89-262 WMITE - C�TV CLERK COIIRCII ///''' PINK - FIt3ANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL s�� CANARV - DEPARTMENT ��--�� BI.UE - MAVOR � File NO. ���� - � Council Resolution �� �_�.._._,,,� Presented By Referred To � Committee: Date �`���a� Out of Committee By Date ��IHEREAS, The Mayor pu suant to Section 10.07. 1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul , does certify th t there are avilable for appropriation total revenues in excess of those estimated in the 19�9 budget; and WHEREAS. Council File 277510, adopted October 1 , 1q81 , did establish certain Special Fund Policies; and LJHEREAS, The Mayor re ommends that the following additions be made to the 19£3g budget: FINANCING PLAN Current Budget Changes Amended Budget 205-P.1�!. Eng i neer i nc� und 12101-36q9 Misc. Grants 0.00 830,E17.00 830,617.00 12000-4301 Norma Activity Serv. 5,351 ,30�+.00 .00 5,351 ,304,00 5,351 ,304.00 830,617.00 6,181 ,g2t .o0 SPENDING PLAN 205-P.W. Engineerinr, und 12101-0299 Misc. Services 3,Og0.00 830,G17.00 833,707.00 All other codes th same 5,348,214.00 0.00 5,348,214.00 5,351 ,304.00 830,617.00 6,18t ,921 .00 Now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City Council adopts the above additions to the 1g89 budget. APPROVED: ^ , " r! Bu�Tget D re tor COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: �� Yeas Nays '�N1N�e� , Long � [n Favor Goswitz / Rettman B sche;n�l Against Y Sonnen --�iieee- MqR 1 41989 Form App ed by City Attorne Adopted by Council: Date � . (t_2_ Certified ed by Cou ji�lJ,Sec tary By B � � n�'�/ 5 Appro by Mavor. D � ' � �� Appro by Mayor for Subm' i to Council B �j�g�� MAR 2 5 1989 I� "- � ' � . �-�-�6�°'� �,�, ,� ' -_ �„�..�,� �„�� -�No; 0 0 3�1� � Da ld�NY9aard �„a'�` _/{ ""iro"�°"�en'"n R�cha rd Person �fae ��•�''•�o.�ec�op �p,�«� ' � _ � po�o s�o�°� ' ���� �'� Publ ic Work . - 2- 1 2 , or�` «M�rn� _ trtcrease sp�di - and financing plan of tfie Publ:i� klarks _�nq�neering Fund � for City Recycl �g Program finaaced with pass througF� funds fran Ramsey Gour�t�r. . ,t�vw�w a�tp1) cow�ca.�c�+n�noRr: , s -': - . � R.ANI�iCa COMM9610N�:. -� . � CML� COMMI8810N DA7E M � � . DATE OIIT . � � AWRY$T� � � PF1041E Iq. � � �. . ZOIINIO COMA{IBSIOt�I � . 18D M16 BOARD� .. . - . _ _ . � . � � .SfAE�- . . . � . :CHARTER ON � COMPLEfE AS IB.� � ADCL q1F0•ADOCO* � � FIETD TO CON�A�T� � ..�COlBiT4� ,..� . �� ��„��C;��/EL7 �ECEf1��D . �„�. ����, . . . budget RECE�v a FE9 1 1989 JAN N� 1989 - , FFa 02 �s9 ; CITY ATTORNEI��TY �T������Y ..,,,�,�.�.��,�„�.,,r� .,�.�: These funds were n t budgeted during the 1�$9 process because of the difficulty Th determining tot 1 recycling costs for the year. � _ _ ���,Ei�'ED , . �l�f� 2 � �989 ; _ ��;���r : ;+ua�+cnn��.�+a�...n�mr. , :: The recycTing cos s incurred by the neighborhoods are reimbursed 100$ by the County. ooweou�a�a+.c v�n.�.:.n��o.wno►�+r. , . . , . , . . ; Payments to the n ighborhoods for recycling could not be .made.' . �.s�nu►�rnies: vnoe co�s � � (''„;�,�,.;+ �?�.,��,� �� G, t�ratv�s: �E� �u i::�s`� i4dministraE ive �.w��s: . None . i _... .. ._ . - - _..__. . I. . _ ._ . . . _ . . . . _._ _ ._.� ._. ,.. .: . . ,�.. . . . . . ..._.. _. ._.` .._......-..�. � '�.l ��`�� . II . . . . . . . .. . i .. '� GITY OF SAINT PAUL ��°��� � ,,�iL�� OFFICF. OF TAE CITY COUNCIL ., _. Committee Report Financ I Mana ement & Personnel Committee r�di-�n �, i��� 1 . A�prvva i �fi r�7 i nul e�, af n�eet�i ncrs !��e I� Febr�udi'Y 6 and 1 i. Ap�r+�ved I �. F�esolutian £�9-2"1.� - apprnving Wa�e anci h3enefit Policy Laid over Lo 3/20 fo�� non-r•epreser��ted rnanagement personriel . (Referred fir�m Council Fe�ruary 16) 3. Res��1 u t i on 89-26 - amend i r�g tr�e 19�9 budget by Appr-aved 3-U �dd i ny $59,51'� t� the F i nar�c i nc� and Sper�d i ng F'I ans for assessmenl s rvice cl��arge storrn sewer construction. (Refer-red from C �ur�ci ) February 16) 4. F��xsQ#�4�r!t £39-2� : '- ��mend i ng the !989 budget by °Approved�:•3-0 � �;'�1�`�. ` t`t�e �i na�i ng and 5P�r1d i r�g P 1 ans fc�r' P�1 ic Woi-ks` Engineering Fund for City Recycl ing ,>°t�,�iRO-�,= (�efi-er-� ed from Counci 1 Fet�ruar y 16} 5, RFSo 1 ut i on 89-Zb - arnend i r�g the 1`"+89 buUget by /�pprovet� 3-0 �Cid i ny ��, 1 QO to the F i r�ar�c i ng and SPen�i i nq P I dn5 - fot� Nol i�_e Gene►��� 1 Tr�aining fAt' pUr'Chc3_a of pisto(s. (f.�el=Nrred frum C unci I February 1�} 6. KNsulution 89-26 - amending th� !9$9 bu�Jget by A�proved 3-0 tr:;r,sfer-r i n�� ��4, �UU f-r��m No i i re Spec i a i Pro jECt.s Respons i ve S�r-v i es �to Po 1 i ce ��er�era 1 Fund Tra i n i ng Unit f��r t.he pur� hase of pistols. (R�f�rred rrom i;ounc i i February I E•) 7. A�m i n i stra�t i ve Or�cier- G-1 t1G92 - autnc�r i z i ng D i scussed payrnent: for trav I costs o� 5c�t. W i 1 ! for znip 1 oyri;ent i nter i ew. (Refei-rNd t"rorn Counc i i F e�r'unr�y 1 Ei} �3, hes��1 ut i on 89-2�5 - amerid i►��� the 1389 budget by Approve�i 3-0 � tr��r�st�er�r•ii�c:� �.`.,4,Q89 f'rur�� Genura! Gove*'nmer�t Ac.cuunts t.a Ex�cutive Adrninistration-Ha�sing InFc�r�mat.iori QFf`ir.e C��ntrit�ul i��r�. (ke�erred f r�urn Cour�c i ( Feor�ary 161 CTTY HALL I SEVENTH FLOOR SAIN'I' PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 8 q��a 48 I