether reside tisl or institutfonal uses are more valusble to the co�unitp. Both are obvio sIy of great value. The purpose has been to arrive at a set of reasonable 1an use regulations, through community discussions, that wi11 help insure that co leges and universities cont�nue to change and prosper in ways that are positsve for the communities around them. Some of the co�lleges have stated that there needs to be more emphasis on individual insltitutional efforts to work with the surrounding community to address unique, college/neighborhood issues. The Committee wishes to encourage efforts suc� ais this. Obviously, the work of the Merriam Park SCOOCH Committee, wit� which the College of St. Thomas has worked closely on addressing off�-campus student behavior problems, is a good example of college/co ity cooperation. These kinds of efforts can address problems and issues that c ot and should not be regulated by zoning requirements. What the Zoning Co e does do is establish certain minimum requirements for development a d redevelopment of the city to help ensure good development that does not crea e negative external impacts for_ the uses around it. The Committee fee s these recommendations further that ob3ective. Finally, the ensity restriction concept was again raised by some of the community xep esentatives. The concept was abandoned by the Com�ittee for several reaso s. First, it would have been a highly imperfect tool for _ ' addressing th problems created by high enrollments. Scheduling of classes, the existence of adequate campus facilities to serve the needs of students and staff, and thei number of students housed on-campus versus the number living in 2 - �� gR -3 �� � �� the surrounding ne�ghborhood are just some of the variables that affect the �'G � impact an enrollme#�t of a given size has on the surrounding community. The Committee feels th�t the need for a broad, sweeping regulation such as the student density re$triction cannot be demonstrated, and that this kind of interference in th� internal operations of an institution cannot be �ustified. Second, no other c�ty around the country could be found that has a restriction even remotely likelthe student density restriction. The Committee had doubts about whether such�la requirement could withstand legal challenge. In conclusion, the', Committee feels that these regulations find an appropriate balance between thle needs of individual colleges and universities to plan and grow and change aslthey see fit, and the needs of surrounding neighborhoods to have some assurancle that growth and change will not create undue negative impacts affecting the quality of neighborhood life. List of Recommenda�tions: The Committee's Proposed Revisions Each recommendatio� is listed below, and the College Zoning Committee's recommendation forieither "change" or "no change" based upon the public hearing testimony. � 1. Establish a � ximum building height of 90 feet for new campus buildings (40 feet if a campus is less than 5 acres) � and increase the building setback requi ement to a minimum of 50 feet, plus t�o feet for every foot that the buil ing's height ezceeds 50 feet. � No change rec m�ended. Discussion. e Committee feels that a 90 foot naximum height, together � with the inc ased setback requirement, will give colleges enough flexibility planning for needed facilities on campus, while providing some assuran that what is built will fit in aesthetically with what's in the neighbor ood around it. We recognize that Concordia College is in a somewhat uni ue position with very little residential land around it. Concordia ha said that this requirement may be impossible for it to meet. The Committe is sympathetic to Concordia's concerns; unfortunately, zoning requi ements cannot be written to fit every situation, and where a case can be ade that a requirement doesn't fit, a modification of that requirement sjhould be approved. _ ' 2. Clarify impre�cise Zoning Code language by clearly requiring that special condition uses in the River Corridor IIrban Open District (RC-3) be restricted to 40 feet in height. No change re�ommended. Discussion: There was no public testimony regarding this recommendation. 3. Require that any college, university, or seminary Mishing to ezpand its boundary, or any neM such institution Mishing to be first established, submit an " ticipated Grovth and Development Statement" to the Planning Commission. 3 � I � I � g�l "3�`�'�j Changn relcommended. The wording of the recommended zoning amendment G`!„ should bel changed as follows (new wording underlined; old wording dashed 17 through) : The appl cant shall submit an "anticipated growth and development statemen " which statement shall include but not be limited to the followin elements: 1. Proposed new boundary or boundary expansion. 2. Enrol�ment growth plans which include planned or anticipated maximum enrollLment by ma,jor category (full-time, part-time, undergraduate, , gradu�te) over the next 10 years and also the anticipated maximum enrolllment over the next 20 years. 3. Plans for parking facilities over the next 10 years, including poten�ial locations and approximate time of development. 4, Plans for the provision of additional student housing, either on-c pus, or off-campus in college-controlled housing. 5. Plans for use of land and buildings, new construction, and changes affec ing ma�or open space. � 6 An an 1 sis of the effect his e ans on or new c u wi 1 have on the e onomic social and ghysical well-being of the surrounding ne h'orhood nd how he e on o n w us wi benef t the b oa r co u it Approval ' f a new or expanded campus boundary shall be based on an evaluatio using the €e��ew�ag-e���e�#a general st-�andards for special o d t o uses foun Se t' n 64 3 0 a d t e ollow r i • �: Agg�eva�-wi��-aeE-�eepa�d#$e-e�-se��et�s�y-Ek�ea�ea-��e ' eeeAe�ie;-see�a�;-e�-pkys�ea�-we��-be�ag-e€-�l�e-�es�dea��e� � ee�t�a��y: � 2: Anticipated undergraduate student enrollment growth is � supported by plans for student housing that can be expected to '� prevent excessive increase in student housing demand in residential neighborhoods ad�acent to the campus. � 3: Potential parking sites identified in the plan are generally ' acceptable in terms of possible access points and anticipated ' traffic flows on adjacent streets. 3 4: Plans for building construction and maintenance of major open space areas indicate a sensitivity to ad3scent development by maintaining or providing adequate and appropriately located open space. 4 �: The proposed new or expanded boundary and the "anticipated growth and development statement" are not in conflict with the City's Comprehensive Plan. 4 i � s�-.�1 a /�G� , Discussio�: As indicated above, the Committee recommends that impact on _ the econo�ic, social, and physical well-being of the surrounding neighborh od be something that a College address directly in its anticipat d growth and development statement, along with an analysis of broader c mmunity benefits. Removal of neighborhood impact as a specific criteria or approval will be balanced by referral to the general standards for all special condition uses to be added to the Zoning Code as part of t e Community Residential Facilities 40-Acre Study (which is currently in the process of Planning Commission review) . These general standards will require that any proposed special condition use not be detriment 1 to the immediate neighborhood or endanger the public health, safety, a d welfare. This recommended change will result in better informati n and cleaner, more logical ordinance language. At the putplic hearing, some college representatives questioned whether this was � unique requirement that no other individuals, institutions, or businesse� had to meet, and asserted that it would require the Planning . Commissio� to place too much emphasis on neighborhood impact in making its decision. 'i, Technically, the "anticipated growth and development statement" is a uniq�e requirement, although expansion or establishment of a new campus co ld be considered analogous to a planned development rezoning, for which much more detailed plans are required. The existence of a college c pus has a much greater impact than most other types of uses that migh be located in a neighborhood, such as single family homes, individua businesses, or other institutions like churches. Therefore, a requireme t such as this is �ustified. This requirement will be a vehicle for commu ication between a college and the neighborhood it is in so that there can be interaction and a 3oint discussion of the future of the neighborh od. College spokespeople also asked for regulations that � somehow c nsider the unique attributes and environment of each campus. This requ rement provides for- that. Some neig borhood representatives asked that the power to monitor and enforce c mpliance with the "anticipated growth and development statement" be added. �' The Committee feels that this would result in a requireaent so specific t�hat it would be overly buresucratic, too inflexible and a real enforcememt nightmare. We are comfortable that the desire of colleges to maintain �ood relations with the City and neighborhood groups, and the accountab�lity that comes with making a formal public statement are sufficien� to insure that this requirement will be treated seriously: 4. Require a minimum area size of three acres for nev college, university, and semin�ry special condition use permits in residential zones. . • No change recommended. Discussio : Several neighborhood representatives and groups suggested � that the equirement read three acres or the entire block, whichever is greater. There is no common definition of a block in St. Paul; some are : very larg , while others are,quite irregular in shape. The Committee feels tha a three acre minimum size is sufficient to help insure adequate space for on-site parking and something of a physical buffer bet�een the instituti n and surrounding uses. In cases where one or a few remaining �II 5 i i _ � i, � ��- 3� o.� �c� . property owiners on a block are isolated or surrounded by the institutio�1� use, the Pllanning Commission could consider adding some additional conditions to the permit to help ameliorate that situation. 5. Require th t stadiums, sports arenas, and theatera on college, university� and semina campuses provide their o�n parking as required by the Zoning Code, but ermit joint use of spaces already provided on campus if it can be demonst ated that the spaces are available for use. No change rlecommended. Discussi,on: The Committee discussed whether small theaters and auditoriumsi that were to be used almost exclusively by students and staff - should be xempted. We concluded that for unusual situations such as this, a va iance from the parking requirement would be appropriate. 6. Require t t parking provided for theaters, auditoriums, stadivms� and sports are as on college campuses be located within 600 feet of the facility's main entrance. No change ecommended. Discussion: It is clear to the Committee that distance to parking is not the sole d terminant of whether people will park in a designated lot or on the street. Building and parking facility design and location and whether a parking �'ee is charged also affect where people will want to park. The 600 foot d stance requirement does not address these variables, but it will at le st help insure that parking is somewhat close to the facility, rather tha at the other end of the campus. The Committee re�ected suggestio made at the public hearing to reduce this distance, feeling that by pr viding some flexibility in meeting this requirement, it might help a col ege save desired campus green space. 7. Add a def ition of college, university, and seminary to define the types of facilit�es tppically found on these campuses. No change �ecommended. _ Discussion� A couple of neighborhood residents voiced their concern that commercial�activities on campuses be specifical�y limited in this definition All of the city's colleges, universities, and seminaries rent campus facilities for a fee to groups for activities such as weddings, seminars, rofessional examinations, and athletic tournaments. Campus classrooms meeting areas, banquet and sports facilities serve as a valuable r source for diverse organizations and groups within the community. The Committee feels that a specific limit on this type of activity i inappropriate. It is unlikely that an institution would let _ this type f activity "get out of hand" given the difficulties $ truly com�ercial enterprise would pose for an institution in terms of parking needs and onflicts with traditional campus activities, and the possible �eopardy t an institution's non-profit tax status that could result from inappropri te activities. i 6 � I .� � $�'��(� (��U , 8. Add conditions r$lated to structure type, parking. and neighborhood im�a�£ for dormitories� �fratemities, and sororities as special condition uses. No change recomm�nded. Discussion: Som� neighborhood representatives recommended that these uses not be permitted at all outside of campus boundaries. They are now permitted as a s�ecial condition uses within 250 feet of a campus bounda.ry. The Cbmmittee feels that the additional conditions that would be added to dorm�.tory, fraternity, and sorority special condition uses under this recom�uendation will be sufficient to protect neighboring properties from �ossible negative impacts. There are relatively few of these uses in thle city and they do not currently pose any problems. � 9. Rezone to reside�itial use four lots on Grand Avenue oMned by the College of St. Thomas soithat they may be included rithin the campus baundary to be established b�r St. Thomas' special condition use permit. Changa recommend�ed. The Committee recommends that this be dropped from the 40-acre stu�y and that a new 40-acre study be initiated to consider these rezoningslat the time the Planning Commission considers the St. Thomas special c�ondition use permit. Discussion: Th recommendation was originally included in this study because the Co ittee had recommended that these four lots be included in the current c us boundary to be established in the St. Thomas special condition use p rmit. To be included in the boundary, these lots must be rezoned from OS 1 (office-services) to a residential zone (RM-2 is most appropriate) . e Committee still supports this recommendation, and the rezoning recomm nded in this document would have been contingent upon a - decision by the Planning Commission to actually include the property in the St. Thomas oundary. However, because of neighborhood concern that the recommendat on's inclusion here implies that a decision has already been made to ex end the boundary, the Committee recommends that the rezoning be fo ally considered at the time the St. Thomas permit is discussed. Thi�s will require that another 40-acre study be initiated by the Planning Co�nmission at that time. The .Committee further recommends that the Planni�g Commission public hearing on the 40-acre study rezoning be held the samle day as the public hearing on the special condition use permit. Again,l the removal-of this reco�endation from the study is merely a proeedlural matter, and does not reflect any change in the Committee's reciommendation regarding the St. Thomas campus boundary. 10. Increase the pajrking requirement for college, univeraity, and seminary emploqees fromione space for every three to one space for every t�ro employees. , No change recou�mended. Discussion: ny of the colleges felt that the analysis upon which this recommendation was based is faulty. On the other side, several neighborhood r presentatives asked for an even tougher parking requirement. is recommendation is based on an analysis of parking supply and dem nd completed by the consulting fira of Strgar-Roscoe- ausch, Inc. The Co�ittee is confident that this 7 . ; �i V i ��`V � , professional �nalysis, supplemented by the Planning staff's research and�7G � analysis, has, resulted in an appropriate parking requirement that reflects actual parkin� needs at the city's colleges and universities. The written analysis in tl�e study report adequately documents the need for this recommendatioti. In further te�timony on this recommendation, one neighborhood organization suggested that some provision be added to reduce "grandfathered in" parking defic�.encies if a college expands. The Committee is opposed to general appli�ation of this to all colleges, but feels that this problem could potenti�lly be addressed in individual special condition use permits. 11. Modify the tr,�gger point at Mhich additional parking is required from 10 percent to 10! percent or 300 additional students, staff, or dormitory beds, ahichevier is less. No change reciommended. Discussion: ISeveral neighborhood representatives recommended that the standard reac� 10 percent or �QQ additional students, staff� or dormitory beds, whiche er is greater. If this was put into effect, only two of the 10 schools ( t their current sizes) would be governed by the 10 percent clause, the est are big enough that they would have to provide additional parking for ncreases of 100 students, staff, or dorm beds. The required parking for uch an increase would equal approximately 33 spaces. The Committee fe ls this leaves too little flexibility to accommodate annual fluctuations in students and staff at most schools (for example, this number may g up by 105 one year, and down by 52 the next, meaning the additional p rktng would be required one year, but not the next)'. In addition, th� Committee feels that 33 spaces is generally an inefficient number of sp�ces for an institution to add. New parking facilities must be of suffici�ent size to bring the average cost per space down to a manageable l�vel. 12. Clarify the �aisting condition that principal access be from a ma3or thoroughfarejto specify that some portion of the campus boundary be adjacent to a ma3or thoroughfare. No change re�ommended. ; Discussion: There was no public testimony regarding this recommendation. 13. Clarify that�the City traffic engineer�may require a traffic impact analysis as �art of site plan revier vhenever a nen parking facility is proposed. , Change reco ended. The Committee recommends that either the City traffic engineer o� he Planning Administrator be given the suthority to require a traffic impa t analysis. The revised wording of the amendment should read: Subd. 2. Sit plan application. � 8 � i � . � �' �la , (4) For parking facilities, the city traffic engineer or Plannin� �7��� t ato may require submission of a traffic impact analysis as part of site plan application. Such an analysis shall include, but not e limited to, the following elements: trip generation, direc�tional distribution, traffic assignment, and capacity analysis. Discussi . Two district councils requested that the Planning Commission be given he authority to require a traffic impact analysis. Since the City's authority to review site plans is given to the Planning Commission and deleg�ted to the Planning Administrator, this is an appropriate change. , Other Testimon�y: Lot Coverage Reauirements One district c{�uncil asked the Planning Commission to consider maximum lot coverage requiirements for colleges. The Committee would like to point out that all special co�dition uses in residential zones (including colleges) are covered by the� same lot coverage requirement as all residential uses, which is 308 (Section 6�1.101) . The 308 applies only to principle structures, and does not include pa1ved surfaces such as parking lots or sidewalks. The Committee feels this re irement is appropriate and adequate. It also appears to the Committee tha none of the city's colleges even comes close to this maximum coverage rest iction. e Futu e o Cit Co le e Relat ons The Committee is concerned that because of the very nature of regulation, this study, which as been about considering changes to the zoning regulations affecting col eges, has given the impression that the Committee, and more broadly, the ity, views the colleges as an intrusion in the city's residentiaT neighborhoods, and does not value their contributions to the community.- This is simply not true. The Committee wishes to encourage the City, through its other plannin and development activities, to find ways of enhancing the contributions that the colleges make to the city's educational, cultural, and economic life. This could be done in a number of ways: by looking at creative financing mec anisms to help construct needed parking facilities, by promoting links between 'colleges and businesses that will contribute to local economic development e$forts, and by directly involving colleges in the development of - plans and poli�cies affecting the City's future. , GP:DD:ss I _ ; � ; � � � F : _ � i 9 . , � 89-3 �a �7��� COLLEGE ZONING II .40-ACRE STUDY: � RECOMNIEN ATIONS OF THE ST. PAUL PLANNING COMMISSION December, 1988 Div'sion of Planning De artment of Planning and Economic Development � � Cit of St. Paul ' . I10 City Hall Annex _ 25 est Fourth Street St. aul, Minnesota 55102 (61 ) 228-3365 � C,�' 8q'3Jd � TABLE OF CONTENTS � � INTRODUCTION paae Background 1 Summary of Rec mmendations 1 Organization of �eport 2 � . . RECOMMENDED ZON�NG CODE CHANGES 1: Building Hbights and Setbacks 2 2: River Corr�dor Building Heights $ 3: Anticipate Growth and Development Statement 6 4: Minimum rea Size for New College SCUPs g 5: Parking fo�r Stadiums, Sports Arenas, Theaters 10 6: Location o� Parking for Stadiums, Sports Arenas, Theaters 10 7: Definition�of College, University, Seminary 12 8: Condition� for pormitories, Fraternities, and Sororities ' 13 9: Parking R�quirement for Employees � 14 10: Trigger Pq'int for Parking Requirement 16 11: Access Co�dition 1 g 12: Traffic Inlpact Analysis for Parking Facilities lg INFORMATION SOURCES USED FOR 40-ACRE STUDY RESEARCH 20 j � � . I � i FIGURES AND MAPS Paee Figure 1: St. Paul Colleges, Universities, and Seminaries, 21 �all 1987 Data Figure 2: College and University Campuses in St. Paul: 3 First and Second Tallest Buildings Figure 3: Campus Map for the College of:St. Thomas with Key 22 Building Heights and Setbacks Indicated Figure 4: Sections 65.230 through 65.234 of the River 23 Corridor Ordinance Figures 5 Analysis of the Zoning Code Parking Requirement 24 and 6: for Colleges 25 ii C� Sq� �3/0 COLLEGE ZONING II 40-ACRE STUDY � INTRODUCTION ; Back�round In 1985, the St. Paul Plan�ing Commission undertook a 40-acre study of Zoning Code issues related to the regulation �f non-profit higher education institutions in St. Paul*. The Planning Commission's r�port, approved in November, 1985, recommended that special condition use permits be assued for all existing higher education institutions in the city to establish campus bounda�ies and monitor compliance with parking standards. Zoning Code amendments giving the P�anning Commission authority to issue permits for existing institutions were approvqd by the City Council and went into legal effect in.March, 1986. As the Planning Commission began issuing these overall special condition use permits, it became aware of additio�hal issue areas that needed to be addressed in another 40-acre study. Specifically, there is a re' ognition that the nature of some of the city's colleges and universities is changing s ch that the activities on these campuses are or could become somewhat incompatible ith the residential neighborhoods they are located in. Although these institutions are wi ely acknawledged as tremendous assets to the city, the Planning Commission has perceive a need to reduce, through Zoning Code changes, some negative impacts on neighborhood that can result from them. This report analyzes thes issues and recommends a series of Zoning Code amendments to � implement needed chang s. (The information sources that were drawn upon for this study are briefly described at the end of this report.) These study recommenda ions are based on the recommendations of the College Zoning Committee, a special ad- oc committee of the Planning Commission that was asked to'make recommendations on bot this 40-acre study and the St. Thomas special condition use permit (separate document) to t e Planning Commission. Summarv of Recommend�ations The Zoning Code amend�nents recommended include: 1) Establish a maximum building height of 90 feet for new campus buildings (40 feet if a campus is less than 5 acres), and increase the building'setback requirement to a minimum of 50 feet, plus two feet for every foot that the building's height exceeds 50 feet. 2) Clarify imprecise oning Code language by clearly requiring that special condition uses in the River C rridor Urban Open District (RC-3) be restricted to 40 feet in height; 3) Require that any c llege, university, or seminary wishing to expand its boundary, or any new such insti ution wishing to be first established, submit an "Anticipated Growth and Devel pment Statement" to the Planning Commission; ' * See Figure 1 (p. 21) fo names of institutions and information in enrollment, number of employees, student residency, on-campus parking and campus acreage. 1 4) Require a minimum area size of three acres for new college, university, and seminary special condition use permits in residential zones; . 5) Require that stadiums, sports arenas, and theaters on college, university, and seminary � campuses provide their own parking as required by the Zoning Code,, but permit joint use of spaces already provided on campus if it can be demonstrated that the spaces are available for use; 6) Require that parking provided for theaters, auditoriums, stadiums, and sports arenas on college campuses be located within 600 feet of a main entrance to the facility; 7) Add a definition of college, university, and seminary to define the types of facilities typically found on these campuses; 8) Add conditions related to structure type, parking, and neighborhood impact for dormitories, fraternities, and sororities as special condition'uses; 9) Increase the parking requirement for college, university, and seminary employees from one space for every three to one space for every two employees. 10) Modify the'trigger point at which additional parking is required from.l0 percent to 10 percent or 300 additional students, staff;or dormitory beds, whichever is less. 11) Clarify the existing condition that principal access be from a major thoroughfare to specify that some portion of the campus boundary be adjacent to a major thoroughfare; 12) Clarify that the City traffic engineer or Planning Administrator may require a traffic impact analysis as part of site plan review whenever a new parking facility is ' proposed. . Or�anization of Renort The report presents a brief description of each of the recommended Zoning Code changes, a discussion of the reasons for the change, and proposed amendment language. Language to be deleted from the Code is dashed through; proposed new language is underlined. RECOMMENDED ZONING CODE CHANGES RECOMMENDATION 1: ESTABLISH A MAXIMUM'BUILDING HEIGHT OF 90 FEET � FOR NEW CAMPUS BUII;DINGS (40 FEET IF A CAMPUS IS LESS THAN 5 ACRES), AND IN�CREASE THE BUILDING SETBACK REQUIREMENT TO A MINIMUM OF 50 FEET, PLUS TWO FEET FOR EVERY FOOT THAT THE BUILDING'S HEIGHT EXCEEDS 50 FEET. 2 � � �' 8q'-3�a Discussion The Zoning Code as urrently written contains a setback requirement.but no height limit for . , buildings on college, niversity, and seminary campuses. Height is indirectly regulated by the required building setback, which is 50 feet or the height of the building, whichever is greater. For example a building could theoretically be 300 feet in height if it is set back 300 feet from the pu lic right-of-way. A height limit for campus buildings would help insure that new buil ings are similar in scale to existing buildings, and are at a scale appropriate to an institutional use in a residential setting. The Summit Avenue �lan, approved by the City Council in 1986, dealt with the issue of college building heiglhts since there are five campuses that front on Summit Avenue. The plan recommends tha a survey of college, university, and seminary building heights be conducted and that a height restriction be established consistent with currently prevailing heights. A survey of the first and second tallest buildings on ea�h campus was conducted for this purpose. Th results are given below: i I Figure 2 Coll ge and University Campuses in St. Paul: ; First and Second Tallest. Buildings Building Heiqht - 100 9� , . . 95 0 90 85 gl ' 80 7e . 75 72 70 70 70 70 . 65 65 63 60 ` 55 53 51 50 48 45 • 40 40 30 . 1� ec°d� �°'�e�dQ�,,,>>�g�°'�;t. �,EO�c.e� �����p•1��OJP�e -1-`���c.K�G�M���pO��C��n�°� o�`O�.e �,ye 5� 05'' Oo• �,e'�J�ne' �r f\�1.`�°��5'�e�� �'J,��'_�`�gll. ��,� `'�J ��. ,��o�l��.•�ot�ro,ey�e`�0�0 p�,�� QpJ>�Q�.:Go�e C ��:re� M�ti�ca�o:ca�oo . 5 c��• �ooQ�ti. � 5�''�t Q' �t`�J,��`e �vti .��'Go�G Co�GO School and Building Name Sol�d bar equals tallest campus building. Cross-hatched bar e�quals second tallest bldg. Diagonal bor thirdjtallest (St. Thomas only). � � 3 As the graph demonstrates, five buildings total on all of the campuses exceed 70 feet at their highest points, with the highest being St. Thomas' Brady Residence Hall at 99 feet. . However, the actual Zoning Code height of many of these buildings is less than the height indicated since the Code's definition of building height measures height not to the highest � point, but to the deck line of mansard roofs and to the midpoint between eaves and ridge on gable, hip, and gambrel roofs. Unfortunately, this definition of building"height was not provided when the colleges were asked for the building height information. Therefore, the heights indicated on the chart could possibly be reduced by S to 10 feet to fit the Zoning Code definition of building height, depending upon the design of fhe building. (For example, more specific information from the College of St. Thoinas revealed that the actual height of Brady Residence Hall, as defined by the Zoning Code, is 82 feet. It is 99 feet to the very top of the mechanical penthouse.) Given the above information, a height ceiling of 90 feet for most of the campuses would be reasonable because it would allow construction of buildings that are generally consistent with prevailing heights. As was noted above, only five existing buildings exceed 70 feet in height and none exceed 90 feet. A 70 foot height restriction had been recommended in an earlier draft of this study. However, buildings that are taller than 70 feet can and do look appropriate on college campuses if they have a sufficient setback from the right-of-way. For smaller campuses, those less than 5 acres (a standard city block is approximately 4-5 acres), building heights should more closely match the heights of surrounding uses. Maximum building heights for most residential areas of the city (single-family through multiple-family RM-1) are 30 to 40 feet. For campuses less than 5 acres in size, the maximum height of buildings should be 40 feet. The height of buildings and the sense of scale they convey is closely related to the building setback. Therefore, consideration of an appropriate height limit must also include consideration of an appropriate setback requirement. Currently, the setback requirement, � which is 50 feet or the height of the building, requires a 1:1 height to setback ratio for buildings 50 feet or higher. Is this a sufficient setback for buildings of up to 90 feet in height? An acceptable method for evaluating an appropriate setback requirement is to look at the interrelationship of height and setback for existing buildings on the city's college campuses. Most of the campuses are characterized by moderate scale buildings of under 50 feet on the sides of the campuses facing adjacent streets. Many of these buildings have a height to setback ratio of about 1:1 (setback approximately equal to height). Examples of this are Macalester College's dorm buildings along Summit Avenue, the administration building entrance at Concordia College, and the Manor House Residence on Englewood Avenue at Hamline University. The scale of these buildings looks appropriate. One factor that also � contributes to an appropriate "look" is interesting arc�itectural detail. For buildings over 50 feet, however, a setback that is equal to the building's height does not seem sufficient. A setback of two feet for every foot a building's height exceeds 50 feet is recommended. A tall building can be imposing and out of scale if it is not set back sufficiently from the street. About the only campus with buildings taller than 50 feet that " directly face residential streets is the College of St. Thomas*. These buildings, Aquinas and Albertus Magnus,Halls on Summit Avenue, and O'Shaughnessy Library and the Educational Center on Cleveland Avenue are about 55-60 feet in height according to the Zoning Code * See Figure 3 (p. 22) for St. Thomas campus map with heights and setbacks indicated. Campus maps for Hamline, St. Catherine, Concordia and Macalester with key heights and setbacks indicated are available upon request. 4 � �F Scl- 3�o definition of heigh� (although the peaks are around 70 feet high). These buildings have generous setbacks tl�at equal or exceed the setback requirement recommended here, and are beautifully designe , both of which contribute to a sense of scale that seems appropriate to an institutional use in a residential setting. � Therefore, a height and setback requirement that helps preserve the existing character and scale of the city's t�n existing college, university, and seminary campuses, which contribute much to the quality of St. Paul's residential neighborhoods, is appropriate and reasonable. The concept of a Sq foot minimum setback, plus an additional 2:1 setback requirement, is also supported by t e current setback requirement for hospitals. Hospitals, along with colleges, are the on y uses permitted i� residential zones that may exceed the standard height restrictions of 30-5 feet. For hospitals, there is no height restriction, although buildings must be set back a inimum of 50 feet, plus 20 feet for every story over two (roughly a 2:1 setback to height r�tio). This setback requirement is similar to that proposed for colleges.* Pronosed Amendm�nt Laneua�e to Imnlement Recommendation 1 Amend Section 60.413 (6) pertaining to the regulation of colleges, universities, and seminaries as perm#tted uses subject to special conditions in the R-1 through R-4 zoning district, to modify he setback requirement and add a building height limit (new clause c) as indicated: (6)(b) �10-� ��}i�xg-ske��-be-e�ose�to-a��-�ope�t�-�rx�-�}�e�r-a-di�s�a�e�-eqe�a�-�o-t�e #�efS#� o€-��e-�t�di�rg;-o�3a-�e�E,-�kic+keveF-�s-g�e�ter: Buildines shall be set back minimum f 50 feet from v r r ert line lus an additional two fe t f r ever foot the uildin 's hei ht exc eds 5 f et. � I � (� On a am us of fiv 5 acres r more no ildin hall excee 90 f et in hei h • on a cam us maller than five 5 acres n buildin shall ex ed 4 feet in hei ht. RECOMMENDATION 2: CLARIFY IMPRECISE ZONING CODE LANGUAGE BY � CLEARLY REQUIRING THAT SPECIAL CONDITION USES IN I THE RIVER CORRIDOR URBAN OPEN DISTRICT (RC-3) BE , RESTRICTED TO 40 FEET IN HEIGHT. Discussion � Section 65.233 of t�e Zoning Code restricts development of uses in the RC-3 River Corridor Urban Open Distr�ct to 40 feet in height. Because of the location of this section within the code, it has been nclear whether the 40 foot height limitation applies to special condition uses as well as per itted uses. Section 65.233, which limits height, comes after Section 65.232, which desc ibes principal uses permitted, and before Section 65.234, which describes special condition ses. (See Figure 4, p. 23.) * The lack of height restriction for hospitals can be explained by the somewhat tougher setb ck requirement (roughly a 2:1 setback is required for every floor above two instead f for building height in excess of 50 feet), plus the fact that hospitals are first permitt d in the RM-2 multi family residential district, while college's are permitted in all residential zones, including single family. 5 On October 8, 1987, the City Council approved a site plan for construction of a new building complex by the St. Paul Seminary on its campus, which is in the RC-3 district. A college, university, or seminary is considered a special condition use in the RC-3 district if it is considered a special condition use in the underlying zone. The building complex proposed � by the Seminary was to exceed the 40 foot limit at several points, and the City Council approved the site plan, granting a modification of the 40 foot height limit. The Council's decision in this case clarified that the intent of the City Council, which is the original legislative body that approved the River Corridor requirements, was that the 40 foot limit would apply to special condition uses. Therefore, the Zoning Code change recommended here, which would clarify that the 40 foot limit does apply to special condition uses, would be consistent with the City Council's interpretation of the Code. Pronosed Amendment Lan�tuage to Imnlement Recommendation 2 A. Amend Section 65.234 pertaining to principal uses permitted subject to special conditions in the RC-3 River Corridor Urban Open District'as follows: 65.234. Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions. Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions are those specified by the corresponding underlying district as established in Section 65.301 to the extent that they are not prohibited by any other p'rovision of the Zoning Code. They are subject to standards specified in the corresponding underlying district section and to those specified in Sections 65.233 and 65.400 et. seq. RECOMMENDATION 3: REQUIRE THAT ANY COLLEGE, UNIVERSITY, OR SEMINARY WISHING TO EXPAND ITS BOUNDARY, OR ANY NEW SUCH INSTITUTION WISHING TO BE FIRST " ESTABLISHED, SUBMIT AN "ANTICIPATED GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT STATEMENT" TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION. Discussion � The Zoning Code should be amended to require that any college, university, or seminary wishing to expand its boundary, or any new college et al wishing to be first established, submit an "anticipated growth and development statement" to the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission would then evaluate the statement, using specified criteria, to determine whether approval of the boundary expansion or new special condition use permit (SCUP) was appropriate. � � As the Zoning Code is presently written, the Planning Commission must approve an application for a boundary expansion or new SCUP if the use meets all the conditions (and there are really only three conditions, which are related to.parking, access to a major thoroughfare, and building setbacks). Legally, the Planning Commission may not consider , impact on the surrounding neighborhood, or any other factors, in making a decision. This is not appropriate, given that the expansion or establishment of an i.nstitutional use in a residential neighborhood is a major land use decision. (A separate 40-acre study; on community residential facilities, is recommending that general standards for all special condition uses be added to the Zoning Code that will allow the Planning Commission to consider neighborhood impact in making a decision. This study is currently in the process of • Planning Commission review.) � 6 � �' F��1'-3/a An "anticipated growth apd development statement" would not be a full-blown plan, but, as the name implies, a state�ent that describes key aspects of how the institution intends to develop its campus in the' future and the anticipated impact this will have on the . surrounding neighborhoo . Such a statement would give the City and neighborhood more information about what o expect at the campus if an expansion or new permit were approved, and how that ight affect surrounding development. It is assumed that an institution would be fort right in developing and following its statement of anticipated growth and development in the interests of maintaining a good relationship with the neighborhood, and with he City, from which future approvals may be necessary. Such a statement would e required to contain the following elements: 1) Proposed new boun ary or boundary expansion. 2) Enrollment growth plans, which at a minimum, include planned maximum enrollment by major category full-time, part-time, undergraduate, graduate) over the next 10 years, and more gemerally, maximum enrollment anticipated over the next 20 years. 3) Plans for major pa king facilities over the next 10 years, including potential locations, and approximate ti ing of development. 4) Plans for the provi ion of additional student housing, either on-campus, or off-campus in college-controlle housing. � 5) Plans for use of la d and buildings, new construction, and changes affecting major open space. � 6) An analysis of the effect this expansion (or new campus) will have on the economic, . social, and physica well-being of the surrounding neighborhood, and how the expansion (or new ampus) will benefit the broader commuaity. � The Planning Commissi n would decide based upon the statement as presented, and other relevant information, w ether a boundary expansion (or new permit) was appropriate. In making that decision, th Planning Commission would use the following criteria: � a) Anticipated ndergraduate student enrollment growth is supported by plans for student hous ng that can be expected to prevent excessive increase in student housing dem nd in residential neighborhoods adjacent to the campus. b) Potential par�ing sites identified in the plan are generally acceptable in terms of - possible acce s points and anticipated traffic flows on adjacent streets. c) Plans for building construction and maintenance�of major open space areas indicate a sehsitivity to ad jacent development by maintaining or providing adequate and appropriately located open space.� d) The proposed boundary expansion (or new boundary) and the "anticipated growth and develop�ent statement" are not in conflict with the City's Comprehensive Plan. . , . 7 I� In addition, the Planning Commission would evaluate the application against the general standards for special condition uses (to be added to the Zoning Code as part of the Community Residential Facilities 40-Acre Study) that would require that any proposed special condition use not be detrimental to the immediate neighborhood or endanger the ' public health, safety, and welfare. (The proposed amendment language follows Recommendation 4.) RECOMMENDATION 4: REQUIRE A MINIMUM LOT SIZE OF THREE ACRES FOR NEW COLLEGE, UNIVERSITY, AND SEMINARY SPECIAL CONDITION USE PERMITS IN RESIDENTIAL ZONES. Discussion This recommendation would require that new, free-standing college, university, and seminary uses in residential areas be a minimum of three acres in size. An average city block is approximately 4 to 5 acres in size. There is no minimum lot size requirement now. This requirement would apply either to a new college, university, or seminary first establishing itself in the city or to an existing institution that wishes to establish a satellite campus. A new special condition use permit would be issued for each such use. An existing institution wishing to expand its current campus would have to apply for a change in the campus boundary as found in the overall permit for the institution. In this case, the area that would be added to the campus would not need to be three acres as long as it was contiguous to the existing campus. The intent of this recommended change to the Zoning Code is to prevent an existing or new � institution from buying a few lots in the middle of a residential�neighborhood and using them for college, university, or seminary purposes. This recommended change would also have the effect of requiring an institution to apply for an expansion of its campus boundary in its overall special condition use permit when it wished to expand college uses around an existing, traditional campus instead of getting individual special condition use permits for those uses, as has been done in the past. The result will be a clearer and more logical process. � Of course, this proposed change would not preclude a college from owning additional property anywhere in the city and using it for a use normally permitted within the zoning district is is located in. For example, a college could own a warehouse in an industrial zone and use the warehouse for any use allowed in that zoning district. The principle also applies to any apartment building or other type of housing a college may own. The use of the housing for college students is permitted if that type of housing is an allowed use in the zoning district. Pronosed Amendment Lan�ua�e to Imnlement Recommendations 3 and 4 A. Amend Section 60.413 (6) pertaining to the regulation of co�leges, universities, and seminaries as permitted uses subject to special conditions in the R-1 through R-4 zoning districts to require submission of an "anticipated growth and development statement" for establishment of a new boundary or expansion of an existing boundary, to require a minimum lot size of three acres, and to require that all property included within the boundary be contiguous, as indicated: � 8 VI V I rv/� (e)(� The �oundaries of the institution shall be as defined in the permit, and may not be expanded without the prior approval of the Planning Commission, �s evi nced an amended eci 1 ndi i n e Permit. The c m u ha i in th o n ri h I1 'nim m thr r n 11 � r r wi hin he m bo ndaries m t c nti u Th a 1 nt sh 11 s mi n " nti i te rowth nd evel m nt t m nt" which s tement hall inclu e t n b limi d t the f llowin lement • l. Pronbsed new boundarv or boundarv exnansiori. 2 Enr lm nt r wth lan whi h in 1 1 nne r nti i ate m xim m enr lmen b ma' r c t or full-tim r -tim nder r t rad at ver the n x 1 r nd 1 o th an ici ed maximum nro lmen v r th n x 2 ar � Plan for rkin faciliti v r h n xt 1 e r includin en i 1 lo at n n r ximat tim . f ev 1 m nt. � j� 4 •Pl n r h r vi i n f i i n 1 t n h in i h r n- m u r ff-c m u in lle •con roll h in �, P1 n f r us of 1 n nd il in n w on ru i n nd h n aff tin m 'or en ac ¢:, An 1 is f h eff ct thi x n i n r n w m u will h v n h e n mic i 1 nd h i 1 w Il- in f th urr un in nei h rh od � nd w he ex n ion or new m will efi th br r m uni A rov 1 of new or x nded cam u" ound r h 11 b ed n n v 1 a i usin h en r 1 n r for i 1 c ndi i n s f un in e i n an the f 11 win ri ri • 1 An i i a un r r d e d n enr llm nt row h i rte 1 n for s udent housin� that can be exnected to nrevent excessive increase in h im m � in r i n i 1 i h n m � Potential narkina sites identified in the nlan are Qenerallv accentable in termsi of nossible access noints and anticinated traffic flows on adjacent tre t � Pl�ns�for buildin¢ construction and maintenance of maior onen snace areas in i n i ivit a 'ac n v lo m n in inin r r vi in ' a n r ri el lo n a � 4 Th r s n w r x n r n " n i i r w n d v 1 men men " ar n in c nfli with th i ' m r hen ive Plan• 9 � RECOMMENDATION 5: REQUIRE THAT STADIUMS, SPORTS ARENAS, AND THEATERS ON COLLEGE, UNIVERSITY, AND SEMINARY CAMPUSES PROVIDE THEIR OWN PARKING AS REQUIRED BY THE ZONING CODE BUT PERMIT JOINT USE OF SPACES � ALREADY PROVIDED ON CAMPUS IF IT CAN BE DEMONSTRATED THAT THE SPACES ARE AVAILABLE FOR USE. � Discussion The Zoning Code as presently written is unclear as to whether stadiums, sports arenas;and theaters located on a college, university, or seminary campus are considered primary or accessory uses. If they are considered primary uses, they must provide off-street parking as required by the Zoning Code. If they are considered accessory uses, they do not have to provide additional parking, because the parking provided for the primary use (the school) is considered adequate to cover the parking needs of this use on campus. On many campuses, events that attract audiences to auditoriums, theaters, and sports facilities are scheduled during times when parking demand by students and employees is low. In other words, many of these events are scheduled during evenings and weekends when most commuter students and staff are not present on campus. At times such as this, parking spaces normally occupied by students and staff are vacant, and available for use by people attending special campus events. However, it is not certain that this will be true every time. For example, a school with an extensive evening class program that schedules athletic events attracting large non-student/faculty audiences to the campus at the same time could create a significant on-street parking problem on neighborhood streets. Therefore, new stadiums, sports arenas, or theaters that are to be built on a college, university, or seminary campus should be required to demonstrate that adequate parking will � be available to meet demand during times when the facility is expected to attract t�e general public (everyone other than students and employees). This could be done by: 1) requiring that the new spaces required by the Code be provided at the time of building permit application; or 2) allowing the school to identify existing parking spaces that are available for joint use, and also provide documentation demonstrating that the spaces will not be required to meet the needs of the normal school population when special events will be scheduled. � Further, the spaces that are provided to meet the parking requirement should be provided within 600 feet of a facility entrance, so that the parking will be used by those it is intended to serve. People tend to park as close to their destination as possible, and if off-street parking provided is too far away, people will tend to park on the street. (The recommendation for a 600 foot distance requirement is covered under.Recommendation 6. The proposed amendment language to implement both Recommendations 5 and 6 follows.) RECOMMENDATION 6: REQUIRED PARKING PROVIDED FOR THEATERS, . AUDITORIUMS, STADIUMS, AND SPORTS ARENAS ON . COLLEGE, UNIYERSITY, AND SEMINARY CAMPUSES MUST BE LOCATED WITHIN 600 FEET OF A PRINCIPAL ENTRANCE TO THE FACILITY. 10 , � �- 3 �v Discussion The Zoning Code urrently requires that parking provided for non-residential uses be either: (a) on the same zo ing lot, (b) in a P-1 Vehicular Parking District, or (c) within the same district as the pri cipal use and within 300 feet of the building it is intended to serve. The intent of this req irement is to make sure that parking provided for a particular use is close enough to it so th�t it is used by those it is intended to serve. These requiremen�s work welt for most situations, but for college campuses, which are considered to be o e zoning lot and contain multiple uses, it could result in parking spaces a quarter of a mile �r more away being counted to meet the parking requirement for a new stadium or theater Unless facility users were forced somehow to use the parking provided, they would tend t park in the closest available spot to their destination, which would often be a city street. T prevent this from occurring, this recommendation would require that parking required or any theater, auditorium, stadium, or sports area on a college campus be located within 600 feet of a principal entrance to the facility. � Six hundred feet i the average length of a residehtial block in St. Paul. Six hundred feet is recommended as t e maximum distance between a parking facility and final destination for commercial areas i a respected urban design text called Site Plannina, by Kevin Lynch (Second edition; M T Press, 1971). No recommended standard could be found for p�arking facilities serving i stitutional uses, although the behavior of persons parking and then walking to a desti ation could be assumed to be somewhat similar for both commercial and institutional uses. An actual example that could be considered to support a 600 foot standard is the location of the main parking 1 t on the College of St. Catherine in relation to the main entrance to the College's O'Shaugh essy Auditorium, which schedules many events of general public interest. The walking dista ce between this parking lot and main entrance is approximately 900 feet, and it has been obs rved that during special events the large lot is half-full and the streets directly north of t e campus across Randolph Avenu.e are filled with on-street parking. Although building nd parking facility design and location could affect the perceived attractiveness and illingness of persons to park and walk distances greater than 600�feet, such a standard wi 1 help insure that parking facilities will be close enough to be used by . those they are inte ded to serve. ' Pronosed Amendmeht LaneuaQe to Imnlement Recommendations S and 6 Amend Section 60.4I13(6) regulating colleges, universities, and seminaries as permitted uses . subject to special ca�nditions in the R-1 through R-4 zoning districts to clarify the parking requirement for stadiums, theaters, and sports arenas, as follows: (6)(� A theatrb, auditorium or snorts arena located on a colteae universitv or seminarv am u u t rovide off-street � rkin within 00 fee of th buildin erved m sure fr m a rin i 1 ntr n t h uil in h n r int • f he f- reet arkin f cilit nd al r vi he n m er f rkin c cifie in S ti n 62.1 . The Pl nnin ommi i n aft r bli h rin m d termi that th xi tin arkin r vi ed h in itu i n for tu ents m 1 nd rmi r m e thi r in r i m n n h foll win : � Th s c r wi hin 0 f e f h il in h r inten av me ur d fr m a rinci al n r n e th ildin to h ne r oint f h off-str t arkin 1 • and � � 11 � It can be demonstrated bv the institution that the snaces are not needed bv students and emnlovees durins times when events attracting non-students �nd non-emnlovees are to be held RECOMMENDATION 7: ADD A DEFINITION OF COLLEGE, UNIVERSITY, AND SEMINARY TO DEFINE THE TYPES OF FACILITIES TYPICALLY FOUND ON THESE CAMPUSES. Discussion The Zoning Code currently does not have a definition of college, university, and seminary, although a short definition is given in Section 60.413 (6), where they are first listed as a special condition use in the R-1 through R-4 residential districts. A more thorough deFinition, to be added to the definition section of the Zoning Code, will further clarify what colleges, universities, and seminaries are considered to be and the types of facilities typically found on these campuses. . A definition such as this can help insure that facilities clearly inappropriate for a college campus will not be permitted. This does not mean, however, that the services, programs, and facilities that colleges typically offer to the community-at-large are inappropriate. A su,rvey of colleges, universities, and seminaries in St. Paul was conducted to determine the amount of non-credit classes and seminars, special events, and rental of facilities that occurs. (The results are available upon request.) All of the schools surveyed rent school facilities for a fee to groups that conduct activities ranging from high school tournaments.to wedding parties. Clearly, campus classrooms, meeting areas, banquet and sports facilities serve as a . valuable resource for diverse organizations and groups within the community. This type of activity is certainly appropriate and reasonable. � There has been concern by some neighborhood residents that this type of activity can get out of hand, attracting more people to the campus than there are parking spaces for and creating additional traffic congestion on streets adjacent to the campus. A previous draft of this study had proposed a limit of 25 percent on the number of hours.a facility could be in - "commercial" use (fee for use). However, this type of limit is too gross to be responsive to the many different types of activities and situations that typically occur on a campus. What would this type of limit mean for a campus day care center, or the Legal Education Center that rents an office building on the William Mitchell campus? In addition, such a requirement would be very difficult to interpret and enforce, and many of the � extracurricular activities that take place on a campus and cause concern for neighborhood residents would not fall under the definition of commercial use anyway. It seems reasonable to largely rely on institutions to police themselves in this regard, given the difficulties a truly commercial enterprise would pose for an institution in terms of parking needs and conflicts with other traditional campus activities, and the possible � jeopardy to an institution's non-profit tax status that could result from inappropriate ' activities. Pronosed Amendment Languaue to Imnlement Recommendation 7 Amend Section 60.203 C to add a definition for college, university, and seminar,y, as indicated: 12 �` 89-3�o 60.203. G Coll � niv rsit or seminar . An instituti n f r ond r duc ti n li r riva e off rin cour in n r 1• echni 1 r r li i ed ati n nd n t erated for rofit whi h r tes in il in owned ar leased bv the institution for administrative and facultv offices. � 1 s r 1 r rie h 1 dit ri m lecture h 11 li r ri st d n nd facul c nters hl tic facili ies ormitori s fra rni i n r ri i b no incl din lle es or trade sch ols o r e f r r fi RECOMMENDATION 8: ADD CONDITIONS RELATED TO STRUCTURE TYPE, PARKING, AND NEIGHBORHOOD IMPACT FOR I DORMITORIES, FRATERNITIES, AND SORORITIES AS SPECIAL CONDITION USES. Discussion Dormitories, fraternities,; and sororities are first permitted as special condition uses in the RT-1 Two-Family Residantial District. The only�condition they must meet is that they be on or within 250 feet of thel nearest property line of a school. If this condition is met, the Planning Commission ha little choice but to approve the special condition use permit application. In order to nsure that such a facility will not be incompatible with adjacent residential uses, two add tional conditions, related to structure type and parking should be added. The first condition, relat d to structure type, would simply require that dormitories, fraternities, and sororiti s be located in structures that were designed and built as one or two-family dwelling stru tures. Normally, a fraternity or sorority would be located in a , structure of this type, b t a dormitory can mean anything from a small "foreign language" house to a large, brick, ulti-story, multi-room dormitory building. Dormitories of this latter type are typically more intense use than any type of permitted residential use they may be located next to. lso, the number of students that would live in a large dormitory is such that they should id ally be close to the classrooms and other support facilities they use on a daily basis. ' Therefore, large dormito ies (larger than a one oi two unit structure), should be located within a campus bounda#�y. However, small dormitories, such as Macalester College's foreign language houses, are appkopriate and should continue to be allowed within 250 feet. The second condition, re�ated to parking, would stipulate that parking be provided as . required by Section 62.1 3 (for dormitories: one space�for every three beds; for fraternities and sororities: one spac for every five active members, or one space for every two beds, whichever is greater), an that a visual screen of fence or plant materials be erected to shield the parking from djacent residential uses as required by Section 62.104(12). Consideration by the Pla ning Commission of impact on the surrounding neighborhood in . . making a decision on a ermit application is also important. As explained under � Recommendation 3, gene al standards for all special condition uses are to be added to the Zoning Code as part of t e Community Residential Facilities 40-Acre Study. This will permit the Planning Co mission to consider neighborhood impact in deciding whether to approve any special con ition use. Two other changes regar ing dormitories, fraternities, and sororities should be made. The first is to add separate d finitions to the Zoning Code for each. The second is to clarify that these facilities must be n a campus or within 250 feet of a campus boundary as established I 13 in a snecial condition use nermit for a college, university, or seminary. The Code now states that dormitories, etc. be located on or within 250 feet of the nearest scho�ol uronertv line. This change would be consistent with how college uses are regulated now. . Pronosed Amendment Laneua�e to Imnlement Recommendation 8 A. Amend Section 60.423 Subdivision (2) pertaining to principal uses permitted subject to special conditions in the RT-1 zoning district to clarify and add additional conditions, as follows: (2) Fraternity and sorority houses and dormitories which are located on a camnus or within 250 feet of t�he-�reeFes���opeft3r�-�rx�-e#=�►�-se��. a camnus boundarv � established in the snecial condition use nermit for a colle�e. universitv. or seminarv. subiect to the followin¢ conditions: � The nronosed use must be located in an existina structure desi�ned and built as a one or two familv dwellina unit or new structure�that meets the heittht. densitv. and setback reauirements for two familv units if it is outside of the camnus boundarv but within 250 feet of it. � Off-street narkin� nrovided must be consistent with the reduirements snecified in Sections 62.103 and 62.104(12). B. Amend Section 60.204, Section 60.206, and Section 60.219 to clarify the definition of a dormitory and add definitions for fraternity and sorority houses: 60.204 Dormitory. A building designed for or used as ro living quarters for . students of a high school, college, university, or seminary, organized and owned by, a high school, college, university, or seminary. �3of�rri�o��-tao�t�es €�ete�x i�y-e�xd-so�e�i�y-�he�ses. 60.206 Fraternity House. A buildinQ used as rtroun living auarters for students ,Qf a colleQe. universitv, or seminarv who are members of a fraternitv that has been officiallv recoQnized bv the colle�e. universitv. or seminarv. - 60.219 Sorority House. A buildin¢ used as groun livina auarters for students of a colle¢e. universitv, or seminarv who are members of a sororitv that has been officiallv recoenized bv the colleQe. universitv, or seminarv. RECOMMENDATION 9: INCREASE THE PARKIN.G REQUIREMENT FOR COLLEGE, UNIVERSITY, AND SEMINARY EMPLOYEES FROM ONE SPACE FOR EVERY THREE TO ONE SPACE FOR EVERY TWO EMPLOYEES. Discussion . The current parking requirement for colleges, universities, and seminaries is one space for every three of the following: employees, dormitory beds, and the greater of full-time students living off-campus or part-time students. The consulting firm of Strgar-Roscoe-Fausch, Inc. (SRF) was asked to analyze the adequacy of this parking requirement as part of their College of St. Thomas neighborhood impact study. As a result of their analysis, they recommended the following requirement: , 1) 30 spaces for every 100 full-time resident students; , 14 i � S�t-�3 �o 2) 40 spaces for ever� 100 employees; and • 3) if full-time comm ter students exceed part-time students, then 60 spaces for every 100 full-time commute students, or if part-time students exceed full-time commuter students, then 40 s aces for every 100 part-time students. The consulting firm d veloped this recommendation based on a survey of parking demand, both on-campus and o -street, at five colleges and universities: �St. Thomas, Concordia, Hamline, Macalester, a d St. Catherine. The surveys were taken during periods of peak parking demand durin a normal school week in the Spring of 1987. The survey revealed that the current parki g requirement was underestimating observed parking demand at the five schools by betwee 3 and 25 percent. The SRF recommended requirement had a range of between -8 percent o +8 percent when compared to the observed demand. (See Figure 5, p. 24.) The SRF reco mendation results in a parking requirement that more closely matches observed demand for t ese five schools. � There are a number of problems with this requirement, .however. First, it is overly complicated and diffi ult to understand. Second, it could result in a significant difference in required parking fo�r essentially the same population if the number of full-time commuter students and part-time students was just slightly more or less than the other: For example, if there were 100 part-ti�e students and 99 full-time commuter students, required parking would be calculated a ainst the part-time students, and the number of spaces required would be 40. If full-time we e 100 and part-time students numbered 99, the parking requirement would be 60 spaces. ; Third, the recommend d requirement results in a significant increase in the number of , spaces required for sc ools that were not included in the survey. For a 10 percent increase in students, employees and dorm beds (which is the level of increase at which additional parking is required no for these schools) the SRF recommended requirement would result in increases of betwee 19 and 80 percent over the c.urrent requirement for these schools: St. Paul Technical Institu e, William Mitchell, Luther Northwestern Theological Seminary, and the School of the Asso iated Arts. (See Figure 6, p. 25.) � An alternate recomme dation for a parking requirement change has been developed by Planning staff and is ecommended here. The recommended requirement would stay the same for dormitory bekis and students (basically one for three), but would slightly increase the requirement for e�ployees from one space for every three to one space for every two. � This requirement wou�d reduce the gap between the observed demand and what the Zoning � Code now requires fo � the five schools surveyed, from -3 to -25 percent (current requirement gap) to -19 to +5 percelnt (recommended requirement gap). (See again Figure 5.) At the same time, the recommende¢1 change results in a more moderate increase in the requirement for all of the schools as comp,�red to the SRF recommended requirement. (See again Figure 6.) � . There are other reaso�s to support the standard recommended here. First, recognizing that • the current Zoning Code requirement underestimates observed demand for the five schools surveyed, an increase in the parking requirement for employees makes the most sense. Employees at most schIools tend to be at work at the same time of day. This is primarily during the day, excepd at William Mitchell, which is a night school. Roughly 70-80 percent of employees at most �chools are present on campus at the same time. (See Figure 1, column 5.) Further, Strgar-Rqscoe-Fausch, Inc. has estimated that 90-95 percent of employees drive to campus. Therefore it seems reasonable to increase the employee parking requirement so that it is more in line�ith real employee parking demand. , 15 Some may argue that the parking requirement should be increased even more to reduce further the gap between observed demand and what is required by the Zoning Code, more in � line with what SRF has recommended. However, developing appropriate parking standards , is an inexact science. Given that inexactness, it is better to err on the side of not requiring quite enough parking than to require too much. The parking demand observed during the survey were weekly peak demands. During the rest of the week, parkiqg demand would be less than this. It becomes a tradeoff, whether the community would rather see another surface parking lot and less green space on campus, or more green space and more on-street parking. The goal obviously is to find an appropriate balance between preserving green space and reducing on-street parking. The new parking requirement recommended here finds a better balance between these two values than the current requirement or that recommended by SRF. The Committee would also like to recommend that all of the colleges, universities, and seminaries thoroughly investigate transportation optipns that will help reduce the number of cars coming to campus, such as car pooling, encouraging bus ridership, bicycling and walking to campus, giving preferential parking spots to van pools, and so forth. Pronosed Amendment Lans�uar�e to Imnlement Recommendation 9 Amend Section 62.103, Subd. 6 (2)(1) pertaining to parking requirements by use to increase the parking requirement for colleges, universities, and seminaries as follows: (2)(1) College, university or seminary. One for every ��rtae{3� two 2 employees.and members of the staff and either one for every three (3) full-time students not residing on campus or one for every three (3) part-time . students, whichever is greater. RECOMMENDATION 10: MODIFY THE TRIGGER�POINT AT WHICH ADDITIONAL PARKING IS REQUIRED FROM 10 PERCENT TO 10 PERCENT OR 300 ADDITIONAL STUDENTS, STAFF, AND/OR DORMITORY BEDS, WHICHEVER IS.LESS. . Discussion For college, university, and seminary special condition uses, one of the conditions that must be met is that additional parking be provided whenever there is an increase of more than 10 • percent in the baseline number of students, employees, and dormitory beds identified in the school's permit. For example, Hamline University must provide additional parking whenever the total number of employees, full-time students living off-campus, and dormitory beds (upon which the parking requirement is based) increases by more than 10 percent (from the baseline number of 1,959, established in 1985, to 2,155). When this occurs, Hamline will be required to provide 65 additional spaces according to the current parking • requirement. . The 10 percent trigger works well for all of the schools except the College of St. Thomas, which is almost three times as large as most of the other schools. St. Thomas's baseline number of employees, students, and dormitory beds must increase by nearly 600 (10 percent) before the College is required to add additional parking (almost 200 spaces). This is quite a significant deficiency to have before additional spaces are required. (It should be noted, however, that St. Thomas currently has 207 excess spaces available that it can use to meet future parking requirements.) � . 16 �t'� 8R' 3 �U The list below shows th number of spaces that would have to be provided by each school for a 10 percent increas in the number of employees, students, and staff.over Fall, 1987 levels (using the currentj parking requirement): 1. College of St. Thom s 196 spaces , (includes St. Paul S minary) . 2. St. Paul Technical I stitute 79 spaces 3. College of St. Cathe ine 76 spaces 4. Macalester College 72 spaces 5. Hamline University 70 spaces 6. Concordia College 41 spaces ' � 7. William Mitchell � 36 spaces � 8. Luther Northweste n Seminary 24 spaces 9. School of Associate Arts 5 spaces As this list demonstrate , St. Thomas could be close to a 200 space deficit before it would be required to provide additional parking. Therefore, it is recommended that the ten percent growth trigger point be modified to state that additional park'ing be required when there is an increase of 10 perce t or 300 in the number of students, employees, and dorm beds upon which the parking requ rement is based. This will insure that the College of St. Thomas will " be required to provide ore parking when their deficit is around 100 spaces instead of 200 spaces. (Under the revi ed parking requirement recommended in this study, which recommends a slightly igher requirement for employees, this deficit could be a little more than 100 spaces depend ng upon how much of the growth was in employees versus students or dormitory beds.) Th net effect of this recommended modification in the trigger point on the other schools will b nil (as demonstrated by the chart above) unless one of the schools significantly increases 'n size. � � i Since the same parking �equirement applies to colleges, universities, and seminaries permitted in the B-2 and B-3 neighborhood commercial districts, the Zoning Code language in those sections needs �o be amended to read "10 percent or 300" also. The proposed amendment language is also given below. � � Pronosed Amendment I�angua�e to Imnlement Recommendation 10 Amend Section 60.413 (�) regulating colleges, universities, and seminaries as permitted uses subject to special condi�ions in the R-1 through R-4 zoning districts to modify the trigger , point at which addition�al parking is required, as indicated: , I (6)(d)(g� � The institution shall not exceed by more than 10 percent or 3Q0 the student enrollment, staff and employee size and/or dormitory bed levels identified in the permit unless required off street parking is provided and approved by the Commission. � , 17 Amended Section 60.532(g)(ii) regulating parking required for colleges, universities, and seminaries as permitted uses in the B-2 and B-3 neighborhood commercial districts, and also to correct reference to the parking requirement section, as indicated: (g) (ii) When an institution is established in the districY, the institution shall be required to provide the minimum number of off-street parking spaces for employees, staff, or students as set forth in Section 6�:�4�4g��,�s) 62.103(u)(1). The institution shall be required to provide additional parkiqg spaces only when the minimum number of parking spaces will have to be increased due to a more than 1096 or 300 gain in the total number of employees, staff, or students. whichever is less. Thereafter, additional parking spaces will have to be provided for each subsequent gain of more than 10% or 300 in the total number of employees, staff, or students; and RECOMMENDATION 11: CLARIFY THE EXISTING CONDITION THAT PRINCIPAL ACCESS BE FROM A MAJOR THOROUGHFARE TO SPECIFY THAT S,OME PORTION OF THE CAMPUS BOUNDARY BE ADJACENT TO A MAJOR THOROUGHFARE. . Discussion The Zoning Code currently requires that the principal access to college, university, and seminary campuses be "directly from a major thoroughfare." In practice, this has been taken to mean that a major thoroughfare is adjacent to the campus at some point, not that access to major parking facilities must be directly from a major thoroughfare. However, there has " been some confusion on that point. Direct access to a major thoroughfare from major parking facilities is not always possible (given the existing campuses in the city), nor desirable from a traffic management standpoint. For these reasons, this Code requirement should be clarified to state that the campus boundary must be adjacent to a major thoroughfare at some point. . Pronosed Amendment LanauaQe to Imnlement Recommendation 11 Amend Section 60.415 (6) pertaining to the regulation of colleges, universities, and seminaries as principal uses subject to special conditions in the R-1 through R-4 zoning districts to clarify the condition related to site access, as follows: (6) (a) Rr��ro3pe�-aeeess_E�se���rEe_s�ra��l-be-dt�ei�E�y-#��o�n The camnus boundarv as defined under clause (d) at some noint shall be�adiacent to a major thoroughfare as designated on the major thoroughfare plan. RECOMMENDATION 12: FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW OF NEW PARKING FACILITIES, SPECIFICALLY STATE THAT THE GITY TRAFFIC � ENGINEER OR PLANNING ADMINISTRATOR CAN REQLTIRE THE APPLICANT TO SUBMIT A TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS. 18 �� C� g����a Discussion II Proposals for the constr�ction of new parking facilities must go through site plan review before building permits �re issued. As part of this review, the City traffic engineer (who is � part of the staff site pla� review team) reviews the site plan to determine.if it is consistent with "Safety and convenlience of both vehicular and pedestrian traffic.both within the site and in relation to access streets, including traffic circulation features, the locations and design of entrances and �exits and parking areas within the site," (Section 62.108, Subd. 3(7)). The traffic engineer wiljl sometimes require that a traffic impact analysis be submitted by the applicant to aid Cit}� staff in evaluating the adequacy of the design and resulting impact . on traffic within the public right-of-way. As a result of such an analysis, the engineer may require that certain impirovements be made to the right-of-way as a condition of approval. Possible improvements ihclude street widening, creation of exclusive right or left turn lanes, restriction of street par ing, signalization of intersections, or other traffic management techniques. The planni g administrator should also be given direct authority to require a traffic impact analysis ince the City's authority to revxew site plans is given to the Planning Commission, and delega ed to the planning admi�iistrator. Although the right of t e traffic engineer or planning administrator to require a traffie impact analysis from th applicant is implied, the Code language should be clarified to specifically state that t is can be required. This will further strengthen the City's ability to insure that proposed pa king facilities function properly with public streets. Pr osed Amendment L n ua e to Im lement Recommend tion 12 Amend Section 62.108, ubd.2 to add a new clause (4) as follows: i � Subd. 2. Site plan appl�catfon. ' � F r arkin fa ilitie the it traffic n in r or lannin administra or ma r uire su missi n of r ffic im ct n 1 i a r of h site lan li io u h n n 1 si hall in 1 b n t limi he f 11 win el m nt • ri ner' i n irectional di tri u i n traffic a si mm �t nd acit anal is. ' i 19 INFORMATION SOURCES USED FOR 40-ACRE STUDY RESEARCH In preparation for developing the recommendations for this 40-acre study, a significant number of information sources were used. One of the most important sources was Public Technology, Inc.'s (PTI's) Answer Service, a research service to which the City of St. Paul subscribes. PTI's Answer service has access to over 700 data bases, including data bases of national and regional newspapers, bibliographic data bases that index planning and public administration literature, and various other information sources. Staff requested that PTI research how other cities regulate college and university uses, and any research that has been done on the effect of colleges on adjoining neighborhoods. In addition to these data bases, PTI contacted the following organizations to request any applicable information on these subjects: American Association of State Colleges and Universities; International and Municipal Parking Congress, Urban Land Institute, ICMA Town and Gown Consortium; National League of Cities; and other members and subscribers of;PTI's services (which includes other municipalities). The American Planning Association's Planning Advisory Service (PAS) was also contacted for assistance. PAS sent copies of zoning ordinances from other cities relating to the regulation of colleges, and also several studies done on the economic impact of higher education institutions. A request for information and assistance was sent out to other cities over the Local Government Information Network (LOGIN), a computer-based communication and information network to which many cities across the country belong. The system contains a data base of information on what other cities are doing to address various problems, and allows members to request assistance from cther cities that may be facing similar problems. . Finally, staff conducted a telephone survey of six other cities (Cleveland, Boston, � Cincinnati, Milwaukee, Provi�ence, RI and Cambridge, MA) to find out how they regulate colleges and universities. Calls were also made to se�eral nationally prominent land use law firms to find out how other cities across the country were regulating institutional land uses. A staff paper entitled "Colleges and Universities as Land Uses: An Eclectic Collection of Plans, Regulations, and Experiences from Around the U.S." has been prepared which describes the results of some of this research. It is available from Planning staff upon request. 20 � GF' g�t-3/� N I 7 t+ 0 � O N N N a �O� � Ep �-1 � a � OD N O� o a N N E 1/ ro u � a • N I , y . a a s .,.� T O� N -1� W V aD CO � d a x ao a a �o o a �o .1 • c� u � a ao a a ,� a c� i a - - C a •� •� O � i-� m � � � y +� e r� q a i � � V I Q� b i x I x x x x K x ae x ,� 7 q a o �n �n a o� o ao 0 ++ O � a a �c �n a . r y r I • . f6 E" � I LL a �+ 7 . rt .� . N a I Q1 •r I L � x � � m � x x re x x K . •r Y o0 'O .-1 .-I i�e t+7 .a �O X I� � .-� L H q C N a v1 'i .�1 a �O O .-I � t0 A W +� 01 � v .. v v v v v v N u o q .� O .-1 .tl Y CI O� f� N N O O� Cp 1 O � � H CL 9 W �O V1 � n �O Vf O �O d o1 • � fi F W .1 T a d t+1 t N N .-1 � . . (O W W N � .-. .-. �� e0 x � � TC TC .-. .-. � .-. 7� C. rl N �O Te Ti x x 'N E � �+ 'o rn �c n o �o o , o . � � .a u C C .. .. .. .. .. .. E N C. W N � 1 W y .Y, u1 O TL N t+1 V1 o T x n .-/ � � 1i 'd W W N O o .-I a1 N CO C O .-1 � �� M � CI H1 � O o rl t+1 .-I CO O .-1 � � y v s • • v . ' ,a . U W N Nf .-1 rl v l+l � .a Q� .-1 rn , , a � m * ., ,. ., .. .. K .. .. K r � C se . x Te at Te O re Te v N r 6 � � b a ��. o �O N O bl o o . N O 0 � .+ ai A � `� .' .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . w V u C a� �� '�.. m 1 � ' � N1 O O� �O N N O T v1 ,..� y r � ,� � � 00 O Cp o O N �O 1� N O 1.� ' � .-1 � W O ��. O� �/1 P 1� O N W ' �-1 O 1! � '� 4� Te 'j • . • • • • �' H � C4 N v � � ed rl 'i ri rl V ..� . N 7y' � O {� I .-1 l� v� , �a a � a „ �v a �, ,-� � ' > „ .a E ao o .� rn n c�l o. . �o �o � ,a ••+ � � � ,,,� O , O O 1� N O �O O� fV '�7 � Y ri d O� n O CD .-1 O �O r/ C: 'O 7 O O ' . . . . . . ..� q . . � F y� n N N N .� .� rl . Y •r p Y ?C � W 1'i Y � Y � Z A A 00 � ,...� 'd .a . .a ro o q N '� ^ U .�-1 "a y . '� �0 N +1 .� y "'� '�. . 'a a .-� G u „ ' a d e ro x d .� w a ro • u v R o A � � u u o v ,+ u s, '" m . M tn u H s+ s+ ,+ w b b "' a d d d ro )C u w u ro u � 8 � N 'v. � u .0 u +1 N O a+ +� G ° o ro v u � q u d m �o s w ro a u x .e ro w �e u ro � d w a w z .a ..� o v ° E. � e a ..� � �+ .a o �+ w .c o o � �' • .� .+ u .. ro o .-+ .e u o o u • u u e • a • e o q .a u 1+ .0 H " �' N C d N A u ro a o .+ � o o H d rn .. ..� cn cn H rn x � t� 3 a z rn a o w w � ' � F . ' . . . . . . . . . � . .-1 � N t�f �1 V1 �O 1� CO O� fA # � 2 1 • . . " I I � � F�gure 3 l� Colle e of St. T g homas; Existing Building Setbacks and Heights � �_ (Setbacks as indicated, building heights in circles. ) . ; . � . , � ° � o°- . . . �� � yb c.� o � 61 13e � $0 6i 00 a 19 l05 a 335 53 �� 9 . � u1 � � N � � � N $ �r �^ 5 . �F 58 N 3► �o � 20 'n ��,v-�.,, ��5 . � _;, � 2z 1 �n o�i ■a � s v � 3b 1� I�� D � � ao , � � . �-----, � * Building heights indicated are according to the Zoning Code definition of �— building height, which is not to the highest point, but is as follows: The vertical distance measured from the established grade to the highest point of the roof surface for flat roofs; to the deck line of mansard roofs ; and to the average height between eaves and ridge for gable, hip, and gambrel roofs. 22 C�' 8�l-3/�r � . Figure 4 with thc s andards for floodway conditioaal uses set forth in Section 65.213. (4) Waste tre tmcnt and waste disposal facilities that conform to the standards for . � flood frin e uses may be permitted and shall conform to the following provisions ' (a) No ew construction, addition, or modification to existing waste facilities shal be permitted within the fioodplain unless emergency plans and proc dures for action to be taken in the event of flooding are prepared, file with, and approved by the Minnesota pollution control agency. The eme gency plans and procedures must provide for measures to prevent intr duction of any pollutant or toxic material into the flood waters. (b) Th� e shall be no disposal of solid waste materials within the floodplain. (As amended: Ord. 17116, Mar. 22, 1984.) . 65.230. RC-3 River Co�ridor Urban Open District. — 65.231. Intent. It is in ended that lands and waters within this district shall be managed to conscrve and protc t thc existing and potential rccreational, scenic, natural, and historic resources. Open sp ce provided in the open river corridor is for public use and th� protection of uniqu natural and scenic resources. The existing transportation role of the rivcr in this distric will be protected. 65.232. Principal uses ermitted. In an RC-3 River Corridor Urban Open overlay district, use of the land, loc tion and erection of new buildings or structures, and the alteration, " ! enlargement and m ving of eaisting buildings or structures from other locations or Cdistricts shall conf rm to those specified uses and standards of the corresponding underlying district s established in Section 60.301 to the eatent that they are not prohibited by any ther provision of the Zoning �Code. In addition, permitted uses shall be subject to the fo lowing applicable standards and those in Section 65.400 et seq. 65.233. Standuds for �rban open uses. Subdivision 1. Dev�lopmcnt shall be limited to 40 fect in height. Subd. 2. The develqpment of new and eapansion of existing commercial and industrial uses shall only be on lands which are on the landward side of blufflincs. Subdlvision 3. Min�ng and exrl�action optrations shall not be permitted. (As amended: Ord. 17116, Mar. 22, 1984.) 65.234. Principal uses �ermitted subject to apecial conditions. Principal uses permitted . subject to special canditions are those specified by the corresponding underlying district as established in Se�tion 60.301 to the extent that they are not prohibited by any other provision of the Zo�ing Codc. They are subject to standards specified in the corresponding unde�rlying distriet section and to those specified in Section 65.400 et seq. Such uses will be pqrmitted only upon application and issuance of a conditional use permit by the planniing commission. �. 65.240. RC-4 River Co#ridor Urbau Diversified Distrfct. � � I 65.241. Intent. It is in�endcd that the lands and waters in this district be used and dcvelopcd 107 23 FIGURE 5 ZONING CODE PARKING REQUIREMENT FOR COLLEGES, UNIVERSITIES, �AND SEMINARIES: COMPARISON OF SAMPLED DEMAND WITH CURRENT REQUIREMENT, STRGAR-ROSCOE-FAUSCH . PROPOSED REQUIREMENT, AND 40-ACRE STUDY RECOMMENDED REQUIREMENT Strgar- 40- Current Percent Roscoe- Percent Acre Percent Parking Difference Fausch Difference Study Difference Sample�l� Requi��- from Recomm��� from Recomm�4� from Demand ment� Sampled dation Sampled dation Sampled St. Thomas 1,980 1,919 -3 2,140 +8 2,080 +5 Concordia 429 346 -19 . 443 +3 369 -14 Hamline 890 665 -25 889 0 725 -19 Macalester 742 694 -6 802 +8 770 +4 St. Catherine 876 767 -12 807 -8 844 -3 �1� Survey of college parking demand by City of Saint Paul, Spring 1987. �2� One space for every three of the following: dormitory beds, employees, and the greater of full-time students living off-campus or part-time students. (The requirements have been fully applied, as if the schools were newly constructed today. ) �3� 30 spaces for every 100 resident students; 40 spaces for every 100 employees; and, if • full-time commuter students exceed part-time students, then 60 spaces for every 100 full- time commuter student, or if part-time exceeds full-time commuters, then 40 spaces for every 100 part-time students. �4� One space for every two employees and every three dormitory beds, plus one space for every three full-time commuter students or part-time students, whichever is greater. � 24 � g'9� 3 �a FIGURE 6 Zoni Co e P kin Re uirement or Colle es niversities• Curr nt Re uir ent Re uirement Pro osed b Str ar-Roscoe- � Fausc c a d 40-Acre Stud Recommended Re uireme for a 0� Increase in Students E lo ees and Dorm Beds 40-Acre Study SRF Change In Recom- Change Current Proposed Spaces mended In Spaces Requ�re- Requ�re- Required Requ�re- Required ment ment (8 Change) ment ($ Change) 1. College of St. Thomss 196 , 219 +23 (128) � 217 +21 ( 11�) (includes St. Paul Seminary) 2. St. Paul Technical Institute 79 132 +53 (68$) 86 + 7 ( 9�) 3. College of St. Cath rine 76 85 + 9 (12$) 85 + 9 ( 12�) 4. Hamline University 70 96 +26 (37$) 77 + 7 ( 10$) 5. Macalester College 72 85 +13 (188) 80 + 8 ( 11�) 6. Concordia College � 41 58 +17 , (42$) 48 + 7 (+17$) 7. William Mitchell I�I 36 43 + 7 (19$) 41 + 5 ( 14�) 8. Luther Northwesternl 24 37 +13 (54�) 28 . + 4 ( 17$) 9. School of Associate� Arts 5 . 9 + 4 (80$) 6 + 1 ( 20�) 1 Current Re uirement: 1 s ace for ever 3 of the followin em lo ees dormitor beds and q P Y g� P Y , Y � the greater of either full-time students living off-campus or part-time students. 2 SRF Proposed Requirec�ent: 30 spaces for every 100 full-time on-campus residents, 40 spaces for every 100 employees, and one of the following: either 1) if the number of part-time students exceeds ful �-time students living off-campus, then 40 spaces for every 100 part- time students; or 2) if the number of full-time students living off-.campus exceeds the number of part-time tudents, then 60 spaces per 100 full-time students living off-campus. 3 40 Acre Stud Recomm nded Re uirement: Same as 1 (current requirement) , except �l space for every 2 employees. Note: Fall, 1987 data w s used as the base to calculate the requirements for each school. For both the current nd proposed requirements, the number of spaces indicated is what would be required for a 10� increase in students, employees, and dorm beds over 1987 levels. 25 CREDITS . Colleee Zonina Committee (an ad-hoc committee of the Planning Commission) Gary Park, Chair Anne Flaxman Geisser Karl Neid Gayle Summers Plannin� Division Staff Peggy Reichert, Deputy Director for Planning Ken Ford, Principal Planner � Donna Drummond, Planner-In-Charge . Susan Synstegaard, Secretarial � 26 -z�-� , , , _ - - -- _ __ _ WHITE - CITV CLERK � PINK - FINANGE COLLI�ClI AA T CANARV -DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL �[ / ) BLVE -MAVOR � Flle �O.—. /J �_ 3 l �,/ , O�WZ/`�Z/L�`, Ordinance NO. Presented By � Gf� Referred To �'` � • •Committee: Date � °�� ''� Out of Committee By I Date ' Page 1 of 8 An Ordinar�ce amending Chapters 60 through 67 of the Saint Paul� Legislative Code (Zoning Code) pertaining " � to the regulation of colleges, universities, and seminaries. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: , Section 1. / That Section 60.413 (8) pertaining to the regulation of colleges, universities, � and seminaries as principal uses subject to special conditions in the R-1 %�I through R-4 zoning di�tricts be amended to read as indicated: / (6) (a) P��ps��a�-ae ess-�e-sa��-s��e-�qa��-�e-���es���-��er� The campus boundar as efined under clause (d) at some oint shalT be adjacen� to a major t, oroughfare as designated on the major thoroughfare p�an. (b) p1e-����d�qg-Iba��-�e-s�ese�-�e-afl�-y�eqe��y-��qe-�Waa-a-d�s aqse e �a�-�e-�b�be� W�-e�-�be-������� -ef- - - � � 9 g3 5A #'ee�3 wq�sqevef, �s g�ea�e�: B � '�-ngs shall be set back a minimum of 50 fe� from ever rop Perty�l� �n additiona two eet for every f.�ot t e building � � '� 50 feet. (c) On a carr ,�ore, no buildin shall exceed 90 feet ir � • er than five 5 acres, no building shaT'f— � � � (s) (d) The ' ion shall be as defined in the permit, and .�t the prior approval of the Planning Cor � I �n amended S ecial Condition Use Permit. Th ��V� �y t e oun arie"s sF-aT e a minimum of t' G%`�`� ) ty within the campus boundaries must be i COUNCIL MEM' T`"�., y�s , ' Requested by Department of: Dimond � LO°g Favor Gosw;tz Rettman ' scbe�be� .gainst BY Sonnen �'V'�son I Form Ap oved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date i • I Certified Passed by Council Secretary� By i BY � Approved by Mayor: Date Appr e by Mayor for Subm' io to„Eouncil i � . By ' � , WHITE - C�TV CLERK COUIICII n PINK - FINANCE BLUERV-MAVORTMENT GITY OF SAINT � PATTL File NO. 9-' ��v � • /- I O� �n�nce Ordinance �`I0. !���1! Presented By - Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 2 of 8 The applicant '!shall submit an "anticipated growth and development statement" for approval of a new or expanded campus boundary, which statement shal''1 include but not be limited to the following elements: 1. Proposed niew boundary or boundary expansion. 2. Enrollment growth plans which include planned or anticipated maximum en'rollment by major category (full-time, part-time, undergraduate, graduate) over the next 10 years and also the anticipated maximum enrollment over the next 20 years. 3. Plans for parking facilities over the next 10 years, including potentialllocations and approximate time of development. 4. Plans for the provision of additional student housing, either on-campus� or off-campus in college-controlled housing. 5. Plans for use of land and buildings, new construction, and changes affecting 'major open space. 6. An analysjs of the effect this expansion (or new campus) will have on the ec nomic, social , and physical well-being of the surroundir�g neighborhood, and how the expansion (or new campus) will benefit the broader community. Approval of new or expanded campus boundary shall be based on an evaluation u 'ing the general standards for special condition uses found in Sec�ion 64.300, and the following criteria: 1. Anticipat d undergraduate student enrollment growth is supported by plans �or student housing that can be expected to prevent excessive increase in student housing demand in residential neighborhloods adjacent to the campus. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� � [n Favor Goswitz II Rettman B s�be;be� � Against Y Sonnen Wilson ' Form Approved by City Attomey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary I BY By - - - ---- - Approved by Mayor: Date ' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WNITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANGE . � GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council CANARV -DEPARTMENT File NO. ��_ �/� BLUE -MAVOR • I 0/ inance Ordinance N 0. 1 tiU y�r Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By ' Date Page 3 of 8 ' 2. Potentiall parking sites identified in the plan are generally acceptab'le in terms of possible access points and anticipated traffic !flows on adjacent streets. 3. Plans for building construction and maintenance of major open space areas indicate a sensitivity to adjacent development by maintaining or providing adequate and appropriately located open space. 4. The proposed new or expanded boundary and the "anticipated growth and devslopment statement" are not in conflict with the City's Compreh 'nsive Plan. (� �eZ The institu ion shall not exceed b more than 10 ercent or 300, whichever i es t e student enro ment, staff and em o ee size and/or dorm tor ed levels identified in the ermit unless re uired off street arkin is rovided and a roved b the Commission. (fZ A theatre, uditorium or sports arena located on a college, university r seminary campus must provide off-street parking within 600 feet of the building to be served as measured from a principal entrance to the building to the nearest point of the off-street parking facility, and also provide the number of parking spaces � specified in Section 62.103. The Planning Commission, after public hearing, may determine that the existing parking provided by the institution for students, employees and dormitory beds meets this parking reqc�irement based upon the following: 1) The spaces are within 600 feet of the building they are intended to serve, as measured from a principal entrance to the building to the nearest point of the off-street parking lot; and COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� � In Favor Goswitz Rettman ' B Scheibel �- Against Y Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Courtcil Secretaty BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHITE - CITV CLERK ' COUI1C31 PINK � FINANCE � CANARV - OEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL t �� DLVE -MAVOR ' F11C NO. � ��O � Ordindn�ce Ordinance N�._�7�/�� �I Presented By ; Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By�! Date Page 4 of 8 , 2) It ca� be demonstrated by the institution that the spaces are not neede;�d by students and employees during times when events attra�cting non-students and non-employees are to be held. Section 2. That existing clause e) of Section 60.413 (6) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be re-lettered g . ; , Section 3. That Section 60.20 be amended to add a definition for colle e, universit , and seminar as indicated: C. College, university, or seminary. An institution for post-secondary educatio , public or private, offering courses in general , technical , or relig ous education and not operated for profit, which operates in buildingS owned or leased by the institution for administrative and faculty pffices, classrooms, laboratories, chapels, auditoriums, lecture t�alls, libraries, student and faculty centers, athletic faciliti s, dormitories, fraternities, and sororities, but not includin� colleges or trade schools operated for profit. I Section 4. That Sections 60.204, 60.206, and 60.219 be amended to clarify the definition of a dormitor and�add definitions for fraternit and sororit houses, as indicate : COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimood ��g ' In Favor coswitz Rettman B Scheibel A gai ns t Y Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date', Certified Passed by Council Secketary BY By Approved by Mayor• Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY wM�Te - cirr CLERK f PINK - FINANCE COl1�1CI1 CANARV -DEPARTMENT - �CITY OF SAINT PAiTL File NO. ��,lO BIUE -MAVOR • � Or in�nce J7�►��r Ordinance N 0. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By ' Date age5of8 60.204 Dormitory. , A building designed for or used as 9roup living quarters far students of a high school , college, university, or seminary, arganized and owned by, a high school , college, university,l or seminary. Be����e�y-�ps��des-��a�efA��y-aad sefe���y-be�ses. 60.206 Fraternity House. A buildin used as rou livin uarters for students of a college, university, or seminary w o are mem ers of a fraternity that has been officially recognized by the college, university, or seminary. 60.219 Sorority H�use. A buildin used as rou livin uarters for students o � a col ege, unive�sity, or seminary w o are mem ers of a sororit that has been officiall reco nized by the colle e universit , or seminar . j Section 5. � That Section 60.423 Subdivision (2) pertaining to dormitories, fraternities, and sororities as princi,pal uses permitted subject to special conditions in the RT-1 zoning district belamended to clarify existing requirements and add additional conditions, 's indicated: � (2) Fraternity and sorority houses and dormitories which are located on or within 250 f�et of tbe-aea�es�-��e�e��y-��ae-e#-�be-ssbee�: a campus boundary as established in the special condition use permit for a college, university, or seminary, subject to the following conditions: � COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond � �og In Favor Goswitz Rettman B Sc6eibel A gai nst Y Sonnen ; �lson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary i BY By Approved by Mayor: Date ' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council WHITE - CITV CLERK PtNK - FINANCE COIlACll Q� BIUERr-MAVORTMENT � GITY OF SAINT PAITL File NO.. _ O �s �/O I y. • /� ,/ . I O/ dZn�n(r e Ordinance N O. �7�7� Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 6 of 8 a) The prop�sed use must be located in an existing structure designed and buil� as a one or two family dwelling unit or new structure that meets the height, density, and setback requirements for two family ureits if it is outside of the campus boundary but within 250 feet of it. b) Off-street parking provided must be consistent with the requirements specified in Sections 62.103 and 62.104(12) . ' Section 6. i That Section 60.532 SUbd. (2) ) ii) re ulatin arkin re uired for co e es, universitie , and seminaries as ermitte uses in the B-2 and B-3 nei hborhood commerci 1 districts be amended as indicated: (c� ii When an inst'tution is established in the district, the institution shall be re ired to rovide the minimum number of off-street ar in s aces for e o ees sta , or stu ents as set ort in Section 6�T�A2 � e 62.103 g 2 . The institution s a e re uired ' to rovide a ditional arkin s aces on w en the min�mum number of arkin s ac s will have to be increased due to a more than 10°b or 300 ain �n he tota number of emp oyees, staff, or students, whichever is less. Thereafter, additional arkin s aces will have to be provided for eac su sequent gain o more t an 10% or 300 in the total number of employees, staff, or students; and Section 7. That Section 62.103, �g) (2) (1 ) pertaining to parking requirements b use be amended as indicated: COUNCIL MEMBERS ' Yeas Nays ' Requested by Department of: Dimond �ng In Favor coswitz Rettman s�he;�ea Against BY Sonnen Wilson Adopted by Council: Date ' Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date ' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council — �-- WMITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE . CITY OF SAINT PAITL Council CANARV -DEPARTMENT Flle NO. � ��� BIUE -MAVOR �� 0rdindnce Ordinance N�. ��4 7 Y Presented By Referred To ' Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 7 of 8 � (2) (1) College, uni�rersity or seminary. One for every �b�ee-�3� two 2 employees and members of the staff and either one for every three (3) full-time students not residing on campus or one for every three (3) part-time students, whichever is greater. '� Section 8. That Section 62.108 (b) pertaining to site plan application be amended as indicated: � For arkin facil ties, the cit traffic en ineer or lannin administrator ma re uire submission of a traffic im act ana sis as art of the site lan lication. Such an anal sis shall include but not be limited to, the f owing e ements: tri eneration directiona distribution, tra fic assi nment and ca acit anal s�s. Section 9. That Section 65.234 pe'rtaining to principal uses permitted subject to special conditions in the RC-3' River Corridor Urban Open District be amended as indicated: COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays ' Requested by Department of: Dimond ��g In Favor Gosw�tz Rettman B scne�nei Against Y Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council u., Bv WMITE - CITV CLERK � � PINK � FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARV -OEPARTMENT BLUE -MAVOR File NO. ����D � Or`IiZn�n�,e Ordinance �1�. ��� �� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By '' Date Page 8 of 8 '', 60.234. j Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions. , Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions ' are those specified by the corresponding underlying district as established in Section 60.301 to the extent that they are not prohibited by any other provision of the zoning code. They are subject to standards specified in the corresponding underlying district section and to those specified in Sections 65.233 and ', 65.400 et, seq. � Section 10. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from its passage and publication. I �, COUNCIL MEMBERS ' Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond ��g In Favor Goswitz Rettman Scheibel Against BY Sonnen Wilson Form A roved b Cit Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Apprc�d by Mayor for Submi i to�ncil I �,F �g -��a . N°_ 013741 PED - Planning DEPARTMENT � lr Donna Drummond or Ken For CONTACT NAME 228- 6 or - PHONE � � February , DATE � ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTIN�G ORDER: (See reverse side.) i Department Director 3 Mayor (or Assistant) � ��..yS�� _ Finance and Manageme t Services Director 4 City Clerk 2\ Budget Director ' � � City Attorney _ TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATUR� PAGES: 1 (Clip all locations for signature.) WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED B� TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/Rationale) Attached is a City Couricil ordinance form with Zoning Code amendments that would implement the recommendations of the Planning Commission contained in the College Zoning II 40-Acre Study. The ordinance language here was contained in the 40-acre study report, which has already been transmitte� by the Mayor to the City Council . This ordinance form must be signed so that the amendments can appear on the City Council agenda for first reading. � COST BENEFIT BUDGETARY I AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: I None. FINANCING SOURCE AND BU GET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signature not required if under $10,000.) Total Amount of Transaction: Activity Number: I Funding Source: ATTACHMENTS: (List and 'number all attachments.) - - ,,.r,,-'� �c:`'n.';'�i� �.�.r".;"1�:�.i 1. City Council ordinance form (signatures on last page) . --�--� � �"'� � r�� � _ �.� ��' ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDUR$S _Yes X No Rules, Regulations, Procedures, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes _No If yes, are they or timetable attached? DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW �Yes No Council resolution required? Resolution required? _Yes _No _Yes X No Insurance required? Insurance sufficient? _Yes _No _Yes �No Insurance attached? _ � g�- 31 a /y� �� city of saint p�ul planning comr�nission resolution file number 88-89 �te December �9. 1,_,_,988_,_ WHEREAS� the Planninjg Commission initiated a 40-acre study, as authorized under Minnesota Statutes S�ection 462.357(5) and St. Paul Zoning Code Section 64.400, for the purpose of cons 'dering amendments to the text of the Zoning Code as it pertains to colleges, univer ities, and seminaries; and WHEREAS, the Collegel Zoning Committee, an ad-hoc committee created by the Planning Commission to study ',Zoning Code issues related to colleges, universities and seminaries, released its recommendations for needed Zoning Code amendments in August, 1988, after numerous public meetings and discussion; and WHEREAS� the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on November 4 and 18, 1988� regarding the', College Zoning Committee's proposed amendments; and i WHEREAS, the Colleg� Zoning Committee has revised its recommendations based upon the comments made at th public hearing, and has presented them to the Planning Commission for its �onsideration; NOW, THEREFORE, BE T RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission recommends approval of the Zoning Code ame�idments presented by the College Zoning Committee in the College Zoning II 40-Acre S,tudy� dated December, 1988, and directs the Planning Administrator to f rward these amendments to the Mayor and' City Council for their consideration and a�ction. � � ` ; ; moved by P� _ �•p�•�Y'Y"�]d ['�/ NEID �7�/Z/V� Rr�\./ �v, � � ' fav�or � in ��— against °�. . Abstained 1 � � C.F 8�t-3�a '"�"'`'u'�'G,� ' CITY OF SAIN'r PAUL _>4�t�r r or�y '�,. ¢�° '�'' OFFICE OF THE MAYOit a� , � � � ,��ti�itiiu " i < uu t u n ; � c ' 347 CITY hIALL "" SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 GEORGE LAT[MER (612) 298-4323 . rTAYOR RECEIVED February 2, 1989 �EB � s 19�9 �� C17Y CLE6�K Council Presiden James Scheibel and Members of the City Council • 716 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: College Zoning Code Text Amendments Dear President Scheibel and Members of the City Council: I am pleased to !transmit to you proposed ammendments to the zoning code in the way it regulates' colleges, universities, and seminaries. These are the recommendations of the Planning Commission, which are explained in the attached College Zoning �I 40-Acre Study report. The recommendations are the result of work by the Col �ege Zoning Committee, an ad-hoc committee of the Planning Commission, whi h conducted a lengthy and extensive process of public discussion over the past year to arrive at its recommendations. The Planning Cornmission held a public hearing on the Committee's recommendations on November 4 and 18, 1988. Based upon the extensive public testimony at the hearing, the Committee revised its recommendations, which the Planning Commission then approved on December 9, 1988. The Planning Commission resolution, and',a memo from the College Zoning Committee responding to the public hearing �estimony, are also attached. The primary purpose of the recommended amendments is to insure that as Saint Paul's colleges and universities respond to the demands and challenges of the future, they continue to grow and change in ways that are positive for te neighborhoods they are in. The recommended amendments would: establish a maximum building height and increase the minimum setback requirement for campus buildings, requ�ire a minimum area size for new campuses, increase and clarify parking requirements, improve and clarify existing ordinance language, and most significantly, require that colleges and universities wishing to expand their campus area or establish a new campus submit an "anticipated growth and development statement" to the Planning Commission as part of the special condition use permit application. I strongly supp�ort these amendments and the process of public discussion that was followed in developing them. I urge you to adopt these amendments as recommended by the Planning Commission. � {�p46 � -�,�'a�� I NOTICE OF �?1,dBLIC HEARING , , �!�' - Notice is her�by giv2n that public hearing will be held before the City Coun�il on Marc 1989 at 9:00 A.M. in the Council Chambers, City Hall and� Court House, St. Paul, Minnesota, to consider proposed amendments to' the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinancz, Chapters 60 through 07 of the Sai#�t Paul Legislative Code (=�oning Code) pertaining to the regulatiot� of colleg2s, universities and seminaries. At said time and plac�, the Council will hear all persons relative to this proposal. , Dated March 9, 1989 � Albert B. Olson � City Clerk (March 11, 1989) , � . � j Members: ,, ���� - ' Biil Wiison, chair-,� � ` � �,�,� � �� ,f-�_: C'rITY OF SAINT PAUL Tom Dimond `=r (-1 � ',.;,t,_:;:__�, �� . �'-':_°';" Kiki Sonnen (/ ;__ OFFICE OF THE CITY COIINCIL �f Date: March 9, 1989 ,� WILL[AVi �. w«SO� Committee Report MARK VOERDING Ci0uIIC1IIt13II _ Legielative Aide .. To: Saint Paul ,�City Council , From : Housin and Economic Development Committee Bil1 Wil on, Chair 1. Approval of Minut�es Minutes of FEBRU Y 8, 1989, committee meeting were APPROVED � 2.� Resolution appro ing the appointment by the Mayor of Ron Ankey to serve on the Board of ppeals and Review for the Housing, Building and Fire Prevention Codes� (C.F. 89-327) � COMMITTEE RECO�NDED APPROVAL . 3. Ordinance grantir�g non-exclusive franchise to Skycom, Inc. to own, operate and maint�ain advertising display fixtures in the pedestrian skyway system (C�.F. 88-1470) COMMITTEE RECOMME�NDED APPROVAL 4. Ordinance pertairling to insurance requirements for skyway advertising display fixtures amending Section 140.07(a) of the St. Paul Legislative Code (D.F. 89-279) COMMITTEE RECOMM$NDED APPROVAL . Ordinance amendilg Chapters 60 through 67 of the Legislative Code (zoning) pertain�ng to regulation of colleges, universities and seminaries (C.F 89-310) COMMITTEE RECOI�II�I�NDED LAYOVER, WITH PUBLIC HEARING AND THIRD READING BE CONTINiJED �N MARCH Ji3', 1989 � 3� 6. Proposed na Indoor Sports Center COMMITTEE RECOMM NDED APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION AS DRAFTED (NOT YET INTRODU�ED) CITY HALL SEVENfTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-4646 . . a�ae • l �'�� �� u District 14 �Community Council Serving the Macalester-�roveland and Randolph Heights neighborhoods of Saint Paul � � i � i March 28, 1989 ! Jim Scheibel, President St. Paul City �ouncil City Hall ' St . Paul, MN 55102 Dear Jim, ' The District I4 Community Council strongly supports enactment of amendments to the city ' s zoning code which will insure that colleges and �niversities enhance our neighborhoods and minimize any potential negative impact on them. We believe that most of the amendments included in the College Zoning II 40 Acre Study . are important ;to the stability of our neighborhood. We are partic�ularly supportive of the amendment which will give the Planning iCommission discretion in college special condition use permits. ; A responsible Planning Commission must be able to make decision� regarding expansion of campus boundaries based on the impact s�uch an expansion might have on the surrounding community . i While we ab�olutely agree that college arenas and auditoriums must have pa�king of their own , we are opposed to the proposed amendment wh ' ch would require this parking to be within 600 feet of the facili�ty' s main entrance. The parking lot at the College of St . Cathe�ine is an example of whq this measurement will not solve the problem of on campus parking being unused when it is too far awa'q . The Fairview lot is within 600 feet of the 0' Shaughnessy Auditorium. We suggest that parking for arenas and auditoriums be within 250 feet. We also woy� ld like the City Council to consider enacting legislation �that would prohibit campuses from expansion unless they pick �tp a percentage of any grandfathered-in parking deficit. Th�re is precedence for this in the legislation enacted regarding ex�ansion of businesses with liquor licenses. Thank you fo;r your interest in our position on these amendments . S�xtyerely, l , f ��- �z�.. �om Kayser � President ' 320 SOUTH GRIGGS�STREET • SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55105 • PHONE (612) 698-7973 `��,-�Gd District 14 Community Council Serving the Macalest -Groveland and Randolph Heights neighborhoods of Saint Paul March 28, 1989 Jim Scheibel ,' President St . Paul Cityl Council City Hall � St . Paul, MNi 55102 i Dear Jim, I The District114 Communi�y Council strongly supports enactment of amendments �o the city s zoning code which will insure that colleges and universities enhance our neighborhoods and minimize any potentia�. negative impact on them. We believe that most of the amendmer�ts included in the College Zoning II 40 Acre Study are importank to the stability of our neighborhood . We are parti}cularly supportive of the amendment which will give the Planningi Commission discretion in college special condition use permits'. A responsible Planning Commission must be able to make decisio,ns regarding expansion of campus boundaries based on the impact ! such an expansion might have on the surrounding community . While we absolutely agree that college arenas and auditoriums must have p�rking of their own , we are opposed to the proposed amendment which would require this parking to be within 600 feet of the faci�ity ' s main entrance. The parking lot at the College of St . Cath�erine is an example of why this measurement will not solve the plroblem of on campus parking being unused when it is too far aw;ay . The Fairview lot is within 600 feet of the 0' Shaughnes�y Auditorium. We suggest that parking for arenas and auditoriums be within 250 feet . We also would like the City Council to consider enacting legislation that would prohibit campuses from expansion unless they pick up a percentage of any grandfathered-in parking deficit. There is precedence for this in the legislation enacted regarding expansion of businesses with liquor licenses. Thank you for your interest in our position on these amendments . S ' rely , / ; � ' ' �- ►`�,�.`I� �''L_.__— ' �l � Tom Kayser , President � 320 SOUTH GRIGG5 STREET • SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55105 • PHONE (612) 698-7973 � �!- �� � ALLIANCE 28 No�th Mississippi River Boulevard • St. Paul, Minnesota 55104 I ; March 24, 1989 Mr. James Schleibel , President St. Paul Cit� Council City Hall - Sleventh Floor St. Paul , Mir�nesota 55102 I � Dear Mr. Sch�ibel : I Enclosed arejover 800 petitions signed by neighbors of the College of St�. Thomas who are friends of the college and are opposed to tY�e severe restrictions on city colleges proposed in the Forty-Acre Study. We believe that our colleges are a source of stability and enrichment to the neighborhoods of our city. The CST Alliance is an organization dedicated to protecting the College of St. Thomas and other educational institutions from the actions of those who are not sensitive to the needs and particul�r vulnerability of our private colleges. I Best regards�. � � Sincerely yours, , ,.:w,�u k ,� :'_ "'s ��� . Paul D. Mabry �'��i� � ��g Coordinator PDM:ch ��M�S SC�H�AN Enc 1 e�t i ,.. .- �/a,�/�_ . `�.. � i�t , �a 3—��—�= - . . 3rd —� _3 0 _� 9 �ptea - b- P � Yeas t�bya DIMCkID GO6'�1ITZ ' � � e � 9- �� � � � son�v�v /7G �/� wzt,sav II l`'�t. PRESIDE[�� SCHEIBEL Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to s�lf-determination of this most valuable community resource: aur private colleges. Sincerely, t �l' � � .� .� �2t'i i.�- .��u:'r-�`T'`-'' . ��` Name � Street Addre�s & Zip Code T�� y�'d' /fT t"��..-�� �--�- J;/_/�,V._ Date , i Dear Membe�s of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedi.cated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institution:s of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to se�lf-determination of this most valuable community resource: o�ir private colleges. Sincerely, � � �� cv�.l(�f s�lc�s Na e Street Address & Zip Code �7�0����� Date � (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Member� of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specifiC proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning chanqes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributioms that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm y�our support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: oux private colleges. Sincerely, A�,�� f��-U , ;�.��v,S"' Name Street Address Zip Code �1��I�Y Date Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our loc�l colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the C�ty of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contribu�ions that the College of St. Thomas and other instituti�ns of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge yo� to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirrn your support for the continued well-being and right to �elf-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, � �, �/3� l�al� l�-�e. �3 �s« a. Na e Street Add ss & Zip Code � 3 'l�g Q Da e (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to �ecognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to r�ject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, Name Street Address & Zip Code Date I Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a fri�nd of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is d�dicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our loca� colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutio�s of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: ojur private colleges. Since ely, ' �� ��� �sc� �ir �'!Q� Nam Street Address & Zip Code Z,S ! 8 Dat (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members Of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of 'St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your �upport for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, ��,�, � � ���� a � � d 5�-�.�.a 5 s lo s Name Street Address & Zip Code �� �- s � �`� Date r Dear M�,mbers of the St. Paul City Council : As a fr�end of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is �edicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our loc�l colleges, I would like to register my objection to the spe�ific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve - - - - --- -- - �- -- --� --------_ _-- Dear Members of the St. Paul Cit i Y Council : As a friend of the Colle e who is d�dicated to g °f St. Thomas and our loca �� maintaining the an individual the speci��fi°lleges, I would like to guality and vitality of proposals of the �� reglster my objection to zoning ch�nges for our colle eSFort Stud in the Cit+ 9 , universities y�� that involve y of St. Paul . and seminaries I urge you', to reco contributi�' 9nize the very significant institution',ssof hat the College of St. Positive higher education in this�cit and other quality of �.ife that we share in Y make to the I urge you �o reject the all of our neighborhoods. and affirm ProPosals of the "Fort right to sel'�ur SuPp°rt for the continued well-beinre Study'� �-determination of this most valuable commun�it resource: ou� private colleges. Y Sincerely, I, ` �IIW Name J,� I / , 1�r�S(�� � � � Street Address & Zip Code ' Date �-. P�--�-�I I'�I I� ' ��►fl_� I ��- ( � quality of life that we share in ail �� �u� ..�_�_. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and , right to self-determination of this most valuable community ' resource: our private colleges. Sin , - a� � � � ���. ss�os Na Street Address & Zip Code Date Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local calleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific' proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm yo�r support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, , . -� s�-!a s� Name Street Address & Zip Code ������� � Date Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutiqns of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, �3'? �,,�. � SI o3 Name � �g� Street Address & Zip Code D e (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local c�olleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . � I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to se�f-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, ' a�� �3� CSw�.a,0.�. ��'s1 � Name �� lq�� Street Address & Zip Code Dat�e �, Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutians of hiqher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to s lf-determination of this most valuable community resource: �ur private colleges. Sincerely, i �', ,�1�������e � ,5�5fa� % � � Street Address & Zip Code � te (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City o� St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, Name Street Address & Zip Code Date t� u� rs n a �+�4 N• C� H r• N rr o E � t7 A� N- m r• � C � o � o �' � � cn m � tn � � G N cn,'� � � (D ►�i O N (D (D O �' fi r �+ rt �i tt I�• SL �i C f'1' A� W F-�•4�• n � � � cA �--' F�• �t �-i rh fD r-t rt N• cD cD W 't3 O tn rh 3 (D C� rr rh �C � �' (D l) �i (D � (D O I--�•'�C rt � '�C f� f� C) A� a I--�• � � '�C •• �-i O O F�• ct O F�• �' 1�• � (D (D tY - cn � � �-r, o �- � �r a �-+, a � cu w o m � o �C � N• n N• a �s G ��C-/'rt � cn � �t W C� O (� tn `� �-i i-h�O ►-h O � � r�-h t�A '"d � r�t t�-h O � ro a � n m �-n c-r n n m m �+, �� n cD c� �' m �n rn o � sz �r �•,r+ cn �• �r � a � rt o ro m � c+ ��nb c�Di a�� `�� � � c°n :' o � m � ,� � ro �rfi � rt � roo � n %(D N• o fD �' r• N G � r-� � o tn i "..7 �"'S ft �' �'`I fD N � �"i UT A1 F—' ft � C� A1 (�' .`�' (� (U F-' £ F''' i"'' • ° � �n �D �na. orr � o °, � r�r� ro � o oro � � � � � � a m a %� cu � n n a � � m � rrn. r• � � onam m �' � o � mo �r� mr+� c � m � �• rn �n rn � o �• cu m m N• � � • c� cn N• o n m = 7c w cn r• �r � � � o �c � � m c-r rt � � ►� rn o �+ • �c N• O m A� r• �n G �i ct �' U� � r� � CJ) I�• � rt O fD H C� C!� ct O � rr�4 1-�•'�C �' O rr � r• h, rt • p C 1 i-t �4 O � n o � o �' r• N � m � � � (D � tn � ct i-h I�• H �-f� i'i C) �4 A� A� C) c� rr m �' m � r• �n n N- � m r- rt (� R. lD O O f� F�• (D fn F-�• r-� �' � W c ' �i F-�• W � N C1� fD '�C � a � m � �r �n rr m rr n a n. � � o � �c cn � a �c � a � nm aro a. � � a � u�i � ��cw� w a �°n � �c �c a � mm i � x �• sz oc �- �• � trm o rt rtrr' �• � rr+ (2 � c2 o r+ r- U� �'�• rt C�. O W �-i �i ct �' C N Au cD N I�• N � m �' OCDm � rr � ►-� C h'• � A� o ft N• rr N• N• '�o � � cn o r+ � �• r• rr �. � afia � a � o �c � � N� � �mm � c � a o �+ a • �• o o ►-� a �c �c m ►� rr rn cD = mC0 N � \ � � Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a fri�nd of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contribut 'i,ons that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urqe you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to s�lf-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. S ' cerely, '� � �c� ��,. �o C�v N me S� Street Addr s & Zip Code a 5-�- �� ���v Da ; � (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend o� the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local coll�ges, I would like to register my objection to the specific pXOposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to r'ecognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to r�ject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm yourisupport for the continued well-being and right to self-de�,termination of this most valuable community resource: our pr�vate colleges. Sincerely, Name Street Address & Zip Code Date I �/g $' �. . � . �...,.�._„� _�:' � G�a � . a� � �" � � .�� . ��� � � � ..-�-� �``a ��` ' ._-� ��� , °c°��-= � ����� ��-'�--Q�-�/�-� , Dear Members af the St. Paul City Council : ��, • �����z "` ' As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City pf St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: aur private colleges. Sincerely, � �.�_7� � ���� � �, , �, �� I � � � �'e��P �. � /�. � „ ���/O S me Street Address & Zip od `7 �;3 � $ � Date Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is ded,icated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you tq recognize the very significant positive contribution� that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions 'of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to `reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our �rivate colleges. Sincerely, ~ /� ��.� ��.� v'�//� ame Street �Address & Zip Code 9 �� Da e � Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your, support for the continued well-being and right to self-d�termination of this most valuable community resource: our p�ivate colleges. Sincerely, aa�� � � s,�o�' e Street Address & Zip Code �-a�-s?� Date _ � Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the speci�ic proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning ch�nges for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge yo� to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutians of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighbory I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Fory and affirm your support for the continuo' right to s�lf-determination of th� - resource: �ur private collPr� Sincerely, �-� � 1 Co`�n�y� . n ina� 1 a Y � to 4av`1 Ci t Y omas a�'d ara �i t e�ti��°lve � t�e St. o£ St, rie q�aist z Y��b h e�lriaz 1es ,�ers °� olle�3e inin� t to reg re Stu ara s Dear �em, e�a o� a to mawo la el"F�r�iv�sltles , e As a i z aea C lle oe o�a1s of�lie�es � U Ca�t P°�a otn or tne wo z lo eClfl� e z for pa 1, si�ni�Y'Oma tY make o nood�aY„ s'P n� t• vezY St. Ci Y�b St tre . �na of S tYle of tY�is ne'�"q AC�e d Zonln e CitY , o�3r�'2e olleqe o� in of o`�r,FortY ein9 a unitY yn tY' o re� tYie C �7,Catl � all tre ell,b COmtt� e Y°U � ns t�ni9re z e s'�'a�e o a l s t rU e avalU a�le I Urq uti� of t w r°'� C°�' st . ���; tz 1b o,�s ty�a the '� tne s �'° p�p' on tit ti � li e e� t f o£ i n ^�' ` �"' ' 3�/� i�'s itY °� to �e SuF'�°.� atl n es t� (�"_ e qual e yo'� ouz min lle9 , �'2�. �od � I v,r a�fir'm e1 f,det vate co C� s � ZiP an�rt to 'i s oUr pr 1 I �'`� Adaz eS rl o,,rcel• Stz �es , �Cez e�Y ' �Q�.�J`���� -r S y �'I ��l � 1�am - � �� Da � �i -�'� "'� Street Address & Zip Code Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge yo� to recognize the very significant positive contribut�ons that the College of St. Thomas and other institutipns of higher education in this city make to the quality o� life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: '�,our private colleges. Sincerely,l `!`l /t.C�.cr�.e:�� �f • ��'���.�r�t..( ��Y'7 �ut, ,S'S/a S—' N me Stree Ad ress & 'Zip Code � at (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Membe�s of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local aolleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you �o recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm our support for the continued well-being and right to se�f-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, , �x pr s�R���1� �� . Name Street Address & Zip Code ? —o�.r� ^ �� y''3'i cr.�(' Date i Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning ch�anges for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the Ci'ty of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to s�lf-determination of this most valuable community resource: �ur private colleges. Sinc � y, s�� ;� � �l� �� �� , � � a 7�y,��s J, .�,�� Street Address & Zip Code .�� � —c��� Date � �� rn e�� �}plsr�q er'— �c,�.c;��.� (Spouse, riend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedic�ted to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges , I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions f higher education in this city make to the quality of li�'e that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you toireject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm yoUr support for the continued well-being and right to self-�determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, � � Name I Street Address & Zip Code Date Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objecti�Y the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" th?1 zoning changes for our colleges, universities ar ' in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very s�� contributions that the College institutions of higher edur quality of life that ��� I urge you to reio� al and af f irm yo�•� :y�iav' o� o resot°t� � Co`��'Cyl. d a� ��a a c�y v�lUe t�l a�' ara o,��e 1� ye� Ya�l Cy 2n�mu 1y�t� a�� tn5�yraz St' � `'��`�e q eg�'S 5�� ard �� �� tre C°11 ri ay� 1�.e o t� ���y�le5 � �1`�e � e�``�e ,�Y'e �`ai �,1a e � a1'�' °6y �Y'e �Y'e �eaz M e�a a ea �5' .� �o� 11 �e5 � ��ca�,a a�,a,°e �Y,00a�d��. a f.�aed�-o1�,e o4o5ao� �° s�-q�y T`�'°Ci�� ey�Y'���e a a t� A5 o i5 Cal � � Q� .�or yau1' ve�� ,� 5�;�,�,y5 ou� �' z�� y�,q m�,�,y �oUZ s4eCG a�'�'�'e� 5�' y2e �o11eq 10�' a 1 °t'�e ,v�ie11�p1 c°m tY'e :y�q C t� � eCOq'�Y�e C d�.ca e y�' 15 °� .�,ti'ea �al�a . �� � i Zo�' e �' S � t e a� Sa t1 t � `� l'� �Y� � ou � 5 �,Y,a iqY'e�e 5Y� �04� e G�� �09 , �GJ ` � �z�e��10 5 0� �na t tre �40� �co t,��- ► �, Coae Z o��zy��.�,�oz� 1,�£e�e'ec �o�atyo�, �e�, , 5 �tii'� e ���v c��5a1�� �o �o� a�e ��e Co11 �Ada,�e5 1 e �,I ��a�,�y��e1�' �zy�a s,�ree ra to o�.� z;��ra �Ce: Ze5 ' e ' � , C � Syr' � �� t���'e a,�e Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning chamges for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributians that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of 'life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to se�f-determination of this most valuable community resource: o r private colleges. Sincerely, �Z �� z ! ��������• -f��f° � ame � 88 Street Address & Zip Code Date (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) ' Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to', recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm yoy�r support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our 'private colleges. Sincerely, � Name Street Address & Zip Code Date Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Si ere , �" �be��� T,��'1 T'`- �9 v� Str�,��/�- S�, �i�//�ssz�� ame Street Address & Zip Code � � Dat Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local coll�ges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to r�cognize the very significant positive contributions t at the College of St. Thomas and other institutions oflhigher education in this city make to the quality of life ',that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to r�ject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-de'termination of this most valuable community resource: our pr�ivate colleges. Sincerely, -� /f�� ����e-�� _� . Na e S reet Address & Zip Code Da e i I Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a frier�d of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is ded,icated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specifac proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning cha�ges for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributians that the College of St. Thomas and other institution'�s of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm �our support for the continued well-being and right to se�f-determination of this most valuable community resource: o r private colleges. Sincerely, ����,.,,, ,/�'� � � c���- Nam ' Street Address & Zip Code D�a� f�' �' � � , � / s (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local coll�ges, I would like to register my objection to the specific p�oposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to r�ecognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to r�ject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, 1�-�-�. � � �-c�, ��C�� � �l�� Name Street Address & Zip Code _1- � � �a-1 v � Date Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specif�c proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very siqnificant positive contributians that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of 'life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to se�f-determination of this most valuable community resource: o r private colleges. Sincerely, l�l,�����t r}�3��i _��lS �/!lo I�,e Street Address Zip Code 2 ! l�l D te (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members qf the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to Y�ecognize the very significant positive contributions �hat the College of St. Thomas and other institutions o� higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, ' /��d w 5 5 ��� Nam ', Stree Address & Zip Code �-�-�;-�� Da Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedi�ated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you tb reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to sel�-determination of this most valuable community resource: ou� private colleges. Sincerely, � r /� � � Nam Street Address & p Code � - � /:�' Date �' (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members o� the St. Paul City Council : As a friend ofl�� the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicat�d to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions tlhat the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-de'termination of .this mast valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, C 'J %�74/�.-s1�'-�� �'�"/d'�"' Name ' , Street Add ess & Zip Code , �, D te • .,�„_ ��-- �7.�,�-�-c�� 1 y U G w� i��s ��y ,� � � �.� ,�:� �� ���. � � Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedi�ated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you �o recognize the very significant positive co,�.t.�autiorls that the College o St. Thomas an other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to sel'�-determination of this most valuable community resource: ou� private colleges. Sincerely, , �' ' � a a�� �.�� � . .��-��� � Name ' Street Address & Zip Code �'a�/', �d� Date (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend o� the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedica�ed to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges , I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to xecognize the very significant positive contributions 'that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of lif� that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to �eject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm you� support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, J aa�9 � , ��d� N me Street Address & Zip Code I � � D e i Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend ' of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dediCated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local cdlleges, I would like to register my objection to the specifi� proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning chang�es for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City ';of St. Paul . I urge you tp recognize the very significant positive contribution�s that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to sel�-determination of this most valuable community resource: ou� private colleges. Sincerely, �� '' ��.�?�.�✓ v � � � � � .�..��� ��'�' Name Street Address & Zip Code s'S-��� � - a, a. - � 8' Date pouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members af the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very siqnificant positive contributions t�hat the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your, support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, . r Name � ^ � � Street Address & Zip Code � Date ��_��� �j Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specifi�c proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributior�s that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of �.ife that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you �o reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: ouir private colleges. Sincerely, � ��� ��� ��ti� ���� Name � _ a�i�� Street A ress & Zip Code Date (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City o� St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions .that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions o higher education in this city make to the quality of lif that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to xeject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Si cerely, U �O �- ame y j� Street Address & Zip Code ate Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specifi� proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you �o recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to sel�-determination of this 'most valuable community resource: ou� private colleges. Sincer y, � ��✓ �li'�l /`f�C<<"-d�s� :> .���� c�' � me Street Address & Zip Code �/�i��'� Date } (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members pf the St. Paul City Council : As a friend o$ the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedica�ed to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions 'that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of lif� that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to �eject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm you� support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, Name Street Address & Zip Code Date Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you �o recognize the very significant positive contributior�s that the College of St. Thomas and other institutionS of higher education in this city make to the quality of ];ife that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm y!our support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: ou�r private colleges. I Sincerely, '� GL�n: � � ��7� ,����'`'�' �--c. .5 5%/"..S Nam , Street Address & Zip Code 7 /9 i'' S�� Dat�� (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members lof the St. Paul City Council : �i As a friend ol the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedica ed to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local col eges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning change� for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions af higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, , � � / G�',4A1� -�91�E� ss�o.s Na e Street Address & Zip Code ' 7/ao/ g f� _ Date Dear Member� of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dediCated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local c�lleges, I would like to register my objection to the specifiC proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning chan�es for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you �o recognize the very significant positive contributionjs that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: ou� private colleges. i � Sincerely, I /r'o��/�T� �/�CiU/�C' /o6.r .�v�r.v S',S'/o.3 Name Street Address & Zip Code ��o��� , Date i (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) I Dear Members qf the St. Paul City Council : As a friend o� the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicatied to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local coll'eges, I would like to register my objection to the specific p;roposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of lif� that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-c�etermination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, 1�n1� ���i� 1(�"=3 �Uo n� ��"� �.S Name���G� Street Address & Zip Code 0 Date Dear MemberS of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local calleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you tb recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you tp reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm y0ur support for the continued well-being and right to sel$-determination of this most valuable community resource: ou� private colleges. Sincerely, �� � , �60� �r��leSl�� J�,� s5 �o� Name Street Address & Zip Code "J� 2o t� Date I � (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend o$ the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedica�ed to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of, St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions o higher education in this city make to the quality of lif� that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to Y�eject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm you� support for the continued well-being and right to self-c�etermination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, Name Street Address & Zip Code Date Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm ypur support for the continued well-being and right to sel�-determination of this most valuable community resource: ou� private colleges. Sincerely, ' �a.w/ f�, , c;�. :o ,�-. �/2 �j',r-:� S � � S S--/o �- � � Name � �d Street Address & Zip Co� 0 Dat ` -� �I , (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local col;leges, I would like to register my objection to the specific ',proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning chang�s for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City af St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions', that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions 'pf higher education in this city make to the quality of li�fe that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm yojar support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, Name Street Address & Zip Code Date Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you tio recognize the very significant positive contribution�s that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions' of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to sel -determination of this most valuable community resource: ou� private colleges. Sincerely► � � �� �;�� %� r�� �'� ��i (G Nam� Street Addre & Zip Code 'Z� p2,1- Q� Date (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend o� the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedica�ed to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning change� for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions '� that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of li�e that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to ',reject the proposals of the "Farty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, Name Street Address & Zip Code Date Dear Membe�s of the St. Paul City Council : As a frien� of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of li�e that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you tolreject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. S '�cer ly, ,� - �� � i 2145 Hartford Ave. , St. Paul, 55116 Name u ene J. Audette Street Address & Zip Code -20-88E g Date Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedi�ated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specifi� proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you �o recognize the very significant positive contributiorls that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" � -- �r,^l�r support for the continued well-being and i, � �� +hi-s most valuable community , Dear Members of t�� - � ; � �I Dear Members o''�f the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of; the Colleqe of St�hehOUalitydand vitalityaof who is dedicatled to maintaining q ob�ection to our local coll�eges , I would like to register mY„ that involve the specific �,,rfo°SOUr �ollegesF�universitiesdand seminaries zoning change in the City of, St. Paul . I urqe you tol��recognize the very significant positive contributions !that the College of St. Thomas amakettorthe institutions �!e thateweesharelin alltofsourtneighborhoods. quality of li� Acre Study" I urge you to ��reject the proposals of the "Forty- and affirm yo�r support for the continued well-beinq and right to self-+determinatioe es,this most valuable community resource: our ',private coll g i c e r e l y ii ��y(��c,cahti�L'��. ���`���l��� ��� �� �,�� �� � �'�- �'1 ` , Street Address & Zip Code e � � r �� Date �i Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dediCated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the Cityjof St. Paul . i I urge you t�o recognize the very significant positive contributionis that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to sel�-determination of this most valuable community resource: ou� private colleges. Sincerely, I �C���{ ���i��o�l c� s.� ���, Name Street Ad ess & Zip Code 7/ /��� D ta e�r (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend o� the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedica�ed to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to yrecognize the very significant positive contributions {that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions o� higher education in this city make to the quality of lif� that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm you� support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, Name Street Address & Zip Code Date Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedi�ated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local cqlleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges , universities and seminaries in the City iof St. Paul . % I urge you t�o recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: ou� private colleges. �, Sincerely, I - /��� /�C�� C�i�csz��c�f}c.rP.#�oz�S'���x..u..Q/�/n,ss�os N Street Address & Zip Code J a� J� �` Date (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend ojE the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City oi� St. Paul . I urge you to 'recognize the very significant positive contributions �that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions c►f higher education in this city make to the quality of lif,e that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm you�,r support for the continued well-being and right to self-�letermination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, . ��o� D,� �: ���� �'��'��.� .��io� L N me Street A dress & Zip Code 7 ao Date Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local calleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you t�o recognize the very significant positive contribution,s that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: ou� private colleges. Sincerely, ' Name Street Address & Zip Code Date (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City af St. Paul . I urge you ta recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions '�of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, , �J-v , �'►-� , f�.a-�1'�,.. �I �.� ,�.u.�-�-�-� �---� Na e �� Street Address & Zip Code 2� Dat Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dediaated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local calleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific' proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you tb recognize the very significant positive contribution� that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions ' of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to sel�-determination of this most valuable community resource: ou� private colleges. Sin erel • �r�3 �Au�i,�v�. �'�o� a�� ^���, /,,� f,"�•�r-�,, Street Address & Zip Code ft �� << ,ii� Dat� (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members �f the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local coll;eges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning change5 for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to xecognize the very significant positive contributions �that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions o�E higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, . . G�-.�-� /!� 3 o�v��� G�c. a�'�4`f e Street Address & Zip Code �- a� -8g , Date Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you tp recognize the very significant positive contribution$ that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you tq reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to sel�-determination of this most valuable community resource: ou� private colleges. Sincerely, Name Street Address & Zip Code Date (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local col�eges, I would like to register my objection to the specific roposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning change� for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City o€ St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of li�e that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. 'ncerely, � ��� .�'s�o � �o�� me Street Address & Zip Code 7/��/� � , Date Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City iof St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you t0 reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: ou� private colleges. Sincerely, � � 429 Grand Ave. ; 55102 Name Frederic . Hip c en Street Address & Zip Code July 21, 1988 ' Date (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedica�ed to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local col�eges, I would like to register my objection to the specific �roposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning change for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City o� St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions af higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to ,reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm you'� support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, Name Street Address & Zip Code Date Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedic�ted to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning chang�s for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contribution� that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of l�fe that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm yaur support for the continued well-being and right to selfi-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. ' cerely, r � � J (�./L'�".� I q 6 9 L a,�-�e I � � y Name � � Street Address Zip Code Date � � ��' s�, P� , ��` .�._s,�y (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members pf the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedica�ed to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City oE St. Paul . I urge you to secognize the very significant positive contributions 'that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions df higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, Name Street Address & Zip Code Date Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contribution� that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to sel�-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sinc el , , _ � � _ . �-s_/o� Na GStreet A dress & Zip ode e Date � (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City o� St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions 'that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm youlr support for the continued well-being and right to self-idetermination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, Name Street Address & Zip Code Date Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local cplleges, I would like to register my objection to the specifiC proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you �o reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, � ��-�- .�o�a�3' ��� , Street Address & Zip Code 7 �� r;y DateT�� : (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning chang�s for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you tb recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm ypur support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, Name Street Address & Zip Code Date Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributidns that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neiqhborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: o�ir private colleges. Sincerely, ' ��� �_� a��-� ������oa� �s-s--,o y N me � Street Address & Zip Code / ate (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of liie that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, Name Street Address & Zip Code Date Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contribut�ons that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of 1'ife that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm you� support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our priyate colleges. Sincerely, �-, a� i� ��-e, �,.�rv � ��— Na e Street Address & Zip Code '1��� -�'� Date Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend o� the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedica�ed to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local col'leges, I would like to register my objection to the specific �roposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning change's for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City o� St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. (SPouse, Friend o' • �� /,1 � �°'� � � -- ----_— Ne i�bor) � ��BJ Dear Members �lof the St. Paul City Council : As a friend �f the College of St. who is dedica�ted to maintainin Thomas and our local colIle es 9 the an individual the specific I� g ' I WOUld like to registeramd vitality of roposals of the "Fort y �bJection to zoning changell� for our colle eS y-Acre Study° that involve in the City o�E St. Paul , g � universities and seminaries I urge you tolreco contributions I thatgtheeColleVery significant institutions of g 9 of St. Thomas andlother quality of life thateweeSharelin all tols �it I urge you to f our neighborhoods. and affirm 'reject the proposals of the right to self ur SuPP°rt for the continued welltbeinre Study° determination of this most valuable commun�it resource: our private colleges. Y Sincerely, , _ Name �` a �� �.,., �.�. � /� -r� ; street Address & Zi �� ���� �~ Date P Code � � a� y wT _ Date Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in thP C'; tv �f c�- T+-•-� (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members bf the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges , I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City af St. Paul . I urge you t� recoqnize the very significant positive contribution that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions , of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you t reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm y ur support for the continued well-being and right to sel -determination of this most valuable community resource: ou� private colleges. Sincerely, ,'_'_' �a� ( ���.1'�5�.�9-��-�-- m Street Address & Zip Code _ i-' � Sr �, �- Date � I .�ua���y �= iize tnat we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to seaf-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, v�� S� • c('���.� �o�z ��G�'�.� � � ��' 5 S�o� Name . Street Address & Zip Code 7 �o �� Date—� i II Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is de�dicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zpning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm� your support for the continued well-being and right to �elf-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, � . " � e $~5�{ oS Name Street Addres & Zi Code Date � �a� �$'� (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges , I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning chan�ges for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you �to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of Aife that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, ��-�- 8' 3 �"'3'�o s" N me reet Address Zip Code �'� ✓- �� Date ± � Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local �olleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning chang�s for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City af St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions t�at the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your sug�ort for the continued well-being and right to self-deter�ination of this most valuable community resource: our privat� colleges. Sincerely,����/,� _ � o ' ss�d� S reet Address & Zip Code �o �, Date \ Dear Membe�s of the St. Paul City Council : As a frien� of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is ded cated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local Colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributians that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm our support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: o r private colleges. Sincerely, L����/�/�, C. �,�,ps ��y .z- /-�,��� �� ,�.�i D/ Name Street Add ess & Zip Code 0��,20��'� Date �- ' (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local calleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you t'o recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, ���N«� ���a�,� �o�y ��CE���� ��- �-�o y Name a����� Street Address & Zip Code � Date ' Dear Membe�s of the St. Paul City Council : As a frien� of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is ded�cated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local aolleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you ,to recognize the very significant positive contributians that the Colleqe of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: o�r private colleges. Sinc rely, ' „ _�, � �,;��� � 3 G � ��Z E i'J�} Name Street Address & Zip Code � � �- -�$ SS i U� Date (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedi�ated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specifiC proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City , of St. Paul . I urge you i�o recognize the very significant positive contributio�s that the College of St. Thomas and other institution� of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you �o reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, C�� r .��,�..,�„�� I 3 6 s�-- S � � t��4 Name Street Address & Zip Code 7 -2�-�-� Fl Date � S.�/ �,� Dear Memberl� of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend' of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedi�ated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local cplleges, I would like to register my objection to the specifi� proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you �o recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of Xife that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to se�f-determination of this most valuable community resource: o�r private colleges. Sincerely, � � � �d �� Name ; `Stre' e/Jt/Addi�re�s & Zi Co�G�� � Dat ��� � � J`S �� � (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Member� of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedi�ated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local cblleges, I would like to register my objection to the specifi� proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institution� of higher education in this city make to the quality of �.ife that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: o�nr private colleges. S ' rely, d%C.Y - e t'� eet A�ess & Zip Cod� ,� �_% /� a t e �� �--�° K.c.t(r S-S/o I �I Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dediCated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local cplleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributians that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to s�lf-determination of this most valuable community resource: �ur private colleges. Sincerel ,, -� � � � ��:� ��-� �s-�� Name treet Addres Zip Code � �"f �� Date (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Membe�s of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you' to recognize the very significant positive contribut''ons that the College of St. Thomas and other institutiq�ns of higher education in this city make to the quality of' life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, Name Street Address & Zip Code Date Dear Member5 of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning chanqes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributio�s that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to se�f-determination of this most valuable community resource: o�r private colleges. Sincere � �� oiz Q ' 5��5��0� am r/ Street Addr ss & Zip C de 0 d Date I (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local Colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you ' to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our rivate colleges. Sin erely, i o� I a ` a�r �� ' S�`% �'�.. Name Street Ad ess & Zip Code Date -�7L� Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a frien� of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is ded�cated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributians that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to s�lf-determination of this most valuable community resource: qur private colleges. I Sincerely, �ll , - � 6 c� c�( C� s s�o'� Name ,� Street Address & Zip Code i - I�- gg Date (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Membe�s of the St. Paul City Council : i As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specifi.c proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you ,to recognize the very significant positive contributi�ns that the College of St. Thomas and other institutio s of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm 'your support for the continued well-being and right to s�lf-determination of this most valuable community resource: c>ur private colleges. Sincer 1 , � - , � 1�'� °�I , � S sio� Name Street Address & Zip Code � -`Z �- � � Date Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local cblleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you ,to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: dur private colleges. I Sincerely, i _ C,� a � ��. Name � Street Addr ip Code '� e CS � ( p use, rien�c or Neighbor) Dear Membexs of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedi;cated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local c�olleges, I would like to register my objection to . the specifi�c proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning charlges for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributic�ns that the College of St. Thomas and other institutior�s of higher education in this city make to the quality of '' life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to s�lf-determination of this most valuable community resource: dur private colleges. Sincerely, ���_ N e Street Address & Zip Code `� '2� -� Date Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specifi� proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: �ur private colleges. Sincere y, , � n � S 3 � (faz'f.,.�� c-c�.�.r r J S /o �- ame ' Street Address & Zip Code 7/�, ,�� �- - Date � -- � ---�- --- a...__ ---- � Dear Member� of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specifi� proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive c�ntributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institution� of higher education in this city make to the quality of Iife that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you �o reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to sel;f-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, , •� I �.c,.-�-- l�.S ViC.�C-r�^-� .S 5-/��S� am I Street Address & Zip Code -� �.-o �' i � D te I Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend � of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedi�ated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local cplleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning chan�es for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you �o recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to se f-determination of this most valuable community resource: o�r private colleges. Sincerely, ' � � �oa � �-�� Name � Street Address Zip ode �7f�'�"'�'� Date � (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoninq changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributionS that the College of St. Thomas and other institutiOns� of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you td reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, ' ' � - �v� ��lJ-C . ame Street ddress Zip Code 7 d20 ' D e f l Dear Member�s of the St. Paul City Council : As a frien of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is ded ' cated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local olleges, I would like to register my objection to the specif ' c proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning cha ges for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the Cit of St. Pau'1 . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institution�s of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you �to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to se;lf-determination of this most valuable community resource: o{ur private colleges. � Sincerely, �� Name Street Address & Zip Code Date (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend 'of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedic�ated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local calleges, I would like to register my objection to the specifiC proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning chang�,es for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you t�O recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions� of higher education in this city make to the quality of l�ife that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you tp reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm ypur support for the continued well-being and right to sel�E-determination of this most valuable community resource: ou� private colleges. Sincere y, i�7�1-G��-�-e, ��/��,�-�,,.,� —� .a�S%�5� Street Address & Zip Code � � � Da i Dear Memb�rs of the St. Paul City Council : As a frield of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is de icated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the speci ic proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning ch nges for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you� to recognize the very significant positive contributi{�ns that the College of St. Thomas and other institutio�s of higher education in this city make to the quality ofllife that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge youl, to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm '',your support for the continued well-being and right to s lf-determination of this most valuable community resource: ur private colleges. Sincerely, �a-.�, C�,� (�1�,(?. (`?S 3 1 G�c�f�-� � S,S�oY Name � Street Address & Zip Code `l — 2-��-�8 Date I I � (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members'i of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend pf the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedic�ted to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local co�.leges, I would like to register my objection to the specificiproposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning chang�s for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City �f St. Paul . I urge you t recognize the very significant positive contribution that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of li'�fe that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you tolreject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm yoµr support for the continued well-being and right to self±-determination of this most valuable community resource: our, private colleges. Sincerely, , Name Street Address & Zip Code Date I� , Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul. I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we shaze in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: oux private colleges. Si erely, � me G%�tree Address & Zi ode e C��' �C�� ��`/O ; I . . . . I previously� signed your petition urging the City Council to reject the groposals of the Forty-Acre Study. Because of the changes in the final draft of this document, I request that you remove my petition from those to be submitted to the City Council . Name Street Address & Zip Code Date , �I Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our loaal colleges, I would like to register my objection to the sp�cific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning 'changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contrib�utions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right tio self-determination of this most valuable community resourc�e: our private colleges. Sincerel , : . ��f (�3Q � .�S`��� G� .� '� ame%/ �� Street Address & Zip Code l� Date — — — -� — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — �G�n/ �.f/Z'✓���G i�C�. ��:�Ir _ I previously signed your petition urging the City Council to reject the proposals of the Forty-Acre Study. Because of the changes in the final draft of this document, I request that you remove my petition from those to be submitted to the City Council . Name Street Address & Zip Code Date Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council: As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . � I urge you� to recognize the very significant positive contributi�ons that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject tne proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, dc-�-/ �°al.�/ �G��i� .�7/`P� ✓rS/1� Na e � Street Add ess & Zip Code /b /!��g'g' Date � - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I previowsly signed your petition urging the City Council to reject the proposals of the Forty-Acre Study. Because of the changes in the final draft of this document, I request that you remove my petition from those to be submitted to the City Council . ' Name Street Address & Zip Code Date Dear Me�bers of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. i - - - - - - .._ . _ _ _. -- ,-.. Dear Memb�rs of the St. Paul City Council : , As a frierid of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dec�icated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local ',colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specif',ic proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning cha�ges for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you' to recognize the very significant positive contributi�ns that the College of St. Thomas and other institutioms of higher education in this city make to the quality ofllife that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm �your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, , �. � �0 N �' �+ ,�J Street Ad ess & Zip Code Date ---1� �! ��" �� • �s,.--P J2r� s� ���'' Date ' Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our loc�l colleges, I would like to register my objection to the spe�ific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning �hanges for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the �ity of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other '�stitutions of higher education in this city make to the � `� of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. � to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" � support for the continued well-being and -mination of this most valuable community 1�ear AS, d Members wha ,�rZ o.F °ur , .ts ena' �he the �Io�a edZC �� t s�• P n �j� �Z�i�jIe d to c°IIe a�I c1t the! ha pr geS� m�i ge o 'Y Co eo �rge I� cZ�'Y o� .�ot°Sals w�I�n�g t. Th ���jl: .tn h�ri .�'ou St, °�r °F t l.zk �he °'�as 4'ua��tu�''tio �O r `Davl c°II he "F to q�a1 . and I 1 j� t�o r�s e�o . eges ol,� regj 1 tI, a� ri°' a� 1'ou I Z,�� hZ� the e the , ���rere S r �iy v taZ v?du re otrr °Z S� y t� reJe th we d�Iege ry s j S2�j s��n�� ha�1 oy °� s.z�c �e: o�F��e Strppo the S hare io�°� S�h.fFi� d Se�Z Zn o to ere l y, � p ri��i�a� �orr°pos� a�1 �hZ shOm st AoS . nar� S�e 1� e �o th I s o� c1 ah Z tl�, D � � � c�jl ges thZ��t� the �n �e fi ke �her a e . s �o �ed We or��hbo to � \ \ vdZ a�be ��re S Se Da � \ 1e cm��d��',Y•. � S/j� Z ty � � L�.�C � � �ree , � tA ' � d � � � ress / � ` \ \ & Z�p co�j4�__ ,. de � � � � � �.. � � Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council: As a fri�nd of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is de�icated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local `�colleges, I would like to register my objection �o the specif�c proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning cha�ges for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City' of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions �f higher education in this city make to the quality of li�e that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our p�ivate colleges. Sincerel�, ' � , � s� a e � Street dress & Zip Code Da e ___— L —�. --—-- - - _ Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a fri�nd of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm �►our support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: ou� private colleges. incerely, �(, /��o w.r,ti.� G�r � P.a.� ssii� am Street Address & Zip Code /o � Da e Dear Members of the St. Paui City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning Changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resources our private colleges. Sincerely, ��q5 ��J�.-�� �51C�� Na e Street Address & Zip Co e ��- ����� Dat� — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — I previously signed your petition urging the City Council to reject the proposals of the Forty-Acre Study. Because of the changes in the final draft of this document, I request that you remove my petition from those to be submitted to the City Council . Name Street Address & Zip Code Date Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council: As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would line to register my����hattinvolve the specific proposals of the Forty-Acre Study zoning chanqes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that �� share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject �roposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your st�� - the continued well-being and right to se;lf-de' �f this most valuable community resource: our � • Sincerely. fr' �'� '�•;�'r�;.� �",� Y.✓ yVP _l �/ / ������ '���.}`�'���"�� . .,.•r .. �"� �ceet Address & Zip Cod� Na e d �d D% ��.s �' ° �� °' `��°�i ?��5�� �s�r . �6�� - - - - - - - - - ,��o����A o���1��� s o _ � �,� � �°0 .1 �'1' o � �'�° �� �O �' ��•�o�d � ��S �? � s> c'•�� 1�, f �� � � �,'r��'W1����t,b ,�'o ��,��9��c `0,�,�O9'��C�° `�'� �P'� ��� �� ��`s' �A�� � �' � A �s��� ��„�o��o,r���o S��.�'`°s� 1'�'�,t'��9. ��1 i to d'. o �` !�. o � s s � . o �l � � �o 1,� 4,�, �o�1, 4 ,� o � ��, ,A U,�s o��`� o C��. the °� ��°, s� �`o�� � '�d o� a` �o,� 1P,1,� � �� O o��iN ��`t,�. °�,1��U,�,��j•��j19,$z`��?� '� �,�,j�,��'1,r�9st: c�°� . \ d��. . . �A���s�A��� ti� �o�� 9�� 0�0 ��S��'.�o ��1 � �° A � �° ,l �° . ,� O �i 'l. � \ °� � ��.�������,�� s�������.�� ����`���r���� \ Q`�c �'A,r, 'c� ��1' p N C�,c'�`�i�' �.��P' \ � �p1,1�1j� lc OS`t,r�,�� 5�9,� '�s.t'�O s�p� d1j�fl \ �09.����o d,l�d�'? �. 1,�, �1��`� fi��'�1,r� � \ S► �c�����o� ������� S'�.�.,Zp�J Zc�L,I \ � ��p��l Zc��O��1������O Q'S�o����1�•�'(j�� \ � ���p'�, �i� '`��p��Q'�'�� ��1?�'�G.�,� O'� ,� L'p, �,j�� �9,°��r ���� °��c'�.�,l�O ' ♦ S�e'� �Ct�'l�d����o �`��� ��0�,N � � a1 � �� � � � � ���` � o���'�O�o���� o' � �o,� °'� o`,�`�'� s P' � o' � � \ �''�s �'��. °'.�,, � s� �� � � � 2�• � `o � � �'o � � �'� � � � � �� � � Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend' of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dediGated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul. I urge you !to recognize the very significant positive contributiohs that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, � /�� � ���Q,���S��� �l� Name Street Address & Zip Code S 3"/0� �v- � 3 - ,� Date — — — — — --a — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — I previously signed your petition urging the City Council to reject the proposals of the Forty-Acre Study. Because of the changes in the final draft of this document, I request that you remove my petition from those to be submitted to the City Council . Name � Street Address & Zip Code Date Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most vaZuable community resource:�, our private colleges. ' cerely, . � ���-5��, _. ���, ame Street Address & Zip Code io�'��f/ .�.�%/� Date — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — I previously signed your petition urging the City Council to reject the proposals of the Forty-Acre Study. Because of the changes in the final draft of this document, I request that you remove my petition from those to be submitted to the City Council . Name Street Address & Zip Code Date Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul. I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, '� - �-�� 1 J �� ��a�� G�,'�e Name � Street Ad ess & Zip Code /0 -1� ��S'g � � . �a.c<-F'� /t'1n�, Ss�/b Date - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - I previously signed your petition urging the City Council to reject the proposals of the Forty-Acre Study. Because of the changes in the final draft of this document, I request that you remove my petition from those to be submitted to the City Council . Name Street Address & Zip Code Date Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council: As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affir.m your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource:''� our private colleges. i Sincerelyl,, , t.�.�,. ..�� ,��,�� ___ i3i7 ���/..��.�,� ����. ����o� ame Street Address & Zip Code l�f'ih , / ��/� d' Date — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — I previously signed your petition urging the City Council to reject the proposals of the Forty-Acre Study. Because of the changes in the final draft of this document, I request that you remove my petition from those to be submitted to the City Council . Name I i Street Address & Zip Code I Date Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council: As a fri�nd of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: � our private colleges. Sincerely� y�� � �- �� -� ��s/d� ame �— Street dress & Zip Code i�-%�-k� Date Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a �riend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who i� dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our l�cal colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urg� you to recognize the very significant positive contril�butions that the College of St. Thomas and other instit�utions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and af�irm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resour�e: our private colleges. Sincer�ly, C� C- �j � �b��s ame , S�t Addr s s & Zip Code /D;/�/'-s� Date Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. i Sincerely, � �rk..�� ,� � ���s �-. .��-�� � � ��-�����j� � v y Name Street Address & Zip Code lD�l���� Date — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — I previously signed your petition urging the City Council to reject the proposals of the Forty-Acre Study. Because of the changes in the final draft of this document, I request that you remove my petition from those to be submitted to the City Council . Name Street Address & Zip Code Date ,: � Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality o� life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to �elf-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, -�v ��� O�-���v�� S.�l��.r Name Street Address & Zip Code ����,� ��, _/%� Date — — — — � — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -- — — — — — — — — I previously signed your petition urging the City Council to reject the proposals of the Forty-Acre Study. Because of the changes in the final draft of this document, I request that you remove my petition from those to be submitted to the City Council . Name I Street Address & Zip Code Date Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the C�ty of St. Paul . I I urge ydu to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institut�ons of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource� our private colleges. Since 1 C��G'7" ����"���-y �f'% me Street Address & Zip Code /a�/1��' Date j3'7�� I previously signed your petition urging the City Council to reject the proposals of the Forty-Acre Study. Because of the changes in the final draft of this document, I request that you remove my petitior, f�om those to De submitted to the City Council . Name Street Address & Zip Code Date ,I! Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council: As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm yaur support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our, private colleges. Sinc ly, , /sv� ���e�I�y�e . �`io cSf,��-� Name Street Address & Zip Code /c� ���� ��r�-,�-,f� Date — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -- — — — — — — — — — — — — I previously �igned your petition urging the City Council to reject the pr4posals of the Forty-Acre Study. Because of the changes in the final draft of this document, I request that you remove my petition from tr�,ose to be submitted to the City Council . Name Street Address & Zip Code Date ' Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning ch�nges for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutipns of higher education in this city make to the quality o� life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge yo� to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private calleges. Sincerely� `" 5�`I �� �v�u�...��� �s�l,�� Name Street Address & Zip Code i� � �/Q6� Date — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — I previous�ly signed your petition urging the City Council to reject the proposals of the Forty-Acre Study. Because of the changes in the final draft of this document, I request that you remo�e' my petition from those to be submitted to the City Council . � Name Street Address & Zip Code Date i Dear Membgrs of the St. Paul City Council: As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul. I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality af life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource; our private colleges. n �, ��� Name Street Address & Zip Code /D / Dat — — — — — -- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — I previ�usly signed your petition urging the City Council to reject the proposals of the Forty-Acre Study. Because of the changes in the final draft of this document, I request that you remove my petition from those to be submitted to the City Council . Name � Street Address & Zip Code Date i Dear Mem�ers of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that invn��� zoning changes for our colleges, univer�; }; -- - in the Ci;ty of St. p�»� � paul City Council: Dear Memb�rs of the St. individual the College of St�hehq as andand vitality of As a friehd of uality ob�ection to de�dicated to maintaining register mY that involve `ahO ls collegeS . I W�uld like tO Acre Study" our local; the "Forty- seminaries the specific proposals of universities and zoning cManges for our colleges, in the C�.tY �f St• Paul. significant positive nize the very Thomas and other I urge y!ou to reco9the College of St• make to the contrib tions that education in this city hborhoods. share in all of our neiq Acre Study" institui�ions of tha eWe Forty- qualityl of life ro osals of the ect the P P , ur e ou to re� ort for the continued well-being and I g our suPP this most valuable community and af f�rm Y riqh� to •self'drivatencolleges. resour�e• our P ��' �' -/��� ��� . �� � Sincer� '�,.�1�/,� �- ��,�f� :�/0lf�dFv � Street Address & Zip Code �� t!�� � ame 1� ,(� .� Date ; — _ - - - _ _" ` _ — � — _ _ _ Name Street Address & Zip Code I Date . . ' Dear Membe�s of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is ded�cated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local olleges, I would like to register my objection to the specif ' c proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning cha ges for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the Cit� of St. Paul . I urge youlto recognize the very significant positive contributians that the College of St. Thomas and other institutio�s of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to s�lf-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, ' ` , �oot'�'�c���� s�-/a� me Street Address & Zip Code Da (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) I Dear Membe�s of the St. Paul City Council : � As a friencl of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you 'to recognize the very significant positive contributiqns that the College of St. Thomas and other institutior�s of higher education in this city make to the quality ofl,life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm 'your support for the continued well-being and right to s�lf-determination of this most valuable community resource: aur private colleges. Sinc rely, � S�'�/D y ame S reet A d ess & Zip Code a �� Date Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dediaated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning chang�es for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . � I urge you to r��-- ' � C ouncil: City , St. Paul •vldual Membe�s of the indi Dear gt, Thomas and and vitality of of the College of the quality ob�ection �O As a frien� to maintainiike to register my„ that involve who is ded�cated I Would „Forty-Acre Study colleges , seminaries our local , roposals of the the specif��� P �olleges► universities an zoning �h�g o f St paul. in the Cit;Y �ery s ignif icant andl other nize the e of St. Thomas make to the I urqe yo� t� recog the Colle9 , this citY ons that education in neighborhoods. contribut� of higher in all of our Acre Study" institutions that we shareosals of the "Forty- 1 if e be ing and quality o� thefP��°the continued well- �ommunitY I urqe Y � to reject most valuable and af f irm y�ur supP�rt of this to self-determin�olleges. right � our private resource:; ��o� p��C s'S�Q Y a0� f� f Code Sin�erel�'► p,ddress & Zip Street N am�--,�`,.I � _ _ _ _ — Date � ____...a� ana other � _ _......a��on in this city make to the _..r �z lif,e that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm you' support for the continued well-being and right to self- etermination of this most valuable community resource: our rivate colleges. Sincerely, � /? �� G-,�-� � ���-,.��� �' ��3 ��-�.4�LC C�� S S���`f Name Street Address & Zip Code �` L`- �� Date � Dear Membe�s of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local �olleges, I would like to register my objection to the specif;ic proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning chajnges for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to �elf-determination of this most valuable community resource:� our private colleges. Since ely, 'f/ /� / �/ ,�G� C..� ` �7 7 � i ►Z C o �/1� � ��/C�� Na Street Address & Zip Code '3 t g �'�r Date ; (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) — Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : � As a fr�end of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is edicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our loc�l colleges, I would like to register my objection to the spe�ific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning �hanges for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge ;you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and afiirm your support for the continued well-being and right �to self-determination of this most valuable community resour�e: our private colleges. Sincer�ly, Name Street Address & Zip Code Date (Spouse, Friend or `Neighbor) � Dear Members di the St. Paul City Council : As a friend i the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedic�ted to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local co�leges, I would like to register my objection to the specificiproposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning chang�es for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you o recognize the very significant positive contributio�s that the College of St. Thomas and other institutior�s of higher education in this city make to the quality of 'life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Si ere y, 6✓✓� �,o�c�-�`c- L'� �s ���'� ame Street Address & Zip Code ) J Date � Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedi�ated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local calleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning chang�s for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you t4 recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to selfrdetermination of this most valuable community resource: our �Iprivate colleges. Sincerely, � � �oy�//�� ��,J Name Street Address & Zip Code �U �� SS��S D e � ����n �.v�rl Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neiqhborhoods. I urge yQU to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affi;rm your support for the continued well-being and right tp self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincer�ly, � i� 7 Name Street Addres & Zip Code � -�.�2.��� �< � - �`�lo.S! Date / CST ALLIANCE Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend ofl! the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicat�d to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific pXoposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City oflSt. Paul . I urge you to �ecognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self- determination bf this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. _ i , Sincerely, o� �ei���orl , e� F�� ' 1 p°�`s Cil' i�la�a f � C itY Coun a ar ina al itY ° to Yaul omas a� and V1 eCtl°volve tbe St� St• ��qval lt er mY �°�rat riar ie5 r �empe�s of e C�ll n alril�ke t� z A z e S esd a�a Sem Dea le�a ote to i WoUldre nFo�l�ersitl As a £z aeal�a le es ' ls °f e�3e� ' ositl�e who loCal lc p opos our coll fl�ant a�a ot�or tre °�e s'PeCl anges f t• pa�l. ezY Si9n1,�Y,oma tY �a�ce orY'°oas dY" Zonlr9 C1tY °f�,, S i2e tY'e ge o� i t t,nis o r neigr Acre na e n 11 „FortY' . n� a ytY i.ri tY' o� to' re a� tre eaucatl yri all �t,ne �ell-�el �ommun I ur�iputio n f n i�3 re we s Y'a op°s a ls rti n'aea va l U a1�le Cont� tutio�`s ife tY'a t t11e P� tbe C�s m°st ���" i�sti of 1� ze�ec ozt fo of tY� �/ qUali eY y°`� t o�z SvP'� inatl� eqes� �Y � Z ur af�irrt` lf-det�a e C��1 (� � ZiF C°,��// and ht to s �z Qr 1 /� �,> A e s s l re °�zce: Stzeet SinCezelY / ��I �3 ame � � � Date Dear Membe�s of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local �olleges, I would like to register my objection to the specif�c proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning char�ges for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you 'to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm ',your support for the continued well-being and right to s�lf-determination of this most valuable community resource: d,ur private colleges. ' Sincere y, ' .=�' � � � ����� Street�es���� Zip Code � Date G� / �/�� (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Mem' , � St. Paul City Council : As a f � �qe of St. Thomas and an individual who � j �ining the quality and vitality of our � ike to register my objection to th � "Forty-Acre Study" that involve � � universities and seminaries �a � ,�s �' `ye Iw � `cant positive b ho d .� b�°t. �3s and other ����' �S r� S �� make to the 1�o�ej e o SA°c��'e�,o' o '� � �qhborhoods. � �1�1� �°� 1 c1��, � h� �cre Study" 1' �`�e oh��1�°,11�eQ,�h�o S'� -� and �,co��t9. ' �'1�°'�jg Ar�ge �o C'o j � Ad ,un i ty �s �r �! � es � S �i 1 �I �l�,a �� 1� i.�o� o,� 1 oAos ,l' d1. ege C'. d �rj1���'���1 �o s�,r o Is w��d °� ��� .t- :�o' 9� ,� 1 to °�s r .A �z, o Oj 1�?1' S �'o res9�j�a.���,�o��l`I ls o��h��`o� �'t�j. �o� �h .I1�9 �• �, �11��, S, o� �o r,� � 1.� � �1• d�, e ,;�'e h� ho I; 1�c 'r'C�. se .��° .t.e ���gh�h�,��° � ges `�o�,�o g{,��'s d, �r�l °�t��o� S�ca� w ec�1h� � ��1���eg1���a�� d�� '� tb�,e���AAo ��� So'��a�geer� ��r�res�e� d�a,� dd�C� � I 1�'�,��,1'��'L` ��p�4'.r��.ZD �,� S1g `s����`S�� �j�Q' L��jp>�• °� , e a� . o 0 1• � . s� �1• �'S 4',�,, ob ��, G1• ,2_�� �o����o�hesa�sa�� �h���o.�d� a�� ��a e���.���a j ges� � c�o o� o� s �i�,S�`A S�o�� � o� o,� , h1 s��1' � o c1� d °S • ��i ��'o �o , ,� �i� h� �r .� '�� ��1. a,r,1. jG i os �Q, ��' �� �i�, o �� �s e � Gd je11`��ghbo �o�r ' �a,� b� ��rrho �h 1 1 .s �j� e �geS�s� ��. s ��'�a����o' �` {,��' .�o ��e� �� � � �.� �.�`O C �� � Dear Member5 of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedi�ated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specifiC proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributior�s that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you �o reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm �!our support for the continued well-being and right to seTf-determination of this most valuable community resource: o�r private colleges. nc 1, , % j' � `^ /` .,�i�� ! �' �z-� ;..��/� GC,� i2 . , Name � Street Address & Zip Code �°'Z"�" �'/ .J-�-�.��1>'�✓, f�,�/U✓�"-�`�GZ>�.^. Date (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you tb recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you tp reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm ypur support for the continued well-being and right to s 1�-determination of this most valuable community resource: � private colleges. �`=-- ' e e 1 , __ =���� ��- �a- I��� s����� Na _ Street Address & Zip Code D e Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of ' ' � ��`- —T �uld likA +n reaist�r my objection to �SP=, Friend or Nei�r� - — Dear Membe�rs of the St. Paul City Counci • 1 . As a frienc� of the College of St. Thomas and who is dedlcated to maintaining the an individual our local colle es quality and vitality of the specific g ' I Would like to register my objection to zoning changesrfo�SOUr collegesF�universitiesdan that involve in the Cityjof St. Paul . d seminaries I I urge you to recognize the very significant contributio�s that the Colle e of St. Positive institution of higher education in this�cit and other quality of �ife that we share in all of o y make to the I urge you o reject the ur neighborhoods. and affirm �our su Proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" right to self-determination of ethistmostdvaluablelco and resource: ou�r private colleges. mmunity Sin e � I : Name -?-- /_y3 s: �.�- '�.� � ST ��vL. � � ���� � ���� Street Address & Zip Code ' ` N� i Date �./��i I I I urge you to �ecognlc,c �.�� . __,� contributions �hat the College of St. Thomas and otner institutions o higher education in this city make to the quality of lif� that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to �eject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm you� support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, Name Street Address & Zip Code Date ' Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a frien� of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local �olleges, I would like to register my objection to the specif�c proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning cha�ges for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the Cit� of St. Paul . I urge youito recognize the very significant positive contributiqns that the College of St. Thomas and other institutio�s of higher education in this city make to the quality of , life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you , to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm 'your support for the continued well-being and right to s�lf-determination of this most valuable community resource: �ur private colleges. Sincerely, /3�� � �,� /�� N e � Street Address & Zip Code Da (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Membe�s of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specif'ic proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning cha�ges for our colleges, universities and seminaries �� i L_ r.1 i__ _r r,i_ ..___+ I Dear Members of tY�e St. Paul City Council : As a friend of th� College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated o maintaining the quality and vitality of our local college�, I would like to register my objection to the specific proppsals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes fo� our colleges, universities and seminaries �5-- in the City of St,. Paul . I urge you to recpgnize the very significant positive contributions tha;t the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of h'igher education in this city make to the quality of life t�at we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to rej''iect the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our pri�vate colleges. Sincerely, X��Ls'� �' S /�!�►J�-�5 /'7 " V���i�./� G..� Name , $� Street Address & Zip Code Date ��L� 2�3� �u'�l t"�►/�e t 7' �Yt'.. ' S t• PAu c.. r'�r►t . �� 10� �, Friend or Neighbor) � of the St. Paul City Council : � friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual �no is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local� colleges, I would like to register my objection to the speciific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning ch'anges for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contribu ions that the College of St. Thomas and other institut�ons of higher education in this city make to the quality bf life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affixm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, � � S o� �C�yy S� . C�,��rr �Av� Name � Street Address & Zip Code Dat� ,' �cJ � ��j , � Dear Members of t,�e St. Paul City Council : As a friend of tl�e College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicatedito maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific praposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes �or our colleges, universities �TM=- in the r; tv of $t. Paul . Friend or Nei�r� (SP�_,u� ----- _ ' of the St. Paul City Council: Dear Member� e of St. Thomas and an individua the quality and vitality of As a friend�� of the Colleq ister my objection to who is dedi�cated tO Iawouldnlike to reg that involve our local �olleges, „Forty-p,cre Study" the specifjic proposals of the universities and seminaries zoning ch�nges for our colleqes, of St. Paul . in the City ositive ' nize the very significant p I urge y�u to recog e of St. Thomas and other this city make to the contributions that her education in hborhoods. institut'ions of hig ��Forty-Acre Study" uality ;of life that we sh�Oposalslofotheur nelgein and q ect the p I urge �iou touresupport for the continued well b and affirm Y _ etermination of this most valuable community right �o self d resour,�e: our private colleges. i �`-�-�— Since�`ely, �/5- � ^ Ad ress & Zip Code � Stree �nw ' � � �� ��� a �� �� /�%/l,, � Dat � �'� � � � I i' i Dateu " ' � V r 1 � / �5J/w Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a �riend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who i� dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our lqcal colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urg� you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other insti�utions of higher education in this city make to the quali�y of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and a�firm your support for the continued well-being and rightito self-determination of this most valuable community � resou�ce: our private colleges. Sincer,ely, ' ` �� '� lSqSl��la�d ��� 55�0�- �a e � ` �� Street Address & Zip Code Dat (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a f�iend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is , dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our lo�al colleges, I would like to register my objection to the sp�cific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning ' changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the ; City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other instit�tions of higher education in this city make to the qualit� of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and af�irm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resourae: our pri te colleges. Sinc 1 , G� � /�y�" � f�l��►'e S�lv� m� � Street Address & Zip Code � Date , Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaininq the quality and vitality of our local colle�es, I would like to register my objection to the specific prbposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes ,for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . , Dear Membersiof the St. Paul City Council : As a friend oif the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicalted to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local col�leges, I would like to register my objection to the specific �Proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changels for our colleges, universities and semi in the City o� St. Paul . naries I urge you tolrecognize the very significant � contributions that the College of St. Thomas andlother institutions �f higher education in this cit mak quality of li�Ee that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you toireject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Stud and af f irm yo�Zr su y" right to selfrdetermination of ethistmostdvaluabbelcommunit resource: our; private colleges. y Sincerely i�% �--_� �� ' ame �_�\ �_ � n St eet Ad ss & Zip Code � c'1 Date � / / � ' ���� quality of life that"'w�' Si�2rt- �.°. Gz_ �.__L,� , , I urge you to' reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm yo�ir support for the continued well-being and right to self�-determination of this most valuable community resource: our'iprivate colleges. . Sincerely, � � Name 'I Street Address & Zi Code P Date � Dear MemberS of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedi�ated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local cdlleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning chanqes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City ,of St. Paul . I urge you t� recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm Y4ur support for the continued well-being and right to sel�-determination of this most valuable community resource: ou� private colleges. Si cerely, • �233� I/�O�rS�a(� i� 1'.3o a � 55(o� e I; Street Address & i Code � _ P Date I� , (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend o� the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedica�ed to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific p,roposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes' for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of' St. Paul . I urge you to �recognize the very significant positive contributions �hat the College of St. Thomas and other institutions o� higher education in this city make to the quality of lif� that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to �'eject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm you� support for the continued well-being and right to self-�etermination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, Name Street Address & Zip Code Date Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning c�anges for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institut�ons of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource� our private colleges. Sincerely, ' 1��,�� C� r �b� I `��" �,�a� �� ��7'°� Name Street Address & Zip Code �-a-I- �� � Date Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the speci ic proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning ch nges for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the Ci�y of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge �ou to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resourc,e: our private colleges. Sincer�ly, �-1��,,. 1��� �- �� �-�- me Street Address & Zip Code Date , � �-ZS'� S.�/d � — — -- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dea� Members of the S�. Paul City Council : As a friend of the college of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to ♦ th� specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zo�ing changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I ,urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the college of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the guality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" �nd affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. �Sincerely, ' Name Street Address & Zip Code � � Date � �� I Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedir,ated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local cplleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the Cit� of St. Paul . I urge yotl to recognize the very significant positive contribut�ons that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality qf life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. S ' S_ ` ` � � /7�f��6'sfr�rl ��i.�� �d� ,�'.�/�6 /l ,� ._ ame Street Ad ress & Zip Code 6 Dat ' --- - - ---r _ _ __ _ _ �_. —�_ � _ .�_ i Dear Me�bers of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the Colleg� of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the C�ty of St. Paul . I urge yqu to recognize th� very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institut�ons of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge yau to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, �-- a�. �t�`P �1 c�-a Se �a,�.c ��G�-� Nam Street Address & Zip Code �' � `� Date - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (Spouse, F�'iend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a frien� of the college of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local �olleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you ,to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the college of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Si cerely, ��_ t�e c�- ��0 �i'�(.�YL7�'OS-e J���L� Name Street Address & Zip Code �• 2-�'• � � Date Dear Members of the St. Paul Ci.ty Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas �-' institutions of higher educatinr �- " � quality of life tha�- -- IuraA •--- I� Coun�il: ' of the St' paul CitY an indiviaual St. ThOmas and vitalitY °f pear Members uality and objection to � Colleqe �f of the taining the q egister mY involve AS a f r ie� d to ma in 1 ike tO Study" that icated I Would „ Acre seminaries who is de �olleqes� the FortY' ties ana our local ropos,�ls �f universi the sPec' f i� p for our colleqes ► zoninq � tY of St• Paul . ositive the C siqnif icant p other in e the verY St, ThomaS ana to the niz of �ity make oods. I urqe Y u t� th t the College in this hborh ibu�ions . her educatiO n al l of our or Y-Acre Study�� contr share i institut',ions of hiq o f the of life that We osals Well-being aunitY qualieY�.ou to resUppoYtefor p fethiStm�e valuable comm I urq � and af f�-rm Y°u aetermination ° riqht to Sour Pri`�ate co1le�Jes' �� �,S' resour��� �j. Ur��� � �� eet Address & zip � de Sincere''ly► H�, Str Nameg 2 �� _ _ _ _ _ _ - .�.axj• Date I _ -_-L�rty=Acre Study" �s- c��� continued wel l-being and _ _-.�w �'mination of thi,s most valuable community ��source: our pr�.vate colleges. Sincerely, ��-�_ �. G'.,-�-�� /i 3l d���-�.. �t �".s%v.� Name Street Address & Zip Code �/.z �/� � Date Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a frien� of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning chan�es for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm our support for the continued well-being and right to se�f-determination of this most valuable community r��c���c�: o�.�� p��:�a+,:e co�l�yes. Sincerely, �► �.t� � 3 7 �- s s-io s� Name� ��� Street A dress & Zip Code Date ^ (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the college of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedic�ted to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning chang�s for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City� of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the college of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of li;fe that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm yaur support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. S ' ce el , ���.� c 1�� �.-��c���� ��q 5���� Name� � ,/ Street Address & Zip Code Ij Date ;r Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend oE the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you �o reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm �our support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. S ' rely, � � �� � ,� Nam Street A dr ss & Zip , de ..�il / �U� Date Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council: As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the guality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm you� support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, �v-�. I7S�� �`�-�l(c.�.,$- �s 11 � Name a Street Address & Zip Code 2 Dat Dear Memberslof the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local co�leges, I would like to register my objection to the specific' proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning chang�s for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contribution� that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm ypur support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: ouz private colleges. Sincerely, _�i lG� �Z��C.��i.�_t!,_,:�r�� ' ' , . q� , ,/1 J _.- / Name Street Address & Zip ode ��i.'-�s/,�'s� Date — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spouse, Frie�d or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul C�.ty Council : As a friend of the college of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedica',ted to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions' that the college of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm yowr support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, i 1�� Y�t /1�o --� �� f'��6� Name Street Address & Zip Code � `� � '"',� , Date Dear M mbers of the St. Paul City Council : As a fr' end of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our loc�l colleges, I would like to register my objection to the spe�ific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning �hanges for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge ybu to recognize the very significant positive contribu�ions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality df life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge yqu to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our _,private colleges. Sincez�-�y "�� r- . � ..J �� . � : °'.��/�� , Name �� Street A dress & Zip Code � Date - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (Spouse, Frliend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul ' City Council : As a friend of the college o� St. Thomas and an individual who is dediCated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local cplleges, I would like to register my objection to the specifi� proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contribution� that the college of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, Name Street Address & Zip Code Date i Dear N�embers of the St. Paul City Council : As a f iend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our lo al colleges, I would like to register my objection to the sp�cific proposals ot the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the �ity of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the Co�lege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, _�%�� �, e���� S�'� `i G� ' �"/`� Name Street A dress Zip Code %����' Date � — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spouse, Fr�end or Neighbor) Dear Member� of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the college of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning chang�s for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions' that the college of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of li£e that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm youx support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sin erely, „ � ,�` �- L� �''-P � �Nam Street Address Zip Code Date.-�O` �~ �,�"/�/�/ / Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : � As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual - who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City af St. Paul . � I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributioMS that the College of St. Thomas and other '� institutions of higher education in this city make to the � �� quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Stud'y" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and '.' right to self-determination of this most valuable community • resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, w � ��,.��G�f�J, .�G�iru.�c� d��G� ^ �5/D.S�' Name Street Address & Zip Code ,` ��,�- �� Date Dear Memb�rs of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the speci�ic proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning ch�nges for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge yo� to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable communitv resouree: our private colleges. Sincerel , � ��, Y' Cou�cyl . • �diV 1aUa o f Nampe.� �_ ul CitY ana an vitalit o� to ?� �L_� ��ne St' pa t, Tn°mas itY a�'a o1��e�t1 v°lve Members �f � �olleqe in1 q t to q e�i et Stu y'� a Semina�les Dear le�a of a to ma�o ia liKEortY-e�sitles an AS o y� ded�oile�3e osals °olleqes � u�'yv oSitive ouz 1�eC f i� sr f or °U v1 nif i�a�'S and °t to� tne tY�e in� Chanq o f St• Pa e verY s S, Tr°�itY ma y,borY'O°d udY" in the C1tY �e�oqni ee C lle tion in t o f our� or y�A�re a a o u t� I t h a t th e d u�a 1� all t,n e F b eln�3 m u�,itY I ur�3e utyons' ,nic3her share als °f ued wel l ble com contr utions �e that t�e prop�e Cont most �alua instl o� 11 re�eCt t �or this qualy eY you t our sU'�p°nat�'O� es. m e �� ana af f lr se f ae iv ate �°11 g Coae v� ht t° o�� pr U D ` r s � Z ip $' S > �esour�e' � t eet Aaares �//� S �"G�� Si�CerelY � j�'� N ame /�..°^ � Z Date '� _.. Address & Zip Code il �ear Mem�ers of the St. Paul City Council : As a fri�nd of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is d� dicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our loca colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning c�hanges for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you �to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private calleges. Sincerely, ���VL+�—v�,�.����e�/�G L�� �� am Street Address & Zip Code l �'"� �5"S�0 3�-- Dat Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes far our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-de�ermination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sin�erely, ''"`^ , —� ` .�-��� L �- -�,� � � �I� �� � ub/ _Sl� Name �r /� J ��I Street Address & Zip Code ( Date Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colle�es, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "FOrty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to �ecognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share i� all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self�determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. S ' rely, ���Q.,�,�'��-.1 � �� �`�'`.�'�/��S Na e r S�reet Address & Zip Code f1'/ � Da e — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the college of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local �olleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge yo� to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the college of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge yau to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affi�m your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerel,y, -�",.,,,-� �' -`�� �-�'ti_� � ��TS�� .��f �vt /n �/ �5���'1�S N �� Street Address & Zip Code � � Date Dear Member� of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedi�ated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleg�s, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the v�ry significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: o�r private colleges. Sincerely, ^ ( i � G%� �.�, �`����-o-r'����-.�'(_ �� SS�116 me Street Address & Zip Code � ,� �9 �� Date — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spouse, Friiend or Neighbor) Dear Member� of the St. Paul �City Council : As a friend of the college of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would l�ike to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the college of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, �2�.��� '��l � �/� �/• Na�� y/�,� Street Address & Zip Co`d.e �p� `��,.�.`� S//� Date Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who ,is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our ',local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the �Specific proposals� of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zonii�g changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Pau1 . I urg� you to recognize� the very significant positive contrfbutions that the College of St. Thomas and other insti�utions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study° and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right �o self-determination of this most valuable community resoures: our private colleges. Sincerely, ,���-�--� �- �.Y`�' % 7 7.�Z- ��- �`"� . Name �'T� Street Address & Zip Code x�.�..��t / � i��' � ��� � �-s', . � Da� � — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Membe�s of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the college of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedi�cated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local cblleges, I would 1',ike to register my objection to the specifiC proposals of the' "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning chanc�es for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you tq recognize the very significant positive contributions that the college of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the propos�ls of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm you�r support for the 'continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, ��-�- ��' �?�-t.�� � � y 7.z ���-�-� �.� . Nam� J'i� Street Adtlress & Zip Code �'�'r1'G�� � ,,�y'Y,�' �.��� S3 ii c Date Dear Members pf the St. Paul City Council : As a friend o� the College of 9t. Thomas and an individual who is dedica�ed to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local col�eges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "'Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City o� St. Paul . I urge you to, recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions pf higher educatian in this city make to the quality of li�e that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you tolreject the propoaals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm yo�ir support for th� continued well-being and right to self�determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, I� r,�� � � � 3 � �ti�� w� s s,o y ame Street Address & Zip Code � � ldl�' Da e — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend o�' the college of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the college of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self+-determination of this most valuable community resource: our' private colleges. Since ly, � � �� �- s-�-r o`f Name Street Address & Zip Code �- z �� Date Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : \ As a friend of the college of St. Thomas and an individual \who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of �ur local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the college of St. Thomas and other insti�utions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, � � �S�/ �-��z.� �s%/,� a e Street Address & Zip Code �/�,1�� Date . � Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality o� life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, ° e��� �r � �� s���d Name_� O� Street Address & Zip Code f Q Date I Dear Memb�rs of the St. Paul City Council : As a frierld of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the speci�ic proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the Ci�y of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality o� life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, � ��� �0 - �`� S:s/o/ Name Street Address & Zi Code � ' � - �g' Date — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spouse, F�Ciend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Pau1 City Council : As a friend of the college pf St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintai�ing the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very siqnificant positive contributions that the college of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, Name Street Address & Zip Code Date Dear Member,s of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend� of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributiqns that the College of St. Thomas and other �T�+-itutiorns of higher education in this city make to the , ,' " 1'^=� we share in all of our neighborhoods. ! - ' � ^f the "Forty-Acre Study" ' -'�^ and i I Dear Me�nbers of the St. Pau 1 City Council : As a fr�end of who is �iedicatedhto�ollege of St. our loc�l maintainin Thomas and an individual colle qualit the spe�ific geS' I Would like the y and vitalit zoning c�han prOPOSals of the �� tO reglster m Y of ges for our co geS Forty-Acre y"�that tion to in the �ity of St. lle , universitiesdan involve Paul . I urge d Seminaries contribu�ions recognize the institut ' that the �o�le Very Slqnificant qualit �Ons of higher ge of St. Thomas POSitive y pf life that education in this cit and other andraffi�m youre�ect theSProposa all of our neiahe to the rlght to SuPAort ls of ,� g borhoods, reso Self-determinatior the continued Weorty-Acre Study�� urce,' ' our private n of this most 11'being and collegeS, valuable community Sincerely;,� ! �. � Nam Z � �e/ Date Street A dress �� '�.L (�{� j & Zip Code _ _ _ _ right to selr"-a��ti�..�_._. resource: our private colleges. Sincerely�, �/����'f=� �o�,�:�c.�"--P—.� j �`�� j��.���ti��� Name Street Address & Zip Code ( �� � �/�� Date � j i Dear Membe�s of the St. Paul� City Council : As a friend of the College o�f St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintainling the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of th�e "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleiges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . , I urge youlto recognize the 'very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutiohs of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the praposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely,, ,f� i , �11 S �S'Si v y Name Street Add ess & Zip Code 9/.�/�'� Date Q,�� �� y►� c l - - - - - .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - (Spous , Fr�iend or Neighbor) , Dear Memb�lrs of the St. Pau� City Council : As a frier�d of the college bf St. Thomas and an individual who is decYicated to maintaizhing the quality and vitality of our local 'colleges, I would like to register my objection to the speci�ic proposals of tl�e "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our coll�ges, universities and seminaries in the Ci�y of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the college of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to Self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, Name Street Address & Zip Code Date ' Dear Member� of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend � of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedi�ated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local cplleges, I would like to register my objection to the specifiG proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the yery significant positive contributions that the Colle�e of St. Thomas and other institutior�s of higher education in this city make to the quality of ; life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you ' to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm � your support for the continued well-being and right to s�lf-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, . p, �� IL J e.���� � �J� �� U�J� l(�� me S� Street Address & Zi Code � � Dat I — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — �I (Spouse, Fliend or Neighbor) � � ; Dear Memb�rs of the St. Pau,'1 City Council : As a frie�d of the college �of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to mainta ning the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I woul� like to reqister my objection to the specific proposals of �he "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge yqu to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the college of St. Thomas and other institut�.ons of higher education in this city make to the quality c�f life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge ybu to reject the groposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affixm your support far the continued well-being and � right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, �� � t �� A �l� l�u°� �'e �<t���l d�- Name reet Addr ss & Zip ode ��, � Date i �i Dear Memb�rs of the St. Paul City Council : As a frie�d of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the speci$ic proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the Ci�y of St. Paul . I urge you� to recognize the very significant positive contributi!ons that the Coll�ge of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you' to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to s�lf-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, . Q.�9� ��Q� _ Na[n� Street Address & Zip Code IS � ���� � Date 'I � (Spouse, Fr�; –�' �end or Neighbor) ' --r— — Dear Memberl of the St. Paul ICit Council : � Y As a friend of the college of, St. Thomas and an individual who is dedic�ated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local calleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning chang�es for our colleg�s, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you tp recognize the very significant positive contributions that the college of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of l�.fe that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you tp reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm ypur support for the continued well-being and right to sel�`-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, ° � _1546 '�' �t�'t' � � 'IYVW Name � Street dd ess & Zip Code SslOy �� �� �Ir Date Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a fri nd of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is d dicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our loca colleges, I would like to register my objection to the spec ' fic proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning cY�anges for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the Ci�ty of St. Paul . I urge ydu to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge yau to reject the pxoposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support fo� the continued well-being and right to 'self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, � . ��3 y aox�c�-�e �.✓E - ssiib me Street Address & Zip Code 5-3�- �Q Date — — — — - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spouse, �riend or Neighbor) Dear Memb�ers of the St. Pa�l City Council : I As a friend of the college of St. Thomas and an individual who is detiicated to maintaijning the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of �he "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . � I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contribut�.ons that the college of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to �elf-determination, of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely� Name Street Address & Zip Code Date Dea� Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a\friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who i�dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our lo al colleges, I would like to register my objection to the sp cific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning hanges for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the C�ty of St. Paul . �, � I urge yoiX to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the Colleg� of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educatian in this city make to the quality of Iife that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you t4 reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sin erely, /gGo s r_ c.�k��c ,�� .s T P�� ame � ��� Street Address & Zip Code ���a�^ Date � �i —+—�5 — — Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contrib�tions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urg� you to reject the; proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private �olleges. si�cerely, Z��o � �leSl�Y ��w- �� MRt�S.�G✓ SS L D S �Tame9�/��� Street Address & Zip Code Date - - - - - - -�Spouse,- - - - - - - - - - - -__-� .r.- Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend o� the College of 5t. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaininq the guality and vitality of our local colleges, I would li�e to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contribution� that the College; of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educatilon in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you td reject the propasals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for t�e continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: ou:r private colleges. Sincerely, . � - /' 78 $ �-z.-u...�-�-- la-rc� S� ��.,.�_ me Street Address & Zip Code ��d� �-- Z�- �r Date — — — — — — — — — — — — — -µ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spouse, Fr '�end or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Pau1 City Council : As a friend of the college of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributipns that the college of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: ;our private colleges. Sincerely, Name Street Address & Zip Code Date Dear Members of the St. Pau1 City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is de�icated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specif'ic proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning cha�ges for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you, to recognize the very significant positive contributians that the College of St. Thomas and other institutio�s of higher education in this city make to the quality of�, life that we shar,e in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you' to reject the praposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm', your support for !the continued well-being and right to s�lf-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleg�s. Sincerely, 14y�.. L�e..�..�o� Q,.�. s s r�(� Name Street Address & Zip Code ft- ?,O I�f� � Date i , — — — — — -- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spouse, Fr�end or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the college o� St. Thomas and an individual who is dediCated to maintain�,ng the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specifi� proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . ' I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributioras that the college of St. Thomas and other institution� of higher education in this city make to the quality of �ife that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you �o reject the proppsals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm �our support for the continued well-being and right to se�f-determination o� this most valuable community resource: our private college�. � �� Sincerely, � /'�5�� C��-�c�z� �' . SS/�� Name � Street Address & Zip Code �-�d - �� Date � Dear Members� of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend bf the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaini�g the quality and vitality of our local co�leges, I would l�ke to register my objection to the specificiproposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleg�s, universities and seminaries in the City �of St. Paul . ; I urge you to recognize the v ey significant positive contributionls that the Colleg� of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educat�on in this city make to the quality of llife that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you t;o reject the prop�sals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm y!our support for tl�e continued well-being and right to selif-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private college�. ' �- _ C� .� �in,�q�. Dear Member� of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend !of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedic�ated to maintaining the our local calleges, I would like to registeramy bjection�to the specificl proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City bf St. Paul . I urge you tl recognize the ver si contribution� that the Colle e of gtnlflcant positive institutions of higher education in this�cityamakettorthe quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you t reject the and affirm Proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" right to sel udetermination of�thistmostdvaluabbeing and � resource: our private colleges. le community Sincerely, I Name i �i Street A ress & Zip Cod Date — — me— �� .... _�SPoU�, � �� _ , _ � _ � �r�co ��`.�l �1^�) Da� � Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend', of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedi�ated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local cvlleges, I would llike to register my objection to the specifi� proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the Colle�,e of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educa�'ion in this city make to the quality of life that we shar� in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the pro�osals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: o�r private colleges. Sincerely, Ss/0� � �!� /e p9 �ANC �'r F- Name � �g ' Street Address & Zip Code Date (Spouse, Fri nd or Neighbor) � Dear Member� of the St. Paul �City Council : , As a friend of the college ofjSt. Thomas and an individual who is dediCated to maintaini�g the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would 1 ' ke to register my objection to the specific proposals of the', "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you �o recognize the very significant positive contributions that the college of St. Thomas and other institution5 of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm �our support for the continued well-being and right to se�f-determination of this most valuable community resource: ot�r private colleges. Sin rely, , s's'/a.f' Name tre t Address & Zip Code � Date Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedi�ated to maintaini�g the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specif�c proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the !very significant positive contributions that the Coll�ge of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educ�tion in this city make to the quality o� life that we shaxe in all of our neighborhoods. I urge yo� to reject the pr!oposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support fox the continued well-being and right to self-determinatian of this most valuable community resourcez our private colleges. Sincerely, , �(,(,d;a,.� (1'j - C� I 3�2 5-��.r-�r� 55 (bs'" Name �� �g�$� Street Address & Zip Code Date — — — -- — — — — —�Spouse� — — — — — — — — — — — �, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. iPaul City Council : As a friend of the coll,�ge of St. Thomas and an individual who i� dedicated to ma�;'ntaining the quality and vitality of our local colleqes, I vpould like to register my objection to the specific proposals! of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for ouricolleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Pau'1 . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the college of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the qua;lity of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Siincerely, � 3 � d .� SSrio ame Street Addres & Zip Code _.�.. "___Z� Date Dear Memb�rs of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College qf St. Thomas and an individual who is ded�cated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local �olleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of th� "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning cha�ges for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institution� of higher education in this city make to the quality of �ife that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, „ „ � � � � /9/� ���a�i-rL%/���/�' �,�",�`/l�� Name S rt eet Address & Zip Code Date���� - - - - - - � — — - - - - - - — - - ��----------` �- _ _ --+i i ' I I Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend 'of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedic�ated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would 1'ke to register my objection to the specifia proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleg s, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . ' �� I urge you t}o recognize the v�ry significant positive contributioris that the Colleg� of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educat�on in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you �o reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to sel,f-determination of this most valuable community resource: o�r private colleges. Sincerely, � Ix.� a./l71/� � �e. .�v�/0� Name Street Address & Zip Code g-a.9 - SS Date — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spouse, Fri nd or Neighborj Dear Members of the St. Paul �ity Council : As a friend ',of the college of � St. Thomas and an individual who is dediCated to maintaini g the quality and vitality of our local calleges, I would 1 ke to register my objection to the specific proposals of the � "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City ,of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive rrnntri h„+-;..,,,:�, a-t..-.� LL- --' , _ -- -- -- i • Dear Membe s of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local olleges, I would like to register my objection to the specif c proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning cha ges for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the Cit of St. Paul . I urge youlto recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutio�s of higher education in this city make to the quality of ' life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to s�lf-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely,' � y.r�.� ��� �',� Stre t ddre. & Zip Co e Name � � ��� �/J .�S/OJ� Dat I - - Dear Membe�s of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedi�ated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local cdlleges, I would like to register my objection to the specifi� proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning chan�es for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City ',of St. Paul . I urge you tb recognize the very significant positive contribution� that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to' reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our 'private colleges. Sincerely, � ��� ' l�"!a .��i c t'�e r .�s'/l6 Name Street Address & Zip Code �� l�� �� Date Dear Members of the St. Paul City �Council : � As a friend of the college of St� Thomas �and an individual who is dedica�ed to maintaining .the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would lik� to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning chang�s for our college�, universities and seminaries in the City;'of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the college of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality af life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affi.rm your support for the continued well-being and right tp self-determination of this most valuable community resourae: our private colleges. �S��ex ly, , -t , � �- r' .--, � � `] � Nam � St eet Addres & Zip Co e Da � , Dear Membersj of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend bf the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific' proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning chang+es for our colleg�s, universities and seminaries in the City bf St. Paul . , I urge you to recognize the v�ry significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educati,on in this city make to the quality of 1}.fe that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you tp reject the propo�sals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm ypur support for the continued well-being and right to sel�-determination of this most valuable community resource: ou�r private colleges. Sincerely, ' � � S � r � / Name " f' �' 3 e ��� Dat ' — — - I � 1 I CitY �°�ncll. g an l�al 1 a Y �to a l a n ��' • t i°n e i£ tre gt• p a o f St, e,n q�ai 5t�e�Y 'o��a r z°e$ ea� Mempe�s °� t�e Coll�ainln�e to r AC�e S e$a a�a $eml � e�a o� a to mawoUla el .�Fort l�ersiti �r i ��,�e 1 tb an e p,s a aeai. leges � ls o� e��s � oSitiv r Wh z lo�al f1G pzo or oaz �°ll fy�ant ana �t to tne oa e s,�ecy an�es St, paUl ' ve�Y si9ni Tnoma tY maxe orYjO�as dY" t1' ir9 cn of tne o� St• is C1 ei9Y'� e Stu Zon tne CitYl e�oqn�'Ze Colle� ior in t o�y oUr�FortY'in9 a�'a itY in oU I to trat tY�e eaU,ca e i,� al o f tre well-be �ommun I urqiput�ons Y�igY'er e sY'ar osals tinued alua�le co�tr �tiQns • £ t�at t�e proP he �o � m°st v � l�siy Y o� to ,�e S�pP°rt t on o f t`�i �,`p 5 va r ra es. q �a af f ol se£a z va e Co11eq 5 & ZiP` C�ae a Y�t t . oU� p � aares res°��C�. St�eet A r ej1Y � /� � � � S in�e i V _ � , � � �.� 5�s'� � S �ae�y�lp , , , � r � , . Date � , — � � � � � � L � � � Dear Member� of the St. Paul City Counc� " ' ' ^� the College of St. Ty �ival --�R *1 �� of ! z to b°a1°� o . a�'. �,� {, �' ae �ti ti • o o�' S D 1 y{'. �,a1 �,ti. „�� , e ear Members of tr .�; afi �ti ,e��, �a�'y �ti �� ,�,� o'Q,��,a �ti As a fri�nd o f afi ar a �� .� Se who i s d d i c• G� ay �.�'�'e'� J,a� t�� our 1 oca 1 . Gy�,� ��°�o�1y5� 5�'e5 a yae�� ,��e . the SpeC_i ��, ,�. �e .�eq���y�.y yti�'o�,,�',�a o���b� zoninc� ��. 5 �, o ,� � o ,�,0 5�, in t l o�' o, �' �,�, �e�" �c, Q r�' �.e o� � a �,�. �,�. e �ti{'y�.e o�L {;y �t� y a �a ,�,`9 �� a{' �.y - e �eo, ati �. °� � y� ��'. �,� yg ��' fig �� o� �,r Go�ay�oJ1a�,,�e��c,� y�fiy�'�y G�� �o�� e� �o 'SS 'c'�e'�,� �"S' g �Gp�� �,`� �, 5���C'�p�' ,�Q, `,�e�'oa'9� o e' �'�e �� e� e�'�,a1 '� �e � y�' ,, �' e3 aa1 G �e b a'� eg o oJ .�1' e o,e, o{' a�' o�'. .t,�' ,<, y4 � e{` y� 1�' oQ � 4a '��` �e �,ti • i� 5 �,ti 5 ti ea '�y 2�' G� 4� �d . e o�' Ga e yr��,,�o{' �� O a yy �a.� �yG�eg� c�� �{.y�e ���,,�a�oQa � ,�y5 e5 �,5 0 .�o e�y afi o i e�o� � e�, e 5 Q� ��� '� a � ��� 5'Q G�%y'C'�' ' "� .,�a' :�,g� v1 �Q' �,�'S !O 5• � '�' o e �,a, G ,�,a �c, Y. � �c. ,` o�s' ge ee �,�'a�.ti�.�,e o� 0�+5 o�L �c.�e�'� o� ��,��.� �,-L tiyfi e ���;tio�5 y�,e�e7��Q��y"� �o �'�a, y� �,y �' o � �,e�s ,�e �,�, ,�� � '� o� ae . .�a �G�� '�y '�� °� � �� �y _�lc� �.�'�atiy e �y"��5e�,�� � .�e �� ��asy I �Ge, o � a�yg�al�� 1�' D e �� � �� � �l� ���� 5�. a ° O� ��e � tis � .�- ..� , a�,e of our neighborhoods. � of the "Forty-Acre Study" .:ontinued well-being and � _ this most valuable community i ' � ,es. Sin (� /� /' � i � �..e�o�� . L_ N � me ! St�re t �ress & Z��Cod�� ✓� � . � �l Date ; ����L" J � b`rJ' 1� 1� "r � � � Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a fri�nd of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is d�dicated to mainta�ning the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning ch�nges for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you' to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share' in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you �o reject the propdsals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: ou� private colleges. Since y, (�65a d�lacs�all � � 55/D� Name /�a Street Address & Zip Code � �s `6 Date , � - -- � � Dear Memberslof the St. Paul City Council : As a friend pf the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedic�ated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local co�lleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleg�s, universities and seminaries in the City �of St. Paul . ' I urge you �o recognize the v�ry significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institution� of higher educat�on in this city make to the quality of life that we share' in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you tto reject the propbsals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm �our support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: o�r private colleges. Sincerely, ' S..S— /� a� �J� ' I � ��P � Nam ' Street Address & Zip Code 1 � ��` D te � � � (Spouse, Fr �end or Neighbor) Dear Memberls of the St. Paul IICit Council : I y As a friend, of the college o$ St. Thomas and an individual who is dediicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local Golleges, I would like to register my objection to the specifi,c proposals of th� "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning char�ges for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the Cit� of St. Paul . I urge you ,to recognize the very significant positive contributiqns that the college of St. Thomas and other institutior�s of higher education in this city make to the quality of , life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm �your support for the continued well-being and right to s�lf-determination of this most valuable community resource: pur private colleges. S ' cerely, l - ' ��.� �-�j��-- /���� �.,� _� � .f`�.s`�i o � � � -� U , ! � Nam Street Address & Zip Code �' Date ' i ; Dear Membe�s of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is ded�cated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local �olleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributi�ons that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educ tion in this city make to the quality of' life that we sha�e in all of our neighborhoods. I urge yoy to reject the pr�posals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for' the continued well-being and right to 5elf-determination of this most valuable community re�ource: iour private colleges. Sincerely, 3 ; �-6 3 � � 3 Name � � Street Address & Zip Code S S/�L Date i — — — — = — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spouse, riend or Neighbor) � Dear Members of the St. Pa�il City Council : As a friend of the college� of St. Thomas and an individual who is d�dicated to mainta�.ning the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I woul�l like to register my objection to the specific proposals of ,�the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning c�anges for our colileges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . ' I urge ypu to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the college of St. Thomas and other institut�ions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the �nroposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affi;rm your support f�r the continued well-being and right tq self-determination of this most valuable community resourc�: our private colleges. Sincere�y, ; � s-�3 � ��-�o �3 �`�/� Name Street Address & Zip Code � a;.��� � � Date � '� Dear Member,s of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College o$ St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local dolleges, I would like to register my objection to the specifi�c proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you � to recognize the very significant positive contributipns that the Colle�ge of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educ�tion in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the praposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to s�elf-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private collec�es. Sincerely, ° �c64cd c�.¢v-so a r4-✓� ssl !(o � N � Street Address & Zip Code i D e i � — — — — — — — — — — — — — � — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spouse, riend or Neighbor) i Dear Memb�ers of the St. Pa�l City Council : As a friend of the college of St. Thomas and an individual who is d�dicated to mainta�.ning the quality and vitality of our local; colleges, I woul�i like to register my objection to the spec�fic proposals of he "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning cY�anges for our col�eges, universities and seminaries in the C�ty of St. Paul . � I urge ypu to recognize the very significant positive contribu�ions that the college of St. Thomas and other institut�.ons of higher education in this city make to the quality bf life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge ybu to reject the roposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affi�Ym your support f�r the continued well-being and right ta self-determinati4n of this most valuable community resource: our private col�.eges. Sincerel�'y, .� /6�6 l�.�%.sD.� ��c.. �S//� a Street Address & Zip Code �o Da e Dear Membe�s of the St. Pau], City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedlicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local �colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specifiic proposals of tMe "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning chajnges for our coll�ges, universities and seminaries in the Ci�y of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the� very significant positive contributions that the Coll�ge of St. Thomas and other institutidns of higher educ�tion in this city make to the quality o� life that we sha�e in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you� to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to �elf-determination of this most valuable community resource: iour private colleges. Sincerely; I�f��' f�_v'"" Vc�c- �y � �� �.�L��'d �s"�d.� �e,���� Street Address & Zip Code / Date I I — — — — -, — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spouse, riend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Pa�l City Council : As a friend of the college� of St. Thomas and an individual who is d�dicated to mainta�.ning the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the spec�fic proposals of �the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning cManges for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the college of St. Thomas and other institutxons of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge yau to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affi�m your support for the continued well-being and right to' self-determination of this most valuable community resource,: our private colleges. Sincerely, N�me Street Address & Zip Code Date i , � � Dear Membe 'rs of the St. Paul� City Council : As a frien¢1 of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is ded,�cated to maintair�ing the quality and vitality of our local �colleges, I would ;like to register my objection �^ the specific proposals of tl�e "Forty-Acre Studv" " zoning changes for our colleges, un���°- ' in the Cit�'y of St. Paul . I »r''-- CitY �oun�il' ual of the St� PaUl Thomas and n �a 1 a Y n f b e r s S t. t a o to pear Me m d �f the C�ai n a n� t t o qua ist r mY��°th t invol�e AS a frledi�,�ted tO i Would li�kFortY pCre ies aana semina r i es who iode Lc�1 p�oposals °oll qes� universlt � ca1 � ,,,,r C ' � r„�itive � - � Dear Mem I er � � s of the St. Paul City Council : As a fri�nd of the College, of St. Thomas and who is dedicated to maintainin the an individual our loca�. colleges, I woul,'d like to registeramy objection�to the spec�ific proposals of ;the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning c�anges for our col;leges, universities and seminaries in the C�ty of St. Paul . I urge ypu to recognize the very significant contribu{tions that the Co],'lege of St. Thomas andlother institut�ons of higher ed�cation in this city make to the quality �f life that we s are in all of our neighborhoods. I urge ybu to reject the �roposals of the "Forty-Acre Stud and af f i�rm y" your support fc�r the continued well-being and right to; self-determinatidn of this most valuable community resource.: our private colleges. i Sincerel�, � N �� ������ ��"� � a � 'J`�° a Y�. �'� '�G��� �'�l/�S��1�/ ��'� �� � Street Address � Zip Code Da e i I ' i —,,- _-' +- — — — -- - — —,—_-- -- -- —. -- — — — — — — -- — — Dear Member� of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend � of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedi�ated to maintainiing the quality and vitality of our local cplleges, I would ike to register my objection to the specific proposals of th "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colle es, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the ery significant positive contributiqns that the Colle e of St. Thomas and other institutior�s of higher educa�ion in this city make to the quality of ; life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge youlto reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm; your support for the continued well-being and right to s�lf-determination of this most valuable community resource: pur private collec�es. Sincerely,; � !�,� a�`e,S ��/t'� �OsV7�,�err�� °"�?/'� a Stree ddress & Zip Code ����' �ST �� �� M�I SS/�� Date� � - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Membiers of the St. Pa�l City Council : As a frieind of the collegelof St. Thomas and an individual who is d�'dicated to mainta�ning the quality and vitality of our local' colleges, I woul like to register my objection to the speci;fic proposals of �he "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning crianges for our col eges, universities and seminaries in the C�.ty of St. Paul . I urge yQu to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the college of St. Thomas and other institut�.ons of higher ed�cation in this city make to the quality of life that we sl�are in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right ta self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, �n.� � ��� _�����,,�--��� ame Street Address & Zip Code D a_��_S�T_`— J�1� �C%L�- ���� ' I � Dear Members of the St. Pau City Council : As a friend of the College pf St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintai�ning the quality and vitality of our local ' colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize th� very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutibns of higher education in this city make to the quality o'f life that we sh�re in all of our neighborhoods. I urge yau to reject the p�oposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affir�m your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource:� our private coll�ges. Sincerel�►, ,--�fY ' am r Street Addr ss & Zip Code ' �- �/����, te �-��� - - - - .� - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I (Spouse, iFriend or Neighbor) i Dear Mem,bers of the St. P�ul City Council : As a fri!end of the colleg� of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maint�ining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the speGific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning Changes for our co�leges, universities and seminaries in the 4ity of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize tk�e very significant positive contrib�tions that the college of St. Thomas and other institu�ions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge �ou to reject the ;proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support f�or the continued well-being and right to self-determinati,�on of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Si ere�y, , ���9 ����j���i�,��' am - Stre�t—A dress &'�p Co e � ' I i%�"� i��%�� a e � �,� � ` ' � -�-� °✓�- ��.� , ,� pouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the college of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to ma'ntaining the quality and vitality of our ,local colleges, I ould like to register my objection to the specific proposals f the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . ' I urge you to recognize ttie very signifi� ��sitive contributions that the colXege of St. Tr ,ther institutions of higher education in th� the quality af life that we shane in all o � I urge you to reject the pro�osals of � and affirm' your support for �he cont' right to s�lf-determination o� this resource: our private colleges. ' cerely, . � 0 � �IIryt.G`OM-� � � '�� o� Name .a'�,'�ofi s��ti 'Y,y'�,4 fi .� Da e '�',� a� '�, •y � fi. � F y '��'p�+c�, � � ,4 '�'b��?'� 'c'�'' 0 ��fi.�, ' � �o,�,C � fi�'�' O �i � � � � �' � � 'a' ''�' � O �4 `� �O •,y �b�'�Y Qj'S',c� � p '�' '�',;�'�.'�' �� (/� (� � •y ,U �.,� 'Q �b �''�' b� � � � .'4� .��, �'�, ,ti•y � ,y � � ,�, ��,�.�.� Nti � G° �.�Q ��o',����, ����'Uy�`�o�',y� yv� V� '�' '�' � ti fi� � ��� ^��'3 � �� .,Y �) � � � � a, �+Ci ��'� ,�� ���1" ,�� �' �'y�'Y �y �y� ,� 'Y � ,y � '� ,��D' �C' ti �, m .�y y�, �'y ,� � ,r� F �n � ,�; � ,� ,� '`r�� S°' � 0'�y �o �°',y � �� c� 'ti. p ty '�i b�,v �j ��' � ,r� O 'b 3 � U �,ti '�' � � � � ,� G �~ti �4 ^� '�' p .� 'b �Q'�' O �i � p ,5 ,�' (� '� ^C '4 Q� � ,� ,�, y � o � N �, � 4, o'4fi � � ',,, Pa, bp� 'Q '4 �' fi,fi ,4 � 0� �v.�ti ,4� S4'c�ti ,40 � '� O .c� �i�r ,�'�',c� �+U �i �Uro�, Q �� c, �.�rp ,u o�.fi F ¢��'�''y U,U b� p '�,� "�,�u�a,4,�,4F,v� '�� r4~a'�,�•yy�0�'�r � � �yy� ,c� �'c'•'�� �J y p� �b 'y ti ,Q��U U Vy p '�fifi �',r� p�i� 'Q�4 4 r� o �' .��'v� �,�•° � �, �ti � '4'�'O'fi '�' `v b�j.^�Q,�.�, ai.'�/C � � ` �, O �,'.,,, .4,��4.,y „c, '� o .. N.,y a'�, ,�^ti a �'`'�',u U JY �O.y� �,,4 �',� �.(� � . b+ a' p�j O �V ~ ,�14y � U / �4 . � c� ,�. / ,�'�' � � / / / � , - - � I I Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a fri�nd of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our loca� colleges, I would like to register my objection to the speci,fic proposals of �he "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you' to recognize the very significant positive contributipns that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of 'life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm �our support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: ou� private colleges. Sincerely, /9f�� -S� �� � � l°���� s�r?s��,�/.��'-� i r z 7 S t e�a.� �•,Q , sfy��:,ro� am�.e� Street Address & Zip Code � z �, � � � Date � . - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dear Members of the St. P�ul City Council : � � As a fri�end of the Colleg I of St. Thomas and an individual who is dledicated to maint ining the quality and vitality of our loca�l colleges, I wou d like to register my objection to the spec'ific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning Ghanges for our co leges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . � I urge �rou to recognize t e very significant positive ' ---`--L;^^� �hat the Co lege of St. Thomas and other � - ' • --'-- L.. �-1�,c Dear Member�s of the St. Paul �City Council : As a friend� of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would Iike to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Fort -A zoning changes for our colleges, universitiesdandtsPm; involve in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognizA 1' � contributio�� L� ; in�*- • i i I � ul� CitY �°un� il. i the St. Pa � • an indi�idua of e 5 of S and vitality Dear Memb � e e �f St• Th�ualitY and ection to of the ��11 q inq the q m ob7 involve As a friend maintai� register Y,� that Who is de�icated tO I Would; like tO Acre Study Seminaries our � coll roposals °ol�7leges�u 1°ersities ana local ic P the Spe Cl anqeS f or our C zoninq tY of gt. Paul • t ositive nif ican and other in the C �ery sig as to e nize the Th°m make th recog of St. I urge �°u t� that the Col1ege in this �ltY hborhoods. �� edfaarelOn all of our neiq Acre Study �ontrib�PtlOn5 of higher ��FortY' . institu�ions that we sl osals of the Well-bein9 and , o f 1 if e ect the pr�p e communitY qualitY� to rej the contios avaluabl I urqe �Y°u our Supp°.rt tion of this m and aff irm Y determin�ollegeS' ri9ht '�O Self' ri�ate � resour�e� ' ,/� our P ���� - G.1�t g W��" z iP �ode �-i erel � Address �` Street am ' C� _ _ , — _' pat -_ - -. - _ _ _ _ -- � -� Fr;end or Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintain�ng the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specifiic proposals of t�e "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our coll ges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . � I' I urge yau to recognize th� very significant positive contribu�ions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher eduCation in this citp make to the quality pf life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and aff�rm your support for the continued well-being and right tch self-determination of this most valuable community resourc,e: our private colleges. i Sincerely, �_ �_ �, .Z�5� �!��.a�f...�.u.. a.v�e, .5��v� Name Street Address & Zip Code 9��- Ig -�����/ Date i � � Dear MemberS of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local c;olleges, I would like to register my objection to the specifi;c proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning chariges for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the Cityh of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributiQns that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of ' life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge youlto reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm' your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sinc y,; .� -- ��� ���1� � s-�v Name Street Address & Zi ode y � p Date i — — — — — — — — — — C7 �'i (n �"S �-i i'W H rA f�• C) H I-'• N Ci' O �'i �' C7 N I�• (D � G � O � O �' G �' tn fD �+ � �n a � a cn � � � m n o a m m � o n � rtrrn rt �• a n m �/rrww r•�• nw ti' � m � r• n K h, m �-rrt �• m mwro o �n rn � m n rr rn �C � t7 m n n m � m o �•�c rr � �C � � � a a. r• � — ►c •� n o o �• �* o r• � r�• � m m tr � cn � � rn o r• � ct a rn �. � � � o cu � o �C � r• � �• 4� n � �"C �tr �n � rt W (] oC� m nt�nOON• Ui0 04D �' A► O -a roannmH, �rn �nmro � � �n °, n m m � m cn �now cLC�r r• rt cn u. ct p' p, n tr o �ct m �' rr � CN � m �' N• cto • nomctm �' a n �u � aw w �n . o �u � �- � 'ti rr rr �' rr � ro o A� c� fD F-�• O fD �" I-�• A► � � �-+ � O !n � K f't E i'i (D N � �-S N pi r �i- (� Q► rY �' fD fD ►-+ E F'• �--' • O r+ N N f� • C� O O � N � I�• rh tn C]. O rt O M G ct�q 'b � o oro � � � � � ►� a m a � m � n n a � Nm � rra �• � w onam m �' � o � mortro �u �r� c wm � �• H, �n �, � o �- m m m �- � n • fD fA F'• O �"S N O �W Cl� W ct A� � � O �C � '� fD tt ct �' (� r� M O rt • '�C N• ov, aN• cn � � rr � u� � ►� � cn r• � rt O (D H f� U� ct O � rf�W I-�•'�C �' O rt � r• Fn ct • � C � �-S �S2 o G �-i O � O �' I-�• fD � fD � � � (D , tn � cf' I-h W H hfi �i n W A► N C� cu rr m �' cn �' r• �n n �• ►� cn r• �r� aroo o � �- m �n �• � � c G � � A► cr c�r rr a .. � A� S = n r• f� � N• cn m �C � a�Ci � ;� o � �c `� rt N � � a a n � w � n m aro a � � a N � ��cw� a a ° � �c '� a � cn mm � � � �- a oc �• �• � tr m o rr fi tr �- � sr n � n o rt N• cn ��• rt a (� ow n n r-r � C cu w m su N• N � � N �' o N N � ct n i--� C �• � � w o n �• rt r• �• �v � � u� ort � �• �• r+� a � � �• ¢' � u�'im nc � � a I r a �c �c � m ° rtf�-n ~ m - cnCo � m , i I I Dear Members ! of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend bf the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedic�ted to maintaininlg the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would li,ke to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "'Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our college�s, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you tb recognize the veiry significant positive contributionS that the Colleg� of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of l�fe that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to sel�-determination of this most valuable community resource: ouX private colleges. Sincerely, ,2.Z60 � � S-�'Io s-' ame Street Address & Zip Code t/-Z Y � Date �- - - - - - - - - - - - -z_-s.�—= -• - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - , Dear Members; of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedi�ated to maintaini�g the quality and vitality of our local cdlleges, I would l�ke to register my objection to the specifi� proposals of thei "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning chan�es for our colle�es, universities and seminariP° in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very signif��� _ _ contributians that the College of �' - - - qualitytofnlife thater eau i��a= Nei�� I urge you; *_ - �Spo� F-�� a`,� -� i cil: paul �ltY C�Un indi�laua of � he St' omas and a a vitalitY n to be�s o f t f S t, T h Uali t Y a n ob7e�t l� olve pe Mem i e � ar d of t�'e C m in ainin9 t to �reqiste tudy" t semina ies AS a 1 r de�l�at ed es° I wo fld�e kFor nl�ersit eS and who loca1� �011 roposals Col�j.eges � u °ur ec�-f i� p or our ositi�e the i q ��Y'an9 of St, paul • Signlf 1Caas and otner the z°n �itY �erY Thom ake to in the �ogniZe t�le9e of St this citY m hborhpOds� �� e Y°u t� trat the cd ucatiOn in of our ne t A�re StudY I urq butions higher ed are in all the ��For bein� and insil f llfe that th�pr°phe�ont nu a�aluable �OmmunitY ti�t i quali�Y You to re SUppor ' f on o f this mos I ur��f f irm Y°u aetermin�oi leqes' Sel te � :� �-�'�. r qht r�e; ou prlva �,,� .� ��..-•C Code reso� ��f'j q s & ZiP ,- in� erelY� _ --� ��`� gtreet Adares �I" / S � _ � � ,, `^/ � � p � / � r` y il ' ;(.:=f� `�� � l V�j�l' Na�e i.��`} � L� / D�te , ..�mmunity _ ��r.t�gvz. �er�rzo��-- �i! 6fR�tFokD �j�lGe Nam Street Address & Zip Code g�9�'8� Date I � � � , � I Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council: As a frie�d of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is de�icated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local; colleges, I would like to register my objection to the speci�fic proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge yqu to recognize the very significant positive contribu�ions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we sh,are in all of our neighborhoods. I urge y�u to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affi�m your support far the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resources our private colleges. Sin rel�i, �3 s �1��'T�2 P� S�-io y Name Street Address & Zip Code l c� �' Date — — — — +-- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Dear Members of the St. Paul Cit Council: Y As a frie�d of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is de�icated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the speci�fic proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning ch!anges for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the Ciity of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other instituti!ons of higher education in this city make to the quality qf life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the p�oposals of the "Forty-Acre Study'° and affirm your support fo� the continued well-being and right to 'self-determination of this most valuable community resource:i our private collieges. � Sin y, � � T jl��Cif"K./`f� /B�4' �d�!/C � �f�iutiL ��C/DJ� Name � ' Street Address & Zip Code /� /7 BB Date —' - - - - - - - - - - - - - r- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - , , . __ i i � ' - I previo�isly signed your �etition urging the City Council to reject t$�e proposals of t e Forty-Acre Study. Because of the changes �in the final draf� of this document, I request that you remove my petition frqm those to be submitted to the City Council . ' � � I Name � Street Address & Zip Code i � Date i i i � Dear Membe�`s of the St. Paul City Council: As a frienc� of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedi�cated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local �olleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning cha�ges for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the Cit� of St. Paul . I urge you, to recognize the very significant positive contributipns that the College of St. Thomas and other institutio�s of higher education in this city make to the quality of� life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you� to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm' your support for the continued well-being and right to s�lf-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleqes. Sincerely,; I i C�� �, ' �/.�3 ,�s-.�-� �t. SS`/oS' Name � ! Street Address & Zip Code �2(0 , (9�t�-Gk,, �9d�8 ; Date ; � i — — — — — �— — — — — — — — —� — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — � ' , , I previou�ly signed your p�'tition urging the City Council to reject th� proposals of the' Forty-Acre Study. Because of the changes im the final draft �of this document, I request that you remove my petition fro�{ those to be submitted to the City Council . ' , Name , Street Address & Zip Code Date � i � Dear Members � of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local co�leges, I would like to register my objection to the specific� proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning chang�s for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City bf St. Paul . I urge you t,'o recognize the very significant positive contribution�s that the Colleg� of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of l�ife that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm �our support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination o� this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Si rely, ' I Z�/,l.l���� ��� ��- � Name �- i Street Address & Zip Code 'Pa 3 i �, p�� �.r—��vs- Date I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -� - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - _. � ; I previously signed your petA.tion urging the City Council to reject the ;proposals of the �'orty-Acre Study. Because of the changes in �the final draft o this document, I request that you remove my petition from �hose to be submitted to the City Council . ; i � Name Street Address & Zip Code Date I � � Dear Membe�s of the St. Paul City Council: As a frien� of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is ded�cated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local Golleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City� of St. Paul. I urge you ',to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institution',s of higher education in this city make to the quality of �life that we shar� in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you �o reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm our support for �he continued well-being and right to se�f-determination of this most valuable community resource: o}�r private colleg�s. Sincerely, ' a. � ' SIS BQ11'hNA1.�. ST. S�'/l�o N e � Street Address & Zip Code lo /8 8$ Dater— , - - - - - - � - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -'i - - ; � � Dear Membe!rs of the St. Paul City Council : As a frie�d of the Colleqe of ,�t. Thomas and an individual who is ded�icated to maintaininqti��the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would'`1'ike`' to register `my objection to the speci�ic proposals of tkie- "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our col.leges, universities and seminaries in the Cit�y o� St. Paul: . � `K 1 I urge yo�i �t�tr';recognize th� very significant positive contribut�ons that the Colllege of St. Thomas and other instituti:qns of higher eduaation in this city make to the " � - '�-- *hat we share in all of our neighborhoods. , -'- �f the "Forty-Acre Study" - ' -- �n� � Dear Member�s of the St. Paul City Council: As a friend i of the who is dedi �ollege o� St. our local CQated to maintainin Thomas and an individual the S mllegeS, I i,,�ould g the quality and vitality of pecifict p like to register m zoning changeSrfor°,Sals of the' "Forty-Acre Study �b�ection to in the Cit � °ur colleg�S, universities y�� that involve y ,°f St• Paul . and seminaries r urge you tb contributions recognize the y�r that the Colle y Slgnlficant positive institutions� of hi g� of St. quality of life gher educati'on Thomas and other that we share ln this city make to the I urge you tb re ' in all and affirm ydur Su�t the pro osals of theu„ neighborhoods. right to self- pP°rt for he continued WForty-Acre Study�� resource, determination of this most valuablelco � our private collegeS, g and mmunity 'ncerely, i � � � � N me �,5.- la � , , > �v�t-c G�;-„� �.S i �� ate Street Address & Zip Code _ .w�... - - i_ _ — i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Date � i � Dear Members o� the St. Paul Ci�y Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colTeges, I would like to register my objection to ' " ' - ----^T��ais of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve -----r�; ties and seminaries � Dear Members of the St, ' Paul City Council : As a �riend of ' who is dedicatedhto�ol�ege of St. our l;ocal colleges, Ia�ntainin Thomas and an individual 9 the quality and vitality of the specific ��uld like to re zoni ' Proposals ; of the "Fort glster my objection to �'g changes for our i col le eS y"'Acre Stud in tl�e City of St, pau . 9 , universities yr, that involve � and seminaries I urge you to cont�ibutions thatgn1z� the ver inst�tutions of the; Colle e y significant positive higher' educationf St. Thomas and other quali�ty of life that W in this cit I urc�e you to re • � share in all of y make to the and �ffirm 7ect t�e proposals of °ur neighborhoods. ri h Your suppar� for the the Forty-Acre Study 9 t to self-determination of Continued well-bein �� resoy�rce: o this most v a lua ble g and Private co eges, community Sinc�rely, --�'e �� ,tID I�.e �„ �.,. NamC `'� '-`�y'--;..�I n_ � • treet U�� S Date i Address & Zip Cod �.���„y.._ -- you remoye my petition =ro��� �.�..... Council . Name Street Address & Zip Code Date I Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedic,ated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local calleges, I would like to register my objection to the specifiG proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul. I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributio�s that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educa�ion in this city make to the guality of life that we shar� in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to s�lf-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleg�es. Sincerely, �.3��°�1����J l� �`0207. ���tu�,�3/O,f" N me Street Ad ress & Zip Code / � Date — — — — — — — — — — — — — -+ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — I previo�sly signed your petition urging the City Council to reject t1�e proposals of the Forty-Acre Study. Because of the changes �n the final draft of this document, I request that you remove my petition from those to be submitted to the City Council . Name Street Address & Zip Code Date Dear Members o� the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Rorty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes; for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City o� St. Paul. I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College f St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educatiqln in this city make to the quality of li�e that we share �n all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to; reject the propo�als of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for th� continued well-being and right to sel�-determination of, this most valuable community resource: ou� private colleges. 'ncerely, l9/��, /��� ���d� ame Street Address & Zip Code �o-�yT� Date i — — — — — — — — — — — — -; — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — i i I previously signed your petiition urging the City Council to reject thejproposals of the !Forty-Acre Study. Because of the changes in' the final draft of this document, I request that you remove my petition from those to be submitted to the City Council . Name Street Address & Zip Code Date i I Dear' Members of the St. Paul City Council: As a' friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our �ocal colleges, I would like to register my objection to the 5pecific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoni�g changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive cont�ibutions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quali'�ty of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urg� you to reject t�e proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and a�firm your suppor� for the continued well-being and right' to self-determination of this most valuable community resou�ce: our private colleges. Sincerely, • .�, � �-a�I G,-�. S��/n�_ Name Street Address & Zip Code 1 � - 1 ��-�� Date — — — - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — _ . I previ;ously signed your petition urging the City Council to reject the proposals of the Forty-Acre Study. Because of the changes, in the final draft of this document, I request that you remove my petition from those to be submitted to the City Council � Name Street Address & Zip Code Date Dear Members of ;the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St.; Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining t�he quality and vitality of our local colleqes, I would likeito register my objection to the specific proposals of the "F�rty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes ;for our colleges, , universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very� significant positive contributions ,'that the College af St. Thomas and other institutions af higher education in this city make to the quality of li�e that we share iz� all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to selftdetermination of this most valuable community resource: our; private colleges.l � Sincerely, � � '� � �_ � cr�j i55, �ve� �-I u� Name Street Address & Zip Code 5 S/0-� � Date � r'_"_' (Spouse,} Friend or Neighbor) � Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is ded�cated to maintain�ng the quality and vitality of our local �olleges, I would ;like to register my objection to the specif�c proposals of thje "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning cha�ges for our coll�ges, universities and seminaries in the Cit;'y of St. Paul . ! I urge yo� to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge yau to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affi�"m your support for the continued well-being and right to !self-determination of this most valuable community resourcet our private colleges. Si �c,erely, �. i , � ��� /i��� ��ss. «,� f�-��� a e Street Address & Zip Code 55 /v� Date i Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicat�d to maintainingjthe quality and vitality of our local coll,eges, I would lik� to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "�orty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes' for our colleges universities and seminaries in the City o� St. Paul . I urge you tojrecognize the very significant positive contributions that the College bf St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educatio� in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you toireject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self determination of this most valuable community resource: our, private collegest Sincerel , ^ -, • I � 0 ��� Name ��� Street Address & Zip Code Date . � (Spouse, Fri nd or Neighbor) Dear Members o� the St. Paul Cit!v Council : � As a friend of� the College of S . Thomas and an individual who is dedicat�d to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local coll�eges, I would lik to register my objection to the specific p�oposals of the " orty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes; for our colleges universities and seminaries in the City of� St. Paul . I urge you to �recognize the very significant positive contributions �that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions qf higher education in this city make to the quality of li�e that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you tolreject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm yo�ar support for the continued well-being and right to self--determination of this most valuable community resource: our; private colleges.l Sincerely, � �� _� � t�:�.Srnt��n, j a.i l,r S unrr�nrruut, c_ S 5 I o 5' Name i Street Address & Zip Code t ' �q-�d I Date � � I Dear Membersjof the St. Paul C�.ty Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific ; proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning chang&�s for our colleges, universities and seminariP� in the Citv �f c� n,••' � Dear Memberslof the St. Paul C�ty Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedic�ted to maintaining the quality and obtection to our local colleges, I would like to register my that involve the specifiG proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" zoning chanc�es for our colleges , universities and seminaries in the City ' of St. Paul . I urge you �to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutior��s of higher educa�ion in this city make to the quality of life that we shar� in all of our neighborhoods. I urae you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" ,.a ,.�l l _h c i n rT a Pl l� (Spouse, Fri nd or Neighbor) Dear Memberls of the St. Paul ;City Council : As a frienc� of the College o� St. Thomas and an individuaof who is dedicated to maintain�.ng the quality and vitali y our local �olleges, I would Ilike to register my objection to the specif,ic proposals of tY��e "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning cha�ges for our coll�ges , universities and seminaries in the Citly of St. Paul . ; i I urge yo�i to recognize thelvery significant positive contributions that the Coll�ge of St. Thomas and other institutipns of higher educ�ation in this city make to the quality o� life that we shajre in all of our neighborhoods. I urge yo�i to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affir�m your support fo� the continued well-being and right to ;self-determinatiori of this most valuable community resource:l our private coll�ges. Sincerel�, � �3�� P�rk� .� , N e Street�ddress & Zip�;� 1 ����-��� �� . C�„�,�, `i� �'� Date --_ L _ _ _ Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dediGated to maintainimg the quality and vitality of our local cqlleges, I would like to register my objection to the specifi� proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning chan�es for our colleg�s, universities and seminaries in the City; of St. Paul . I urqe youito recognize the �ery significant positive contributidns that the Collec�e of St. Thomas and other institutior�s of higher educa ion in this city make to the quality of ; life that we shar in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the pr osals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm' your support for 'the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: 'our private colle�es. Sinc ly, °�3� x���.���.e- .5�Sl 0 2 Nam ;�� �� Street Address & Zip Code Da � .� JOE & JEAWETTTE CLE � MENT�� 2100 FAIRMOUNT AVE. � AAUL, MN 55105 Dear Members �� of the St. Pau� Clit Council : Y As a friend pf the College of ;St. Thomas and an individual who is dediciated to maintainir�g the quality and vitality of our local cojlleges, I would 1 'ke to register my objection to the specifid proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning chanqes for our colleg s, universities and seminaries in the City ;of St. Paul . ' I urge you to recognize the vlery significant positive contributio�s that the Colleg of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educa ion in this city make to the quality of ,life that we shar in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you �to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm 'your support for �he continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: qur private colleg�s. Sin erely, j � Q ` _� ��� r �v _ � e , Street Address & Zip Code �� � ate (Spouse, F�iend or Neighbor) Dear Memb�rs of the St. Paua City Council : As a frie�d of the College pf St. Thomas and an individual who is de�licated to maintai;ning the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I woul like to register my objection to the speci�ic proposals of �he "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning ch,anges for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the Cijty of St. Paul . I urge ydu to recognize th� very significant positive contribu�ions that the Col�ege of St. Thomas and other institut�:ons of higher education in this city make to the quality Qf life that we sh�are in all of our neighborhoods. I urge ybu to reject the p oposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affi�m your support f r the continued well-being and riqht to; self-determinati n of this most valuable community resource;: our private col eges. S 'nc reliy, . , a�/�0' � S,s���S' /� (,'1�/ Street Address & Zip Code d0 Date Dear Membersj of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedi�ated to maintaini�g the quality and vitality of our local cqlleges, I would l�ke to register my objection to the specifi� proposals of the! "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleg�es, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . ; I urge you 'to recognize the �ery significant positive contributions that the Colle e of St. Thomas and other institution�s of higher educa ion in this city make to the quality of jlife that we shar� in all of our neighborhoods. I urge youlto reject the pro�osals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm ;your support for he continued well-being and right to s�lf-determination pf this most valuable community resource: Qur private colleg�es. Sincerely, � I , Cc�,u��,� l'��� �2�,-,-� ✓-�-��0 S Name 'n�� Street Address & Zip Code � Zo �-a. Date (Spouse, Fxiend or Neighbor) � Dear Memb�rs of the St. Paul City Council : As a frie�►d of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is de�,dicated to mainta ' ning the quality and vitality of our local� colleges, I woul like to register my objection to the speci�fic proposals of t'the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning ch'anges for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the C�ty of St. Paul . I urge yqu to recognize the very significant positive contribu�ion,s that the Col;lege of St. Thomas and other institut�ons of higher edu�ation in this city make to the quality bf life that we shlare in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the p�roposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affi�m your support far the continued well-being and right to self-determinatidn of this most valuable community resource�: our private coll�eges. Sincerelly, ' �.�� �'�-��� � �9f`° ��a� �5�"s ies� Name Street Address & Zip Code � � � Date i i � Dear Members� of the St. Paul Gity Council : I As a friend �of the College of ! St. Thomas and an individual who is dediGated to maintaini�g the quality and vitality of our local cdlleges, I would 1 ke to register my objection to the specifi� proposals of the� "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning chanc�es for our colleg�s, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urqe you �o recognize the v�ery significant positive contributions that the Colleg�e of St. Thomas and other institution5 of higher educai�ion in this city make to the quality of ;life that we shar� in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you �to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm ;your support for the continued well-being and right to s�lf-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleg�s. � Sincerely, � am ° ��� St ee d ess & Zip ode ' �� .� ���i,n �J�o.� D te � � (Spouse, F�iend or Neighbor) Dear Memb�rs of the St. Pau City Council : _ � As a frier�d of the College �f St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaihing the quality and vitality of our local � colleges, I would� like to register my objection to the speci�ic proposals of t�'he "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning ch�nges for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the Ci�y of St. Paul . I urge yo��i to recognize th very significant positive contribut�ions that the Col ege of St. Thomas and other instituti,�ons of higher edu ation in this city make to the quality of life that we sh re in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the p�oposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affi�m your support fo� the continued well-being and right to � self-determinatioh of this most valuable community resource{ our private colleges. Si ereli� c ��`G/%i� /lJ� �� vJ_ l Name �� � Street Address & Zip Code / 1 �t�-� �- .� -��� S-- Date /' ��-�� � � S � � ,���� � i i i Dear Members; of the St. Paul ity Council : As a friend �of the College of � St. Thomas and an individual who is dediaated to maintaini�g the quality and vitality of our local cqlleges, I would 1 ' ke to register my objection to the specifi� proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning chanc�es for our colleg s, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . � i I urge you to recognize the v�ery significant positive contributio�s that the Collec�e of St. Thomas and other institution,� of higher educatiion in this city make to the quality of life that we shar� in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you �to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirmlyour support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination f this most valuable community resource: Qur private colleg�s. Sincerely„ - _. C — � � ' � � ' ���:5�"��,..,�/��,�„ � ��.c� _ �• —�1� :S ` e ! St eet Address & Zip Code 3 �� �-��� �'�t N s fi-��>y Dat (Spouse, F�iend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Pau� City Council : As a frier�d of the College II f St. Thomas and an individual who is dec�icated to maintai ing the quality and vitality of our local � colleges, I would like to register my objection to the speci�ic proposals of t e "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contribut;ions that the Col�ege of St. Thomas and other instituti�ons of higher edu ation in this city make to the quality of life that we sh�re in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the p oposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affi�m your support fo the continued well-being and right to ;self-determinatio of this most valuable community resource; our private coll ges. Sincerely, �� ��W� ' / E�a�S`"���t/6�c,,,�(� G'u.c� �.—�/U S` Name Street Address & Zip Code Dat � o� .�� /1� h� s`4.s`° E `� i I Dear Membersj of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend �of the College of ' St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaini g the quality and vitality of our local cdlleges, I would 1 ' ke to register my objection to the specific proposals of thel "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning chanQes for our colleg�es, universities and seminaries in the City� of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributiohs that the College of St. Thomas and other institution�s of higher education in this city make to the quality of jlife that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm ;your support for the continued well-being and right to s�lf-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleg s. � Sincerely, � , �� � j �!3� ,1�,��„v���'.�� S s i o6 13ame i Street Address & Zip Code D�� ��X � � � � � (Spouse, F iend or Neighbor) Dear Memb�rs of the St. Pau� City Council : As a frie�d of the College bf St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintai;ning the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the speci�ic proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning ch,�nges for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the Ci�'ty of St. Paul . I urge yo,'u to recognize th� very significant positive contributiions that the Col�ege of St. Thomas and other instituti�ons of higher edu ation in this city make to the quality df life that we sh�re in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the p oposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affi�m your support fo the continued well-being and right to � self-determinatio of this most valuable community resourcee our private coll�eges. Sincerel�i, ' �„�,a //� ,�'�,,,,�.�• SSI� Na e � Street Address & Zip Code g` 7-� Date � i Dear Members qf the St. Paul Ci�y Council : I As a friend of the College of S . Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintainin the quality and vitality of our local colleges , I would li e to register my objection to the specific ,proposals of the ' Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning chang�s for our college , universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you t� recognize the ve y significant positive contribution� that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of l�f.e that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to sel;f-determination o� this most valuable community resource: our private college�. Sincerely, �'+e.� , i at/3"0 �v�av��7� � Y� . ��"'l D $ '"N me Street Address & Zip Code � � g Date � (Spouse, Frl' end or Neighbor) i Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a frien,�d of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaiming the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would ; like to register my objection to the speci�ic proposals of t�ie "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our coll�ges, universities and seminaries in the Ci�y of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the� very significant positive contribut�ons that the Coll,ege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher edu�ation in this city make to the quality o'f life that we sh re in all of our neighborhoods. I urge yau to reject the p oposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affi�m your support fo the continued well-being and right to ; self-determinatio of this most valuable community resourcet our private collieges. Sincerely, Name Street Address & Zip Code Date Dear Members �f the St. Paul City Council : As a friend o� the College of �t. Thomas and an individual who is dedica�ed to maintainin the quality and vitality of our local col;leges, I would li e to register my objection to the specificiproposals of the ' Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning change�s for our college�, universities and seminaries in the City ¢f St. Paul . i I urge you tO recognize the ve�y significant positive contribution� that the Colleg � of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educat'on in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the prop sals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for tYie continued well-being and right to sel,�f-determination o� this most valuable community resource: our private college�. I Sincerely, �,� � � -��-� � � . � � �"7` � � I ��� �� 5 , �� Name ' Stree�Addr,���� Z,�p �d�e_ �_ � � .--- �'4 g'� �, � ��� Date � `� _ (Spouse, Fr end or Neighbor) Dear Membe�s of the St. Paul City Council : As a frien�d of the College af St. Thomas and an individual who is decYicated to maintai ing the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the speci�ic proposals of t e "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our coll ges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize th� very significant positive contribut;ions that the Col];ege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher eduCation in this city make to the quality df life that we sh�re in all of our neighborhoods. I urge yqu to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affi�m your support fo� the continued well-being and right to ; self-determinatio� of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerel�, € �� ��� � �� Name � Street Address & Zip Code Date � u ��� � Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend af the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedic�ted to maintainin the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would li�e to register my objection to the specific; proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning chang�s for our colleg�s, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the v ey significant positive contributio�'s that the Colleg� of St. Thomas and other institution� of higher educat on in this city make to the quality of life that we share�Iin all of our neighborhoods. I urge you �o reject the propbsals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for t�e continued well-being and right to se�f-determination qf this most valuable community resource: our private colleg�s. Sincerely, �a��.e� �a-w,��i I G a� ��-�',# � ,�'si�� Name Street Address & Zip Code Date � Q /��� (Spouse, Fxiend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Pau1 City Council : As a friend of the College pf St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintai�ing the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would� like to register my objection to the specific proposals of t�he "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning ch�nges for our coll,eges, universities and seminaries in the Ci;'ty of St. Paul . I urge yoiu to recognize th¢ very significant positive contribu�.ions that the Col ege of St. Thomas and other instituti�ons of higher edu ation in this city make to the quality qf life that we sh re in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the p oposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support f r the continued well-being and right to self-determinatian of this most valuable community resource,': our private colleges. Sincerel;y, Name Street Address & Zip Code Date i ; Dear Members �of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend pf the College of �St. Thomas and an individual who is dedic�ted to maintainirig the quality and vitality of our local co�leges, I would like to register my objection to the specific� proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning chang,�es for our colleg�s, universities and seminaries in the City �of St. Paul . ; . r "��_ "_.. i_ ...�.�.........�� ...� 1.L... _� .� ..�.r...� F. ..-...1 ....�.� +��.�� Dear Member� of the St. Paul ICity Council : As a friend' of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedi�ated to maintaini;ng the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specifi;c proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning chan�ges for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you ;to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the Colle�e of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educa�ion in this city make to the quality of life that we shar�e in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you; to reject the praposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm; your support for the continued well-being and right to s�lf-determination ,of this most valuable community resource: our private collec�es. in rely,� �J ,,,!� � ��; � ! /� � �-� e�— � .� � 55�� � 'Na e � Street Addre & Zip Code ��� ,t� J ! (l D�t �auz-rtiy vrt t.�ic uaa� - -- --- I urge you to reject the p�oposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affir'm your support fo� the continued well-being and right to self-determinatiom of this most valuable community resource; our private coll�ges. Sincerely, ,�c../< � �7��'6�.,/1.��'�P� .au�2--�y s�a� Name Street Address-&�p Code 7/��D�e I I Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend bf the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local co;lleges, I would lXke to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning chanc�es for our colleg�s, universities and seminaries in the City ;of St. Paul . I urge you �o recognize the very significant positive contributio�is that the College of St. Thomas and other institution� of higher education in this city make to the quality of �1ife that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you �to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm ,your support for 1{he continued well-being and right to self-determination �f this most valuable community resource: o,'ur private colleg s. Sincerely, � (� G�c}C� S d ame tree Ad ress & Zip Code ��- �_� f�_ Date (Spouse, Fxiend or Neighbor) Dear Memb�rs of the St. Pau� City Council : As a frie�d of the College � f St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to mainta' ning the quality and vitality of our local; colleges, I woul like to register my objection to the speci,�ic proposals of he "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our col eges, universities and seminaries in the Ci'ty of St. Paul . � I urge yqu to recognize th� very significant positive contribu�ions that the Col�ege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher edu�ation in this city make to the quality bf life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge ypu to reject the p�roposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affi�m your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determinatian of this most valuable community resource�; our private coll,eges. Sincereliy, //C�� �;2.f1K_C' ��S%lJ� Name Street Address & Zip Co e '7- 30 -�� Date _ _ . . ...,- --�--�--�--T'°�'��'�-�.'--_ ...__ -. - -- -- Dear Members cjf the St. Paul City Council : As a friend o� the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would lil�e to register my objection to the specific proposals of the �'Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning chang�s for our college�s, universities and seminaries in the City iof St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the v�ry significant positive contributions that the Colleg' of St. Thomas and other institution;s of higher educa ion in this city make to the quality ofilife that we shar in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you !to reject the pro�hosals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirmjyour support for ��the continued well-being and right to self-determination 'of this most valuable community resource: 'our private collec�es. Sincerely, i ��r ? ,��D 'rl'i� (.U`/al� r N e , Street Address & Zip Code te � ; II Dear Membersiof the St. Paul Qity Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaini g the quality and vitality of our local co�lleges, I would li:ke to register my objection to the specific! proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changjes for our colleg$s, universities and seminaries in the City iof St. Paul . I I urge you t�o recognize the v ey significant positive contribution!s that the Colleg of St. Thomas and other institutionsl of higher educat on in this city make to the quality of l�ife that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you t�o reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for tl�e continued well-beinq and right to self-determination o this most valuable community resource: o�r private college�. I Sincerely, I � ' �6��� . I, 201.6 lr"l � I�,T� �l E SS �4� lr Name Street Addre�ss & Zip Code! _ _ te � i (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members pf the St. Paul City Council : As a friend oif the College of �t. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local co�leges, I would like to register my objection to the specific ;proposals of the �'Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning chang�s for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you �o recognize the vQry significant positive contributions that the Colleg� of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educatlon in this city make to the quality of �ife that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the pro�osals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for �he continued well-being and right to seilf-determination Qf this most valuable community resource: aur private colleg$s. i Sincerely, ' �O/7 ��io� Nam „L� Street Address & Zip Code [IQ" Date (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Pa�l City Council : As a fri�nd of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our loca,l colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specjific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge �ou to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the Callege of St. Thomas and other institu,tions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge ;you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and af�irm your support for the continued well-being and right �o self-determination of this most valuable community resour�e: our private colleges. � Sincerely, �' v�4 � ���d� Name � '� Street Address & Zip Code Date �� C) 7i ! Ul �'i/F'i N H�.Q F'• C� H N• N ft O b C7 a a ` �• m �• � � � o � o � � u� cu �l� _ , � u, � a � a �n � � � mKO a � � � %o �' �s � c+ rrn rtr• a n �u � � �+ aw �- �� nw � � �n.� N. K C� ft rh � �C G U' fD (D �4 "�C� N fi N �' cu o �•�c �+ � �c � � a a �- � � .. m a � �°no N � fi� H, ~ Q. � m o m � o �c � �• � �- a n � ��c �+ ►� cn � �r w � o � �n nrnoo �• �no om � ao i � �no ! �, u� b � rt �, o '�7 a n n m i-+, c�r � n m m �-n N• r�t cn u. rt �' A�i h fi O'U� N � � rt C (D C m � r• rr%o • �i o cn ct N �' anro � aw � m • o m � fi � �o rtrt � �+ � roo a � N t�• o N �' r• N � � H � o Cn � fi 1"r E r`t fD tV � ri U1 � �-' ct ,� (7 A� rt �' (D (D ►—� E I�• f-+ • O rt (D ' N C� • C� O O � N � � �• �n �n a o r+ o rn � �r w ro � o o � � � � � � w m a �.. m � n � a � � m � �+ a �• � /� m o �+b m �+� C w m � �• �-�n ~ � m rn o �- m �u m �- � � Z � (t � fL � � O '�C N '=J fD � t't tt �' (� t—� i-h O rt • '�C N• O cn A� �• �n G ►,S c+ � tn � � � Cf� I�• � rt O (D H C] � C!� ��, tt tt O �-' tt�R F�•'�C �' O � ct � � F�- i-h rt • � C I �-S � O G �-t O � O �' I-�• (D � fD � � � (D cn � rt M F�• H rh �-i C) �A A► N C� N � �t N �" cn :r' r• m n N• ►� cn r• rt� .t p, N O O C) t-�• fD tn I-�• � V" � a E = n �• a � � �n ��c � .. a � m ►� fi �n rt m r� n a o, � � o � �c m � a n su � n cu aro a � � a m v i rt �• � � o a �c �c a � � uNi m m�i � �' a �• � o C r- r• � rrm o �r fitT �• � � n � n o c-r N• cn ��• rt a O W K �t rt �' C N A� cD W I�- � N � O N N � �' C� ►� C �• � a o n �• rr �• �- b � � cn o ct � N• r• rt p. � arta � a � o �c � n �• � �nc� nc � a �('� t�' � �c k � m ° `t rn ~ �^ (D N C O �� � � 1 � � � Dear Members qf the St. Paul City Council • As a friend o� the College of St. m' who is dedicated to maintainin� our local colleges, I woul� the specifid proposals � zoning chanc�es for � in the City of `' I urge �� tia`>a of con+-- y� ° r�.y1: ar yra a1�i� 01�e J ; til G V '1 C yt�. C� ' �a5 � a m ,ob�at .y�a� e 5 4 au 1 � Z n qvaiyte�vd�. ,�a 5 e� i' S�• o� 5 �,Y,� �eg ,�e 5 e5 a ,,�-Y,e ege �yr� e '�° �A� �y�1 ;��e 5 o f- ; Coll r�ay 1y��p.�ty., �e� o5y� �re� �.�e Mempe� p'� �n�o Z `��f a n ge�� Jr y�ar 5 ar a�e �r°°a�a�, Oea� 'ye�'a G3'�ea e5� a15 C°1�'e � rl� Y'°�a t� � �'�� �e 5 a • a ,�� 8ea Gol.� �04°5 ov,� 1. ;, e�� 5 �' y� � � ,�e ��A r� a �,�y�� A5 '�5 1 � 4 ��� 4aU � � o�' • r �r �, °v ``�°1��e1 G��� J� v�v°.� 1°CeCy a�ge� 5t• 2e �c.o�;.�eq?yo,� a11 � tr 3 v�e�.a•Q1e `i"' " o e 54 �Y� �� � o��'y e C s�a y�' S ° r`�e val � � tr ,�y�� C� ,�e� � tr ,� e� ,�aSe oga1 or�y o5t ! 2°, �,Y'e ! o� �,� �,Y'�ygY'e �ej 5 ,�.�°4 ,�e Y,y� �` ��'i Coae i � � 1ot� o�, �,�,a� �e £os o�y � �I r� ti14 1 ����'��t�r5 y�e e�ect ,�� �yo� e�. � � e�5 � �o�,� i�,�, o� 1 0 � 5�,4��yY,a o11e�3 �, aa� 1'�g� 1�.� o.0 � ov'� etes te G � ee� A ��`a��e y � 1 �a � v� �� �. � '� e � � y S "i a a� �0 5 ov.'� ! z g,�,v��e: � yo � �e �e�e�'� ' - 5yr ' _es�t'K,�� J` /� �" & Zi p Dear na __ a e i Code �- � S As � fr e ; Neighb ��Q ��•.. who �, � �o�� the 1 Cdl � c1�y cou c nc Zo�i S Ae�i fi .,ai�g e o.� st. 1 1 : n � , ai � ho i� the c ty�o � fOr So ls °f 1t n ke tfi � q a1i a�d a� . . „ o t i o�trle You �o f St� Pa 1 C�11egeSFOrtY-,��rst r md �a1i dual 9uali tu ions s that gni2e th ��l��rsit?es d�Y" �at�io�' o nd ra e You �lfe tha her du 1e�'e rO f s�9ni fi �d Sem1�a i�s e r19ht fflrm � r��ec t we Sh Cd 1O� St' Th cant Ao r�so to Se,YoUr S� t th� ar i ir� thi omds a sitiVe urce: 0 1f-dete pAort fo ro oS 1 a11 o f S ci ty nd oth� Sin� �r Ari�,rmina�l r he S o f t our ne make to r er�1 y� a te Co11� S th oS tm nued we or�y hAc rhOOds Ndme �St �a1 uab be ing ald udy►► « Date � c�mmunity � I Street A ddreSs & Zi p COde � Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a frienc� of the College o� St. Thomas and an individual who is dedi�cated to maintain�ng the quality and vitality of our local �olleges, I would ilike to register my objection to the specif�c proposals of th�e "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning chaMges for our colle�es, universities and seminaries in the Cit� of St. Paul . I urge you; to recognize thelvery significant positive contributi�ns that the Coll ge of St. Thomas and other institutio�s of higher educ tion in this city make to the quality of� life that we sha e in all of our neighborhoods. I urqe you� to reject the pr posals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm' your support for � the continued well-being and right to s;elf-determination of this most valuable community resource: �our private collec�es. � Sincer�y,� � �2oZ _.ss-//9 Name Street Address & Zip Co e ' � Date � � .�. ;�-� ' (Spou , riend Neighbo ) � — Dear Memb�ers of the St. Paul City Council : As a fri�'Ind of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is de'dicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local� colleges , I woulc� like to register my objection to the speciific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning cYianges for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the C�ty of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize th very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institut�ons of higher ed ation in this city make to the quality pf life that we s are in all of our neighborhoods. I urge ypu to reject the roposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affi�m your support f r the continued well-being and right to� self-determinati n of this most valuable community resource�: our private col eges. Sincereliy, `°�� � .�N.'.' � �as,f3�2�� 1�r.� �-s�!/� N�m�� Street Address & Zip Code Date , i Dear Memberis of the St. Paul City Council : As a friendl of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedilcated to maintain ng the quality and vitality of our local clolleges, I would ike to register my objection to the specific proposals of th "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colle es, universities and seminaries in the Cityl of St. Paul . I urge youlto recognize the ery significant positive contributions that the Colle e of St. Thomas and other institutior�s of higher educa ion in this city make to the quality ofllife that we shar in all of our neighborhoods. I urge youlto reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for �the continued well-being and right to s�lf-determination f this most valuable community resource: �ur private colleg s. Sincerely, j ,� Name I Street Address & Zip Code � Date � � (Spouse, F_ it end or Neighbor) Dear Membe�rs of the St. Paul, City Council : As a frien{3 of the College f St. Thomas and an individual who is ded�icated to maintai ing the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the speciflic proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning chainges for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the Citly of St. Paul . I urge you� to recognize the ,very significant positive contributilons that the Coll ge of St. Thomas and other institutiqns of higher educ tion in this city make to the quality ofl life that we sha e in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the pr posals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affir� your support for ; the continued well-being and right to slelf-determination of this most valuable community resource: jour private colle�es. I Sincerelyl j���5� �� �� , S�lz��' � Name Street Address & Zip ode . �� � Dat I� I � I � Dear Membens of the St. Paul Cit Council : Y As a frienc� of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is ded�cated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local �olleges, I would like to register my objection to the specif�c proposals of thie "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning cha#�ges for our collelges, universities and seminaries in the Cit� of St. Paul . � I urge you� to recognize the 'very significant positive contributi�ons that the Coll�ge of St. Thomas and other institutio�ns of higher educ�tion in this city make to the quality of� life that we sha�te in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the pr4Posals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm� your support for the continued well-being and right to �elf-determination of this most valuable community resource: ;our private colleges. � Sincerely; � a.o�3 i° GG� N � Street Address & Zip Code Dat �' � s-� ��/o�/ (Spouse, riend or Neighbor) — Dear Meml�ers of the St. Pa�il City Council : � As a friend of the College' of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to mainta ' ning the quality and vitality of our local colleges , I woul like to register my objection to the specific proposals of he "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning clianges for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the C�ty of St. Paul . I urge y{�u to recognize t e very significant positive contribu�'tions that the Co lege of St. Thomas and other institut�ions of higher ed cation in this city make to the quality �of life that we s are in all of our neighborhoods. I urge y�ou to reject the roposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affi�rm your support f r the continued well-being and right to self-determinati n of this most valuable community resource: our private col eges. Sincerely, � ! 02 6.33 � G�� Na 7 3� � Street Address & Zip Code Dat � � � l�� � � Dear Membe�s of the St. Paul, City Council : As a frien�d of the College qf St. Thomas and an individual who is dedlicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local �colleges, I would like to register my oh;-� � the specifiic proposals of tl�e "Forty-Acr� " zoning chainges for our coll�aP� _ Dear Membe�s of the St. Paul City Council : � As a frienc� of the College o� St. Thomas and an individual who is ded}cated to maintain'ng the quality and vitality of our local olleges, I would ike to register my objection to the specif c proposals of th "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning cha ges for our colle es, universities and seminaries in the Cit� of St. Paul . i I urge you� to recognize the very significant positive contributibns that the College of St. Thomas and other institutio�s of higher educ tion in this city make to the quality ofllife that we sha e in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you� to reject the pr posals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirmlyour support for the continued well-being and right to s{elf-determination of this most valuable community resource: pur private colle es. Sincerely,l - � a� �— �°`� Nam� l � Street Addr & Zip Code Date � I Date J i -.mC I I Sincerel�, Name I Street Address & Zip Code , Date I Dear Membels of the St. Pau$ Cit Council : � y As a frienid of the College f St. Thomas and an individual who is dediicated to maintai ing the quality and vitality of our local 'colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specif�ic proposals of t e "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our coll ges, universities and seminaries in the Cit1y of St. Paul . I urge yot� to recognize the' very significant positive contribut�ons that the Coll ge of St. Thomas and other institutiqns of higher educ tion in this city make to the quality oi life that we sha e in all of our neighborhoods. I urge yo� to reject the prbposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affir� your support for the continued well-being and right to �elf-determinatio of this most valuable community resource: lour private co11 ges. Sincerelyi, �J • jr,�,�.� �� U►v .8-�}C ,r��� / � D S Name Street Address & Zip Code �� //�� Date I (Spouse, riend or Neighbor) � �-- — Dear Members of the St. Pa�al City Council : As a fri�nd of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is d�dicated to mainta'ning the quality and vitality of our local� colleges, I woul like to register my objection to the specific proposals of he "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning cManges for our col eges, universities and seminaries in the C�ty of St. Paul . I urge ypu to recoqnize th very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institut�ons of higher ed cation in this city make to the quality pf life that we s are in all of our neighborhoods. I urge ypu to reject the p�roposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affi�m your support far the continued well-being and right to' self-determinatic}n of this most valuable community resource�: our private collieges. Sincereliy, � Name Street Address & Zip Code Date � � � i Dear Members ! of the St. Paul C�ity Council : ; As a friend bf the College of ;'St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintainirig the quality and vitality of our local coilleges, I would luke to register my objection to the specifici proposals of the ; "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning chanc�es for our colleg�s, universities and seminaries in the City ;of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the v ey significant positive contributio�s that the Colleg�e of St. Thomas and other institution$ of higher educat�ion in this city make to the quality of ;Yife that we shar in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you �to reject the pro osals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm ;your support for he continued well-being and right to se'lf-determination �f this most valuable community resource: qur private colleg�s. Sincerely, I"���� ���I�2�� /5/l0 ��r��'��' ���5//�� Name � Street Address & Zip Code �� � -�� Date � I I Dear Members ;of the St. Paul C ' ty Council : As a friend of the College of t. Thomas and an individual who is dedic�ted to maintainin the quality and vitality of our local co�leges, I would 1 ' e to register my objection to the specificiproposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning chang'es for our colleg s, universities and seminaries in the City ;of St. Paul . I urge you �o recognize the v ey significant positive contributio�s that the Colle e of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educa ion in this city make tn �-L quality of 'life that we shar in all of our „- ' I urge youjto reject the proposal � - and af f irm !your support �---� I right to s�lf-�^1 , I res�»r- I ltY �ounCil' l�di�idual he St, paul � an of t omas and d �italltY to ear Members of llege of; Sttrie qualitY amY ob7eCtinuolve D ; ter t a fr ienc� atea to mainta a ike to r A 1 e Stud a�na seminar ies AS ded{i� es � I woul t e ��FortY�ersities our 1O�a if�l pr p�s our coll qes � unl tl�e sPec anges f or paul . �ant F°Slt ther in�3 Ch of St' signlf 1 as and � the in the C�tY �o9niZe t 1 qe of St trilS�city mahborhpOd5 dY�� ou to re t the C° atlon iT' of our neiq Acre Stu I urqe �' on5 tha her e uc in all e ��Fortbein9 and co�trlb�ti S hiq We hare als of th We11- ommunitY in5tlt�t of l lf e t e�t th or�p he cont�s a�aluable c u a l l�You t o r e SuPPo r t f on o f t n i s and a�f ir Self deter te�olleges� - � i h� tO Ur Pr i�a , �-� �/`�i�;'C��� ��(0� �e o�r�e; o e ��-�S � S S & �ip Cod elY � . gtreet Adare S in�er ��Vv� � Nam A �g (°I — ...~— _ __�1e community �'ate _ _ _ _ - - - � —Q �oC�� �i.�i�i��� Name; Street Address & Zip Code Z`� ��� Date! i , Dear Me�nbers of the St. Raul City Council : As a friend of the Colleg of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maint ining the quality and vitality of our loc�l colleges, I wou d like to register my objection to the spe�ific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning Ghanges for our co leges, universities and seminaries in the �,ity of St. Paul. I urge y'ou to recognize t e very siqnificant positive contribu�`tions that the Col;lege of St. Thomas and other institut�ons of higher ed�cation in this city make to the quality Qf life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge yQu to reject the pxoposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affi�m your support fo� the continued well-being and right to '�self-determinatio of this most valuable community resourcecl our private coll ges. Sincerely,, �� '', � ��•...e 'i, -�•3 s �-Ea��a.�, ,P�sL. Css•a�� Name Street Address & Zip Code 8 � / • '� 8'P' Date --- - � Dear Membe�s of the St. Paul City Council : As a frienK� of the College cjf St. Thomas and an individual who is ded�icated to maintai ing the quality and vitality of our locallcolleges, I would�like to register my objection to the specif,�ic proposals of t e "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our coll ges , universities and seminaries in the Ci�y of St. Paul . I urge yot� to recognize the very significant positive contribut�.ons that the Coll ge of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher edu ation in this city make to the quality o� life that we sh re in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the p�oposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affir�n your support fo� the continued well-being and right to ;self-determinatio of this most valuable community resource:l our private coll�ges. � � Sincerely, ��'� (��l�,�� ���L � C�. �� SF�I ��.� ��C/�/r�// ��e, Name � Street f}dress & Zip Code �S- r ' �r� � ,—e• �/i"cL�-� �1��� �5"s"/z��, Date (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Mentbers of the St. P�ul City Council : As a friend of the Collegle of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maint�aining the quality and vitality of our loc�l colleges, I wowld like to register my objection to the spe�ific proposals of� the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our cqlleges, universities and seminaries in the iCity of St. Paul . : I urge �you to recognize �he very significant positive contril�utions that the C�llege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher e�ucation in this city make to the qualit�t of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge ;you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support �or the continued well-being and right �ko self-determina 'ion of this most valuable community resour�e: our private c lleges. Sincer,�ly, Name Street Address & Zip Code Date I I (Spouse, Fr end or Neighbor) Dear Membe�s of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College f St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintai ing the quality and vitality of our local ;colleges, I would like to register my objection to the speci�ic proposals of t e "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning ch�nges for our coll ges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge ya'u to recognize th very significant positive contribu�ions that the Col�ege of St. Thomas and other institut�ons of higher edu�ation in this city make to the quality bf life that we sh re in all of our neighborhoods. I urge ypu to reject the oposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affi�m your support f r the continued well-being and right to! self-determinati n of this most valuable community resourc�: our private col eges. � Sincere�y, � .��-�?��!r��� /���7 `� ��%!�_ _ .��/�.5 a e ~ Street Addr ss & Zip Code �� ����� D te � I ,� Dear Mec�bers of the St. P ul City Council : As a fri�nd of the Colleg of St. Thomas and an individual who is d¢dicated to mainta ' ning the quality and vitality of our locaT, colleges, I woul like to register my objection to the speci,fic proposals of he "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning ch'anges for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge yo� to recognize thelvery significant positive contributi'pns that the Collel,ge of St. Thomas and other institutio�s of higher educa�ion in this city make to the quality of ',life that we shar� in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you 'to reject the pro�osals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for t�he continued well-being and right to se�.f-determination o'� this most valuable community resource: our private college . Sincerely, �,�-��� � .�w�.. ; j8yq s�-�� �� ,�-v� � - s s,o;_ e �� ', 1��8 Street Address & Zip Code D e � — �_ -- - � Dear Membe'rs of the St. Paul City Council : As a frier�d of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintairiing the quality and vitality of our local � colleges, I wouldjlike to register my objection to the speci�ic proposals of t�e "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning ch�nges for our coll,leges, universities and seminaries in the Ci�y of St. Paul . , I urge you to recognize th very significant positive contribut'ions that the Col ege of St. Thomas and other institutilons of higher edu ation in this city make to the quality qf life that we sh�re in all of our neighborhoods. I urge ydu to reject the p�oposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affi�m your support folr the continued well-being and right to ; self-determinatio of this most valuable community resourcez our private colleges. Sincer ly, , � � C/ 'Tc�� �}I s `�„� s"-.5—/v.s� Na e Street Address & Zip Code S` � Date � , (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Me�nbers of the St. aul City Council : As a frliend of the Colle e of St. Thomas and an individual who is ;dedicated to main aining the quality and vitality of our lodal colleges , I wo�ld like to register my objection to the sp�cific proposals o� the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoningjchanges for our c lleges, universities and seminaries in the �City of St. Paul . I urgejyou to recognize ''the very significant positive contri�utions that the ollege of St. Thomas and other instit�itions of higher ducation in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge� you to reject th proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and af�firm your support for the continued well-being and right ;to self-determina ion of this most valuable community resounce: our private c lleges. Since�ely, Name I Street Address & Zip Code Date � � Dear Membe�lrs of the St. Pau� Cit Council : Y As a frier�d of the College �f St. Thomas and an individual who is dec�icated to maintai#�ing the quality and vitality of our local ;colleges, I would' like to register my objection to the speci�ic proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning ch�nges for our collieges, universities and seminaries in the Ci�y of St. Paul . I urge yo�i to recognize th ' very significant positive contribut�.ons that the Col ege of St. Thomas and other institutiions of higher edu ation in this city make to the quality o�f life that we sh�re in all of our neighborhoods. I urge yo�u to reject the p�oposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support fo�t the continued well-being and right to �self-determinatio� of this most valuable community resource:� our private coll ges. Sincerel � , 13 � C- C/,-�;u �7J..��Q Na e 7 i Street Addres & Zip Code f� L° d� S r��,,, !� M l�l �"�//7 Date ; (Spouse, ,Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. P�ul City Council : As a fryend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is c�edicated to maint�ining the quality and vitality of our local colleges , I wou�d like to register my objection to the spe�ific proposals oflthe "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning �hanges for our co�lleges, universities and seminaries in the �ity of St. Paul . ' I urge �ou to recognize he very significant positive contrib�itions that the C llege of St. Thomas and other institu,'tions of higher e ucation in this city make to the quality; of life that we hare in all of our neighborhoods. I urge ;you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and aff,irm your support �or the continued well-being and right �o self-determinat�.on of this most valuable community resour4�e: our private co�.leges. Sincer�ly, � Name I Street Address & Zip Code � Date ; i � i � I i Dear Membelrs of the St. Pau City Council : � � As a frier�d of the College �f St. Thomas and an individual who is dec�icated to maintai#�ing the quality and vitality of our local �colleges, I would like to register my objection to the speci�ic proposals of t e "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning ch�nges for our coll ges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . , I urge yo�i to recognize th very significant positive contribut,�ons that the Coll�ege of St. Thomas and other institutibns of higher educ�ation in this city make to the quality o�f life that we sh�re in all of our neighborhoods. I urge yo�u to reject the p�oposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support fo� the continued well-being and right to �self-determinatio of this most valuable community resource:; our private coll ges. Sincerely, � �_ /G� � Ss"/a s� Name � Street Addr ss & Zip Code �S �-T� ,l��' I Date ; i � (Spouse, ;Friend or Neighbor) — Dear Menlbers of the St. Plul City Council : � As a fr�end of the Colleg� of St. Thomas and an individual who is a�edicated to maint�ining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I wou�ld like to register my objection to the spe�ific proposals of� the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning �hanges for our coilleges, universities and seminaries in the �ity of St. Paul . l I urge �ou to recognize t}he very significant positive contrib�utions that the C llege of St. Thomas and other institu�tions of higher e�ucation in this city make to the quality� of life that we $hare in all of our neighborhoods. I urge ;you to reject theiproposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and af�'irm your support �or the continued well-being and right �o self-determinat�on of this most valuable community resour�e: our private co�.leges. Sincer�ly, Name � Street Address & Zi Code P I Date � , � , i i � � i i Dear Memb�rs of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College 'of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintai;ning the quality and vitality of our local� colleges, I would like to register my objection to the speci;fic proposals of �he "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning ch;'anges for our col�eges, universities and seminaries in the Ci�ty of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize th very significant positive contribu�ions that the Col ege of St. Thomas and other instituti�ons of higher edu ation in this city make to the quality c�f life that we sh re in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the p�'oposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affixm your support for the continued well-being and right to� self-determinatiom of this most valuable community resource� our private colleges. Sincerel�, 1.��� /�,���.o�- � �S"l o,� Name , Street �ddress & Zip Code � , � � � �� I Da e � � (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) — Dear Members of the St. P ul City Council : As a friend of the Colleg of St. Thomas and an individual who is �ledicated to main aining the quality and vitality of our loc�l colleges, I wo ld like to register my objection to the specific proposals o the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our c lleges, universities and seminaries in the �ity of St. Paul . I urge ;you to recognize �he very significant positive contril�utions that the C llege of St. Thomas and other institwtions of higher e ucation in this city make to the quality of life that we hare in all of our neighborhoods. I urge ;you to reject the� proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and af�irm your support �or the continued well-being and right �o self-determinat�on of this most valuable community resour�e: our private co7.leges. incer�ly, ���l ��O C�e"�� �A/'- � Name Street Address & Zip Code ��Sf/ 0�-- � /��/��' Dat—e � : I ; � , i I Dear Membe,�s of the St. Pau]t City Council : As a frien�ld of the College f St. Thomas and an individual who is ded,'icated to maintai ing the quality and vitality of our local �colleges, I would like to register my objection to , the speci�ic proposals of t e "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning ch�nges for our coll�ges, universities and seminaries in the Cit�y of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize thel very significant positive contribut�ons that the Colliege of St. Thomas and other instituti�ns of higher edudation in this city make to the quality o� life that we sh�re in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the p�oposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affir;m your support fo� the continued well-being and right to �self-determinatio of this most valuable community resource:� our private coll ges. Sincerel�, ' �` l �`1� G,���,,.� i4 vc� S S�/vJ Na Street Address & Zip Code �- a �� -� � Date (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) — Dear Me►�bers of the St. P ul Cit Council : Y As a fr�.end of the Colleg of St. Thomas and an individual who is c�edicated to maint ining the quality and vitality of our loc�l colleges , I would like to register my objection to the spe�ific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning �hanges for our c lleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge lyou to recognize he very significant positive contrib�utions that the C�llege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher e�ucation in this city make to the quality� of life that we �hare in all of our neighborhoods. I urge ;you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and af�irm your support �'or the continued well-being and right �o self-determinat' on of this most valuable community resour�e: our private colleges. Sincerely, � � ; � � 1�-I� G���, . (�w�z.v•� � d ��e 5S'l0 ; Name Street Address & Zip Code �. Date � Dear Member� of the St. Paul City Council : As a friendiof the College o St. Thomas and an individual who is dedi'cated to maintain ng the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would ike to register my objection to the specific proposals of th� "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning cha�ges for our colle�es, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . � i I urge youito recognize the �very significant positive contributions that the Coll ge of St. Thomas and other institutiQns of higher educ tion in this city make to the quality o� life that we sha e in all of our neighborhoods. I urge yo�t to reject the prpposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affir�,h your support for the continued well-being and right to �elf-determinatio ' of this most valuable community resource:; our private coll ges. Sincerely, � � ' � � J� 3 � �'� Name � Street Address & Zip ode �� � � �> �� Date ��l� c� (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. P ul City Council : As a friend of the Colle e of St. Thomas and an individual who is �dedicated to main aining the quality and vitality of our loc�al colleges, I wot�ld like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our cplleges, universities and seminaries in the !City of St. Paul . I urgejyou to recognizeithe very significant positive contri�utions that the Gollege of St. Thomas and other instit;'utions of higher Qducation in this city make to the qualit��y of life that we ; share in all of our neighborhoods. I urgg you to reject th� proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and a�firm your support for the continued well-being and right ; to self-determina;tion of this most valuable community resou'rce: our private cblleges. Since�ely, Namei Street Address & Zip Code Date � Dear Member,'s of the St. Paul City Council : As a frienc� of the College o St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintain'ng the quality and vitality of our local �olleges, I would like to register my objection to the specif�c proposals of t e "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning cha$�ges for our coll ges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you� to recognize the very significant positive contributi�ons that the Coll ge of St. Thomas and other institutidns of higher educ tion in this city make to the quality o� life that we sha e in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the pr posals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affir�n your support for� the continued well-being and right to Self-determinatior� of this most valuable community resource:� our private coll�ges. Sincerel�, �L r� ' S .�! /1 � 15�� r�' O l��,�c.t��o .�s. �� c.�.�l d� Name Street Address & Zip Code ���o��� Date ` �i (Spouse, �Friend or Neighbor) Dear Me�ibers of the St. P ul City Council : As a fr�.end of the Colleg of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maint ining the quality and vitality of our loc�l colleges, I wou�ld like to register my objection to the specific proposals of' the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning ,changes for our cqlleges, universities and seminaries in the ;City of St. Paul . I I urgeiyou to recognize he very significant positive contributions that the C�llege of St. Thomas and other instit�ltions of higher eklucation in this city make to the quality of life that we �hare in all of our neighborhoods. I urge; you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and af�irm your supportifor the continued well-being and right ,�to self-determina�ion of this most valuable community resour,�ce: our private cqlleges. Sincerely, � _, �� � „ . ���-;C,C_�c�l �������_./ c�-��- ame ; ,,� � ± Street Address & Zip Code ��/p � � /�=�' � Date i � Dear Membe�s of the St. Paul City Council : As a frien� of the College f St. Thomas and an individual who is dediicated to maintai ing the quality and vitality of our local icolleges, I would like to register my objection to the specif;ic proposals of t e "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning cha�nges for our coll ges, universities and seminaries in the Ci�y of St. Paul . ; I urge yo� to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the Coll�ege of St. Thomas and other institutibns of higher educ,ation in this city make to the quality o�' life that we sh�ire in all of our neighborhoods. I urge yo�i to reject the p�oposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirlm your support fox the continued well-being and right to ;self-determinatio� of this most valuable community resource:! our private coll�ges. SincerelX, ���•�-`�-il �.��ti�� o��s-8 /�� l�s ������6 N me � Street Address & Zip Code '(e 8� D te � � , � - : y�� I (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) I , Dear Me�ibers of the St. P ul City Council : As a friend of the Colleg of St. Thomas and an individual who is �edicated to maint ining the quality and vitality of our loc�l colleges, I woulld like to register my objection to the spe�ific proposals o� the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning ,changes for our cqlleges, universities and seminaries in the �City of St. Paul . I urge ;you to recognize he very significant positive contrikiutions that the C llege of St. Thomas and other instit�itions of higher e ucation in this city make to the quality of life that we hare in all of our neighborhoods. I urgejyou to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support or the continued well-being and right �o self-determinat,ion of this most valuable community resource: our private calleges. Sincer,�ely, ' � � ����.��G��.���,�.� ,�`� .�� � '- am , Street Address & Zip Code D e ; o�U �� �'�I/�� I , � � Dear Memberls of the St. Pau1 Cit Council : Y As a friend�' of the College o� St. Thomas and an individual who is dedi�cated to maintain ng the quality and vitality of our local �olleges, I would ike to register my objection to the specif�c proposals of th "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning cha�ges for our colle es, universities and seminaries in the City� of St. Paul . I urge you� to recognize the very significant positive contributilons that the Coll ge of St. Thomas and other institutio;ns of higher educ tion in this city make to the quality ofj life that we sha e in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the pr posals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to �elf-determination' of this most valuable community resource: lour private colle�es. I Sincerely� , ��� �� � � .Si a Name Street Addres & Zip Code � 7 � � I Date � � I � (Spouse, riend or Neighbor) Dear Meml�ers of the St. Pa 1 City Council : As a fri�nd of the Colleg of St. Thomas and an individual who is d,'edicated to maint ining the quality and vitality of our loca�l colleges, I wou d like to register my objection to the spec,�ific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning dhanges for our co leges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . , I urge �ou to recognize the very significant positive contrib�tions that the Co�llege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher ed�ZCation in this city make to the quality; of life that we s�hare in all of our neighborhoods. I urge �ou to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and aff;irm your support or the continued well-being and right t,b self-determinat' on of this most valuable community resourc�e: our private co leges. Sincer�ly, Name Street Address & Zip Code Date ; I / Dear Members of t�e St. Paul City CounrCil : i , As a friend of �he College of St. Th,omas and an individual who is dedicat�d to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local col3eges, I would like register my objection to the specific;% proposals of the "F ty-Acre Study" that involve zoning char�ges for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the Cit,�i of St. Paul . � I urge xdu to recognize the �ery significant positive contributions that the Coll�ge of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher edudation in this city make to the quali�ty of life that we s�are in all of our neighborhoods. I ur/ge you to reject the�proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and' affirm your support for the continued well-being and r�ght to self-determin�tion of this most valuable community �esource: our private/C011eges. � Sincerely, ��`�/� a e Street Address & ip Code �� �a�b at / / Dear Members bf the St. Paul Ci�ty Council : As a friend clf the College of $t. Thomas and an individual who is dedic�ted to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local co�.leges, I would like to register my objection to the specific; proposals of the �"Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning chang�s for our college�s, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I I Dear Membe�s of the St. Paulj City Council : ! � As a friend of the College qf St. Thomas and an individual - who is ded!icated to maintai ing the quality and vitality of our local ;colleges, I would�like to register my objection to the speci�ic proposals of tl�e "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning ch�nges for our coll�ges, universities and seminaries in the Ci�y of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contribut�ons that the College of St. Thomas and other instituti,ons of higher edu�ation in this city make to the quality df life that we sh�re in all of our neighborhoods. I urge yau to reject the p oposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affi�m your support fo the continued well-being and right to ; self-determinatio�i of this most valuable community resource; our private collleges. Sincerel�, , /' 'u�' r"�� `�l�l,(.�.,Ci2.r �'(1�, ���9� �� a e � ! Street Address & Zip Code �-� � _�?R Date � 111�1.11.U�..1V11� V1 1i1y2141 ' Vu�a�avv�vr.va• �a• �..as��. __ _j quality; of life that we slhare in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and aff,irm your support or the continued well-being and right �o self-determinat on of this most valuable community resour�e: our private co leges. Sincer�:ly, f�i n nov i� f�- �a.-��',d.na�• :�8� G-i Y�`n l�--�. N a� �s�8 Street Address & Z i p Co e i Date � I � I � � i Dear Members o�' the St. Paul Cit�y Council : I As a friend ofi the College of St�. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining; the quality and vitality of our local col�eges, I would lik to register my objection to the specific proposals of the " orty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our college , universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you tq recognize the ve y significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions! of higher educat 'on in this city make to the quality of 1'ife that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you t'o reject the prop sals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm �tour support for t e continued well-being and right to se�f-determination o� this most valuable community resource: o�r private collegels. Sincerely, i � �i`�"'.�4 �`- ��'�o� Sfi � �-IQ��c`C� ��,� Name Street Address & Zip Code Dat������ i (Spouse, F iend or Neighbor) � Dear Memb'ers of the St. Pa 1 City Council : As a fri�^nd of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our loca,l colleges, I wou d like to register my objection to the speciific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning Ghanges for our co leges, universities and seminaries in the �ity of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize tJhe very significant positive contrib;�itions that the Cqllege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the � qualit� of life that we hare in all of our neighborhoods. I urge ;'you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support or the continued well-being and right to self-determina ion of this most valuable community resour'ce: our private c�lleges. I Since�ely, �� I���- S�- .C(at�- S-S�QS Name Street Address & Zip Code `�;'-�S-R�S I Date ; I' Dear Members of the St. Paul Ci�y Council : As a friend of the College of S�. Thomas and an individual who is dedica�ed to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local col�eges, I would li e to register my objection to the specific proposals of the ' Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our college , universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul. I urge you tp recognize the ve�y significant positive contribution� that the Colleg� of St. Thomas and other institutions; of higher educat�on in this city make to the quality of ljife that we share !in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you �o reject the prop�sals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm �our support for t�e continued well-being and right to self-determination o this most valuable community resource: our private colleg s. Sincerely, �radll� lorv� �a/a 8ay�r�1 .s�c'7'!� Nam�_��,�� � Street Address & Zip Code Date (Spouse, F�� iend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Pa�l City Council : As a fri�nd of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to mainta;ining the quality and vitality of our loca� colleges, I would like to register my objection to the spec�fic proposals of 'the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning c�anges for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge �ou to recognize t�e very significant positive contributions that the Callege of St. Thomas and other � institu'tions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we �hare in all of our neighborhoods. I urge ;you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and af�irm your support �or the continued well-being and right �.o self-determinatjion of this most valuable community resour�e: our private co�lleges. i Sincerely, ' , � �� Q aa1.:- ,� . Name ! Street Ad ss & Zip Code Date4� �. �w�.*.� ����► � � � i Dear Members o;f the St. Paul Ci�y Council : As a friend o� the College of S�. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintainingithe quality and vitality of our local col�eges, I would lik,�e to register my objection to the specific �roposals of the "!Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning change;s for our college5, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you tci recognize the ve�y significant positive contribution5 that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions; of higher educatilon in this city make to the quality of life that we shareiin all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the prop¢sals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm �our support for tMe continued well-being and right to se�f-determination o this most valuable community resource: o�r private college . Sincerely, �, �„���J yaS '�`�.C��� . 5S[�S Nl��e��$� Street Address & Zip Code Date ii (Spouse, F iend or Neighbor) Dear Memb�rs of the St. Pau,7 City Council : As a friehd of the College !of St. Thomas and an individual who is de!dicated to mainta�.ning the quality and vitality of our local; colleges, I woulc� like to register my objection to the specific proposals of �.he "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our col�eges, universities and seminaries in the C�ty of St. Paul . I urge ybu to recognize t e very significant positive contribu'tions that the Co lege of St. Thomas and other institu�ions of higher ed cation in this city make to the quality of life that we s are in all of our neighborhoods. I urge �ou to reject the roposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and aff�rm your support f;or the continued well-being and right tp self-determinati;on of this most valuable community resourc;e: our private co�!leges. Sinc ly, < G�.�� � 1/ZS��t �u�,�-� �Zo`-�t! ��"�c�. Name . Street Address & Zip Code �,ZO Date I I I � � � I i � ouse Fri nd or Nei hbor (Sp , _ g ) Dear Member� of the St. Paul ity Council : As a friendlof the College o St. Thomas and an individual who is dedi,icated to maintain' ng the quality and vitality of our local clolleges, I would ike to register my objection to the specifi;c proposals of th "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning chan'ges for our colle es, universities and seminaries in the City� of St. Paul . I urge you �to recognize the 1�ery significant positive contributiQns that the Colle e of St. Thomas and other institutio�s of higher educa ion in this city make to the quality of; life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you� to reject the pr posals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirmjyour support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: �our private colle es. Sincerely,� ; `�f �2�' '� ,� v7 ��/� 7 � ��' s S��'S�� Na ,� Street Add ess & Zip Code �z� ���-' Date ; I Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the our local colleges, I would like to registeramy bjection�to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study° that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the and affirm Proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, �.. u i7- /`�/� L c'�� �c�,, b-� �2 d Name � - Z 3 - � g Street ddres�Zip Code Date ��� ��-u.-C/ / j 6 S� S- / - - - - - -(SP_ o-us _ Fr_d or Neighbor j - - - - - - - - �- Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the college of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the our local colleges, I would like to registeramy objection�to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the college of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the and affirm Proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community Z resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, - _ _. _._. _._.__.. Na , . /���'� � Street Addres G � �"����° � �' - Zip Code Date Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, � � �. ✓r'�9 ��C°_u.x�,��. ��� .��//G� Name Street Address & Zip Code � �� � Date Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the qua',T�ity and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, � Gl/�_�d���-f���_��-?�-�/ ��/ / ���:�J�� - Nam �, ,a J,_��, Street A ress & Zip Code �� /��� Date Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the college of St. Thomas and an individual who is` dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I u�9� yo� tp ���ognize the very significant positive contributions that the college of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Si erely, Na e � � � Street Addr s & Zip Code A Date �`�� N ��?�,� � J\ _ " '`� ��l �Q� Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, __ t33b �G,c.�r-D �/�� ��'�jo Nam � Street Address & Zip Code Date (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the college of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the college of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, Name Street Address & Zip Code Date ���'.� � `� " ame �ate Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries �: in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to" the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, ���;�r�.�, ������ .��� Z��-�"�d� Name Street Addr s & Zip Code ��� � �� Dat — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the college of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the college of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neiqhborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, Name Street Address & Zip Code Date �+...,_ ''� Ne1 hbor) ous e, F r== _--c�--__ _ — � (S�_ . . __ rnunCll% _ Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, . Q � /�� �h/�' ��i �/o N e /�' Street Address & Zip Code � �,L11� Date — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the college of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to reqister my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the college of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Stuciy" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, ��-� �� � � h � �;� Nam Street Addxess Z p ode Dear Membars of the St. Pau City Council : As a friend of the College f St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintain' ng the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would ike to register my objection to the specifi,c proposals of th "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colle es, universities and seminaries in the City', of St. Paul . I urge you �o recognize the v ey significant positive contributions that the Colleg of St. Thomas and other institutions' of higher educat'on in this city make to the quality of life that we share 'n all of our neighborhoods. I urge you tb reject the propo als of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for th continued well-being and right to self-determination of '�this most valuable community resource: our', private colleges.l , Sincerely, '� I I Name Street Address & Zip Code Date � � I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (Spouse, Friend�r Neighbor) � i Dear Members of 'the St. Paul City �Council : As a friend of the college of St. homas and an individual who is dedicated ' to maintaining th quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like t register my objection to the specific proposals of the "For y-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St, Paul . I urge you to reco,gnize the very si nificant positive contributions that' the college of S . Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life th�t we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals o the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the cont nued well-being and right to self-determination of this m�ost valuable community resource: our private colleges. ' '� Sincerely, �, �� � ����� Name �� ', Str et Address & Z ' Code _-L � �� Date � i , I � ' �'� !/� . ... 1 r � � � �1 `_ ' / Dear Memb,ers of the St. Pa 1 City Council : • As a frie�d of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to mainta ning the quality and vitality of our local� colleges, I woul like to register my objection to the speci;fic proposals af he "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning crianges for our col eges, universities and seminaries in the Ci„ty of St. Paul . I urge ydu to recognize th very significant positive contribu�ions that the College of St. Thomas and other institut�ons of higher ed cation in this city make to the quality pf life that we s are in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to eject the roposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and aff ' m y ur pport f r the continued well-being and right � sel -det minati n is most valuable community reso e: our pr 'v te co eges. � S 1 e 1 y, GEORGE W.PANIAN 2026 LINCOLN AVE. SAINT PAUL,MN.55 Name Stree� HUU1 C.7 A a ���. �ode e , � — — — - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spouse Friend or Neighbor) Dear M�mbers of the St. laul City Council : As a f�iend of the colle e of St. Thomas and an individual who is ; dedicated to main aining the quality and vitality of our lo�al colleges, I w ld like to register my objection to the sp�cific proposals f the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning; changes for our olleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contri,�butions that the ollege of St. Thomas and other insti�utions of higher ducation in this city make to the quali�y of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urg� you to reject th proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and afffir your support for continued well-being and right; t elf-determina i of his most valuable community resou'r . our private leg . � GEORGE W.PANIAN S i n c e � �i`''� 2026 LINCOLN AVE. S.4INT PAUL,MN.55 m � � Street Address & Zip Code Date � � . l , � � � �� � � � \ Dear Members of the St. P ul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintai ing the quality and vitality of our local' colleges, I would like to register my objection to the speci�ic proposals of t e "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colle es, universities and seminaries in the Cit� of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the v ey significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions' of higher educati n in this city make to the quality of life that we share i all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to' reject the propos ls of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of t is most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, �� �, . � 2� � � Name treet Address & Zip Code � '�_ ���o � Da e � � I Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College o St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintain ng the quality and vitality of our local �olleges, I would ike to register my objection to the specif�.c proposals of th "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning chaMges for our colle es, universities and seminaries in the Cit� of St. Paul . I urge you; to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the Coll ge of St. Thomas and other institutio;ns of higher educ tion in this city make to the quality o� life that we sha e in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the pr posals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to �elf-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colle es. Sincerely;, 1 C� ��� � �� �,� .� G�-�',�` .l�'�. . �o.T" ame � Street Address & Zip Code I Dat � � I �- `�� V�S't�- - - �'�-��--- - - - - - - - - - - S ouse, rien or Nei hbor) ( P _ g � Dear Members of the St. Pa 1 City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to mainta ning the quality and vitality of our local; colleges, I woul like to register my objection to the speci;fic proposals of he "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning cY�anges for our col eges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge ybu to recognize t very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institut�ons of higher ed cation in this city make to the quality of life that we s are in all of our neighborhoods. I urge y;ou to reject the roposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support f r the continued well-being and right ta self-determinati n of this most valuable community resource: our private col eges. Sin e ly, �$ 7 g �V�cll�or� 1V•T N m� �� �� Street Address &,�,ip�C�de ^ ~ V V� S Date Dear Me bers of the St. Paul City Council : As a frie d of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is de ' cated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local lleges, I would like to register my objection to the specifi proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning chang for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City o St. Paul . I urge you to r cognize the very significant positive contributions th t the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of h'gher education in this city make to the quality of life th t we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to rejec the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" 'and affirm your supp rt for the continued well-being and right to self-determi ation of this most valuable community r�source: our private olleges. Sin e1y, ��l� G/�,�. �� a '�� �� Street Address & p C� Dat� i � Dear Members of the St. aul City Council : As a fr�.end of the Colleg of St. Thomas and an individual who is c�edicated to maint ining the quality and vitality of our loc�l colleges, I wou d like to register my objection to the speeific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning a,hanges for our co leges, universities and seminaries in the C,ity of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize t e very significant positiv� contribu'tions that the College of St. Thomas anr� institut�ons of higher ed cation in this ci}� quality of life that we sh re in all of I urge yau to reject the p oposals � and affi�m your support fo th� right to self-determinati� resource: our private Sincerelyl, al I� ;�v ya� of c;�� �l1� y�'a all�� r �� e , ._ Cov.r a a�' �i'� e��l� �o1a r a r 5 a y ar p� e Yaul �l �Y'o�atii��e,� m� ,o t`�e�lra�y e St� of t'c�e q eq�'e s'�ua a�a 5 �'� �r 11eqe 1rZY' e '�° �A� 51tie� e t�e��e�5 tre o c�ay ov�'a e „�� `>r�ez �5y� '�`c'e� tY'e �ea� eY'a � tea y� Z W o� '1e e5� ti�a�'� ara�,e �� ood5 d��� a ,�.�aea1�;11eqe o5a�� �ol 5y�,�1 2rom y� �a r.,QO�e S�v A�o 1 o�aZ �� 4�°�0� 4avl' ,�es� ,� S'�tr1a �.� z�e�-A�g a�'u yt� o�S 1 e�l� �'ges g.,�,• �be e ° �'�' �� ° "�°z �'Qel CO�S� e $�p Cra of y2e ol eg 1or a11 �re Well�le t o�,yr e Ci'�'Y �e�oq t,�e eau a e 1r 1� o� r�,ea�al�a — y'i' �Y' a,�, '�� t�,a i.9Y,e we � �o4o5e �o's't�o�'� ���U� s n r 5 ��ge v,�lo� o� t,�at tne o� t � ,�Y,i -�coae GJ Z ��lY� �;�ori 1rye . e�t �t or o �tii4 :y�'S��'i`� �� o t ovS �ve m1'�G 11e�e�. �, are�� fi 1 t e J a qi��a���5e1�-p�ya a� ��z eet A � � .�a �,0 �U'� � �i-gr U,�ce' / � .ay' � � 0 ,�e5 elY ' � a'nd �. �yr��� � � �L community �; � � � � � � �a�e � 1 � � � ��te � � � � -� Street Address & Zip Code ..- �._ Dear Members di the St. Paul Ci y Council : As a friend of', the College of S . Thomas and an individual who is dedicat�d to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific p�oposals of the "F rty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes ' for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions tlhat the College o St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to r�ject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the c ntinued well-being and right to self-d�termination of th' s most valuable community resource: our p�ivate colleges. Sincerely, ', I, �$�°� L /�v� #� ame I Street Address � Zip Code �'-1�-�� '� ��lD Date � — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ?(Spouse, Friend o Nei hbor) Dear Members of tne St. Paul City ouncil : As a friend of th� college of St. T omas and an individual who is dedicated �o maintaining the quality and vitality of our 1oca1 colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Fort -Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, un versities and seminaries in the City of St.' Paul . I urge you to recognize the very si nificant positive contributions that', the college of S . Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals o the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the cont nued well-being and right to self-dete�`mination of this ost valuable community resource: our priva'te colleges. Sincerel _��'� � � ►��d Name /�, St eet Address & Zip Code I t5t5 �I Date � II I ; � Dear Membersl of the St. Paul it Council : Y As a friend lof the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dediclated to maintaini g the quality and vitality of our local co',lleges, I would l 'ke to register my objection to the specific', proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning chang�s for our colleg s, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you tl�o recognize the ve y significant positive contribution� that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions ' of higher educati n in this city make to the quality of life that we share 'n all of our neighborhoods. I urge you tq reject the propo als of the "Forty-Acre Study° and affirm ydur support for th continued well-being and right to self,-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges Sincerely , i i �' � �3 � ��ir°p 7`�l9'�- -.r-s�os-- � Name / t�et d rd ess & Zip Code T���R� Date Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of �he College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining t e quality and vitality of our local colle�es, I would like o register my objection to the specific prpposals of the "F ty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, niversities and seminaries in the City of $t. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions t�at the College o St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life' that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to r;eject the proposa s of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your� support for the ontinued well-being and right to self-d'etermination of t is most valuable community resource: our p�rivate colleges. Sincerely, I ,�- ��.���.�.� i /y.��x�7`e� PL sr��y Name Street Address & Zip Code ���-/gg Date ' ' - - - - - - -_�- - - - -,----� - - - - - - - - Dear Membe,rs of the St. Pau City Council : As a friend of the College f St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintai ing the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of e "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning ch�nges for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize th very significant positive contribut;ions that the Col ege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher edu ation in this city make to the quality of life that we sh re in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the p oposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support fo the continued well-being and right to; self-determinatio of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sinc�i ely, �f �' �v �d� ' L�, m Street ress & Zip Code r ��/ d�' Date — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. aul City Council : As a friend of the colle e of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to main aining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I wo ld like to register my objection to the specific proposals o the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our c lleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize ;the very significant positive contributions that the c�ollege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher �ducation in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urg� you to reject th proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and a�firm your support for the continued well-being and right ;to self-determina ion of this most valuable community resource: our private c lleges. I Since�ely, i Name Street Address & Zip Code Date ; I i Dear Membe;rs of the St. Pau City Council : As a friend of the College f St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintai ing the quality and vitality of our local 'colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of t e "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our coll ges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize th very significant positive contribut'ions that the Col ege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher edu ation in this city make to the quality af life that we sh re in all of our neighborhoods. I urge yqu to reject the p oposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support fo the continued well-being and right to self-determinatio of this most valuable community resourc�: our private coll ges. Sincerely, , � /S<.rB /o,e.� Ai.�, S'r.T�✓� /r/n/�/3"7��L Name Street Address & Zip Code �- 11-8� Date — — — — — — — — — — — -- — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. aul City Council : As a friend of the colle e of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to main aining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I wo ld like to register my objection to the specific proposals o the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our c lleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge' you to recognize he very significant positive contributions that the ollege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher ducation in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject th proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determina ion of this most valuable community resource: our private c lleges. Sincerely, II , � Name � Street Address & Zip Code ; Date � � I i I Dear Members of the St. Pau City Council : As a friend of the College f St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintai ing the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I woul like to register my objection to the specific proposals of he "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our col eges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize t e very significant positive contributions that the Co lege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher ed cation in this city make to the quality; of life that we s are in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support or the continued well-being and right to self-determinat on of this most valuable community resource: our private co leges. Si erely, � i � �J �%��xtlt3c.c�e � Na e Street Address & Zip Code D�� I J�S'!D� i (S ou e, Friend or Neighbor) ---�►� �,. � .�.._� �.- -- _ . _ (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members af the St. Paul Ci y Council : As a friend of the college of S . Thomas and an individual who is dedica�ed to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local col!leges, I would li e to register my objection to the specificiproposals of the Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our college , universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you �o recognize the v ey significant positive contributio�s that the colleg of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educa ion in this city make to the quality of life that we shar in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you ;to reject the pro osals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirmjyour support for he continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: iour private colle es. Sincerely, �scc� Name Street Address & Zip Code g � ��� - I Date � I I I � Dear Member5 of the St. Paul City Council : As a frien� of the College o St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintain ng the quality and vitality of our local �olleges, I would ike to register my objection to the specific proposals of th "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning cha�ges for our coll es, universities and seminaries in the Cit� of St. Paul . I urge yo�' to recognize the very significant positive contribut�ons that the Coll ge of St. Thomas and other institutidns of higher educ tion in this city make to the quality o� life that we sha e in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the p oposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affir� your support fo the continued well-being and right to self-determinatio of this most valuable community resource:; our private coll ges. � Sincerel�, / ' I l S�, So /-�vo.J SS!o� �� � Name � Street Address & Zip Code �-- I � �8 -- Date — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) � Dear M�mbers of the St. aul City Council : As a f�iend of the colle e of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to mai taining the quality and vitality of our lo�cal colleges, I w uld like to register my objection to the specific proposals f the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our olleges, universities and seminaries in th� City of St. Paul I urg� you to recognize� the very significant positive contr�butions that the college of St. Thomas and other instiftutions of higher education in this city make to the quali;ty of life that w share in all of our neighborhoods. I urc�e you to reject t e proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and �ffirm your suppor for the continued well-being and right to self-determin tion of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincjerely, � �S� �o �I�c,..) �S�v� Nam� / Street Address & Zip Code � Dat,e I � � � � i i' Dear Members of 'the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining he guality and vitality of our local coll�:ges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "F rty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes' for our colleges universities and seminaries in the City o� St. Paul . I urge you td recognize the ve y siqnificant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions' of higher educati n in this city make to the quality of 1'ife that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you �o reject the prop sals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for t e continued well-being and right to self-determination f this most valuable community resource: our private colleg s. Sincerely„ j � � S" jqGG� �, � ST.GJ�v �... , m ' treet Address & Zip Code _ Date ����� -".�i�� __- — Dear �tembers of the St. Paul City Council : As a �riend of the Coll ge of St. Thomas and an individual who i dedicated to mai taining the quality and vitality of our lbcal colleges, I uld like to register my objection to the specific proposals f the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoninc� changes for our olleges, universities and seminaries in th� City of St. Paul . I urg� you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the ollege of St. Thomas and other institiutions of higher ducation in this city make to the qualit{y of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urg� you to reject th proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and a firm your support for the continued well-being and right �to self-determina ion of this most valuable community resou�ce: our private c lleges. Sincerlely, " /d�'����'l.�'y��; .s's'la�- Name���L���� Street Address & Zip Code ..�lr �V"� Date I � _ � � � � i Dear Me�nbers of the St. aul City Council : As a friiend of the Colle e of St. Thomas and an individual who is �dedicated to main aining the quality and vitality of our locial colleges, I wo ld like to register my objection to the speicific proposals o the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoningichanges for our c lleges, universities and seminaries in the ,City of St. Paul . I urgeiyou to recognize he very significant positive contri utions that the C llege of St. Thomas and other instit tions of higher e ucation in this city make to the qualit of life that we hare in all of our neighborhoods. I urge �you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and af�irm your support or the continued well-being and right t�o self-determinat'on of this most valuable community resource: our private co leges. Sincer�ly, . ' pZ 1 q D �d,ww�w�t" �.�e . ars�e s Name Street Address & Zip Code t•li��: Date � — — — t- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spous , Friend or Neighbor) � Dear Mlembers of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the coll ge of St. Thomas and an individual who is� dedicated to mai taining the quality and vitality of our lo�cal colleges, I w uld like to register my objection to the spiecific proposals f the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoningi changes for our olleges, universities and seminaries in the, City of St. Paul I urg� you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the ollege of St. Thomas and other instit�utions of higher ducation in this city make to the qualit'y of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urg� you to reject th proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and a$firm your support for the continued well-being and rightlto self-determina ion of this most valuable community resou�rce: our private c lleges. Sincerely, � � � , / � � � �U� �'C'��z-�-��--z� Nam Street Address & Zip Code s-5`,�, _ _�/� - �� s Date i � � I I i DeariMembers of the St Paul City Council : As a �lfriend of the Gol ege of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to ma ntaining the quality and vitality of our 1!ocal colleges, I ould like to register my objection to the slpecific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Pau . I urg�e you to recogniz the very significant positive contr�butions that the College of St. Thomas and other instiitutions of higher education in this city make to the quali�y of life that w share in all of our neighborhoods. I urg� you to reject t e proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and a firm your suppor for the continued well-being and right� to self-determin tion of this most valuable community resou�ce: our private olleges. Since�ely, � � / �i .S>`lv.S� m Nam�jy����, Street Addres & Zip Code Date I — — — i— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spous , Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a £�riend of the coll ge of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to mai taining the quality and vitality of our ldcal colleges, I w uld like to register my objection to the sg'ecific proposals f the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoningl changes for our olleges, universities and seminaries in thel City of St. Paul I urge� you to recognize the very significant positive contri�butions that the ollege of St. Thomas and other instit�itions of higher ducation in this city make to the qualit� of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urgelyou to reject th proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and af�firm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determina ion of this most valuable community resouree: our private c lleges. Sincer�ly, ��3'J ��� G� #/Z. , .s s"�a� ame Street •1��& Zi� '/�L�� I Date � , � � � I (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dea Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a iend of the college of St. Thomas and an individual who is dicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to � the specif proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning chang s for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City o St. Paul . I urge you to re gnize the very significant positive � contributions that the college of St. Thomas and other institutions of hig r education in this city make to the quality of life that e share in all of our neighborhoods. `�I urge you to reject t proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" �d affirm your support or the continued well-being and ri�ht to self-determinati of this most valuable community rest�urce: our private colle es. Sincer�ly, �/ � r (y!/ l' ������ �����(/ Name / �j treet ress & Zip Cod � �"/d "�� Date � \ , � � � � Dear I�mbers of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is d dicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specif c proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning chan es for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City f St. Paul . I urge you to ecognize the very significant positive contributions t at the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of igher education in this city make to the quality of life t at we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reje t the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your sup ort for the continued well-being and right to self-deter 'nation of this most valuable community nesource: our privat colleges.� Sir�cerely, r-- /� �/ , � � �..�� . ame� Street dd ss & Zi � Date ✓� �— \ i Dear Members of the St. aul City Council : � As a frliend of the Colle�e of St. Thomas and an individual who is �dedicated to main aining the guality and vitality of our loc�al colleges, I wo ld like to register my objection to the spacific proposals o the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning �changes for our c lleges, universitieG �n� �°�-----' in the ,ci t-� �� �� �___, I ul Cit Council : Dear Mem�ers of the St. P Y As a fr ''end of the Colleg of St. Thomas and an individual who is �edicated to maint ining the quality and vitality of our loc�l colleges, I wou d like to register my objection to the spe�ific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning �hanges for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . � ou to recognize he very significant positive I urge y e of St. Thomas and other contrib�utions that the C lleg make to the institutions , fe thatewee harelin alltofsourtneighborhoods. quality of li Acre Study" I urge , you to reject the proposals of the "Forty- and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right 'to self-determina ioe es.this most valuable community resour;ce: our private c 11 g � Since�ely, � . St ee Address & Zip Co e� N e 1U Date ' � � .�..,_�..,...� �ositive _ _ .._���u�1�1j5� tt��t the college of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that w share in all of our neighborhoods. I urg�e you to reject t e proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and a�firm your suppor for the continued well-being and right' to self-determin tion of this most valuable community resouxce: our private olleges. Since;rely, � ; I Name , Street Address & Zip Code Date ' � I � I i � / ; � � I t7 Z cn �t n � ►-�.q r• � � N• N rt E � l7 a a � �• mr• � � � o � O �' � �' m cu ' I rt � — � �n � a � acn � � � no su m m � o � n � r� rr n �r �• a n " I � N G r+ A� W t-�• �• �-S w �' � cn � t-�• . I f�D n ri' M�i � ',C � tr' fD fD N n N h�i f3D -- � mo �•�c rr � �c � � � wa �• � I � � � •. �n � � r�t, o N � ~ 0�+ i~-h ~ a � N � I � om � o � �- � r• a n � � G ��C rr � tn � rt W C� o C� v� ; I n �noor• cno om � cvo 1 � rh O M U� 'L3 �' c�' i-�h O i ! —� ro � n � cu rn �rt, K � rnow arr �' '� I rrf r• rr cn u. rr �' a rt o ro m �' ct �- '76 C N G N �' t-�- rt O • �-i O cn rt fD � �I � a nro � aw w �n - o m fi � b rrc+ � � roo a n I � m r• o m �' �• a � � � � o cn I � � a � � m � m � n �n cu �' rr E �• � ort m mc� • c� 0o � m I ►� N• rn a� o ct o rn � cr� ro � O O "Cf G ►-� �' � � W fD Q► � �N � fi �-i r'S 0� (D � fD �' � � O �' �.�i N O rt m rr W C W N � �• rn � N rn � o �• m m m �• � n • cn N- o n v, - 7�w �n N- I � n °�' � � ro �C � o � rr � �c �il � N � � tl� N• � rtONH C� u� rt O � ct W I-�•'�C �' O I rr -- � �• rn ct • � C I �s ►t� O � n Oa O � o �' I-'- N � N � � � •I m � N � ct rn N• H ri, rt n w s� � n m rr m �s' cn �' N• �n n r• � cn r- I c* '—' timo o � N• mmr• � I � � a E = n �• w � � �nm�c � .. a � cu �n fi cn rt m r+ n a I � � w � n � � aro N a � � w I m � � r* �• � � o a �c �c a � I cNn m m�i � xa �• a � o c �• �• � cr cu o rt �r tr �• � � � � � � � o rt �• m ��• �ra ow � n rr � c m a m a �• I � m � o m m � �r � � c � a o n �• rt �• �- � � arta � a � o�c � � o � � aU1fD �• o � o � 1 m � �c • v�i C o "' I t� m � � I � � o`�,r � � Dear Me�bers of the St. aul City Council : i As a fr�end of the Colle e of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maint ining the quality and vitality of our loc�l colleges, I wou d like to register my objection to the spe�ific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning c,hanges for our co leges, universities and seminaries in the C',ity of St. Paul . I urge ypu to recognize t e very significant positive contributions that the Col ege of St. Thomas and other institut�ons of higher edu ation in this city make to the quality df life that we sh re in all of our neighborhoods. I urge yd,u to reject the p oposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affir'�n your support fo the continued well-being and right to '�elf-determinatio of this most valuable community resource: ' aur private colle es. Sincerely, 'I , ��- '� �°�3� �;.�.,�.�-C�-- � ���'� � ame Street Address & Zip Code S S/ 6 � Date i Dear Melbers of the St. aul Cit Council : � y As a fr�end of the Colle e of St. Thomas and an individual who is tiedicated to main aining the quality and vitality of our loc�l colleges, I wo ld like to register my objection to the spe�ific proposals o the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning �Changes for our c lleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge �you to recognize he very significant positive contriblutions that the C llege of St. Thomas and other instituitions of higher e ucation in this city make to the quality� of life that we hare in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and aff�irm your support or the continued well-being and right tlo self-determinat on of this most valuable community resourae: our private co leges. Sincere�ly, . ,�'� ,�c 'G'k� G-/L%L�/ ��� ������� �.�/�� Name Street Address & Zip Co e ��c ��1��� Date - - - t - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) i — Dear M�mbers of the St. aul City Council : As a friend of the coll e of St. Thomas and an individual who is� dedicated to mai taining the quality and vitality of our lo�al colleges, I w uld like to register my objection to the sp�cific proposals f the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning, changes for our olleges, universities and seminaries in thei City of St. Paul . I urge� you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the ollege of St. Thomas and other instit�utions of higher ducation in this city make to the qualit�y of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge� you to reject th proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right 'to self-determina ion of this most valuable community resour�ce: our private c lleges. Sinceriely, I� . �(�1 �1 � S�'. 5�lay Name Street A�dress & Zip Code ��II� S� Dat�- , i i � ; � Dear Members of the St. ! Paul City Councilj: As a friend of the Col�ege of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the qual ty and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to regi ter my objection to the specific proposalsiof the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, univer ities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very signif ' cant positive contributions that the College of St. homas and other institutions of highsr education in th' s city make to the quality of life thatiwe share in all o our neighborhoods. I urge you to rejectjthe proposals of he "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your suppbrt for the conti ed well-being and right to self-determ'ination of this m st valuable community resource: our priva�e colleges. i � Sincerely, � � � ! �4[./�1.U,W,GT 17U. ��lQ y Name S reet Address & Zip Code �� ����p � Date � � _, _ i .._. . ___,Y,.._ _ ,-� - ..._ Dear Members of the St. Paul ity Council : As a friend' of the college of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedi�ated to maintain' ng the quality and vitality of our local Golleges, I would ike to register my objection to the specif�c proposals of th "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colle es, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . i � I urge you to recognize the� very significant positive ' contributions that .the coll ge of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher edu ation in this city make to the quality of life that we sh re in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the p oposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affixm your support f r the continued well-being and right to self-determinati n of this most valuable community resource: our private col eges. Sincereily, �1�,� U ` �3�S �}.ev✓�vt,f �e S� Y>�v� Name � d Street Address & Zip Code ���/� ���� ` Date �5pou e, rriena or Neignbor� Dear Members of the St. aul City Council: As a friend of the colleg of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maint ining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I woul like to register my objection to the spec�fic proposals of he "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our coll ges, universities and seminaries - in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the ery significant positive contributians that the colleg of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share 'n all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the propo ls of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self'-determination of is most valuable community resource: our 'private colleges. Sin erely, )� � �"': ,5�.�!/� �%�/�� � �r+�? i Name treet Address & Zip Code �-/G-- Sg Date � Dear Memb�rs of the St. Pau City Council : As a friend of the College f St. Thomas and an individual who is ded!icated to maintai ing the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of t e "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our coll ges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the Coll ge of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educ tion in this city make to the quality of life that we sha e in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the pr posals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colle es. Sincerely, G��� �� ����e�2�� l 3/ ,����.�,. � .��!/� Name , treet Address & Zip Code '� � ���� Date. , ��- - - - - --� ---- __...._� _. ..._ - - - - - - - - - - ._ . i Dear 1Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a �riend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who i dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I uld like to register my objection to the s�ecific proposals f the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our olleges, universities and seminaries in th� City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contr�butions that the ollege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher ducation in this city make to the quali y of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urg� you to reject th proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right � to self-determina ion of this most valuable community resource: our private c lleges. Since�ely, °�'�� ��'� .�� .�. ' �'S'��' Name Street Address & Zip Code ��aS- $� Date — — I — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spous , Friend or Neighbor) , Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a iriend of the coll ge of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to mai taining the quality and vitality of our lqcal colleges, I w uld like to register my objection to the specific proposals f the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoninq changes for our olleges, universities and seminaries in th�' City of St. Paul I urge� you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the ollege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher ducation in this city make to the qualit!y of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject th proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and af,firm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determina ion of this most valuable community resource: our private c lleges. Sincerely, I?� �� �� � . �S/� Name Street Address & Zip Code �'�S ' g � Date I Dear �embers of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the Coll ge of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to mai taining the quality and vitality of our ldcal colleges, I w uld like to register my objection to the specific proposals f the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our olleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the ollege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher ducation in this city make to the qualit!y of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject th proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determina ion of this most valuable community resour!ce: our private c lleges. Since y, �.' Oo ' �'��� Na e Street Address & Zip Code Date ��/�`� (Spous , Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the coll ge of St. Thomas and an individual who is', dedicated to mai taining the quality and vitality of our lo�al colleges, I w uld like to register my objection to the specific proposals f the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our olleges, universities and seminaries in the, City of St. Paul I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the ollege of St. Thomas and other instit�utions of higher ducation in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject th proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right �o self-determina ion of this most valuable community resour�e: our private c lleges. Sincerely, , , ` �,�C�.� ,�.�1�� � -����? 2-/C�0 ��'b-��G��,,c.v�-� N � Street Address & Zip Code � � Da e i �%��G(',(�(-� � J� � � I Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the Coll ge of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to mai taining the quality and vitality of our lo�al colleges, I w uld like to register my objection to the specific proposals o the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our c lleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize he very significant positive contributions that the C llege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher e ucation in this city make to the quality of life that we s are in all of our neighborhoods. I urge �ou to reject the roposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support f r the continued well-being and right tci self-determinati n of this most valuable community resourc�: our private col eges. Si erely, l / ��f ame T �� Street Address Zip Code � Date i Dear Members of the St. Pa 1 City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is d�dicated to mainta'ning the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I woul like to register my objection to the specific proposals of he "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the C}ty of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize th very significant - contributions that the College of �'- institutions of higher e��•�-- � quality bf life �-'- I uraP � - i itY �oun�il' �d a� indi�iaual i of the St, paul T�omas a ,� �,;}a� ;tv o ber s St. Dear Mem _ ,,,�, ,o�P o i of the St, paul City Council: ar Members an indi�idual De e e � St. ThOmaiitYd and vitalitY °to � of t h e C o l l q ing t h e q u o b j ection As a friend to maintai register m Y„ that invo lv e who is d e d i i c a ted I W o u l d like to A c r e Study local colleqessa ls of t e "FortY' SitieS s e m i n a ri es ou r n es f o o u r coll qeS► univer and the sPeci�ic PrOp zon i n g c h a g p a u l . o s i t i v e in the Ci�tY °f S t� verY signif ican s and other to recoqnize th e e of St. Thoma make to the Col g this city hborhoods. I urge Y�u that the ation in of our neiq gtudy" contributions in all ��Forty-Acre of higher e u e that We s are the belnq and institut ofn to re7ect the roposals of Well- qualitY f r the continuedValuable communitY I urqe Ylou Support n o f this most and affirm Y°u aeterminati e eS. right t� self- Col q 5..���� / reso urce: our Private � � ��,D `7 r � � � �" /����.� '� ,f� / ' Z ip Code • cerely► L�� g reet Address & /�- fJy ameQ'� �� � d a _ - - .... Date � _ _ — .,. —. — _ _ - ��.�. �.oae '�' . ' -� r � c�p�S� � �_ a� apo� dtZ �s �sa�PPK �aaz�S - � N r�'°,�2� ���'� � � , �ta.za�ut g •sabai To� a�.�ni.zd .zno :a�.znosa.z ��iunwwo� ajq�nT�n �sow st � �o uoi�euiw.za�ap-�jas o� �qbt.z pu2 butaq-jiaM panuz�uo au� .zo� �.zoddns .zno� �u.zz��e pu� ,��Ipn�s a.z'��-��zo3,� aq� �o t�sodo.zd ay� �.�aCa.z o� no� ab.zn I •spooq.zoqqbzau zno ,�o Tj ui a.zeus aM ��u�. a3zi 30 ��.iT�nb aq� o�. ax�w ��t� stq� u uoi�.��npa .zaubiq �o suoi�n�t�sui .zau�o pue s�wouy •� �o abaijo� aq� ��q� suoz�nqz.z�uo� ant�.zsod �u��z�tub s �.zan aq� aziubo�a.z o� no� aban I • Tn�d '�S �o ��i� aq� ut sai.z�u�was pu� sai�zs.zan un �sabai to� .zno .zo� sabu�u� buzuoz anTonut; ��u� „�pn�.g a.z��- �.zo3�� au� �o si�sodo.zd �t�t�ads aq� o�. uoz'��aCqo �Iuc ,za�.stba o� axzt pTnoM I �sabajto� I��oT .zno 3o t��TjL�TA pu� ��zj�n au� bLITUZ2�LiTLill o� pa���zpap st oqM jEnptntpuz u� pu� s�w qs •�g �o abaijo� au�. �o puat.z� � s� : it� no� �I�tJ in�d '�S au� �o s.zaqu�aw .z�aQ (�oqub aN .zo puat.z3 �asnodg) Dear Members of the St. Paul Ci y Council : As a friend of the College of S . Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would lik to register my objection to the specific p�oposals of the " orty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to �ecognize the ver significant positive contributions that the College f St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educatio in this city make to the quality of life that we share i all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to ��eject the propos ls of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of his most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, A G�E��.�.l.�t, f��1t.A-�U,[1. ��� r�+�Uw`C.L(M- Q,U'[. � ��•�Q�C{,,� Name Street�� Address & Zip Code P��//��! Date �~ (Spouse, Frien or Neighbor) Dear Members af the St. Paul Ci y Council : As a friend of the college of S . Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining th� uality and vitality of our local coll,eges, I would lik to�gister my objection to the specific proposals of the " orty-P►cre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges unive�sities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . � I urge you to 'recognize the ver significant positive contributions that the college f St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educatio in this city make to the quality of life that we share i all of our neighborhoods. I urge you toireject the propos ls of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of his most valuable community reso e:�our at �o eges. Si � - �vy `�j/�rr1p��� � s�o� Name �� � Street Address & Zip Code Date i i � � Dear Members of the St. Paul Cit Council : As a friend of the College of St Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining he quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "F rty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of 'St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions �hat the College o St. Thomas and other lI7St.it»�innc nf h;.�.l,cr .�ducation 111 t�'71S Clty make tn-+'}'= - - — (Spouse, r��e�� �r� �veignbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul Cily Council : As a friend o� the college of t. Thomas and an individual who is dedica�ted to maintainin the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would li e to register my objection to the specific proposals of the ' Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our college , universities and seminaries in the City af St. Paul . I urge you ta recognize the ve y siqnificant positive contributions that the college of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educati n in this city make to the quality of life that we share ' n all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for t e continued well-being and right to sel�-determination o this most valuable community resource: oux private college . Sincerely, � .� �-�' .x._-� ����� / 7 �o ��1 � .5"S i o '�" Name Street Address & Zip Code �-i8 -�'�' Date Sincerely, Name i Street Address & Zip Code Date I Dear Members of the St. Paul City Co ncil : As a friend of the 'College of St. Th mas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the uality and vitality of our local colleges;, I would like to register my objection to the specific propasals of the "Fort -Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, un versities and seminaries in the City of St: Paul . I urge you to reGOgnize the very s 'gnificant positive contributions that the College of t. Thomas and other institutions of higher education i this city make to the quality of life that we share in 11 of our neighborhoods. I urge you to re;ject the proposal of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the c ntinued well-being and right to self-determination of th s most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, � ,�-`�_ �, ���- �1�� �� �,�-�/�S - ,���� ����� e � �� Street Address & Zip Code ,�D l4�tl Date — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spouse, Frie d or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul C ty Council : As a friend of the college of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaini g the quality and vitality of our local cqlleges, I would 1 ke to register my objection to the specifiC proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleg s, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the ery significant positive contributions that the colle e of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educ tion in this city make to the quality of life that we sha e in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the pr posals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determinatio of this most valuable community resource: our private coll ges. Sincerely, ��,� .� ��. �f� �l70.��S /�" V.P Na St er et Address & Zip Code � �� ��� Date � 1 ✓ � E � � �S I���-�" - � � .. i I Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College o St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintain ng the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would ike to register my objection to the specific proposals of th "Forty-Acre Study" that invo�- � zoning changes for our colle es, universities and semin� in the City , of St. Paul . I urge you �o recognize the v ey significant r contributions that the Colleg of St. Tho�^� institutions of higher educat'on in th� quality of life that we share in a� ' I urge you to reject the propos�" and affirm your support for +� right to sel�-determinat� resource: our private a1 �y�'� °� o Sincere , y.�: � yra a1�1�o�e G a �ti . eG r e5 o��' aria ai,a o�� a� �a�sy Na y�,� �a5 y�c�. �� .• '��' e��' a�l C �.r q�,a y5�c�,��d�.a,�a 5 . . 5'� e ,�e� �e e5 �,Y'e y� .�e�ayry�y�'�.e �t9.,��5y�y o5i'�o�,Y�e'� tiY'S, �� o� G°�' yr'� 1a �' � v.s'�' �. 4 ra '�° ooa �a� �De�S �`�e o �c`a �°v ,�Y'e e5� ti�ar 5 a �aXe °�r' S�c a� �e� �a a ea e� a 5 G lle�' yygri�Y,o�`Gy��eyqr.�,c� ar�:y�,� 9e a ��yaeeayG 1Z�q 4� ova 1. � ��o� 5�•�oy� oU���o 1�ee Go�� �,5 y5 �al :yG y �° . 4 ti`�e e e o.� 1 11 �,Y'e v�e�a`Q1 �/�� �,�0 10 e�y'� rg� � g'� yZe Go11 �y . �, a of- �ed �al � �. y r re � Cit�. � ,�e���cY'� e y�a o4�ya°or���y� coae Zot'�Y,e �,� �,�a yq'�'e �e � �,`�e �,r15 C� tii4 .�, o•>, t,y ,� Y' a'� ,�Y,e of. ��/�' � 1 e �. ��,o y o e �,e�� ,��, '� �r ey. / � � e55 Z �'�,�y��ip�' lti'� .�e� ��,4°, �,a��"I1e� I�/ aa� � o�' y'� o� �,0 5 ��`�' o° '� � � � � ry,� y�� o J o�de,��a�e ��,�ee � � q`�'a ��e y`ti�� e �� 4�y �. ' � S � Z �, a�" �,� 5 ou� � �.�� a y�n��Ge: � �dn��dy�� �e5° � � ' , �� '�?and ��� b � � ��_� community � � � � e � �a�'' , " ' � �6�y � .� ��" a�e - � 9 � P treet dd ss & Zip Code DatE �'� ��� � � � � `r?�� l�te..,/ �'r� �c�/ ► � Dear Members of the St. Pau City Council : ` As a friend of the College f St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintai ing the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to t the specific proposals of th "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colle es, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . � urge you �ko recognize the ery significant positive contributions that the Col of St. homas and ot� 1 ' ' tu ' ' her e u a ' ' nCake to the �'j quality of 1,ife that we share in all of our neighborhoods. � 1` I urge you �ko reject the prop sals of the "Forty-Acre Study" (1� and affirm your support for t e continued well-being and � �u a right to sel�-determination o this most valuable community resource: ou� private colleges. Sincerely, ` � �/6 � -,s'S�o�' � Name Street Address & Zip Code �6 Date _� Dear Members of the St. Pau1 Ci y Council : As a friend of the College of S . Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would lik to register my objection to the specific pxoposals of the " orty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the ver significant positive contributions that the College o St. Thomas and other institutions o� higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposa s of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the ontinued well-being and right to self-determination of t is most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, ���o�1 �.e t,�a� /�l5 C-�Qx'�ck1 � Name Street Address & Zip Code � �aa-8� �- (�� � m►� �'�' Date - — — — — —bor) — — — — — — — — Dear Members of the St. P ul City Council : As a friend of the Colleg of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maint ining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I wou d like to register my objection to the specxfic proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our col eges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize th very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educ tion in this city make to the quality of life that we sha e in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the pr posals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colle s. Sincerely, ' � \� ��J� ��-�i�L�K� "`"' �-- Na Street Address & Zip Code Date °��IU� — — — — — — *- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spouse, Fri nd or Neighbor) _ _. ` �� i . �� Pouse, Fr_ld.._or N -- _ _ Dear e1_ 5— h�r) -- . _. _ . Members A5 a fr ' of the St. Paul City Counc ' iend of the 11 : who is dedicated to °llege of St. ou� local colle aintainin ThOmas and an the specific ges' Would g the qualit individual inn�he Citngesrforsous of thelkForty Agret ramy� btalitY of collegeS Stud � Jection to Y of St, pa 1 . . universities and that involve I urge you to seminaries contributions recogniz institut ' that the colle Very significant quali� lons of higher ge of T Positive Y of life that ducation in t' homas and other and raf you tO reject We share in allthis city make to ri firm your Su th of our the ght to prOPosals neighborhoods. self-determinat °f the "Fort resource: °r the continued y'Acre Study�� °ur Private �n °f this �^'ell-being and collegeS, most valuable community Sin�ere Name � � � w � �� ��^�� � G � Date t/` Street Addr . ess & Zip Code \ `cr e�` � < A�Q,� _���i, •� es �-C s & 2ZA O � �o� S e Dear Members 'of the St. Paul C ty Council : As a friend of the College of t. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would lik to register my objection to the specific proposals of the " orty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes' for our colleges universities and seminaries in the City of' St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions �hat the College o St. Thomas and other institutions of' higher education in this city make to the quality of life' that we share in 11 of our neighborhoods. I urge you to r�ject the proposal of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your ' support for the c ntinued well-being and right to self-determination of th s most valuable community resource: our pr'ivate colleges. Sincerely, �� ' t`�l , am Street Address & Zip Cod ����� Date Dear embers of the St. Paul City Council : As a fri d of the college of St. Thomas who is de ' cated to maintaining the qua� our local c leges, I would like to re� �� the specific oposals of the "Forty-' �, zoning changes or our col leges, un� ���'o�,�,o�� in the City of S Paul . a. ,,� ,� oti g � ,S�'ti O .� ,� I urge you to recogn' ze the very �ti��'��yfi a� contributions that th col lege �'Yfiy• � � y � institutions of hi gher duca ti s '� o"Q����� ,. quality of life that we ar� a,�,'�'�.� •• a,y � .�y•a,�' I urge you to reject the p � y� �,4 Fa,'��,fi y �ti '�'oa',�,� �. and� ,af f irm your support f0' {�G y ti��'�x,'�y y o��°.�.° � � y right. to self-determinati o� � 'ti g �, � o�a m o'�,�� �'�,�,fi � resour�e: our private c� ���' �.,t,.��a�gG�y,yy �Q�.'�,`'��,`�'�.^9'Q..Gyp�o��` � \ � Sincerel � � y � � ���� �'fi��'w�' �y'�'�^q�� G� ` Y► �'��x''�'x'o x,'�'ti ti o��ti �o�'�y �' ,Q C��l ��� Q�� Ok'y���'C�.���'� ,�.'' �S''�ti o�''�,,ti��,a'�,� `�ti Na . � �'� ��� yy�x,•,�^�.o�,,�,��a. ��, �� ����� ' '�' �,�,c.� a' '�' � � r � Date � 1,ti.� o�' '�'.y� �,'�o� %yfi�.�'p�'.,yfi g �m X,.�. Go�ati 3o ok�oti °�� o� �'y � F° � �a ,�, (� b� ;�, .�` '�. p y �. Ok, w�2�p , �,�,�J� �, w�2 y ,�,�7'O'D G�y � � .y`'' . � �a �� o�' °Q� � G°�°'� �oQ x,'� � �� � o x, �d' Q �S. ti �, �' ok' • �' 0 0 . y m h 2 y � ��^4 y fi�ti��ti'Qti sy�,� o�.�.�,�,m,�3��� �°o ��� $` � G� G y 'fi ,c, 'y �,�4 sy� ��,ti,sy''.����� �,�,�.�„�.y�'�x, o'��v o�' 4�' a' 'y OG �G G"t`'�'v� ,c,�y�� X'��'G QQ�y�G � y �.?�J.'S' �,y�d'�Gy �����`�1,'�'0�� ¢��y� o ,� ,��x,�' �',�. . o x, o�',� i� '(��O fi ��Qj�^Q�'Y��S'� ,�.�fS,�'Q 'Y .�,J•O wy w•�, ��'1''�t��!��� c �j ,�,'Y Z v O.. G�v�a�a.'��a� '�G�• . a � ���' �'� � 1'��y�y� ��0 � ,�, �G �y Z f �� �� 4� Dear Member's of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College o St. Thomas and an individual who is dedi�ated to maintain'ng the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specifiC proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleg s, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the v ey significant positive contributions that the Colleg of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educat on in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the prop sals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm y,our support for t e continued well-being and right to sel'f-determination o this most valuable community resource: our private college . Sincerely, � ��e..�-- 3 �psdn'r6m, lr2 7 �d ���d� ;Dr�v� Name Street Add ess & Zip Code S 22 S 55/US--283/ Date - - - - - - � - - - �i Dear Membe�s of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College o St. Thomas and an individual who is dedi�cated to maintain'ng the quality and vitality of our local aolleges, I would ike to register my objection to the specific proposals of th "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning chariges for our colle es, universities and seminaries in the City� of St. Paul . I urge you �to recognize the ery significant positive contributians that the Colle e of St. Thomas and other institution;s of higher educa ion in this city make to the quality of life that we shar in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you �to reject the pro osals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for he continued well-being and right to se�lf-determination f this most valuable community resource: olzr private colleg s. Sincerely, /9q�'.��n��� S'-si�� me Street Address & Zip Code ��� �� Date � (Spouse, Fri nd or Neighbor) Dear Members� of the St. Paul ity Council : As a friend of the college of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedic'ated to maintaini g the quality and vitality of our local co�,lleges, I would 1 'ke to register my objection to the specific� proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleg s, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you t� recognize the ve y significant positive . ° contribution� that the college of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educati n in this city make to the quality of l�fe that we share 'n all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the propo als of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm yc�ur support for th continued well-being and right to sel�-determination of this most valuable community resource: ou� private colleges Sincerely, � ,� `� 2.- l�.e�-GR--7�-� ���0 ��z :`����p�_ a e Street ddress & Zip Code �- D -�� Date , ; i Dear Members of the St. Paul ity Council : As a friend pf the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedic�ated to maintaini g the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would 1 ke to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning chang�es for our colleg s, universities and seminaries in the City bf St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the v ey significant positive contributions that the Colleg of St. Thomas and other institutionslof higher educat' on in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the prop sals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for t e continued well-being and right to sel�E-determination o this most valuable community resource: our private college . 'ncerely, � 1at�s' � ss//� N e,� ��_� Street Address & Zip Code � Date j — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spouse, Fri nd or Neighbor) � Dear Members of the St. Paul ity Council : As a friend i the college of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedic�ted to maintaini g the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would 1 'ke to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning chang�s for our colleg s, universities and seminaries in the City bf St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the v ey significant positive contribution� that the colleg of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educati n in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm y ur support for t continued well-being and right to sel�-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, i Name Street Address & Zip Code Date Dear Members of' the St. Paul Cit Council : As a friend of the College of St Thomas and an individual who is dedicat�d to maintaining he quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific p'roposals of the "F rty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the ver significant positive contributions that the College f St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educatio in this city make to the quality of li�e that we share i all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the propos ls of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to selfrdetermination of this most valuable community resource: our; private colleges. Sincerely, � � L�Pa /.r1'�. Cc� . ��°--� �ss�s6 me Street Address & Zip Code �`l� �� Date (Spouse, Fri nd or Neighbor) � Dear Members of the St. Paul ity Council : As a friend of the college of St. Thomas and an individual. who is dedi�ated to maintaini g the quality and vitality c�f our local colleges, I would ike to register my objection to the specific proposals of th "Forty-Acre Study" that inv�lve zoning changes for our colle es, universities and seminar:ies in the City of St. Paul . I urge you ;to recogn�.ze the ery significant positive contributions that the colle e of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educa ion in this city make to the quality of life that we shar in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the pr posals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to s,elf-determination of this most valuable community ' resource: our private colle es. Sincerely, Name Street Address & Zip Code Date Dear Members of the St. Paul Ci Council : As a friend of the College of S . Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local co�leges, I would li e to register my objection to the specific proposals of the Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleg , universities and seminaries in the City 'of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the ry significant positive contributians that the Colle e of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educa ion in this city make to the quality ofilife that we shar in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the pr posals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determinatio of this most valuable community resource: our private coll ges. S ' erely, 2222Edgcumbe Rd. St. P aul, M N 55 I 16 Na Jero J.` Holmay Street Address & Zip Code ✓ 7i�- Date / Dear Members of the St. Pau City Council : As a frien'� of the College f St. Thomas and an individual � who is ded'�cated to maintai ing the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of t e "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning chaMges for our colle es, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the ery significant positive contributions that the Colle e of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educa ion in this city make to the quality of life that we sh�r in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the pxo sals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for t e continued well-being and right to seZf-determination o this most valuable community resource: our private college . Sincerely, r�+. �1 I 1 �..� a'�Stl/� , cS cS��(a Name treet Addres & Zip Code ��� $�, Date — — — — — — - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spouse, Frie d or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul Ci y Council : As a friend of the college of S . Thomas and an individual who is dedicat,ed to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would lik to register my objection to the specific proposals of the " orty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to �ecognize the very significant positive contributions �hat the college o St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the � quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to r�eject the proposa s of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the ontinued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our p�ivate colleges. Sincerely, _''���CTs�L�^rr-- ��►� �.,i a�s o+r� 3"�S►1 L Name Street Address & Zip Code Date$��'s'" Dear Members, of the St. Paul ity Council : As a friend �of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedic�ated to maintaini g the quality and vitality of our local calleges, I would 1 ke to register my objection to the specifio proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleg s, universities and seminaries in the City �of St. Paul . I urge you �o recognize the v ey significant positive contributions that the Colleg of St. Thomas and other institution5 of higher educat'on in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the prop sals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for t e continued well-being and right to self-determination o this most valuable community resource: our private coll�ge . Sinc e y, ' ��r,.-� cX - X/ �i �"u`,`�'( a� s sil� N Q g Street Address & Zip Code O Date - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , (Spouse, Fr ' end or Neighbor) Dear Member,s of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend, of the college o St. Thomas and an individual who is dedi;cated to maintain ng the quality and vitality of our local Golleges, I would ike to register my objection to the specifi,c proposals of th "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colle es, universities and seminaries in the City� of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the ery significant positive contributions that the colle e of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educa ion in this city make to the quality of life that we shar in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you � to reject the pro osals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm �your support for he continued well-being and right to s�lf-determination f this most valuable community resource: our private colleg s. Sincerely, � � � �� a( c��� ,� S �l�G Name Street Address & Zi Code P Date ' C7I Z U� i-i �-t N i-+�Q I-�• f� H I� N rt O E b O N A� !-�• fD I-�• � � � O � O �' C p" U� fD ? � � ; m W a � W tn � � � (D �-t O Ar - , n o � � ►-� rr �r n �• a n � •'� f"f W tQ F''• F'• �"I W � CA 1--� F.+' ` �` m ct cft I�• (D W 't3 O cn M � .�r7' (D C� �i (D (Spo '- � � aa �- � Dedr `ye use� Fr; � �• � m mbers of -`� � Ne`� AS a fr th� St• i hbor, ` _ _ � who is iend o� pa 1 ` , ,. the Spe d 1 �°11�d htO m 11 ege of cj fiy c���ci 1 • 2�ning C 1�ic P.ro es' I wnta ��in St' Tho 1� th� C ty o f f�r ou S °f 1� l l�k e to q a lit n d d n i� . ontge You S�� Pa 1 c�11 ges F�rty Acr St r m d �l dli d Ud1 rib to r e Y o t 5 a1 ?tut on ns th t 9'ni2e th unlverSi�les d n'► bhat�i� o a�d rle�,ou Zi fe fi�9'h�r ���Ie e ro�s.i9hi flc d Semina leS e ri9ht fflrm �o r�Je�t We shar i�n i��• Thomnt AoSit . reSOUrCe: Sel f-de SuAAort� Arop s n a11 to 2S ci ty and °the S � �ur Ar �erm1�a t f°r t �d 1 S �f t °ur r�e make to r .t��ere1 y, iva te co��� S fi�os��o ue� �e or��h cr ho �s ame St Vd1 u b be Co and udY,► Da te ��� � mmu�1 ty st�bt`y Add ess ' & Zi p�, � � _ Code . P�� '� � J s D� e / �� � � o �' "v s �, 1� ���g , v ��� f �o� �,�s��s. � _ _ - - - �� �v�� ��,, O'1'� 1�C� 1 S � ° 2�• , A �'o �� � � �� � Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College o St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintain'ng the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would ike to register my objection to the specific proposals of th "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colle es, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the ery significant positive contributions that the Colle e of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educa ion in this city make to the quality of life that we shar in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the pro osals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for he continued well-being and right to self-determination f this most valuable community resource: our private colleg s. K�4'i.l. �1. K��'tN �JR Sincerely, �lo�. �• ��e�;, �.. ��a� ��yA�d Name g Q ~ Street Address & Zip Code Q a � JT ��u� , ��v. �s5��6� Date — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spouse, . Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the college f St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maint�i ing the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I wou].d like to register my objection to the specific proposals of t e "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our co71 ges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the co�ll ge of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educ tion in this city make to the quality of life that we sha e in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the pr posals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colle es. Sincerely, � , �g� �in„ I"79S � - .�'S 11(� Nam Street Address & Zip Code �%- 1a- - b�'� Date Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of t. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintainin the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would li e to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our college , universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the ve y significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educati n in this city make to the quality of life that we share 'n all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the propo als of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for th continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges Sincerely, � � � °����.�, �3 � z ,�s� � Q�Z� � �� �r��y Name � Street Address & Zip Code c�.c,�,a. � 6 r� 8�' Dat — — — — — — = — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spouse, Frie d or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul C ty Council : As a friend of the college of t. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintainin the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would li e to register my objection to the specific proposals of the Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our college , universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the ve y significant positive contributions that the college of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educati n in this city make to the quality of life that we share n all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the propo als of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for th continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges Sincerely, >�.� �'� ,�'�� /3�� �� ..���y� Name Street Address & Zip Code �"`�v ' � Date Dear Members of the St. Paul ity Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaini the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would li e to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the ve y significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educati n in this city make to the quality of life that we share 'n all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the propo als of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for th continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. sincere�y, JOHN S. HAIDER � 5i5 So. l.exington Pkwy., Apt, 20� me Street Address & Zip ode ' � " � 7 `�� Date - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (Spouse, Frie d or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul C ty Council : As a friend of the college af t. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintainin the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would li e to register my objection to the specific proposals of the Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our college , universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to reCOgnize the ve y significant positive contributions that the college of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educati n in this city make to the quality of life that we share n all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the propo als of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for th continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges sincerely, MRS. DELORES E. Nr!DER d�Z'-�� ���'� 515 So. Lexington Pkw�;�. �pt. 206 � St. Paul. MN 55116 Name Street Address & Zip Code 8 �•/7 � 88 Date Dear Members of the St. Paul ity Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaini g the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would l 'ke to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleg s, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the v ey significant positive contributions that the Colleg of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for th continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, ` �':.�_t�'� 4 (/.t���2���,1-r`i /;3�� �-� 1�%(/� s S/�s"° Name Street Address & Zip Code /�� ���, Date — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spouse, Frie d or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul C ty Council : As a friend of the college of t. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintainin the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would li e to register my objection to the specific proposals of the Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our college , universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the ve y significant positive contributions that the college of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educati n in this city make to the quality of life that we share n all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the propo als of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for th continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges Sinc rely, /��� � -_ �1 � /3�.� �9-�-.r��-�� �' �S�,�5 Nam Street Address & Zip Code �� ��� Date Dear Members of the St. P ul City Council : As a friend of the Colleg of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maint ining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I wou d like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize th very significant positive contributions that the Col ege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher edu ation in this city make to the quality of life that we sh re in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the p oposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support fo the continued well-being and right to self-determinatio of this most valuable community resource: our private coll ges. Sincerely, : � � � , ,. .. ;► �, � l;r �,_ � � /�� f�n�t �-�r;-�'�''�, � �. 5"s�r�6 e �/ Street Address & Zip Code r Date - --- --� --- - _.. _ __ Dear Members of the St. Pa 1 City Council : As a friend of the Coll�ge of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to mainta' ning the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I woul like to register my objection to the specific proposals of he "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our col eges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize th very significant positive contributions that the Col ege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher edu ation in this city make to the quality of life that we sh re in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the p oposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support fo the continued well-being and right to self-determinatio of this most valuable community resource: our private coll ges. Sincerely, �'' 1 �� �'v„�� Na " Street Address & Zip Cod � 7 - Date — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spouse, riend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Pa 1 City Council : As a friend of the college of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to mainta' ning the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I woul like to register my objection to the specific proposals of he "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our col eges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize th very significant positive contributions that the col ege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher edu ation in this city make to the quality of life that we sh re in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the p oposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support fo the continued well-being and right to self-determinatio of this most valuable community resource: our private colle es. Sincerely, �4,� Q�e��,- Q�'-�-� �6�10 �� �rk� Name � Street Address & Zip ode �"�� ��� Date Dear Members of the St. aul City Council : As a friend of the Colle e of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to main aining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I wo ld like to register my objection to the specific proposals o the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our c lleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize he very significant positive contributions that the C llege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher e ucation in this city make to the quality of life that we hare in all of our neighborhoods. I urqe you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support or the continued well-being and right to self-determinat on of this most valuable community resource: our private co leges. Sincerely, 1 �' 7 l � ame � ^ Street Address & Zip Code ��i�s� �` � Date — — — — — — — — a'`�o� �L", , �.-e�-t-a — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spouse Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. aul City Council : As a friend of the colle e of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to main aining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I wo ld like to register my objection to the specific proposals o the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our c lleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize he very significant positive contributions that the c llege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher e cation in this city make to the quality of life that we s are in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the roposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support f r the continued well-being and right to self-determinati n of this most valuable community resource: our private col eges. Sincerely, Name Street Address & Zip Code Date Dear Members of the St. Pa 1 City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to mainta'ning the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I woul like to register my objection to the specific proposals of he "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize th very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we sh re in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support fo the continued well-being and right to self-determinatio of this most valuable community resource: our private coile es. Sinc rely, � / .-��c� �j¢Y=��il �S�c S^��� Name Street Address & Zip Code �"��6��� Date � - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (Spouse, F iend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the college f St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintai ing the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of t e "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our coll ges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the coll ge of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educ tion in this city make to the quality of life that we sha e in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the pr posals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colle es. Sincerely, Name Street Address & Zip Code Date Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College o St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintain'ng the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would ike to register my objection to the specific proposals of th "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colle es, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the Coll ge of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educ tion in this city make to the quality of life that we sha e in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the pr posals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colle es. Sincerely, � ��ro.� �-e.�J�S/OS me Stree d ss & Zip Code g Dat — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spouse, riend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Pa 1 City Council : As a friend of the college of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to mainta ning the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I woul like to register my objection to the specific proposals of he "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our col eges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize t very significant positive contributions that the college of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher ed cation in this city make to the quality of life that we s are in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the roposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support f r the continued well-being and right to self-determinati n of this most valuable community resource: our private col eges. Sincerely, /�� � - �os � Stree ess & Zip ode Dat f � �,'b~pk',`��2 .,J�'C'`�'0�.��y Qiy y '�,'v,�,y fi ,S,ti �s a � � ti � ^�'.q� y�,y ,��� ,�,4 2� '1�y •'ti� a'�a'�'�o'Q�ay � ^q�g' �. ti �' '� 4 .� '� �c. � 0� G `d' �. ,� ,�� 'd' 'y ^p,P'p O�,c,,� �, �a, � oa� �,�,�,ti y�gx'Qg :ti o x' ^�o �,.� _ti ,�� �titi� '�G �,"r��� �,�G��y ti � Gti � � Q y � �X,� � � �� � ti � � ��y � J �. � O'`'T 4,'a' Ok'y'�,`';y Q',�,� `�'�' ,�,� �Q . �?��y�'' 'y� � 6i ` '� � a � yyx i / ,�^��� ��~�a 3��o wy�� "S'�o�� w .°N � ai �, � a b � I F o a fi r+ o o •� • b +� o , � k, Pi p 'S g G � � � � � � � 3-i N uI � •� �C� �7 j / O '`C' +C, 'y • Qi ,�, 'y � �r O � t�S .� TJ +� 'L7 � f � .5,� �.�� P��py��a��p� ��p y G��. � � � �► � •�-�i S-� � O � � E � i i � o x. �� Q .� Q ti� � a.'�' a� o � � � .�.� � v v o � a� � / �`� a. O0� 1' ,��k,O,v• .�.�' � ¢' Gj�''Q�'S� 'b �-n.� u�i •.�i � � O U � U � � I / �'� �fi ati °~ Q � � �c,� '�' 2 � � � •�1 A +� +� O N A � •� ti PJ G �' Ql� �/O �� � � � C '� � � � •r� X .L: � v � r.. � (A I, �a'� k,�a'�'y yfs,ti,�ai o�' ���a y�'�x.���a�� a b �� � O � E •���1 A ^�, a � �' y o� G �.�,�'�. o '�' �x,^S� G � � G b � � b a rt a� � � �u � ` ,�.`' o '�'yQ� �G'' '�4� o�'� �'��'�'Q���,c,� b � �► � aNi -u �n � � w° v � � b � �"�`,�� ,�,g �. o k� �, � � a, � �, a� u� -� � c� •.� s� = 3 rts � � � , o ,�.�,�ti�,�.� ��,�,ti os�'�'�o o�'a� y � `� -� c�'n a� -� c�i o � o a� zs � � .� '�' o � ,q ,�,ti � o . � •� u� r, •� s� u� -� � u� � a� .0 a� ti � � �v � o � � � Q � � � � s� u-� E-+ -� ua +� � u� a� i ti J��,�"�',�' w.� ,��,��y�~.�� �' � o � °�' a � � • .�u ° � -� � � i 'y o�y �v � syti ° o .� �•� tr+� r, o +� �n G '�,' �' g �, �c.� U H N +� � •rl t!� � � � v� � 'Y aJ '{' �b� �� � • � .1-r � U1 w �-1 � � U .� '�' .���"O' O�G �'y�, +� -1� N f:+ � �r O � � � +� � 3 y � ` •� cn tr.�G = � O •�+ N N • ���,� � ' U � •r1 N N N •rl O .� 4a m G 4-i •rl � � �+ � b�-N N W+� O N ;�,4 � O � ,� N N t� S-i O b� G� � � •'-I 't� � � N � U tU � 3-� � N c. Z ttl N � .-� � �--i � .� a O O � \ � W b�.� � W O +� O '� v� w •�-I � �� N � O O U • N N +� O 4'd' +� � � 3tn3-� � NN 3 � � � U � � c!� O E H r+ � � •rI .[ N O •� � � I v � o - u ° a ��' a� �s � a � ro r � .� a� +► m o s� • o .� -� � a� a� � +� .� N f.l� O +� U ttl .� +� •n �t •rl ; +� ''d tT O 4a U� N .� N S-� �- w a� a� � s� +� w a� s� � a i O w +i � Wm � Ou-a � I O � � N O O u� •rl O O 4-+ u� U O U tT +� � tn � +� �,� � S.a 'U •ri U •rl A ?i O � N O � � 'C3 4-� � +� � •�-�I O 4-I � � ul ' A N N � •r1 .0 •�-1 O +� •rl O O 1� •• ?i E •rl ''d c� U U U ?� � +� ?�•r1 O N r-+ N S-� U N A � ?i W +� U N E a-i �n o a b► � N -� -N +� N w � s� •rl � va � .� � S� •�-�I •.� tr r0 +� � N �.► � •.-� .1-► � .t� +� � � � O U � N � O S� N � � � tn rd � 'O tn cn � �� E +► U) U1 � � .0 O � O � � � •r1 N •rl ' r0 c� Ca Q'i ,� O -L� N •'-I H U •rl CS�H (d 3•.1 �.I CA �'i Dear Members of the St. Pau City Council : As a friend of the college of St. Thomas and an individual � who is dedicated to mainta' ning the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I woul like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our co leges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize he very significant positive contributions that the c llege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher ducation in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject t e proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your suppor for the continued well-being and right to self-determin tion of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, /3'`�� Xl�e�i-�. .`�'S/c��-f Street Addres & Zip Code /� l f'$F� Dat (Spouse, Frie d or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul C ' ty Council : As a friend of the college of t. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintainin the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would li e to register my objection to the specific proposals of the ' Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our college , universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the ve significant positive contributions that the college f St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educatio in this city make to the quality of life that we share i all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the propos ls of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of his most valuable community resource: our private colleg�s. Sincerely, C,4.-�.��� �-.�+� ,�,1 21 �.� ����� Name Street Address & Zip Code �- � 6 --g �. �srr� Date Dear Members of the St. Paul C ty Council : As a friend of the College of t. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintainin the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would 1 ' e to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleg s, universities and seminaries Dear Mpm�°r^ -r • - Dear Members of the St. Paul ity Coun�� ' " As a friend of the Co� '�" who is dedica��' our ��� � cou��ll � inalvla Y °£ i t• Yaul �l °mas ana ana v�-t e�tion°ve o f tne S o f t t�e qUa yster my �°tnat i�ar ies Mempe�s e C°ll ri a1�1 •}ce t° z A re S esa a�'a sem �e a r o f t r t n a l l d 1 „ o r t Y �s i ti e,�a a to wou F yve 5 a �r aealca�eges � is o� �e es � '�� ositl�er wno lo�al 1�prop°s o�r Coll 1£1�ant a�a ot to tne ouz Spe�if n�es f t. paul • Ve�Y Sigri Tn°m yty manporn°°a uaY" t o�in�3 C1tY °f S Ze th eqe °£ 1 tY'is oUr ne Y'A�re a a ir t`ne to zec t�ne ea Catl°� all �tre '�eii,bel Comtnv�'�'tY tn I ,izqe uti°�'S o� nlg te we �oP°sa�ontl��a v lua�le co s tr b t.�f iyfe ;a�t t�e �p z ofe t�i� mos in tl tY to z u P°.r ion ��� q`�'al�- e Y°`' our s P mina le�es� 5oae I uz affirme1�-aet�ate °1 � Zi'P C ana�.� to s our Pr 1 Aaar s r e5oU,�Ce: St�eet r � � , , Sin�e�elY ' _ _ - � ,�fess & Zip Code art'e�i /� _ , , , � � te � � Da , � ' ' Dear Members of the St. Paul ity Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaini g the guality and vitality of our local colleges, I would 1 'ke to register my objection to the specific proposals of th "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colle es, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the ery significant positive contributions that the Colle e of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educ ion in this city make to the quality of life that we sha e in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the pr posals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colle es. Sincerely, � . . � �/� / Name Street Addres & Zip Code �--/�.- ��' Date Dear Members of the St. Pau As a friend of �ity Council : who is dedicatedhtocollege f St. our local maintai in Thomas and an individual the S COjlegeS, I wou 9 the qualit pecific proPosals ofld like to re y dnd vitality of zoning changes for t e "Fort glster my objection in the Cit �ur CoYl Y-Acre Study�� tha t to Y of St. Paul , ges' universities and involve I urge seminaries contributions recogniZe the institutions of hat the Coll very significant quality of hi9her educ ge �f St• Thomas andltive I urge life that We S tion in this cit °ther yOU tO reject the ha e Y make to t and affirm in all of our he right to Your support pr Posals of the �elghborhoods. self-determination the continued ��Forty-Acre �� resource. W�11_ Study • our private colle eS. this most valuab1eing and Sincerely, community Name, � CH��� � walker ubN� �oG �a1pfipau��ns�so venue nt • Mf� Date Street Address � 55j:� P Code �SAouse-' _ -----.__, F iend-"_ Nei hbor� ' - - - Dear Members of�t���. _,� - - 1 _ - � (Spouse, Fr ' end or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the college f St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintai ing the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of t e "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our coll ges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize th very significant positive contributions that the col ege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher edu ation in this city make to the quality of life that we sh re in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the p oposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support f r the continued well-being and right to self-determinati n of this most valuable community resource: our private col eges. Sincerely, � �� /' V �- Name � �� St�eet Address & Zip de Date Dear Members of the St. Paul ity Council : As a friend of the College o St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to mainta�n'ng the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would ike to register my objection to the specific proposals of th "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colle es, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the ery significant positive contributions that the Colle e of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educa ion in this city make to the quality of life that we shar in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the pro osals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for he continued well-being and right to self-determination f this most valuable community resource: our private colleg s. Sincerely, � � � p _ ��i�Z�✓` L � �Q � .Y.YI/� Name Street Ad ess & Zip Code �/�-�j�B Date — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spouse, F iend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Pau City Council : As a friend of the college f St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintai ing the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of t e "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our coll ges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize �he very significant positive contributions that the coll ge of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educ tion in this city make to the quality of life that we sha e in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the pr posals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colle es. Sincerely, Name Street Address & Zip Code Date Dear Members of the St. Pa 1 City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintai ing the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of t e "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our coll ges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the Coll ge of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educ tion in this city make to the quality of life that we sha e in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the pr posals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private co11e es. Sincerely, , �,��"l� �� �,��. r�� ��' a e � ` �, Street Address & Zip Code Date �. S�`�''�w� 1�� ��ir� � — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spouse, Fr end or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the college o St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaini g the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would 1 'ke to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleg s, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the v ey significant positive contributions that the colleg of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educat on in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the prop sals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for t e continued well-being and right to self-determination o this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, . r � �'�� tJ� � 1.���,�, l� t. N e �-- Street Address & Zip Code Date � �� �''f ��v�,�, f �'» �"���/1S � Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintai�i g the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would 1 'ke to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleg s, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the v ey significant positive contributions that the Col�eg of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educat on in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the pzop sals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for t e continued well-being and right to self-determination f this most valuable community resource: our private colleg s. Sincerel � �� '' I�1 ���.��Gv��.3 ��-�a� .� � �, Name Street Address & Zip Code �� �� -�� Date (Spouse, Fr'end or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the college f St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintai ing the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of t e "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our coll ges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the coll ge of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educ tion in this city make to the quality of life that we sha e in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the pr posals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private coll es. Sincerely, Name Street Address & Zip Code Date Dear Members of the St. Pa 1 City Council : As a friend of the College f St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintai ing the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of t e "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our coll ges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the Coll ge of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher e�uc tion in this city make to the quality of life that we sha e in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the pr posals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colle es. S ' cerely, �4,�0 CAG� � ►ut�� � �S'I �6 Na Street Address & Zip Code .�1� � l� Date - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (Spouse, Fr ' end or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the college o St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintain ng the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would ike to register my objection to the specific proposals of th "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colle es, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the ery significant positive contributions that the colle e of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the prop sals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for t e continued well-being and right to self-determination o this most valuable community resource: our private college . Sincerely, �„�.�J` � ��'-�.�o.� /�d � �c�. .�'s/r� N e Street A dress & Zip Code g` — i 7— 8'8' Date Dear Members of the St. Paul ity Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaini g the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would 1 ke to register my objection t� the specific proposals of the "Fortv-A�*-� °L-- ' - zoning changes for �»r ^�' ' ]n �i^- " • - Paul ity Council: Dear Members of the St. an individual e of St, Thomas and Colleg and vitalitY of As a friend of the the quality ob�ection to to maintainilke to register mY that involve who is dedicated I Would collegeS► of th ��Forty-Acre Study" Seminaries our local ro osals universities and the specific P p Colle es , zoning changeS for paul . in the City of St' ositive the ery significant and other I urge you to recoqnizeColl qe of St. Thomas the that the this city make to contributions educ tion in hborhoods. of higher e in all of our neig institutions that we sha ��gorty-Acre Study" uality of life osals of the Well-beinq and q urge you to rejecto�efor phe �ontinued �ommunity our suPP of this most valuable and affirm Y determinatio right to self- resource: our Private coll ges. �=�-� /�� - s�/o� S' ncerely► ��� Zip Code � /���`'^' Add r e s s & � Street Nam / �y �y� � Date _ _ . _. _ -- - - -' _' ,i1���1 _ _ --..� `�i� -ery; �"'ignificant positive -�..u�ians that the colle e of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educa ion in this city make to the quality of life that we shar in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the pro osals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for he continued well-being and right to self-determination f this most valuable community resource: our private colleg s. Sincerely, ����s�/f�aJ c/ /�a,s� ��-G - .SS�a 1 - Name Street Address & Zip Code �i �� Date Dear Members of the St. Paul ity Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaini g the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would 1 'ke to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleg s, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the v ey significant positive contributions that the Colleg of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educat' on in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the prop sals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for t e continued well-being and right to self-determination o this most valuable community resource: our private college . Sincerely, '�� � 1���;��% %�i/ � ��0��,���, .�S//.� Name � Street Address &' Zip Code �- %���� Date - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (Spouse, Fri nd or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul ity Council : As a friend of the college of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaini g the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would 1 'ke to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleg s, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the v ey significant positive contributions that the colleg of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educat'on in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the prop sals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for t e continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sin erely, 16�� 1��t��� �,�, ssii � N Street Address & �Zip Code � l g"-� Date Dear Members of the St. Paul ity Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaini g the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of th "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colle es, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the ery significant positive contributions that the Colle e of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educa ion in this city make to the quality of life that we shar in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the pr posals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colle es. rely, � . C'�t�u�-�. I�� /1�0,���o� �� Name �G � �,�/ Street Address & Zip Code �/ir��6� ��� Pk�u� s�io�� Date - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (Spouse, riend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Pa 1 City Council : As a friend of the colleg of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maint ining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I wou d like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our co leges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize t e very siqnificant positive contributions that the co lege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher e cation in this city make to the quality of life that we hare in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support or the continued well-being and right to self-determinat on of this most valuable community resource: our private co leges. Sincerely, . �� , ��o �1��►� ��-� Name�/���}�- ��y�� Street Address & Zip Code Date � ,. G�'�-C j `� ��-� !/ Dear Members of the St. P ul City Council : As a friend of the Colleg of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maint ining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I wou d like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our co leges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize t e very significant positive contributions that the Co lege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher ed cation in this city make to the quality of life that we s are in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the roposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support f r the continued well-being and right to self-determinati n of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Since ely, �^- ��/ � �sC��L �✓. Name Street Address & Zip Code �'/�o - � Date - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (Spouse, riend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Pa 1 City Council : As a friend of the college of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to main�ta' ning the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I woul like to register my objection to the specific proposals of he "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the coll ge of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educ tion in this city make to the quality of life that we sha e in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the pr posals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colle es. Sincer ly, a-� � �- � Name � Street Address & Zip Code Date Dear Members of the S . Paul City Council : As a friend of the Co lege of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to m intaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposal of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for ou colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Pa 1 . I urge you to recogni e the very significant positive contributions that th College of St. Thomas and other institutions of highe education in this city make to the quality of life that e share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject he proposals �of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your suppo t for the continued well-being and right to self-determi ation of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Si erely, � � 97� ��'�� d�� ss��s_ Name Street Address & Zip Code Date Dear Members of the St. Paul C ' ty Council : As a friend of the College of S . Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would lik to register my objection to the specific proposals of the " orty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College o St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposal of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the c ntinued well-being and right to self-determination of th s most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, r�'�no'v�ft-5 � ��e ��C�C�?� O �YV�� �,k2���1 SS�� Namey� �r�,� Street A dress & Zip Code ��' 1,`C�C� Date ��- C�� ���' �� � Dear Members of the St. Pau City Council : As a friend of the College o St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintain'ng the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would ike to register my objection to the specific proposals of th "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colle es, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the v ey significant positive contributions that the Colleg of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educat on in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the prop sals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for th continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges Sincere , � �_,." � � yi ��b y S � /U �/ Name /� � /��� Street Address & Zip Code � Date � Q -�� apo� diZ � sa�pp� �aaa�g a ll�� ��-� � L� Ja ,� ��ja.za�uis •sa ai to� a�eai.zd .zno :a��nosa.z ��iunucwo� ajq�nT�n �sow stq� �o ot��utw�a�ap-�ias o�. �qbi.z pu� buiaq-jiaM panu-r�.uo� aq� o� �..zoddns .zno� �uzz��e pu� „�pn�s az��-��.zo3„ aq� �o sT�sodo d au� �.�aCa.z o� no� ab.zn I •spoou.zoqqbiau .zno �o tj� ui a.z� s aM ��u� a�ij �o ��zt2nb aq� o� ax��u e��Z� szu� ut uoi��� pa aaqbiq �o suoi�n�t�suz .zaq�o pu� s�woqy '�.S 3o abaT o� au� �Eq� suoi�nqt.z�uo� ani�zsod �u��z3tubis �.zan aq aztubo�a.z o� no� ab.zn I • in�d '�S �o ��i� aq� uz sat.z�uiwas pu� sat�is.zaniun �sabatjo .zno .zo� sabu�u� buiuoz anTonui ��q� „�pn�g a.z��-��.zo,��� aq�, 3 sj�sodo.zd �t�i�ads aq� o� uoi�.�aCqo �u� .za�szba.z o�. axij pjn M I 'sabaijo� iE�oj .zno �o ��ij��-rn pu� e��tj2nb aq� buzu-r�� i�w o� pa���ipap st ouM t�npinipu-r u� pu� s�woqy •�g �o aba io� au� �o puai.z� � s� : jt�uno� ��.i� in�d '�S aq� �o s.zaqwaW .zeaQ Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the college of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining he quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the " orty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the ve y significant positive contributions that the colleg of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educat on in this city make to the quality of life that we shar in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the pro osals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for he continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colle es. Sincerely, . � q�� `� S-`�-�°�- Namep p Street Addre s & Zip Code 0 � �� ' b � Date Dear Members of the St. aul City Council : As a friend of the Colle e of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to main aining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I wou d like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our co leges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize th very significant positive contributions that the Col ege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher edu ation in this city make to the quality of life that we sh re in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the p oposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support fo the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colle es. Si , I� � �Z6 �So SG,vDIC� � .sS/� � Name ����� .j.Z �0O Street Address & Zip Code Date — — — — — — — — — — — — — -- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spouse, Fri nd or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul ity Council : As a friend of the college of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintainin the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would li e to register my objection to the specific �roposals of the 'Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our college , universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the ver significant positive contributions that the college f St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educatio in this city make to the quality of life that we share i all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the propos ls of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the ontinued well-being and right to self-determination of t is most valuable community resource: our private colleges. S 'ncere y, �J /d�'`-u lY�-I��2-�' �- (�D v S � .537/� Na e Str et A ress & Zip Code n���' r � � 9�� Date Dear Members of the St. Pa 1 City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintai ing the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to '-� specific proposals of t e "Forty-Acre Study" that involve ��nqes for our coll ges, universities and seminaries � Gt. Paul . Dear Members - very significant positive ho a fr�en °f th� S�• ` Gt. Thocit amakettorthe iS d Y °Ur 10 dedi� °f th� Pau1 c ��i.qhborhoods. 2�i�Ae 1 f1C 1leges � mair� �, of ��y c�u�Ci1 : 1r'� Study�� z� the C?�ng�s�posa S wo� ��i���h Thom�s o I e I �r y of S� r o�r °f he Z�ke to qua1 i t�d ar� i�S t�b�°u t o r Pa�1 . �I �9 e S�Ort y A 9is t e r and �l di�i d ua gual��tio�°s o tha�°9�i2e t U��verSi� etudy►, °'bjectio of a urge °f 1i f f h1gh he �ol e er S and hat i�� to �d a f You � e th er e I e � Y Si Semi °1 ve r19ht to rm Yo re�ec � ti''� s �ca� �o �� s���f�Cdn narl�s eS�ur�e: Se1f d� SupAo �he Arr� �� jn thi h�'�aS p�sjtiv ocrr ter rt f °Ao d11 S ci� ar�d o e Sj�Cere priva�1�a�10 r th a1s o�°f o�r -Y mak� ther Iy� � c��1 9es h�s �1hued ��F rt 9hbo h the ame mOS t �"e11�y�A�re �Od S. D �d1 uab be ing a �udy►, a t - , C�m�'��i tY Str�et A r�Ss & ZZ p cOde � c�._ institu�_ � quality of li,.� I urge you to reject and affirm your support ic,a right to self-determination f L�._ resource: our private colleg s. Sincerely, ` _` � � ��� � S s � �� Name Street Address & Zip Code �- � � � S � Date Dear Members of the St. P ul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to mainta ning the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I woul like to register my objection to the specific proposals of t e "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our coll ges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the ery significant positive contributions that the Colleg of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educat on in this city make to the quality of life that we share 'n all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the propo als of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for th continued well-being and right to self-determination of his most valuable community resource: ur private colleges. Sin ere , � , � Ilb C.c�� �'. ��� Na n Stree Address & Zip Code � �b -�-�.� �' �� '+{�""w Date $�11 b Dear Members of the St. Paul City ouncil : As a friend of the College of St. homas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining th quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like t register my objection to the specific proposals of the "For y-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, u iversities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very s 'gnificant positive contributions that the College of t. Thomas and other institutions of higher education i this city make to the quality of life that we share in 11 of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposal of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the c ntinued well-being and right to self-determination of th' s most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, ��. P I�'aa � �. �'�oy N me / c, Street Add ss & Zip Code �1 � r�d Date — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spouse, Friend r Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul C ty Council : As a friend of the College of t. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintainin the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would li e to register my objection to the specific proposals of the ' Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our college , universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the ve y significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educa�i n in this city make to the quality of life that we share 'n all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the propo als of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for th continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: ur private colleges. Sin ere , � � � I I b C.o� ST, '�?��,e � Name Stree Address & Zip Code r b S�- �o�sl -��» ' Date �$."� Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College f St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintai ing the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of t e "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our coll ges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the Coll ge of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educ tion in this city make to the quality of life that we Sha e in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the ;pr posals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colle es. Sincerely, . /�'S S�/� ,,,,,� S.j'/�� N me Street Addr ss & Zip Code 7 Date — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spouse, riend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Pa 1 City Council : As a friend of the college of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to mainta ' ning the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I woul like to register my objection to the specific proposals of he "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize t e very significant positive contributions that the co lege of St. Thomas and other institutions of hiqher ed cation in this city make to the quality of life that we s are in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the roposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support f r the continued well-being and ' right to self-determinati n of this most valuable community resource: our private col eges. Sincerely, i - s�d� Name �� Street A dres � Zip Code Date ��� Dear Members of the St. Pau City Council : As a friend of the College f St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintai ing the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I woul like to register my objection to the specific proposals o� he "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our col eges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize th very significant positive contributions that the Col ege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher edu ation in this city make to the quality of life that we sh re in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the p oposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support fo the continued well-being and right to self-determinati n of this most valuable community resource: our private col eges. Sin erely, e Street ddre s & Zip Code �- �G - �P' �j ss�'o� Date - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. aul City Council : As a friend of the colle e of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to main aining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I wo ld like to register my objection to the specific proposals o the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our c lleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the ollege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher ducation in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject th proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determina ion of this most valuable community resource: our private c lleges. Si c rely, 1 � ��y � Name t e t Address & Zip Code �'''/�t ��" S/ Date ^ Dear Members of the St. Pa 1 City Council : As a friend of the Colleg of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maint ining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I wou d like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our co leges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize t e very significant positive contributions that the �o lege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher ed cation in this city make to the quality of life that we s are in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the roposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support f r the continued well-being and right to self-determinati n of this most valuable community resource: our private col eres. Sincerely, � 7 /8'/���.� �2 ��/OS Name Street Address & Code �d/� � Date — — — — — — — — — — — -- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. aul City Council : As a friend of the colle e of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to main aining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I wo ld like to register my objection to the specific proposals o the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our c lleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recogni2e he very significant positive contributions that the c llege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher e ucation in this city make to the quality of life that we hare in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support or the continued well-being and right to self-determinat on of this most valuable community resource: our private co leges. Sincerely, , _-.' � , �� � S-Sjp� Name Street Address & Zip C e Dat Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College o St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintain'ng the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would ike to register my objection to the specific proposals of th "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colle s, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the v ey significant positive contributions that the Colleg of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educat'on in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the prop sals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for t e continued well-being and right to self-determination o this most valuable community resource: our private college . Sincerely, ��.� , � �210 �l�� Na � � Street Address & Zip Code Date � �� i w � � aNi � � � b I b +� � o � � O � rt� .[ b +�.� b � � I � � + �� � s� � o � � � � i �� sa�i � a�i a ,� .°� � � � o OpN � j v +� •r,.� N •� +� o U � U J w � � •� A �► +� O NA � •rI •� � o _ � �� ro � a� �A °�' �JN ' � � 'L7 ?i >r 4S O � E •�-�I +� 1 A ( /'1 N � � � � � � �n a � � � 0 � � `/ J �p (^. 'C! � +� N +� v� +� [ti � �-+ 't1 � S-i � �6 �+��► � +� � EU � 3 � � � /� �A r-+ •rl t1� N •r-I U O O � 'C3 � +� •rl tn �--� •rl f.� m •ri .� m .r u� -I-� u� ✓ ' ��, U ca b b� U 3a w E-� -�I 4-� +� � �n � N I-� � E � N Q N ••-� .0 O � O !.� I /� N � O CT' � I � � • +� 4-i •� E V O .0 �r••� tr�+� � O +� t�l� � I Z U E-� N O +� � •� t!� � � � cn ?i • � � O � N4-a •� � r�-+ O ,� (� . +� ;-► N W � ?i O � � c[S �1-� 'Z7 •� �n b�+x = N � O •� cn N • i� U � •�-1 N N N •rl O .0 w cn N ! 4-1 •.-i � N b'+ 9 b�+� N f�+� O N �•.-1 •-� O � .� � N � t-� O b� t-� , � •rl '� +� � N � U td ?a � � N �Cz� �d N rtS � •-� � r-+ � .� R� O O � a tr d-� � W O +� O ''O Ua 4-� •rl � � . N � O O U • U N � .1-� O N +� � � 3 �ns� � NNS� 3 � � � v �� U� O 6 �--i � � � •rl ,� N O ••�i � U rt O W � �► .0 +� +� f.l� E � �p., N O � t11 �'+ b� � U f.� f-� �tl �U� � .� N +� cn O � • O +� •�-I .� N � N � I +� .� � R� O +� U �d � +� •n v� �1-� •rl +� z� � o u� �n a� .� a� v � w a� v � � +� wa� s� �, � a � o w .� ,� a �nw ow � i O �d � N O O t!� •rl O O 4-i 1�-i � tn UOUtJ+ +� � tn � +� ?+� � � ''d •r-I U •rl A ?i O � N O � � .f. 'L� 4-I � � � •�-�I O 4-I � � U� r - A N � �-+ •r1 ,� •rl O +� •� O O � •• ?i � � E •rI 'ti �d U U U ?� � +� ?i•rl O N � � � U N A � ?� 4-i +� U U1 � � w �n o a � v v •� +� +� a� w �, s�. •� � u� � � tr s� •.� •� � � .� � a� 1 I s� �a •� +� � +� +� � s� .� o U N N �a o � v � � � �nro � b �r �n � +� � � a� u� .� a .� o � oa � � •� a� •� � � , Ca �i 3 O � N •ri H U •rl C�H RS �-1 1�I C!� �.+ Ca � i Dear Members of the St Paul City Council : As a friend of the Col ege of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to ma ntaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I ould like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Pau . I urge you to recogniz the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that w share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject t e proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your suppor for the continued well-being and ' `� *� self-determination of this most valuable community ' --L� c lleges. : � Dear Members of the St. Paul As a friend �lty ��uncil : who is dedicated hto c�l ege of St. Thomas °ur local co lle ma ould nl�g the qualitnd ah individual the specific ges, I zoning chan pr� °S f the �� P als ike to register and vitality of in the City gof Str °ur olleqes Forty-Acre Stud y��objection to Paul � universit ' y that involve I urge you to les and seminaries contributions recognize the institutions that the C lle very Slgnlficant quality of °f hi9her e ge °f St. Tho POSitive I life that We ucation in this mas and other urge you to reject the hare in all of City make to and affirm your Pro our the right to SuPPort pOSals of the �� nelghborhoods, reso Sejf-determinati r the conti Forty-Acre �� urce: our n of th . nued well-bei Study private col ls mOSt valuable �g and Sincerely, eges, community N e / / Q � Da�� � / � / ---.__�� Street Address & Zi - S'���6 P Code Sincere�y , � ���' "(E-C, f�G�"�� !•w // , ��if , ,�dr � Na ,�j �-� Street Addr�ss � _ Y> � ��' J � L> Date Dear Members of the S . Paul City Council : As a friend of the Col ege of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to ma ntaining the guality and vitality of our local colleges, I ould like to register my objection to the specific proposals f the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our olleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize he very significant positive contributions that the C llege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we s are in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the roposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support f r the continued well-being and right to self-determinatio of this most valuable community resource: our private coll ges. Sincerely, � C- Name Street Address & Zip� Date �� �ti�� a'�c,�' �,o, � ti - - - '�' 'tiy_ 'ti�� - - - - - - - - (Spous , Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St Paul City Council : As a friend of the col ege of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to ma ntaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I ould like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for ou colleaeG . »n���or�; +-; o� --' - • - Dear Members of the St. Paul Ci y Council : As a friend of the college of t. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintainin the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would li e to register my objection to the specific proposals of the 'Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our college , universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the v ey significant positive contributions that the colleg of St. Thomas and other , institutions of higher educat' on in this city make to the ��� quality of life that we shar in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the pro osals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for he continued well-being and right to self-determination f this most valuable community resource: our private colleg s. Sinc el .Zo'�a �C�a.� ' Name Street Ad ress & Zip Code r� �� Date Dear Members of the St. P ul City Council : As a friend of the Colleg of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maint ining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I wou d like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our co leges, universities and seminaries Dear Members of the St. aul City Council : As a friend of the Colle e of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to main aining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I wo ld like to register my objection to the specific proposals o the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our c lleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the ollege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher ducation in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject th proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determina ion of this most valuable community resource: our private c lleges. Since ely, °� � /766 ��- Q �5`sra� Na e �_I ���� Street Addr s & Zip Code Date — —_..— —.r — -- —----m ^- — — — — — _ �..�. p.v o.i c.i v c . contributions that the college of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that w share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject t e proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your suppor for the continued well-being and right to self-determin tion of this most valuable community resource: our private olleges. Sincerely, Name Street Address & Zip Code Date Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the Coll ge of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to mai taining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I w uld like to register my objection to the specific proposals f the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our olleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the ollege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher ducation in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject th proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determina ion of this most valuable community resource: our private c lleges. Sincere �c� p� . � :�J�/f.�� Name Street Addr s & Zip Code S-- /lv — � � Date — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. aul City Council : As a friend of the colle e of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to main aining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I wo ld like to register my objection to the specific proposals o the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our c lleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recogni2e he very significant positive contributions that the c llege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher e ucation in this city make to the quality of life that we hare in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support or the continued well-being and riqht to self-determinat' on of this most valuable community resource: our private co leges. ° Sincerely, C(.,� oZJ�O i�LO • ✓�J /�.S Name Street Addr & Zip Code �Y /� - �� Date Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the Coll ge of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to mai taining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I w uld like to register my objection to the specific proposals f the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our olleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recogniz the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that w share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject t e proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your suppor for the continued well-being and right to self-determin tion of this most valuable community resource: our private olleges. Sincerely, � � �� �' ���L° �t� ame Street Addre & Zip Code �"t��il OS/ ��� Da e _ - — -- — — —-_ — — c�._� — —�r,'__�a—nr _1J.e+i^thhC�r� — — — — — — — — __ . �._ _� Dear Members of the St. Pau City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to mainta' ning the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I woul like to register my objection to the specific proposals of he "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our col eges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize th very significant positive contributions that the Col ege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher ed ation in this city make to the quality of life that we s are in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the roposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support f r the continued well-being and right to self-determinati n of this most valuable community resource: our private col eges. Si ely, � �// �J/ �r�-e, 5 Jr�� S� me Street Address & Zip Code � �?--I 7-�� � �',�--e . Date — — — — — — — — — — — — — =� — .— — — — — — — — (Spouse riend 'o Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. aul City Council : As a friend of the coll ge of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to mai taining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I w uld like to register my objection to the specific proposals f the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our olleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the college of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that w share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject t e proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your suppor for the continued well-being and right to self-determin tion of this most valuable community resource: our private olleges. Sincerely, iY1'1� -T'�✓. �� ��v �/ 9� GcJ �� � 55ia Name4 /� D� Street Address & Z ' Code 4 O Date Dear Members of the S . Paul City Council : As a friend of the Co lege of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to m intaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposal of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for ou colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Pa 1 . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that w share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject t e proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your suppor for the continued well-being and right to self-determin tion of this most valuable community resource: our private olleges. Since ly , C �� s� ��'� l�rfi�a,�/�4��e_ N e Street Address & Zip Code � 6 S/d� Date — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the coll ge of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to mai taining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I w uld like to register my objection to the specific proposals f the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our olleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the ollege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher ducation in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject th proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your supgort for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, � ` ��- `����c�a�, Name Street Address & Zip Code Date �S ��� Dear Members of the St. Pau City Council : As a friend of the College f St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintai ing the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of t e "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our coll ges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the Coll ge of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educ tion in this city make to the quality of life that we sha e in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the pr posals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colle es. Sinc�rely, , ' ' `��//l� ame Street Addres & ip Code e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (Spouse, F iend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the college f St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintai ing the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I wo�tld like to register my objection to the specific proposals of e "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our coll ges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize �h very signif�.��t positive contributions that the college of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we sh re in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the p oposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support fo the continued well-being and right to self-determinatio of this most valuable community resource: our private coll ges. S ' cerely, a� ��s , , N e Street Ad r ss & Zip Code � - � .�; ��� �/. �s�l� Dat /�Yl - �ear Membe ho i �r�e.� rS �� the �he s caled�ate �h� C S�' ���1 C h th g �ha Z c Ar ge%� jn t e• °f j�y c��'��i 1 e cZtv geS .�'p�sd1 wOu1�h?n¢ �'. Th�_ 1. Dear Members of the St Paul City Council : As a friend of the col ege of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to ma ntaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I ould like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Pau . I urge you to recogniz the very significant positive contributions that the college of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that e share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject he proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your suppo t for the continued well-being and right to self-determi ation of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. S ' ely ,��� �9 l S�e� ���.S i l�6 ` me � Street Address & Zip Code Date Dear Members of the St. Pau City Council : As a friend of the college o St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintain'ng the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would ike to register my objection to the specific proposals of th "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colle es, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the v ey significant positive contributions that the colleg of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educati n in this city make to the quality of life that we share 'n all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the propo als of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for th continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community reso ce: our private colleg�s. Si erely, ; // / � � j�T .fJ �i G�9 C d,�`j�' ,/�.! .��/� �o am � ��ee A� ress & Zip Code ..�r-�� D te , Dear Members of the St. P ul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to mainta ning the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of t e "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our coll ges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the ry significant positive contributions that the Colleg of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educat on in this city make to the quality of life that we share 'n all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the propo als of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for th continued well-being and right to self-determination of his most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, �o-�-� ��1 �/��cx,�� .�J .L��o � � . 5�S-//� Nam � / Street A ress & Zip Code Date , Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the Coll ge of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to mai taining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I w uld like to register my objection to the specific proposals f the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our olleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the ollege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher ducation in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject th proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determina ion of this most valuable community resource: our private c lleges. Sincerely, ���� _ 1/' �9 y0 �/p 4a.-� , St_ P�,l, .S�,S'ID'-1 Name Street Address & Zip Code � � Date — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spous , Friend or Neiqhbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the coll ge of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to mai taining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I w uld like to register my objection to the specific proposals f the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our olleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the ollege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher ducation in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject th proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determina ion of this most valuable community resource: our private c lleges. Sincerely, Name Street Address & Zip Code Date Dear Members of the St. Pau City Council : As a friend of the College f St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintai ing the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I woul like to register my objection to the specific proposals of he "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our col eges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize th very significant positive contributions that the Col ege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher edu ation in this city make to the quality of life that we sh re in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the p oposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support fo the continued well-being and right to self-determinatio of this most valuable community resource: our private coll ges. Sincere � v� ��� � �� Name Street ss & i Code _/� s� �����o��„ ,s,s��s- Date — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. aul City Council : As a friend of the colle e of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to main aining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I wo ld like to register my objection to the specific proposals o the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our c lleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize he very significant positive contributions that th� c llege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher e ucation in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject th proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determina ion of this most valuable community resource: our private c lleges. Sincerely, � ��� . ��� . Name Street A e & Zip Code _ � ��� �j�J �Ci p � Date l ������ � ��%� ���- �3� C - i ��G � � �� ` � �� /�./ l2 `'L Dear Members of the St. Pau1 ity Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaini g the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would 1 'ke to register my objection to the specific proposals of th "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colle es, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the ery significant positive contributions that the Coll ge of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educ tion in this city make to the quality of life that we sha e in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the pr posals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determinatio of this most valuable community resource: our Frivate coll ges. Sincerely, oU f � � ' �%�G���a� ame Street ddress & Zip Code �o _IZ �� Date — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. aul City Council : As a friend of the coll e of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to mai taining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I w uld like to register my objection to the specific proposals f the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our olleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recogniz the very significant positive contributions that the college of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that w share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject e proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your suppo t for the continued well-being and right to self-determi ation of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, :��� �� ���,��'��1��', Nam /� Street ddress & Zip Code Da e � �,�< `��� 5.s�l�o Dear Members of the St Paul City Council : As a friend of the Col ege of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to ma ntaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I ould like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Pau . I urge you to recogniz the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that w share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject t e proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your suppor for the continued well-being and right to self-determin tion of this most valuable community resource: our private olleges. Si e el , 735 Woodlawn Avenue St. Paul, 55116 � Name Fred J. Lauerman Street Address & Zip Code 8/17/88 Date — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (S ou e, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the college of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I ould like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for ou colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Pa 1 . I urge you to recogni e the very significant positive contributions that th college of St. Thomas and other institutions of highe education in this city make to the quality of life that e share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject he proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your suppo t for the continued well-being and right to self-determi ation of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, Name Street Address & Zip Code Date Dear Members of the St. Pau City Council : As a friend of the College f St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintai ing the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of e "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our col eges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize th very significant positive contributions that the Col ege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher edu ation in this city make to the quality of life that we sh re in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the p oposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support fo the continued well-being and right to self-determinatio of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, • G � QJ Name Street ddress & 'p Cod Date � — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. aul City Council : As a friend of the colle e of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to main aining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I wo ld like to register my objection to the specific proposals o the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our c lleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very siqnificant positive contributions that the ollege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher ducation in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject th proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determina ion of this most valuable community resource: our private c lleges. Sincerely, �� Name S ee Address & Zip Code Date Dear Members of the St. Pa 1 City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to mainta ning the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I woul like to register my objection to the specific proposals of he "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our col eges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize th very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher ed ation in this city make to the quality of life that we s are in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the roposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" °n� affirm your support f r the continued well-being and —=-��� n of this most valuable community Dear Members of the S • Paul City Council : As a friend of the who is dedicated to�ollege of St. our local collegeS, ialntainin Thomas and an individual the s ould g the quality and vitality of pecific proposals of like to register m zoning changeS for the �'FOZ'tY_Acre y„°b�ection to in the Cit °Ur collegeS, universitiesdy that Y of gt. pau . and seminariese I urge you to contributions recogniz institutions that the colleV�ry Slgnlficant of hi ge of St. Thomas pOSitive quality of life gher education in this cit and other I ur that w share Y make ge You to reject t e ln all of our nei tO the and affirm your Suppor prOPosals of the ghborhoods. right to Self-determin for the continued Weorty-Acre Study�� resource: our private tlOn of this 11'bein C lle most valuable g and ges. community Sincerely, F. __�� me ' �� ��/�/�'�' ��'ao s,, Street �� J�'fD� Date Address & Zip Code ;� ��..--- G Name �� Street Address & ��r �..__ Date �� �r-� �5�� � Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintai ing the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of t e "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our coll ges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize th very significant positive contributions that the Col ege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher edu ation in this city make to the quality of life that we sh re in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the p oposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support fo the continued well-being and right to self-determinati n of this most valuable community resource: our private col eges. Sincerely, ' 20�f 9' �"a;v�.[e 5 S f: Iwr� l �1�La 5"/�� e Street Address & Zi Co e � ^ .�—�--� Date - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the coll ge of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to mai taining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I ould like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Pau . I urge you to recogniz the very significant positive contributions that th college of St. Thomas and other institutions of highe education in this city make to the quality of life that e share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject he proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your suppo t for the continued well-being and right to self-determi ation of this most valuable community resource: our privat colleges. Sincerely, Name Street Address & Zip Code Date Dear Members of the S�. aul City Council : As a friend of the Colle e of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to main aining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I wo ld like to register my objection to the specific proposals o the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our c lleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recogniae he very significant positive contributions that th� C llege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher e ucation in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determina ion of this most valuable community resource: our private c lleges. Sincerely, � C. � S//� Nam Stre Address & Zi Code 8-a�-xR Date — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spous , Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the call ge of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to mai taining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I w uld like to register my objection to the specific proposals f the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our olleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the ollege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher ducation in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. i urge you to reject th proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determina ion of this most valuable community resource: our private c lleges. Sincerely, Name Street Address & Zip Code Date Dear Members of the St. P 1 City Council : As a friend of the Colleg of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maint ining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I wou d like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our co leges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize e very significant positive contributions that the C llege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher e ucation in this city make to the quality of life that we hare in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support or the continued well-being and right to self-determinat on of this most valuable community resource: our private co leges. Sincerely, �V d-'.��� .a�v�,�.�a.�, 10� � S�µ�► ��'. SC.�AV���Ltl, SS't�f"` Name Street Address & Zip Code Date � — — — — — — — — — — --- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spous , Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St Paul City Council : As a friend of the col ege of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to ma ntaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I ould like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Pa 1 . I urge you to recogni e the very significant positive contributions that th college of St. Thomas and other institutions of highe education in this city make to the quality of life that e share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject he proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your suppo t for the continued well-being and right to self-determi ation of this most valuable community resource: our privat colleges. Sincerely, .�• Name Str t Address & ip Code Dat Dear Members of the St. Pau City Council : As a friend of the College f St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintai ing the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of t e "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize th very significant positive contributions that the Col ege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher edu ation in this city make to the quality of life that we sh re in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the p oposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support fo the continued well-being and right to self-determina�io of this most valuable community resource: our private coll ges. S ' cerely ���,C e Street A ss ip ode � �s S � �/�y Date / — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spou�e, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. aul City Council : As a friend of the colle e of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to main aining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I wo ld like to register my objection to the specific proposals o the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our c lleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the ollege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher ducation in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject th proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determina ion of this most valuable community resource: our private c lleges. Si cerely, � / /��� � . Name „� �� Street Address & Zip Code Date � . YG�� ��V !`%' ( � Dear Members of the S . Paul City Council : As a friend of the Co lege of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to m intaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposal of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for ou colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Pa 1 . I urge you to recogni e the very significant positive contributions that th College of St. Thomas and other institutions of highe education in this city make to the quality of life that e share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject he proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your suppo t for the continued well-being and right to self-determi ation of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, �� Name Stree Address & Zip C � " ,�.�"��� Date ...r. _.....__ _ ___- ---�---�-----_- � - --.-:-- rwr�. __ Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the Colle e of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to main aining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I wou d like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our col eges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the Coll ge of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educa ion in this city make to the quality of life that we shar in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the prop sals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for t e continued well-being and right to self-determination o this most valuable community resource: our private colleges Sincer y, �� � �' ' /al�� 1���1.-���e. .� ��,, r�,�. Na� ) Street Address & Zip Code � Dat Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to ma 'ntaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I ould like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Pau . , I urge you to recogniz the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that w share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject t e proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your suppor for the continued well-being and right to self-determin tion of this most valuable community resource: our private olleges. Si rely, � �� v m Street Ad re s Zi o e � � � s /�,6 Date — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spou e, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St Paul City Council : As a friend of the col ege of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to ma ' ntaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I ould like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recogniz the very significant positive contributions that the college of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that e share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject e proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your suppo t for the continued well-being and right to self-determi ation of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, ' S35 S o � c�� ���� Name Str�� ,A�lress� & �ode �S� 1 (� �- (�� � �4� ���a w�� Date Dear Members of the S . Paul City Council : As a friend of the Co lege of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I ould like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Pau . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the ollege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher ducation in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject th proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support or the continued well-being and right to self-determinat'on of this most valuable community resource: our private co leges. Sincerely, r�� �—� -� � 2'" clC� %lr� /�'"t--�-Ci,l�.��o� ./G�c 5-5�/(Q N � � Street Address & Zip Code /v�. � , k� Da �5pouse rriena or Neignbor) Dear Members of the St. aul City Council : As a friend of the colle e of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to main aining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our co leges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize t e very significant positive contributions that the co lege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher ed cation in this city make to the quality of life that we s are in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the roposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support f r the continued well-being and right to self-determinati n of this most valuable community resource: our private col eges. Sincerely, R .2��� S� Z �;�.woo�. a-�.. Na e Street Address & Zip Code �7� l `1�! Date Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the Coll ge of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to mai taining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I w uld like to register my objection to the specific proposals f the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our olleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recogniz the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that w share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject t e proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your suppor for the continued well-being and right to self-determin tion of this most valuable community resource: our private olleges. Sincere y, , /�i�,�,-��o � i�t .�.��/�s.� me Street Address & Zip Code �-/ _ Date - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (S ou e, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the S . Paul City Cour� ' As a friend of the co lege �' Whn i c ��+a_ _-� - • - aual Co`�n�ll• ar y�a all�or �� e tY a'na d v 1 • eCti ol� aul 1 oma.s , tY ar o�� t irv ies St. Y s,�, Tr q�,al 5ter �``� .� t`n emyraz 5 0� ,�re leae y�� tne� ze�l e stua a�a 5 bez C°1 • �,�al ike t t`I,A� si�,le� �ear �e�, era °� a t° Z W°� `ne es � `>rl`�ez o5yt1� e� t`4 e a £z aed�-Ca leqe� sa15 Co le9 l�a�t and e to �od5, .� AS i5 co1 �oP° ov� n�-� oma5 mak �cb� UdY W�°.� l��e�y��-� e �°x Yau1' verY s s• 21$ �y��,eigY'A�se a a � e s� �Y,ang o f S'�' e tY'e eqe o� i'� t o� ovx��ortY eirg u,�ytY t2 r�rie CitY �e�oq tre a�Gat'1°y al o� tb a Wel a�le c°mc° y'' o� to tY'at bez e 8'�are osa15 rtyru t val'�` �OS ,� urg 1�Uti°�5 0'� t,qat `'�ne '�zot be c is m°s S�.eAJ`- SS o rt� v't y°n ll�e e�t' t f�z °� tr rc de ins��'tY of to ze sv�p ratl°ege�' � Zyp Co q`�Ul g�� � `l�aet va e Coll ,L �`aa�5 � ara a t� 5e ur pz i �o et A � a st�e � �c�-°�r r Ce' � � �Ges�� � � � el`� ' ' � Sircez � /- � � , � � , � - Y� � ' - �ame �� � � � � 8 � � e ' �at , � � � � � Dear Members of the St. P ul City Council : As a friend of the Colleg of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maint ining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I wo ld like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our c lleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize he very significant positive contributions that the C llege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher e ucation in this city make to the quality of life that we hare in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support or the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our privat� c lleges. Sin ely ' /��s-s L�� �►-e S.S�CZ�' Na e Street Address & ip Code 1 Date — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spous , Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the col ege of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to ma ntaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I ould like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Pau . I urge you to recogniz the very significant positive contributions that the college of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that e share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject he proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your suppo t for the continued well-being and right to self-determi ation of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sin rely, � `�c�,�' � �•��•.�t �6`/a 6� Na e Street A dress & ip Code ` Date Dear Members of the St. Pa 1 City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maint ining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I wou d like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our co leges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize t e very significant positive contributions that the Co lege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher ed cation in this city make to the quality of life that we s are in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the roposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support f r the continued well-being and right to self-determinat 'on of this most valuable community resource: our private co leges. Sincerely, ���l L� ��r'7` � ����%�'��j����l� � �1���' Name Street Address & Zip Code ����J��� Date — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spous , Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the coll ge of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to mai taining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I w uld like to register my objection to the specific proposals f the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our olleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the college of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that w share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject t e proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your suppor for the continued well-being and right to self-determin tion of this most valuable community resource: our private olleges. Sincerely, Name Street Address & Zip Code Date Dear Members of the St. aul City Council : As a friend of the Colle e of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to main aining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I wo ld like to register my objection to the specific proposals o the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our c lleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize he very significant positive contributions that the ollege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher ducation in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject th proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determina ion of this most valuable community resource: our private c lleges. Sincerely, � V`.�.i�-'�� . /1 ' W/ �' �l./ `��-�! Na e Street Address & Zip Code �-Gu�-x--'�� ` 7� i r1� a��-/O� Date — — — — — — — — — — -- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spou e, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St Paul City Council : As a friend of the col ege of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I ould like to register my objection to the specific proposal of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for ou colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Pa 1 . I urge you to recogni e the very significant positive contributions that th college of St. Thomas and other institutions of hiqhe education in this city make to the quality of life that e share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject he proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your suppo t for the continued well-being and right to self-determi ation of this most valuable community re ource: our privat colleges. ' cerely, � / / ��1.���e��.t�/ Name Street Address & Zip Code Date �'i� �-� .,�'�O S'' Dear Members of the St. Pau City Council : As a friend of the College f St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintai ing the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of t e "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our coll es, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the ery significant positive contributions that the Colle e of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educa ion in this city make to the quality of life that we shar in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the pro osals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for he continued well-being and right to self-determination f this most valuable community resource: our private colleg s. Sincerely, � /�F� �ft r�vL��7'u� 5 5 /CG�� N, � Street Address & Zip Code � � Date -��..�.__ �...*' - (Spouse, Friend or Neighborj - - - a _--z _ _ Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a f ' end of the college of St. Thomas and an individual who is d dicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local olleges, I would like to register my objection to the specifi proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning chang for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City o St. Paul . I urge you to re gnize the very significant positive contributions that the college of St. Thomas and other institutions of hig er education in this city make to the quality of life that e share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject t e proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support or the continued well-being and right to self-determinati n of this most valuable community resource: our private coll ges. Sincerely, �'�1 Cu.�ra.�..P)1.'�1/'e�� (�1 a'f �R..�.✓� Gr� � .$`M`� , Name Street Address & Zip Code 5 �� �� Sr�( � / J'Y Date (5pouse, r'riena r Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the college of 5t. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining t e quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like o register my objection to the specific proposals of the "F rty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the college o St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposa s of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the ontinued well-being and right to self-determination of t is most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, __ �- _ . ,r/ _ �� � _ .._ �r �` ( �� �� Street Ad ress & Zip Code Date ,� � O�q � �V��� ��+V��`� � � � ,�1�1� �5 ��� � G� (Spouse, Friend r Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the college of St Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining he quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the " orty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the ve significant positive contributions that the college of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educati n in this city make to the quality of life that we share 'n all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the prop sals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for t e continued well-being and right to self-determination o this most valuable community resource: our private college . Sincerely, �>L.�- � �. �� .��=�. ���`'�'� ,z,� �� Name Street Address Zip Code �� ?l� P' �-�t,�, �a s�i��` Date --� �a`''� Dear Members of the St. Paul Ci y Council : As a friend of the College of t. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintainin the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would li e to register my objection to the specific proposals of the ' Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our college , universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the ve y significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educati n in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the prop sals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for t e continued well-being and right to self-determination o this most valuable community resource: our private college . Sincerely, �t�,�- �� �� �o a 9�� C�,.-�., �-sros� Na�e/�7 /g � Street Address & Zip Code Date _ •. _ . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - �S�ouse, Fr ' end or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the college o St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintain'ng the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of t e "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our coll ges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the coll ge of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educ tion in this city make to the quality of life that we sha e in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the pr posals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colle es. Sincerely, � � ? ���,[��./G L �'° .� o�J.� �f �� `�`� S�'jt� ' Name Street A ess & Zip Code � �//�/�Y Date T—' Dear Members of the St. Paul Cit Council : As a friend of the College of S . Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would lik to register my objection to the specific proposals of the " orty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the ver significant positive contributions that the College f St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educati in this city make to the quality of life that we share 'n all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the propo als of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for th continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleqes S ' erely, /8Z Z Is.�r r'��e y h''c�C S S%C S N e Street Address & Zip Code � D e — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spouse, Fri nd or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the college o St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintain ng the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would ike to register my objection to the specific proposals of th "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colle es, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the ery significant positive contributions that the coll ge of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educ tion in this city make to the quality of life that we sha e in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the pr posals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colle es. Sincerely, . C.,�,,�,,,,2e aQ�/L l � Z 2 �� Name Street Address & Zip ode ��1� - �'s�� Date Dear Members of the St. Paul ' ty Council : As a friend of the College of t. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintainin the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would lik to register my objection to the specific proposals of the " orty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education 'n this city make to the quality of life that we share in 11 of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the co tinued well-being and right to self-determination of thi most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, �I�, /l>/ �'o .�.�ua-� Gl�/t�. �'3"//� Name S reet Address & Zip Code $''�'� -- �� Date (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. P ul City Council : As a friend of the colleg of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maint ining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I wou d like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our co leges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize t e very significant positive contributions that the co lege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher ed cation in this city make to the quality of life that we s are in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the roposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support f r the continued well-being and right to self-determinati n of this most valuable community resource: our private col eges. Sincerely, /D[.7 �., /.i'�re- / Name Street Address & Zip ode ��z��� Date^—' Dear Members of the St. Paul City ouncil : As a friend of the College of St. omas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Fort -Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, un'versities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very si nificant positive contributions that the College of S . Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in al of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals f the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the con inued well-being and right to self-determination of this ost valuable community resource: our private colleges. S ' cerely, � , �-� � � -� ,�v-r' S�/0<�_ NamE S reet Address & Zip Code Gv' .�-I � D e � Dear Members of the St. Paul C ty Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaini g the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would 1 'ke to register my objection to the specific proposals of th "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colle es, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the Col ege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher edu ation in this city make to the quality of life that we sh re in all of our neighborhoods. I urqe you to reject the roposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support f r the continued well-being and right to self-determinati n of this most valuable community resource: our private co leges. Sincerely, . p 9' /�. 0 �Z �,t}�,/TOiI/� �YE SSa 5� Name Street Address & Zip Code �2� �� �y�� Date a��a apo� dtZ � ssa�pp� �aa��g � �� �a N �� � CS ���7?� . Yv�'Y�'�'� �� �� a.za�u g i . •sabai To� a��ni.zd .zno :a�.znosa.z ��tunuuwo� aTq�njEn �sow stq �o uot��uim.za�ap-�ias o� �ubi.z pu� butaq-jtaM panui�uo� au� .zo3 �.zoddns ano� UI�T��E pu� ,��pn�g a.z��-��.zo3„ au�. �o sj sodo.zd aq� �.�aCa.z o� no� ab.zn I •spooq.zoqqbtau .zno �o TT� t a.z�us aM �2u� a�zj �o ��-rj�nb au� o� ax�w ��i� s-rq� ui oi�.��npa �aubiq �o suoi�n�.i�sui �aq�o pu� s�wouy •�g � abaTTo� aq� ��q� suot�nqtz�.uoa ani�zsod �.LI2�T�TLIbTS .zan aq� aziubo�a.z o� no� ab.zn I • in�d '�S �o ��t� aq�. ui sat.z�ut�uas pu� sat�is.zanzun 'sabaj jo� .zno .zo� sabu�q� butuoz anTonui ��u� „�pn�.g aa��-��.z 3„ aq�. �o sjesodo.zd �z�i�ads au�. o� uoi��aCqo Am aa�stba.z o�. axzT pjnoM I 'sabaljo� j��oi .zno �o tI�TjL�TA pue ��ii�nb aq buiut��uzew o� pa���ipap si oqM jEt1pTATQLIT u� pu� s�wous �g �o abai jo� au�. 3o puai.z� � s� : T-rauno� �z� Tn�d '�S au� ,�o s.zaqu�aw .z2aQ � (�oq� .z puaz.z3 'asnodg) � __ ___ --�- - - - - -� �- - ,_� - - - - - _ ��Q Z apo� diZ ssa.zpp� �aa.z�s aweN �OLS-�- � � '�Ta� . S •sabaj jo� a��ni.zd .zno :a�.znosa.z ��zunwmo� ajqeni�n �sow stq �o uot�eutw.za�.ap-�Tas o� �qbz.z pu� buzaq-t jaM panui�uo� aq� .zo� �.zoddns .zno� �u.zi��e pu� „�pn�g a.z��-A�.zo3„ aq� �o st sodo.zd aq� ��aCa.z o�. no� ab.zn I •spoouaoqubiau .zno �o jt� ui aa�us aM ��u� a�ij �o ��ij�nb aq� o�. ax�w ��t� siu� ut uoz�.��npa .zaubiu �o suoi�n�.i�suz .zaq�o pue s�wouy •�g �o abaijo� aq� ��q� suoz�nqt.z�uo� anz�zsod �LI2�T�TLII�T �.zan au�. aziubo�a.z o�. no� ab.zn I • jn�d '�S 30 ��.i� aq� ui sa-r.z�u-rwas pu� sai�is.zant n 'sabajio� .zno .zo� sabu�u� buiuoz anTonui ��q�. „�pn�.g a.z��- .zo3„ au� �o sjesodo.zd �i�t�ads au� o� uot��aCqo Aw .za�stba.z o� axtT pTnoM I 'sabajio� i��ot .zno 30 ��.tT��.zn pu� ��ztgnb aq� GLITLITE�iIT2lll o� pa�e�ipap s-r ouM j�npiniput u� pu� s�w Z •�g �o abatto� a�� �o puai.z� � s� : ji�u o� ��.T� in�d '�S au� �o s.zaqwaw .z�aQ Dear Members of the St. Paul Cit Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would lik to register my objection to the specific proposals of the " orty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the ve y significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educati n in this city make to the quality of life that we share n all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the propo als of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for t continued well-being and right to self-determination o this most valuable community resource: our private college . Sincerel N me treet Address & Zip Code D �S�� 10 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Pau City Council : As a friend of the college f St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintai ing the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I woul like to register my objection to the specific proposals of he "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our col eges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize t very significant positive contributions that the co lege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher ed cation in this city make to the quality of life that we s are in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the roposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support f r the continued well-being and right to self-determindti n of this most valuable community resource: our private co leges. Sincerely, � ���,� \ �.t ��,��,tiC'�� � ��G v�o cJv e h �L. /J e a � . � ic a a c� Na�[fe � Street Address & Zip Code � a� ' ` �S"/i � Date Dear Members of the St. Pa 1 City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to mainta ning the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I woul like to register my objection to the specific proposals of he "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our col eges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize th very significant positive contributions that the Col ege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher edu ation in this city make to the quality of life that we sh re in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the p oposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support fo the continued well-being and right to self-determinatio of this most valuable community resource: our private coll ges. Sincerely, ' { : ou /'`� 7-2 ��-i�� :�S 1�� Name �/ Street Ad e & Zip Code �la� 1�y Date - - - �,�����_ � - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (Spouse, r ' end or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Pa 1 City Council : As a friend of the college of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to mainta ' ning the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I woul like to register my objection to the specific proposals of he "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize t very significant positive contributions that the college of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher ed ation in this city make to the quality of life that we s re in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the oposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support f r the continued well-being and right to self-determinati of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincer 1 , � � / � ' � �� � `�1�1�2 ��, � �� ��,m Name Street Ad ress & Zip Code —�a�,/�.� Date Dear Members of the St. aul City Council : As a friend of the Colle e of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to main aining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I wo ld like to register my objection to the specific proposals o the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our c lleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize t e very significant positive contributions that the Co leaP nf C� mL_ Dear Members of the St. Pau City Council : As a friend of the Colleqe f St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintai inq the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of t e "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our co11 ges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge y ou to recognize t1�e very significant positive contributions that her educa ionfintthis�cityamakettorthe institutions of hig quality of life that we shar in all of our neighAcre�Study" I urge you to reject the pro osals of the "Forty- and affirm your support for he continued well-being and right to self-determinatioe s•this most valuable community resource: our private coll g � �� J s ' cerely, " � _ `� 1 �% � �.�__ �� Street Address & Zip Code Na e ' � Date _...�..z-,,,,_ -��c�,� "�S"�O �a�ry' -_ - ._ ___ _. - - r- - Street Address & Zip Code � - - - - - - - - r�, . Since���Y , (Spouse, Fri.er ��,_ *� �' .- - � - - - - - - - ' �'� �5/� � 8 N e � reet Ad ess & Zip Code � z - �q� � Date Dear Members of the St Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to ma 'ntaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I uld like to register my objection to the specific proposals f the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our olleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the ollege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher ducation in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject th proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determina ion of this most valuable community resource: our private c lleges. Sincerely, � � � �,�� .��qc�c,-�Lc /Z°L ;S'3 I/ �6 Name Street A dress & Zip Code $ /7 �$ Date — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spouse Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. aul City Council : As a friend of the colle e of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maint ining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our co leges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize t e very significant positive contributions that the co lege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher ed cation in this city make to the quality of life that we s are in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the roposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support f r the continued well-being and right to self-determinati n of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, ���� ��,� aaSs ��,� � �-s�c 6 Name Street Address & Zip Code �/�7/��' Date Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I ould like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that th College of St. Thomas and other institutions of highe education in this city make to the quality of life that e share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject he proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your suppo t for the continued well-being and right to self-determi ation of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely r � �� � am Street Add ss & Zip Code� � ° _ '� Date / — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (S o se, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the S . Paul City Council : As a friend of the co lege of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to m intaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposal of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for ou colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Pa 1 . I urge you to recogni e the very significant positive contributions that th college of St. Thomas and other institutions of highe education in this city make to the quality of life that e share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject he proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your suppo t for the continued well-being and right to self-determi ation of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, �/ S//,� Na e Street Addr & Zip Code � 'c�CZ13 Date Dear Members of As a frie t � St• P �u o 1 oca ed a t d he CO11 e aul c1 ty COunci . 2p� SPe�i f c O 11 eg�S main�a. °f St. 1 ' 71.111 1C r j lllin Thom ` ln the cl ty of f�r ° lr �f the l�ke ttO qe a11 ty an h lna1vi °n� 9e �'°u St� P u1 C�11 e9es�u��'�A�re S r mY b.]e 11 y d�f i�St tu�1p ons �h�cfi 9'nl e th 1�ers1t1es da��d that lnVO to qur 1 ty °f 1 i �f h19he e CO�1 e ver-y Si Sej�lnarleS e a�a 9e you t f� that r du�a 9e o f s gni fl�ant r19ht fflrm yo r��ect we Share 1pn �n thi hOmas a�°Sltive resourCe: Sel f-de SupPort e AroAosa a11 of S �itY m k °ther S ' �ur p r i ermi n a t i �r t h e co �f t h e u�r n e i 9 h b tO t h e ln��rel y' �ate col e9es thiS�mo ued �`'e1 i tY-A�re°Ods. N St Val uab be 1�m� d ud�,,r ame P • unity at �Z �8 7 ��"et Address & �q�e � lp COae � 5,���'� Dear Members of the St. Paul City ouncil : As a friend of the college of St. homas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining th quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like t register my objection to the specific proposals of the "For y-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, u iversities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very si nificant positive contributions that the college of S . Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in al of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals f the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the con inued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, �. �_�' Name S reet Address & ip Code �.�.. ,�.8 g . ��, m,.�,. .�'.�r o� at (Spouse, Friend or N ighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul City Cou cil : As a friend of the college of St. Tho as and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the ality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to egister my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, uni ersities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very sig ificant positive contributions that the college of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in his city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals f the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the con inued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. ' cerely, Z /.S�G�'f����'',•?/'dJ 1�� .S',�'/O/ Nam l ] Street Address & Zip Code / . °� ���� Date �ear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. T omas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the uality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to r ister my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-A e Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, univer ' ties and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significan positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our ne 'ghborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Fort -Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-b ing and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, �� ' ` , (� W ��`i Z� Name Street Address & Zip ode Date . _ -- — — �— — — —_— — — _,.,��_ _ _— — — -�-r,— — — — — — ���rir�- �......� — Dear Members of the St. Paul Cit Council : As a friend of the College of St Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining he quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the " orty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the ver significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educati n in this city make to the quality of life that we share n all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the propo als of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for t e continued well-being and right o self-determination o this most valuable community resou e: our private college . S ' �ly � 1 ' � am Street Address & ip Code Date — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spouse, F iend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Pa 1 City Council : As a friend of the college of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to mai�ta 'ning the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I wou d like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our co leges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize he very significant positive contributions that the c llege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher e ucation in this city make to the quality of life that we hare in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject th proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to lf-determina ion of this most valuable community resource our private c lleges. , S ' � ' �r � S�o� Name � Stree Address & ip Code � Date Dear Members of the St. Pau City Council : As a friend of the College f St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintain' ng the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would ike to register my objection to the specific proposals of th "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleg s, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the ve y significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educati n in this city make to the quality of life that we share i all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the propos ls of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of t is most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, ► IDD�' ��-�/��r G`�- �� �',i�//6 Name J�, ���� Street Address & Zip Code Date — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul City Co ncil : As a friend of the college of St. Tho as and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the q ality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to r gister my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-A re Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, unive sities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very signif cant positive contributions that the college of St. T omas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of ur neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of th "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most aluable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely �� � � �� �00 .�� S3`//� Na Stre A dress & Zip Code �� � 6 / � Date d z � nna � N� n � �. N � o � � � � �, � o � � � N � a �� � �� � c�n � � � � � � n ' c+ � cn � a � � � n � �� �, � ��°' � � � � C c�+ a� •N-n � �� � o N '-n �. 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Dear Members of the St. P ul City Council : As a friend of the Colleg of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maint ining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I wou d like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our co leges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize t e very significant positive contributions that the Co lege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher ed cation in this city make to the quality of life that we s are in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the roposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support f r the continued well-being and right to self-determinati n of this most valuable community resource: our private col eges. Dear Members of the St. aul City Council : As a friend of the Colle e of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to main aining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I wo ld like to register my objection to the specific proposals o the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our c lleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize he very significant positive contributions that the C llege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher e ucation in this city make to the quality of life that we hare in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support or the continued well-being and right to self-determinat on of this most valuable community resource: our private co leges. ,� �� K�EF� Sincerely, �pYN , Y 20 3b B�F�.KE�-�51�5'i�34 g�/� � ,�I� S,f P AUL MN 1 e Street Address & Zip Code N � � D ta e � _ �� .,._. .:r �3a ���%�� � N'�me Street Ad r� s & ip Code � � i 7 �'1 �' Date Dear Members of the St. P ul City Council : As a friend of the Colleg of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maint ining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I wou d like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our co leges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize t e very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other � institutions of higher ed cation in this city make to the quality of life that we s are in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the roposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support f r the continued well-being and right to self-determinat'on of this most valuable community resource: our private eolleges. S 'ncerely, r ,�. /3} a• j/�, �v{ f''S~�►a 5! N��, ' ✓�� Street Address & Zip Code Date — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spouse Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. aul City Council : As a friend of the colle e of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to main aining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I wo ld like to register my objection to the specific proposals o the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our c lleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize he very significant positive contributions that the c llege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher e ucation in this city make to the quality of life that we hare in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support or the continued well-being and right to self-determinat'on of this most valuable community resource: our private co leges. Sincerely, � �.3oZ a�� . 5���`� am Street Address & Zip Code �-i7- ��' Date (Spouse Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. aul City Council : As a friend of the c�olle e of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to main aining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I wo ld like to register my objection to the specific proposals o the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our c lleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the ollege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher ducation in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject th proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determina ion of this most valuable community resource: our private c lleges. Sincerely, � Q� -�. a �� � - ��-._.�'� � Name Street Address & Zip Code �,/i�/�� � 5'��S Date Dear Members of the t. Paul City Council : As a friend of the Co lege of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to m intaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific propos,al of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for ou colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Pa 1 . Dear Members of the St. aul City Council : As a friend of the Colle e of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maint ining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I wou d like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve � zoning changes for our co leges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize t e very significant positive contributions that the Co lege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher ed cation in this city make to the quality of life that we s are in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the roposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your. support fo the continued well-being and right to self-determinatio of this most valuable community resource: our private coll ges. Sincerely, � � ��' �`> � �� �� �,/�`� ;(�- .�'� �.�.i. j ��-G�-�-.� /`��c%S �a , � .i�� � ` , Name � f, , Street Add ess & Zi Code �/� , d�fS'' S s��� Date - - - - - - - - - - - - - S r e� Ad - - - - - - - - - - - - - � . aria __�_ dress & right to se�s� 21� e resource: our pr�va.._, Sincerely, � c C ��/C/� �• l�(J�..y �C./1 r Name Street Address & Zip �...,de g�//� ��1� ' �S� Date Dear Members of the St. Paul City Co ncil : As a friend of the College of St. T omas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Fort -Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, un versities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very si nificant positive contributions that the College of S . Thomas and other institutions of higher education i this city make to the quality of life that we share in a 1 of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the co tinued well-being and right to self-determination of thi most valuable community resource: our private colleges. � Sincerely, ���.,�.� �' 1� �� c�. �:�►t�,.�� t9�, Name ' Street Address Zip Code ` /(o S- Date Dear Members of the St. Pau City Council : As a friend of the College f St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintai ing the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of t e "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our coll ges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the Coll ge of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educ tion in this city make to the quality of life that we sha e in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the pr posals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colle es. Sincerely, � �_ � � 1� �� ��~ � Name ` �Street Address & Zip Code � v I C�o, � J� J l d .1, Date — — — — — — — — — — — — -- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spouse, F iend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the college f St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintai ing the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of t e "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our coll ges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize th very siqnificant positive contributions that the college of �t. Thomas and other institutions of higher edu ation in this city make to the quality of life that we sh re in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the p oposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support �o the continued well-being and right to self-determinat,io of this most valuable community resource: our private coll ges. Sincerely, ��� ,, � D � i��� Name _ Street Address & Zip Code �� Date � ~ �� ( �f Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College f St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintai ing the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of t e "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our coll ges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the Coll ge of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educ tion in this city make to the quality of life that we sha e in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the pr posals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determinatio of this most valuable community resource: our private coll ges. Sincerely, �► /�G%�.,e��,���.� /��L �''7��ii,�o-� �(�II C Name Street Address & Zip Code � i�/� Date - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (Spouse, riend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Pa 1 City Council : As a friend of the colleg of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maint ining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I wou d like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our co leges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize t e very significant positive contributions that the co lege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher ed cation in this city make to the quality of life that we s are in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the roposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support f r the continued well-being and right to self-determinati n of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, G�� G� ' , / � 1L ✓��h-G��� ��� �C Name Street Address & Zip Code � I� d� Date —T—T Dear Members of the St. Paul ity Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaini g the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would 1 'ke to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colle es, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the ery significant positive contributions that the Colle e of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educa ion in this city make to the quality of life that we sha e in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the pr posals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colle es. Si cerely, �/ ��� ,�, r '�i��`�. Na Street Address & Zip Code Date `�!' �� 5S ��� - - - �� �y `�- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. P ul City Council : As a friend of the colleg of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to ma�n aining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I wo ld like to register my objection to the specific proposals o the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our c lleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the ollege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher ducation in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject th proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determin ion of this most valuable community resource: our private olleges. Sincerely, - ,os s _ �h�, s�; �u i ��� Sslo,s- Name Street Address & Zip Cod'e �-/6 -� f��— Date Dear Members of the St. Paul ity Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaini g the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of th "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colle es, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the ery significant positive contributions that the Colle e of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educa ion in this city make to the quality of life that we shar in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the pr osals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colle es. Sincerely, � � �0 �� ���6I�� �� " ������ ame Street Address & Zip Code �'.� — �r� �'�'ro Y D� � �— � ��j`'��,�-�r��_�Ga�- � - - - - - ?��=���� - - - - - - - - - - - - (Spouse, riend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Pa 1 City Council : As a friend of the colleg of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maint ining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I wou d like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our co leges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize e very siqnificant positive contributions that the c llege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher e ucation in this city make to the quality of life that we hare in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support or the continued well-being and right to self-determinat on of this most valuable community resource: our private co leges. Sincerely, Name Street Address & Zip Code Date Dear Members of the St. Paul ity Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaini g the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of th "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our col�e es, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the ery significant positive contributions that the Colle e of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educa ion in this city make to the quality of life that we shar in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the pr posals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colle es. Sincerely, `" � ��� 5-y S- S���o 5S//� Name Street Address Zip Code �/� '�'�' Date — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spouse, riend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. P ul City Council : As a friend of the colleg of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maint ining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I wou d like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize he very significant positive contributions that the c llege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher e ucation in this city make to the quality of life that we hare in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determina ion of this most valuable community resource: our private c lleges. Sincerely, Name Street Address & Zip Code Date Dear Members of the St. Paul ity Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaini g the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would 1 'ke to register my objection to the specific proposals of th "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colle es, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the ery significant positive contributions that the Colle e of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educa ion in this city make to the quality of life that we shar in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the pr posals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colle es. Sincerely, lS�s�ce�-�e.`�� .5-s�as N e Street Address & Zip Code -- /7 --� � Date - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (Spouse, riend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. P ul City Council : As a friend of the colleg of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maint ining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I wou d like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize he very significant positive contributions that the c llege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher e ucation in this city make to the quality of life that we hare in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determina ion of this most valuable community resource: our private c lleges. Sincerely, � � ) �S�aS -v--ce�� �'r ! $ �� � ��-u� Na Street A dress & Zip Code �'-/7-�� Date Dear Members of the St. P ul City Council : As a friend of the Colleg of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maint ining the quality and vitality of � our local colleges, I wou d like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our co leges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize t e very significant positive contributions that the Co lege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher ed cation in this city make to the quality of life that we s are in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the roposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support f r the continued well-being and right to self-determinati n of this most valuable community resource: our private col eges. Sincerely, ��7� /��ee ' ' ���c-�� ��iv �'�/a �{ Name �/// � ��,.. Street Address & Zip Code b d Date Dear Members of the St. Paul Ci y Council : As a friend of the College of t. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintainin the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would li e to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleg s, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the ery significant positive contributions that the Coll ge of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educ tion in this city make to the quality of life that we sh e in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the p oposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support fo the continued well-being and right to self-determinati n of this most valuable community resource: our private col eges. Sincerely, � 3�5��� �-=����.�`�� �;P�;�7�� Name Street Address & Zip Code �� d Date Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College o St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintain'ng the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of t e "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our coll ges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the Col ege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher edu ation in this city make to the quality of life that we sh re in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the p oposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support fo the continued well-being and right to self-determinatio of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, o--� �..t.�(.� ,�,1 S�l .�'1�vc.�.� C�,LP N m Street Address & Zip Code .�' �� _ JI� -- �� Date S�Sr 1 U S`� Dear Members of the St. Pau City Council : As a friend of the College f St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintai ing the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of t e "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our coll ges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher edu ation in this city make to the quality of life that we sh re in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the p oposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support fo the continued well-being and right to self-determinatio of this most valuable community resource: our private coll ges. ,,�S ' erely, ; � � ,�',�:.�<�, � e� *�� �.3c.� �� �•�. �.�1,� Name Street Address & Zip Code �° /��� Date (5pouse, rie or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul ity Council : As a friend of the college of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaini g the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would 1 ' ke to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the ery significant positive contributions that the colle e of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educa ion in this city make to the quality of life that we shar in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the pro osals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private �olle es. Si erely, /��� rx ,�,'"`�•��'� Sl. �/� � Z o �. l a � ir ame � Street Address & Zip Code Date (Spouse, Fr'end or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul ity Council : As a friend of the college of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaini g the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would 1 ' ke to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleg s, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the v ey significant positive contributions that the colleg of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educat'on in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the prop sals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for t e continued well-being and right to self-determination o this most valuable community resource: our private college . Sincerely, �.� ) ����`. j��� ..L�dO_.. / � C,� �O� Name �` / � ��. Street "A dress � Zip Code 1j Date � � i v u� � � a�i � � �b � I � � � a`�i � � a � � Nvi � � U � I � ° � 9 �� � � o � � .� b +� � � � � � o � �v b � •� •� � � o cn � � a I z� +.� •� •.� � •.� •� +.� •� s� o �s � -� •� •.� +.� •� � � � .� � a� a� o .� v s N I � � � .� e a� •� � a� roa� � .� +� s� � rro •� �ta� � a� � Ts +� •r-,.� cn •� +� o U � U w � �o +� •�,� u� •� •� � o � ro -� ° x � a �v a� cn I •� �� o � b -� � cn b rts tr+ ?,A r+ cn - � cn � 'ti � ?� � O � E •� +� I A N �� I � Z7 ?, � rtS 0 � � � �o a � a� � � �s � ro � eb Q cd � �n ?� A o � � � � I-- � � cn R7 �-1 +� N +� tl� +� G., N r+ '� !-i '� S-i +-� N +� � �, a� cn •� � �s •� � = 3 � � � I o � � a� cn •� � rtJ +� +� +� �d E U � 9 .L� •. rts +� +� +� ro .-� •rl m N •rl U O O N ''d +� I,� r+ •� cn N •rl U •r-I cA �--I •rl S-1 U� •ri ,.� fA .t; N -1� � N �,� b� •r-I tn � •rl �-I U� •� U cC rtf LT U 3� W E •rl 4-I +� � m -\ N �!1 �•rl U rtf rtf b� U � 4-� � E � N � N •r-I .� O � O �-I � A E � N +� N •� � O O' !-� 1 � � • +� 4-I •�-1 E +� �2 � O Cf' S-i 1 � C O .� ?�•�-1 tT+� � O � cA O � ?i•�-I b U E-� N O +� A •rl U] Q � q cn � U E-� N O +� � •� � � +� O '� tA � ri t� � U .� I Q � � � +� O '� U7 � -'-1 u� b�.�G � tn !-� � O -•-I v] N � • I� � cA rr.�G � U� s� v w •� •� a� tr+ � tr+� a� w� O i•� v �+-� •� � a� rn � � o � ,� v a� �a s� o � r, o � ,� a� � •� � +� ,--� a� � � m � � a �w � •� � .� � a� b a� �a � � � r+ � � r� o o ro a� �v � �, ,� a �+� � a-� o +� o b u� w -�, � , a �+� � w o +� a� � oo � • ua� v +� a� a� � oo � • . � •� 3 r, a� v � +� ro I cn • •�-, •� 3 r-, a� �.7 r-1 f�j U� S� � N N S-d �r � �1 -f, � � ri (� t!I �-I � N v� O E H � � rtf •r1 ,� � O •�-I �O U] O E H � � r0 •� � c� o �s oa � +� .� +� +� a � a v , N oa � ► m � rn ro � a s� cb I�n a� o .c a� +� m o s� • o .,.� •� .� a� � v � I" � � � v a o .,� ° +� .c a� ao �► � �a � +► •r, v, +� � � b cr o �+-� cn N .� � a� +� zs tn o �+ cn � w a� a� � s� +� u� a� s� � � - I w a� a� s� s� o ua ++ ,� a, cn � o w � i o u-a +� �-+ n, �n � o ro � a� o o m •� o o �-+ � I o ro � a� o 0 �n vovtr �► � v� � +� �� u� � o � tr +� s� b •� v •� � ?� o � � ',o � � � -� v �� � �, a� � b w � +� � •� o � � � m � a� � � w �o .i.., � A N N � •rl .[ •�-1 O +� •rl O O � •• ?� � A � N �-+ ••-� � •rl Q � Sa � U N U U ?i A � � �4-�� � � N � � •� 'ty U � U U � E 4-1 cA O Cl, tT N N •�-I +� +.� � 4-I � � 4-I m O � b� N UJ •rl �-+ U� � .[ b� Sa •rl •.-i t7� �0 +� � N � •rl �-+ U� � .� b f-I �C •r1 d-� S-i +� �1-� � S-i ,� O U N N S-� Ri ••�i -N � � os� a� � � � cn � � � �+ cn � � .� i �u os� a� � a a� �n � � .� o � o � � � •� a� •� ro � a� �n ,� � ,� o � A a3o +� N •� � � •� �r� ros� s� �n z ca i ca Q3o +� N •� H v � � b • b � o � u� � •r1 U � b � � � +� o �n � � a s� o �s � •� ,� +� �1 3-i tT O N O NA � •� U �u '� � b� ?�A r-+ tn � E •rl +� I A � ttf N S-� �-+ � �-t � � O � � '� cn +� W N �-+ 't3 � •ri i-� = 3 rt1 � O U O N �C3 � +� C�-� •� 4-1 � � U�i N .� O � O 3-� • � 4-a •rl E � +� .-i O +� Ul � � � � � •r-I rd cn O •r1 4-i � U .� O � � rtJ +� o •�+ �n v a� •� o ,� u� �n tr+� a� a+� o a� °r-,' c�i � � � � a�i ,-+ � � ao o .� o 't3 tn w •.� .� U N N ,� +� rtS U a� s� 3 +� � � .� N o •�-I N +� � +� +� 4� E +� b� cIf U 4� !-i nd +� •r-I .� N � � � � .� +� •nU� � •rl � �I � �-I �I 'ty � V� � -rl O O 4-1 1�1 � N � � �� � �� O 4-i � E u�i � • +� •�-�I O O N � � +� �•�-�I O N �--� A � � N4a � � � � •rl •rl b� rti +� � � +� +� � f� ,� O U � N � tn tU � 'U b� m � E +� o � � A •�-1 N •�-1 �d � U •� U'►-i R! !y �-I c/� Z Ll Dear Members of the St. Paul Cit Council : As a friend of the College of S . Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would lik to register my objection to the specific proposals of the " orty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleqes universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the ve y significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educati n in this city make to the quality of life that we share n all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the propo als of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for t continued well-being and right to self-determination o this most valuable community resource: our private college . , Sincer ly, M��K L. AREND �� 1456 Summit Ave. St. Paul, MN 55105 Name Street Address & Zip Code �d Da e — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spouse, Fr 'end or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Pau City Council : As a friend of the college f St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to main�ai ing the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of e "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our col eges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize .th very significant positive contributions that the col ege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher edu ation in this city make to the quality of life that we s are in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the roposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support f r the continued well-being and right to self-determinati n of this most valuable community resource: our private col eges. Sincerely, Name Street Address & Zip Code Date � rJ Dear Members of h a frlen the St' Pa ois dof u �it the SAe al d°I le d h° ma Iege f S y cou�c�1 ; zoni Cifi� ges� lnta • t. Th .tn the ci�nges f�p�Sa S o�1 1 ke t�o q a 1 i�nd d� ind , I ur Y of St P ur �01 e e �,Fort reglst r dnd vita�laual contri You to � au1 . 9es� un vAcr� Stu my, °bjeC it�' o f 9'a�ltut o�S s thdt gt 12� t e �rSltieS d�d tse t. 1�vo1 o ve 1� f �f 1 e 1 v�r Si mina 1e nd rd f You to fr hat w �d �ati of S g�ificant r s r 19 ht to r m Your e J e c t the s dr� °� i r� this°mas a�d i t1�e resOUr�e. Self,dete Aport o rOAosa1S11 of ou1tY makether S • er °ur Pri�at��Iat on ohe �on�i the ;Foei9hborho the ely' C� le9as thls m st Va ell bei�re Stua ►, Ndm� 1 uab1 e C�m �d t y Ddte �. � Y � � �� Stree� ��,.�,5 Address & Zip �o�� `'° d +� ,- . . , who , � �n � � rocr �� ., � ,� � � . �� __ �°�r 1 c�i -� o�"� � �� � cn jz'� . he s .i ���n9 h th e I ur �o�� ge � .t�s� . �bu it q �gey °f 1 • °f -hlc �he C �h v `J���es��'�� th�ction °f nd af You Zfe t 9her Co1 e �ry ar�d at 1 to .zes ht o1rm yo�r eje�t �''e Sh at o�°f S g�.tf1Ca� sem�n ries e ��r�e� Se1f'de S�ppo �h� A r� 1n �n th �hOmas pOSi Si�� °ur pr ter,�1 rt fo °AoS� a11 o js Ci� ar�d o 1ve erel y� i�a�e r�a�i o the C S o� � o�r y mak e th�r c� �a1 °f °�t • he �► �e.f to Name 1 9'es. �h i s ,�o u e d w F o r ty h b o r ho t h e .-�, S� eI1, A�r odS. Da��/� �� ` :. _ �d 1 trabl ee�r�g a�tud�„� �^--- , c�m'�u�t � y Stre�� � A . +C.J Addres� & Z �--� A C cOde �s��,�� Ndme f J i � , Date l �� l_ ;,' f� +_j"�,! So`,_� ,�'r' t,r'���' Ad reSS Y �� & .f p code _ Dear Members of the S't. Paul City Council : As a friend of the Coll ge of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to msin aining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I wo ld like to register my objection to the specific proposals o the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our c lleges, universities and seminaries . ..;�.., .,f �t-. Paul . �-=�:_-= =� `�... __ i ���.�,_�a,� / Dear Members of th St. Paul Cit y Council : As a friend of the who is dedicated toC�llege of St. Thomas and our local colle �S maintaining the an individual the s g � I Would like to qeality and vitality of pecific propos lS of „ gister m zoning changes for the Forty-Acre Study �b�ection to in the Cit Ur Colleges, universities andtseminariese y of St. P ul . I urge you to reco contributions gn ze the very significant institutions ofhat t e college of St. Positive qualit highe education in this�cit and other y of life that e share Y make to the I urge you to reject ln all of and affirm he Pr�Posals of theur neighborhoods. right to selfur SuP�° t for the continued welltbeinre Study deterrnin tion of this " resource: most valuable community our private olleges. S e lY. ('� a �, Street Addr ss `�� Date & Zip Code � � \ 1 \ \ \ / \ � and a�_ � St --�� �i�/ right to ��_ � � reet resource: our pis�o�,� � Addr SP � ess Sincerely, ���'°7.�� & Z�A c -��' � No\ ode �� 1�h� � �L� Name Stree� � � � � � Date � �, nnaH� �- � H �� c� �r E � d v z � � � � o `� w � � � c�n � aG a c�n � � �, n n o � �i � ct rt n � N � N• � m � ctwwr• �• n � �.cimcoim � � � n rn m ct rr r•cD � � � a a �• � � �DOnoow�o �. � �. � mcu t�' . cn � c �+ � �� � � � n �' a n � � o � N ni,� oNOcno °, c�nro � � � °, ,,� � � � nmcD �' � � cnrno � afi �.�* �, . �r � a � ;* �°t o m �r m � c m m �' �• � o �, ., o m r�r � 'ts rtc��t� c+� roo � n (D � F-�• W C r r-� � O � � � h�i �' £ h{ �p � �, �"i fA � �. F~.. :t C� A� r+ � (D � � . C� O O � (D � N t-h � tn S], O rt O M C ct�4 ►�d � o oro � � � �' � c+- a �•� � m � nna � � cu � � � o ,� m o rr►°o m fi� C � m � �' �' � N rh � m F�• O � �-i tn ' 7��4 Cl� ►�'. � � � � � � 0 '�C ' � � �. :t 'C rt' C i-t ct � r• O tn A, I�• m � N � F,, � � N. p ct O fD H C� � � N r�t� ~ ct � � C �1 ri .R O � � O � O �' I�• fD �' (D � � � � � t1� � t"f t-h F�• H 1-h N � �. N t�A I,'' � � � � fD O N O C� FJ• (D N 1�. ►� .. � ` : n F'•� � N CA (�D �C � � ~ � � rt N � N � � � N a � � O � �C � p► � ri (D W 'L3 pi k� �+ � �p L7 1 ct 1�• � � O �, , � tr�c � a acn � = o c �• `� �D �• �v � m o fi a � �' �• � m �'�• �+ a �' o � n n cr � C m a cu a �• N � � �p O p � cD � rt n � C 1�• ct N• F'- ro � G � cnorr � r• �- rra � a �ra � nc � � w o � � � ;� �D �- o o � m � c* �+ m `� _ cnmo a � (Spo�us , Friend or Neighbor) - Dear Members of the S't. Paul City Council : As a friend of the colle e of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to main aining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I wo ld like to register my objection to the specific proposals o the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our c lleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognizie he very significant positive contributions that the c llege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher e ucation in this city make to the quality of life that we s are in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the roposals of the "Forty-Acre °' " and affirm your support f r the continued well-beinr right to self-determin�ti n of this most valuab� � resource: our private qol eges. Si ely, � �� / . a �,����� '� Date y�'Ja °� o t�a1�1y'�o,�, 1�e �y1' ar �y�eG'�1�'�le5 G�Jr a�'a a�'a ��' a'� '�a� � �a5 :y�,�. �y' �` '��e�y Gy 2r� �al y�e"���a�a,�,d 4aJ1 g'�' re �e°�y e 5 e5 e '�• o�. �' o �,�sy '�1 i� �s ,�e �,re � l.�e�ayt� X`�o�;ya e'� y � 4o a o'�Y',� o a�a�' o'� Go ayt' �1a e � `� Ga�, at' a,�e o,�`� g�c e�,Qe�S o� �,r�0 1 v�°o,� '� eqe5 �:y�.�o�y�,g eyqr.P��e a��y�c�. ea'� � e�'a �a� egeyo5a�� G�l i� � S��,r y o�•�C����eyr°��� /� 9 �,�ti ea�' oll 04 o v1• �e of. . r o'� e e11 1e i�l a a c 4'� o'� 4 a Y,e e ti 1 �,Y' � �.a� ��7 �5 ti5 a�; y� y �' �,• 1eg i°� al o�. �ea a a�' o� y4e G�rg of. 5 o�,�:y�e ea�,�a�e y 1G r,��oy� �Q�oae V" ��e yr� cy�c� ,�e a,� �e.� 5� �04 re ryy � ti:y4 Z�r �,re �'� ���y� � � e 4 '� f� � 5 � i�' ��� 0�5 0'� �,ra t � �� �' � y' � a'�e5 .�"��y'Q�'�y�'1�-'��e��44 �a�'ilea,e �'�� �'a Z �,t ,��. o�, ,,�0 5 .� �o ,�ee y�'S 1.yt� �°�y �o`��ae�c'y a e 5�c q`�a �ge f.:y�ye�'� 4� Z a a�" �,� o° ��'�o�Ge. �Le9 ,� .L�� e 5ti / 1��, �e� a �,e 9a � O �� � N � � O � O •� � ?+ ?i C� 'd b � � ?i O � � .� 'd � 'tl � ''d +� •.-I •�-I � +� O t!� � � i1, •r-I •.-i +� •�i � O rd E •rl � � U -NE v � O .� N E N •�-1 cd N cC N � ,� +� � � 2T O 'tS +� •�,� U� •�-1 � O U � U w � •� A +� +� O NA � •� •.-I y O T3 •r-i ,� ,� I N N u] s � tn '� ttf LT ?�A � tn � '� ?� ?i td O � E •rl +� I A N �d � E � C�, � � S-� � b S�-� 3-i ''� ro 3-i � N +� tn � � fs+ N � � 't3 o � ?� a� cn •� � c� •� � = 3 ro a .C� •• � +� +� +� td E U � � � ,--� •� �n N •�-I U O O N '� +� •� m .-� •� � tn •r-I � m � N +� N r1 U tti � b� U 3-� 4-� H •ri 4-1 +� � ul N z � o � � a � � • � ° w -� E � � o � ?+•�-I b�� ,--� O +� t!] �I U E-� N O � � •.-1 U� � � A O �' � S-� '�' tn •rl c� tl1 O rl ?i • +� O 4-I � U .� t7 +� +� v G� � � O � � t� +� � •�-I cn ts+aG = v� 3a O •rl tn • N U � •r1 N N N •rl O .� 4-i m .� 4-I •.-� r-i � rT � tT�4-► v �1-� O N � .-i O � .� N � � S-r � z� � •� '�D +� � N � U � S-� � N t� N rd � � .0 �--i � .� i2� O O � ► W tri a-.� � 4-I O .� O '� 4-� •�-�I � � N � O O U • U N N +.� O �� u� . � •� 3 � a� .� a-► c� v � +� �+ rt u� � � NN � 3 +� �+ � O U� O E r-i ,-i � N •� .� O •'-I N i.1, U ct1 O (� � +� +.� +� O, E a..r 'A N O � v1 tT cd U f1� � rd -- ,� N �+ u] O f� • O +� •rl ,� N � � � � +� � N G2, O +� U .� +� •n m -�-� •rl 4a � N N �-i w � �t � 4a N S-1 3-� 'C3 f.l� O W +� r-+ Cl, t1� W O W � 1 O � �-+ N O m •� O O �+-i s-t �� tp U O U tT � tA � +� �r� � `�'o S-� � •'-I U •rl � ?i O A N O ��l � � 'O 4-� t0 +� � •�-I O W � E � � A N N � •�-1 .� •�-I O +� •�-I O O S-� ?, E •rl 'ti rti U U U ?� � +� �•�-1 O N r+ �Q N 3-� U N A � �r 4a +� U N ` E 4-1 c1� O LL b� � •r1 +� +� v 4-� � 1-i •ri r-1 !A C CT �1 ••-i •�-1 CT �U a-► � N �..i c0 •.� +� S� +� �1-� ,—i 3-i .� O U N � v ro os� a� � � cn �v � btru� � � .N a� u� .a a .� � o � � � •.� v •� ' �a �s A a 3 0 +► •� H � -,� trH �s �, �, u� z ca .� � \ `� � O > u� � N 4a +� � N ?i ?� 'ti � O O •r1 • 'L� +� O � � 9i� Nm � •� U �U �•� -� � � Ou� � � a •� •� +� •� S-� O ctl E •rt 9 � U � E � NO .� � E N •� rtf N ta N 9 .� +� � � tT O 'ti +� •n,� m •� +� O U � U � us � ••� A +i +� O NA � •� •� � o �v -� x .� i a� a� �n � � �b `� n°,.art � �a A ro � � �a � � � � � � � � � �, NV�i •� � � � s� = 3 � � tlf -1� +► d-� t� E U � � � •rl t1� � •rI U O O 'd +� -� u� �•� s� �n •� .� �n a� +� V a� U tl� t� tT U la 4-I H •rl 4-I � U� N � E � NaN •� � � � •� E � � O � � � ?�•� b�+� � a..� � U] U E+ N O +� � •,-1 t!� � � � cn ,� +� �1 � W •�-1 (� O •�-I ?i • +� O W U � I +� .�., � w ► � o � � c� +� •� v� a+x = u� �► o •� �n a� . U � •r1 N N N •�-I O � 4-� tn 4-1 •rl � N b� y b�+� N A,+� O N I � O � � N N Rf i-� O D� � •rl '� � .-a N � U tU S-� S� � N � ,\ � t� N c� � � .0 •�-i � ,� A, O O •-+ G4 tT+� � W O +� O 'U U1 4-1 •r1 �-+ `� � . � .� 3 O U � N U � � -I-� b U � � a.J ri f� fA f-I '� N N �1 � 1�-I �". � cA O E H ,� � td •rl .� N O •rl � \ I U � O W � +� .0 �-► Q.� E -1-► � O � v� b� b'+ U i2� S-� ttl I .0 N +� v� O � • O +� -rI N � N � -N .� N Q.+ O +� U t� .� •n m +� •rl � v � -1� ''d tT O 4-� c!� N .� � N �-I w a� a� s� s� +� � s� s� � w \ I o w .� .-� a �n w o � i � o � r+ a� o ou� oows� � I m U O U b'+ +� � u� +� ?�� � � ''� •� U •� Q � O � N O I N � T3 W � +� � •rl O � � � � A N N � •rl � •.-1 O +� -rl O O N ?� I � 1�-i � U N U U ?i A � ?� �4-� � U N � � 4a � � N �.� b� f-I � � b�N +� � N � � td •rl +� � +� +� �-+ � � O U N v � O � v � � � cn � � rd � m �� E +� i N u� .� � .� O � O � � � •� N �+ �d �d Q �C'i S O � N •rl H U •rl C3�H t� �-1 �1 CI� Z Ca I Dear Members of the St. Paul Cit Council : As a friend of the College of St Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining he quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "F rty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College o St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share 'in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposa s of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the ontinued well-being and riQht to self-determination of t is most valuable community �••r nrivate colleges. Dear Member '° - �.����1 Cl.�r�_ .�51 / As S of the S . Paul Ci a friehd of tY Council : � who is dedicate the � °ur loc d toC� lege °f St. Tho�y � � S al colleges, I lntaining th�P� the peCific ould �ning cha qeSrOposals of �� 0 1 n the Ci t Y o f St r °ur r�elg'�`p P- , � F�ye�a �iaua of / � l��ouse� � Cou,��i.l� ar ird all�o�, t� e � �/ t rd v t1 v � Ci. � a a,na eC �pl � 1 a tY p� �- ,�'� i ' , , st• Y au s . 2r�Ual l te� mY ,o tra mlra� e5 � �Y'e of tY'e eg�s gt�dY �a se �empez5 0� �ne Cola�g a a il e t�Y, e��i�ie� a �eaz , end °£ ea �° Z W°Ul tY'e 's o �r�v � o5it1 Yee� e s a f z aealCa Zeqe o5als C011eg yca�'� ara �� t° t as• �. w'no y ocal C c pz°os °'�vl. siqny�1�°ma tY ma �pozb�St�,d� °�'e 5'�e�,�a qe� St' pa tr.e v e o� St t'nls �z ne t�1,A�ze a''a t�l t2ory�,e Cy t Y � eCOGS,R.y 2e CO l l a 1°�, a1Z o t'�e "ell"�,el �°m mv�'1 tr � tr au ir o� a w able lr e Y `�0 5 ��'ri� e we .�op al��' 1 os� a l� �l�� o n s os t v Z u�g i,�vti $ o� tY,at tre tne is m 5� �°��i.t`�t o� �l�re�e�port t. or °s tr ' v Coae y n ly t Y ou t° r s u�' my n a l l e 9 e h� Z i.P a u d i'i a a��yo�e1£,pz e�ate c Q G Aaazes 5 � a.p �t t o,�,Z (P s.�ee '�y� UZCe� res° �r�e.�e1Y � 1 , S � � �� t�am o -/� . ate � ,,: r s & Zip Code/�_ � Dear Members of the St. Paul City Coun�il As a friend of the College of St. Thom�s nd an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the qu�al ' ty and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to re'gi ter my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acr Study" that involve zon'-� �hanges for our colleges, univ�rs ' ties and seminaries in " ��- - Paul . I � ' -�� f cant positive co� -^� other in ' `° gl I a Dear �embers °f the r 7 hOals deha °f the St• Paul Clty �OUnci . our dicate °1I 1 . the peCi fiC l legeS° i dW �lning tth Thomas and ln nthe Ci t n9'eS f oz°,Sou$ f the 1"F tO regiSt Y and vi da�idual Y of St. r °Ile °rtY-Ac er mY ob • lity of I����b you to reCO Pdul . Jes, universities dana that involv lnstituttions that9'niZe the ve seminar1es e qualit 1p�S �f h • �h�' c lle rY si9nif • ariurge �'°u tofe that wee ucatlpnf St• Th maS AOSitive rid affirm reJe�t th hare ln 1� this cit a�d °ther reso t tO Seif ur SuAAorte ProPosalsjl °f �ur e make to the urCe: our determinat ' �r the conti the ��Fort ghborhoods, Sl erel�,� Prl�ate CO 1 ges• thlS mostd�iva'e n9 a audy„ _ ble community Name w � / f . �. �r ate , � �•/6 ��8 t�� �/ ,(��j Street � u, : g . � �SS//� Address & Z . contributions that the colleg� v ....� lp �ode institutions of higher education in this city man.. _ quality of life that we share i all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the propos ls of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for �he continued well-being and right to self-determination of his most valuable community resource: our private colleg�s. Sincerely, Name Street Address & Zip Code Date Dear Members of the t. Paul City Council : As a friend of the C lege of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to m intaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific propos�ls of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the C llege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher e ucation in this city make to the quality of life that wQ s are in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject th'e roposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support fo the continued well-being and right to self-determinatio of this most valuable community resource: our private colle es. Sincerely, l��ti�a � ?�� l�l-b ��� Na Str ress & Zip Code / `u� .S'"r""/o� Date — — — — — — — — — — — — — — �- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spouse, Frien or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul �Cit Council : As a friend of the college of 9t. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining , th quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would lik� t register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Fpr -Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, 'un'versities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very s.ig ificant positive contributions that the college of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in t is city make to the quality of life that we share in all our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of he "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the cont�,n ed well-being and right to self-determination of this mos valuable community resource: our private colleges. � Sincerely, ��'2t� � � � .e;�!�id.N�?'��1 Iu Name Street Address & Zip Code / Date Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the Co'11 ge of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to mai taining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I w uld like to register my objection to the specific proposals o the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our c lleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize he very significant positive contributions that the C llege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher e ucation in this city make to the quality of life that we hare in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the roposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support f r the continued well-being and right to self-determinati n of this most valuable community resource: our private col eges. Sincerely, �. .3.29 lU W�Ider 551D4 Nam Street Address & Zip Code �Ii�/�g Date — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spouse, riend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Pa 1 City Council : As a friend of the college f St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to main�ai ing the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of t e "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our coll ges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the ery significant positive contributions that the colle e of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educa ion in this city make to the quality of life that we shar in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the pro osals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for he continued well-being and right to self-determination f this most valuable community resource: our private colleg s. Si cerely, !�l �3�� /U G✓�1�,� �3�v y' m Street Ac�dress & Zip Code _ �l//7/Fs� Date T Dear Members of the St Paul City Council : As a friend of the Col ege of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to ma 'ntaining the quality and vitality of our lbcal colleges, I ould like to register my objection to the specific proposals f the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our olleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul I urge you to recogni�e the very significant positive contributions that the ollege of St. Thomas and other institutions of highe� e ucation in this city make to the quality of life that we hare in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject �he proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support or the continued well-being and right to self-determinat on of this most valuable community resource: our private co leges. S rely, _--� /�a 9' L�. 5"g/o s� me Street Address & Zip Code � -/d Pd' Dat — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spouse, riend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Pa 1 City Council : As a friend of the college f St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to main�ai ing the quality and vitality of our local colleges, ` I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of t e "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our co11 ges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the ery significant positive contributions that the col,le e of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educa ion in this city make to the quality of life that we shar in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the pYo osals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for t e continued well-being and right to self-determination o this most valuable community resource: our private college . Sincerely, . u /h�0�' Ose�.�� �, �s%a6 ame Street Address & Zip Code g�tg g� Date Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the Coll ge of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to mai taining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I w uld like to register my objection to — _ =���np�i_fic proposals f the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve (S ouse F ='°�°�= universities and seminaries --P____� iend or Nei�or j — -- — _ _ _ _ Dear Members of the St. Paul Cit y Council : As a friend of the college o St. Thomas and an indiv' who is dedicated to maintain n . ' our local colle es g the quality and vitalityaof the specific g ' I WOUld ike to register my objection to zoning changesrforsour co11e eSFort y-Acre Study'� that involve in the City of St. Paul . � universities and seminaries I urge you to recognize the v r contributions that the co11e y Significant positive institutions of higher educat onfintthis�cit and other ' � quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoode I urge you to reject the and affirm Prop sals of the "Fort S' your support for t e continued well-beingeandudy" right to self-determination o resource, this most valuable community • our private college . Sincerely, � �;�-�� �.� \ J . � Hame c- �'� �e-�.- .� �,.y� ` > . .}�7`t:' ,':ar�-- ->�5�/6. i �'' - ` -7 _. � -� Street Address & Zip Code Date �. Ut y.. j �n and affirm your �urr - right to self-determina ion o� �.._ y resource: our private c lleges. _ Sincerely, � ,��.s� .� ��� � S-s/os Name Street Address & Zip Code �� i 7 /��' Date ' , Dear Members of the St. P ul City Council : As a friend of the Colle e of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to mai aining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I w uld like to register my objection to the specific proposals f the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Pau . I urge you to recogni e the very significant positive contributions that t e College of St. Thomas and other institutions of high r education in this city make to the quality of life tha we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to rejec the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your sup ort for the continued well-being and right to self-dete mination of this most valuable community resource: our priv te colleges. Sincerely, � � �Nti� �d � z� 1��� � ���� ����� N}me Street Address & Zip Code . �//G� �f� Date �� a � �. _:, _ _ _ _ __ _ �es--��Zo���r. �� o�r�y ah�.1�j` <1es� s � s�e� ���FoZ.,e�g�e �e't- v eI ���.Y. bor ° t d1�a� ee�hcre S se 9 � S�re � c���i h�' ���'' . et �;` t,l� 1�o �\ AQ'q�l.,e ��_ �r\ � SS � `�, \� • 2.tp �'�� co��e S`���\ '� Dear Members of the St. Paul Ci y Council : As a friend of the College of t. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintainin the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would li e to register my objection to the specific proposals of the ' Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our college , universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the ve y significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educati n in this city make to the quality of life that we share 'n all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the propo als of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for th continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, 171i c>��i�t Y�;"�CG�.c f �358 �t-. C1Q.cy- l4-r� ���-+.�.c0 SSioS Name Street Address & Zip Code ��f�.�g'� Date � i nd or Nei -° """-� - �. Dear Members of the St. Paul ity Council : As a friend of the College ;of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to mainta�ni g the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I woul� 1 'ke to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleg s, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the ery significant positive contributions that the Colle e of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educa ion in this city make to the quality of life that we shar in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the pro osals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for he continued well-being and right to self-determination f this most valuable community resource: our private colleg s. Sincerely, �J� � ����'� Na e����✓�$, Street Address & Zi Code Date — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spouse, Fr 'end or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the colleg� of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintai ing the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of t e "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our coll ges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the coll ge of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educ tion in this city make to the quality of life that we sha e in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the pr posals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colle es. Sincerely, Name Street Address & Zip Code Date Dear Members of the St. Pa 1 City Council : As a friend of the Coll�ge of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to mainta' ning the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I woul like to register my objection to the specific proposals of he "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our col eges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize th very significant positive contributions that the Col ege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher edu ation in this city make to the quality of life that we sh re in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject th� p oposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support fo the continued well-being and right to self-determina�io of this most valuable community resource: our private coll ges. Sincerely, ����� � 1 � ��, .�.�� Name Street A dress & Zip Code Date g� � � , Ylc..�, - S Si/� — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spouse, riend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Pa 1 City Council : As a friend of the college of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I woul like to register my objection to the specific proposals of e "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our coll ges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the coll ge of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educ tion in this city make to the quality of life that we sha e in all of our neighborhoods. • I urge you to reject the pr posals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support �or the continued well-being and right to self-determinatkon of this most valuable community resource: our private co],le es. Sin erely, ��� � j���3 �i� Na e Street Ad r ss & Zip Co e Da G�/ ,� �S/ /� � � v\ _ . w � - _.. _ � � (�pouse; Friend or Nei�hbor) Dear Members of the St. P ul City Council : As a friend of the colleg of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maint ining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I wo ld like to register my objection to the specific proposals o the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our c lleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize he very significant positive contributions that the c llege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher e ucation in this city make to the quality of life that we hare in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support or the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private c lleges. Sinc rely, - �g � ����5 ���. ss�a� a reet Address & Zip Code Da e , Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College o St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maint�in'ng the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would ike to register my objection to the specific proposals of th "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colle es, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the ery significant positive contributions that the Colle e of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educ tion in this city make to the quality of life that we sha e in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you �o reject the pr posals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our privat - le es. �n er ly, 6 Na Street Address & Zip Code .— .�- St. Paul� Minnesota 55116 D Dear Members of the St. P ul City Council : As a friend of the Colleg of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to main aining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I wo ld like to register my objection to the specific proposals o the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our olleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul I urge you to recogniz the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that e share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject he proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your suppo t for the continued well-being and right to self-determi ation of this most valuable community resource: our privat colleges. � S ' ly �,�jO� � Q p � ✓� 1�r 6 � �"� L:�-f- ���e 3�sios Na � � � � � Street Address & Zip Code Date Dear Member S °f the t. Paul Cit As a friend of the y �OUhcil : who is dedic � lle the local collegeS� aintainlnq tthehOmas and an indiv' Zoni Specific propo�al W�uld like to re ality and vitalldual in the Cit�geS for ou colleee ��Forty-AcretSt my��°b�ectionof Y of gt. pa 1 . 9 s, universitiesdy that lve I invo and seminaries contri you to recogni e the institbutions that qualitutions of higher �ollegerofssgnlficant positive I urge you life that W es ucation in thiS°mas and other and affirm to re�ect t e hare in all of City make to the right to Self ur SuAAor Proposals of the ur neighborhoods, resource; determina for the continued Forty-Acre Stud �� °ur Private c lle �f this most Well-being and y i erely�� � 9es. �aluable commun ' lty Na Da e � � Q 7`S i/P Street Addre� � SS/p & ZiP Code who is de�s����. ._ our local colleges,'��t"w�ur�- _ ._ _ the specific proposals of th "Forty-�,��_- _, zoning changes for our colle es, universities ana 5c.,�_.- — _ _ _ in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the ery significant positive contributions that the Colle e of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educa ion in this city make to the quality of life that we shar in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the pro osals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for he continued well-being and right to self-determination f this most valuable community resource: our private colleg s. Si e ely, ��'�r j � �'���P 1��� �-�o� N� p � Street Ad ress & Zip Code Dat — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spouse, Fr end or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the college o St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintain ng the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would ike to register my objection to the specific proposals of th "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colle es, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the ery significant positive contributions that the colle e of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educa ion in this city make to the quality of life that we shar in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the pro osals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for he continued well-being and right to self-determination f this most valuable community resource: our private colleg s. Sincerely, � ���� ��• ����� Name��/9��� Street Add ess & Zip Code Date�� � Dear Members of the St. Paul City ouncil : As a friend of the College of St. homas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining th quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like t register my objection to the specific proposals of the "For y-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, u iversities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very si nificant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals f the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the con inued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, �- �• �` __ /� .�c . /937 ' G....� sr<�� Name � treet ddress & Zip Code � Date — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul City C uncil : As a friend of the college of St. T omas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Fort -Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, un versities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very si nificant positive contributions that the college of S . Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in al of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals f the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the con inued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, Name treet Address & Zip Code Date Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the Coll ge of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to mai taining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I w uld like to register my objection to the specific proposal� o the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our c lleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recogni2e t e very significant positive contributions that the Co lege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher ed cation in this city make to the quality of life that we sh re in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the p oposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support fo the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colle es. Si rely, ' �a � ��u� am / ��, Street Addres & Zip Cod%��/� c .J Date — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spouse, Frie d or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul Ci y Council : As a friend of the college of S . Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "F rty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very _ ignificant positive contributions that the college of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education i this city make to the quality of life that we share in a 1 of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the con inued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. er e 1 y, /� ri j n �v � c- G�� ti��� � �� �t� / � Name J St eet dress & Zip Code �Ss'7iC � Da Dear Members f the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicat d to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colle es, I would like to register my objection to the specific pr posals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes or our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of t. Paul . I urge you to re ognize the very significant positive contributions th t the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of h'gher education in this city make to the quality of life t at we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to rej ct the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your su port for the continued well-being and right to self-dete mination of this most valuable community resource: our priv te colleges. Since�ely, C., ,� �� l�/J/7 ���2 'd!%� Name � Street Address & Zip Code l-�1 6 Date — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (S ou e, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the coll ge of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I wo ld like to register my objection to the specific proposals o the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our c lleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize t e very significant positive contributions that the col ege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher edu ation in this city make to the quality of life that we sh re in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the pr posals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleg s. Sincerely, ��y� �G�� .�9-i��� a e Street Address & Zip Code Date ��� Dear Members of the St. Paul Cit Council : As a friend of the College of S . Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would lik to register my objection to the specific proposals of the " orty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the ve significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educati n in this city make to the quality of life that we share n all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the propo als of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for th continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private college . Sincerely, . � 0� /J' C.,,, l� I O i�+�-f/ Name� `� g� Street Address & Zip Code � �- '�'' Date �S��`� Dear Members of the St. P ul City Council : As a friend of the Colleg of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maint ining the guality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize th very significant positive contributions that the Col ege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher edu ation in this city make to the quality of life that we sh re in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the p oposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support fo the continued well-being and right to self-determinatio of this most valuable community resource: our private coll ges. Sincerely, xevinLey , 19401glehmt Avenue, #32 St. Paul, Ml�55104 Name Street Address & Zip Code �f /8� �� Date _ - - - s�� - T.�. � _ _ -...g�.....�.__._. _ � (Spo se, ien or Neighbo� � T Dear Members of the St. aul City Council : As a friend of the colle e of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to main aining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I wo ld like to register my objection to the specific proposals o the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our c lleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize he very significant positive contributions that the c llege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher e ucation in this city make to the quality of life that we hare in all of our neighborhoods. I urge• you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support or the continued well-being and right to self-determinat on of this most valuable community resource: our private co leges. s incere 1 y, � z 6 ; �.,"`�`�"���--.�. ��.� Gy� 3�� � ' — f / /�j�..�, 2. 1�u � -;Z`.' � ��..�� �1z� :2� ��:y � �� 1 , Name Street Address & Zip Code �� ' - �' /Y�P Date:" Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the college of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining he quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "F rty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the colleg� o St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share i all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the propos ls of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of his most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, o � /�6� ���� �5/0 � Name Street Address & Zip Code �/ 9- � ,� Date Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College o St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintain ng the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would ike to register my objection to the specific proposals of th "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colle es, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the ery significant positive contributions that the ColYe e of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educa ion in this city make to the quality of life that we shar in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the pro osals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for he continued well-being and right to self-determination f this most valuable community resource: our private colleg s. Sincerely, a�o-�� ��, �'-� � �7�� � ' �`� � -�;�ia� Name �Q,�`4�� Street Address & Zip Code . � Date — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spouse, F iend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the college f St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintai ing the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of t e "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our coll ges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the coll ge of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educ tion in this city make to the quality of life that we sha e in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the pr posals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colle es. Sincerely, a'�o-u.� �� aC�'-���'' ' �,,� �� 7.� .���c�.e,� ���5�/� � Name . � � � o�� Street Address & Zip Code �� � Date Dear Members of th St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific prop sals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes fo our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to rec gnize the very significant positive contributions tha the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of h'gher education in this city make to the quality of life t at we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to rej ct the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your s pport for the continued well-being and right to self-det rmination of this most valuable community resource: our pri ate colleges. Sincerely, , 1307 �itra �'tva�e� �y=�,,,.G �ln/ Name Street Add ss & Zip Code gr 2 �•- �R ST—/Dy v Date — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of t e St. Paul City Council : As a friend of th college of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated o maintaining the quality and vitality of our local college , I would like to register my objection to the specific prop sals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes fo our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St Paul . I urge you to rec gnize the very significant positive contributions tha the college of St. Thomas and other institutions of h'gher education in this city make to the quality of life t at we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to rej ct the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your s pport for the continued well-being and right to self-det rmination of this most valuable community resource: our pri ate colleges. S ' erely, _ � /��� � N me Street Add ss & Zip Code D a t e �C���G2��- " J����"�`� ����� Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College o St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintain ng the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would ike to register my objection to the specific proposals of th "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colle es, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the ery significant positive contributions that the Colle e of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educa ion in this city make to the quality of life that we shar in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the pro osals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for he continued well-being and right to self-determination f this most valuable community resource: our private colleg s. Sincerely, �� Y�. VL t S �,�,•/ �!�?l �nS�4 1 L 'ss��(� Name � �— �treet A ress & ip Code Date — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (S ouse Fr end or Nei hbor) (Spo�se Frien or eig or Dear Members of the St. aul City Council : As a friend of the colle e of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to main aining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I wo ld like to register my objection to the specific proposals o the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our c lleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize he very significant positive contributions that the c llege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher e ucation in this city make to the quality of life that we hare in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support or the continued well-being and right to self-determinat on of this most valuable community resource: our private co leges. Sincerely, ��,g�pWOK Nrad, � � �'�� �9�.MW 5 l0a ame Street Address & Zip Code �'oZ(-�S Date (Spouse, Frien or eig or) Dear Members of the St. Paul Ci y Council : As a friend of the college of S . Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining he quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "F rty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the college of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education 'n this city make to the quality of life that we share in 11 of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposal of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the c ntinued well-being and right to self-determination of th' s most valuable community resource: our private colleges. S incere 1 y, ��,�,�oK N�e�d� � � � ��� �4�.MN 5 10a ame Street Address & Zip Code �'-ar—�s Date Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the Coll ge of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to �ai taining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I w uld like to register my objection to the specific proposals f the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our olleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. P8u1 . I urge you to recogniz the very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that w share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject t e proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your suppor for the continued well-being and right to self-determin tion of this most valuable community resource: our private olleges. Sincerely, MARK A. AREND '� � ' 1449 W. Arlington �-�' � St. Paul� MN 55108 Name Street Address & Zip Code �s �1 � Date Dear Members of the St. Paul City C uncil : As a friend of the College of St. T omas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining t�e quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Fort -Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, un'versities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very si nificant positive contributions that the College of S . Thomas and other institutions of higher education in his city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposal5 o the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the cOnt'nued well-being and right to self-determination of this ost valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincere , � /6 �� 1�•��o.e-� �-e �'�—,�G Name pG S reet Address & Zip Code �-�7-0 0 Date � Dear Members of the St. Pa 1 City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to mainta ning the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I woul like to register my objection to the specific proposals of he "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our col eges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize th very significant positive contributions that the College of St. Thomas and other in�titutions of higher ed cation in this city make to the qua,lity of life that we s are in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the roposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support f r the continued well-being and right to self-determinati n of this most valuable community resource: our private col eges. Sincerely, /; '' ^ , �� �� �,� `1 �' ����'�.�. � �`'D � � ���� �� ��%C�f./G ame Street Address & Zip Code �/is�= � Date� — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. P ul City Council : As a friend of the colleg of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maint ining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our c lleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Pau1 . I urge you to recognize he very significant positive contributions that the c llege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher e ucation in this city make to the quality of life that we hare in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support or the continued well-being and right to self-determinat on of this most valuable community resource: our private co leges. Sincerely, � �` 1 � � ��U L��1 �' �� �,. ����.�.�.5%� � , � am� �/�. , � Street Address & Zip Code Date/ �— Dear Members of the St. Paul Cit Council : As a friend of the College of St Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining he quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "F rty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the v�ry significant positive contributions that the Co11egQ o St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposa s of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the ontinued well-being and right to self-determination of t is most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, /7�� �k����,��ST ��� �'s�i�� Name��7 /��i Street Address & Zip Code Date L � cS r /��'f' lJ�./ /lif / N�i/ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spouse, Frien or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul Ci y Council : As a friend of the college of S . Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would 1ik to register my objection to the specific proposals of the " orty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the ver significant positive contributions that the college f St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educatio in this city make to the quality of life that we share i all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for th continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sinc ely, '�-`j I y J'G /Y/L G. cRFs� ��� J'�.�/l� Name Street Address & Zip Code �/ ���� Date Dear Members of the St. Paul Cit Council : As a friend of the College of St Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining he quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "F rty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the College o St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposa s of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the ontinued well-being and right to self-determination of t is most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, V `,�� e�J� c�r s �� / 1 (O �/W YL��/�71 `�KJ � Name --r Street Address & Zip Code Y�"V7'L� Date Dear Members of the St. Paul City ouncil : As a friend of the College of St. homas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining th quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like t register my objection to the specific proposals of the "For y-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, u iversities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very s 'gnificant positive contributions that the College of t. Thomas and other institutions of higher education i this city make to the quality of life that we share in a 1 of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the co tinued well-being and right to self-determination of thi most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, - � -v���� ' '-�-�.-� 5S l � �..t.�-�� -�` f����'�� SS/0� Name Stree ddress & Zip Code � - �7 - � 5' Date — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spouse, Friend Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Paul City ouncil : As a friend of the college of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining t e quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like o register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Fo ty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, niversities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very ignificant positive contributions that the college of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher education 'n this city make to the quality of life that we share in 11 of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposal of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the c ntinued well-being and right to self-determination of th' s most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, - , �=�t�L c� , v—%�!�-��- e � ' �� , , ��� _ ��"���2CL� ��N! Name Street ress & Zip Code � � � - 7 _j�� '' �J /C`S i Date Dear Members of the St. Pau City Council : As a friend of the College St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintain'ng the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would ike to register my objection to the specific proposals of th "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colle es, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the v ey significant positive contributions that the Colleg of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educati n in this city make to the quality of life that we share 'n all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the propo als of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for th continued well-being and right to self-determination of his most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, I� � �'. � � �-�2� ti'Fs,�' 7c� �%v� wo�c;! �� S�j�J� Name� I � L Street Address & Zip Code d Date � � � � � � � � � � � � �_��Ll_� � � �. � � � � � � Dear Members of the St. Pau City Council : As a friend of the College f St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintai ing the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of t e "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our coll ges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant positive contributions that the Coll ge of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educ tion in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the pr posals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support fo the continued well-being and right to self-determinatio of this most valuable community resource: our private coil ges. Sincerely, . �� �2�, � �3 ��" � �'� _ / Nam� Street Adc7ress & Zi Code p .�� �/f� . g Date � - - - - -�C! — � — - - - - - - - - (Spouse, riend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Pa 1 City Council : As a friend of the college of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to mainta ' ning the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I woul like to register my objection to the specific proposals of he "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our col eges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize th very significant positive contributions that the col ege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher edu ation in this city make to the quality of life that we sh re in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the p oposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support fo the continued well-being and right to self-determinatio of this most valuable community resource: our private coll ges. Sincerely, e�a���l ��Ct�2d- lD�l���,�.���G�, �IDa Nam(e Q Street A ess & Zip Code 11j'--��p-O ° . Date Dear Members of the St. Pau City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to mainta ning the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I woul like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our co leges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize he very significant positive contributions that the ollege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher ducation in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject t e proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your suppor for the continued well-being and right to self-determi tion of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. Sincerely, . - . d. _ � ��l �,c��e a� �-{ S�?�� Nam ��� Street Address & Zip Code �� Date Dear Members of the St. Paul City C uncil : As a friend of the College of St. T omas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "FOrt -Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very s 'gnificant positive contributions that the College of t. Thomas and other institutions of higher education i this city make to the quality of life that we share in a 1 of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the co tinued well-being and right tc self-determination of thi most valuable community resourc �r private colleges. � � � �' 'Z J tr�Qf � � � , dedr � ` � w S a e�be.t- rSAo � ` ho .� S �s � �her .loc o��o' o� �� th e� `�r1e� '�vidual 1���i1 SAe a1 ��d t �h s� \�'o� `�� of h ng �Z�, oI e�, e ' Aa �r � � -, th c 1� 1e � o u1 Ne� o �rg e cZ��' ges r po �o dZ��e o c��y c Z hb°r�� � �i e o � S a � o � 1 jj t.r • ,1, F o.r �,j o0�1�lj�� S�. urj�Z � \ gu�1����t1oZ°�is� re s�. A�ur ° 1 the Zke �he hOma �; \ � � a�� .r�9e 'Y o,��s �h cog 1 .1 eg �'F �o q� s � r�9h a�.�yOv 11.�'� h � t Z�e es� �rt.Y.eg1���,Y� d \ es°�r �° s,� .yo re �h�gh re co e v �n1 v r�re ter ah� v h�� . I S�r�� c e� 0 1.� �r S ee�� we �'c�'� I ege r.Y s s 1 t1 s�u��' o �td v��' erel u.l. o'e�e pAo �he $ha atlo o� Zgh , es � bje�.t t�ad �, .Y, Ar�v r,�� rt �r e n st, ��1 �� ha� �10 �z� d � �, a�e �o��°� h a1 s 11 �h�sh m s� po . se���r •°I��. e c o oF � . S 1 e a�e � ��H 1e$es �hZs���h �he �r� a� o� �e eS c�� ,�o ue�, Fo e1 g ''�e �er s� �a�e���y �bor�o �he �db ee�ng e S�S. �o��,��, �t�y,� Stree� ' �h1�y A��,r '�G s �S ¢ 21 � ` - �9co �"`� �e � �v�r ," , . . . . � ., . . •�;.. . . • .�. �=. . �. - � .. .•� . . ��'�• . 1 Dear Members of the t. Paul City Council : As a friend of the C llege of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to aintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, would like to register my objection to the specific proposa s of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve . zoning changes for o r colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. P ul . I urge you to recogn' ze the very significant positive contributions that t e College of St. Thomas and other institutions of high r education in this city make to the quality of life that we share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your supp rt for the continued well-being and right to self-determ'nation of this most valuable community resource: our privat colleges. S ' c ly, �. w. 1$�3 6 (3'c� �d-�- '�t a;�" Name Street Address & Zip Code $- !6-�S! Date — — — — — — — — — -- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (5 o se, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the S . Paul City Council : As a friend of the co lege of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to m intaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposal of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for ou colleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Pa 1 . I urge you to recogni e the very significant positive contributions that th college of St. Thomas and other institutions of highe education in this city make to the quality of life that e share in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject he proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your suppo t for the continued well-being and right to self-determi ation of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges. S ncerely, ��Qn �. �w !�?3 6 3c�9''c,rsdn��SS/dS' Name Street Address & Zip Code - ___V �/6r(I� Date ar Members of the St. Paul City Council : s a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual ho is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of �ur local colleges, I would like to register m objection to �he specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Stud " that involve aoning changes for our colleges, universities nd seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the very significant ositive contributions that the College of St. Thom�s and other institutions of higher education in this cit make to the quality of life that we share in all of our eighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the " orty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued w 11-being and right to self-determination of this most v uable community resource: our private colleges. Si cerely, � • ��T/L�- Na Stree Address Zip Code Date ��`D� Dear Members of the St. Paul Cit Council : As a friend of the College of S . Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintaining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would lik to register my objection to the specific proposals of the " orty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our colleges universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize the ver significant positive contributions that the College f St. Thomas and other _ _�� ���her educa�io in this city make to the — — — — — — ,� � of our neighborhoods. �S ° Se, Friend or — " 'r' ��tudy" --__ Nei_ 'q�or — _ Dear Members of the S � • Paul City Council : As a friend of the who is dedicated toC� lege of �St. our local colle m intainin Thomas and an individual the s ges, I would g the quality and vitality of pecific proposals like to register m zoning changes for °f the Fort y °bJection to in the Cit our collegeS, universitiesdy" that involve Y of St. Paul . and seminaries I urge you to reco contributions gnlz the very significant institutions that the colle e of hi 9 of St. Positive qualit 9her education in Thomas and other Y of life that W this cit I urge you to share in all of our y make to the and affirm re�eCt t e ProPosals of the �� neighborhoods. right to Self ur SUpp°r for the continued welltbeinre Stud determin tion of y�� resource: our private this most valuable community olleges. Sin�erely, Dear Members of the S • Paul City Council : As a friend of the Co lege of St. Thomas and who is dedicated to m intainin the an individual our local colleges, I would like to qeaisteramd vitality of the specific proposal of the "Fort g y °bJection to zoning changes for ou colle es y-Acre Stud '� in the City of St. pa 1 , g � universities andtseminariese I urge you to recogni e the ver contributions that th Y significant positive institutions of hi he College of St. Thomas and other quality of life that eesharelin alltofsourtnei h I ur e Y make to the 9 you to reject he proposals of the "Fortg bOrhoods. and affirm your suppo t for the continued well-beinre Study" right to self-determi ation of this most valuable commu ' resource: our 9 and private colleges. nity Since ely, C � Name ��� — ` �� Stre�t A dres L� Date s & Zip Code ___ `�-�--��� -� - - _ Dear Members of the St Paul City Council : As a friend of the Cvll ge of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to mai taining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I w uld like to register my objection to the specific proposals f the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our olleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . , I urge you to recognize he very significant positive contributions that the C llege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher e ucation in this city make to the quality of life that we hare in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the roposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support f r the continued well-being and right to self-determinati n of this most valuable community resource: our private col eges. Sinc ely, . � ���� ' am �� reet dress & Zip Code Date �� — — — — — — — — — — — — -- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spouse, F iend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. Pau City Council : As a friend of the colleg� o St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maintdin 'ng the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I woul�,d ike to register my objection to the specific proposals of th "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our co11e es, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize th� v ey significant positive contributions that the colleg of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educ`at on in this city make to the quality of life that we shaXe in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the prppo als of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for th continued well-being and right to self-determination of this most valuable community resource: our private colleges Si�erely, a e , �tre� Add���&ZiJI C de i P Date Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College f St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to main�ai ing the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I would like to register my objection to the specific proposals of t e "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our call ges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize t�e very significant positive contributions that the Co�ll ge of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher educ tion in this city make to the quality of life that we s�a e in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the pr posals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support for the continued well-being and right to self-determinatipn f this most valuable community resource: our private colleg s. Sincerely, .Sl��t � I�ir�sf �� 3 Y ��ZiZ v �� s� j�-�e Y Name � // � � �� Street Address & Zip Code 1 Date '�".. � _.___ —�--LV'�1 L1fJUL��-,• —T iZ'�' . ..+���''''''e'^"''r� Dear Members of the St. Paul C' ty Council: . college of t. Thomas andand �ia lityaof � a friend of the the quality ob�ection to �edicated to maintainin e to register mY ,� legeS� I would 1 �� p,cre Study" that involve -�sals of the Forty- seminaries -- colle9 S. universities and --f icant pos itive -�s and other 4tie to the Dear �^�ods• Member ���� S of ho a fr r� �he S w ie t. the 1°�a 1 d�a ed he co1 l e Pa u1 c1 ty Coun . 2oni Specifi°�1eqeS° main e of St C�1 � 1� �he Clty geS for Sa s of Id 1 ke the qua S• a�d a o�t ge You of S�� P u1 C� 1eg SI�O tY A�1St r dnd ��1 ldual qal tutlon ns that gni2� t ' u�1V er iti�s dy � t at �l n t nd r9e You l.tf� t 19h�r � �1 e9e ro s15r�i f • a�d S�mina l�eS e r19ht ff1rm yo re�ct w� hd tiO� 1 St' Tho ant Aos . r�sOUrce: Se1f de SupAort e Ar po ir� ai 1 this Ci� a�d lo��e S � �ur pr �ermi�a fOr th Sa1s of�f �ur y mdke her in��r�1y, iVate c 11� S �hlS �lnued we rt�'hAo hOOds, Ndm . most �a1 a1�-be 1c g d �udy,� Date �mmunity _ _ � 537 � ioniny -- Sr e�t AddresS `"�2 (�p � n n the City o� _ �c� � 2ip c `� .. °de I urge you to recognize t � � __ / S 5��� contributions that the Co lege of �,,, institutions of higher ed cation in this ��_ quality of life that w� s are in all of our neighboLaa.._ I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study-� and affirm your support or the continued well-being and right to self-determinat'on of this most valuable community resource: our private co leges. Sincer ly, 1 �_ - � � .� � - .� � ��-� � ��� �.� � � �s ��� Name Street Address & Zip Code Xl/��� k � Date Dear Members of the St. Paul City Council : As a friend of the College of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to mainta'ning the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I woul like to register my objection to the specific proposals of he "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our col eges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paul . I urge you to recognize th very significant positive contributions that the Col ege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher edu ation in this city make to the quality of life that we sh re in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the p oposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support fo the continued well-being and right to self-determinatio of this most valuable community resource: our private coll ges. Sinc e y, � �v .,� ' � ��;� ,�r: z���;.�� � �-�r,� N e � Street Address & Zip Code / �� 2.� - a� Date — — — — — — — — — — — -- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (Spouse, Friend or Neighbor) Dear Members of the St. P ul City Council : As a friend of the colleg of St. Thomas and an individual who is dedicated to maint ining the quality and vitality of our local colleges, I wou d like to register my objection to the specific proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" that involve zoning changes for our c lleges, universities and seminaries in the City of St. Paui . I urge you to recognize he very siqnificant positive contributions that the c llege of St. Thomas and other institutions of higher e ucation in this city make to the quality of life that we hare in all of our neighborhoods. I urge you to reject the proposals of the "Forty-Acre Study" and affirm your support or the continued well-being and right to self-determinat on of this most valuable community resource: our private co leges. Sin rely, ' �/ d ' e� t e Addr & Z i Coder Date �/ �� �S/i�