Council Resolution %� � �
Presented By
Referred To c �-��- � � '�' �`�_ ��
Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
.�,'E��JL�ED,�h�3�Ct�1�' !'�`���f i�IC��1�Ii:1��J�.i'� ��:�t�'���auth�riz�� a.na�ir�eke�tc�e��c��te
�.r�:��r�:�m�nt�rith R r�se�f ����uri���c�r th�ma.i�r��}��fi Cundinc�f�r the cur�5id�r�c}Fc�irt�
�Tr�t�rarn,�.cc��=v�r�. i4;i .���r��s r�e����c���k���t�.5 r��i i��nc�i�f r�r��rci i n the ��p�rrr��nt o�
� Fin�ar!r_.��.nc�M;�na�� mer�t Ser�ic��.
COUNCIL MEMBERS I Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays '
i.ong II' [n Favor
Gosw;tz I L _
�be��� 0 Against BY
� �
�R � 6 1� Form pprove by C' `to�
Adopted by Council: Date C�� ,/
Certified Pa_ ed by Coun il Sec t By ° Z J �
By p
J � �t� 1 � �89 Appr d by Mayor for S iss on to �ouncil
A►pprov y �Vlavor: Date
P� � �1AR 2 5 1989_
� � � . � -a�7
, ��"�9
. ,� Ci'�'�,,� �
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Rnr1SE� COuIvTY AIvD �i•"r.� Cl'1'2 Or .
Tnis Agreeme�t is made this day of , i9 ,
bztween Ram�ey County through thz Public Health D�part:�er_t
(hereinaft�r County ) and �he City of ___________________
(hereinaftzr City) .
W:iEREAS, the ' Cour�ty has estab??shed policies ar.d plar.s suppor=ing
curbside recyciing as p�rt o� an overall waste abatement program,
WHERE�S, the ' City supports curbsid� recycling and desires that it
be available ' to residents of the City, and
WHERE�S, the ; County has collecied funds specifically for curbsid�
r�cycling, a ' d
WHEREAS , th City has submitted to the County a proposal for
i:r.ple;nenting curbsid2 recycling, and _
47HEREAS, the County has acquired and equipped property located at
775 Rice Str�et lhereinafter cailed the Recycling Center) for usz
as a proces�ing facility for materials collected within the
County, '
�IOW THEREFOR�, the County and City mutuaily agree as foilows in
consideratio%n of the mutual pror.:ises and covsnants contained
1. 03LIG::'I'I�iv�
d. '�':2? rOLtIlI�V Stic�i r?l:?:�L'�S� }t2° Cii.� =er t1�J �O 75-°o Qf t.ri?
�rogra:n' � COS� c�S S:lOFTi1 lil ?i'ttac?-�m�r.� ii. 'I'i7c �2::l�ining 7�-°'o C_
exper.sesl �a�_� �e re�.:::bu�-sed or.�y �f a satisfactory annual
renort , 'as aescrib�d i:s l . e , below, is rPceived by the
County. Reimbt.rs�^�ent caill be conducte•3 on a quartsrly basis
Lpon subzti:ittal of the prop2r documenta�ion of z�cpenses to the
County . Prop�r documentation of expenses shall include
photocop�;es o� the con�r�ctoY ' s bill (s) and bills for pubZic
educatior� ex�enses , a compl�ted county clai:� form, monthly
tonnageslfor th� period, anc a description of the ac�ivities
and exper�ses for pubii� education and ad:�inistration.
b. �he City shall incur expenses for reir�burse:nent by the Count�
accordin to the budget shown in tiLtachment A. P,e�Mbursen�pn�
shall no,t b� requested for expenses or that por*icn of
e�penszslwhich have beez or will be reimbursed by other
agencie� or programs . Any public education materials
produczd 'by th� City or its subcontractor (s) shall credit the
County and the Metropolitan Council as funding sources for
the recycling progra�.
c. Th2 City shall take sceps to eYplore long-term financing
for curbside recycling, w�ether through organiz�d collection,
sub-contracts , city billings , or other metnods . At a
minimum, a resolution by the City Council tiTill be required as
documentation oi these effor�s.
d. Recycling collection contracts entered into b�tween the City
and a recycling contractor shall contain mandatory delivery
provisions which require that all glass and �ztal
containers , excluding batteries , be brought to the Recycling
Center. The materials �hich must be delivered include glass
(brown, green and clear) , and metals (aluminu�, bi-metal an�
tin-plaLed ferrous cans) . The materials �:ust be de�ive�-ed
according to the guidelines and specifications shown in
Attachmeat B. The non-Man�atory materials tincludina but not
limited to newspap�r, cardboard, batteries and oil? , nay be
delivered to the Recycling Center upan mutual agreem=nt by
the City, their contractor, the Recyc�ing Center eperator and
the Coun�y.
e. The City shall subr,►it a report to the County by March 1 for
the preced�ng calendar year. This report shall accompany the
request for reimbursement of fourth quarter eYpenses. The
report shall describe the typ� of service provided , area
served, public education efforts , tonnage of materials
collected, participation rates and the method of deterr.:ining
participation rates , total expenses incurred, and the amount
and sourcz of reimbu:sement for ex�enses .
The r�port shall also address any changes whi=h may have
occ��.rred ?n the program, such as expansions in the area
szrved, change of coilection contractors, use of containers ,
or �i:�r_ges ir. serv�ce lev�ls (tvpes ot materials collected or
frzq�:��ncy oi ser�T�.ce) .
� Thz r�lor� shali also describs Lhe e`=o=ts oY act�vi*_ies
und�=�aken ar_d/o*_- accom�Iish�d �z ezplor�ng a lor.g-t�_:r:
fundir_g mechar_is:r. for cur�side r2cyc?ing.
f . The Ci�y shall submit an aud�ted financial report to Ramsey
County Budget ar.d Acco�nting �epartment s�owing monies
rsceived from Ramsey Coun�y and how disbursed afteY zach
annua? audit which included monies from P.a:nsey County for
this rzcycling g_ant.
2. TER?�1
T�e term of this AgreemenL shall bz from Jan_uary 1, �989
to DeceMber 31 , 1989 .
. . ��9'a��
3. CAP�CEi,LAmIOP�i .
Either p�rty may cancel tnis Agreement at any time upon
thirty (�0) days written notice to the other party. In the
event o$ termination , the City shall be entitled to
reimburs�,�ment for those expenses incurred up to th�
terminatipn date provided the expenses have been incurred
according� to the budgzt shcwn in Attachment A.
Any Gf the following shall cor.stitute default on the part of
the Ci}v.
a. The Tailuxe of the City to use funds in a manner consistent
with this contract and Attachm2nt A. .
b. The failuxe of the City or th�ir (sub) contractorts) to use
their be�t efforts to ensure the maximum collection ar.d
delivery f materials from the area served to the Recyclir.g
Center pe� the delivery spzcifications shown in Attachment B .
c. The iailu e of the City ��o Arovide information satisfactory
to the Co nty as required in 1.a, 1.e. and 1.f . , above.
a. A?1 s�rvi�Ces and duties performed by the City pursuant to
this Agre�m2nt shall be performed to the satisfaction of the
County an4� in accordance with aIl applicable federal, state,
and loca ' laws , ordinances , rules and regulations as a
cond-�tion oi payr.:ent. The City agrees that it will com�ly
witn a'1 federal , st�te , and lccal statutes and ordinances
re?ating o no::discrin�nation.
b. The C�ty �::a'1 at all ti;��s i:� an ina�pendezt con�ra�tor a^�
shall not 'be ti�� e��loy2e o� tne Coun�y for any purpose. T�e
County sh�Il not be responsibl� for tne payment o= ar_y taxes ,
e_tner fzc��ra3 or stat�, on behalf of the City, nor shall. t�e
Count✓ b�' responsible for any Lringe b2nefits . No Civil
Service o� ot:-��r rights o� employment will be acauired �y
virtue of ',City' s services .
c. The Cicy nz County m�stually agree to de�end, hold harrless ,
and ind"�m i�y tne other party , its ofiicia�s , agents , and
employees , irom any liabil?ty, loss or damage th�y may suffer
as a resu t of demands , ciais.^.s , judgments , or costs arisir.g
out o� or caused by t�a inder�ni�ying Aarty' s n2gligence in
the perfo mance of their respective obligations undzr the
provisionsi of this Agreement. This provision shall not be
construed nor operate as a waiver oi any applicable limits of
or exceptilons to liability set by law.
d. All data collectzd , created , received , maintained or
disseminated for any purpose in the course of this Agree�ent
is governed by the Minnesota Governmental Data Practices Ac�,
T�inn . Stat . Ch . 13 ( 1984 ) , any other applicable state
st�tute, or any state rules adopted to implement the act, as
well as federal regulations on data privacy. The City agrees
t� abide by these statutes, rules and regulations.
e. �11 books , rzcords, documents and accounting procedures and
practices of the City relative to this Agreement are subject
to exanination by the County and the State Auditor , as
appropriate, in accordance with the provisions of Minn. Stat.
16B. 06 , Subd. 4 (1984? .
f . Any a�endments to this Agre�ment shall be ir_ writ�ng and
signed by both parties .
II3 WITnESS THEREOF, the parties have subscribed their names as of
the date first above written.
Chair, Ramsey County Board Mayor �
Apnroved to For�:: Appr o 0
BY BY � ��Z����
Assistant County Attorney City Rttorney
Insurance Appr�cec� :
By gy
;?=_5u n;a_��,�e� ��re��c�_ , i�ey�= _...�n� ��_
Finance and I�S�nagaTM�nr.
Funds are c"1J311a�1e, �
code : ���'�X'� � �,� �
BY ���J
Director, Pubiic F7 .
BLdget and �ccoun�ing
BY �
Director, Public Health
f : a:rec.gra 2
� j-�i�
' Attachment B '
I - Delivery Specifications -
The specifi�cations below describe the mandatory � delivery
requirements for curbsid� recycling collection funded wholly or
in part by �Zamsey County through the Public Health Department
(the "County ' ) . These specifications also outline the roles and
responsibilities of the collection company ( the "City
Cantractor" ? hired by the City or its subcontractors (the "City" )
and the oper tor ( "Super Cycle" ) of the Ramsey County Recycling
Center (the ' Recycling Center" ) .
Curbside co?�lection activities funded by the County under
contracts wi�h a City are required to deliver to the Recycling
Center all o� the glass and metals which are collected under said
contract. �'he glass and metal required to be de].ivered is
defined to ir�clude glass containers . (green, brown and clear} arid
the following metals: aluminum cans and foil , bi-metal beverage
cans , and ti�i-plated food cans. The following materiaZs cannot
be deliveredlto the Recycling Center except by mutual agreement
by the City, j the City Contractor, Super Cycle, and the County;
newspaper , c�ardboard, waste oil , car batteries , and other
materials n t otherwise speciiied. Note that where Super Cycle
' is. also the ity Contractor, no such agreement is necessary.
Materials sh 11 be delivered to the Recycling Center between the
hours of 7 : 0 a.m. and 6: 00 p.m. , Monday through Friday, except
for the foll wing holidays: New Year ' s Day, Memorial Day, July
4th, Labor Da�y� Thanksgiving, and Christmas .
Upon both ar�#iving at and leaving from th2 Recycl�ng Center �o�
the purpose 'loi d2livering materials , the City Contractor ' s
vehicle sha?� be weig;�ed on the truck scalz at the Recyc?ir.g
Center. Tn.e ' truck scale ca� be operate� onlv by a Super Cycie
en�loyeE: I� no �mployee of Sup�r C�ccle is �reser_t ir� �h� ar�a
of thA trL1C�'_ SCalE or scal� room, the City Ca�:tra��cr must se�x
out and notify an employee of h�s/her need to be we�g��ed. Super
Cyc?e must cv�mplete the weighir_g within ten mizutes o` being
notified. Su�er Cycle must provide tne City Cor.tractor with
Zegible co�ie�,s of both truck scale tickets and keep at least one
copy of each ! tick�t for their o�rrn rzcords , r�arking it with the
name of the �ity Contractor. Super Cycle shall not cnarg? the
City Contract�Or for weighings connected to mandatery d.eliveries .
Under r_o cirl um�tances sha�l the City Co:.�ractor honk: thEiY
veh=cle ' s hor to not��y Super Cyc?e of the need to be weighad or
�or any o�her reason except emerger.cy actions to warn p�destriar.s
or oth�r dri ers of their presence . The City Contractor shall
not create di turbances of any kind, nor shall they block ing�ess
or egress for any part of the Recycling Center including adjacent
public roadwa s .
' 6
Materia?s must be delivered in a separated condition. All �_
colors �f g?ass �ust be separat�3 fro� each other a.^.d f�cm th�
metais. The metals may be combinsd with each other. Cross-
contamination of any one of the four materials by the other
materials must be less than an aggregate amount of 10� by weight.
For example, green glass .may be contaminated by a maximum of 10%
of brown glass , c?ear glass and metals taken together. Any o*:e
material must contain . less than 5� by weight of foreign
contaminants . Foreign con�aminants include paper, garbage, and
materials not normally processed by the Recycling C2nter (window
glass , etc. � . At Sup2r Cycle ' s option, loads which �xceed the
cross-contamination or foreign con�amination specifications may
be clzaned up by the City Contractor or may be rzjecte3
altogether. Also at Super Cycle ' s option, this clean-up mav take
place at the Recycling Center, or th2 City Contractor r�ay have to
take the load e2sewhere for clzaning and then bring the materials
back. Sup2r Cycle shall notify a County solid waste staff person
as soon as possible of any incidents concerning deliveries of
contaminatzd or off-specification loads .
The City Contractor shall deliver materials in such a manner that
they may be unloaded using a forklift with standard attachments
or by dumping into bins which are approximately 4 feet high by 4
feet wide by 4 feet long. The City Contractor shaZl unload only
wh�re directed to do so by Super Cycle. Where assistance from
Super Cycle employees is necessary ( such as ior operating a
forklift or arranging bins) , Super Cycle shall give assistance in
a timely fashion and complete the unloading the same day as long
as the City Contractor arrives at the R�cycling Center by 6 :OQ
p.m. In giving assistance , Sup�r Cycle shall_ take the City
Contractor ' s vehicles on a first-come , first-serve basis and
treat thos2 v2hicles on an equal basis as Super Cycle ' s own
vehicles . Total time for unloading cannot be specified as it is
dependent on the amour_t of materials and mann2r in which t'�ey are
del_vered, but Lnloading time shall be kzpt wit;-!i:� reasanable
bounds by Su�er Cyc�e un�ess th?re ar� c_rcumstances b�yor.d the_r
cor�trol . Converszly , City Contractors shall not Iinger
� LIP_E]@C2SS?_1i� 8� ��'1° !'C°CyCi=?2•� �.�?A�.:= � :2C� Silcl�1 t7E1' °:7L'c?' 2�cc'..::
of t:-ie �roperty ti�thout just cause . • �
The mandatoYy delivery recuirement may be te*nporarily or
per:nanently suspendzd upon mutual agreement by the City, th� City
Contractor, Suner Cyc'!e, and the County (through tne Director of
the Public Health Departm=nt) .
��9 �1�
Attachment A
The City of Saimt Paul has provided citywide curbside collect3on of paper, cans and
glass since July 198"�, utillzing a combination of Ramsey County and Metropolltan Council
grants. The Ciry ha� made very steady progress over the past year and one half, with
significant increasesi in tonnages and growing participation rates. Citywide tonnage has
more than doubled bn a monthly basis and the average participation rate is well over 15
Although lncre�ases occurred throughout the dty, progress has been best in the
westem th9rd of thelcity, particularly Macalester Groveland-District 14,which instituted
weekly collection inj January 1988, and Highland Park-District 15. With the addition of
bi-weekly in six dist 'cts beginning in July 1988 and all distrlcts in April 1989, distri-
bution of containers in District 11 in 1988 and additional districts in 1989, monthly
tonn�ges should in ease another 50-100 percent, along with significant increases in
participation. ,
The St. Paul N�ighborhood Energy Consortium is a non-profit coalition of neigh-
borhood-based orgaµ�lzations within the City of Salnt Paul. Its membership inc]udes:
Lexln ton-Hamline Community Coundl
Midw y CoaliHon
Snelli g-Hamline Communiry Council
Merri m Park Community Council
St. An hony Park Community Council
Como Nelghborhood IZesource Group
Thom s-Dale Planning Council
Sum it-Ctniverslty Planning Coundl
Highl d Area Community Council
West ide Gtizens Organization
Sum it Hill Associat3on
Distric One Community Council
East S' e Neighborhood Devetopment Company
Distric 2 Community Council
Through the Cc�nsortium, neighborhoods have been able to provide energy conser-
vation and recyclinglprograms that few individual members could have accomplished on
thelr own. The Con�orttum currently provtdes energy management services, senior
highrise recycling, c�rbside recycling, and mu1H-family recycling programs in 12 private
multi-unit residenti buildings and 10 public hi-rises serving nearly 100,000 households.
The Neighborhood ergy Consortium has added a staff person who will work intensively
with those neighbo oods which are lagging behind in recycling participation, primarily
Districts near downt wn.
The Metropolit Council-funded pilot High Rise project has been very successful.
Monthly tonnages q adrupled during 1988. The program addressed specific service and
public education ne s of mult3-unit residential buildings, that is, how to plan, lmplement
and trouble shoot pr grams fnr multi-,unit residential buildings.
. �_ -y,-�i7
. ��
For 9ts landfill al�atement activities, the Consortium administers contracts/
agreements with the!Metropolitan Council; the City of Saint Paul; Ramsey County; Super
Cycle, Inc.; John Madole and Associates; and the Public Housing Authoriry.
To assure prop�r and productive use of these funds, the Consortium Board of
Directors has a finanqe committee, a part-time, in-house bookkeeper, a subcontract wlth
Community Adminis�rative Services and a subcontract with a Certified Public Accountant
for auditing. The Comsortium provides quarterly and/or mld year and final written
reports to all funding sources jncluding the Minneapolls Foundation, NSP, the City of
Saint Paul and the M�tropolitan Council. In addition, the Consortium has conducted, in
cooperation with thei University of Minnesota, evaluations of lts conservation programs.
Public Works employs an Llrban Corps intem to document existing commercial/
Institutional/lndustriaa recycling and implement new recycling effnrts, currently
concentrating on thelMidway Area. Public Works also administers a citywide Neigh-
borhood Cle�n Up Prpgram, out of which 264 tons of material was recycled in 1988.
_ . _ ��9-��`�
City pf Saint Paul Curbside Recycling Program
Neighborhood Energy Consortium Budget
Salaries&FrinQe ' Totals Households
Director $16,928
Program Director 29,680
Neighborhood i assistant 22,700
Multi-family c�ordinator 11,960
Office manage� 18,538
Bookkeeper ' 12,568
Direct Overhead
Rent $ 7,200
Utilities ' 852
Liability insurajnce 300
Telephone ', 2,500
Office supplies 1,040
Office postage I 1,675
Staff training ' 1,060
Mileage ' 4,250
CPA audit 1,850
Accounting 1,850
Consultants ' 800
Intern 650
Office equipmei�t lease 625
Duplicating ', 425
$ 25,077
Hauler Contracts I
Districts 1-13, 1 , 16 437,387 69,663
100 multi-unit uildings 120,000 5,000
� � . I�� ��-���
Public Education�and Neighborhood Outreach
Citywide publicity piece 21,800
Mailing labels 700
Postcard remi#�ders 8,020
Volunteer Ne�vsletter 2,196
Misc. printing,for
neighborhomd events 2,700
Delivery of flyiers,
posters, cale�ndars,etc. 1,260
Twice-monthly promotion 2,600
Stickers for tw�ce-monthly 4,880
Subscriptions/'memberships 400
Volunteer support services 3,225
Promotion/display materials
for public presentations 350
Translation of�rinted materials 425
Computer software 2,300
Artwork/grap�ics 850
People Magic(;'12 performances) 4,500
Multi-family p�omotion 1,033
69 479
$751,447 $751,447
' DistricE 14 Budget
Hauler fees Q$4,8�0 per month $58,200 6,447
15 percent of the cqntract amount per month
for administra�ion/public education 8 730
$66,930 66 930
GRAND TOTAL $830,617 81,110
- � �'9-a� '�
�� �,� ` y��-� -
. !,
C-� ��/��
18. ESOLUTION 89-323: Plan to phase out certain water systems. toi�_p�v��
Referred to Committee 2/8/89) .
19. ESOLUTION 89-217: Authorizing proper City officials to Approv
xecute an agreement with Ramsey County for the majority of 3-0
unding for the " CURBSIDE RECYCLING PROGRAM. (Referred to
omm ttee . .
20. �ISCUSSION: Payment by MnDOT for easements taken for Lake With-.
S�,treet Bridge Reconstruction. dr�,wn
21. R�ESOLUTION 89-268: Authorizing proper City officials to Approved
epcecute an agreement with thP State Department of 3-0 w�th
T ansportation for City's share of costs of roadway and storm cavea
s�wer facilities constructed on MISSISSIPPI RIVER BLVD. and on
�SHALL (T.H. 212) from N. Mississippi River Blvd. to Otis
A enue. (Referred to Committee 2/28/89).
22. R�SOLUTION 89-42: Establishing residential permit parking on Withdrawn
L NCOLN AVENUE between Cleveland and Prior. (Laid over in
C mmittee 2/22/89) .
23. 0 her Business. � �-�3/ - i�CsL.t.�� � [ ����'
. e" C'.�-r.� � ��
Apgroved"3=0 � -
o�suNU►. � w►,E.m�Tm auecorvttzm �� �/
_ "° GR��N S*��E�"' �o. 0 03 C 5 ::
p " 1/10/89
co�r�cr� ; . 3 ►�►,raA roA,�sr
Rick Person ' N��� =�a�a�� �+"c�►,�«�. ,' � � 2.
. narnNCi euo��ecra� 3—Ri ck Person ��1�' �
� Pub 1'i'� Wt�r�CS . 6� clROep: C„��,Taw+�Y _` .
Conti�uation of: citywi curbside recycling program through executian of agreerpent with
Ramsey County. ��cC� R`
Jq �;
�►,a�s:�Mv►w.��t��e,.�c(�», oowia��a�oar: :
Puw+raci oo�a+ avx. cor�ssroN a►,E n� on,�arr ,+n+�vsr
ro �'`
mrr+e oow�oN �azs eawo - i �'
. &TAPR � �. � QtARTER ISSION � � -.00MPLEIE A818 -ADOL NFO.AOOED*. _:F�OR�iW i��. . ���EOEAqC�O�* � .
. � �E%PLANATK)N: . . � . . - . �
� &1rPOHTS WFMCM OOIMCL�CT1VE9� . . . . . . . . . .. . . - � �.
.. � .. . . . . ' .. . . . . . . � . � . � � � � . �. ��� � � .
... . . .. . .. .. , . . . � . . . . . , . .
_ JAN �� t9��
_ Mr►�t�
..ti►,.a w�.�c,�.�.�o�+,u�.r,►r�. ,nn,�,.,nm.�.,+nn�,n:
Ramsey County #�as provid d 100$ funding :for the curbside program since 1987•
�e�►7�t�<Aavan+sv+�r,.R..unef: _ _ _ . .
� ° �IMiQUBiEB{MNr1:YMMn.and 701M�ao)� , . , <
Ramsey County wi11 Cease funding of the curbside program beginning January l , '1g91 when
the Ci ty of St. Paul wi 11 be expected to take over funding. Counci� Resea�ch �en�er.
JuN 3 p �i:��9 _
. : _ -. _ ; .: :; � , ,
:�.��: . � �
fudd p rog ram th raugh ��, , r.ated so}i d Lowe r sys tem cos ts;tata l :I nc r�ass�! c i ty I nv+o i�re�nen ;
waste management system. prog.�am control . increased. s�affing.
- �,
Fund program th�ough gene 1 fund or s�rvi; e Cc�ntinu� exi,sting sol:id y +� ; fein�#ing ,requt,r.�'��`
fee. . waste� s�stem.
S��O,���t -or �rb.
!et f:our�ty take over �rogr No ci;ty;funrlir�g required. �jttie �rogram co�`�rci�.�`'
�oiornaECeoo+TS: "