89-264 WHITE - C�TV CLERK �. PINK - FINANCE �� COVflC1I CANARV - DEPARTMENT I, GITY OF SAINT PAUL BLUE - MAVOR , Flle NO. � ' Council Resolution ������ ��,,.; Presented Referred To `�""` Committee: Date °'�-��n� Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Mayor, purs ant to Section 10.07.1 of the City Charter, does certify that there are a aila�le for appropriation, revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1 89 Budget; and WHEREAS, The Mayor recoma+ends the following changes to the 1989 Budget: i CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGE BUDGET FINANCING PLAN: -------------- 436-POLICE SPECIAL PROJE TS 34115-POLICE RESPONS VE SERVICES 34115-9890-UNDESIGNA ED FUND BALANCE 0.00 4,100.00 4,100.00 ALL OTHER FUND FINAN ING 528,051.00 0.00 528,051.00 � � 528,051.00 4,100.D0 532,151.00 I SPENDING PLAN: i 436-POLICE SPECIAL PROJE�TS 34115-POLICE RESPONS VE SERVICES 34115-0537-OPERATING �TRANSFER OUT 0.00 4,100.00 4,100.00 ALL OTHER FUND SPENDTjNG 528,051.00 0.00 528,051.00 ' S28,051.00 4,100.00 532,151.00 I i NET CHANGE I 4,100.00 i NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RES�OLVED, that the City Council ado�ts these changes to the 1989 Budget. � � � � COUNCIL MEMBERS � Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays POLICE 01-19-89 �� � In Favor co�c� G��y�� ��=�c.�G''Z-�- Rettman �� � s�ne�bei _ A gai n s t BY Sonnen ..r- - � �R � 4 � Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date; Certified Y• sed by Council Sec tary BY 1��� gy. ✓/� t#pprove �Navor: Date � 5 �� Appr y Mayor for Sub 'ss'bn= Council ; PUBl1SkiED ��AE� 2 � 1989 C011989A � � :; ' p:, . ��a� . - �. 012067 � FoliCe - FisCal Aff s DEPARTMENT . - - - - - - LU+Ci MitChell CONTACT NAME 292-3584 PHONE 1-23-89 DATE . ASS G ORD i (Sse reverse side.) 1 Department Airect 4 Maqor (or Assistant) � ��� � Finance and•Manag ent Services Director 6 City Clerk 2`� �I • � Budget Director 5 Cha.ir FinanCe,Mgmt,Pers,Cte. City Attorney 7 'ty c 0 1 (Clip all locations for signature.) T W T C ? (Purpose/Rationale) , . This Cbuncil Re�olut on will transfer monies f�n the Folice Special F�,md - Responsive Services to the Foli General Fund - Training Unit to purchase Glock pistois for the 15 neaF authorized 's. REC6�V�e4�y� FE6�� 1�8.9 og� . CO UDG Y AN�� (see attached Grnunci Resolution) ' FIN SO U E V CR DITED: (Mayor's signature no required if under $10,000.) Total Amount of Tra sgction: $4�100,pp Activity Number: 34115 ' � C�ur���f l�c���^r�h C�nter. Funding Source: �1 F�tid ' � �'C3 �D i::v� ATTACHMEN,�S: (List a d nwnber all attachments.) 1. Cbuncil Resolut on. . , �c�ryEO R EC�f�/E[� JAN 2 71989 F F g 1 1989 ADM ST I PROCED S ��� CITY ATTO�(�EY X Yes No Rul s, Regulations, Procedures, or Budget Amendment required? X Yes _No If es, are they or timetable attached? DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATT4RNEY REVIEW X Yes No Counc 1 resolution required� Resolution required? ,Yes _No Yes �No Insur nce required? Insurance sufficfent? _Yes _No _Yes �No Insur nce attached? . . _ . _ .. � . . . . _ . . ._._. . . .. . . . � . . ........ �..-.._..� ........_a ..'i"�i"Iel _ ��a��:. �� _.-���. = I GITY OF SAINT PAUL � - � i:�i ��" . � � � . � '�`�- '�� ' I OFFICF. OF 'PAE CITY COUNCIL I Committee Re ort p Financel. Management. & Personnel Committee MarCh 6, 19t39 1 . F�upr pvd i of n�i r��t�s ��f ine�t i ncxs he i d r ebr-uary 6 and 13. Ap�roved �. R�5oluhic�� 89-2 .9 - approving Waye and Benefit Policy Laici over l0 3/20 fi}�• non-r�eprese �ted m�nagement personriel . (Feferred f r�om C:c�ui7�i 1 F-�'�ruaa'y 16) 3. Resolutian 89-� 0 - amending tt�e 1989 budget by Approved 3-0 acicl i r�g $5�,519 c� the F i nanc i na and SF�end i ng Pi ar�� f"ar� assessmenl ei�vice charge storrn sewer construction. (Ref er�rerJ from �our�c i 1 H ebruary 15 i 4. Rasvlution 89-2. Z - amen�insa the 19$9 budget by Apf�rnvPCi 3-0 add i n�� $�t30,Ei 17 to the F i rianc i ny and Spend i ny P►ans for Pu�,iic Wor s Eng9neeririq Fund for City Recyr_ling Yr��cJr drn. (�tet- �-i�ed f ron? Caunc i l Fzbruar-,y 16) 5. Resol ut i on 89-' b3 - arnend i ng the I g$9 buqget by Approveci 3-G atld i ng ��. 1 OC� u the F i r�ar�c i n�� and SpenU i nq C'I ans - fio► i'o 1 i ce Gen i��1 Tr�a i n i ng fo►- purchase of p i stu I s. (fi�er�r�red tr�unr Cour+ci I f=ebruarY 16} 6. Kesulution 85- 64 - amenUing the 1989 budget by A��roved 3-U tr�r�$fErr-iny. � , lUO from. Pr�l ice Speciai Proje�ts f�e�pttnS i ate S�r i Ce�� t� Po 1 i ce Ger�era 1 Fund Tra i n i ng iJnit for t.he p�rctiase of pistols. (�teferred rrc;n� Counc i 1 Febi-ua 1 E:�) 7. Aci�n i n i strat i vel Ord�r G-l 0U92 - authc,�r i z i ng D i scussed pdyrnenf. for tr ve I costs oF Syt. W i 1 ! fo�� erii�i oyn;ent i nt rv i ew. (Refe��red 1-rorn Cc�unc i 1 r eur-ua��y 1 b� t3. Res�?i ut i on $9-�2F�5 - amend i.r�� the 19t�9 budg?t by A(�proved 3-0 � trar�st=err�rtic� `,�a,089 fror-� Generai Gover�r,merit A.i_counts to t e�::utive Adininistration-Housing �ni�orrnar.iori Orf i��� Cc�ntriGuti��n. (R�t=erred f rc,rn Cc,unc i i F�c�ruary 1 F i 1 CTTY HALL I SEVENTH FLOOR SAIN? PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 6�i�46