89-279 i WHITE - CITV CLERK ' PINK • - FINANCE ' COLLI1C11 �J CANARV -DEPARTMENT �I GITY OF SAINT PAUL �' / 9 ,BLU E -I�V OR �� , f---�.,�e File H�. �` / City Attny/JTH � - Ordindnce ���dinance 1�0. /7� �/3 Presented By. � � G eferre �� _ � ommittee: Date � ���,L Out of Committee By Date An ordinance pertaining to insurance requirements fo skyway advertising display fixtures amendzng Se tion 140 . 07(a) of the St. Paul Legislative Code THE COUNCIL 0 THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: ; Section 1 That Sec ion 140 .07(a) of the St . Paul Legislative Code is amended to re d: (a) / DVERTISING7 Billboard-style or enclosed display c se advertising is a permitted use in skyway c rridors . The following requirements apply to a vertising: (1) The size, shape and placement of adver- tising display fixtures should be such as to not impede pedestrian circulation in the skyway system. (2) Advertising should be contained in "per- manent" nonmovable fixtures , including, but not limited to, glass display cases affixed to walls and kiosks anchored to the floor. (3) The design and initial installation of advertising fixtures in the pedestrian skyway system and/or pedestrian malls COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: DfmoQd ��g [n Favor coswitz Rethnan �be;�� Against BY Sonnen Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form Approve y City Attorne � ��, �j��,{�� � � Certified Passed by Council Secr ary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date ; Approved b Mayor or u m' sion to Council By �` ��"� I � . . . i �=�'�-�-�9 �r��3 -2- must be approved by the skyway governance committee and the affected building owner. No advertising fixtures shall be installed in an easement area of the pedestrian sky- way system or pedestrian mall excent as authorized by franchise ordinance duly adopted by the city council , which ordinance shall minimall_y incorporate the requirements of this section. No advertising fixture shall be installed in a noneasement area of the pedestrian sky- I way system or pedestrian mall except under written contract between the advertising installer and the affected building owner , which contract shall incorporate the re- quirements of this section. Advertising installers shall contract with the owner of the building in which each advertising fixture is to be located for services to be provided from the building for the fix- ture . I (4) Advertising and displays should be changed at least every other month. I (5) Advertising shall not be permitted within the skyway bridges . II (6) Advertising shall be subject to such additional rules and regulations as the skyway governance committee may determine . I (7) Advertising fixtures , cases and displays shall be covered by all risk personal property insurance and public liability insurance . Minimum policy limits shall be replacement cost of the advertising fixtizres , cases and displays a��. �eg�aee- �er�� ees� e� ��ie bti.��d��g ��. 6al��e�. st�ek ����tt�es a�e �eea�e�. for all risk personal property coverage and one million dollars I • . . i ��,j_a�� 3 i 7� y -3- ($1 , 000, 000. 00) single limit coverage for the ublic liabilit insurance. Insurance P Y policies shall be issued by companies l.icensed to do business in Minnesota, shall name the city, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (the "HRA") and the building owner as additional insureds , and shall not be cancelable without thirty � (30) days ' written notice to the additonal insureds . Endorsements of a policy or policies issued to the building owner II providing additional insured coverage to the advertising fixture installer and the city in coverages otherwise meeting the II requirements of this subsection shall be acceptable in lieu of a separate policy or policies . The advertisin installer and buildin owner s a ' eac �aaive su - ro ation ri hts a ainst the other or all property amage c aims . I(8) The installation of displays , cases and fixtures and any advertising therein shall comply with all other applicable laws and II regulations . (9) If permission to install any such adver- tising is withdrawn or revoked by the sky- way governance committee for failure to abide by the guidelines as provided in this section, by operation of an agreement , or by court order , the installer of the advertising shall at his or her own ex- pense remove such advertisin� and restore the pedestrian concourse to its former condition. � � WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK �� - FINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL Council /�q � CAIyARV -DEPARTMENT / -BLUE -MMVOR File NO. � " � 0 rdindnce Ordinance N 0. �7� �`3 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -4- Section 2 This ord nance shall take effect and be in force 30 days after its pas age, approval and publication. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by De artment of: �seid �� In Favor Goswitz Rettman s�be;t�� Against BY Sonne�/' Wilson � � � »� Form Approved b City tor y Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passe �ecr y � BY � . BY , Appro y Mayor: Date �AR 3 � Approved \Mayor for u ' sion to Council � '�---� ^ B � PUBI APR - 31989 .. . _ . :. � ��C�, ���;� �'��"a �� � . � � .N° 014858 � . � DEPARTMENT • ��i'�. CONTAGT.1QAME , PHONE �- :F � — DATE ASSIGN NUMBER (See reverse side.) � Department Direct � � Mayor (or Assistant) � ��1 _ Finance and ?Ianag t Services Director G ty Clerk ���' Budget Director�,, � �isK �, City A o � �� TOT �i (' (Clip all locations for signature.) W G ? CPurposa/Rationale) . � . - �/- � . .��scB�.l�C ���wH7r�7�� •+a�+6��AN� _ ���oyC�'��'r' � . : � ,� '�� � � _ - ,,� � G�� �������� �.�:� G AND RS C S ' ��� F N B C ER C D D: (Mayor's signature not equired if under $10,000.) Total Amount of Trans ction: . Activity Number: Funding Source: ATTACHMENTS: (List and number all attachments.) �,/z�-i�l� ADl�i T TIV P OCEDU _Yes '�No Rules, Regulations, Procedures, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes _No If yes are they or timetable attached? . DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW �C Yes _No Counci2 �solution required7 Rasolution .requiredY �Yes _Ido Y�es No Insuras�a required4 Insuranca sufficient? ,�es _No _Yes �No Insurance �attachedY . ; �, �OW TO USE THE GREEN SHEET • . , , � � � The GRLEN SHEET has three PURPOSESs . 1. to ass�ist in routing docume�►ts and in securing required signatures; 2. to brief the revieNers o� documents on the impacts of spproval; 3. to heip `ensura that necessary supporting materials are prepared and, if required, � attached. � . Providing complete information under the listed=beadings enables revie�rezs to make decisions on the documents and eliminates follar=up contacts that may dalay execution. Below is the preferred &OUTING for the five most freq�}ent ,t�es of docvments: CONTRACTS (assumes authorized budget exists) . 1. Outside Agency 4. Mayor � 2. Initiating Department 5. Finance Director � 3. City Attorney 6. Financs Accounting Note: If.a GONTRAGT amount is less than $10,000, the Mayor's sigria�ure is not required, if the department director aigns. A contxact muat al�ys be signad by the outside agency before routing through.City offices. ADMINISTRATIVE ORBER (Budget Revision) ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (all others) 1. Activity Manager I. Initia�ing Department� 2. Department Accrnmtant 2. City Attorney 3. Department Director 3. Mayor/Assistant 4. Budget Director � 4. City Clerk 5. City Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, Finance and Management Sernices COUNGIL RESOLUT�ON (Budget Amendment/Grant Acceptance) CO[TNCIL RESOLIITIQN, (all others) 1. Department Director 1. Department Director ; 2. Budget Director 2. City Attorney 3. City Attorney 3. liayor/Assistant : 4. Ma3ror/Assistant 4. City Clerk 5. Chair, Finance, Mgmt. , and Pars. Cte. 5. City Council 6. City Clerk . 7. C�ty Council � 8. Chief Accountant, Ffnance and I�ts�gemeat Sernices The COSTJBENEFIT BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMF'ACTS heading provides space to explain the cost/benefit aspects of the decision. Co�ts and benefits relate both to City budget (General Fund and/or Special Funds) and to broader financial impacts (cost to users, homeowners, or other groups affected by the-action) . The .personnel impact is a description of change or shift of Fu11-Time Equivalent (FTE) positions. , The ADMINI�,$�TIVE PROCEDURES section aQUSt be completed to indicate whethar additional administrative procedures; including rules, regulations, or resource proposals ars necessary for implementation of an ordinance or resolution.. If yes� the procedures or a timetable for the completion o� procedures muat be attached. SUPPORTING liATERIALS. In the ATTACHMENTS section, identifp all attachments. If the Green Sheet is well done, no letter of transmittal need be included (un�:ess s3gning such a letter is one of the requested actions) . te: If an agreement requires evideace of insuranee/co-insurance, a Certificata of Insuranc.e shculd be one o� t.ha attachm$nts at tima,:a�` routing. Note: Actions vhich: require City Council resolutions 3nclude contractual relationships with other governme�tal uitits; collective bar�;a�.�fzsg contracts,• ,purchase, sale, or lease of land; issuance of bonds by City; eminent domain; as�umiption of .liabilitp by City, or granting by �City of indemnification; agreements with state or federal government under which they are providing funding; budget amendments. _ _ . ' _. . . - ���.�7q ��.�. �7��3 $����T• �� i CITY OF SAINT PAUL . .e �" =?'% I ��• ��, OFFICE OF 7HE CITY ATTORNEY � uuu�uw ;= j%+ "" 144 ,s� EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY ;. ``�., ''��°,����''�_ 647 City Hall, Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 GEORGE LATIMER 612-298-5121 MAYOR February 9, 1$89 To : Chai Wilson and Members Hous ng & Economic Development Committee From: Bi11 �Belden Jim I�art Re: Sky C�om Franchise Ordinance This ordinanc was laid over in your committee pending further discussion by staff with Sky Com, Inc . These discussions resulted in a reement to recommend changes in the franchise ordinance text - (a) in Sec ion l0A and B to clarify that the display fixtures lo ated in Town Square Park covered under permit agre ment with Parks and Recreation were excluded fr m franchise fee and in lieu display time of the ordi ance; and (b) in Sec ion 12 to permit a building owners all contents fi e and extended coverage insurance policy to provide asualty coverage in lieu of a separate policy prov ded by the franchisee. I These changes �re incorporated in revised pages 4, 5 , 6 and 7 of the ordinance, Icopies attached. The insurance �hange was advocated by Sky Com' s insurance agent to conform wit customary practice in the industry. (See W.A. Lang Co. Lette attached)� . We are satisfied with the merits of this change an recornmend a com a ' or inance amending the insurance prov sion of the S yway Conduct r inance Section 140. 07 (a) St. aul Legislative Code to conform with the proposed franchise ordi ance revision. We have arranged introduction of the companion rdinance so that it is before the Committee with the franchise rdinance. Encs . i � �� � �� _ �� lst -�r� � 2nd -- " Q v ^ � � a�� / 3rd _I -� �- � Adopted � �� 3D-�� eas Nays DIMOND �� � ��-��� cos�azTZ �7Co �3 LONG RETTMAN SONNEN WILSON I MR. PRESIDENT, SCHEIBEL � � � . - . . . . � ���=a 9 _ � � ' ' Members: ; , ;� � � �� � Bili Wilson, chair � ,;' F�,. �. � ' ,, . `: I ' �' , 3t��.�� C'rITY OF SAINT PAUL Tom Dimond ��/��✓� �`,i��i'���'�" � Kiki Sonnen O F F I C E OF THE CITY COIINCIL C�ate: March 9, 1989 WILLIAM L. WILSON I - nOmml+}QQ �e�O�,.,} MARK VOERDlNG Councilman V «�c � � Legialative A[de . . . To: Saint Paui City Council From : Hous ng and Economic Development Committee Bill ilson, Chair � 1. Approval of Mir�utes Minutes of FEB UARY 8, 1989, committee meeting were APPROVED � 2. Resolution app oving the appointment by the Mayor of Ron Ankey to serve on the Board o Appeals and Review for the Housing, Building and Fire Prevention Codes (C.F. 89-327) COMMITTEE RECO ENDED APPROVAL 3. Ordinance grant ng non-exclusive franchise to Skycom, Inc. to own, operate and mai tain advertising display fixtures in the pedestrian skyway system C.F. 88-1470) COMMITTEE RECO ENDED APPROVAL -- ____..�._ -�------- .__.,.`__'''°_ ,-_--, 4. Qrdinan�e pe�� ning to insurance requirements,,.�;or �kyraa�r s�vertising �i�p��r�f i�tur amend3�g SecCion 140.07(aJ of�t�'ie St. Pavl Legislative �:>,�.`:�:�� 89- 79) S. Ordinance amend ng Chapters 60 through 67 of the Legislative Code (zoning) pertai ing to regulation of colleges, universities and seminaries (C. . 89-310) , COMMITTEE RECO ENDED LAYOVER, WITH PUBLIC HEARING AND THIRD READING TO BE CONTINUED ON MARCA .23, 1989 3• 6. Proposed Plan fo National Indoor Sports Center COMMITTEE RECOMM NDED APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION AS DRAFTED (NOT YET INTRODU ED) CTTY HALL SEVEN'�TH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-4646 $�4s � �