89-258 WHITE - CITY CLERK COIIflCll (/ PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL ��— p��a CANARV - OEPARTMEN7 BLUE - MAVOR File NO. - � . C uncil Resolution 53 Presented By Refe o Committee: Date Out of Committee By � Date RESOLVED: Tha application (ID #65602) for a new on Sale Sunday Liquor Lic nse, Entertainment III License and a Restaurant (C) License by rnellia Allen DBA Metro Bar & Grill at 450 No. Robert Street, be nd the same is hereby approved, with the following stipulation: 1) That all Health Codes be completed before opening. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �os tn Favor Goswitz Rettman ts Scheibel ' A gai n s t BY Sonnen Wilson FEB 1 �� ���� Form Appr v d by Cit tt ey Adopted by Council: Date' ' ' Certified Pa. d ouncil c e y By � / 'lZ�� By� �#pprove fNavor: Date ��f3 � � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By P ����� f:;�;:' � � �98�, _ : �'�� ��_a�� DIVISION OF LICENSE ND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION llATE � o Y / � INT�,RDF.PARTMENTAL RE IEW CHECKLZST A.ppn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicaut ; � ll _ Home Address � S � �rs� �`"'°°� ' 05 Rus ine s s Name � � Yi � Home Phone �-1� - i c��-) Business Address � (� 1�� � o � Type of License(s) (�� ���,. �� ,� � Business Phone �y-�_��_—r'f� �,�- C Public Hearing Date License I.D. 4{ Le�l o Oa at 9:00 a.m. in the Council C uibers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. 4� �?��"� S(p Date Notice Sent; Dealer �� � �� to Applicant rederal I'i_rearms �6 h �n Public Hearing DATE INSPECTION REVIEW VERFIED (COMPUTER) CUMMENTS A proved Not A roved � Bldg I & D ' �� � ' U� Health Divn. 1 � ' � �y � �� i.,�1►. , Fire Dept. i � � � l (�, � G . I � Police Dept. �a�� I �k License Divn. � I � 3� ; � v City �ttorney � '� �a , o�, Date Received: Site Plan To Council P.esearch � � �1�� Lease or Letter Date from Landlord i � , • S7`ATE OF MLN�IESOT�Fi ) AFFIDAVIT OF APPLICAPIT ���� I ) ss. FOR SUNDAY ON-SALE COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) LIQUOR LICENSE � � The followi � is ar. affidavit of -v �fiar.t, being first duly s�vorn, saith under oath: That the bu iness premises located at-�/�5`U � ���-�%"wl � meets the follow ng requirements of Chapter 340 of the P4innesota �tatutes and the St. Paul Legislative Code pertaining �o the licensing of Sunday On- Sa1e Liquor Rest urant Establishments: l. The est blishment has facilities for seating not less than fifty g ests at ar�y one time. 2. TY:e est blishment has the appropriate facilities for serving meals. 3. The est blishment is under the control of a single proprietor or mar. ger, 1+, Meals re regularly served at tables to the ger.eral public for consid ration of payment. 5. The es ablishment employs ar_ adequate staff to provide the usual and su table service to its guests. 6. The es ablishment is properly licensed as a restaurant under Chapte 291 of the St. Pa.ul Legislative Code. 7. The es ablishment meets the health requirements for food establish- ments s specified in Chapter 291 of the St. Paul Legislative Code and r1i nesota Statutes pertaining to the service of food. 8. The es ablishment meets the criteria and requirements set forth herein on a continuing basis, including not only Sundays, but other times �.s well. That the a�'fiant will notify the Office of the City License Inspector immediately upon the cessation of any of the requirements specified above: That affi t makes this affidavit for the purpose of Obtaining a Sunday On-Sale Liquor License for the premises located atl,l�l� � /�s�' for the year 1 �� rurther, �ffiant sait;� not. �� , C��� -, �. . � � �� �� STATE OF MI1T:��OTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF :�A:�IS�Y ) The forego ng instrument was acknowledged before me this_ /G� �h � day of � . 19�g�by �rn����� �Ifpf1 ■MMM^/W-.�nMMn..n.�nvr•�,,._ .�nrv1MY� ' �II� .t W �`�.L"'/ivcLC,�J i�.'�►v:�': I '� Notary PubLic County / A�' My t;om,�„�....; : ���4 � P4y com�ission expires: � y f`� rvv�/v�ti�w4.-�� •.r,r✓����vwvwvwr -----�-------- ------------------------------------------------------------ CORPOR4T� ACI4�lOWI,EDGy�IEDTT STP.TE OF ?�N!` SOTA } ) ss. C OUNTY OF RAi F,'Y ) The foreg ing instrument was acknowledged before me this • day of , 19 . by N e • Title and . I Vame Title of a on behalf of the corporation. I Notary Public County ?vfy commission expires: City of Saint Paul License and Permit Division ��—p�,5� , " Room 203 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 APPLICATION FOR ENTERTAINMENT LICENSE PLEASE COI�LETE ALL ITEMS LISTED BELOW 1. Applicant/Compa y Name ���/��L�hl /f L L G—/S/ / Telephone No. 2. Business Name / r 3. Business Addres STREET: �S�� �U ��t,�L=�]— umber Name Direction Type 4. Mail to Addresa STREET: G' / �±�-,�y Number Name Direction Type � �i5��/L �i(/ ���/c� l `" City y State Zip Code 5. Name of Applica�nt / Phone - � Individual Partner Officer Date of Birth Area Code Number 6. Applicant Addr�sa STREET: Number Name Direction Type . City State Zip Code 7. Type of Busine�s: Restauraat _� Club Hotel/Motel 8. Manager in Cha�ge �/� �� / �/ ,L� J - �� L F rst /ame C Middle " Last �' Late of Birth - 9. Manager Home A dress STREET: �7� � ��4 T umber Name Direction Type �;i �.q�-� ,,r�i!/ �SS1v� Citq State Zip Codn Telaphone��o� �� �� //-- �� '�� Area Code Number � r�ig. Date of Emp oyment 10. Class of Ent rtai�ent (Check appropriate box.) � Class 1 - Amplified or non-amplified music and/or singing by one performer� and group singiag participated in by patrona of the establishment. � Class 2 - AlI activities alloved in Class 1, plus amplified or non-amplified music and/or singing bq three or fewer performera. � Class 3 - All activities allowed in Class 1 and 2, plus amplified or non-amplified muaic and/or siaging by perfo:mera without limitation as to number, and danciag by patrons to live, taped, or electronically-produced music, aad which may also permit volleyball and broomball participated in by patrans or guests of the licensed establishment. D Clasa 4 - All activitiee allowed in Class 1, 2, and 3, plus stage showa, ekits, vaude- ville, theater, conteats, and/or dancing by performers without limitation as to number, including patron participation in any of the aforementioned. 11. Specify exac�t area(s) `+here Entertainment vill be provided. �b��i/T�1 �-�/�5� � I 12. If dancing s proposed for the public, apecifq the amount of floor space maintained for daaciag in he form of a scaled drawing or blueprint. 13. What days d timea will Entertaivment be provided. �///r'y�� -� _�L�z,�� �/ '�p� /� / �} t - � White copy - return to License & Pesnut Division ��„/�'��i��� Yellow copy� - retai.n for yuur rewrds �'I �pplicant s Signature f/ J�`� r � �. Aev. 11/88 Date DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNiTY SERVICES /��, . • OIVISION OF PUBIIC HEAI.TH U"� °�`� ' CRY OF SAINT PAUI I c,� co�u�u►noN w��.o►� ._ .. , _ -- . _ - - I January 19, 19 9 T0: Joseph hedi License D'vision FROM: C.E. ell ��G'� Enviro tal �ealth Specialist SUBJECT: On le liquor, Surx3ay liqu�r and Restaurant of Metro Bar and , Gril at 450 N. Robert Street. The Division o R�blic Health is approving the On sale ligwr, S�uiday liquor and urant license with the ooixiition that the applicant does not open for iness until all the applicable health oocZes are met including a pr or plan review approval arxi a sati.sfactory opening inspection are oom�leted. CEA:sk c: File Wil liam F.I (�.inther Diane Olso� � .> r �A,.•�'`o?J�' oRIdNA• , :_ a►�M►a� o�Te cor�e�eo �i� �ose f.. c i C�F��ft� ��ET �io: 0 03 4 51 � - ��� . ����� _ "s�" —` �����,� 3�� , _ � nuu�a.�t — �� �� 2 CouncTl Researeh o�tt: —. — ;; _ �, cm�„�auE+r ` �tpplication fa new On Sale Sunday, �ntertairm�nt IiT and Restaurafit (C) Licenses. � ' Hearin. : Date• - RPe0b1i11D�1ie101ri:tk�P��EM a Ri�t(R)) CQlMlpt.Ai�AWq1 A8Pt1ii'i: • ,,`- ; _ � PI�ANINID OOyNNB810N (�VIL COMMI89ION . DATE Ml� . . DATE OUT ANALYST� �. �. . . . .�P!'ID11E N0. � . � . ,� . �mMNq COM�8810N �. 18D!2b BOARD . . . . �.. � .. . . . . � .BTAFF. .. . .. . .� E%NRTEp 19SI0l1 _ . . ..00MPLETE AS IS. . ADDL MFO.ADDFA�' , -_��,MDL N�iFO� . �����*��- �. . DIBiqCT 00UNCL *E){NLANATION: . . � . . . � . . . . . . . &1PPORl'C YMIICFI COUNf7L 09�iCTIVE9 " M11�1r10�NOl�4 IM{IF CPPBRTUl�fY .YN�et.Nllbn.MI�S.1iMyA: . Arnell;ia Al1e r.eques.ts Council approval of her application for new Qn 5ale Sunda , Enter�ainment III and Resta�rant {C) Licens�s at : :. 450 No. Rober St;. - � � u�anr+cn�tco.�,e.�.e.c�er.r�... : : ; . _ , :. , �. _ _ All fees and �plications have been submitted. A11 required departments _ hav.e reviewed and appr�oved the applications. _ ' . _ , . esa�e.o�sw�s:tw�r�:w��r,a��wno�►; . : - . _ ,, , . _ If Council a proval is not received, applican� will not be allowed to � . serve food, iquor on S��c1ay or pr.ovide entertair�nt. � iu.raNU►mra: � . r�ws cc�s - �aramr�rs: � G4:��s����, �esc��ck� �enter � . �.�: 2 � 'I`�8J .