89-294 I wHITE - CiTr CLERK COlIt1C11 PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L �j�'-�aQf� CANARV - DEPARTMENT � BLUE - MAVOR �� FIIe NO. ! . ouncil Resolution ���2 � � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Police and Fire pension programs had multi-millio dollar liabilities when closed to new members in 1980; and WHEREAS, the City and the State are responsible for eliminating i�his unfunded liability; and WHEREAS, the proposed "13th check" le�islation increases future taxpa er obligations by taking away excess investment earnings; NOW, THEREFO E, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul oppose such ' 13th check" legislation during the 1989 session. I I I COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Lo� In Favor ��t�=-� � �� Scheibel A gai n s t BY Sonnen Wilson F�� � , l��� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pa_ d Co ncii Se ar By �'�� � �' ' �'�C'�A� Z��U P�' By Approved b avor. Da — FE ^ ;t ;�'^ Approved by Ma r for ubmission to Council By ��ty�� MA�Z � 41989 . _ ___-------_.__ _ .__.._�...,__ _ .�..�__.��.. ._ .� _._�.___ --�---- -_ __. _._. _ .- ----- __. - ._. . - ---- -_ _._ ._ I _ _ 1���' a�� ..�-.o . , � ; GITY OF SAINT PAUL � iiil;�j3��, OFFICE OF TRE CITY COIINCIL James Scheibel, Chair Committee-of-the-Whole JAMES SCHEIBEL . � Council President Date: February 6, 1989 ��cE�vEo COMMITTEE REPORT FEB 0 819 ss To: SAINT PAUL CITY COUNCIL , $ CITY CLERK From: CITY COUNC�L LEGISLATION COI�fITTEE� � � , 1. Pension Issu �s �� (a) 13th P�ycheck COMMIT�EE DID NOT RECOMMEND APPROVAL (b) Surviv�ng Spouse Benefits COMMIT�fEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL WITH ADDITION THAT CITY SHOULD� SOLICIT AN INCREASE IN AMORTIZATION FUNDS FROM THE MI�NNESOTA STATE LEGISLATURE. � (c) Increa�sing Number of Retirees on Re�ief Assoc�tion Boards I COMMI�TEE RECOMMENDED SENDING OUT OF COMMITTEE WITHOUT RECOMMENDATION (d) Chang� in Consolidation Voting Requirements COMMI'�TEE RECOMMENDED SENDING OUT OF CON1rIITTEE WITHOUT RECOMMENDATION. 2. MAFIN Fundi�g COI�Ilr1ITTEE I�ECOMMENDED APPROVAL 3. Miscellaneous Housing and Economic Development Policies COMMITTEE EVIEWED THE YEAR OF THE CITY VIDEO , il - _ CIT"Y HALL S IVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5679 . � � s�aa