89-253 WHITE - CITV �LERK PINK - FINANCE COURCIl GANARV - DEPARTMENT CITY OF SAINT PAUL BLUE - MAYOR File NO. � ��� un i Resolution ��'� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLUED: Th t application (ID #20022) for a C1ass C Gambling Location Li ense (over 300 seats) by Two D, Inc. (Donald A. Huot-Pres. ) DB The North End Depot at 1638 Rice Street, be and the same is he eby approved/denied. � u �=-� � l C\���� � r� �- ► `� ��" � COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� In Favor coswitz Rettman scne;n�� Against BY Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date . �j Certified Passed by Council Secr tary By ���is�o[ By A►pproved by Mavor: Date _ _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY . � � ' (.1"�G� DiV�SION OF LICENSE ANI) P�RMIT A.DMINISTRATION DATE �� 0�17 �D / �o�- a3 �� INTE,RDF.PARTMEfiTAi, EVIEW CHECKLIST Appn rocessed/Recei ed b Lic Enf Aud Applicant - ! '' � � ��_ Home Address �onc�1 d ��. �QS�P►' Business Iv'ame 1�'Tn G N� b � Home Phone ��DO �. �o'�rT��a� ' �-. � ,� ,�,, _ ,�--� lb�/�O , Business Address ��� �� Type of License(s) Business Phone C �QSS C_�Qy/� �71�i1l� Lp[:4�ldn �-+G�nS� Public Hearing Dat � g 1 License I.D. �6 ,�C7�a� at 9:00 a.m. in th Council hambers, 3rd f.loor City Hal and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �t LI 5 g 7 3 y 3 llate Nutice Sent; G �n� Dealer 4� �I R to Applicant � g_1 C ��� f � 3� � rederal P'i_rearms �� u '�' Public He�.iring l DATE TNSPECTIUN REVIEW VERFIED (COMPUTER) CUMMENTS A roved Not A roved � Bldg I & D � � 1a �1 � 6 �� Health Divn. y /�_ ' � I�`� � i Fire Dept. �/ � ii �ZI711'KO I ��L,. ! �ri� ( Yolice Dept. �zjZ � � - 6 �� � License Divn. , '�? o�� i Q�L.. City Attorney ��� � � �� Date Received: Site P1an �Z Z� O� l � To Council P.esearch i � Lease or Letter �I� ate from Landlord ' � � ' :;: ;� �00.�� ��� , 4� ;' City of Saint Paul . Department of Finance and Management Services � p�. �J�� . License and Permit Division o oj , 203 City Hail � St. Paul, Minnesota 55102•298-5056 -- - APPLICATION FOR LICENSE CASH CHECK CLASS NO. New Renew � � • �". 00 � aa , Date l a a'V 1g C Code No. Titte of Lic nse From � � 19 5 To � �+ 19 �� � � :�=`>�� C';IG�S C' <, ;r� b�� ►� �v�� a� �- J ( ,o0 1 uJr� � �n� l�j��(,�-r!U Il �� c.� ApplicanUCompany Name 100 �1��. �����,, ��-►� �-�FDf 100 Business Name {n,� t � 100 � �0 '.� � }.,_�C-� d`t�'r�.e� Business Address Phone No. �oo <_-,- . � ,-� -= ' ' ��r�: � �;; ,l � � ��� ,, 100 Mail to Address Phone No. � j ! 1 � 1 ioo Qtli: ( � i• �-< < �, (' Manaqer/Owner•Name � 100 � .� 1 !� r.� 1 �Ci t � . s �� �v � � 100 AlanagerlGwner•Home Address � - Phone No. 4098 Application Fee 2 5p � 1 � /;' / L' �(� � Received the Sum of ,,, ^10� �� ri � � / ��` � �r ��3� ! ManagertOw r•City,Sta L Zi�de t00 Total 100 ; - 1 l �« /� //, , License Inspector v By: Signafure ot Applicant Bond: mpany Name Policy No. Expiration Oate insurance:� C mpany Name Policy No. Expiration Date Minnesota State Identification No. �8 � Social Security No. Vehicle Information: ' Serial Number Plale Number Other: . THIS IS A RECEIPT FOR APPLICATION THIS IS NOT A LICENSE TO OP RATE.Your application for license will either be granted or rejected subject to the provisions of the zoning , ordlnance and completion of th inspections by the Health, Fire,Zoning and/or License Inspectors, I $15.00 CHARGE FOR ALL RETURNED CHECKS � , � c� ..,Pi��� �2�/ /=x'�� i�'�f� ------. _------ --- . � . .- , TO BE COMPLETED BY BAR OWNER tip.plication No. Date Received By (i1`0 9-��`3 • � CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA CHARITABLE GAMBLING LOCATION Directions: This f�rm must be filled out with a typewriter or by printing in ink by the sole o er, by each partner, by each person who has interest in excess of SZ in he corporation and/or association in which the name of the license will b issued. IS APPLICATION IS SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY THE PUBLIC — , — � . �=�arr,bl,� C,lc , 1. Application fo (name of license) K�����j �/��� /-'��`��� ��� 2. Located at (ad ress) __�/� � � .f`�� i � �- ,-;f.,r'�'f�G'/� �'.�//7 3. Name under whi h business is operated �L'�•' ��ff �/1,%� ��'�G��% 4. True Name �/1�/��� ��;��h� �/�-S /LC�' Phone ��'S' -7�.�-.s' (First) (Middle) (Maiden) (Last) 5. Date of Birth � y � � v/��L� �- /L�� �'- ,,� / Place of Birth cr (Mon , Da , Year) 6. Home Address � � U <S��, �2���x� ���1� l li/"/ f�Home Phone �.,�� '�� ���• , 7. Have you ever been convicted of any gambling violations? /V� 8. List licenses hich you currently hold at this location. (� /fi� �l /j,�,� �j (��1 d� ' " -� aa-�. - oc� , n� #- . � r ��.t. �.ic 1��N r h�c. �a: 9. SUBMIT A SITE AN WHERE THE GAI�LING BOOTH WILL BE LOCATED ANY FALSIFICATION 0 ANSWERS GIVEN OR MATERIAL SUBMITTID WILL RESULT IN DENIAL OF THIS APPLICATION. I hereby state unde oath that I have anssiered all of the above questions, and that the information contain therein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I hereby state furt er under oath that I have received no money or other considerations, ' directly, or indire tly, in connection with this licenae, from any person by way of loan, gift, contribution r otherwise, other than already discloaed in the application which I have herewith submi ted. . State of Minnesota ) ) se County of Ramsey ) Subscribed and swor to before me this �' � 5- s (Signature of Applicant) . ' day o f . , 9 �� ' / � .___ �����M NN�SOZA . ;f---- �7 - -� _.__.-- ...- d��e���'UNti, ��.�9a°' . vary Public, ms y Countq; p����eSEEb• My Commisaion expir s ��'�My�'°�m� � * ; . ��9-�� , � TO BE COMPLETED BY BAR OWNER I underscanel ancl w' ll uphold che ordinance amending Chapcer aA� of che St. Paul Legislati e Co�le (IncoxicaLing Lic�uor) . I further underst� d that failure to comply may resulc in che si�spension or revocacion oti . , On Sale Liquor and corresponding licenses. ; - , � Signacure ��r � EstablishmenL ,�� 1 `� �� Dace Recurn co: License v Pe:-.nic Di ision Room :U.i, Ci cy lial l Sc. Paul , �RV 551U2 Please retain the at ached ordinance for your records. i , ,i i s/sb ' . . . ���_�,� S�L�i Z P.�U"I: � I T� c o V�i c z� �U I�IC H�ARI�I� i�tO �Z�E . � �EN�E APPI�Z�A'�Z�i� RECEIVED DEC 3 01988 CITY CLERK . �=' Np. Dear Property Owner$ L-20022 I � Application for a Class C Gambling Location license. This license would allow a cFiaritalile organization, The North End PUR.POSE Boxing Association, to s�ell pulltabs and tipboards at the . Nortfi End Depot. t��P�j�c'��� Two D Inc DBA Noxtfi End Depot LOC��TTai�I 1638 Rice Street r�. - � February 14, 1989 9:00 a.a. L�Lr'�I� C Cit� Cauncit C:za�ers, 3rd LZoor Cit� �all - Cou�� House 3y License and Pe_-�it Divis�on, Deoar�enc o= ��=aace and �OT*�Cr. S�, ��* ' �.zaagement Ser�rices, �oom 203 Cit7 Hal? - Court couse, Sa.int Paul, Liunesoca 298-�OSo � � This date may b cizan�ed without the consent and./or �noca?edge of che License and Pe ' t Division. It is suggested t:�at you cal? the Cit j CZar�' s Of�ic� t ?98-423 i i� you T.ais�. con�=�at;on. - r� -G� � �. Carchedi �„�.�►� �►n� �RE�N �WE�' No. ���:5 s �* ��� ����� . ' Christ�ne RQZ �r� _,�g��� �«r� . �°. Aoun� �� �Cauncil Research F i na r�e & t. 2 5. 5S. or�e: ���„� — Applicatiort f a Glass C (over 300 seats) Gamb1ing Location License. Notification te: 1-24-89 Hearing Date: 2-14-89 roi�:l�wove tA)«Relea taf) oaunc�.a�►na��onr: p�p� ,p� �p� a��nu oa�our �u►a.rsr ' r�ar�ra. noNn�o oo�ot� �so sas eou�o m� co►�ea�► co�.E�ns re �oo+.�o.�* �rn�o co�r�r � _ _.Fan�oot�o. �� oisr�acT� *ocPU►urroN: sw�n'rs�n�xcr�aot�ca ol�ecnvE� iN1fA7Mq MOlL�.N511F OP�ORTUNtTY whel.whenr where.Y�y�: , : Two D, Inc. ( onald_ A. Huot, Pres. )'DBA North End Depot requests City £ouncil ap�roval .of h s application for a Ctass .0 �over 300 seats) �mblin� LACa�ion License -at 16 Rice Street. This l icense woutd a11ow the t�ar to. :'tease spaice � to a charitab e organization (North End Boxing Association) for the sale of puiltabs and ipboards. � �I,s�wow�IOt�too.us�a+�eK�d�u�ps.. : , . . . , , , , . , . All fees and � pplications have been submitted. 45 day notices have bee� sent. . , . ,COl�lGI1��tWh�t vr►+en..rw To.vVhom):: - ., ,-,. , : , - If Council a roval is given, the North End Boxing Association will be abie to lease spa .i�n the North End Depot for pulltab sales. _ : �r�ra►tn� �nos . . cows . �� r:c�� �esearch Center JAN 2 6 ��8J �n�om►�e�rs: � The North En Depot has had no gam6ling violati:ons. The Nerth Errd Depot licenses were suspen d by the City Council .on July 1, 2, & 3, 1988 for safie of i.iquor to a m5nor. �iu.,�: