89-237 WHITE - C�TV CLERK i COUflCll PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL 9 BLUERV - MAYOR7MENT Flle NO• �" �� � - i Cou il Resolution _ - a..� Presented By Referred Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREASI, the City of Saint Paul , acting through its Valuation En�ineer, has secured an agreement for the purchase of that certainlproperty described as follows : Lotl15 , Block 12 Smith' s Subdivision of Block 12 Sti�ison ' s Division of the City of Saint Paul � WHEREAS, the purchase of the property herein described is necessary f r the widening of Dale Street between Sherburne and Van Buren Av nues . WHEREAS , compensation to the property owner is in the amount of $g0 , 455� it being a fair and reasonable price for the subject property according to the appraisal obtained b� the Valuation Engineer; and WHEREAS , the Valuation Engineer has recommended the purchase of said pro erty at the price stated above; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby uthorized and directed to pay Sally Herbst , owner of record , the sum of $g0,455 • The conditions of said sale are contained 'n the Memorandum for Sale of Real Estate ; said memoradndum is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Said sum to be charged to Funding Source C88-2G003- 0788-25o1g. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� [n Favor � , Goswitz �� i I / � _ A gainst BY " Sonnen Wdson �E� � �t I� Form Appr ed b ity rney Adopted by Council: Dat y/� f� Certified Yasse i Se r ry BY By� - Appro by Mavor. Date � `� Approv y Mayor for Submi io to Council ' � B BY IPUBLIS�iED ��� � � 1989 , , o�1e�ero►Tm w�ca�r�etm; �s ����+ �� _ m <F�ce 6 Manage� t Services 1J24/89 V1 : ��� NO. D Q�tj 3 9 ooMrACT • -: oEa�at�errr w�raA �roR-1� � Peter White �a - � 'n���,,, � : ��0�,, Nt�IBER FOR 2 F�s�uatr�0�1 CtEwt �Cr . aHai�r�. �.. Val & Assessments 2 8-531Z �N° �uoc�ro�cmA O�IDEn: � cm,,moa�r �— Approve ae uisition of pra.perty in conjunctiori with the widening of Dale` Street be een Sherburne. and �an Buren Avenues. A�awck w+dMts= .t) R�tsplvt♦ier�� - , �) Mtw.��r eJv� ��. S.�k e�' .Rs�1 EsfwYt, 3) 1''liy�. _ , i �1t�0�eoy►l`i61�tMa�ov+cp or�x l� �nEa�r►ncit n�oer: . - ;:, r�an�wo oa� cm� �usswH o,►�w o��our a�vsr war�No. , � . DOlMp COMA18810N � 1�C26 BOARD � . � � . � sr� c�ssar, c���ns ia . ^�oot�a.�oo�o+ ��i oti n��o".� _�• o�srwcr couNCw. •�nrro►�: suvronra vN+oc�aouNCU.oe,�cn�z 1� - RECEfyEp �. . � J����.�31�89 ��r��-aF'rME p� �r"�r���tT QF RECT'OR w�n�►�rwo Nao.��.�.o�rvmuirn ,wn�e.wi,�,,v�.v�n+r�: ��� This pro� ct was initiated by the Department of Publfic Works . _ and appro ed by. the C.I_.B. process: �tr.owe.�.ae:�or.�a.a... ): , _ . , The prop ty is necessary right—of-way for the above ffientioned widening. c�nsa�twb.4 when.«a ro wno��: _ _ ;:. . The city's purchase of this property will re�ult in the trans�er of title upon payment of just compensation for�the property. i . . ; _ : . . , . _ : , . ��anrn: : nnos co�s. To be dete ined. ,, .�y,, � C� .: a r�e� �rch Center, , : FEt3 2 ���J �►�: Standard 0 erating Procedure. � ` �resu�s: , - . '' N/A t t'his time. �r�sTnav oF��►��u.s: , . ' : N/A • sTA1�cust> Posrrww(+,-,rn �, �wa�.,�srFn�rn�n ni►�n��s�,mm.�me.�.ti�ha� Saily Herbst �. � _ 600 North Dale Street Saint Paul, MN 55103 . ,& , : FINANCIAL IMPACT �renR ts�o.�y �a+o,�►n ►ro�s: , _ , o�w►rn+o suoa : . . FtEVENI�$�ENERATED • , , � , ..................................................... : . , � _ EXPENSES: _ Saiaries/Fnnge Ber�fits. , :��� ... . ..... ........ , ; -t_�PP�: _ ......... . .....:..r ........................... ....... , , '�`Co�tilaets fa 5ervice` ......................................................... , OUier . PROFIT(LOSS) . FtpdDING SOURCE FOR AI!IY LC63(Nama arw�MwurK) . . _ , CAPffAI M�VEMENT BUDGET: DESIONCOSTS................................................................................ , �.�+ 5 , _. , �c�u�noN cosrs......................................... ............_....... $.,9n 5 ;: . , , , . .. ,, CONSTRUC't�QN C08TS .................. ......... ....._... ........ _ . , ; TOTAL ' $90,435 , .................................................................................................... , _ .. , .: :: ,- , , ,, , ;. . . � souRCE oF�U�NKi(N�'ne ana•an�rxj ,- . . UIPACT ON BI�t3ET: _. . : , , . _ _ /ilAOUNT WRReNTLY BUD�3ETED......_.................... . , ; ': . , : .. ,: _: AMC)UNT MI EXCESS�CURRENT BUDfiET ......... ......... . . � ,, : _ . .. ,. .. . , .. ., : SOURCE OF A�IOUM OVER BUDGET........................................ : - _. PROPERT1f TAXES GEtIIERATED IEOS7'! ......... •. _.., _ _.. ,_ - 7 WIPLEAAENTA710N RES?OI�LRY: DEPT/OFFICE _ DM3ION'. . ' ,'FUND TITLE •:: , - -, . , . _ ; _ . Finance & Ma.nagement S�•rvices< Val :& Assessments � _ C.I:.B. . ` �uooer�crnm�a rmE . .. . �crivrrY�eu+c�ea NOW PERFORMANCE YIIILL BE�D?: . � , . _ PRQORAMI OBJEC7IVES: PROORAM NiDICATORS 1ST YR. 2ND YR. _ s. ., EVALUA710N RFSPOI�FrY: , _ . t , , , pERSON . - . DEPT. . � PHONE NO. � � REP{)RT TO COUNC�l� . - _ z ' � �T Q�UR7�l�LY' _- . .. . .._.,. .«. . .-:_,. . .,, _ :. . .:. - .. . .: .. . _ . . . __ . � �����7 Department of Finance 8c Management Services Division of Asaeasmenta and Valuations Room 218 City Hall MEMORANDUM ON SALE OF REAL ESTATE 1 . Purpose of Sale of Real Eatate to City of Saint Paul : To ellow for the proposed widening of Dale Street between Sherbu'rne and Van Buren Avenues . 2 . Locat on of Real Estate : 600 North Dale Street 3. Legal escription: Lot 15 , Block 12 , Smith ' s Subdivision of Block 12 , Stinson ' s Division of St . Paul 4• Name a�d Address of Seller: Sally Herbst 600 North Dale Street Saint Paul , MN 55103 5 . Recomm nded Purchase Price: Real estate $69 ,000•00 Immovable fixtures $21 , 455 •00 ToTAL $90 , 455 • 00 6. Type o Deed Required : Warranty Deed 7 . Seller, to furnish Abstract of Title . 8. Seller will give possesaion to City: On day of closing. g. Seller will be reaponsible for utility charges based on meter readin s on date of possession by City. Seller also accepta respon ibility for contacting utility companies to requeat remova of ineters . 10• Seller ' to allow access to premises to City or its agenta prior to date of posaeeaion. City Will notify owner vhen lti8 H4' ntQ 1.ri l 7 ....a-- . 0 �✓ �.-r--e O �. . � � G���-a�� � ��-s- - ..,�. . . • w w� r� , f 1 � , . .. . ��p � 3tl y• � SG2 , SS'4 s9.t g � � '15 14 13 12 11 l0 � 8 7 6 5 ♦ 3 2 I ° � . f3 11 • � ( � , t ,(t� (�sz) (iai) (i� (it9) (its) (it�) (izcl (iZS) t��1 {ia�) (�zz) G�) (izv) (��9) (��) ���� , . � � � .� � i 7n �1 139 1 (Ih�) (I�e) (14�) ���) f�45) (1{c) (14i) (14e) 1149� 1 . •. .. �( ) �31) �19�) � ) ���0 ' ` (19) a � - � � 'l (,,� � aS M / �ni e ' � � ? � : �6 j ►7 �e �9 Zo z� 22 z3 24 z5 is 27 ze Z9 3--?� .. � �. 16 � � .' '` (Ito) ': ' .. . :. ; i/! � l 7: .a0o 6D ' � `e°i � t � � . . �, � � �z �or . S7� ,L � ' L ; (�35� 1 (��l 1 . '�_ _ 7 ; 5 ( . . •. . �� �"D M U N 1� � � � � �, . . . � ,�.,, , , � ssB : ci4 z 1 � se� 5�� i , Gc�(ti�� N4, ; q�l- �3 4� '41 40 33 3e 37 36 35 94 39 32 31 � ; . 15 14 - ly , ' i N . �iuc) �w5) (�c�) '��� ��c�) (icol (►s� (�� (�� (isc) (iss) ��s.a) (�s3) (�tl (�s�) � � (1e) �^'� ., �.,� � , � , ,, r ' L L 1�19) Z 2 L �L (183) (164�1 6 O/ ' � �F A9)� ��t� �ici) (�ce) (i��) (no)f �►��) t � i. (ii+) b�t) � - � � i z � s6 � �t � c.�Y� � I „����� �,,���,� ;z'k� ;z°Ic� s 9 ��� " � � � Is�� �''�� �•46 4� 4B 49 so S�si, 5Z 53 54 55 5� 5�7 5 S � o � � � ' f S/O I/L ��l Sp S7i 600 n � i ; " it '� rL ����'t ����'Z rl / �) ' � �S�l ' o i� I . GO3 I � ��0 I � �B 0'Y o � .� � �' _. � � .�. ^ ^ � ... � �. �.. _. � � �.. � ... � i.�\� � � � • i C-�-R-�L.�E-5— -� ; '� 3 K i`�si� � ►`.�./: s ' t • ��._ v �-� .;�:; ryo Z � Z 1 � .�c4-: /�� �' I �so ' ' �� %.so � � �, �`, ^ o z ( s � � ' � z �o�l �f6o � •1 (��l � ��� �� :: � (��1 r I (i3) � �fi5- 14 13 IZ II l0 9 8 . 7 b�ot 5 � t 3 2 _I�� � T� �— � � •'� ! 161� � O!D ' �S, (j5� I 1 SI 0� � O I ( �Z � I ' ; z �zoR1 �Zot) �Zo�) (Zoo� !ig9) (i9sl (�9�1 '(ixl (�s) (���(►� (i9t1� ���i) (ro91 �ie�� � . 1 , -- � ... , i � �F�'�"�a��% � �L./�n/����, a � , �( �� /1..f�-f�-�(f 14. �ESOLUTION 89-160: Requesting the Metropolitan Laid Over Waste Control Commission to present to Council in Committee l�y March 1, 1989 a plan addressing its to 2-22-89 timeline to eliminate land filling of ash with the floodplain, the reclamation of the old �andfill ash basin site, and the potential need for a limited temporary ash storage #acility as part of the treatment plant mperation. (Referred to Committee 1/31/89) . 15. �TIflN': Acquiring property at 600 N: DALE Approved ' ��,�E�T ��,.or the Dale S��reet Acquisition 3-0 �.��.�.,"`... 16. pther Business. i I � I I I, I I � I A I I i �% " �� / � ' � � Members: � CITY OF ►c3AINT PAUL Roger J. Goswitz� chair ' Janice Rettman � � ��ii�ii'n � '!!�� !! ! OFFICE OF TRIC CITY COUNpIL ` Tom Dimond !� D�te: February 8, 1989 ! � Committee Re ort ��E�vE° � p � ' . FE B 0 8 i989 To: Saint Pa�l City Councii CITY CLERF� Fr.om :Public 'Works, Utilities, and Trans ortation � Comm�ttee p � � Roger J. Goswitz, Chair �1• Approval of minutes of January 25, 1989. Hearin Date � 2. 2/14/89 INAL ORDER: Improving PALACE AVENUE from Denied Iiexington Parkway to approximately 200 feet 3-0 �ast of Lexington Parkway by grading and aving, constructing concrete curb and gutter � nd constructing a sanitary sewer. Also, � , sanitary sewer connections. ' C nstructing a water service connection from t e temporary water main in Palace Avenue. A so, condemning and taking an easement in the 1 nd necessary for the slopes, cuts and fills, i clu�ing right of removal of }ateral support f�om sub�ect land in the grading and paving of P�lace Avenue. (Laid over in Committee 1 11/89) . 3. 2/14/89 F NAL ORDER: Improve MONTANA AVENUE and Laid Over in Nebraska Avenue from the proposed cul-de-sac. Committee C�nstruct a sanitary sewer in Nebraska Avenue. to 3-8-89 Also, construct a street lighting system, s�orm water drainage facilities, curb and g tter and sewer service connections. Cbnstruct water mains in E. Nebraska Avenue a d E. Montana Avenues with water service c�nnections. A1so, open and widen Montana Avenue and ' N braska Avenue creating a cul-de-sac for � s�reet purposes and condemning and� taking a . � 15-foot easement for sewer purposes. Said e sement lying 15 feet southeasterly and �;,�# ' a��acent to the southeasterly line of the Soo <a Line RR from Arkwright to Montana. A so, condemning and taking an easement for ' s�ope construction in the grading and paving oL Montana and Nebraska Avenues (Laid over in - Co�mmittee 1/11/89) . I i � C1TY NALL SEVENTH FLUUR � SA1NT PAUL, MINNESOTA SS102 � �.�e