89-223 WHI7E - GITV CLEpK ' PINK - FINANCE ' COLIICII 1� Ij� CANARV - DEPARTMENT ' GITY OF SAINT PAUL Q(QF�� BLUE - MAVOR I File NO. � - " � � Council Res ution _ - � � 1g Presented By Referred To � Committee: Date Out of Committee By � Date � � R�SOLVED: Thlt application (ID #73326) for a Gambling Manager's Li ense by Alan Bloomquist DBA The Lower EastSide Football As ociation at Flaherty's Bar, 499 Payne Avenue, be and th same is hereby approved/de�ted. I I i COUNCIL MEMBERS i Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond ���- In Favor Goswitz Rettman p ,,�;� A gai n s t BY Sonnen Wilson ��B _ � 3(�� Form Approved by City torney Adopted by Council: Dat • . �,�( Certified Pa s ouncil S tar BY � �'2 L� By, i �r • '` Af'� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approve lVlavor: Date i:�.� g BY � '3+'- , ' ���9 ; .� � I _ ' . � ��-aa DiVISION OF I,ICENSE ND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE �� �3 8� � �°� �'� l� INTERDFPARTMENTAL RE IEW (:HECKLIST Appn P oc ssed/Received by ; Lic Enf Aud , Applicant I�XGvr� ' `_ Home Address ��� �• ! � a"��'r�-�'� Rusiness Name L �, �� S�c�, ��y�,(,Q Home Phone Bu�iness Address �� Q�,7�pe of License(s) � .�trY1 b ��rlG� Business Phone ���X� S �� QY►(�, �� Public Hearing Date � � �� License I.D. 41 �133Z�e at 9:00 a.m. in the Council hambers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. 1� jV I� llate Nutice Sent; p '�y,I Dealer �� ��� to Applicant � 5 p � �,�"l`t'� redera2 I'j.rearms 4� �I� Public He�.�ring � DATE INSPECTIUN REVIEW VERFIED (COMPUTER) CUMMENTS I Approved Not A roved � Bldg I & D ; � I ��� Health Divn. i ' � N�� � � � Fire Dept. I � � i ; �I� I � � t ► Police Dept. ; �n I '�,y�� � � z ao �� , , � License Divn. I� i �/� 1 City Attorney j � i ��I�S � o � � Date Received: i Site Plan � a- ���a i To Council r.�search � � Lease or Letter � Date from Landlord Z 3 � i ��� � � i " ''["� , City of Saint Paul , , Depa�tment of Finance and Management Services ��c�'_�a3 , License and Permit Division , 203 City Hall ' St. Paul, Minnesota 55102-298-5056 ' APPLICATION FOR LICENSE CASH CHECK CLASS NO. New Renew 0 0 .-�'-�- � Cl �,�j, � s� Date 19 Code No. Title of Lic nse . � � ��J L f!� ��` From j�:r,, � �g�`-%Tp � �. 19 �� �'�L l�• '�(1 r')1 �� r�G} l�� ' A�� Q/ �.r�-(� r-� v � � 1 ( f � c C li�C ` 1 T"��i:t;`," '��— � � i J 100 � L ) lJ l'.✓' � ` --a' �', i � pplieantlCompany Name �� ` 100 -=* y �f� 'L?r1 ��J G;r7�l>LGl` � 100 Business Name <- ioo � ���. 1�P J�T� 5 L'`� I� Business Address . Phone No. 100 . � i�; � i , �� ��r�, -�-- , . , � J �.� � ,'r �-; . 100 Mail to Address � Phone No. ��_�� • , � 'y •� 100 `,�� ��c i1 �_ ` '✓�ilj"J;��i/� ManaperlOwner•Name ^ 100 ' c_ � j � �1 �,�-`��i � ��.,i� 100 AtanagedGwner•Home Address Phone No. 4098 APPlication Fee ' 2. 50 \` + �� -- Received the Sum of t00 J I � ��` t,{ ' � ; � �� �✓ ��� � f�Y� �� ManagerlOwner•City,Slste 3 Zip Code 100 Total 100 liCense InSp@CtOr J �I' By: �/��� Signaturo ol Applicant Bond: mpany Name Policy No. Expiratfon Oate Insurance: C mpany Name Policy No. Expiration�ate Minnesota State Identificatlon No. Sociai Security No. Vehicle Information: ' Serial Number • Plata NumDer 1 Other. THIS IS A RECEIPT FOR APPLICATION THIS IS NOT A LICENSE TO OP RATE.Your application for license wili either be granted or rejected subject to the provisions of the zoning otdinance and completio�of th inspections by the Health, Fire,Zoning and/or License Inspectors. $15.00 CHARGE FOR ALL RETURNED CHECKS -'` %:�. �� -�� .y- � ,� - , �_ _k . . r✓ . " I � Ci�y oc Saint Paul , . . , IDeparcmenc o� Finance and Manageaenc Services C�� �� , .. . ' Division of License and Permit Registracion . INFORMATION REOUIRED WI�TH �PPLICATION FOR ?ERMIT TO CONDUCT CAARITABLc GAMBLiVG G�4'� I*t S�►INT PAUL , 1. Full and complete !name of organizacion which is applying for license i Lower East� Side Football Association 2. Address vhere gam�s vill be held 499 Payne Avenue , St. Paul, r7N � �umber Screec Cicy Zip 3. Name of manager s�gning this appl.ication vho will coaduct. operace and manage Gambliag Games ;Alan Bloomquist � Date of Birth 7-27-45 (a) Length of tim� maaager has beea member of applicanc orgaaizacion Augus t 19 85 4. Address of Manage� 758 East Magnolia, St.Paul , I�1 ;Jumber Screec Cic� Zi? 5. Day, dates, and h�urs this applicacicn is ior Pen din� 6. Is the applicant r organizacion organized under c�e Iavs os t;�e State o� �4d? ye s �7. Date of fncorpora ion August 11, 1987 � 8. Date when registe ed with the Scace of Kianesota Sen tembe r 3, 19 87 � , 9. How long has orga ization beea ia esiscence? 2 0 ye ars + ' 10. How long has arga ization beea in existeace ia St. Pau1? 2 0 Ye ars + 11. Glhac is the purpose of the organization? Organized to promote and support activities and functions of the Lower ast i e—'Froot �Tall—�ociation. We ofter yoimg boys the opportunity to learn the basic rules and to nlay g in e� eams in , au . 12. Officers of appl cant organizacfon � Name Dennis J.j Fitzgerald 'tame Alan Bloomctuist Address 735 Jessie Street Address 758 E. MaQnolia Title Presider�t DOB 4/13/50 Tic?e Vice PresidentDOB 7/27/45 v�e t4argaret �Staats Name Marlene Thilgen Address 670 We�tern Avenue No. �ddress 756 DeSoto � Ticle Treasure�t DOB 9�19/55 Titla Secretarv �o$ 11/5/46 13. Give names of of�icErs, ar any ot!-er ?ersoas ano �aid �or se^�ices ca c^e or3aai_3L:cn. tiame I V�e Address :lddress '_- Title •--�� --- - -7 (A[tach separace sha�' '^•: ac�_::or.�: -==as.� � i _ � ���� , ;G. Actached hereco , .s a list of names and addresses of all aembers oE cie o:3an_za_i�r.. . 15. . In vhose custod}� vill orgaaizacion's records be kepc? Name lan Blo 'm uist Address 758 East Magnolia 16. Persons who vil� be conducting� assisting ia conduccing, or oper�cing che �ames: Name Donell� Hoffman Date of Birth 11-24-49 address 965 Ea t Geranium Avenue ;lame of Spouse None Date of Birth Dates vhen such ;person vill conduct, assisc. or operate pPnriin� ►1ame i Date of Birth 4ddress Name of Spouse Date of Birth Daces vnen suc:� 'person *Ji�I con�ucc. ass.st� or operate i . 17. Have qou read a � do ?ou c�oraugE►ly uaderscand ch� provisians og aIl laWS. ordinances. � and regulacior.s ;o��e:z:ag ::�e operac=an oi Cha:itab?s Gambiing games? Yes � 18. Attached here:o ca c:�e Ea:r :ur»ished 5y the C:ty c: St. Paul is a Financial Reporc vhi:.:� ic�mizes �I'_ recei�cs. expeases, and d'_sbursemencs oi che applicanc organization as ve2� as a_? airgaa:za._ans vho zave _ecei��ed `unds ior tae oraced�zg calendar qear whica has beea s�:3::ed. g:a�ared, aad ve:_?_ed Sy Margaret Staats - Yame 670 Weste�n Avenue North, St. Paul, NIlV �ddress who is che �re asure r of the applicanc Orgaaizac:on. Vame �c OfE-ce 19. Operator oi premiises vhere games :r���: be held: , Name Flahar ' s Bar and Restaurant B�rsiness address � 499 Payne Avenue Home Address 12171 Parade Avenue , Stillwater , NIN 20. Amounc df rent ? id Sy app�:canc Or3ani=ac�on cor reac or che hall; speciEy amounc paid per 4-hour �eQg:on $400. 00 per month i r . � . � ��--a� � ' ,21. '�he proceeds oi t;he games will be disbursed afcer deduccing prize layouc costs and operating expense�s for the folloving purposes and uses: New Footba 1 E ui me miscellane us o eratin costs relatin to the needs of the b s. � 22. Has the premises here the games are to be held been certified for occupanc� by the City of Saint Pa 1? Ye s 23. Has your orgar.ization riled cederal fora 990-T? rjp Ii ansWer is yes, please at:ach a copy wic:� chis ppiicacion. I: answer is no� explain why: This is ou first ear of o eration and our re u until afte ear en din December 31 1 88. W� av f' F 2 for a Non-Profit Status from the Internal Revenue Service . Any changes desired �v tae apol?caac �ssociacjon ma� be �ade only vich the conse.^.t of che City Council. Lower East Side Football Associati� Organ�zacion , � s Date � �l� �+y �'�' By: . ' �taaager in char or gam o � _ � � z{ :n ; — � .-. — :z � Gi 57 c0 -C J � C � :1 � '9 7 r- R T f9 ,T � - S � :O R �1 �+ � � 07 fC t� � !� Si id IT I+ � � �� f7 �D � r0 � Z' r Mnnn^,:��a � 7 .^. ;� 7 A 3 �C ��R. _� �t � A 3 � `G 3 , -7'i'. G �- n � ^' O � g 7 :� T r9 �+ C � �+ •� 3 'd IC ���� �t �0 n r* A r -n n � � � � a. a r- - �e = � 3 � � O � 7 9 7 7� � S O �+ o -, � 3 � rr �0 m :� � T .= A � �0 .rr � PT fi ] �' • r► �m n \ � :1 I r► O U1 �i S t9 � � � + _. 1 r* 't (� �!1 :7 �I 7 �,�� � J1 � � r• 3 � �G � R � �r.�w a � � �__ � rt � "'S f��� � ^ � i� �9 f0 , , lo -0 • �\ ,St��� � r0 =_ � � ...�v v O ►�► � ^ � '(�'Z � O O � � � I(Jl �\, vf r 't - I �, � �, ra :n r� �0 n ' � � 7 ro r+ n �9 ' :0 ' I : n f0 n 3 •VWWWW■ � � ? �f I _ � I-' � t n b � C7 h� (9 , i �(� � \ 3 r9 � R \ (p ' I � !9 I�I� • r�r � f0 ( \ � � T '9 i � \ 3 � 3 + �Si IX 1� � � '0 E r'r � ? S � � � a o �a �, T � ro < I � I I �J - � � ! A ! I� � � •+ -� �e r.� a � � O b �.• � _ -� � � m � W � A rs � ? � `� I C�: �e O JO ►-� � � ^ -+ 7 r� '0 .• I I 7 I �,�, ���„� �,,�� _ ��-aa3 - ' ��. �. �arch i _ - �R��� :�'il���"' No. 0 0 3 4$0 ��� _�„�;,��, �,,,�����► ' Christi:ne Ro ek �FOR _ �.�►«�►�� �«r� . "°. woun�c� �*�«, � -2 Cuur�il Research Finance.& M . 98-5056 oRO�: 1 �,,�Y aPP�i��tion r a Gambling Manager's License. - Notification Date: 1-5-89 Flearirtg Daite; 2-9-89 !1lCbIMIl�uRTWM6:G�PPi'o!»(�)a RejaG(Rl 1 COINICIL N�EARpI REPORT: PLIJ�MN10(�116810q qVIL COM9113310N DATE�IN� . . . DATE 01J'f � . .AWILYST . � . . � � �PNOlE NO. � . . . � . ZO�LNO COMMI8610N � . 18D 825 .80NRD . � , . . . _ . � . � . . � . .. . . .STAFF� .. ' dURTER OMMISBpN � � � . �WMPLESE/�S IS � � MDL NIF'O..ACGiD* . RETD TO<70N�A�T ..00NSTRUEM . . .. . . .. . � �_ . � _�fOR�A[)D<��FYf. . _fEEE1BAqC ADO�• . .. ' DI�TAICf COUNCIL - *EXPLANATION: . . � . .. � � . .. . 81MPOATB-�WNK�10011NCLOBIECTNE4 � � . - . . . . . . � . . � . . ' �TIA7f1�PRC�LBI.NW�.O/POR7{N�IITY .YYMt.VMIMO.WtIBIB�YVhy): Alan Bloomqui t DBA Lower EastSide Football :Association at Flaherty's Bar, 499 Payne Av `ue, requests Council approval of his a�plication for a� Ga�ling Mar�a er's License. . .��,�ar tc�e.r�.�.�,as� . , . , , ; All fees and pplications have been submitted. �.IYN�at.WIM�.ind To WAOrn). .- : , .,h If Council a�p roval is given, A1an Bloomquist wi11 manage the pu?itab and/or tipboa d sales at Flaherty's Bar for the Lower EastSide Foatba�l - Association. : N.�a►nves: . �os co� _ . ���: ..�: i'���a�ch Center �NN 2 :�: 19� ���: _ Mr. Bloomquis ` has been the manager for pulltab sales fbr Lower East�ide �'ootball at H rges Bar, 981 Univers`ity Avenue, since i1-1-88. , ��s: