89-256 WHITE - GTV CLERK / PINK - FINANCE COURCII �//� CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L 1 G/ (/� BI.UE - MAVOR � FIl@ NO. • "� - � � Coun ' Resolution 51 Presented By Referr Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS: A r quest for a one day temporary extension of On Sale Liquor and Restaurant License service area by Tommy K's Inc. DBA To y K's (Tom Kozlak-Pres. ) at 400 Se1by Ave. , therefore be it RESOLVED: Tha the service area be extended to the atrium and mall area of he first floor and directly adjacent to the licensed area on rch 17, 1989 between the hours of 1:00 PM and 1:00 AM. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �ng In Favor Goswitz Rettman s�ne�nei � A gai ns t BY Sonnen , Wilson Adopted by Council: Date FEB 1 41989 Form Appr ed by City tt ey Certified Vass b ncil S ret ry BY / � � By r � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Appro y iNavor: Date By PlI� ISI� F ``� `' � 1989 �6'9� ��� 1 . .- � - � . � January 20� 1 89 Tavern on the Hill, CITY OF ST. P UL DIVISION OF � CENSES & PERMITS ROOM 2Q3 CITY HA�L ST. F��U`, '�1,'.��'c�OT=� 55� 42 ATTN: KRIS Dear Kris, . I am writing o request an extension �f the service area for Tommy K' s liq or license on Friday, March I7, IQ89. We wn,� �` ' ask that The City Councii extend our ssrvice area to include t; :� atrium �nd ma 1 on the first floor of thp Fiill Plaza building. I would ask t at the extension be valid on the date mentioned fro�n I : 00 p. m. unt 1 I : 00 3. m. At the same t me we would lilce to make any arrangements necessary to �ell food nd othpr concessions such as T-shirts and sweat shirts in the aame a ea at the same time. Therefore, if we �eed La extend the service a ea of our food license I would ask that vou ssnd that to Th� Gaunci as well . � The reasorc fo t'►ese req�+ests is Lo make i.t possible `ar To�my K' s and other Hil Plaza merehants to host a St. Pat ' s Day Celebration. 1 appreciate our help in this matter. I'f you require additional irit`ormation-- lease give rae a call . 5incersly , rh��nas A. Koz ak Blair Arcade 400 Selby A�enue � St. Paul, MN 55102 . . 612-227-1249 EMMOrIR�- .. . . . . � . � . DAT[MRIIAT� . DATE.COA�I.i1��. � . . �� � . J. Carshedi : C�R��N �F#�E7 No. 0 0 3�`71 o��wr►�r�r aA� ►�va+wn�r„i�n, �Eris YanHorn . �R�. �.��� 3�«.� . �°"* . pp�,►,IG —e�o�o�cron 2 Counci1 . Research F• _ ono�a: � c�;�,r�„� _ Request for t porary extension of servic� are�. Hear�ing Date: 2-14-89 � `(MP��(�)a Plsj�Ct(R) COWI�RESEARCdI REPOR'f: PLMMWif�OOMA8810N CNY. COMMI8910N DATE IN DATE OUT ANIILYBT - - . -PHONE N0: . . . .. . ZONMIO CO�SIDN �� � 18D!2B BOARD . � .� . . � . . . . � STAFF� . . .� COMMISSION � �OOM�LEfE A31S . -ADDL NiFO.�ADOED*. � PETD 70 CONiA�T � - OONSTRUEM � . . . . . _ � � _FOR ADD'L MiO. _FEEDBACK ADDF�• . DIBTRICT CAUWCII � . � � . •EX►UNATION: � . . . � .BUPPORYB MMII.Yi COUNCL OB�CTIVEI...� � � � .. , . . � . � . . - . . � .� ... � . MZIA7M0 Pw0lF.dls.lallEi OPP6R'RM�Y .Nfi9t.WI1Bn.Wf1M9.NRIY): Tcxmny K's Inc. DBA Tomny K's, 400 Selby Ave. requests Counci1 appr.oval of his request to ex_ n.d his service area t� the atrium and ma11 area direct1y . ,adjacerit to th licensed estabTistin�nt. on March 17, T989 between 1:00 FM & , 1:Q0 AM for a t. Patrick Da� celebration, � : . ,�u�+�o+►�'�,e.,.ru:,�+�.oee,�nsl -. _ , . _ : Proper notice as been received as to this request. See at�ached letter. ",' �fWlrt.WNw►��n!!To YUFnm):.. , , If Council app ova] is not.received, the 1icensed area wi11 not; be exter�ded. �,eMU►,nr� v�os t�s �;��.:;::�; ��� �� ` Center ..:Lu, l.(3 � _ _ F B � i�3� �.s,�,►��: �:�: -