89-202 � . - � :. ���'� ��D�'�� ' . - _ � . �-�' i� _� 8� ��� � _ _ � _ _- - - -- WHI7E - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council �j^c„}_��� CANARV - OEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File � NO. D � � Council Resolution /� Presented By '''---- Referred To Committee: Date f��°��9 Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS , on October 18 , 1988 the Division of Public Health for the City f Saint Paul inspected the property at 1992 Clear Avenue and de ermined that a nuisance existed on said property; and WHEREAS , the Division of Public Health on October 19 , 1988 sent wri ten orders to Larry Propotnik, the owner of said property, inf rming him of the exact nature of the nuisance ; namely debris refuse, boxes , paper and assorted trash in the garage and ex erior of the premises and directing him to clean up the same by November 3 , 1988 ; and WHEREAS , Larry Propotnik filed an appeal of said orders on October 28 , 1988 with the City Clerk; and WHEREAS , the City Council on December l , 1988 conducted a public heari g on said request and upon consideration affirmed the Division' s cleanup order of October 19 , 1988 and determined that the cond tion of the property is to be corrected within two weeks ; now, therefore , be it RESOLVED, that the order of said Division directing that the property a 1992 Clear Avenue be cleaned up is hereby affirmed except that arry Propotnik is given two weeks to complete the necessary leanup; and, be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that in the event the work is not completed within two weeks , the City may proceed to perform or complete the necessary ork with the costs incurred therefrom collected in the same ma er as provided by law. COUNCIL MEMBERS �'" ���,� Yeas Nays '�'' s�, ��'�,�, Requested by Department of: Dimond ` �5�:� � �ng [n Favor Goswitz � Sche bel Against BY ' Sonnen Wilson Form A y City A rne Adopted by Council: Date � B �' - �-/ - Certified Yassed by Council Secre ary Y B}� A►pproved by 17avor: Date _ Approve y M oi S bmission to Council By _ Y V � , .� �-�,� Conmanity Servi. es � -�-� 012941 DEPARTMENT - John Betz CONTACT NAML� , . _: : Z92-7771 PHONE � � 23 89 DAT$ . S N RD (See reverse side.) �1 Department Director 2 Mayor �or Assistant); � _ Finance and Manageae t Services Dirqctor • � � City Clerk _ Budget Director . � City COUnCII _ City Attorney _ O � (Glip all locations for signature.) N 0 ? (Purpose/Rat,ionale) I ; Clean-up of property t 1992 Clear. (G�ean-up has already been comnleitled by owner. ) RECE�IIEp cos T u Y n c JA N 2 31989 none - al ready budge ed i n 1989 ' MAYOR'S pf�'�E ; IN N C GED E I D: (Mayor's signature not required if under $10,000.) Total Amounx of Tran $ction: 11011e Activity Nwnber:, 03230 Funding Source: , � ATTACHMENTS: (List an nuinber all attachments.> Co�:ncii Research Center Resolution JAN 2�5 ��$� Appeal Appl�ication Sumnary Abatement 0 der .. �DMTNISTRAT OC S , _Yes X No Rul s, Regulations, Procedures, or Badget Amendment requiredY _Yes _No If es, are they or timetable attached? DEPARTMENT R�VIEW , CITY !��"�'ORNEY REVIEW �Yes No Cflunc 1 resolution required? Resolution rsquired? _Yes �No _Yes X No Insur nce required? Insurance sufficient� ,;_Xes �No _Yes �No Insur nce attached? . __ .--- _ �— _ __ _ -�IL�-�O�Y - WMI7E - CtTY CLERK • PINK - FINANCE (jITY OF SAINT �ALTL Council �g_a � a CANARV - OEP4RTMENT BI.UE - MAVOR File NO. - � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS , n October 18 , 1988 the Division of Public Health for the City f Saint Paul inspected the property at 1992 Clear Avenue and de ermined that a nuisance existed on said property; and WHEREAS , the Division of Public Health on October 19 , 1988 sent wri ten orders to Larry Propotnik, the owner of said property, inf rming him of the exact nature of the nuisance; namely debris refuse, boxes , paper and assorted trash in the garage and ex erior of the premises and directing him to clean up the same by' November 3 , 1988 ; and WHEREAS , Larry Propotnik filed an appeal of said orders on October 28 , 1988 with the City Clerk; and WHEREAS , the City Council on December 1 , 1988 conducted a public hear'ng on said request and upon consideration affirmed the Division' s, cleanup order of October 19, 1988 and determined that the cond' tion of the property is to be corrected within two weeks ; now therefore , be it RESOLVED, that the order of said Division directing that the property a 1992 Clear Avenue be cleaned up is hereby affirmed except that arry Propotnik is given two weeks to complete the necessary leanup; and, be it FINALLY R SOLVED , that in the event the work is not completed within two we ks , the City may proceed to perform or complete the necessary work with the costs incurred therefrom collected in the same ma ner as provided by law. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond ��g In Favor Goswitz Rettman scne;net A gai n s t BY Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Sec etary BY gy. Approved by 19avor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Bv --+— BY . . * i • � �9`a oa . ,��������^��UO� CITY OF SAINT PAUL __.`�.�, o.�,,, =�' '='� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �° "" I ;% ii° �= j . ,.�� ALBERT B. OLSON, CITY CLERK ,,. _ ,� _ ar���lm�.!c�.�''`� 386 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 � 612-298-4231 GEORGE LATIMER � �g ,,,,,�,�„ MAYOR �p — ! a � I t� � � `� - g � :^^'' - December 1, 198g i ��- � �`y'', �� � 4 i i� -3_ Y� �.�t' i � Mr. Ed Starr I ��� � City Attorney i l o- �� - g� �� 1 Room 647, City �iall ��Q� Dear Sir: �� '^Y� At the Decembe� 1, 1988 City Council meeting, and after public hearing, the City Counc{il denied the appeal of Larry Propotnik to a Suir�nary Abatement Orde� for property located at 1992 Clear Avenue, with a reinspection t� be made in two weeks. If necessary, would you please prepare the prlper resolution implementing this action. ruly s, �`\ A bert B. Olsom City Clerk I ABO:th cc: Frank Sta�fenson, Health Div. � , � �� . - � q- aoa � -� _ � . � $ � SUMM RY ABATEMENT APPEAL APPLICATION Requesting a hea�ing before City Councii to appeai a summary abatement order MUST BE FiLED IN TH ClTY CLERK'S OFFiCE, ROOAA 386, CITY HALL, BEFORE THE APPEAL DEADUNE APPLICANT Name�'r'y Pro�otnik -- pate Oct, 28, 19$$ � \ Address 1992 Clear Ave.l R��'� Home Phone 771-1134 St. Paul, Minne�ota 55119 C,'�`�� � 771-1134 � _ � ,.��=Daytime phone '���� 55119 Zip Code ORD R BEING APPEALED - ATTACH COPY oct. lo, 1988 From which office Detp. 0 Corr�r►unit,y Services Division Of Public Date mailed Oct. 19, 1988 Health Euvironmen ea ec on '1�ov. , & Regarding property at 1992 Clear Ave. St. Paul, P�inn. 55119 Deaditne Nov. 3, 1992 Issued to L,arry pro�otni�t What�is applicant's interest t the property I own it. REASON �OR APPEAL One these Orders are i Ilegal for the inspectors went in tr�y horr� and garge without ar�y prior worren s or pe s � Ztrao said instectors are tr.ying to force me out of my home apon the wishes of a co�le of familes next to me. I Thr�ee, there is no code dr la�a stating that I can not put newspaper on my own floor in my own � put rr�y dirty cloths on awn cauch untill I go to rrp� basement to place them with my dirty cloth� F ` c e statin . that I can't ut pap or beer cans on up of my coi.mter in my kitchen and there is law stating that I can'��• collect pop or beer cans or recy g. F�..;No pec or s a , from me to go into my g . Six, the police had no w nts nor did they have legal possion of my ome or garge o aw/ let any inspectors into home or garge. Seven, there s no ras n my ome or gar . Ei�t, There are no lews st storing personal property in one garge. Nine, �e propert,y that i stored in mLy gar 2's• Ten, there are norodents n my property and for a year and a� r�st��ewues e ti , , . :: <:::::;:<.::;;::><>:::::-:�.:::::>::>:::>::>::::::;:::;:::< RE E V Q F . ;: :. E::�l. Y>cC1 ;>:::<:r:;`>::»>[: . , _ ___.... ....�1$ ............. .:._ _� S�.;OFFICE;;<.;::::.:>::;:;a:.:;:.:�;:<.;:.:.:.:;.;:.;>:;,:.;:.:.:.;>::>:::.;:.>:::»:::?;�:;::.:.:.....:......:......... x/' ...... . ..t�!. -.., ;: :: . .: ., ADDRESS . � ' :: : < ' :: ' >: _ _ NOl'IGES SENT . . ... ::::.:::.:::::.:.::::::::::::.::. . : , :::»::::>;>::::_:<:::>:: . . ::.;:.::>:<:>::»<::>«»;::>::>:>::>:>::>� : � :.: �::::_;;::<::::>:.> HEARINC:L}ATE _ CAUNCI�.DIS7R(�T GtTfZEN PAR1'�CIF/�ti'LIO�I DISTFi1�'� . : : lT 1S TH�. RESPQNS BtL[Tl�; CtF �`�1� .CI�IZEI� t�A1�T1�(PA�IOf�i CMISTRtC7' ;CQUNC(L: , ; . � ::::::::<:>:::::::>:::>::: > : ; - , ; ;.<: . .......................TO.. NOTlFY::: U:RRO!:UNQtHG 1�RQ.P:ERT�f...:OWNERS:::<A►ND.::�:�'14C,UPANT ::..;.:.;:::>::::::::::::>::::>:::::.:.,> _ :.:.:::::::.:::::.::::::.._:::::::.::::..::::::.:.:.::.::::::::::::.:.:.::..:....::..:..:::.:.:::..:::..::::::.::::.::::.�:::::::.�:.::�::::::::::::::.:.:�:. ..::..:. :::::::::::::.::::. ::..........._.. .. ...:........,.:S.,::::.::::::..:::::::::.::::::::,. Evelen, both orders are e and are lacking in m�rn� I : � �.a - a a a l. ' . • ' DE�ARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES 10-f � � � � DIVISlON OF PUBLiC HEALTH /O i9�� ►ate o( Inspecdon: �NVIRONMEN7AL HEALTH SECTION DaLa Mai{ed: ate Issued:. � U I � cl � � 6 55S CEDAR STAEET i ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 gy: CT: 2�2-7T71 SUMMAR'Y ABAT�MENT O►RDER -o CL�'!.� � (YQ,�c� ' Address�s�7 C�� �,C� _(!t/e �t� �� ��� �P f O�GVLL(, JC. � ' I ~ -. _� ,��o��ir�-l� Address /�/ 1�- (.,-�� S`1"�1 �j fo ddress A q 5 �- ..,� - � � r 4s owner or person responsible fbr: � �� S S � rou are hereby noti�ed.�o elimin�te the foilowing nuisance: �� �, ,2� C .�� � �� - ; � � , , � ��--e_ � ".-� �e��.' � ��v-�i �Le.� ' �.� C��...-, - -O ` ��C,� 1�cb4� � - ��'.` '��'�,41 G f you do not correct the nul ance by �l f 3 r �� or flie an appeal� the City wlll ;orrect the nulsance a�d c arge all costs against the property as a special assessment to iS CG�{'vi,tvu Sfl ii�b isailld "r�y.8� K7i'<i�6�[� YaX�}s. .(a�p�ai inrormaiion beior3rj �AILURE TO COMPLY MA ALSO I r iECESSITATE COURT A T10N Issued by: �d` � If you have questions regarding this order, the requirements or the deadline, you may contact the i spector by .calling 292-7771 between 8 and 9 a.m. You may appeal this order an obtain a hearing before the City Council by filing a written request with ;he city r,lerk before the appe I deadline which is the deadline above or seven calendar days after the �ate ma�led, whichever come tirst. No appeals may be filed afier that date. You may obtain an applicatio from the City Clerk's Office, Room 386, City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102. The telephone number is 29 -4231.You must submlt a copy of thls order wlth your appllcatlon. . 'if the City corrects the nuisan�e, the charges will include the cost of correction, inspection, travel time, 3quipment, etc... The hourly rate will be around $120.00. -23-87 - . = ; .......,.�.. �. . ���... „".",. � ��� a� a • �' � ' � _��'�� ENVIRONMENTAL CODE ENFOr�CEMENT ( �{ � _ � > D�te of inspection: f � � 555 CEDAR STREE i Date Mailed: �U-�� �J Date Issued: � SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 Mailed ey:_ 292-7771 To: � � Add�ess: 7 � � ! To: Address: • As Owner, Lessee, Agent or Occupa�t of 1���►�- �L���--- . You are he�eby notified'to etiminate the following Code Viol ' n (s) __ �- .t�rc�f-c.z� � — I , ` .�a— Gi" O'"t— � + � � "..�-e_ G�1� G�- , , , � FAILURE T COMPLY WILL NECESSITATE COURT ACTION Issued By: _ Comply By: i'`�� ` —1 ��� 12/87 _ - I / ' � RECEIV�D i OCT 2 81988 i � Cl�'Y CLERK . i � . , . I � . � _ �"'� / ,f k "4 ( ,ui_. .VV, 1. ' i �.` �'s � .t. r j+3 "� I .�, ^� J n i a ,� H`� ' ` ` ` , ' ''' � �'� ,r ,: `,_ y,�._ tt; - : : y � � � � �a l. �� .. " .'. �.� "•r ,_!, w '� ���� ` � '� ��- � ��y �r F �� , ��' ��� p � �'. . . -....�. , .. . � J ,, ' :� l f . , � x � l{� � i.� 'f ��,1 i, � rt � . R � �� � � ;� '�"_ l. / � M� .�� M '� y " "� + � . Y ` � i � 1 � � � + 0.a � � t ,1 y, I �: . };, � *��. 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W. � . . •il ,.� , .. .. _: \. :. I y � a .A. _�a�. .. e:. �. . n ..c'T'.. .. .. .n M�_ , . • . .. . . .. . 1. .1... . .`"A •\ . .. .i:` . r.._ _.�. ,.s.� .��V. R .�� v.�a�ka.� �'�.x: ' � �9- _ . . � ao , ..t , . � SUMM RY ABATEMENT APPEAL APPLICATION � � Requeatin� a hea � betoro City Cou�il to appeal i summary abaten�ent order MUST � FlLED IM THE C�T1f CLERK'8 OFFN�� ROOY 3�8, CITY HALL, dERORE THE APPEAt �ADUNE APPLICANT Name�' �Potnik Oct. 28, 1988 Dat� Add reu ,1992 Clear Av�e. R� Hom� Phon� 771-1134 St. Paul, Miru�e ota 55119 ���'� 1� p • hona�1-11�4 �� P G� 55119 Zlp Cod� ORD R BEING APPEALED - ATTACH CQP'Y �t, �� 19�8 F�om which oNtc4 De . 0 Conm�mity Services Division Of Public Dat� m�disd �t. i9, 1988 Health c �n "1C�'.TI�9Z' & Ragardin� property at 1992 Clesr Avie. St. Paul, Minn. 55119 DeadNn• Nov. 3, 19g2 �ssued to What�is appiiC�unt's int� tl» propsrty _I own it. � � � � . .. REASON FOR APPEAL One t�t�ese Orders are i le�al for the inspectors went in �y harie and g,at�e w3thout a�y priar Zi�ro said instectoss are t to force me out of a�y hare apqn the wishes oP a couple of ,, familes next to me. �ree, there is no cocie r 1mN stating that I can riot put ne�wspaper on ay awn Ploor in a�y am . , put �r dirty cloths on oMm cauch imtill I go to n� basea�ent to plaoe them with n� dirty clotha t I can't ut or beer c�ns an up of u� co�ter in � kitc�en and t�here is o ].,sa�r stating that I �an'��:�.eollect pap Or beer c�s or recy . . _ � ; F3�f.;N'o c fl�ae me to go into a�► . Six, the police had no ts nor did they have le�al possian o �y ame or g,ar�e o aw% let ar�t ins etors into ha�ne or garg+�. Seven, re s no ras myGy , Eig�t, Zheere are no l.�+s against storing peracmal prq�e ir� c�rye �. �'th�erepa e na�i o�ts ai ir�y P�rty for a yea� _ ���.....>:.; ��.:.;: .ti<.,: >;;::;:<:;:�:::::�.��;�.� � � ;. .. ,,:.:. �.� � r,;:<::.: ..:;:..:::i`::�`�4'u:;•i`� �� `� �+.�: :..:.: �•:.4.,�.;-�> ' � �, , � : �, a � . •.w ?a. •.�'+�, ,R•���:;`t ♦, 1�!Cj!�.� • • ..:�.. .::.:�<.::•:< ;:3;t:>;�:::R:.�;.,�;4� u�w```�\. . ',k� :.ti.; A. a.. �. ��. k•�<..;�:;.>: ;:?`� �:`i,^.L,`�.� �`.\`\`.+:. \ ;..w \ , v� ' \,a:�>.;:c:;: `�:i�..„��'�';�J.*,:,•,.,; .� , ., �..:-:::.: . , .�� �\ '� . .. �`�fi;••:;:eti. ` �: w�."+.`' �\�\'•;:.+`';:;;< H�.:�:::�:�;.:<:�::�:.:.. �4.• >�.:. ...• .:: ;.::.,:;:.>:.: �:;:':':�:t;�\\�•:i`t� ..,�<�:\ � 1•,\ •'\.\'�.:f�M1:i ' ::i\:}{�.. �" �.M1 <:$.:�.�?•?h.4 � • � �`{l:i:i . . � i��\{:1,.. �� v..l�'i .•\' ���.�.^ .:.��?�`�\i� <:vti�L:\ti;;�;�K;``'i,\i� 4}�.� ��' ` ��. ..:�•` : \>�.;ti•: i:�,`.�y;���i,:�\�. 41�'•+ n��'� •'� �•i�. . v�\���::';:�v.t��.ti:: `:���'e��i��'�� � �''�>v:\� n�� •t'\•� ��j�}�;_:��v::. "i•v �'e G::;v.: \ ^.�;. Evelen, both orc�rs are and are lacking in maret � f � J r 1 . � � 4' ,t � . ��f INSTRUCTIONS TO CITY CLERK'S OFFICE - 1. Do_not_accep# application after appea! deadilne or without copy of orders - �.��...� :��� � The appeai deadline is 7 days after �� ��� � � � . : SUMMARY AHATEMENT ORDER ; ' Ta the date mailed, or the same as T i - --.._ N.— . b. h�..r..�...�"'.�- the deadline given in tMe order ,.Y_�.w,,......�.r.».�.w....—, , whichever cames first. .y...�..�.... . .�.r..�.. «e.r rw aww��.Mwlr ��M�w M�MM� � 4�++�w r .. . M�wI1Nq�le M MM Mr Y. �Mwl � � � � �ww ro ae�r�r�uo Meat�pr�n aoua no�qM rrw�r, M��� w.,�,.�,��„r�,�„�,,,, 2. Within 2 weeks� set hearing date """"°°""'""'�""' "'"' `""""""'" and place on agenda � Nu�Y•.n..b.....i.r..M�Y�......a„C�1N.,..M�n.......� . ��������°���""�'� Mark hearing date on front of rw�,wr��srw.�w.waqarr.a�w�•�r.ew�w.awd.r�aaee. 1M WM�rr wmW Y�+ON.Mr wnY wrN��qN N MM wM 71N ywr MM�R ir.cnr�•ws.�+..v,a.rw•.��rr.e.�.r�.r..�r.r�+�rar.. �{��ICctt1011 � .ww.r,.�ae.Mrnr r.w.ra�. , , : . 3. Determine the. Gity Council dis#Xict and citizen participation -dis#r4ct � in which the nuisance is located (census tract is marked on �order� , _ , . , . AAar�c nuisar�es It�ati�n and districts on the front of #he �pplication � . in the shaded ar�a " . : . 4, Send notice of hearing� with capies af application.. and- Qrder �tttact�ed, to: 1. The applicant • , _ 2. Any other party�to whom the� sumrrtary abatemer�t ord�r is addressed 3. Qffice whieh issued the order . ' . 4. DistriCt �ounc�l. office for fhe district where the nuisance is located � `5. Counciipersbn`s office for the� district` where the rruisance is located 5. After hearing send copy of the resolution to the same parties that received the no#ice of the hearing 4-23-87 �. t � DEPARTMEN� OF COMMUNITY SERVICES . 1�' � � ' � DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTN /D i9�� ��ate of Inspecdon: ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SECTION DaLe M2�fled: �✓ 555 CEDAR STREET �ate issued:. U � c1 � a e ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 By: CT: 202-7771 SUMM RY ABATEMENT ORDER ro Clu� G� (Y ' �?s"�7 C.�2� �,C� ,lu�.e �t� Y��,�i �� '� Addres TO��LLI. !C. �L . , , Address /�/ 5� �� S 1"I� �( To ddress As owner or person responsibl for: ! q 5 �' ����--J S"S � � � � you are hereby notified.�o elim nate the following nuisance: t �--�, ,2�� C . ; "� , . .� ��-tJ ��, � � ����� �i�'�''L`�-- � ,v�-� ���y-v � � C'u�.�, _ � � ��� ���� - OG� G�'`�,� G !f you do not correct the nul ance by f l �3 ( �� or tlle an appeal, the Clty wlll correct the nuisance a�d c arge all costs against the property as a speclal assessment to �s ccltact�i In �t-�� �iailia �y a� wrupdriy iax�es. .�app�ai inrormaiion beiowj FAILURE TO COMPLY MA ALSO � NECESSITATE COURT A ION Issued by: If you have questions egarding this order, the requirements or the deadiine, you may contact the in pector by caiiing 292-7771 between 8 and 9 a.m. You may appeal this order and obtain a hearing before the City Council by filing a written request with the city clerk before the appeal deadline which is the deadline above or seven calendar days after the date mailed� whichever comes irst. No appeals may be filed after that date. You may obtain an application rom the City Cle►ic's Office, Room 386, City Hall� St. Paul� MN 55102. The telephone number is 298- 231.You must submlt a copy of thls order wlth your appllcatlon. If the City corrects the nuisanc , the charges will include the cost of correction� inspection, travel time, equipment, etc... The hourly r te will be around $120.00. �-23-87 . � � � v�.�1J1V�• VI 1 VL/V/V �1LI1L111 ��� ��� '• � ' ` Eh.'VIRONMENTAL CODE ENFORCEMENT { Date oi inspection: Q —�� 555 CEDAR STREE7 Date Mailed: ��-��"��J) Date Issued: SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 Mailed By: ' 292-7771 To: � Address: 7 � � - ,��� To: Address: • As Owner, Lessee, Agent or Occu ant of ��f� �����- . , you are hereby notified to eliminate the following Code Viol ' n (s) ��' �vrr�,�c.G� � C � � O`'Y- � '�'�� (i-✓i�4` , , ` li�- � ' . FAILURE T COMPLY WILL ECESSITA�E COURT ACTION Issued By: Comply By: ��� l �l Q�� 12/87 / � RECEIVED OCT 2 81988 CITY CLERK , . • ^ I • ls �� G+; 4/, �.A t � e. � .. e-�.�.V�. � • � ��•••, j CITY OF SAINT PAUL • '• DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES � � ; . . . , �',�� " I DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH 555 Cedar Street,Saint Paul,Min�esoq 55101 Gtol�e Lstimel I (612)292-7741 Mayor I October 27, 1�88 Mr. Larry Pro otnik 1992 Clear Av nue St. Paul , MN 55119 Dear Mr. Propptnik: I ' , Pursuant to o r phone conversation yesterday, you indicated you are going to appe 1 both the summary abatement order to clean out the garage and .th order to clean the house. As we discussed, you should appeal both orders to the City Council by filing an appeal with the city clerk. . The date for omplying with the order to clean the house is November 1, 1988 and r eleaning the garage is November 3, 1988. You should file your app al within the appeal deadline. If you file your appeal in a timely anner, we will withhold our enforcement action until the City Council has heard your appeal . Sincerely, ���� Steven R. Ro Environmental ealth Program Supervisor SRR:ef cc: Bruce H nley RE�E`v�° . �� �$�g�� I � o�V ���R� I G � � I