89-274 WMITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COI�nCII �j BLUE �v - MAVORTMENT j GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. a`1'�7� ! Council Resolution �� Presented By `�:�.`, �,� 1 � i Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WEIERFAS, the L�ivision of Public Health has requested the City Council to hold a public ring to consider the advisability and necessity of the correction or wr king and r�noval of a single story comnercial, wood frame building, w ich is located on property hereafter referred to as the "Subject PropertyI 'co�rm�only lmown as 1890 W. University Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota a�a legally described as: Lots 188jthrough 193, Hinkel's 3rd Amendment to Union Park, accordin to the recorded plat thereof, and situate in Ramsey County, 'nnesota. Abstract Property. Wf�tEAS, ba t�on the records in the Ramsey County Recorder's Office on October 25, 1 88 the following persons are owners, interested parties or responsible pa�rties of the Subject Property. The fee owners are Porky's Drive-In Inc., 3017 21st Avenue South, Minneapolis, NS�T 55407; Ray Truelson, 3017 2 st Avenue South, Minneapolis, NIl�T 55407 and Nora Truelson, 3017 21st Avenue South, Minneapolis 55407 and Nora Truelson, 4851 E. Lake Harriet Boulevar , Minneapolis, NIl�t 55409. There are no judc�nents or liens of record agains these parties; and Wf�2EAS, the Division of Public Health has issued orders identified as an "Abandoned �lding Notice" dated October 6, 1988 which is attached and incorporated as rt of this Resolution by this reference. This order was served on all ers, interested parties and responsible parties of the S�abject Propert �own to the enforceznent officer. The notice and order informed these rties that the single story cotinnercial, wood frame I COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond COMMUNITY SERVICES Lo� I In Favor Goswitz �e�� I _ Against BY ' Sonnen I Wilson Form Appro ' y Atto ey Adopted by Council: Da�e �F���9y��C //\/� B � �. � � �'�_ Certified Yassed by Council S�cretary y By � 6lpproved by Mavor: Date �— Appro e y Mayor for Su ss ct`to C ncil By BY - I � ����-�� building locate�i on the Subject Property is an abandoned building and a nuisance p�ar t to Sections 45.01, Subd. 1, and 45.02, Subd. 11 of the St. Paul Legisl tive Code. The October 6, 1988 order also had attached to it a list of de iciencies regarding the building on the Subject Property, said list is at ched and incorporated as part of this resolution; and WI�REAS, th October 6, 1988 order infonned all owners, interested parties and re�nsible parties that they maast either repair the building on the Subject roperty by correcting the list of deficiencies or demolish the building, e ther action to take place by November 21, 1988. WEIEREAS, no action has been taken regarding compliance with the October 6, 1988 notice and order, and as a result the Division of Public Health reque that a public hearing be scheduled to take place on Thursday, Feb ry 16, 1989 for the City Council to consider the advisability anc� necessity of ordering the correction of the nuisance condition or in the alternative consider the d�alition and removal of this building; WI�REP,S, th above referenced owners, interested parties and responsible pa ies have been personally served notice of the t�me and purpose of the ebruary 16, 1989 hearing before the Council; and Wf�REAS, a lnearing was held before the Saint Paul City Council on February 16, 19 9 and all testimony and eviderice was considered by the Council. NaW, TEIERRE , BE IT RE90LVID that basedu�o n all of the testimony and evidence pr sented at the February 16, 1988�hearing the Saint Paul City Council he eby adopts the follawing Findings and Order concerning the building at 189 W. University Avenue: 1. That on July 13, 1987 the building located on the Subject Property was determined be vacant. The comY►ercial b�ilding has re�nained vacant since July 13, 987. 2. That si e July 13, 1987 the City of Saint Paul has on nwnerous occasions is orders to the a�mers to make this building secure and not accessable. On many occasions, because of the inaction on the part of the owners, the Cit has had to hire a private contractor to make the building secure and not pen to access. 3. That th owners of the Subject Property have repeatedly failed to register and pa the vacant building fee for this str�ture as required by City ordinance. 4. That th re are riow and have been since July 13, 1987, �zltiple exterior Housin Code or Building Code violations in existance at the Subject Propert . 5. That th otivners, interested parties and responsible parties of this building a e as previously stated in this resolution. These individuals hav been properly served notice of the February 16, 1989 hearing concern�ng this building. -2- `�r� < � �� L�� ���-�9 ..� ��-�>��� . . . 6. That th owners, interested parties or responsible parties have been ordered to epair this building and have failed to do so. 7. That on tober 6, 1988 an Abandoned Building Notice was sent to the owners, in ested parties and responsible parties ordering these persons within f rty-six (46) d,ays from the date of the Notice to either demolish the building or make repairs and correct the list of deficiencies. 8. That the order of October 6, 1988 has been disregarded by the owners, interes parties and responsi.ble parties. 9. That the one story co�mercial, wood frame building located on the Subject Property is an abandoned building under Section 45.01, Subd. 1, of the Saint Paul islative Code in that it is "a building or portion thereof which ha�s stood unoccupied for longer than one (1) year" and during that peri of time has been either "unsecured" or "boarded" or has had "�zltiple ex rior Housing Code or Building Code violations". 10. That the one story comY►ercial, wood frame �.iilding located on the Subject Property� is a nuisance as defined under Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 45. 2, Siabd. 11, in that it is an aba.ndoned building located in the City of int Paul that has created a dangerous or unhealthy condition or whi h threatens the public peace, health, safety or sanitary condition of the City or which is offensive or has a blighting influence on the comrnanity'. 11. That the sts of abatement of these nuisances are estimated to exceed two tho dollars ($2,000.00) or the abat�nent involves d�nolition of a 'lding other than a structure accessory to a residential building. ORDER The Saint Pa l City Council hereby makes the follotiving order: 1. The abov referenced awners, interested parties and responsible parties and thei assigns shall make the Subject Property safe and not detrimental to e public peace, health, safety, and welfare and remove its blighting i luence on the c�r�anity by rehabilitating this building and correcting t se deficiencies set forth in the list previously referenced in ac ordance with all applicable codes and ordinances, or in the alternative d�nolishing the building and filling the site in accordance with 11 applicable codes and ordinarices. The rehabilitation or d�nolition of this building mazst be campleted within �ri�y ��6� days of the clate of iling of this resolution. H�N�' `�° �p � 2. If the ve corrective action is not com�leted within the �.ixt},L�,►��N� (38,� day t�m�e pe iod, the proper City officials of the City of Saint Paul are hereby autho ized to take whatever steps are necessary to d�lish this building an fill the site and charge the costs incurred against the Subject Property' pursuant to the provisions of Section 45.08 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. -3- �c � 13��` ��. r�&/�� WNITE - CITV CLERK I PINK - FINANCE I COIlIICIl (//� BLUERV -MAYORTMENT I G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L File NO•�ly� ��� Council Resolution Presented By � � t��!/ �'' Referred To � Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 3. In the even the building is to be dsmlished by the City of Saint Paul, all personal roperty or fixtures of any kind which shall unreasonably interf re with the denalition and racqval shall be r�noved from the b�zilding the o�mers, interested parties and responsible - parties by the end i the y (�) day time period. If the personal property is r�t so remove�'�� City of Saint Paul shall remove and dispose of su�ch p perty and fixtures as is provided by law. 4. IT IS ORDERID that a certified copy of this resolution arid the incorporated O der and list of deficiencies be mailed to the last Iffiahm address of e avners, interested parties and responsible parties pursuant to Sectio 45.11, Subdivision (5) . -4- i � I COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond COMMUNITY SERVICES ��g in Favor Goswitz � Rettman � �ne1be� D Against BY Sonnen �Ison 1 FEB 1 ^ I��� Form Approv b City Attor y Adopted by Council: Dat a. 3 �► Certified Yass d y cil Se ar BY— sy - • � v � Approved 6 1�lavor. Date Appr by Mayor Eor Su m s ' n to Council By �US� MAR -4 l3$9 ,�.==o. � CITY OF SAINT PAUL M� `'�"�'o i DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES �•,,� �� - � DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH ""�� 555 Cedar Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101 George L�timer I (612)292-7741 Mayor �ecember 29, 198� RECEIVED D E C 2 91988 Mr. President Me�nbers of the�ty Council CITI( CL�RK Re: 1890 W. Uni�ersity Avenue Date of Hea�ing: February 16, 1989 District Cot�ncil: 13 Honorable Counciil: The Division of �ablic Health is hereby submitting its report on the condition of the� structure at the location referred to above. The owners of r�cord are: Porky's Drive-In, Inc. 3017 21st Avenue South (Fee Owner) Minneapolis, NIlV 55407 Ray Truelson 3017 21st Avenue South (Fee Owner) Minneapolis, N1�1 55407 � Nora Truelson 3017 21st Avenue South tFee Owner) Minneapolis, NIlV 55407 Nora Truelson (Fee Owner) 4851 E. Lake Harriet Boulevard Minneapolis, NIlV 55409 The legal desc iption of the property is: Lots 188 through 193, Hinkel's 3rd Amenc�nent �f Union Park, according to the recorded plat thereof, and situate in Ram�ey County, Minnesota. Abstract Property. The building i� a �vood frame, single story comnercial structure. The subject p�perty has been unoccupied since July 13, 1987. This buildingihas stood unoccupied for longer than one year and meets one or more of th conditions that constitute an abandoned building, as defined in C pter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. On October 6, 1988, the Division of Public Health mailed an order to the a�mers, inter sted parties and responsible parties of this building requiring tha� the building be either repaired, by correcting the attached list of defic�encies, or dernolished on or before Nov�nber 21, 1988. � � � ���y� Mr. President anc� Members of the Ci�ty Council -2- December 29, 1988 Inasmm�zzch as the �rders have not been completed to the satisfaction of the Division and the continued abandoned cor�lition of the building contributes a blighting infl�nce and potential hazard to the neighborhood, it is the recomnendation o the Division that the City Council pass a resolution ordering the own�rs, interested parties and responsible parties to either repair or d�c�oli�h the building in a timely manner to the satisfaction of the City. I In the event thejawners, interested parties or responsible parties fail to com�ly with the �ouncil Resolution, the Division of Public Health should be authorized toldemolish the bu.ilding and assess all costs incurred in the demolition a{gainst the real estate as a special assessment to be collected in thel same manner as taxes. Yo s truly, I ������1" � , rank A. �ta �r�son Environmen H�alth Director Enclosure I cc: John M�cCornhick, Asst. City Attorney Steve Zac rd, Fire Marshall Jan Gaster and, Building Inspection Warren Fro t, PID District H using Inspector I I _ @`�-a7� ' „<<,T,,,. CITY OF SAINT PAUL �;��, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES E� ""'��°'�� DIVISION OF PUBUC HEALTH ;. � i4r4 ��:,��� 555 Cedar Street,Saint Paul,Minnesoa 55101 (612)292J741 George Latimer Ma or Y ABAND0IED BUILDING NOTICE October 6, 1988 Porky's Drive- n, Inc. Ray Truelson 3017 21st Aven e So. 3017 21st Avenue So. Minneapolis, 55407 Minneapolis, NLN 55407 Re: 1890 W. U iversity Avenue Hinkel's rd Amendr�ent to Union Park, Ramsey Co. , MINN, Lots 188 thru Lot 93. Dear Sir or Ma . The Division o Public Health has determined that the above-noted building is an abandon building, which Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code def ines a : " any buildi g or portion of a building which has stood with an incomplete exterior shell for longer than three (3) years or any building o portion thereof which has stood unoccupied for longer than one (1) y r and which meets one or more of the follo�:ing criteria; (a) uns ed, or (b) boarded, or fc) having multiple exterior Housing C e or Building Code violations, or (d) placarded as "Unfit for Hiunan abitation" pursuant to Chapter 34 of the Saint Paul Legislativ Code." The ordinance urther states that an abandoned building is a nuisance and it may be orde ed torn down by the City. NOTE: If you d not want to have the City begin action to have the building torn own, then the attached list of deficiencies m�ust be repaired or yo must tear the building dawn on or before November 21, 1988. Any repair or emolition must be corcq�leted in accordance with all applicable la . If the work i not completed or if you have not torn the building down by the above dat , the Division of Public Health will refer this matter to the City Coun il to receive authority to tear down the building and charge all costs inc red in wrecking the building against the real estate as a special asses nt to be collected in the same manner as taxes. The City . _ ����� . - � Abandoned Buildin Notice 1890 Lniversity A Tenue H'. October 6, 1988 I Page Trao i Council will sch ule a public hearing to consider if the building should be torn down. If public hearing becor,ies necessary, you will be notified of the time and d te of the hearing and you will be allowed to present evidence to the C'ty Council. A copy of this order will be kept on file in the City Clerk's ffice and a resolution declaring this property to be a nuisance shall be on file in the Ramsey County Recorder's Office. Cor?�liance with t e attached list of deficiencies will remove your building from the list of abandoned buildings but it does not mean that the building c , lies with aIl applicable housing and building codes. The date for co liance with these orders shall not be extended unless you receive written roval from the Division of Public Health. If you have any estions about this order, please contact the Vacant Building Section at 298-4153. Sin ely, � I,����w � Steven R. Roy Environmental H lth Program Manager SRR/kjl Attachment cc: Warren Frosi�, PED � . � � . i - . � . ���a�� DEFICIEVCY LIST FOR 1890 L'1I��RSITY A�'��:E W. OC"I`OBER 6, 1988 All repairs and ew installations must be made in accordance with the appropriate cod . Perr.iits r.�ust be obtained where changes and/or additions to an electrical system require upgrading of the service size to current National Electri al Code (�.E.C. ) requirements. Som� pltunbing rep�airs may necessitate upda ing of the fixtures and,'or piping involved. A permit is required for an� repair or new installation. Permits r,iay be obtained from the Building In tion and Design Division, Roc�m 445 City Hall. EYTERIOR I � 1. Windows boarded. RPS:ave boards and providP windows that can be properl secured. 2. Doors ve been boarded. Remove boards and provide doors that can be roperly secured. 3. There is siding nissing and rotting. Replace. 4. There is lc�ose, pealing, chipping paint throughout exterior of buildi Properl�- scrape all exterior su.rface and repaint. 5. Cer�ent retaining wall along west side is in disrepair with chunks broken ff. Repair retaining wall. 6. Cement nd brick retaining wall paint chipping and missing. Scrape nd repaint. 7. Car co� r area o�er parking lot has loose and missing paint. Scrape nd repaint. 8. Wire a ched to building south side down and laying on parking lot. P�roperly attach wire. 9. Brush, ! eeds, seedlings growing through blacktop around building, blocki use. Clean out all brush, weeds and seedlings around buildi and lot and repair all danmage to lot and building. 10. Paper roducts and other litter around lot. Remove all debris from e_ erior area and properly maintain. MISSING B�ASIC F ILITIES 11. Buildi lacks water. Provide proper water hook up to all units. 12. Buildi lacks electrical service. Provide properly hooked-up electr' al service to all units. If you are unabl to finance the correction or rehabilitation of the premises to c ly with this order, there are state and local rehabilitation rograms for which you may qualify. Information about these programs is ava' lable from the Department of Planning and Economic Development, Re ilitation Section at f612) 228-3105. Ask to speak to a loan officer. i ��-a�� . .��••�. CITY OF SAINT PAUL �~� �'' DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES : ;� ��' "-°�� DIVISION OF PUBUC HEALTH '����� 555 Cedu Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101 George lst'aner (672)292-7741 �a NUTICE OF PUBLIC HFARING TO ORDER REPAIR OR DIIN�LITION oecember 29, 198 RfCEIVED � DEC 2 91988 Porky's Drive-In Inc. CITY CLERK 3017 21st Avenue�South Minneapolis, N�i 55407 Re: 1890 W. Univ�rsity Avenue To whan it may ncern: This is to notif you that the City Council, in response to a request by the Division of lic Health has scheduled a public hearing to consider the advisability of ordering the above-noted huilding to be either repaired for r or torn dawn. All owners and any other parties with a �own in rest in this building are required to be notified of this hearing to allaw thgn an opportunity to object to the action requested by the Division of lic Health. Please be advi the Public Hearing is scheduled for: UATE: Thursday, February 16, 1989 TIME: 9:00 a.m. LOCATION: CITY QOUNCIL Q�ANIBERS 3RD FfAOR, CITY HALL 15 W. KELIAOG HOULEVARD SAINT PAUL, NffNNESOTA 55102 At this hearing ou will be allawed to present any evidence you may have to object to the recomnendations of the Division of Public Health. If the City il orders the d�calition of this building, all costs incurred to perf rm this w�ork, including inspection costs, achni.nistrative costs, title sea hes, filing fees and the actual dem�lition and removal expenses, will assessed against the real estate as a speci.al assessment to be collectel t,he same manner as real estate taxes. If you have any qu�estions conc 'ng this matter, please call the Vacant Building Section at (612) 298-415 . Sincerely, ��'- � �� ✓ Steven R. Roy Environmental �lth Program Manager SRR/kjl i � ����� a��,*•o, � CITY OF SAINT PAUL "� �'' DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES �: . . ,� �' °� DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH �-, � .... ` 555 Ccdar Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101 George latimer � (612)292-7741 Ms�'or - NOTICE O�' PUBLIC EiEARING TO ORDER REPAIR OR DII�LITION � December 29, 1988 RECEIVED � DEC�91988 Ray Truelson 3oi� 2ist A��u� uth CITY CLERK Minneapolis, l�T 5407 Re: 1890 W. Univ rsity Avenue Dear Mr. Truelson This is to notify you that the City Council, in response to a request by the Division of lic Health has scheduled a public hearing to consider the advisability f ordering the above-noted building to be either repaired for r ncy or torn dawn. All awners and any other parties with a l�iaHm inte est in this building are required to be notified of this hearing to allaw an an opportunity to object to the action requested by the Division of lic Health. Please be advised� the Public Hearing is scheduled for: �I DATE: Thursclay. February 16, 1989 TIME: 9:00 a.m. IACATION: CITY CJOUNCIL CHANIBERS 3RD FIi00R► CITY HALL � 15 W. KELLrOC�G BOULEVARD SAINT PAUL, 1rIINNE90TA 55102 At this hearing u will be allawed to present any evidence you may have to object to the reconrnendations of the Division of Public Health. If the City Co il orders the dem�lition of this building, all costs incurred to perf rm this w�ork, including inspection costs, achni.nistrative costs, title lties, filing fees ar� the actual denalition and resnoval expenses, will assessed against the real estate as a special assessment to be collected n the same manner as real estate taxes. If you have any c�estions conce ing this matter, please call the Vacant Building Section at (612) 298-415 . Sincerely, ����- � Steven R. Roy Ehvironmental lth Program Manager SRR/kjl � ����� _ .��•�•. CITY OF SAINT PAUL �04� : � :� DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES ���•��� DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH ��� S55 Cedar Street,Saint Paul,Minnewta 55101 George Latfiner �6�s�z9s-na� MaYor NC)TI OF PUBLIC I�ARING TO ORDER REPAIR OR DII�I�LITION December 29, 19 8 RfCEIVED Nora Truelson 3017 21st Aven south DEC 2 919�R Minneapolis, N�T 55407 Re: 1890 w. Un versity Avenue CI?Y CL��►� Dear Ms. Truel n: This is to noti y you that the City Council, in response to a request by the Division of tublic Health has scheduled a public hearing to consider the advisabilit of ordering the above-noted l�ilding to be either repaired for r cupancy or torn dawn. All awners and any other parties with a lmaan in rest in this building are r��;red to be notified of this hearing to all thgn an opp�rtunity to object to the action reyu�ested by the Division of rublic Health. Please be advi the Public Hearing is scheduled for: DATE: Thursday, February 16, 1989 TIME: 9:00 a.m. L(X'ATION: CITY C70UNCIL CHAMBERS 3RD E'L�00�2, CITY �LAT T, 15 W. KELiAOG BOULEVARD SAINT PAUL, MI1�iESOTA 55102 At this tuearing you will be allawed to present any evidence you may have to object to th rec�cmendations of the Division of Public Health. If the City Co il orders the demolition of this building, all costs incurred to per orm this work, including inspection costs, administrative costs, title s rches, filing fees and the actual demolition and rem�val expenses, will assessed against the real estate as a special asses�nent to be collected in the same manner as real estate taxes. If you have any qu�estions conce ing this matter, please call the Vacant Building Section at (612) 298-41 3. Sincerely, �� � Steven R. Roy Ehviror�nental lth Program Manager SR12/kjl � ����� _ ,a�=•�. CITY OF SAINT PAUL `� � DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES � ;� �� �� DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH ���� � 555 Cedar Stroet,Saint Paul,Minnesoa 55101 Georse L�timer (612)292-7741 Mayor NUTICE F PUBLIC F�'.�RING TO ORDER REPAIR OR DII�JLITIaiJ December 29, 1988 RECEIVEQ Nora Truelson DEC 2 91988 4851 E. Lake Harr et Boulevard riinneapolis, NIlV 5409 CITY CLERK Re: 1890 W. Univ rsity Avenue Dear Ms. Truelson This is to notify you that the City Council, in response to a request by the Division of lic Health has scheduled a public hearing to consider the advisability f ordering the above-noted building to be either regaired for r cy or torn down. All owners and any other parties with a lmown in est in this building are required to be notified of this hearing to allaw hem an opportunity to object to the action requested by the Division of lic Health. Please be advi the Public Hearing is scheduled for: DATE: Thursday, February 16, 1989 TIME: 9:00 a.m. IACATION: CITY COUNCIL CHI�MBEEtS 3RD E'I�OOR, CITY I�,LL 15 W. KELLiOC�G BOULEVARD SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 At this hearing ou will be allawed to present any evidence you may have to object to the recomner�ations of the Division of Public Health. If the City Co il orders the demolition of this building, all costs incurred to perf rm this werk, ir�luding inspection costs, administrative costs, title sea hes, filing fees and the actual d�lition and r�aval expenses, will assessed against the real estate as a special assessnent to be collected n the same manner as real estate taxes. If you have any questions conce ing this matter, please call the Vacant Building Section at (612) 298-415 . Sincerely, iK`� (� Steven R. Roy �vironmental H lth Program Man�ager SRR/kjl . � �-��� . � _N° 13832 � • unit Services Dgp��� � • even�R;_Ro i CONTACT NAME 9 -7718 PHONE � r. � 19$9 DAxE ,,' N (See reverse side.) �y'v �'' �� , �.� �+ . � �'6! q� - � Department Direct r 3 Mayor (or Assistant)✓��4� Financa and I�Ianag ment Services Di�ector !� City Clerk Budget Director ._______ � �try cnuncil �, City Atto£�iey _ GN � (Clip all locations for signature.) 7 (Purpase/Rationale) The Cfty will begin he process of having this abandoned building declared a nuisance and ordered repaired or razed. RLCEIYE� ��� pa ���� C IID A D P C A MAYOFT'tv'QFf�(�E If the owner fails o repair or raze the building, the City will raze the strueture and assess the costa ag inst the taxes. Estimated costs $5,000.00 - $7,000.00. � � ' Already budget�d. G 0 C D E : (Mayor's signature no required if under $10,000.) Total Aaount of Tra s�ction: none Activit� Number: Funding Source: 0 22� Council Research Center - JaN 1 �_ ���9 A�"�ACH1�8�TS: (List a d number all attachmants.) List of deficiencie tor the building located at 1890 W. University Avenue. T VE P OCE S y�Yes No Rul s, Regulations, Procedures, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes X No If es, are they or timetable attached? DEPARTI�IENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW �Yes � No Counc 1 resolution required? Resolution required? �Yes �No ,Yes �No Insur nca required? Insurance sufficient? _Yes _No _Yes ,�No Insur nce attached?