89-228 - WMITE - CITV CLERK COl1�IC11 /��7 PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL /�(�[ CANARV -DEPARTMENT ,i BLUE -MAVOR � F1I@ NO. � `��"` rdin G Ordinance N 0. �P � � � �� Presented By __ eferr d To �/ �� Committee: D e � —���`rJ ' � Out of Committee By Date . An ad inistrative ordinance amending Chapter 82 of th Saint Paul Administrative Code entitled "Purc asing Procedures ; Pu'blic Contracts" , by provi ing a 90-day limitation on excavation under any c ntract let regarding the combined sewer separ tion and street paving program and with exten ions only being granted subject to Council appro al . THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 . That Cha ter 82 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code is hereby ame ded by adding thereto a new section to read as follows : ' "82.08 Excavation limitation. Any contract let con- cerning he excavation and restoration of earth in the furtheran e of the goals of the project known as the combined sewer se aration and street paving program shall contain a provisi n providing that such excavation and restoration thereunde shall not exceed 90 calendar days . If in the event th t the excavation and restoration will , in the opinion f the director of public works exceed 90 days , the dire tor shall notify the council in writing of the circumsta ces at least 15 calendar days prior to the end of the 9 day period of time . The council may, upon good cause sh wn, grant an extension of time for completion of the ex avation and restoration by resolution. " Section 2. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty ( 30) days afte its passage , approval and publication. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� In Favor Goswitz Rettroan (� Scheibel A gai R S t BY Sonnen Wilson Adopted by Council: Date � 2 � � Form Ap e y City t rne Certified Pas u cil r ry BY _ By Appro by Mayor: te ' MAR [ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy By 'U�{�}�p AP R - � 198g � � , . . � � 1,�� �a�' - N°. 012422 , Le . 0 eratin /Ctt Co ncil DgpAg�� - �/��7'°� Janice Rettman COAITACT NAM1: 298-5289 PHONE � . � Januar 31 1989 DATE �lSSIGN NUMBER O ' JG 0 D (See reverse side.) � _ Department Diracto Mayor (or Assistant) _ Finance and Manage ent Services Director 2 City Clerk Budget Director _ 1 City Attorney _ TOT G K (Clip all locations for signature.) WHA D IN N 4 (Purpose/Rationale) An administrative ord nance amending Chapter 82 of the Saint Pau1 Administrative Code entitled "Purchasing rocedures; Public Contracts", by providing a 90-day limitation on excavation under y contract let regarding the combined sewer separation and street paving program and w h extensions only being granted sub�ect to Council approval. OST N UD N P ItSO C C D: None. C CT V B C D T D: N/A (Mayor's signature not required if under $10,000.) Total Amount of Tra �ction: Activity Number: Funding Source: C�u��ctl Research Center, � FEB 1 l��g ATTACHMENTS: (List a number all attachments.) Letter from Paul McC oskey dated January 17, 1989, and Administrative Ordinance. DMTN S T V ROCED RES _Yes A No Rul s, Regulations, Procedures, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes _No If es, are they or timetable attached? DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW _Yes No Counc 1 resolution required? Resolution required? _Yes _No _Yes _No Insur ce required4 Insurance sufficient� _Yes _No _Yes _No Insur ce attached? � � � � � � � � � . . . �I . � . ���'�-�a�' � � ,.��Q � � t��f� s�s��T• �. CITY OF SAI�T PAUL .��o �,� �; � i:, OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY �� wwnm ,� ;;w n�!LI�u ^.- � m EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY '°''�r,,��6°'m,��"� 647 City Hall, Saint Paul. Minnesota 55102 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR January 17 , 1989 Council MemberlJanice Rettman Seventh Floor I City Hall i Re : CSSP Prog�am Dear Council M�mber Rettman: Enclosed pleas�e find an administrative ordinance amending Chapter 82 of the AdrnIinistrative Code entitled "Purchasing Procedures ; Public Contracts . I selected this chapter as the place to add on the enclosed as the title i� nearest in subject matter to the amendment. I suggest th�t Public Works staff be part of the processing of this ordir�ance so that they appreciate the importance and ramifications that you stressed when we met concerning drafting this document. l If I can be �Of any further assistance , please do not hesitate to contact me .l Yours very trujly, � I •Jj //'1 /" � ��- �/�' ` �� ��, PAUL : McC OSKEY Assistant City� Attorn�y PFM:cg Encl . cc : Edward Stl,arr Jane McP�ak Edwin Lee I . _ . . . �-��a�� • Members: �7��� I CITY OF SAINT PAUL Roger J. Goswitz, hair � Janice Rettman +������i��� . I OFFIC� OF TFfT CITY COIINCIL �������o��� Tom Dimond ate: March 8, 1989 Committee Report To: Saint P ul City Council � From :Publi Works, Utilities, and Transportation Com ittee Rog r J. Goswitz, Chair The Public Wo ks Commi:�:tee at its meeting of March 8, 1989, took the following act'on: � 1, A proval of minutes of February 22, 1989. Hearing Date COMMITTEE 0�' WHOLE ITEM 4�2 ONLY 2, d Mill Road Discussion - 1/2 hour. Laid over in c�ot�i��ee to 3, ISCUSSION: 35-E and I-94 from Marion to Robert Street. 3a��_89er to 4, ZSCUSSION: Robert Street Bridge. ' Laid over to. . -3-22-89 - 5. 3/21/89 INAL ORDER: Improve MARYLAND AVENUE from Interstate 35E to . Approved ayne Avenue and JESSIE STREET from 200 feet south of Maryland with 0 100 feet north of Maryland. c3 0 at ondemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for lopes, cuts and fills for reconstruction of street and idewalks on Maryland from 200 feet west of Jessie Street to , 00 feet east of Jessie Street and on Jessie Street from . 200 eet south to 100 feet north of Maryland Avenue. 6. 3/21/89 TIFICATION OF ASSESSMENTS: For construction of sanitary Approved ewer in IDAHO AVENUE from Arundel Street to Cumberland 3-0 treet. Also for sanitary sewer connections. 7. 3/21/89 TIFICATION OF ASSESSMENTS: For construction of sanitary Approved ewer in COTTAGE AVENUE from Dale Street to the east 190 feet. 3-0 8. 3/21/89 INAL ORDER: Improving PALACE AVENUE from Lexington Parkway Update o approximately 200 feet east of Lexington Parkway by grading nd paving, constructing concrete curb and gutter and onstructing a sanitary sewer. Also, constructing sanitary service connections. Constructing a water service connection � from the temporary water main in Palace Avenue. Acquiring easements for slope construction in the grading and paving of Palace Avenue. (continued) ' CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 .�<e I � . � � . � ������ � /�lo��- 9. 3/21/89 F�NAL ORDER: Improve MONTANA AVENUE and NEBRASKA AVENUE from Laid over t e proposed cul-de-sac. Construct a sanitary sewer in indef. N�braska Avenue. Also, construct a street lighting system, s�orm water drainage facilities, curb and gutter, and sewer s rvice connections. A�so, open and widen Montana and Nebraska Avenues creating a c l-de-sac for street purposes and condemning and taking a 15- f ot easement for sewer purposes. Said easement lying 15 feet s utheasterly and adjacent to the southeasterly line of the S o Line RR from Arkwright to Montana. A�so, condemning and taking an easement for slope construction i the grading and paving of Montana and Nebraska Avenues. 10. F NAL ORDER: Acquiring easements for the SYLVANJACKER AREA - Approved S ORM SEWER SYSTEM (Laid over in Committee 2/22/89) . 3-0 11. U�DATE: On construction of IRVINE AVENUE AREA STORM SEWER Laid over P�OJECT, Street Paving and Lighting Project and storm, to 4-5-89 s nitary and water service connections if requested by any p�roperty owner. 12. 89-228: Aa �,dinan��e.,,�e�i,ding Chapter 82. o€ th w � d dminis�'�ive Cod!� .perta3��►i�tg t-t� �a�lt�ing pro�cae�d�tt�res and 3- ublic cot�tracts aud providi�tg, a 90-day lfm�tation on cavatillA�r,,�or cc�t�ed ee�c°r����eparat��o�t and st�'eet paving. s,�.,. Lerred to �ommittee 2/14/89) . 13. . �ESOLUTION 89-232: Approving the expansion of Joint Powers Approved greement with the State of Minnesota to include surplus 3-0 isposal and resource recovery. (Referred to Committee /14/89) . 14. ESOLUTION 89-235: Authorizing approval of Ramsey County Laid over lans to reconstruct Larpenteur between 35-E and Edgerton, to 4-19-8! � ridge construction over Soo Line RR and right-of-way cquisition. (Referred to Committee 2/14/89) . 15. IESOLUTION 89-267: Authorizing proper City officials to Approved �xecute a three-year renewal lease agreement with METALCOTE 3-0 REASE AND OIL COMPANY for vacant land located near Randolph, ebster and Erie for parking. (Referred to Committee 2/16/89) . � 16. �MINISTRATIVE ORDER D-10099: Authorizing transfer of Approved urisdiction of City property from Community Services to 3-0 �ublic Works. (Referred to Committee 2/16/89) . 17. , ESOLUTION 89-299: Directing proper City officials to execute Laid over ease Agreement with NAEGELE OIITDOOR ADVERTISING, INC. for a to 4-5-89 ign on property purchased by City from Burlington Northern, Inc. west of I-35E and north of Cayuga for storm water onding. (Referred to Committee 2/21/89.) . (continued) � 2 I , . - �a�, . � �'�'�y� �71�y� 18. I�ESOLUTION 89-323: Plan to phase out certain water systems. toi�_p�v�� �Referred to Committee 2/8/89) . 19. ESOLUTION 89-217: Authorizing proper City officials to Approved xecute an agreement with Ramsey County for the majority of 3-0 unding for the CURBSIDE RECYCLING PROGRAM. (Referred to C�ommittee 2/9/89) . • 20. I�ISCUSSION: Payment by MnDOT for easements taken for Lake With- treet Bridge Reconstruction. dra,wn 21. ESOLUTION 89-268: Authorizing proper City officials to Approved xecute an agreement with th? State Department of 3-0 w'th ransportation for City's share of costs of roadway and storm cavea� ewer facilities constructed on MISSISSIPPI RIVER BLVD. and on RSHALL (T.H. 212) from N. Mississippi River Blvd. to Otis venue. (Referred to Committee 2/28/89) . 22. ESOLUTION 89-42: Establishing residential permit parking on Withdrawn INCOLN AVENUE between Cleveland and Prior. (Laid over in ommittee 2/22/89) . 23. ther Business. g�-33/ - �� ��"�� �!' Approved"3=0 � I I �- ��-��' lst - / —O / 2nd 3 ^� IO'd 7 3rd � 'a� '� Adopted .3' ocO 'd / Ye s Nays DIMOND ��'! 'a��d GOSNIITZ ���Q�°� LONG ' RETTMAN SONNEN WILSON MR. PRESIDENT� SCHEIBEL