89-293 WMITE - C�TV CLERK �'� f PINK - FINANCE COUIICII ,//�,�//� ��/{ CANARV - OEPARTMENT GITY �OF SAINT PAUL �{ / (�1G �� BLUE - MAVOR File NO• U , - � _ C cil e,solution ��i� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS , the City of Saint Paul has important transportation needs ; and ; WHEREAS , as an inner city Saint Paul serves a transit-depend nt population; and WHEREAS , the Ci!,ty has previously endorsed Light Rail Transit as an importan transit and economic developmen tool ; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul support the fo lowing legislative transportation and transit principles for 1989 : * Increased MVET transfer with expanded transit and highway funding for� Saint Paul . * Increased ight rail transit funding based upon an equitable istribution to implementing agencies . * A state de onstration project funding for construction of a light ra' 1 transit line along University Avenue between Minneapoli and Saint Paul . * Changes in the law governing regional rail authorities to provide th Metropolitan Council or other appropriate Metropolit n agency with responsibility and control of light rail planning , development and implementation. �i COUNCIL MEMBERS , Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Lo� In Favor Goswitz �tt� � �be1�� _ Against BY sonnen ' Wilson Adopted by Council: Dat �'' , �A` , FEB 2 1 19�7 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Ya s d Council et BY ���' �� �i�-Gl'Ga�i�- ��`8� gy, /�pproved by 1�tav : _ rED 2 ,� �� Approve y M or or S mission to Council _ � r�AR - 4 �989 • . � � � ��'��.� . COMMITTEE REPORT � City Council Legislation Committee Page Two January 23, 1989 j Recommend�ations of the Governor's Commission on Affordable Housing COMMITTEE; RECOMMENDED APPROVAL Interest �eduction Program COMMITTEEI RECOMMENDED APPROVAL Mortgage �Registry and Deed Tax COMMITTEEj RECOMMENDED APPROVAL Fiscal Di�sparities COMMITTEEI RECOMMENDED APPROVAL Category: F.�nvironment and Quality of Life Regional �ark Operation and Maintenance Funding COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL Regional park Capital Improvement Funding COMMITTEE' RECOMMENDED APPROVAL CSO Fundiing COMMITTEEI RECOMMENDED APPROVAL Solid Waste COMMITTEEI RECOMMENDED APPROVAL Water Rat�es COMMITTEE' RECOMMENDED APPROVAL Category: Transportation Airport L;and-Banking COMMITTEE' RECOMMENDED APPROVAL, AS AMENDED Transport tion, Transit and Light Rail Transit Funding COM[�I1'� RECOMMENDED APPROVAL, AS AMENDED (4-1 vote) Category: Miscellaneous Saint Pau1 School Board COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL Comparabl�e Worth COMMITTEE, RECOMMENDED APPROVAL Fingerpri�iting of Firefighters COMMITTEE' RECOMMENDED APPROVAL THE FOLLOWING MATfiERS LISTED FOR CONSIDERATION AT THE MEETING WERE LAID OVER A::r WILL BE DISCUSSED AT THE FEBRUARY 6, 19$9, MEETING AF THE COMMITTEE: a • ,. ! _.. + ,.-� ` ���, GITY OF SAINT PAUL . 'risai6i=�� OFFICF OF THE CITY COIINCIL James Scheibel, Chair Committee-of-the-Whole JAMES SCHEIBEL Council President Date: January 23, 1989 COMMITTEE REPORT To: SAINT PAUL CITY COUNCIL From: CITY COUNCIL LEGISLATION COMMITTEE 1. "A" Priority Issue Fire Protection Sprinklers COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED NO ACTION BE TAKEN 2. Support Issues Category: Health and Human Services Community Health Services Funding COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL Community Residential Facilities COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL Child Care COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL Alternate Test Site Funding (AIDS) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL Minnesota Health Care Access COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL Maternal Child Health Funding COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL Category: Economic Development and Housing Arts High School Funding COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL CTTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5679 l4�p46 � ' BRIEFI G PAPER: TRANSPORTATION TRANSIT Aiv'D LIGHT RAII.� � ' ' ' TI�ANSIT rUNDING BACKGROUND In recent v�ears the City of Saint Paul has received approximat ly 40% of si;reet improvement funds from the riunicipal tate Aid program. These dollars are generated in part by th motor vehicle excise taY (MVET) which is a G% eacise tax on the sale of a neH� or used car. Re��enue from MVET was a�pro�:imatel5� $232 million in 1988 . In 1981 the Minnesota Legislature devised a program to begin a phased trar�sfer of MVET revenues from the state general fund to the hig way and transit funds . The purpose of ,this plan was to prov�ide funding for badl,y-needed highway maintenance and construction, as well as transit programs. In 1985 the Legislature transferred 25% of M��ET revenues to highwa,y and transit accounts. In 1988 the MVET transfer was increased 30% of all MVET revenues . As part, of this transfer, $4 . 17 million was allocated for light rail transit planning by regional rail authorities. Due to the incomplete transfer of MVET revenues to highway and transit acc unts, road and bridge reconstruction has been slowed or p stponed. In addition, funding increases Metropolita Transit programs have been limited. STATUS It is antic " pated that the Governor will propose an increase in the amou t of MVET revenues transferred from the general fund to hig way and transit accounts. It is further expected that some p rties will request that a portion of these new monies be a located for increased light rail transit funding. THE SAINT P UL POSITION The City of Saint Paul supports the following principles for the 1989 le�islative session: * An incr�ased transfer of MVET revenues from the general fund to state highway and transit accounts. Such funds should e used to expand transit options in Saint Paul and ' for inc eased state funding for street and highway improve�nents. * Increas d funding for light rail transit to be distributed equitab y to implementing agencies . * A state demonstration project funding for the construction of a li�ht rail transit line along University Avenue between Minneapolis and Saint Paul . I �� �, � � �°��� * Chari7es in the la�� gover•ning regional rail atitliorities Lo provid!e the Metropolitan Council with oreater oversibht and veto powers over individual regional rail authoriLv light ,rail transit plans and the responsibility to coordi ate development of the Midway Corridor between Hennep�n and Ramsey Counties . . • .' � ` �'y' �� �� _ WHEREAS , tle City of SAint Paul has important transportation needs; and� WHEREAS , a an inner city Saint Paul serves a transit-de endent population; and WHEREAS, t e City has previously endorsed Light Rail Transi't as an impo tant transit and economic developmen tool; NOW, THERE ORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul support th following legislative transportation and transit principles for 1989 : * Increa ed MVET transfer with expanded transit and highway fundin for Saint Paul . * Increa ed light rail transit funding based upon an equita le distribution to implementing agencies. * A stat demonstration project funding for construction of a ligh rail transit line along University Avenue between Minneap�olis and Saint Paul. * Increased Metropolitan Council oversight and control over Regional Rail Authorities and the responsibility for coordi�ation of the development of the Midwav Corridor betweenlHennepin and Ramsey Counties.