89-263 i �NHITE - C�TV CLERK ' PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council '�n//� �� CANARV - DEPARTMENT �� a Y., BLUE - MAVOR � Flle NO. � Council Resolution 15� � Presented B Referred To � � Committee: Date °2-�� � Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Mayor, purs ant to Section 10.07.1 of the City Charter, does certify that there are a ailable for appropriarion, revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1 89 Budget; and WHEREAS, The Mayor reco ends the following chazges to the 1989 Budget: CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGE BU�GET FINANCING PLAN: � — 001-GENERAL F�JND-POLICE , 04303-POLICE TRAININ 7399-TRANSFER FROM S ECIAL FUND 0.00 4,100.00 4,100.00 ALL OTHER ACTIVITY F NANCING 849,399.00 0.00 849,399.00 849,399.00 4,100.00 853,499.00 SPENDING PLAN: 001-GENERAL FUND-POLICE 04303-POLICE TRAININ 0354-40059-LAW ENF/T RGET RANGE 29,500.00 4,100.00 33,600.00 ALL OTHER ACTIVITY S ENDING 819,899.00 0.00 819,899.00 849,399.00 4,100.00 853,499.00 � NET CHANGE ' 4,100.00 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE OLVED, that the City Council adopts these changes to the 1989 Budget. , �iL� COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays --��+�� POLICE 01-19-89 �ng � [n Favor Goswitz �/�,Y�%/f L�� sc6et�1 �_ Against By �" ��L �' Sonnen � �R � 4 '� Form Appro by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certifie P •sed by Council Se re ary BY— C2-�.-8`l B}, , /\pprov d y Mavor. Date _ f� , 5 1989 Appr v y Mayor for Subm' ion o Couesil_ '-- �� MAR 2 � 19$9 C011989B I . ,..f. . . . .. .. . � `1'�; r ���� . N° �12066 , Police - Fisca.l Aff DEPARTMENT . - - - - - ��'� CONTACT NAI�IE -� , PHONE � 1-23-89 DATE � ASSIGN NUMBER -FOK ROUT (See reverse side.) 1 �°� _ Departmeat Dirmct � Maqo� (or Assistant) �"�� �- 8 Finance and Manage ent Services Director City Clerk � Budget Director 5 C�a.i.r,F�inauce.Mmnt..�ers,�Cte. City Attorney 7 Cit� G�otmcil T AG 1 (Clip all locations for signature.) W ? <Purpose/Rationale) This Gbuncil Resoluti will amend the 1�9 Police Tr$ining Budget, and provic�e adequa.te coverage �or the of Gl RECEIVE�s for tl� 15 new authori�ed F'I'E'S. FEB p 2 1��9 MAYOR'S Ot�F�CE CO T G T AND 0 D: (see attached Cbtuici.l Resolution) N S D V E C G C ED ' (Mayor's signature no required if under $10,000.) Total Amount of Tra �ction: $4�100.00 Activitg Number; p¢�p3 Funding Source: Flmd 3���0�tA ATTACHHENTS: (List a number all attachments �E��I V���s�s� �� Ndr 1. Cbuncil Resoluti n. 03A�#�i � F E 9 1 1989 �`t AD1rI J S RA� V D FEQ � 1���J X Fes _No Rul , Regulations, Procedures, or. Budget Amendment required? X Yes No If s, are they or timetable attached? DEPARTMENT REViEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW A Yes �lo Counci resolution required?� Resolution required? �Yes No _Yes %No Ittsur ce required7 � Insurance sufficient? _Yes No `Yes gNo Insura ce attached? , _.. . _.. _ .-- -- . . . . . _ . _ . _ ___�. _ � .. _- ,� � - -- . . . _� ...__.__...��=,� � � �( • /� / I /I r� 9 !',- . ....` . . . .\� Y / ' Y�� � 'rt'� = GITY OF SAINT PAUL - -.�, �. � ; '�-='��-�"I I OFFICE OF TAF CITY COUNCIL Commi e Re ort � tte P � Finance ' Mana ement & Personnel Committee � I Marct�i b, 19�9 1 . F��p►�ova i ot ri,i r�uQe:� ��f mr��i ncts r�e f d t=ebr�uary t� and i i. AP�roved I �. Resolutic�n 89-21 - approving Waye ana Benefit Palicy Laid over l0 3/20 for� non-represe�� �d manage���ent ner5anr��l . (Referred fr'�m Cc.�ui7ci 1 Fe�i uar'y I6) :i. Res��1 u t i on 89-�60 - arnend i ng ihe 1989 budget by Approved 3�-U add i r�y �53.519 o the F i nar�c i nq and S�>c`�d i ny �'1 ar�s fur assessmenl -er�vice charge storm sewer construct.i�n. (Refer�red fir�om ounc i i Fe�ruary 16 i a. R�salution 89-2. � - amendinsa the 1989 budget by Approved 3-0 a�;d i�g �830,4l 7 ta the F i nanc:i riu a+�d 5pend i ng P i ans for Pub! ic �iork tnyinezr�ing Fund for City Recyr_ling F'rogr dir�. (�tefe�red f ron� �ounc i 1 Fe�ruar-y 16) 5. Rr�U)uti�n $9-2�3 - arr�ending �he 1959 budget b� Approved 3-0 edda�+��--.CM�'!QO � th� F 1 nar�c i nq an,:i 5pend i ng F'I eris - fur PUliee Gr�r� �ai Training for purchase of pistois. (�'ei�erred f���n� C:ounc r I F eb�uary 1 E,} E�. KNsulution 8�- 64 - amending the 19$9 t�urJget by Ap�roved 3-0 tt'�r�sferr i���;t �� , 1 U�� f`rom Po) i ce 5pec i�1 ProjECtS Responsive S�r�ir_e�� t� Police �.ieneral Fund Training �.�r��it fc�r the p�r�r�t�ase ofi pist�ls. (Ref-�rred 'rrom Council Febru�►�y 16) 7. Admini5trativejOrder� G-1t1092 - aut'r,orizing Discuss�d payrnznt_ fior� tr ve 1 co5t s oF S�)t. W i 1 ! fo�� ernu I oyn;ent i nt rv i ew. (Refe�-re�� i-rom Counc i i r e��r�uat'y 1 b? �3. R-r_s���ut ion 89 �E:�5 - dmend i t�g t;he 19+39 b��clget by Approved 3-D � Y..rar,�fPr�r���G `�4,Ot�9 frur•� Gener•al Goverr,mer�t Ai_c��unts to E ecutive A�iri�iinist.cation-Housing i r�f=�,rmat.i��r� U: f i��e Cont r i t�ut i on. (Refer red f��an t.����r�c i 1 ebruary t h j CITY HALL I SEVENTH FLOOR SAIN1' PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 I s�46