89-222 M/HI7E - C�TV CLERK I
BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �0�
Council Resolu ion �� �,
r ��
Presented By
Referred To �i Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED: Tlat application (ID #47503) for a Class B Gambling License
b the Lower EastSide Football Association at Flaherty's Bar,
�4 ,9 Payne Avenue, be and the same is hereby approved/der�ed.
COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays '
� In Favor
Rettman �
,.�;� _ Against BY
Wilson '
��B —' 9 ���� Form Ap roved by City ttorney
Adopted by Council: Date , - .
Certified Va.s Council Se tary BY / �Z �
Approve Mavor: Date �'�� ` `� j�`�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
Pi��'�;�;�'�7 ; � ;� �989
', -
� � ���y=�a�
Lic Enf Aud
Applicant �'�(,�, �-� StC�. _ ��� Home Address
Rusiness lv'ame � � � �- Home Phone
Bu;;iness Address � h�- '�7(J�'c/ Type of Lic.ense(s) �� �`455 �
Business Phone ��� '� J�� C(,�yn bli v� l��
� `�1 GI GQJY�Sr�
Public Hearing Date � � �� License I.D. �� y ��0�
at 9:00 a.m. in the Council hambers,
3rd floor City Hall�,and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �t I�I�'
llate Notice Sent; I� _Q(� r�(�I'^ Dealer �� ��A'
to Applicant I U t l. I`N
Pederal I'�xearms 4� � /4
Public He�.iring
Approved Not A roved
Bldg I & D +
N i�
Health Divn. '
, ���, �
Fire Dept. I �
� ��� I
� �
Yolice Dept.
����I�I ��
License Divn. !
IZ `(��� ��
City Attorney �
lc�.-f�l-��j , Q�
ate Received:
Site Plan 2 C� D
To Council P.esearch � o� �
Lease or Letter Date
from Landlord �Z �3
� , � i ����a�
• mn�uup��� �
��4�°` Charita le Gamblin Control Board
�.�`Zp1L6DUN0��?�. �I 9 FOR BOARD USE ONLY
• �'���� Room N 475 Griggs-Midway Building
1821 U iversity Avenue �°DSBN"�°`
_ � � St. Paul, Minnesota 55104-3383 PAID
(612) 6 2-0555 AMT
��'��' CHECK#
A. Type or print in ink. ''
B. Take completed application t local governing body,obtain signature and date on all copies,and leave 1 copy.Applicant keeps 1
copy and sends original to th above address with a check.
C. Incomplete applications will e returned.
Type of Application:
❑Class A - Fee S 100.00(Bing�,Raffles,Paddlewheels,Tipboards, Pull-tabs)
�Class B - Fee S 50.00(Raffl�s,Paddlewheels,Tipboards,Pull-tabs) ���s�syaaeto:
❑Class C - Fee S 50.00(Bing onlyl MinnesotaCharitableGambRngControl8oard
OClass D - Fee S 25.00(Raffl�s only)
❑Yes�No 1. Is ihis applicati for a renewal? If yes,give complete license number 0 - � - 0
�Yes ONo 2. If this is not an a plication for a renewal,has or anization been licensed by the Board before? If yes,give base
license number middle five digits► , '� `'
�Yes❑No 3. Have Internal C ntrols been submitted previously?If no,please attach copy.
4. Applicant(Official,legal nam of organization) 5. Business Address of Organization
..C4-��- � - ?n 'r��-,� ,�1 � '�.3iCf' ...Ci^ `''�.i� '°S i� ° ;�`?gP_;t
6. City,State,Zip 7. County 8. Business Phone Number
St �-�-�' - " ,!�, �^ n:,nS�� �,, ., � �-,�_:,�:a„
9. Type of organization: ❑Fra rnal ❑Veterans OReligious �lOther nonprofit'
`If organization is an"other nonp ofiY'organization,answer questions 10 through 13.If not,go to question 14."Other nonprofit"organizations
must document its tax-exempt atus.
�Yes ONo 10. Is organization ncor orated as a nonprofit organization?If yes,give number assigned to Articles or page and
book number: Attach copy of certificate.
pYes❑No 11. Are articles file with the Secretary of State?
OYes❑No 12. Are articles file with the County?
❑Yes�No 13. Is organization xempt from Minnesota or Federal income tax?If yes,please attach letter from IRS or Department of
Revenue declar ng exemption or copy of 990 or 990T. Ai�'�1�C 3t lo:t ��:??d1T!?
❑YesT�No 14. Has license eve been denied,suspended or revoked?If yes,check all that a ly:
❑Denied �Suspended �Revoked Give date: - -
15. Number of active members 16. Number of years in existence Note: If less than four years,attach
',. � �; evidence of three years
�� -���" existence.
17. Name of Chief Executive Offi er 18. Name of treasurer or person who accounts for other revenues
of the organization.
�er.nis J. ^?t���;dr� ci '��zr�ar?t ^taar:�
Title Title
�resic�?nt Treasurer
Business Phone Number Business Phone Number
' :1 _!, ' !� ��?/� ^�_ 1�.�.� � �1 7 � L�'n��l�JC ����..•.�
19. Name of establishment where gambling will be 20. Street address(not P.O.Box Number)
1�_"r'•^...:"� S �;r"� -�3�7'?f? `;�tpi:.L1P
21. City,Stste,Zip 22. County(where gambling premises is Iocated)
�,-' ,.. - _ .., • - ,.�--
CG-0001-02(8/86) I White Copy-Board Canary-Applicant Pink-Local Governing Body
1 _---� __ _
� � ��i�a�
• Gambling License Application I Page 2
Type of Application: ❑Class�A C1CIass B ❑Class C ❑Class D
QYes❑No 23. Is gambling pre ises located within city limits?
'QYes❑No 24. Are all gamblin activities conducted at the premises lisied in #19 of this application? If not, complete a separate
application for ach premises(except raffles)as a separate license is required for each premises.
❑Yes�No 25. Does organizati n own the gambling premises?If no,attach copy of the lease with terms of at least one yea�.
❑Yes L7 No 26. Does the organi ation lease the entire premises?If no,attach a sketch of 27. Amount of Monthl Rent
the premises in icating what portion is being leased.A lease and sketch S�,��,� ,�n
is not required f r Class D applications.
❑Yesf�No 28. Do you plan on onducting bingo with this license?If yes,give days and times of bingo occasions:
uays ! r�mes
CXYes❑No 29. Has the S 10,0 0 fidelity bond required by Minnesota Statutes 349.20 been obtained?Attach copy of bond.
30. Insurance Company Name 31. Bond Number
..i' _t� i1;.""? �� nC `L'.i �Lly«.r:� ' �r. ri y'�'�, n'�i' ^`? �Ll
32. Lessor Name 33. Address 34. City,State,Zip
-'� -� 1, '.'?Z-.t _ ,'lf. . ?• -� �'7.�-^ ;r rr _,aiJ� ��+ �� '11
35. Gambling Manager Name 36. Address 37. City,State,Zip
;j.'�_'i-` -- ' !`!',�_.'r�,,i' �r !. ` '_ ' ,.��i� �r.�?�tLL ..r .��� �i
38. Gambling Manager Business hone 39. Date gambling manager became
( _? � ;'�� , "^.''G ±,p^,� member of organization: `..7�-„g;�- '• �`l.��
8y my signature below,local la enforcement officers or agents of the Board are hereby authorized to enter upon the site,
at any time, gambling is being onducted,to observe the gambling and to enforce the law for any unauthorized game or
By my signature below,the Bo rd is hereby authorized to inspect the bank records of the General Gambling Bank Account
whenever necessary to fulfill r quirements of current gambling rules and law.
I hereby declare that:
1. I have read this applicatio and all info�mation submitted to the Board;
2. All information submitted s true,accurate and complete;
3. All other required informa ion has been fulty disclosed
4. I am the chief executive o icer of the organization;
5. I assume full responsibilit for the fair and lawful operation of all activities to be conducted;
6. I will familiarize myself wit the laws of the State of Minnesota respecting gambling and rules of the Board and agree,
if licensed,to abide b tho e laws and�ules, includin amendments thereto.
40. Official,Legal Name of Org nization 41. Sig�ature(must be signed by Chief Executive Officer►
Lc-a�r :ast� `:i-'e ''cot��all ��s�cci.at�.�n x " -
Title of Signer Date .
nZ'@31tao?-;- � j� /,� - .� /
I hereby acknowledge receipt�f a copy of this application. By acknowledging receipt, I admit having been served with
notice that this application wil be reviewed by the Charitable Gambling Control Board and if approved by the board, will
��become effective 3Adays fro the date of�eceipt(noted belowl,unless a resolution of the local governing body is passed
which specifically disallows s ch activity and a copy of that resolution is received by the Charitable Gambling Control
Board within 3�da s of the be ow noted date.
42. Name of City or County(Loc�l Governing Body) If site is located within a township,item 43 must be completed,in
, addition to the county signature.
Signature of person receiving app ication 43. Name of Township
X .
Title Dat received(30 day period Signature of person receiving application
begins from this date)
� �3 X
44. Name of Perso�delivering appl cation to Local Governing Body Title
CG-0001-02 (8/86) White Copy-Board Canary-Applicant Pink-Local Governi�g Body
� ,��i`'C .,
, T .�`v
� City of Saint Paul
' Department of Finance and Management Services ��a�a
. , License and Permit Division
� 203 City Half
i Si. Paul, Minnesota 55102•298-5056
� � � i � � � • r�( (
Date 1=<1%�, 19J�
i '
Code No. TiUe of �ic nse 1 y!� 1 v�� � -i � );, ;1�
From � J ( � ��TO �~1 J ��,J I
�3 � �` I���,�- � ,, ;��; ? �9- ��� � � �
� l �� c� r,GJ� ,� �Lr��T���� �� f�.C��;�;��!� ����.
�1 �^iY���,-� ' ApplieanUCompany Name
100 , -
% �
r �� �;�� ��-� � '��-� -�.
100 Business Name
� � "��; -
� �
�,` 1�r � - '
,oo l w'�,? ;' �-�. �� `-j� ! �
Business Address � Phone No.
� 100 �- ;��I ! ,� �=. �:'
.-.,,�_� ' ;rC. i.,l � '� 1 � �,�/('1
100 % Maii to Address Phone No.
� � .__i .
�� �
�oo � �!' (Cf� j�l,,p;�r,�� �rt ���
ManaperlOwner-Name -�J G; __
i 100 G� r S( ; •, -
� � U �.G�=�� a^� ��7`'i:�
100 AtanagedGwner•Home Address Phone No.
4098 Application Fee 2, 50 � . �� �` I �1 � �— ` • �
l I i `j � �,�1
Aeceived the Sum of � � 1p/� �� , (
�� � ' � �v ManagedOwner•City,State 3 Zip Code
100 Total 100
License Inspector v � By: r ��� Si nature ol A ucant
9 PP
Com any Name Policy No. Expiration Oate
Co any Name Policy No. Expiration Data
Minnesota State Identificatfon No. Social Security No.
Vehicle Information:
Serial Number � Plate NumOer
THIS IS NOT A LICENSE TO OPER TE.Your appiication for license will either be granted or rejected subject to the provisions of the toning
ordlnance and completfon of the i apections by the Health, Fire, Zoning and/or License Inspectors.
f� � ' ::�
.. , . , ' :o` ./:.c-��: � cr , '_�
. Cicy o: Sainc Paul
, . . . , , Deparcaenc oc Flnance and Managecenc Services �k%�Cf��a�
� ' Division of License and Permit Regiscracion
- �
1. Full and complece� name of organizacion which is applying for license
Lower East� Side Football Association
2. Address whera gam�s vill be held 499 Payne Avenue , St. Paul, Z1N
�umber Screec City Zip
3. Name of mana er sl nin thfs a lication who will conduct, operate and manage
8 �S 8 PP
Gambling Games �lan Bloomquist • Dace af Birth 1-27-45
(a) Length of tim� manager has been member of appl!canc organizacion August 1985
4. Address of Managex� 758 East Magnolia, St.Paul , MN
� Yumber Screec Cicq Zi?
5. Day, dates, and ho�rs chis applicacfcn is ior Pen din g
6. Is the applicant ol�r organization orgaaized under tae Iaws os the Scate oi tiIId? Ye s
'7. Date of incozporat��n August 11, 1987
8. Dace whea register�d With the Scace of :tinnesoca Sentember 3, 1987 �
, '
9. How long has organ�Czation been in exiscence? 20 years + �
10. Hoa long has organ�zacion beea ia existeace ia St. Paul? 2 0 Ye ars +
11. Whac is the purpos of the organization? Organized to promote and support
activities and unctions of the Lower East 'S'iTe� oF otTall ��so`ciation.
We ofter yotmg oys the opportunity to learn the basic rules and to nlay
a ain o e� eams in , au .
I2. Officers of applic�nt organizacion
� Name Dennis J. �'itzgerald Yame Alan Bloom�uist
e+►ddress 735 Jessi� Street Address 758 E. Ma�nolia
Title President ! DOB 4/13/50 Tic?e Vice PresidentDOB 7/27/45
v�� Margaret St�aats Name Marlene Thilgen
Address 670 West�rn Avenue No. �ddress 756 DeSoto
Title Treas�rer DOB 9/19/55 Ticle Secretarv �08 11/5/46
13. Give names of offic rs, or any oc!:er persons :rao 2a�d �ar serr:ces co �ze or3an::ac:cn.
`ame � Vame
Address address
Title __.Ie
(Accach separace sna�- -. : aci:::or.a: -==as•�
, ,G. actached hereco�� :s a list of naa�es and addresses of all cembers oc cae o:3antza_,�r..
15. In vhose custod�+ vill organizacion's records be kepc?
Name Ala_�mquist _ Address 758 East Magnolia
16. Persons vho vil�. be canducting. assisting in conductiag, or operacing che games:
hame Donell� Hoffman Dace of 8irch 11-24-49
addresa 965 Ea�t Geranium Avenue
Name of Spouse � None Dace of Birth
Daces when suchlperson vill conducc, assisc. or operate pPnr�in g
►�a�e � Date of Birth
Name of S ouse
P � Date of Birch
Dates vnen such �erson •JiL? conCUCC, ass:st, or ope_ate
17. Have you read aa� do ?ou charaughly uudezstand che provisions of all laws, ordinances.
� and regulacfor.s �a�re:a_ng �he operac_on o= Charitab_s Gambiing games? Ye s �
18. Attached here:a a c:�e fo:= �ur ished bv che C:zy o: St. Paul is a Financial Reporz
vhic� itsmizes a = recei�cs. ex?eases� aad disoursemeacs of cne applicant organizacion
as vell as a:? a gaajza�:ans uao have :ece?��ed `unds ior t:�e nreced=ag caleadar year
whicz has bee:� s�3^.ed, r:a�ared, and var:::ed Sy Margaret Staats
- Yame
670 Wester� Avenue North, St. Paul, MN
' �ddress
vhe is che T�'easurer ef che applicaac Organizat!on.
, Yams �c Oft-�e
19. Operator oi premi�es where games :r:l: be held:
Name Flahart�' s Bar and Restaurant
Business Address � � 499 Payne Avenue
Home Address 121171 Parade Avenue , Stillwater, MN
20. Ameunc df renc pa�d Sy anp::csnc Or3ani�aci.on cor re:tt oi che ha11; specify amounc
paid per 4-hour s�as:oa $400. 00 per month
E .
. ,
� . �� ��9_�a�.,
,�' 21. The proceeds o� jthe games will be disbursad after deducting prize layouc costs and
. operating expens�es for the iollowing purposes and uses:
� New Footba�ll Equipment. Entrv FeeG for the various leag�s an d
miscellane¢us operatin� costs relatin� to the needs of the bovs.
22. Has the premiseslwhere the games are co be held been certified for occupanc� by the
City of Sainc Paf�I? Yes
23. Has your orgar.iz�tion riled cederal form 990—T? N p Ii answer is yes, please attach
a copy wich chis!� applicacion. I_ answer is no� expLain why:
This is ou� first vear of overation an d our return is not due
until afte ear en din December 31 1988. W� hav f' F
for a Non- rofit Status from the Internal Revenue Service.
Any changes desired ':;� tne a�ol�canc �ssociat:on ma� be �ade only wich the consent of �he
Cicy Council.
�', Lower East Side Football Associati
� J�� 0 J B �
Date �'�' y: ,
' '�taaager in char oi gam �
C � � � � Z f :n � — n .-.
G7 S1 9 -C J C � '� :i � '9 � r-
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I understand' and will uphold Saint Paul Ordinance 409, Sections 409.21
and 409.22 r�lating to pulltabs and tipboards in bars.
Further, I u#�derstand that my jarbar must meet city standards; that 10�
of the net p ofit from pulltab sales must be returned to the City-Wide
Youth Athlet c Fund on a monthly basis; that monthly financial state-
ments must b filed with the city; and that aIl proceeds from pulltab
sales must b used for youth athletics.
� � �
� � �
� Signature Manager
` i 7
� ` /�-'��
nature rganization President
Lor,.�. t� ��-C� �l�e �r� � G/ S'SGi -
Organizat on Name
.�.� �� � �"
Gamn��..g I�ocation
i �
11--/�� -�'�!
Pl�ase retain the attached ordinance for your records.
sGO . o��s�rur� a.�co� _ ����1��
Mr. �. �ar�n i ���E�t S�H��T` No. 0 0 3 4 7 5
�*�*: �.,,�� �►►,��+,��,
Chri sti ne ,Ra ek �N - �.��,�„ �«,�««�
�o�. ra. r�eea�a — .
AounNa �o� �Council Research
�Ff�nance� & . mt. 2 -5056 °"°e"` � �� —
A�aplication or a C1ass B Gamb]ing License.
Notification Date: 1-5-89 Hearing Dater 2_9-gg
!1lL�DI►TIOpt:t�Pp�(�)or�(R)) COtn+CIL RESEARCN rtEroRT:
� p�pp�,q�gpN �qy��� �gg� - DATE IN � DATE OUT - ANAI.YST� . . . . � � PNONE N0. . . . . . ..
. � afM�MNO COIAM8810N . . . 18D 628 H(11RD . . . . _ . . " ..
. . � - � _ _FOR A061 tlJFO. �_�ADDED• .
� � 018iRICT COUNCIL � *EXPLANATWPI: . . . . � . . � ,..�. . .
� 9UPPGRTS YNMGI COIMCIL 0ldECI7VE7 . � � . � � . � � . � . . �.. -. .. � � � . . �
MTiAlila�O�R.�,M�lIE,Of�ORi1NfTY( �What.V1Rien�NIINrl.WhYI:
A1an Bloomgu st on behalf of the Lower East Side Football Association requests
City Cauncil .approval of their applicati�n. for a Class B Gambling License at
"Flaherty's r, 499 Payne Avenue. Proceeds f:rom pulTtab sales wi.11 be used. to
suppQrt a fo tball program on the Lower EastSide.
,�n.+c�►�at�►�we.�ne�:�.�: ,.
A]1 fees and applications have bee.n submitted,
���ana To vNiom):. .:
If Council a proval is given, Lower EastSide Footba1l Association wili
sell pulltab at Flaherty's Bar.�
Krenw►tna�: rno� t�r�
� Co ncil Research Center.
JAN 2 -'� 13��
�.�►,��: �
The Lower Ea tSide Football Association already has a State Class B Gambiirsg -
License at H rges Bar, 98i iln��versity. Herges is a Class A Bar (less than
100 seats) a is Flaherty's. The organization is permitted by or��nanc� 409.22 (h)
���= to o pu a �censes �n ass es a is men s. paymen s� are
current at H rges.