89-189 - - wHiTE - CiTr CLERK COI1fIC31 PINK - FINANCE CANARV - DEPARTMENT �� � GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO• ��� ��� BLUE - MAYOR �� � � ouncil Reso t ' � ' . �;�►� Presented By ��0� � ��'� ( Referred To mmittee: Date Out of Com ttee By Date WHEREAS , the Bpard of Water Commissioners was established by the Minnesota �,egislature in 1881 ; and WHEREAS , the m�ission of the Board is to provide safe and reliable sourcles of water to the City of Saint Paul ; and WHEREAS the Boq,rd of Water Commissioners is a separate corporate entiity; and WHEREAS , commu�ities surrounding the City of Saint Paul such as West Saint �aul , Falcon Heights , Lauderdale , Roseville , Arden Hills , Little Canada, Maplewood and Mendota Heights purchase waterifrom the City of Saint Paul ; and WHEREAS , the B ard of Water Commissioners provides services to these cities o either a "retail" or "wholesale" basis ; and WHEREAS , the r tes charged by the Board of Water Commissioners is reflective f the cost of providing either the retail or wholesale seri ces ; THEREFORE, BE T RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul supports the p sition of the Board of Water Commissioners which is to pr vide services at either the retail or wholesale rate and oppos s any legislation which will prevent the Board from designing, fair and equitable contracts . COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Dimond —�e. � In Favor cosw�cZ Rettman � s�he�be� , � _ A gai n s t BY -�,� � waso� �E� ^ � �� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Datel — Certified Ya s Council S tar By v�C-Lt,� ' " ` �u-c�����L' /�ZS ���J By tilpprove by �Vlavor: Date � �) ���9 Appr d by Mayor for Submiss' t cil r � By � PU�LI�8�9 7 `.�� ? � i 9 8 9 • -� • T3 IEFIIvG PAPER: CO'�T7'�.aCTS FOR tdATER SER�'ICE . , ET��'EEI�T THE I30_'1RD OF_.j�;ATER CO�i?�SISSIONERS OF �� TIiE C1TY Or S:'�_II�_T P:1UL a?��D /-�� I SUBURB_'1N COrirfUNITIES �/f� ���� � BACKGROUND The Board f �dater Commissioners saas establislled b,v the riinnesot,a �egislature in 1881 . The rnission of the Board caas to provide � a safe and reliable source of wat-er to the Cit;�� of Saint Paul B�r law, the Board of jt'ater Commissioners is a separate c rporate ent.ity ; there is no co-minglin� of Cit�r and Board fund . Neighborin communities have requested that the City of Saint Paul , provide water to thern. These communities include West Saint Paul , Falcon Heights , Lauderdale , Roseville (which also serve Arden Hills ) , Little Canada, Maplewood and Mendota Heights. nstead of making a large investment in their own water syst m, these communities opted to have the Board of Water Comm ssioners provide water to them at a rate of 120% of that provi ed to the residents of the City of Saint Paul . ' This rate s called the retail rate. Each city has the option of obtaini g services under a "wholesale" type of contract which allo s the city to: - maintain its own water system - furnish nd read its own meters - bill and collect from the customers in its own community - provide acilities for master metering all water supplied by the Boa d to the city, and - to pay a wholesale rate to the Board for water supplied to the cit as determined by "master meters. " STATUS The City of Maplewood has refused to sign a contract similar to the one entered into in 1962 . West Saint Paul and Mendota Heights are also operating outside of a contract. Maplewood, in particular, objects to paying the 120% rate schedule, _ � although it wishes the Board to provide all the services that we provide, under the retail contract, which are: - the B ard operates and maintains the city' s water system - the B ard furnishes and reads its meters - the Bo�ard bills and collects fees for water service from indiv�ldual customers. THE SAINT PAUL POSITION The City 'f Saint Paul supports the Board of Water Commissio ers' position, which is to provide services to communiti s which would like safe and reliable sources of water thr ugh either the retail type contract or the wholesale type cont act. The City of Saint Paul believes that the retail an wholesale options are the best way to provide fair and equit ble service , and opposes legislation which would prevent t e Board of Water Commissioners from providing services n that manner. I + • - I WHEREAS , t e Board of Water Commissioners was established by the Minnes ta Legislature in 1881; and I WHEREAS , t e mission of the Board is to provide safe and reliable s urces of water to the City of Saint Paul ; and WHEREAS th Board of Water Commissioners is a separate ' corporate ntity; and WHEREAS, c mmunities surrounding the City of Saint Paul such as West Sa' nt Paul , Falcon Heights, Lauderdale, Roseville, Arden Hill , Little Canada, Maplewood and Mendota Heights purchase w ter from the City of Saint Paul ; and WHEREAS, t e Board of Water Commissioners provides services to these citi s on either a "retail" or "wholesale" basis; and WHEREAS, t e rates charged by the Board of Water Commissioners is reflect ve of the cost of providing either the retail or wholesale erivices; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul supports t e position of the Board of Water Commissioners which is t� provide services at either the retail or wholesale rate and o poses any legislation which will prevent the Board from desig�iing fair and equitable contracts. , i . _ i D � (� 1 / � l V` COMMITTEE REPORT - City Council Legislation Committee Page Two January 23, 1989 � Recommend tions of the Governor's Commission on Affordable Housing COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL Interest eduction Program COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL Mortgage egistry and Deed Tax COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL Fiscal Di parities COMMITTEE RECO�NDED APPROVAL Category: E vironment and ualit of Life Regional ark Operation and Maintenance Funding COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL Regional P rk Capital Improvement Funding COMMITTEE ECOMMENDED APPROVAL CSO Fundin COMMITTEE ECOMMENDED APPROVAL Solid Wast� COMMITTEE $�ECOMMENDED APPROVAL �,.,.. ,�� Category: Tra s ortation Airport La d-Banking COMMITTEE ECOMMENDED APPROVAL, AS AMENDED Transporta ion, Transit and Light Rail Transit Funding COMMITTEE ECOMMENDED APPROVAL, AS AMENDED (4-1 vote) Category: Misc llaneous Saint Paul chool Board COMMITTEE R�COMMENDED APPROVAL Comparable orth COMMITTEE R COMMENDED APPROVAL Fingerprint�ng of Firefighters COMMITTEE R�COMMENDED APPROVAL THE FOLLOWING MATTE�S LISTED FOR CONSIDERATION AT THE MEETING WERE LAID OVER AND WILL BE DISCUSS D AT THE FEBRUARY 6, 1989, MEETING OF THE COMMITTEE: I