89-275 . . . . Q �. � o� �—__ __ __ __ _ __ __ _ _ .__ _ _ _ ___ __ __ __ _ ___ _ _ _ _ ___ WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAU Council /f � CANARV -DEPARTMENT � File NO. ����'�� BLUE - MAVOR • � . O/ ftiZ/L�/`CG � Ordinance NO. Presented By ��r-�-� Referred To � Committee: Date ° � Out of Committee B Date An ordinance amending Section 4. 02 of the Saint Paul City Charter pertaining to quorum and rules of the council . THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. Pursuant o Minnesota Statutes Section 410.12, Subd. 7 and upon recommen ation of the Charter Commission of the City of Saint Paul, Se tion 4.412 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul be and the sam hereby is amended to read as follows: "A majori y of the council shall constitute a quorum, but a sma ler number may adjourn from time to time and compel t e attendance of absent members under such terms and penalties as the council may prescribe. The council s all determine its own rules and order of business nd shall keep � ����i��� b� minutes of its proceedin s. The }���?1�&� minutes shall be a public record. Within 3 drays after approval of the minutes, the off—icial minutes, w th a condensed versio� n of the discussio , which includes the action on resolutions and ordin nces and other official proceedinqs, shall be published in the official newspaper of the city• COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond � �� L ��g � In Favot 1 T� �T\ coswitz Rettma�—� Scheibei � Against By Sonnen � �� �on o ����'�� Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Sec etary gy ��'u'� =�"" �Z —" ���- .2�j'"c��-�' By Approved by Mayor: Date Appr e by Mayor for Subm' 'on to Coun ' By I � WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council � �,.�- � CANARV -DEPARTMENT / BI.VE -MAVOR File NO. • Or indnce Ordinance N 0. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Section 2. This ord nance shall take effect and be in force ninety (90) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� In Favor co�t� Rettman s�he�net Against BY Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Q Certified Passed by Council Secr tary BY ��� �' ��'���`` °� ��� / By Approved by Mayor: Date Approv y Mayor for Submiss' n to Cou� By . . , � -� � . ��a�`�. RESOLUTION OF THE SAINT PAUL CHARTER COMMISSION WHEREAS, Ithe Saint Paul City Council by its Resolution of July 19 , 19881 (C.F. No. 88-1023) requested Charter Com mission review and con�ideration of amendments to Saint Paul City Charter Sections 6.07, 8.05 and 13.03.1, pertaining to the publication of resolutions; a�d WHEREAS, iat its meetings on August 18 , 1988, September 22 , 1988, Octoberi 27, 1988, and November 23, 1988, the Charter Commission reviewed and considered the aforesaid Charter amendments as well as an additional amendment to Section 4.02; now, therefore be it RESOLVED that pursuant to Minnesota Statutes section 410.12, Subd.� 7, the Sa int Paul Char ter Comm i ss ion hereby recommends forl unanimous Council adoption the proposed amendments attached heretp. � � � 1 i . . .. . �, � ��,,-a��_ S�INT PAUL C R COMMISSION c ' SAINT PAUL, �.. MINNESOTA 55102 RECEIVED January 26 , �98g JAN 2'71989 CITY CLERK Albert B. Ol�on City Clerk 386 City Hal Saint Paul , N 55102 Dear Mr. Ols�n: Enclosed pl ase find a Ftesolution adopted by the Saint Paul Charter Comm' ssion at its meeting today and which proposes amend- ments to Sa nt Paul City Charter Sections 4.02, 6.07 , 8 .05 and 13 . 03. 1 . P1 ase place in on the next available Council agenda. Thank you. Yours truly, � � V J � Raymond W. F ricy, Jr. , Presi nt Saint Paul C arter Commission I22 � . . "� � . .. /��-�i(�,%��Jr' U` An ordinance amending Section 4. �12 of the Saint Paul City Charter pertaining to quorum and rules of the council . THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 . Pursuant �o Minnesota Statutes Section 410.12, Subd. 7 and upon recomm en ation of the Charter Commission of the City of Saint Paul, Se tion 4.02 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul be and the sam hereby is amended to read as follows: "A majori y of the council shall constitute a quorum, but a sma ler number may adjourn from time to time and com pel t e attendance of absent m embers under such terms and penalties as the council may prescribe. The council hall determine its own rules and order of business and shall keep a �e����� �� minutes of its proceedings. The ��t��r�a� minutes shall be a public record. Within 3 days after approval of the minutes, the official minutes, with a condensed versioTn of the discussion, whic includes the action on resolutions and ordin nces and other official proceedings, shall be published in the official newspaper of the city• Section 2. This ordi ance shall take effect and be in force ninety (90) days from and iter its passage, approval and publication. 1 I Cit .Clerk r '� • � � DEPARTMENT V'- � a� Np /7�� Albert Olsfln CONTACT � 298-4231 PHONE February 9, 1989 DATE I Q��� Q Q ASSIGN NUhB ER FOR ROUTING OR ER Cli All Locations for Si nature : ]: Department Director s� Director of Management/Mayor Finance and Management S rvices Director City Clerk Budget Director � Council Research City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TA ING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : City Charter will be amended to require publication of Council meeting minutes. Related ordinances w 11 delete the requirement for publication of resolutions. COST/BENEFIT BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: Approximate savings of $20,000 to $25,000. FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGE ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Transac ion: � - quired if under $10,000) Funding Source: N. . Activity Number: � ATTACHMENTS List and Numb r All Attachments : , �, ri�� F, ,,.,�� � uenter. �. _.. ��:" ��� Ordinance ' Letter of St. Paul Charter Com�nission recomnending approval. Fr�3 �. � ;,,v� DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Council Res lution Requi"red? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes No Insurance R quired? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No Insurance tached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 _ , . � . � � � � �s---��7� Membera: � Kiki Sonnen, chair . R . . I CiITY OF ►.S'AINT PAUL oger Goswitz ,��uuu� ��n �i�n Bob Long OFFICE OF TFIE CITY COUNCIL � .^.:. ..:`. : " Staff: Meeting Date: March 3, 1989 I KtKI SONNEN I Donna Sanders� 5ecretary councilmember I Jane MePeak, Attorney MOLLY O'ROURKE • RECEIVED Legislativ Aide I • ' �ules and olicy Committee Re � ort �' p � 5 � . MAR 989 CITY CLERK 1. Approval of minu es of the February 3, 1989 meeting. COMMITTEE APPROV D 2• t���'�'27 - Aa a�df�x�'a8�endin8 ��►��4� 4.OZ .qf the '��. ;�s� City Char e ,�to� equire the publication of Citq Counc�:l`�a�is�ute� � in the o��-�aI ewapapa�. � _(.�ha.xter Commission recommends approval. ' R�efe���d t�:;.#�' & P Committee 2/21/89) CtM#tITTS� : _ _ Eb A�'!"RC�l�L 3. ORDINANCE - - n ordinance amending Section 6.07 of the St. Paul City Charter by deleting the requirement for publication of Council resolut ons in the official newspaper. (Charter Commission recommends appr val. Referred to the R & P Committee 2/21/89) COIyIlr(ITTEE RECO ENDED APPROVAL 4. ORDINANCE �189-2 7 - An ordinance amending Section 8.05 of the St. Paul City Charter by deleting the requirement for publication of Council resolut ons in the official newspaper. (Charter Commission recommends appr val. Referred to the R & P Committe�e 2/21/89) . COMMITTEE RECO ENDED APPROVAL 5. ORDINANCE 4�89- 78 - An ordinance amending Section 13.03.1 of the St. � Paul City Char er by deleting the requirement for publication of Council resolu ions in the official newspaper. (Charter Commission recommends app oval. Referred to the R & P Committee 2/21/89) COMMITTEE RECO ENDED APPROVAL . 6. Discussion of �xecutive Order E-29 - Pertaining to guidelines and procedures forl,Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. (Referred to R & P Committee �3/25/88; Heard in R & P Committee 9/2/88, 10/7/88, 11/4/88, 12/16�88 and 1/6/89, and laid over until 3/3/89) COMMITTEE REFE RED TO FULL COUNCIL (with notification that the R & P Committee is rking on Guidelines & Procedures for City Council Offices••for t e Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. Committee � recommends th t in the event of a rewrite of Executive Order E-29 the format the Co ncil is using should be adopted as it is more easily read and understoo .) 7. Discussion of City Council's Data Practices, Guidelines & Procedures. (Heard in R & P Committee 12/16/88, 1/(/89, and laid over until 3/3/89) - COMMITTEE REC I�IENllED LAY01/ER TO APRIL 7, 1989 -- . . ' • , CITY HALL SEV�NTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 � 612/29$-53�8 •�.46 . ' -' ' � • . • ,��-a�s . . � - _ _ _ i -- --- � N CE OF Pi3BLiC HEAR,�I�G ON.CHABTLit AMENDA�ENT - Nati is hereby gi�+en�sat Lla,e GiLy Council o#the Cityof Saint Paul will h�Td a public h ari�g on ri12@.�989 ax 9•00__�,M:.in the Council Chamber5 in the City A Ha31 aitd ourt House a�ns�ci�rt e apPmval n#am ordi�tiance being CovnciI File 89=275, ' ending Sectiort 4:02 qi f ttie Charter of the City of Saint Paui relatin�to quorum a d rules of the C4uriCil. Tt�e L of the ordinanceJ.�s as�oIIows: At�. z� inance amenc�i�g Sectiou-.4.02 4���� �int Paul City Ch�rter � perkait�ln to quorum.at�!�:ruTes�f tYte.trouncii,'r , The Cou il.of.tbe Ci�y.taf,Saint�Paul Dces Ordain: ,. �.� SECTION f Pu 2rxt .ta' Minri�eot� StatuteS: ,Section �414.124, .Subd. .7 and �poi� recorYiax ndatiori;of t C#�arter Commission Qf the City ot Saint Paul, �ection 4.02 of t e Charter of�City of Sai�t Paul be and�he sanne hereby is amendQd to read as llow�;�; : "A jority o�'��he eauncii shall constitute, a `rquorum, but a s�»aller �iu r may ad$oi�rn from time to time and'compei the attendance of , ab t m�tnbei^S �nder such kerrns and,penaities as the council may -pr ' ribe.�'1�e.council sha11'deteririis�e its own rui�s grid order of busln'ess � ;� ,�nd.shatll k�@e�z tninutves of its proceedings:The:x�inutes shall be a pub3rc rd. .� Wit "�n 30 days af�ex'3�sprov�l of the minutes,th�#ficial minutes,with a " ensed .vexsiot� of; �ttte:discussion, wli'ich�`inciudes the action on res lutions- and ordtnanCe� 'and,: ther offaci�l proceedings, shalI be pu iished in ttt�ie-officia�newspa���#$�ek'�:'� ' � .; . SF,G'��ON.2, - ..: ,. .. : . svrdinance shail f't�ke efEe�t and be in Iorce ciinety(90),days fro�ancl after its pa e; apProval and pub�icatio�: ' sd at Saint Pau4,Minnesota,the 27th day oi March, 1989. ALBFF T B. OLaON;�ity Clerk (April 1-8, 1989) _ _, -- - - - � I � � i � i i ��'t� •r.�' ' :( 1 ���x ��:��� ��#V{��� N,{�t ! 'v . .tr ,.�''r — - 1 r .. �,_ .1' J t . ( 7 i ... 'J &7�.�� gC 4 7 ^� `.��U''°��"'i��'.'1-r7r4llfW ��fl`�� -���tfr'��'nl^f•�.'L�.+i`�'� � �:3R�t''(� } � .� , 3i3C �� b�k-�f�i���ilUl�k� � ��� - . 'R ��an '�irt ituse�acon�r tt�e� '�M�e ��r��`�`��' ' i ' p=2��. P���ri�sn�a�d'�naMCe 3a�xr,t�C�1�4 � ;; �n� ���e��`��si�lFr��t�i��liili���•�i�� The ;�he�o�xse�lee'�`�e�luwa :} ,� � � ��ce ;:�nile�iding �Qti 4:f12 � F��' ,��; �, � � rta �t guorum�s�.�'t�the c�;�r;�ef� � �si�x;�� � � k_ �fie- t��e-Csi�.tt��!`.FauT Does.�td''� ` a •�,� , - . , x_ � f` , �,; . - � e ..k . _ r'"¢,r s.. � � SEC"1'If3I4`I F `� ' - . . ' . �. ,., , -_ t .tQ: M� StBtutes,.. S�i' 410'si?.;�,S # $ fl2 ra� �'+•�#��n��i'�Er C�i�an,bf the E".�t�i of a�g�i�j�r����� #• `r;o#:h�e vi saint P;�j be,an�.tt�g��.�,ay�rieris"�� ,. 1�e&C�,as t tVS`: t - ,� u.$ •. 'F � p� �}Ei .��T1C1� $�R�� f:O11Sx2tut�2, g S- �� ' quo�um. but �alleX� , ` �'' �°:aab y�y`�y�Y�L �:��fi�e}�y�C't.Li���p1�u1a�¢A$p7p� a� ,#`� rYbilRr7UC ��i 14J�� Mi,�Ol{.�TT-Y#ot. . 3 M1 . �. .T ��12 C¢U���S}38�d �' . ��� Y �7�I1E��i:&OW11�'t3�S�OI� ?� :��A�nutQS:af its l?riice.es3iiigs,�ar����e�s _ ���C ,' ; ` �� ��3Rs I1.1't�t aPi��'�+$i�c�f,� A„i��k��,'��h a �y conde versiori of the 3ne�u�s ,#� a�3�', " ?'e�l .i;�€_�uA � a�ces��� _ -�. . p u b� e d a n fi�,e�c►f�i r�v s s � �a l p�• � � �., - ' . . P�P�'�f�he ci#y: . . . �` �� � � , S�C"i'If?N�2 ` ` ," . ,' � its z�va�-�����`d��o���r:E�Q?���r�nnr`s�da� ` �a�t'ee["t ��� ` -:; _ �iit"Pas�;'f�3fiinesotsi:f�e..�'t#}� " ` �►�� . OISON,Cit ��.��" I y Clerlc��; 1�=� � }. �., . � - _ ; - ; ` -.. - _ ; , -; - : , , . , . � ` �. ; ' . - . _ _ :_ . _ : _ , :. : - ; _, . _.. .: , . , . _ _. _ , ._ . . . , ' ,, , , . . . : _ � _. ;, ' , : _._ _. - ; � :_ - . :,� . . , . ,.. _ _ _ . , : . .. _._ .. � „ . .. . .-_ . :_ , _ :. - , . .-. . � _ ., . - . ._ - - .- : , - �. , , . _. _- , ;: _ ::. . - - , _ , . .. _ . - : . _ ..- _ - :- .. . " - - � _ - - � : . . :. _, ; .. .__ . - - _ _ . .. . .. : � - ::,:. I - � • - � _ _ -� . . - _ . ;_ . � ; - ,� ,: >. , ;. -- _. . , _ _., - . .; : . • :: . . _ _ _ I . - . . . .. , : _ � ,:.:: . _ - . , _ .. ,. „ _.� . . ,: _ ;.. ` .. : ,.- . _ _ . _ ,-_- •` � _ .. . I . � ; - k _ _ �1-' . . �. _ _ ' : . 1 � ; . . {. : - �� _ _ - . . � _ �` -- -- _ - - - ------ — - � _ - �- -- _ . � � 1 , . . . � , -. � G - : lst � –o�l r�'�f 2nd ���3– �/ . - 3rd �"���/- Adopted �E .� _ G � � . ��a.o ��� �-�7�-y� Yeas Nays _ DIMOND (��o2'S� ' GOS�IITZ . LONG ' RETTMAN - - I � � � SOD]iVF[J _ ;. .. _ , - -. , � . -� _ _ _ , . - - - , - • . � " . . � WILSON _ � - ;: j � MR. PRESIDENT, SCHEIBEL � I .. , . . . - I , ,, :. _.' .. _ _ .._. . - . - - _ ' � , . -. , � ;. <,, , . . _ � , ..: - - -.: . �; : , . ; , � - :, : ,; >. �:._ � ;: .. . : - F . _ . . _ , . _ : _ _ - _ - - - - - . - � �j , � _ � . _ ` � . " : . . . _ , , . _ .- _ - _ _ _ F .. . .. ,, -. ,;. � - ` - ' : -- :. -- _:.; _ . _. ; . _ � ; < : _ , - � . . . = _ ' - _ .. � � : � � - � : . . : _ i - , . __ - i _ � - _ - - _ � _ __ ... . -_ . .. .. -_ � . _ _ __ � � . - lst p2"����f �. - r 2nd �'v� �-� / E3rd � � - Adopted � � - _ j ,�_�� �� ���:�� �- �J. . � Yeas Nays - f � DIMOND L --a�� - � ". ���I }, GOSfdZTZ LONG . s:_ � RETTMAN . - SONNEN - WILSON . - MR. PRESIDENT� SCHEIBEL � _ - _ � _ � �:�_ . � . , _ J . � I . ' . � _ - , ,.' , . ;-. ° _ . I . ,.' - : ._ - I . ,:: . .. : _ � , I . _ _ : _