89-183 WHITE - CITY CLERK J PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council �//'�J. �J() �^J BIUERV - MAYORTMENT I� File NO• � • _� `� v �` . Council R l 'on Presented By � . Referred To Committee: te Out of Com i tee By ate WHEREAS, the innesota Arts High School has been sited in downtown Sain Paul ; and WHEREAS, the rts High School will promote artistic excellence by Minnesota outh; and WHEREAS, the rts High School will serve as an arts anchor tenant with p sitive and broad-based cultural , economic and commercial be efits for the City as students , parents and faculty visit and live in Saint Paul . NOW, THEREFOR BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul support state capital funding for construction of the Minnesota Arts High School . � COUNCIL MEMBERS ' Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� �_ __�`� In Favor Goswitz Rettman B Scheibel � __ A gai n s t Y �9enwo� Wilson ; Adopted by Council: Dat FEB — i �7�9 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Pass d $y J�'��" �' ����LC�1� l��s��g g�, F�D —`� ��8 Approv by Mayor for S mi Council Approve b- Mavor. Date — � By �U6'JS�Q _ . i . 1��9 • -• � BRIEFI:�G_ PaPER: ARTS }�IGH SCHOOL F'UNDING � � _ _ $�'�� 3 13ACI:GROUND �./� In 1..987 th rlirinesoLa State Legislature appropriated a Lotal of 58 . 8 mi li.on in operating , planning and site acquisition funds for he Minnesota ArLs High School . The Minnesota Arts Higll Schoo is designed to serve students in grades nine t;hro�igh ]_2 wrio have ac•t:.istic talent. , either demonstrated or potent;ial , , in dance , lii:erar•�� arts , media arts, music , theatre and visiial arts . The hiinnes ta �1rts Hi;h School is to be located in Saint Paul on a six-a re site downtown. Recently, the necessar,y private parcels ha e been acquired. The Cit� of Saint Paul , HR� and Port Autho it�� will lease its parcels to the school with an option to u,y, contingent upon the Legislature appropriating funding . STATUS Some instr ction will begin for upper division students in ' September, 1989 . However, the Arts High School will be unable to accompl sh its mission to serve a 1 ,000-member student body on a full- ime basis unless capital improvement funds are authorized by the Legislature for construction of the facility. THE SAINT AUL POSITION The City o Saint Paul supports a state legislative capital funding re uest for construction of the Minnesota Arts High School . I . - g� , , g�-I � WHEREAS , t e Minnesota Arts High School has been sited in downtown S int Paul ; and WHEREAS , t e Arts High School will promote artistic excellence by Minneso a youth; and . WHEREAS , t e Arts High School will serve as an arts anchor tenant wit positive and broad-ba.sed cultural , economic and commercial �enefits for the City as students, parents and facult,y vi it and live in Saint Paul. ' NOW, THERE ORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the �City of Saint Paul support st te capital funding for construction of the Minnesota rts High School . � �' �1-/S� t8Tf1I1Sl '< CITY OF �A1NT PAUL � trS1 iL � i OFFICF. OF THF. CITY COIINCIL James Scheibel, Chair Committee-of-the-Whole JAMES SCHEIBEL Covncil President Date: January 23, 1989 COMMITTEE REPORT To: SAINT PAUL ITY COUNCIL From: CITY COUN IL LEGISLATION COMMITTEE 1. "A" Priority Issue Fire Protect on Sprinklers COMMITTEE RE OMMENDED NO ACTION BE TAKEN 2. Support Issu s Category: H alth and Human Services Communit Health Services Funding COMMITTE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL Communit Residential Facilities COMMITTE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL Child Ca e COMMITTE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL Alternat Test Site Funding (AIDS) COMMITTE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL Minnesot Health Care Access COMMITTE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL Maternal Child Health Funding COMMITTE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL Category: E onomic Develo ment and Housin CITY HALL SE ENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5679 aap,�.ae