89-298 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council . CANARV - DEPARTMEN7 BLUE - MAVOR File NO• `��� - Council esol ion ' �3�, . Presented By �' -� Referred To � Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, a sub tantial difference exists between fire pension survivor benef' ts and police pension survivor benefits; and WHEREAS, since there is parity in salary, parity in pension contributions, parity in other pension benefits, there should be parity in s rvivor benefits; and WHEREAS, it is anticipated that this parity can be phased in over time with ut increasing the city contribution to the Police Relief ssociation; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul support legisl tion to give the City Council the option to annually grant a permanent increase in the percenta�e paid to surviving spou es of Saint Paul Police Relief Association members until he survivin� spouse benefit becomes 27 . 5% of the maximum pa of a police officer; BE IT FURTHER ESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul supports an increase in state amortization aid payments to the City of Saint Paul. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond u►ng in Favor Goswitz Rettman � s�6e;n�� _ Against BY Sonnen Wilson , F�D 2 I ��J� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted hy Council: Date Certified Pas b cil Se t r BY `��l/�.� �" vvLC�G���" z'r �U��J� gy, Approved y avor. D e 2 3 19U� Approved by Mayor f bmission to Council By � �l�BllSfl� ►tiitiR . 4 i98�9 _ _ ___. _. _____ . _ _ �_._.... . _ _ : _ . - - � �-a��` � I� , GITY OF SAINT PAUL s�a��Ol�itt � ,si1! 13 � i OFFICE OF TflE CITY COIINCIL � James Scheibel, Chair Committee-of-the-Whole JAMES SCHEIBEL . Counc�7 President i � Date: February 6, 1989 �c�ivEo � COMMITTEE REPORT � ; FEB 0 8198 9 To: SAINT PAUL C,!ITY COUNCIL CITY CL�RK From: CITY COUNC�IL LEGISLATION COMMITTEE� . . 1. Pension Issu�s (a) 13th P�ycheck COMMIT,`fEE DID NOT RECOMMEND APPROVAL �(b) Surviv'ing Spouse Benefits COMMI�TEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL WITH ADDITION THAT CITY SHOULI� SOLICIT AN INCREASE IN AMORTIZATION FUNDS FROM THE M�NNESOTA STATE LEGISLATURE. (c) Incre�sing Number of Retirees on Re�ief Assodation Boards COMMI'�TEE RECOMMENDED SENDING OUT OF COMMITTEE WITHOUT RECOMMENDATION (d) Chang�e in Consolidation Voting Requirements COMMT��TTEE RECOMMENDED SENDING OUT OF COMMITTEE WITHOUT RECOMMENDATION. 2. MAFIN Fundiing COMMITTEE �ECOMMENDED APPROVAL 3. Miscellane�us Housing and Economic Development Policies COMMITTEE �tEVIEWED THE YEAR OF THE CITY VIDEO . i _ � _. _ CITY HALL S�VENTH FLOOR SAINT PAU MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5679 ,� I-, s a�o ae