D00708While — Ciry Clerk P�nk— Fnance Dept CITY OF SAINT PAUL i u OFFICE OF TNE MAYOR AdMIhIfSTRATIVE ORDER ADMINiSTRA7IVE ORDER, in ine matter oi zhe rzquirement oi tne City oi Saint raui ciiai ail Lravei of aii non-C;ity Personnei mus't receive mayorai or councii approvai; and W rI�"'.ccr,i�S, ine St. Paui vivision o£ Puoiic rieaich's urLi Administration rrogram is sent Harvey Siaugn�cer tiice Chair or ine C't3S Advisory to the iiinnesoca Fsoards of Iieaith Annuai i•ieeting on Septemcer 27, i995 - SepLemoer 2�, i99� in Brainerd, �u"�i. , and iv"n'�Fr,��S, "riarvey Slaugnter was invited to actend cnis meeiing because oi nis involvement wiLh Lhe C'r'� .'vdvisory Committee; and W"rir,cc.�,AS, the �riS i�dministration Program nas agreed to L'nis fee; �nerefore be' it vFw7r.�2ID, tnat the City o£ St. Paui �nrou�n its t3ayor approve pavmenL noi to exceed 5400 io various sources ior riarvev 9laughLer's travel. No: �,'�'7�� oate: 1 C� ' Z � f'lII1CIS 33�31 . APPROVED AS TO FORM , < Assistani C+ty Att ney Date h �p��P I`1'7�---i-L"__ _ Department Head Administcative Assistant to Mayor ���g N� szaa2 GREEN SHEE _ INff7AL/DATE INRIAWATE OEPARTMENT DIRECTOR Q CI7Y CAUNCIL �f1'ATfORNEY p G17YClERK BUOGET DIRECTOR � FlN. & MGT. SERVICES �IR MqYOfl (OR ASSISTPNT) TOTAL # OF SIGNATUHE PAGES 1 (CL1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SiGNATURE) ty signatures on Administrative Order to pay for varfous costs incurred by the WIC Program give a Breastfeeding Training Sesston. Approve (A) a Reject (R) _ PLANNING COMMISSipN _ ( _ CIB CAMM4TTEE _ _ _ STAFF _ _ _ow�'raicrcouar -- SUPPoRTS WF11CH CAUNGiL OBJECTiVEP TING PROBIEM, ISSUE. OPPEIF/ WIC Program gave requested by the rs, and copying. PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACSS MUST ANSW£R TXE FMLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this persONFirm ever worked under a contract For this departmenY? - VES NO 2. Has fhis person�rm ever been a City employee? YES NO 3. Does this personlfirm possess a skilf not normaNy possessetl by arry cuneM city employeel YES NO Expialn e11 yes answers on separote sheet anC attneh to green sireet NIT' (Who� What. When. Where, Why): a Breastfeeding Training Session on September 29, 1995. This session MN Dept. of Health. The costs incurred were for speakers, refreshments. vendors_.who partictpated in the trainfng wi11 be paid. RECEfVE4S �CT 2 71995 CIT`! CLERV: Expenses will not be paid ��T �5 1995 3 i= AMWNTOFTHANSACTION $ F45 FUNDING SOURCE ��1"% FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) COSTfREVEliUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ACTIVITY NUMBER 33247 t I.6 U V