89-288 WHITE - CITY CLERK I COUI1C11 ///� PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAIT L CANARV - DEPARTMENT i 7•�� BI.UE - MAVOR File NO. v� ; -C uncil Resolution �6 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By � Date RESOLVED, �.hat the Council o€ the City of Saint Paul does hereby consent �to and approve of the reappointments , made by the I Mayor , of the f011owing-named persons to the Minneapolis/Saint Paul Family Housinq IFund Board . Councilm�mber Thomas Dimond -- Two-year term to expire at the end of 1991� Annual Meeting. Dru Oste�ud -- Three-year term to expire at the end of 1992 Annual Me$ting . COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond ��� i � In Favor xecrn,a�► I Scheibel '� _ Against BY Sonnen Wilson FEg ? � 1989 Form proved by ttor Adopted by Council: Dat� � Certified Pass o c'1 Se et ry By c Z _/�_� By Approved 1Aavo : Da ��D � � _ Appro y Mayoc for Sub ' ion to Council �i I�ll� � . . �,���,a�� : ��` ; �: CITY Of SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM TO: Council President James Scheibel Saint P�ul City Councilmembers . FROM: Ora LeelPatterson - Assista�nt to the Mayor � DATE: February 9, 1989 RE: Minneag'olis/Saint Paul FamilyiHousing Fund Board Reappointments Mayor Latimer �requests your consideration and approval of the attached reso ution reappointing the following people to the Minneapolis/S�iint Paul Family Housing Fund Board: CouncilmemberjThomas Dimond--2-year term to expire at the end of 1991 Annual M�eting. _ Dru Osterud--�-year term to expire at the end of 1992 Annual � Meeting. I If you have aly questions, do not hesitate to contact me. Thanking you �n advance. OLP:drm I Attachment cc: A1 Olson�, City Cle�k CouncillResearch Jim Murp'hy - Thomas F�ulton, Staff ' ���=�� lU.° 010979 . Mayor Geos�ge T�a�x�nte DEPARTMENT . - - - - - ra Lee Pa terson CONTACT NAI� 2 ' 9 PHONE � � DATE . ASSIGN 0 � E : (See reverse side.) _ Department Director 1 Maqor (or Assistant) _ Finance and Managem nt Services Director �'` City Clerk Budget Director � City Councilmem3�er � City Attorney, _ 0 A G � 1 (Clip all locatiar�s for signature.) W B G C : T A ? (Purgose/Ratianale) , � Follvwinq persQns wi 1 be reagpointed to the Minneapolis/Saint Paul Family Housing Fund Board: �,,,. .. Councilmember Tom Di ond, �-yr , term which expires at end of 1991 Annual Meeting Dru Osterud, 3-y��r_t rm w�ich e�pires at end of 1992 Annual Meeting. OS N DG RS A S D: INAN O CTIVI BER C GE D ED: (Mayor's signature not equired if under $10,000.) Total Amount of Trans ction: Activity Nwnber: Funding Source: ATTACHMENTS: (List and number all attachments.) �Q��r��+� ����arch Center � FEQ' 10 1��5� A M IS P OC S _Yes _No Rules, Regulations, Procedures, or Budgat Amendment required? _Yes _No If ye , are they or timetable attached? DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATT_ORNEY REVIEW Yes i�o Council esolution required? Resol-ution required? Yes �No _Yes _No Insuranc xequiredY Insurance sufficient? ,_„Xes �No Yes No Insuranc attached? .