89-180 ; wHiTE — cirr CIERK I COII[ICIl f �� P�NK _ F�NAN�E � � ''; G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L CANARV - DEPARTMEN7 � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. i Council Res t ' � . _ <���.�,� Presented By �� � F Referred To ommittee: Dat Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS , the C ty of Saint Paul Public Health Division operates one o five Minnesota alternate test sites for Human Immunodeficien y Virus (HIV) screening and education; and WHEREAS , this linic performs an important public health . service for th State of Minnesota; and WHEREAS , the o eration of this clinic is an expensive service for the City t maintain; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Saint Paul support the Mi nesota Department of Health legislative request for increased ounseling and education regarding AIDS . � i � � � I I � COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays II Requested by Department of: ,� Dimond ��� � In Favor Gosw;tz , Rettman v B Scheibel ' __ Against Y -6e�i� Wilson � F�C7 - � �9�� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Dat� Certified Pass ci Se� etar By �'� /�` ����"" °.�"'�- I'.Zs��� By . �#pprov 6 1�lavor. Date ! v �8� Approv by Mayoc for Subm' `il By - � PUB�s�� F :� ` � � i989 _ I , ' ' . • P - IEFI:�?G PAPER: ALTEI�.N:�TE T�ST_SITE FUNDItiG /� . - - �i'� �" r3ar,l:crou�n � � The Cit�T of Saint Paul Pi.iblic Health Division operaties , Ftoom 111 , one of the five hiinnesota alternate test sites for Human Immuno deficiency l%irus (HI�' 1 screening and education �aithin the state . Through testing , counseling and education, the clinic pr.ovidcs imi�or. t.ani� services to slow the spread of AIDS . Curr �ntiv, tl�ie rfinnesoi�a DepartmenL of Heali:.h provides $25 per scr ening test performed . Tlie. Citv of Saint Paul also provides fu ding to incorporate additional counseling , testing and referra�l for the clients undergoing HIV screening . STATUS The Minneso a Department of Health, as part of its 1989 legislative package , will propose increased funding for HIV education. This proposal would increase Saint Paul ' s fundino by $100 , 000 o�-er the next biennium for HIV education services . ince the City of Saint Paul currently provides more HIV ed cation that the state funds, the new state funding would permi recovery of some of Saint Paul ' s costs in this area as wel as expanded HIV education efforts. THE SAINT P UL POSITION The City of Saint Paul supports the 1989 Minnesota Department of Health p oposal for increased funding to alternate test sites for i proved testing, counseling and education regarding AIDS . I � ' � � 0 � 1 � WHEREAS , t e City of Saint Paul Public Health Division operates o e of five Minnesota alternate test sites for Human Immunodef�. iency Virus (HIV) screening and education; and WHEREAS, t is clinic performs an important public health service fo the State of Minnesota; and � WHEREAS, t e operation of this clinic is an ekpensive service for the Ci y to maintain; NOW, THERE ORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Saint Paul support th Minnesota Department of Health legislative request for increa ed counseling and education regarding AIDS . . _ C� S"�l-/ga , I . ��y������ CITY OF SA1NT PAUL ��� ai� ' f -� OFFICF. OF T13E CITY COIINCIL James Scheibel, Chair � Committee-of-the-Whole JAMES SCHEIBEL Council President Date: January 23, 1989 COMMITTEE REPORT To: SAINT PAUL C TY COUNCIL From: CITY COUNC L LEGISLATION COMMITTEE 1. "A" Priority Issue Fire Protect on Sprinklers COMMITTEE RE OMMENDED NO ACTION BE TAKEN 2. Support Issu s Category: H alth and Human Services Communit Health Services Funding COMMITTE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL Communit Residential Facilities COMMITTE RECOMrIENDED APPROVAL Child Ca e COMMITTE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL Alternat Test Site Funding (AIDS) Cd1�1.'!'f"E RECO�NDED APPF�OVAL Minnesot Health Care Access COMMITTE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL Maternal Child Health Funding COMMITTE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL Category: E onomic Develo ment and Housin Arts Hig School Funding COMMITTE RECOMrIENDED APPROVAL CITY HALL SE�ENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 6t2/298-5679 Is.F,�s 4e