89-291 WMITE - C�TV CLERK COURCII (^/� Pllj!( - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL CANA:iV -.:yEPARTMENT ' �7/ BI.UE - MAVOR File �O. - , Cou 'l e tio q Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, pol�cy changes and resource reallocation are essential to changing the way all Minnesotans fundamentally think about heir waste; and WHEREAS, cha ge will come through leadership, education, and thoughtful s ate and local funding; and WHEREAS, new policies and priorities can and will affect change in be avior from disposal to recycling, reduction and reuse; and WHEREAS, the e is a need for the state and local governments to provide 1 adership in educating citizens on the true costs of their dis osal practices and in setting an example through recycling, w ste reduction and procurement; THEREFORE, B IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul supports leg slation which facilitates the following: 1 . Increase funding for solid waste control efforts for local go ernments. 2 . Reasonab e and achievable goals, standards and timelines for recy ling and abatement. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Long In Favor Gosw;tz Rettman sche;be� _ Against By Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Dat ,�� � � Certified Passed by Council Se�retary By '�G�'u"�L �� ��v�C-/`"P���- �� '��9' By Approved by Nlavor. Date Approved by Ma or ubmission to Council , By � WHI'T�$�E - CITV CI.ERK CA,-�'RV - 6EPARTMEN T I COLLfICIl f��? �} BLUE - MAYOR i GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. a / 0271 _ Co ncil Resolution Presented By / I Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By i Date 3. Volume-ba�sed refuse fees and other financial incentives for generlators. 4. Waste edu�cation. 5 . Market de�velopment--new uses for recycled resources. 6. Disposal strategies for problem materials like plastics, white go ds, household hazardous waste, yard waste, etc. 7 . An incre�se in the amount of abatement and recycling. 8. Further �larification of the Waste Management Act that would en�ble cities to implement organized collection by negotiat�ion, bid or franchise. 1 COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays I Dimond Lo� in Favoc Goswitz Rettman �eQ1�� i � Against By Sonnen I Wilson � Adopted by Council: D�te FEB 2 i i989 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Ya s ouncil r By ��'�-�— 'PLl��' Z�� '��y By � � Appro y Ma Date _ L � Appr ve .by Ma for bmission to Council �e : . DLiSi'iC�d �e n•n ,� I , . � � ���9��� . , COMMITTEE REPORT - ICity Council Legislation Committee Page Two i January 23, 1989 Recommendalions of the Governor's Commission on Affordable Housin g COMMITTEE ECOMMENDED APPROVAL Interest Rlduction Program COMMITTEE �ECOMMENDED APPROVAL Mortgage R�gistry and Deed Tax COMMITTEE $tECOMMENDED APPROVAL Fiscal Dis arities COMMITTEE �ECOMMENDED APPROVAL Category: E�vironment and Quality of Life Regional E�ark Operation and Maintenance Funding COMMITTEEjRECOMMENDED APPROVAL Regional �ark Capital Improvement Funding COMMITTEEIRECOMMENDED APPROVAL CSO Fundi�g COMMITTEE� RECOMMENDED APPROVAL � � car�rs�` ��vaL Water Ratles COMMITTEFJ RECOMMENDED APPROVAL Category: Tr�ansportation Airport I�and-Banking COMMITTE� RECOMMENDED APPROVAL, AS AMENDED Transpor#ation, Transit and Light Rail Transit Funding COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL, AS AMENDED (4-1 vote) Category: M�iscellaneous Saint Pa�l School Board COMMITTE� RECOMMENDED APPROVAL Comparat�le Worth COMMITTFJE RECOMMENI�ED APPROVAL Fingerp�jinting of Firefighters COMMITT$E RECOMMENDED APPROVAL THE FOLLOWING TTERS LISTED FOR CONSIDERATION AT THE MEETING WERE LAID OVER AND WILL BE DIS USSED AT THE FEBRUARY 6, 1989, MEETING OF THE COMMITTEE: I ,- sS�Si��a� � GITY OF �AIi�TT PAUL a��1 613 , OFFICE OF THE CITY COIINCIL James Scheibel, Chair Committee-of-the-Whole JAMES SCHEIBEL Council President Date: January 23, 1989 COMMITTEE REPORT To: SAINT PAUL CITY COUNCIL From: CITY COUNCIL LEGISLATION COMMITTEE ' 1. "A" Priority Issue Fire Protection Sprinklers COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED NO ACTION BE TAKEN 2. Support Issues Category: Health and Human Services Community Health Services Funding COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL Community Residential Facilities COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL Child Care COMMITTEE RECONINIENDED APPROVAL Alternate Test Site Funding (AIDS) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL Minnesota Health Care Access COMMITTEE RECOrIlKENDED APPROVAL Maternal Child Health Funding COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL Category: Economic Development and Housing Arts High School Funding COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL C1TY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUI., MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5679 s�>�s � � I BRILFING PAPER: SOLID t�'ASTE , . ' , � l``'� 9/ ` . ISSUE Policy chan�es and resource reallocation are essential to changing thd way all Minnesotans fundamentall}� thinlc about their waste .l ThaL change will come through leader. ship, education, �nd thoughtful state and local funding . New policies and pr. ioriti.es can affecL change in behavior from disposi:al t� rec�;cling , reduction, and reuse . STATUS It is expec �ed that a number of bills will be introduced in 1989 to red ce the volu►ne of the waste stream being disposed of in landf ' 11s . CITI' POSITI N Saint Paul �upports state and local efforts to facilitate the following: . 1 . Increasjed funding for solid waste control efforts for local glovernments. 2 . Reasona�ble and achievable goals, standards and timelines for rec�ycling and abatement. 3 . Volume based refuse fees and other financial incentives for ge erators. 4 . Waste �ducation. � 5 . Market development--new uses for recycled resources. 6 . Dispos 1 strategies for problem materials like plastics, white oods, household hazardous waste , yard waste, etc. 7 . An inc�ease in the amount of abatement and rec3cling . � . , i �9 -�?�'� � . . . � WHEREAS, po�icy changes and resource reallocation are essential t� changing the wav all Minnesotans fundamentally think aboutltheir waste; and I WHEREAS , ch�.nge will come through leadership, education, and thoughtful �tate and local funding; and . WHEREAS, ne�a policies and priorities can and will affect change in b havior from disposal to recycling, reduction and reuse ; �nrl � WHEREAS , th�ere is a need for the state and local governments to providelleaderslZip in educating citizens on the true costs of their diJsposal practices and in setting an example through recycling, iwaste reduction and procurement; THEREFORE, jBE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul supports l�gislation which facilitates the following: I l . Increa ed funding for solid waste control efforts for local overnments . 2 . Reason ble and achievable goals, standards and timelines for re vcling and abatement. I I . . . . ,r . • . � � 3 . Volume-�ased refuse fees and other financial incentives for gen�rators. 4 . Waste e�lucation. 5 . Market �evelopment--new uses for recycled resources. . 6 . Disposa�l strategies for problem materials like plastics , white �oods, household hazardous waste, yard waste , etc. ? . An inc�ease in the amount of abatement and recycling. . . .