89-295 WMITE - C�7V CLERK �(/l / PINK - FINANCE COUACII �� _/y'/� CANARV - DEPAR7MEN7 � G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L � � �� BLUE - MAVOR �i . FIIe NO. � Co ncil Resolution 3;��; ��.� Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee B Date WHEREAS, 19 5 and 1986 laws were passed to allow local relief association to amend their bylaws to provide for the inclusion o retirees on their Boards; and WHEREAS, a arge imbalance continues to exist between retirees and active embers on many Boards; and WHEREAS, H.�'. 9 and S.F. 269, as introduced, would require that relieflassociations have retirees represented on the Board of Di ectors in the same proportion that the number of retired mem ers in each relief association bears to the total membership f each relief association. NOW, THEREF RE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul neither opp ses nor supports H.F. 9/S.F. 269, but does support the concept of increasing retiree representation on relief association ' boards; and BE IT FURTH R RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul requests that such 1 gislation include a local approval clause for the City of Sai t Paul . I II I ', COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Lo� [n Favor Goswitz ��° 4 _ A ainst BY Scheibel g Sonnen Wilson ��B � � ���� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Da e Certified Passe uncil S cr ry By %tc,e— �• i��P���. �—��—�J 4 By Approved vor: Dat ' `� :� � i Approv by May Submission to Council B ���— �, Y i �liJlii ii�ni� °4 �989 �-- . � � � u WHITE - C�TY CLERK PINK - FINANCE COURCII ��/l(/.J�'�/j CANARV - OEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L pC /�+ BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �I � Council Resolution � � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee B Date WHEREAS, 19 5 and 1986 laws were passed to allow ocal relief association to amend their bylaws to provide or the inclusion o retirees on their Boards; and WHEREAS, a arge imbalance continues to xist between retirees and active embers on many Boards; an WHEREAS, H. . 9 and S.F. 269, as in roduced, would require that relief associations have reti ees represented on the Board of Di ectors in the same p portion that the number of retired mem ers in each relief ssociation bears to the total membership f each relief asso iation. NOW, THEREF RE BE IT RESOLV D, that the City of Saint Paul neither opp ses nor suppo s H.F. 9/S.F. 269, but does support the concept of increasi retiree representation on relief association ' boards; d BE IT FURTH R RESO D, that the City of Saint Paul requests that such 1 gisla ion include a local approval clause for the City of Sai t P 1 . COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond ��g [n Favor Goswitz Rettman Scheibel A gai n s t BY Sonnen . Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney tl�dopted by Council: Da e Certified Yassed by Council S cretary By v�'up -�' ����"� ``°`'��-- a'_Gl`� ��7' By, Approved by IVlavor: Date _ Approved by y ubmission to Council � gy _ �'c � � � � �y -ay� GITY OF SAINT PAUL 6�1i I'1IU OFFICE OF THE CITY COIINCIL James Scheibel, Chair Committee-of-the-Whole JAMES SCHEBEL . Counc�7 President Date: February 6, 1989 RECEIVED COMMITTEE REPORT FEB 0 81989 To: SAINT PAUL CITY COUNCIL CITY CL�RK From: CITY COU CIL LEGISLATION COMMITTEE� ti 1. Pension Iss es (a) 13th aycheck COMMI TEE DID NOT RECOMMEND APPROVAL (b) Survi�ing Spouse Benefits COMMI TEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL WITH ADDITION THAT CITY SHOUL SOLICIT AN INCREASE IN AMORTIZATION FUNDS FROM THE M NNESOTA STATE LEGISLATURE. V(c) Incre sing Number of Retirees on Re�ief �issoc.�ation Boards � COMMI TEE RECOMMENDED SENDING OUT OF COMMITTEE WITHOUT RECOMMENDATION (d) Chang in Consolidation Voting Requirements COMMI�fTEE RECOMMENDED SENDING OUT OF COMMITTEE WITHOUT RECOMMENDATION. 2. MAFIN Fun� COMMITTEE RECONIl�IENDED APPROVAL 3. Miscellaneous Housing and Economic Development Policies COMMITTEE �EVIEWED THE YEAR OF THE CITY VIDEO � CTTY HALL SEVIENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5679 s v�►,4e I