89-306 . �
_ _ 5�p
City of St.Paul COLJN L FILE N0.- ��
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$y -.G... .
voci�ng ���g I
In the matter lof condemning and taking permanent easements for utility
purposes , sub��ct to easements of record and existing structures , under
and across the Northwest Quarter of Section 19 , Township 29 N , Range 22
, W, and the Norltheast Quarter of Section 24 , Township 29 N , Range 23 W,
Ramsey County , IMinnesota , described as follows :
A permane�t easement 20 feet in width over part of Soo
Line Plat No. 2 and Gurney Street as platted and vacated
in said S�ction 19. The center line of the easement is
described �s follows :
Beginning It a point on the East line of Sylvan Street , as
platted a�id vacated , 3 . 00 feet south of the Easterly
extensionlof the centerline of West Nevada Avenue , as ,
platted a�d vacated ; thence easterly parallel with and
3 . 00 feep south of said easterly extension of the
centerline� of West Nevada Avenue to the East line of Lot A
, of Soo Lilne Plat No . 2 and there terminating . The
sideline� of said easement are to be lengthened or
..�„ shortened 'Ito terminate on the easterly line of said Soo
Line Plat INo. 2.
° Also a pe�manent easement 20 feet in width over part of
said Sectlion 19 . The centerline of the easement is
described ias follows :
Beginning at a point on the East line of Sylvan Street ,
as platte and vacated , 3. 00 feet south of the Easterly
extension of the centerline of West Nevada Avenue , as
platted a d vacated ; thence westerly and parallel with
said east�rly extension of the centerline of West Nevada
Avenue a istance of 70. 00 feet and there terminating.
Also , a p�rmanent easement 20 feet in width over part of
said Sec � ion 19 . The centerline of the easement is
describedias follows :
Beginninglat a point on the centerline of West Nebraska
Avenue , a platted and vacated , distant 70 feet easterly
of the ce terline of Rice Street ; thence south on a line
70 feet e st of and parallel to centerline of Rice Street
to a poin 20 feet north of the centerline of West Nevada
Avenue , a platted and vacated; thence west on a line 20
feet nort of and parallel to the centerline of said West
Nevada Av nue to the East right—of—way line of Rice Street
and therelterminating.
Also , a p�ermanent easement 20 feet in width over part of
Blocks 10' and 11 , Rice Street Villas. The centerline of
the easem�nt is described as follows :
Beginnin� at a point on the south right—of—way line of
WeSt HCJtI l�V2illl� � ai5t3i.� v i�Ct �:'GSteri� t�f t11Q e::tended
- centerlin of vacated Woodbridge Street ; thence south on a
. line 8 f�et west of and parallel to the centertine of
vacated t�oodbridge Street to the northerly right—of—way
line of I�oodbridge Street cul—de—sac. The sidelines of
said easlement are to be lengthened or shortened to
terminate on the northerly right—of—way line of Woodbridge
Street cull—de—sac.
Also , tempor�ry construction easements as shown on the map on file in
the Valuatia�n and Assessments Division , Department of Finance and
Management Se,rvices . Said temporary easements to expire on December 31 ,
�•� 1989 , or upon,l completion of the pro�ect , whichever occurs first.
These easeme�ts are in conjunction with the Albemarle/Nebraska Sewer
Separation Pr�oject .
� ��� .� � � � DATE M1MTlD . � � DAR COIMLETL6 ./ . . � . .. � .`✓' ' ." ,�� .
Finance & Management Serv �es � 12/28]88 _ ����� ��� .t�.0 a 3 6.3 3
Ca1TACT . . . ...�. . DEPARTMEN}'DIRECTOR . � ,. � . FMYOI{�ppJ►�T71N'f)..- � .
P��er Wt�ite �ssiaN
lIUMBER'FCiN � �a�r�v�s owECroA ��crtv ar�c
. ROtJ(IN4 euooer aaECroa �l-�rOii ��k----� • ;
Valuativns & Asses . 298 5317 ��: — c��„���st be in C t Clerk s 0� fice t� is er
. . _ . , t an �i ay noon, January` "t .' Mi:ist �ie on A�e �
J�nuar�y 10 1989.
Approve acquisition of easements for. the ALBEMARLEINEBRASRA area starm sewer pro�ect.
:cr►vw�tN«�t�u> cou�nEe�u4a+n�a�cr: . � _ _
a�rNn+o oo�aresioH avw c�xssroH o��a� o��our �rsr rHO�►a.
mwNO oow�oro �so�s eoneo
A ar� a+utrEn asaN coM�as is _noot wro.,�oo�� _�Ao°�r".+�r __�*
oisrwcr couNCa� •�non:
suPVanrs wwcx+cou�c�oe,r�crrv�a 1,
- Nsnnn�s vaaaaK�se�o�rc�tn+Mrr wn.r.wnen.wnere.Hmr):
The construction and maintenance of the ALBENlARLE/NEBRASKA area starnn sewer requires
the easem�nts as d�s ribed in the. attached° resol.ution.
�r��tsoaixrn.ar.�dwe�. : _ , - ,_
These ease nts result in the most efficient and ecanomical routing Qf the
��::.�:.E1 Res�ui c�y C�n��r
� JNN �� ;;�^�
_ :: �GI�i lYMut.1MiM�.and To'YM�ji _, , .-
Eaeements are an encumlirance on praperties affected.
��u►mr�s:c , _ pnos ' ooMs
To be dete ined.
St ard operating procedure. :
t�oa.+�es: _
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I-'�` � I�T�25) � �PERMANENT EAS�MENT A�[fil� I 20
.p p i_. IS �1 Z I ZZ 23 24 �J Z F) �L�T 2 8 Q TEMPORARY CoNSTftIlCT�ON EASEMENT AREA �
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4. 2/Z1/89 FINAL'I ORDER: Ac uirin ermanent utilit A roved
Q g P Y PP
ease�ents for street purposes, ponding 3-0
purpdses and utility and drainage purposes for
5. 2/21/89 FINA� ORDER: Condemning and taking permanent Approved
util ty easements for the ALBEMARLE/NEBRASKA w/amendments
File No. 18533E-2 .
6. 2/21/89 FIN L ORDER: Acquiring easements for the Approved
PRO ECT. 3-0
7. RES�LUTION 89-105: - Amending the 1984, 1985 Approved
andl 1986 CIB Budgets by transferring funding 3-0
• ($SI9,968.19) from pro�ect balances to finance
thel engineering costs of the design for
WABIASHA BRIDGE improvements (Referred to
Cor�mittee 1/24/89) .
by�MnDOT. in Committee
to 2-22-89
9. RE OLUTION: I-94 Westbound SIXTH STREET Laid Over
BR�'IDGE extensions - MnDOT. in Committee
i ,. to 2-22-89
10. R �SOLUTION 89-42: Establishing residential Laid Over
p rmit parking on LINCOLN AVENUE between in Committee
C eveland and Prior (Laid over in Committee to 2-22-89
1 25/89) .
11. R�SOLUTION 89-152: Amending the 1988 Capital Approved
Iknprovement Budget by transferring $184,000 3-0
f;rom Shepard Road to the DALE STREET right-of-
Fjay acquisition. (Referred to Committee
l�/31/89) .
12. �tESOLUTION 89-156: Approving load limit for Approved
the SELBY AVENUE BRIDGE over the Soo Line 3-0
Railroad and Ayd Mill Road and directing the
�ublic Works Department to post the bridge
Ilocation. (Referred to Committee 1/31/89) .
� 13. , �RESOLUTION 89-158: Authorizing proper city Approved
lofficials to enter into an agreement with the 3-0
�State Department of Transportation to share
; construction costs for the sewer separation
; project constructed on SHORT LINE ROAD between
jLexington Parkway and Summit Avenue. (Referred
� to Committee 1/31/89) .
w il
. . ��D�p �
� � ��
Members: �
� CITY OF SAINT PAUL . Roger J. Goswitz chair '
� ;
""""" ' Janice Rettman +
... (
" Tom Dimond
8 1
Da 989
te:'i ,
y I
� Committe RECEivEO �
� e Report �
To: Saint Paul�Cit ' FEB 0 81989 �
y Council
_Fr.om :P `
ublic I�Vorks, Utilities and T ' f
, ransportation ,
Commi ee �
� Roger . Goswitz, Chair
�1• pproval of minutes of January 25, 1989.
Hearin Date
2. 2/14/89 F�NAL ORDER: Improving PALACE AVENUE from Denied
Lexington Parkway to approximately 200 feet 3-0
e�st of Lexington Parkway by grading and
p�ving, constructing concrete curb and gutter
a�d constructing a sanitary sewer. Also,
s$nitary sewer connections. '
C�nstructing a water service connection from
t�e temporary water main in Palace Avenue.
, A�.so, condemning and taking an easement in the
l�nd necessary for the slopes, cuts and fills,
i�clucTing right of removal of .}ateral support
f{rom sub�ect land in the grading and paving of
P lace Avenue. (Laid over in Committee
1�/11/89) .
3. 2/14/89 FIINAL ORDER: Improve MONTANA AVENUE and La
I�ebraska Avenue from the proposed cul-de-sac. Committeen
qonstruct a sanitary sewer in Nebraska Avenue. to 3-8-89
A�lso, construct a street lighting system,
�torm water drainage facilities, curb and
g�utter and sewer service connections.
G�onstruct water mains in E. Nebraska Avenue
and E. Montana Avenues with water service
A�lso, open and widen Montana Avenue and "'
l�ebraska Avenue creating a cul-de-sac for �
$treet purposes and condemning and• taking a . �
�.5-foot easement for sewer purposes. Said
� �asement lying 15 feet southeasterly and �
' sd�acent to the southeasterly line of the Soo
�ine RR from Arkwright to Montana.
�Also, condemning and taking an easement for '
�lope construction in the grading and paving -
�bf Montana and Nebraska Avenues (Laid over in �
I�Committee 1/11/89) .
� �,�e
_ . � �d'���
_ - - -
._ _ ___. _-.- -�-�-_. .
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� In the atter°o#'ao3�demnia�`aad'#�i�perat�ient �ents���li�►
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M�r. i���'��M�:����iri��..�..
' �ine o e easement is described�follows: � ` ,
Beg' ing at a point on the East liue of�ylyan �utreet,,as platted an�. . '
vacat d,3.06 feet swth of the Easterly extension a#the ceateriine af�il'e�t �
Neva a Avenue,as platted�nd vacated;thence easterly pa�aY�ei with aad
3.00 f south of said easterly e�ct�nsiaa cf the�e#sterline of West Nevada
Aven e to the East line of Lot A of Soo Line Plat No. 2 and there
te ' ating. The sidelines of said easement are to be lengthened or '
short ned to terminate on the easterly liae of sai��Socs Lin�Plat-No:2.
Aiso �anent easement 20 feet ia width over gart�setci�ectfon 19.
The nterline of the easement is described as follaws:
Begi ' at a poix� on the East line 6!Sqlvan Street, as�platt�d and
vaca ed,3:00 feet south of the Easterly extaension oi'the center�ine of West
Nev ia Avenue, as platted and vaca�ei�; thence westerly and para11e1
with safd easterly extensioa of the centerline of West Nevada Avenue a �
dist ce of 70.06 feet and there terminating.
Also a permanent easement 20 feet'in�vidth over part of sald Section,29:
The terline of the essement is described as follcnws:
Be ' g at a point on the cet�terline ot West Plebraska Avenue, as,
piat ed and vacated, distant 70 feet essterlq of the cettterline of R3ce
St t;thence south on a line 70 feet east of and parallel to centeriine oi
Rice Street to.a point 20 feet north o�.the cen�erlix�e of.West Nevada
Av. ue,as platted and vacated;the�ce 5v�t on a lizte 20 fe�t porth of and .
iel to the centerline of said We�t Nevada Avenue�o the E&st right-uf- ' �
wa line of Fiice Street and there terminating. '
Als ,a permanent easement 20 feet inwic�th over,p�rt of Blocks 10 and lI, �
Ric Street Villas.The centerline of the easement is descrlbed as foliows:
Be nning at a point on the sout�right-of-way line of West Iioyt Avenue,
dis t 8 ieet Westerly of the extended c�nterline of vacated Woodbridge
St t;thence south on a line 8 feet�vest of and parallel to the centerline
of acated Woodbridge Street to the northerly right-of-way line of
W bridge Street cul-de-sac. The sidelines ot said easeineat'are tci�e -
Ien ened or shor6ened to terminAte on•the Aortherly ri�t-of-wag lii�e
of wdbridge 3treet cui-de-sae: � . . . .
A�so;t porary construction ett�ements es sttciwu�on the map on file iti � �
Va�uat n and Assessments Division, D�et�E�si Finaaee asd Maaageme�'t
Servi . Said temporary easements to expire on Dscember 31, 1$89,-a�.�#po�q
comple ion of the project,whichever occurs first. '
, These asements are in coqjunNtion with the AIbemarle/Nebraska Sev►ver
Separa ion Project in Voting Wsrd 5.
Th Council oi the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the May�sr_
upon : e above improvement, snd having corvsider�d said report, Xre�neb,�
resolv :
� 1. That the said rPport and the same is hereby approved with_ao.
alternatives, and that tlie estimated'cost'thereof is $25,000 f�,aaneeil by
Sewer Separation System Charge. `
2. That a public hearing be had on.seid itnprovement oa fhe 21stda�� .
F ' :,in t3�e Council Chambers o�the Gity
all and Court House Building m the City of Saint Paul.
3. That notice of said public heari��s given to the persaus;snd iu the
. �tan=ser,preroided by the Charke�,st�t3ag the time.and place of hearfip�,
theatafu�o�t�iri�pzn�iement and�ie_total cost therec�i as estama�ti�.':� "
Fiie . 18533E-1 �
A opted by the Council Jaauary 17.-�968. '
A proded danuary 18, 1989.
_ . -- -� ` (Janua�'y 2�,:1989) :
_ . _ _ _.