89-247 �a Ci y of St.Paul COUNCIL FILE N0. ��a�1 RESOLUTION RATI YING ASSESSMENT By � `� - � j � r` . ; File No. J�-02B Voting Assessment No: 929'� Ward In the matter of the a sessment of benefits, cost and expenses for Board —Up uf va�cant buildings t�rn 3epiem�er, 19�8 � � Preliminary Order � approve� r" FinalOrder ^� approve� " A public hearing havi g been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by e Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, therefore,by it RESOLVED, That th said assessment be and the same is hereby ia all respects ratitied. RESOLVED FURTHE ,That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in �e (1) equal installments. FEB 1 � 1989 COUNCILPERSON Adapted by the Council: Date Yeas���� Nays Go�its � Certified Pas ouncil Secreta —�� In Favor 8ettman Scheibel � __ Sonn,�a Against 4�ilaon s�-' FEB 1 � 1��� MaYor pUg��� F E� 2 5 1989 : ORIGINATOR , o�ie urrtu7EC DATE COMPLETED G R E E N S H E ET �o . Finan�e� & Nianagement Servi ces 12/23/88 �V� /��O CONTACT PERSON DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR MAYOfl(OR ASSISTAN� Roxanna Flink �O�r ASSIGN FINANCE 6 MANAGEMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR L CITY CLERK CONTACT DEPT. CONTACT P ONE NO. NUMBER FOR . ROUTING BUOGETDIRECTOF � Council Research Valuations & Assess ents 7028 ORDER: - CiTVa,rroaNe � M s be in the Cit Clerk s Office no SUBJECT/DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT/REQ EST: lateT than Monday IIOOLI� January 2, 1989. I"Il1St be 021 the - Agenda January 3, 1989. 1. Setting the hearing ate for ratification of assessments . 2. Ratification of ass ssments for Summary Abatements (Property Clean-Up) from mid-October thru mid-December, 1988 'and Boarding-Up of vacant buildings from September thru November, 198 ; ' -0 A J89-01B 9294 J89-02B 9295 J89-03B 9297. RECOMMENDATION3:(Approve(A)or Reject(R)) COUNCIL RESEARCH REPORT: � PLANNING COMMISSION CIVII SERVI E COMMISSION DATE IN DATE OUT ANALVST PHONE NO. . � ZONING CAMMISSION ISD 825 SC BOAfiD , " �STAFF CHARTER C MMISSION CAMPLETE AS IS ADD'L INFO.ADDED* RETO TO CONTACT CONST(TIJENT , - - _FOR ADD'L INFO.* _FEEDBACK ADDED• � OISTRICTCOUNCII A Healt De artmen iEXPUNATION: . SUPPORTSWHICHCAUNCILOBJECTIVE? Vacant Buildings 1, 2 and 3 � INITIATING PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who, hat,When,Where,Why): . � - Who - Property owner or renter What - Health Hazard When - Various times Where - Throughout the ity - Why - Health Aazard JUSTIFICATION(Cost/Benefits,AdvanWges,aes�ns�: Cost recovery program t recover expenses incurred by City for Cleaning-Up garbage, debris, refuse, cutting tall gr ss and weeds, shoveling snow; sanding icy patches, boarding-up doors and windows of va ant buildings '" CONSE�UENCES(What,When,and To Whom): If Council does not app ove these charges, General Fund would be required to pay the assessment. Assessment payable over 1 year and collected with the taxes if not paid. ALTERNATIVES: PROS CONS r�' No alternative seen at t is time a:,, :r;- :',� HISTOHY/PRECEDENTS: Routine follows City pol'cy and procedures �EGAL iSSUES: None at this time. i i , � � �'���� - -�e - � � �� - . _ ��_,�7,,,���/y ���},� 1 , �. . . � ��R:�A ` I 1 .�, .�.-�� ... ', '.�„�..-,. . - � f:` ig—i' ���'a�e��... � ;` �. '` ,� 'U ��- r of�'�aas mea�bi bpie�tts,;cbs�'a�d ra�penseu for `� P �,iiiltiit�r��8�� �A�. ���' � ��� �' `' lot�n�l�n co�ct�;on`v�i � -,s . i bee� " � tp n {�;� � ; ���` �` � d�ed ssme��ound��} �t.�:� '�ad th� �i �:� � ". � • ,CA 3 Na Y� �T� ������1� '� � ��80�L �D�t the.safd aa�!'#�e aui� tt��-�-�y �� = " �$ESOL MD F AT�IEg,Zbat a public h . �� et�ria�be�i tc�sa��°gfges�� ; # ��hout;'"�+L:��.�lvck A,M.,,in the,.Ce�iacll . the 1?i:+ecto of�'fs�ance�e natice of s�ld�u��•�'t�City c�1 St.P�ul:#�S�tit _ � uotfce .the. tim�s and�p�`"�, -�e„�Y�e t'�►arker,. m �tare:vt:'� .��s�t' . ���t�:ux�ts otp"t����, � �� ���e�#��� ., : _ ,. � �.:� x y�,� ��[tj� #��rA�6. ., ��i ,.T-�asc�NO�, ��i�c � � �- �� wxa� f ? y�. y(�� „, .. .� ���7�f 7.aDa� ' ..5 3�.• � yw� .I ' ' (�`�I�:Ifl!!��` ` ` ��" � I �I�I I I �i II I ;I �! I TY � y - a �, G 1 ��' �� �¢ � saint Paul City Courtcil � - � � t1111I1t1II ro lic Hearing Notice and Invoice RECEIVED e ���1 ��� �� � Ratification oi ent v� hr �sb� FEB 0 81989 CIYY GI.kF�n OWNER OR TAXPAYER �a, CTfY COUNCIL DISTRICf# �=;� T 0 i A L �'��i'�T� 0 0 J c�- DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCIL � � FILE � J89-1B ASSESSMENT� 9294 PROPERTY ADDRESS PROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION ' PURPOSE To cons der ratification of the assessment for BOARDINGS-UP OF VACANT BUILD NGS THRU SEPTEMBER 1988. THE TIM�:T c >�? aY F=�'�t, A4Y 14, '_0 �9 AT 9: 00 A .N! . PUBLIC HEARING PLACE: ity Council Chambers, 3rd Floor, City Hall-Court House Written r oral statements by any owner��ill be considered by the Council at this hearing. ASSESSMENT The pro osed assessment for the above property is S Your final assessment will INFORMATION be the mount ratified�7y the�City Council at the public heanng.The amount showing on this noti e is the amount that is being recommended to the City Council for ratification The propos d assessment roll tor tttis project is available for review in the Finance Dept Room 218, Ci Hall � PAYMENT NOTE: his notice is your invoice wthieh becomes due and payable upon approval of the INFORMATION assessrYyent by the City Council You may pay your final assessment withouf interest to the Depart ent ot Finance and Management Services. Room 218, Ciry Hall-Court House within 30 dcr,�s of the City Council"s approval After 30 days any unpaid assessment will be cert:f�ed tor coll ction in 1 equal installments with fhe real estate taxes beginning in 1990 with intQrest at the rate of 9� per annum on the unpaid assessment bcilance CONTINUED ON REVERSE SID NOTIFICATION DATE ?/Z 7/�q i