BLUE - MAYOR F11C �0•�_! ��L
� ��� � oun il esolution -
Presented By �'' � ~—�`'�
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
, e unci o e � y o ain au
hereby certifi s and approves the action of the City of Saint
Paul Board of ppeals and Review pertaining to the following
listed propert� and as shown by the Excerpted Minutes of said
Board of Appeals and Review, dated December 13, 1988, and marked
EXHIBIT A, and attached hereto and made a part of by reference:
12/ 13/88 107-88-H 1743 Ames Ave. John G. Klecatsky
BOARD ACTION: Refund Filing Fee
PROPERTY DESC�IPTION: Haze1 Park j•.t � �r
Lots 11 12 and
�, ,
Lot 13 B1k 1 `� �
�, __�_______________.________________ 'a, . . , .
12/ 13/88 108-88-H 2190 Marshall Ave. Theodore Kvasnik
BOARD ACTION: I Refund Filing Fee
Ramsey Co. , Minn.
Lot 12 Blk 49
COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Lo� In Favor
s�ne;�e� Against BY
Form prov d by City ttorn
Adopted by Council: Dat �
Certified Passed by Council Se retary BY
Approved by iVlavor: Date �-- _ Approved by Mayo for S mi ion to Council
By L
� � � � � 3
� �
i �
12/ 13/88 1124-8$-H 71 E. Baker St. JTI Properties
J. Deputy
BOARD ACTION: IRefund Filing Fee.
PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: West St. Paul Biks 100 thru
171 Etc
W 35 Ft of Lots 4 and
Lot 5 Blk 125
12/ 13/88 1119-88-H 2259 Rockwood Ave. Stuart Corp.
Jeffery L. Gross
BOARD ACTION: �efund Filing Fee
�— Rearrangement of Block 2,
Palisade addition to St. Paul
I vac st 8 ailey accruing 8
fol ; SWLY 13 ft of Lot 7 &
all of Lots 8 thru 13 8
part of Lots 24 25 & 26 WLY
of a line run from pt on SE
line of Lot 24 10 ft NE of
SW cor sd Lot to pt on NW
line of Lot 26 13 ft NE of
NW cor sd Lot 8 all Lots 20
thru 23 all in BLk 7 of
Palisade add � in sd C W
Youngmans Re; part SLY of
RR R/W of Lots 19 thru 24 8�
� all of Lots 17 8
Lot 18
12/ 13/88 lZl'IO-88-H 537-539 Ohio 5t. Robert G. Dahl
BOARD ACTION: Granted an extension of time for 6 months
(June 1 , 1989) to repair roof and ceiling, also
i stalling more electrical outlets.
to 5aint Paul
E 2/3 of Lots 1 and
Lot 2 Blk 8
I � 'r(
BLUE - MAYOR File NO. � /��"
� Council Resolution
Presented By I
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
12/ 13/$8 112-88-H 1735 Dayton Ave. Charles Laurents
BOARD ACTION: ranted an extension of time for 6 months
(June 1 , 1989) to complete work pertaining to
roviding a second exit from third floor to
PROPERTY DESCRI TION: Skidmore & Cassedy's
Park Addition
I Lot 11 Blk 1
Yeas Nays A Requested by Department of:
Dimond f
"'�. �� [n Favor
Sc6eibel � Against BY
��B — 7 ,�� Form Appr ed b City Attor ey
Adopted by Council: Date �
Certified P- - b Council S ar BY
A►pprove `b Ylavor. Date
^ �' �� �� Approved by Mayo or mis 'on to Council
! �
RR �,��
�' i i. 1989
�����.�uB ' "�' �
� C� 8'`��/9�.3
- � �I_°. �13883 �
EPARTMENT . - - - —-- -
;;� 292-777 PHONE
� _�DATE
S J ,D � , iC ORUFR: (9ee reverse side.)
�. Depertment Directo 3 Mayor (or Assistant)
Finance and �anage ent Sgrvices Director � City Clerk
Budget Director 5 Citv Council
�� City Attorney _
(Clip all locations for signeture.)
? (Purpose�fRationale)
Approving the acti n of the B�ard of Appeals & Review of the minutes ,
of the December 13 1988 meetin+�.
4 refund filing fee .
2 extensions of time :
N/A �
(Mayor's signature not equired if under $10,000.)
Total Amou:tt of Trans ction: n/a Activitq Number: n/a
Funding Source: n
ATTACHMENTS: � (List and umber all attachments.)
One solution with minutes attachec�����fl Research Center
JAN 2 5 i��9
_Yes _No Rules, Regulations, Procedures, or Budget Amendment required?
_Ye� _No If yes are they or timetable attached?
_Yes No Council esolution required� Rasoluti+� required? _Yes _No
_Yes _No Insurdric required4 Insurance sufficient? _Yes _No
_Yes _No Insuranc attached?
555 Cedar Street � g
5aint Paui . Minnesota 55101
(6I2) 29Z-7775
MEMBERS PRE ENT: Ron Glassman, Chairman
Sean M. Carev
Harold Knutson
David Schuitz
Robert L . Viering
MEMBERS A�S�NT: William Tilton
OTHE�S PRES�NT: Pat Fish. St. Paul Fire Prevention
Hope Abrams , St. Paul Fire Prevention
' Sherry Webb, St. Paul Fire Prevention
Steve Zaccard, St. Paul Fire Prevention
Jim Prill , Div. of Public Health
Carolyn Sheppard, Div. of Public Hea)th
John Betz, Div. of Public Health
Karen Christofferson, Gov't Affairs Dir.
Rachel Nelson Greg Grose
Theodore Kvasnik John Czerminger
Charles Laurent Bob Uahl
Robert Buntz
STAF�F : Josephine P. Bongiovanni
Chairman Gl' ssman called the meeting to order at 1 :35 p.m.
December 13,� 1988. He welcomed the appellants and explained the
procedures, �,stating that what the board does is recommends action
to the City �ouncil .
1 . Approval' of minutes of the November 8, 1988 meeting as
submitte� in writing.
David Schul z moved approval of the minutes of the November 8,
1988 meeting� Motion seconded by Robert Viering. MOTION CARRIED
Chairman Giassman, stated that Councilmember Kiki Sonnen
suggested t�at the City Attorney attend the meetings of the
Board. This is a issue for the Board to decide. Mr. Glassman
thought it � was a good idea. Paul McCloskey, from the City
Attorney's ffice called Mr. Glassman today and he does not
really feel t necessary to attend. Mr. McCloskey stated that he
was a phone all away and could be there at a moments notice.
Mr. McCloske , stated that he would ) ike the Board to discuss the
issue at the meeting, then get back with him.
Mr . Robert Viering, stated that ifi the City Attorney was near at
hand and could be contacted at a moments notice then it would be
agreeabie. As long as Mr. Mc�loskey recieves a packet with ali
the information reqardinq all the cases for review. After
reviewin� ali cases , ifi any questions do arise, then he would
atten� the meeting.
All Board members agreed that if Mr. McCloskey was available at a
moments notice. then it was not necessary to actually attend the
Chairman Glassman suggested a letter be written to Mr . McCloskey
stating that the Board feels it is not necessary to physicaliy
attend the meetings , as long as the board knows that Mr.
McCloskey can be reached. If a guestions arises then Mr.
McCloskey would attend the meeting, or if the board specifically
requests him to be present.
Chairman Glassman, informed the board that on November 30, he
was requested to attend the Committee of Public Works meeting,
where the issue of rainleaders was discussed.
At the meeting Mr . Glassman was informed that the Board of
Appeals and Review never had the authority to hear any of the
cases pertaining to rainleaders. Evidentaliy, when in drafting of
the resolution for the Rainleader Disconnect Program it left
final discretion with the Sewer Department and absolutely no
appeals process. Out of this meeting came some motions.
Councilrnember kettman was extremely helpfui and is very concerned
about this matter.
Chairrnan Glassman, stated that Jerry Segal from City Attorney' s
office was requested to re-draft the ordinance giving the Board
appeals process .
After Mr. Giassman explained to the Committee how the Board did
deny almost all appeals, (oniy because the board was told they had
to) . Mr. Glassman stated that he suggested that all those who
were denied would be reviewed again.
The Council will give the board a line of direction pertaining to
rehearing these cases again. As of now, the Board can not hear
any rainleader requests. •
Chairman Glassman, stated that he had a discussion with
Councilmember Rettman. and it was suggested that once the
Ordinance was amended, the Board would be willing to review
all the cases that were previously denied. The board was in the
agreement to review all the denied cases.
_ . - � , ���
Mr . Glassm n suggested that a letter be sent to Councilmember
Rettman te�linq t�er that the Board is in accord to rehear the
cases that �ere denied.
Chairman Gl�ssman invited 5teve Zaccara, Fire Marshall to attend
the meetir�g to discuss Fire Sprinkler Systems for new
constructior� of property.
Steve Zacca d, Fire Marshall reflecting on the minutes, of the
November 8. 1988 meeting, would like to clear up, what may be a
misundersta ding. Council passed two resotutions regarding
sprinkilers one was to require that all city funded new
constructio should be sprinkler. This was later replaced with
one that h d the same stipulation, except that it exempted one
and two s�ory commercial occupancy. The requirement would
include an� new residential construction funded by the authority
of the cit , including single family dwellings, which is what
Fire Depar ment feels is needed the most. In the City of St.
Paui , and aii across the country most the people who lose their
life in a fire is where they live.
In order o effect the fire problem in St. Paul , we need to
improve fi�e safety in the home, the City Councii passed this
resolution. The other one requires that the Fire Department go
to the State Legislature and try to get legislation that will
enable the f�ire department to make this a matter of code, at the
present tim�e no local jurisdiction can exceed the state building
code. Spr�inklering a new construction would exceed state
building c de requirements. In order to make this a code Fire
Prevention �ould have to go to the state.
Both resolu ions have been passed, the first resolutions
effective d�te is May lst, in the meantime, the Mayor has
established a Task Force, for all interested, in this subject to
work out how it would be implemented. First meeting took place
this week. � which included Steve Zaccard, Karen Christofferson,
Builders, U�velopers , Building Officials, and City Department of
PED, workin on issues which constitutes new construction. The
next meeting' will be considering the cost. Sprinklers have never
been done in the City of 5t. Paul .
Karen Chris offerson, Gov't Affairs Dir. , St. Paul Board
Realtors st ted the Bd of Realtors support this. The Fire
Department orked with the Bd of Realtors for about a year and
half supporting hard wired smoke detectors.
The St. Pa 1 Bd of Realtors is concerned that they never were
notified. T e two resolutions were passed by the Council , but
were vetoed y the Mayor. Of the Resolutions that were vetoed,
the first �ne CF . 88-990 instructs the Mayor's Office to take
forward his 1989 legislative package enabling a request from the
State Legisl ' ture that would require Sprinkler System in all new
construction� The items the task force will be dealing with is;
� !
What is new construction? and What is public funding? The second
resolution deals wit.h public financing, what the Council was
looking for was a mechanism to start to enforce this resolution
without enabling legislation. The Task Force went to the Mayor
and the Council and requested a hold be put on the on the
resolution because the city acted to quickly without input.
Insurance companies have been known to offer discounts for the
home that have sprinklers systems .
Steve Zaccard stated that in terms of legislation, one of the
commmitments made before going to the legislature was to work
with Karen' s group and the Builders Owners Manuel Ass'n on
developing the kind of legislation that would be taken to the
The Task Force will be meeting to discuss the cost factor.
Sean Carey, working as a fire adjustor, agree that Sprinklers are
very important in homes , helping to safe lives.
A new Ordinance went into affect on Novernber 22, 1988 on Hard
Wired Smoke Detectors . When the Truth and Housing Evaluation is
filed, which is public information .then the Fire Department will
enforce that portion of the code.
107-88-H 1743 Ames Ave. John G. Klecatsky
SUBJEC7: Sherry Webb, from Fire Prevention requested that the
case be held over for one month for clarification on fire code.
Case was resolved.
BOARD ACTION: Board moved to refund the filing fee.
' �
. w ���
1Q8-88-H 219U Marshall Ave. Theodore Kvasnik �
(Commercial )
SUBJECf : T e Board at the November 8, 1988 meeting requested
that the ase be laid over to the December meeting. The
Appeilant as to confer with the Water Department to see if it
was feasibl to instali a sprinkler system.
Case was r solved before the meeting with Steve Zaccard, Fire
Marshall . ;
BOARD ACTI N: Motion made by David Schultz to refund the filing
fee. Secon ed by Robert Viering. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY .
121-88-H I� 554 Edmund Ave. John Czerminger
(Vacant Bidg. )
APPEARANCE : John Czerminger
5UBJECT: Ap ellant is requesting a waiver of the Registration Fee
on a vacant building because of financial hardship as per letter
dated Octob r 12, 1988.
PROCEEUINGS The appellant is requesting a waiver of the vacant
building fi e, because financially he cannot afford to pay the
fee. The b ilding had a fire in it.
Jim Prill , �from Div. of Public Health stated that the building
has been vac�ant since April . City has done work on the building.
F-ees are i n 'ithe amount of $230. 00.
Insurance c#ompany paid off the mortgage. The appellant had a
deferred l�an (rehab money) in the amount of $ 13 ,000. 00 which
needs to be �paid off.
Sean Carey tated that 1010 University, where loan was approved,
should have been insured. He advised the Appellant to seek legal
BOARD ACTI N: Motion made by Sean Carey to deny the waiver of
the vacant building fee of $230.00, and freeze the additional
fee for th next 30 days, so as to allow the appellant to work
with the in urance company. Seconded by Harold Knutson. MOTION
- ------------------------------------------------
� 5
— e
123-8$-H 4U3 Laurel Ave. Robert Buntz
( i unit)
APPEARANCE : Robert Buntz
SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance from St. Paul
Legislative Code pertaining to fence height.
BOARD ACTION: Motion made by David Schuitz to grant a variance on
the fenc� h+�i�3ht. ��c+�nded by Hart-�1 d I�inut�;��n. l�f�?T11.?N I:ARIt t EC�
12t3-88-H 719 Wilson St. Edward Kurkowski
(5 units)
SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance from St. Paul
Legislative Code pertaining to passing through a bedroom
to get to another room as per letter dated October 10, 1988.
PROCEEDINGS: Pat Fish, from Fire Prevention stated that there is
no objection to the arrangement as long as the doors have no
locks on them.
BOARD ACTION: Motion made by Ron Glassman to grant a variance on
the having to pass through a bedroom to get to another room, as
long as the doors have no locks. Seconded by David Schultz.
120-88-H 537/539 Ohio St. Robert G. Dahl
(4 units)
APPEARANCE: Robert G. Dahl
SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting an extension of time to do the
necessary repairs, pertaining to repairing the roof and ceiling;
also installing additional electrical outlets in all rooms.
as per letter dated September 20, 1988.
PROCEEDINGS: The appellant would like an extension of one year
to do the roof and ceiling. He stated that he purchased the
building three years ago and only have a cash flow of about
$1 , 000.00 per year financially he cannot do the repairs at this
Pat Fish. from Fire Prevention stated that the plaster is loose
and couid fall down and maybe hurt someone.
� . I
`q 3
� �
5ean Carey stated that the insurance should cover the ceiling
BOARD ACTIUN: Motion made by Harold Knutson to grant an
extension of time for 6 months {June 1 , 1989) to do the repairs
to the ro f and ceiling, also installing the extra e) ectrical
outlets . Seconded by David Schultz.
Yeas (4) Nays ( 1 ) Carey Abstention (0)
112-88-H I 1735 Dayton Ave Charles Laurents
(4 units)
APPEARANCE: ,Charles Laurents
SUBJEC7: A pellant is requesting a variance from St. Paul
Legislative code pertaining to having to provide exit stairs from
third floor to gradelevel as per letter dated August 8, 1988.
PROCEEDINGS: The third floor unit is rented by two students. The
appeliant as owned the building since 1972. The appellant
passed aro nd a letter from Fridholm Construction Co. , that
showed a bid of $6.553.00 to install a stairway on the west side
of the buil ing from the third floor to grade.
Pat Fish, rom Fire Prevention stated that it is code to have a
2nd exit fr m the third floor to grade.
BOARD ACTI N: Motion made by David Schultz to deny the variance
on the 2n exit from third floor to grade, instead give an
extension o time for 6 months (June 1 . 1989) . Second by Harold
- I---------------------------------------------
119-88-H 2259 Rockwood Place Stuart Corporation
( 168 units) Jeffrey L. Gross
SUBJECT: A pellant is requesting a variance on the requirement
of having t install additional smoke detectors in hal )ways as
per letter ated September 27, 1988
� Case resoiv d.
BOARD ACTIO : Board moved to refund filing fee.
� 7
129-8�-N /U1 Jenks Ave. Lothar Horn
( 1 unit)
SUBJEC�t: Appellant is requesting a variance on rainleader in
the rear of house, as per letter dated June 1 , 1988.
Case is being held in suspense for clarification on ordinance.
127-88-H 654 Fairmount Ave. Elizabeth M. Gotz
( 1 unit)
SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance on one rainleader,
because it could create a water problem in basement and on sidewalk
due to small front yard.
Case being held in suspense for clarification on ordinance.
67-88-H 1697 Ford Parkway Gene H. Rosenblum
( 1 unit)
SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance on the rainleader
disconnect requirernent, as it will cause undue hardship owing to
the unique circumstances of the location of the rainieaders on
the property.
Case being held in suspense for clarification on ordinance.
124-88-H 71 E. Baker St. JTI Properties
( 1 unit) Midwest Federal
J. Deputy
SUBJECT: Appeliant is requesting an extension of time to do the
necessary repairs to the property regarding rear concrete steps,
hole in roof. front entry way door �ams, front porch supports,
replace light fixture in bathroom, improper plumbing, entry door
latching device. dining room ceiling, broken thermostat, exterior
and interior handrails, repair smoke detectors, leaking sink
drain, as per letter dated October 20, 1988.
Case resolved with the inspector.
BOARD ACTION: Board moved to refund the filing fee.
. , . x ~ /1� 3
'I �
I� V '
125-88-H 670 N. kobert St. Emma Norton Residence
{39 units) Susan Nicholas-Prettner
APPEARANCE : 5usan Prettner
SUBJECT: A pellant is requesting a variance on bathroom
facilities ; also food handling equipment on floor of the store
room as per letter dated October 4, 1988.
PRUCEEDINGS: This is a non-profit agency that houses women of low
income, who are in training programs of voacational programs. It
is a room S borad facility and the charge is 225. 00 per month for
each tenan�. If there is a reduction to 20 persons, and do
provide th� service it would be impossible to continue to
operate. C�enerally, there is never fuli occupancy, which would
be 72. Pr�esently there are 58 persons. Average stay could be
about 4 mont$hs.
Suggested ly Ron Glassman to maybe limit the occupancy to 30 on
each floor.
Carolyn She ard, stated that this would be the boards decision.
Code is 5 p rsons per bath.
���.� � � �.�t i��r� rr��F+ t��r Ci,��r i�J £�rt�u 1�: -kra �Ir��ar�t � v��-�i c���r_•F r�►r�
the bath f cilities with the provisions that there be a cap of
only 30 o cupants on each floor. Seconded by Harold Knutson.
126-88-H 189 1/2 E. 7th St. Gayle E. Stangeland
! (23 units)
SUBJECT: A�pellant is requesting a variance on the number
of handsink$, as per letter dated October 7, 1988.
Appellant r�quested a postponement to January meeting.
- -------------------------------------------
122-88-H 1596 Hewitt Ave. Rachel Nelson
( 1 unit) � William Totten
APPEARANCE: Rachel Nelson
SUBJECT: A pellant is requesting ,a variance on ceiling
heights in bedrooms, as per letter dated September 2. 1988.
PROCEEDINGS There has been extensive work done on the building
and was app oved wtth Fire. When Ms. Shepard came to inspect the
property th�y cited us for low ceilings in the basement ceilings.
'I 9
_ ,,
BUARD ACTIUN: Motion made by David Schultz to grant a variance
on the ceiling heiqhts in the basement bedrooms for the life of
the building.
93-88-H 30 E 7th St. W��r l �� Tr����r t,r��tr��
376 Jackson St. Galtier Plaza
SUBJECT: The case was before the Board on October 11 , 1988.
Board requested it be laid over 30 days. In November the
Appellant reque3ted a postponement to the December meeting.
Appe 1 )r3nt rzquested a postponement ta the January mee�k i r��1.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 3 : 00