89-232 �NHITE - CI7V GLERK II PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT �/J� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. / �?3� � C un il Resolution � � �.� Presented B � � �d� � �� ) Referred To ��'�E"�� Committee: Date ���� Out of Committee By Date Whereas, the ity of St. Paul and the State of Minnesota entered into a Joint owers Agreement on 5/15/70 � CF248871 in accordance with Minesota Statute 471-59. Whereas, the tate of Minnesota has offered to expand this agreement to include di posal of surplus property and resource recovery functions. Whereas the C ty of St. Paul can benefit from the cooperative handling, the wide surp us disposal network, and the accumulation of a larger recycling vol e. Now Therefore the Council of the CitX of St. Paul approves the expansion of the Joint owers Agreement with the State of Minnesota to include surplus dispo al and resource recovery as described in the additional agreement att ched. � FINANCE i AND MAN GEMENT SERVICES COUNCILMEN ' Requested by Department of: Yeas � tcheAimonc�ys Finance & Management ervices 81N Goswitz _� in Favor asanz � cosia Long -. neibeRettman � __ Against BY escacheibel w son Sonnen � � I MAR j 5 '� Form A by City Att�rney Adopted by Counc�iT---- Date %/�/ � Certified Ya_ ed by Council Secr tar BY By � � i4"�G�l..dP7"� t�ppro d y Mavor: Date `' '`'f�1'� 1 7 1 Appr by Mayor for Sub 'ssi to oun�i.l P BUSNED MAR 2 5 19$9 , � p a�lru►ron � o���awneo o�Te coMnateo � `„ O " o��� FinanCe & M�na ent Servic s 1/27/89 ���� �7�� NE).�Q�g�2 ooKtAC°r PER�oN _�._. oeP�er ar�croR: 4 rwvoa�on�aer�wr� Wi111aII1 E. Pet> r _ �.� �+u+cE a��s owecroR r.�-`a�rv a�nc � Purchasfng 29 -41�5 _ � _ �ooEranECra, crcv�rns�w�r A Council Resolution approve the Joint Co-operat�ve Agreement w th �AN �7 �9�9 the State of �l,innesot for disposal of Surplus Property, Recycling and Rssource Recovery. _ CITY ATTORN�Y :t�avrove cN a�elea c�� ca,�.�sr�►na+r�oa�r: . . � PIJ1fM1Nq 00►NAI6810N CML COMM18810N . DATE IN. . �OATE OUT . -��- � MLWVST . � -.;Pf10NE Iq. . . � � d7NM6 WMhYBMfkI 18D B�8 BOMD � . . � . . � . � � � � . . -8TMF . .. � .. . �� � . . . OOAAPIETE AS IS . . ��.-ADOL INFO.ADDED* �. RET�TO OONTA�T . FOR AOOi MiFO. . ��'�'. ��_ F�CE � — — _ ����� _�„�: JAN 31 �CEIVED 'AFFtCE OF THE DI ECTQR DEPARTMENT OF (NANCE J N ;�0 ��59 ��pNAGEMENT RVICES , NAr�YplC�(�F ��o n�o�.�.or.�rn�rr .wnm.am�.w�»re,wn�: The physical handling nd storage of surpluses ha.s been an ongoing �roblean for the Citg of St. Paul. With the increased need to reuse or recycle, centralijzirtg the process to gather a�d accumu�a e meaningful quantities i.s the first step t� the Changi.ng af habits��nd creatirig ne markets. 1 , i � ,�,s�+FlC,►�,tcoar,e.r�.�..ndr+�+rr�.�r• , , T�e City of St. Paul a d other local governments will benefit froa� the co-operative handling, tYte wide sur lus disposal network, and the accumulation, disposa�, or reclai�ing ar►d �euse � recycleables. _ �ON��l�ICEt jilNfM;Wlssn,and:ro VN�an): AL7�IIM�IY�4e ' PA06 , - , OOIIB ;: t 1 ± �:u!��;, F�ese�r�h �n�er FE�3 2 �'-�� , �,�: � _ a � �:�: � � , 5. . . . , . . . . J '.- � . � � . � . . � . � ���a.�� � � . �� �� �� C[�T � DIS�L OF � PF�PIIa'Y ���,�-/�D I� �s,�r c- �y (� C� , � c� a� s�n�r � � ' � STA� OF �I�1, T&�AF�3�Tr OF AII�IT�i'RA'T'TCt�I, ' MATFRTAT S ��I' DIVI.SIC[1 �IS SH�TIC�S A�� ��ICN A�PIl�'S �i8, the State of Minnesorta, Departrnent of Ac�iiinistration, Matexials Mana esnent Division, (hereinafter ��State��) is authorized pursuant to Minn. Stat 16B.28 (1 88) dispose of suzplus propezty or other property that is obsolete or unu.sed that ongs to the state or ariy other gaven�anental tuzit by transfex or sale to a gwerrIInent imit or nor�profit org-anization or sell it to any other person and Puzsuant to �' n. Stat 115A.15, Subd 6 (1988) to clevelop ar�d ac�iinister resource recavexy syste�s. for state agencies, gwerrn�ental t�nits arni noriprofit on7anizations; ar�d I . the City of St Paul (here' ��Agencc�,��) is,a orized pursuant � (' �r � �o� c}-! Q � l.� to dispose of ��mlus items by sale to the public; and , each may operate more efficiently and econ�anically, the State and the ency wish to carn��ine their sui�plus prapertY disPosal functions and resour'ce recvve�ry functions as it is specifically provided belaw: , it is the puzpo�,,� of this aqreement that the State will transfer for value or sell to the general public the Agency ��rnlus property or provide resourc� recovexy Pr,ogz-am assista��oe as follaws: 1. e Agerx,y will furnish the State with a list of available surplus propexty. The tate wi11 select (at its discretion) items frcan the list, based on on-site ' on if deemed necessary by the State� and schedule those items for display/transf for cash value and those i�.ems for public sale. The State and the Agency will dec de, ba_sed on regularly published chan�es, whether the items will be piG}ced up by th State or deliver�eci by the Agenc.y to the designated sites. 2. a� R�lated to it�ns put on display/transfer for cash value, the Agency will set a price, in con�,itation with the State, that they feel they need to recaver. Z3ze te will recover that price by an agreed upon date, or the items will be txansf L a fcr an agi�ed t�on c'�n3� � a s},.ats auct�.on s�te in the Ztain Cities metrapol"tan �rea for dispos�l in a000rcianoe paragraph 2b, below, The State, to rec.c�ver the of displayir�g ar�d shvwinq item�, wi11 establish the final disPlay/trarLSf price. In no case will the price set by the Agency be lawered without prior roval of the Agenc,y. Pt�c3.s frcen the sale of items owned by the A9en�Y, will be �pz��ec3 by the State ar�d after the as��urance that the funds have cleared by the te Trea_�urer will }�e paid by check made payable to the Agency from the State . A detail statement of r�eoeipts ar�d chat�ges will acc�g�any each PaYm�nt b'Y the Sttate. b. Related to resaurce recvvery, the State will a�ake available to the Agency use of i contracts for waste paper dispQSal. The revenues from any �Y�l�J �l �� this Paiaqraph will be divided 80o to the Agency and 20% to the State. - Page 1 � ^ � . C��9-a.�� ' � " 2' �' �a� � i��s identified for auction/pre- rioe3 sa�e. to Minn. Stat. 16B.08 (1988) the Agerx,y will be P �vsant agencies for a ction servioes �. ��'9ed the same fees as other state �r�d ac�,inistrd�ive chan�es related to holdir�g an auction. will be har�died ir� �e � �r � � 2a. above. 3' a5r'�nt shall be effective the State C�oner of F' �1 exec�ttion as to en�lce by Sta`.e or the � and shall re�nain in effect until cancelled by the �J �is agre�me.nt may be car�celled by the State or the Agency at anY time, with �r without cause, upon thirtY �3�) daYs writte.n notice to the o P�Y• thex 4. �e books, z�eoords, doc�nn�ents, and a�t�q P�ures and practices of the State or the Ager�y relevant to this agre�t shall be subject to Pvami�;tion b'Y t�he o�ther arid the �legislative auditor. 5. N�ither the State �r �, of its officials, �xsonally or officially, �� �Y �i.bility for the aocotultability of funds e�etxled hereunder by the A9��1', or the ' or non-issuar�oe of ariy Pu�rha��e or tzansfer by the Pc�ency. �e `��'�' agr'ees to save at�d hold the State ha�mless fr�n any loss, damage or e�g�en�se arisiq�q fro¢n t�S agr�nt or fr�cen ariy ���, �e or transfer of qood.s frcan the A�etx,y, - 6. A ched to this aqr,e�nt is doc�an�ntation of Agency a authority to ent�x into this agre��ent. Pl�roval or �7F.� AS � F� �p �j'ICt�I: I STAZ� OF �, � � /� `a� ion 1. � r-� --- ---. PURCfiASING S TEM N.A P.GER BY . Manager, Riate al Servi ces DATE• ! Tit1e and Distribution 2. ` Date November 18 lggg CITY ATTORNEY ' Attorney Gex�ral DATE: - 2 7 ' $ � 3. DIRECTO - I'INANC & MP.NP.GEMENT ERVICE�l�e TE: I'ht2 4. �ioner of Fisx�e MAY�R � DATE: , Title • I Date , Page 2 '-> � ti/0� � � � `����� �l�-���- � � �� � 9. 3/21/89 �INAL ORDER: Improve MONTANA AVENUE and NEBRASKA AVENUE from Laid over he proposed cul-de-sac. Construct a sanitary sewer in indef. ebraska Avenue. Also, construct a street lighting system, torm water drainage facilities, curb and gutter, and sewer ervice connections. �lso, open and widen Montana and Nebraska Avenues creating a ul-de-sac for street purposes and condemning and taking a 15- oot easement for sewer purposes. Said easement lying 15 feet outheasterly and adjacent to the southeasterly line of the 0o Line� RR from Arkwright to Montana. i�lso, condemning and taking an easement for slope construction n the grading and paving of Montana and Nebraska Avenues. 10. INAL ORDER: Acquiring easements for the SYLVAN/ACKER AREA Ap roved �TORM SEWER SYSTEM (Laid over in Committee 2/22/89) . 3-� 11. i�PDATE: On construction of IRVINE AVENUE AREA STORM SEWER Laid over PIROJECT, Street Paving and Lighting Project and storm, to 4-5-89 s�nitary and water service connections if requested by any p operty owner. 12. RESOLUTION 89-228: An ordinance amending Chapter 82 of the Approved Aldministrative Code pertaining to purchasing procedures and 3-0 p blic contracts and providing. a 90-day limitation on e cavation for combined sewer separation and street paving. ( eferred to Committee 2/14/89) . . . , 13. . ��. �-��'°� ���.�qf Jotnt �Pee�g='�1�0"rr�►� A J�I� ,r�ib4 ;�����f�.Minnesc��a to 'inelud� , i�plus 3-0 ,.,�." d spasaF2'� �tti� ��e �`�'tz�q`: ��"'�efarted to Caidittee 2 ��i`f��: 14. R SOLUTION 89-235: Authorizing approval of Ramsey County Laid over p ans to reconstruct Larpenteur between 35-E and Edgerton, to 4-19-8! b�idge construction over Soo Line RR and right-of-way a quisition. (Referred to Committee 2/14/89) . 15. R SOLUTION 89-267: Authorizing proper City officials to Approved e ecute a three-year renewal lease agreement with METALCOTE 3-0 G�EASE AND OIL COMPANY for vacant land located near Randolph, W bster and Erie for parking. (Referred to Committee 2/16/89) . 16. MINISTRATIVE ORDER D-10099: Authorizing transfer of Approved j risdiction of City property from Community Services to 3-0 P�iblic Works. (Referred to Committee 2/16/89) . ll. , R�SOLUTION 89-299: Directing proper City officials to execute Laid over L ase Agreement with NAEGELE OUTDOOR ADVERTISING, INC. for a to 4-5-89 s gn on property purchased by City from Burlington Northern, I c. west of I-35E and north of Cayuga for storm water p nding. (Referred to Committee 2/21/89•) . (continued) 2