89-201 WHjTE - �ITV CLERK �� � ' OINK = FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council ' ' CANARV - OEPARTMEN T � 1 BLUE - MAVOR FI1G NO• �/ � Co cil Res l tion � -=--, :� ��. ; Presented By '` Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, th City of Saint Paul has been notified by the U. S. Department of Hou ing and Urban Development (HUD) that it is eligible to participate in th federally funded Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG) Program; and WHEREAS, th City of Saint Paul has been designated as an Entitlement City under the ES Program, and the City is eligible to receive $106,000 upon approval by HUD o a formal ESG application; and WHEREAS, th City has completed an application for Federal Assistance under the ESG pro ram in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Department of Hou ing and Urban Development; now, be it RESOLVED, t at Mayor George Latimer, as Chief Executive Officer of the City of Saint Pau is hereby authorized and directed to submit the Saint Paul Emergency Shelter Grant Program application to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Develop ent in such form as prescribed by the regulations of said Department; and b it FURTHER RES LVED, that the Mayor or his designated representative is further authorize to submit to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development any surances, certifications, technical changes or additional information that ay be required during their review of the Saint Paul ESG Program Applicati n; and be it FURTHER RES�OLVED, that upon notification of approval of the Saint Paul ESG Program by t e U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Council does her by authorize the proper city officials to execute the grant agreement and co tract between the City of Saint Paul and the U.S. Department of Housing and U ban Development; and be it FINALLY RE OLVED, that prior to the expenditure of funds under the ESG � Program, the Dir ctor of the Department of Planning and Economic Development or his designate representative submit to the Council a detailed plan for the expenditure of t e Saint Paul ESG Program funds. COUNCILMEN equested by Department of: Yeas D1IriOrid NaYs � ' f � , �� Goswitz � In Favor Long Rettman � � g �i�/�l, ��", � Scheibel , Against Y Sonnen Wi1SOri FEB — 71989 Form Approved ity Att rn y Adopted by Council: Dat � Certified Passe uncil Se ar BY r By C ; A►pproved 1Aav : rEB - 8 1989 Appro by Mayor for S b ' 'o to Council B � Pt9��.�s�� � - _ 1 �:� i 989 . � - G� g9��1 �t� 014233 �� DEPART!lENT . - - - - - . ; u CON'PACT NA?!E PHONE DATE . ASS G E 0 G RD (See reverae side.) ,L Department Direct l�iayor (or Assi�tsnt) �,L� ��� _ Finance and Ztanage ent Services Director � City Clerk � Budget Director �J�y�„�.�J,m„�„�J 1 ': City Attorne !� , � � • OTAL G : � (Clip all locations for signature.) T W NG 0 H ? (Purpose/Ratiotiale) �, ` �yI �v,,,t- s0 ' S�s�,Q,. �i�c. C� �/OL A��-uyr, /f'lC���� �i•,�4�J � � �r�f � � _ � " �- �;�, �a�;� �- � - � �� ��.� � �a, �uo.��. o� � s� ..� ����e .w�,� ' �,,� ��,, dl`�`' OT UGT ND S ACS C �t �s,�.� �o �~ �o ���.�.. �/oG,a�-� 5���.e-�t- ���-�y t�'F*-�-�- �,..f J���Gfi.�-rw-� F E CT V C GE D D: x (I�isyor�s signature not equired if under $10,000.) Total Amount of Trans ction: Activity Number: Funding Source: �iTTACHMENTS: (List and number all attachments.) � T i�A�eF c.� �� AD S V P OC U _Yes �No Rules, Regulations, Procedures, or Budget Amendment requiredY _Yes _No If yes are thep or timetable attached? DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEfrI �Yes No Gouncil esolution required? RasolW�tion required? �Yes No _Yes �No Insuranc required? Insurance sufficient? I�Yes ��Io _Yes ,�No Insuranc attached? .