89-214 . ° ���`.�' "�� � � _ WHITE - CITV CLERK COl1I1C1I �7 PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L CANARV - DEPARTMENT ��///� BI.UE - MAVOR File NO. ��T ��� - Council Resolution r� Presented By '� Referred To ' Committee: Date �'� � v✓ Out of Committee By Date WHE EAS, the Saint Paul City Council is considering an ordinance to prohibit the use of certain plastic packaging materials for food and beverages sold at retail in St. Paul; WHE EAS, this is a technical ordinancP and the Council should ha e the benefit of outside expert testimony in addition o what is available in the city so as to assist them in m king a well-informed decision; WHE EAS, the City of Minneapolis is considering a similar o dinance and shares the same concerns as the City of St. Pa 1 and has agreed to pay half of the travel, board and lodging expenses for the national expert witnesses; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that it is the intent of the Ci y Council to pay half of such expenses from Legislati e Operating funds, at a total cost not to exceed $2,000.00 COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� [n Favoc Goswitz Rettman B �he1�� � __ Against Y Sonnen ��r�'�/ Wilson � ���v'z� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Dat Certified Passed by Council Se retary BY By h�pproved by Mavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor Eor Submission to Council By _ BY i .._ ... . . . � . . . .... . _ _. . . . ......� .__ _ ._......._._._.... _�___...,,_�_ _ :::. . - ���_�,�_ � � ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL RECEfVED - � �i+96.lYfi1 '''"-�' �j'�� OFFICE OF TAE CITY COIINCIL .. = _. FEB 141989 Committee Report ciTY cLERK � Financle. Manaaement. & Personnel Committee February 14, 1989 1 . As�pr�oval nf' mrnutes of January 3U and FeGruary 6 Approved 1/30 minutes meet i r�c�s. 2/6 laid over 2. Resolution �9-150 - amending the 1989 budget by aCdinq Approved as amended �15,UOU to he Financing and 5pending Pians for Fire and Police �quipment Services. (Referred from Council January 3! ? 3. RPsolution $9-151 - amending the 1989 budget by trans- Approved as amended ferring $l2�2UU frorn General Government Accounts to Executive A ministration Generai Government Accounts For Helpina tiand Health Center. (Referred from Council Jan�ary 31 ) 4. Ordinance 8 -148 - amending Chapter 5 of tne Adm9nis- Approved trative C;od tn more clearly refler_t current functions of the Valu tions and Assessment Division. (Referred firom Counci � January 31 ) 5. Administrative Order, and discussion of Proposed Reso 1 u�.i on. U-It1043 - a�+thorizing payment fc�r sponsorshif� of Laid over three weeks P lice Ski Team. (�eFerred from Council ��nuary 3, laid over February 6) 6. Re��ort on t�o-year budgeting and program evaluation; No action required and discussion af appointing Legisiative Advisory Comn�i ttee t�� prov i de C i ty Counc i I w i th recommer�c�at i ons. 7. Pro�osed F�egolution on Bureau of Mediation Services Withdrawn Ur�der. 8.� [�esoiution 9-214 - authorizing expense not to exceed No action taken $2,UU0 fram �eyislat9ve O�erating funds for outside expert testi ny pertaining to plastic packaging ordinance. ��� ����� �-LGLC/c�s� u-`�'C. `;� . � / � �� — � CTTY HALL ;/ � C`� SEVENTH FLOOR SAIN'T PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 �c.,�J � °�r°'° .