89-265 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE CO{�IICII {//� '�/( CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L ( �j( BLUE - MAVOR File NO. • r `"� , .0 uncil Resolution �� Presented B ��� � Y eferred To +� Committee: Date ��_����� Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS Although the nee to automate the Housing Information Office was discussed during the 198� City Council bud et deliberations, no money was budgeted; and WHEREAS� The proposed sut mation plan for the Housing Information Office would allow the office to provide more effective service to the Mayor, City Council, other City Departments and citizens; and WHEREAS, The main goals o the automation plan.are to increase productivity, simplify workloads, and increase information haring and distribution in order to enhance policy decision making on housing issues in the Cit ; and WHEREAS, The Mayor pursu nt to Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter recommends the following transfers for the �989 Ge eral Fund budget: Current Amended TRANSFER FROM: Budget Changes Budget General Government Acc nts ------------ -------------- -------------- Contingent Reserve G eral 09060-0537 Operating Transfer Out 95,000 (54,089) 40,911 _ _ TRANSFER T0: Executive Administrati n 09103 Housing Inform tion Office Contribution '+ 09103-0537 0perating Transfer Out 138,535 54,089 192,624 09103 All Other Spen ing 0 0 0-�, ,��� �A71 Other Spending 123,769,163 ___0 123,769,163 ; ------------ ---------- -------------- 123,907,698 54,089 123,961,787 NET CHANGE 0 FURTHER RESOLVED, That t e City Council approves these changes to the 1989 budget. Approval Recommended: --1--- �-���k_-`=�L----- Budget r tor � COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays I ��� ��� _�_ [n Favor �TRANS6.WK1 �e� � A gainst BY . . � Sonnen I , eR �R � 4 � Form App ed by City Attor y Adopted by Council: Da e � Certified Pa: ed by Counc' S cret y BY _ZI Bl. � , � �� � �R 5 �.7U9 PP Y Y �.- A►pp ed y Mavor: Date � A ro b Ma or for Subm' ion o uncil PllB11SI�ED MAR 9 � 1989 ` ,; _� �►�e wrur� w�e oaw�n:c L�l`— Q y"`�� ,a � 'Chris Lutr�sh 1/6/89 ����_����� .1�t>.������ . ° � �o�:ma. , . w�roA con�swsrawri _ Chris Luk�eh . � Fo� �`�n'a�` f-�'��°� . _ ra. � euoc�ErowECroR � t:hafr F n. n�� u$in Info. O�fic . � $=55�1_ c�r+c�fl: . «rr�ii��. . _ - Auto�ate HIQ wit� Eompu ers Increas� Office-Product vity �Increase Inter-De�ty rdivation See Attac't�me�at A Simplifq Off#ce Procedu es .. ,. elc+(IYUmo�AOl�s:(�av►ow VN a�eI«�t�) co1n�n�nc��vo�rt: � PLAlMJO OOAMI8910N �CIMM. iCE COMMt9'JION � DA7E NI . - a17E 011t ANALYST . . . . . � . PHOfE ND. �- � . . . mlNRj Ct71�lON �D E25 BOARD . � - � . . . . - . � . �� .. 8TI1fF � - � . - CFIM7E COAM�IB810N - . COMPLETE AS FS. - AP01 NIFO.ADCEO* . � �.1ETD TO�COIFLA�T � . � . .. . . � - - _ � . _!'OR I1�OL NFO. __��11p�1E0•: .. 018SaCTOdMCIL ��EXPtJIN�TqN: . . . . � . . � .... '-� SUPPOR'IS NI�Mqi OOtIiCIL OBJECTIVE4 � � .� - � � . . . . . . �. . � .. . .. � .� . .' . .. . RECEIYE _ , . FEB p� 19 g . - MAYOR'S OFF'! E ��C�iVED , , . , . ..�ro 1+11�0�#r�wuE.a..�oRn,�.rn r�.wr�.wner..wi+rr , �. : , Office Director addre8ae need to City Council at 19$8 Budget Hearin�s. # ..���r o�F�G 1+1eed; to sutomat� to. incr ase productiuity and enhance Department Coordiaation.. ;E Lack of automation reduc s prodr�ctivity. : ._, _. � - . �usts�aeywir�teM�.�+as.e. , , . Producti��ty Improvement. _ Work Si�L�:icat ion Part of 19�9 Budget GQal and Priorities See Attact�t�t B Improved� Ccardiaation Capahilitp af better iaf mation to Mayor and City Council � , COIM[OUiiCii'.tMqMf.YMwr,�nd To MDwmy: . , . , :> �µ f . No negative cou,sequence cited ����'��� :� •�...�. , . � , ��,� : . : �E8 11989 _ , u„�: _ . �. � �: t , _ CITY ATTQRNEY euo��r c����� l�t/A . _ Cocr!�t�i! Re����-c� Cen�er F B G► ���� �..�,►�: . � �HIO is' one of the 'few off ces in the City that has not been automated. �-- . �wu.adu�s: N/A , . . ._. . . . . _ _ . . . .. . .._ ... .. ... . _ I . .. . . ,._.�. _ . . .... ._.. . ...� ._.,.- s "�l . � ���� _ _ �� '^� � GITY OF SAINT PAUL � ` r.. �. ' `"-�� '`� � OFFICF. OF 'PHE CITY COUNCIL I _ I ' Committee Report Finance Mana ement & Personnel Committee I Marcr, 6. 1989 1 � 1 . %ij:�{.rt UVd! aF ri�i r�Ui�t"i Uf 111i:Ct 1��C15 r1C I(:1 t=EJC"UoT"y' � dnd 1�. AG?�1"']VF� �. Re5olution 6�-2��+ - approvin� Waye and t3enefit Policy Laid over to 3/20 fc�r� non-represer��ed rnandc�e�nent �aersonr�el . (ReFerred frorr, C��unci 1 Feb uar-y I6) I 3. heso i u t��n 89-26� - arnei�d i r�g the 198�� budgeL by Approved 3-U ad�i r�c� $59,519 t�n tr�e F i r�anc i nc� antl 5�>end i ng i�i ar�s for� assessmenl s r�vice rt�arge sta►�rn sewEr canstruct.ion. (Refe:�red fr�om ouncii Fe�ruary 16i 4. R�salution 89-�'"� - amendinsa the 1989 budget by Af�provecf 3-0 add i ng $830,417 to the F i nanc i ria ar�d SpNr�d i ny P i ans fur Pub 1 i c �ior k �ng i neez�i ng Fund for C i ty Rec�/�1 i ng Proc�r an�. (+�efer red f roii� i:aunc i 1 F�t�ruar�y 16? `�. hF�o 1 ut i c�n 89-� .3 - arne�id i ng the 1989 bud�et by �pprovec� 3-G �t1c.�i nc� ��,. !1�Ct L thN F i rianc i nc� a�'�d S��end i r�� P I dns - fiur ►'ol ir_�e Gene -�l Tr�aining fo►� purcl��a_e of pistc�ls. (I�'e1=Hrr ed f i on� 'nunc i I t=ebruary i t�} 6. R�s�lution 89-264 - amending th� 19$9 budget. by Ar���roved 3-0 tr:�,nsfFr r i nra $�, 1 Ufl i-rom F'a I i cN 5pec i�1 Pro..jecis i?es�or��s i ve SNr-�i r_es t� Pu! i r_e ��enera 1 Fund Tra i n i ng lir�+t for tr�e p r�cti�se ��fi pistois. (�teferred rrc,m Counc i 1 Februa�y 1 E:) 7. Adm i n i strat i ve Or�der� G-1 p092 - autnc,�r i z i ng D i scussed paynierit� for tr�ive I costs �f" Sc�t. W i 1 I f�;� er,7r�1 oyr+;ent i r�t rv i ew. (Refe�-red t-r�rn CUUnc i 1 rebr�u�r�,y lEi) . esuiution 89- E�5 - dmend�ing the 19t39 budg?t by A�proved 3-0 transterr i nq �A,Ocs9 f`rum Genera i Governmer�t. AcCOUnts to E ecul-ive Administratiun-Housing I riforma�t.i vr� 0. f'i c•e Cunt r i bui i c�rx. (R�f�er rec� fi�t�urn t�<'�unC i i F�brUdr'y 1 ki l CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAIN'T PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 Ba�46 I