89-176 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUIICIl CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO• /�/�� BI.UE - MAVOR � Council Resolution y ������ ��. Pcesented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That application (ID #95519) for the transfer of an Off Sale Liquor License currently issued to Kappy's Liquor Inc. DBA Ka py's at 345 Wabasha, Louis Kaplan & Reuben Kaplan, Stockholders, be nd the same is hereby transferred to Kappy's Liquor Inc. DBA Kappy's (Louis Kaplan/Stephen Kaplan, Officers) Louis Kaplan & Mitchell St. George stockholders , be and the same is hereby approved at the same address. COUNCIL MEMBERS � Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond ��g [n Favor Goswitz � Rettman s�he;be� A gai ns t BY Sonnen � Wilson FE8 — 1 1�89 Form Appr ved by City At rney Adopted hy Council: Date , Certified Pas e Council r t By '/� ,� sy Approved b avor Dat _ � ���9 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By — � BY 6���� t� '; ; � ;; i9�39 � - �-�'=f�� DIVISION OF LICENS AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION , DATE /`B-7� �� l INTERDF.PARTMENTAL EVIEW CHECKLIST A.ppn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicant /� E�,G,Ci - c.)7.��QlQ6ie� Home Address ����� /����iQ�iq�- Rusiness Iv'ame �j� .� � Home Phone ���� 7O�� Business Address �= Type of Lic.ense(s) ,�/Q - �/���11�.LCG r Business Phone i �/� �'��� �/�/l�•S'���Q. i Public Hearing Date 3 ! f �j License I.D. 4{ .J��� at 9:00 a.m. in the C incil Chambers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �� �.����7� llate Nutice Sent; Dealer 4� ���1 to Applicant rederal Pirearms 4� �✓/y�, � Public Hearing ' ' DATE INSPECTIUN RE`JI�W VERFIED (COMPUTER) COMMENTS A roved Not A roved � Bldg I & D • �'y,�'a��� � � ,�'1��°�' Health Divn. ��� � ��� ��� �� � ��.,i� ; 1 ' la- z� i �a �� ��- � �� - � 'n "� Fire Dept. � ja, d � d � WdpZ, �6Ya�T' I � I � Police Dept. 1�,.`��� I � 3. �� O License Divn. �j � � � � i � � City Attorney � � la , � � Date Received: Site Plan U�-� � To Council P.esearch � j (� ti,(s� Lease or Letter Date from Landlord (;-� . " , , CURRENT INFORMATION NEW INFORMATION Current Corporation Name: Ne� Corporation Name: -r�a�p�� 'S I��.�►-►� . ��py `S �.�. Current DBA: New DBA: ���P�( 's �a�Py 5 Currer.t Officers: Insurance: ��be� '��.pl�-�. � � '� s.�.��.,� e� . r(Y1; �f�l rt..c� ���Ow , SAc. 1�c�0 ls(v a�-I� 330? 1/ I- sond: � �31 ��/ �s-�� '�l G-�J�GI n , �r�. LJ..Q.b�srn �-✓�� �. 5�Sa3o3"�� ��a,(tFi ��-�Q.V� ��� " v 'W� Workers Compensation: �C.�'� {q C�'O l�l(�l� L����J New Officers: l..owis �iU.p�.0.h �ir.�rtes S�,��e,v� ���� �ec. (�'rer,v. VYl ;-�c�c,l l Yvl. �.. C��ca�-�. y�5 r. Stockholders: l�c.u.S ��lL�n _`���b Y V I� ��.��e-l� �. � ���U�cu. 1U�O l . . . . � � ���'��� Application No. Date Received By CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLIC TION FOR ON SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE S NDAY ON SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE . RIVATE CLUB INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE OFF SALE INTOXICATING lIQUOR LICENSE ON SALF MALT BEVERAGE LICENSE ON SALE WINE LICENSE Directions: This form must be filled out with typewriter or by printing in ink by the sole owner, by ea h partner, by each person who has interest in excess of 5� in the corporation nd/or association in which the name of the license will be issued. THIS APPLICATION IS SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY THE PUBLIC 1. Application for (name f license) off Sale Intoxicating Liquor 2. LOCdted dt (address) 345 Wabasha Street, St. Paul MN 55102 3. Name under which busin ss will be operated Kappy's Liquor, Incorporated 4. TY'Ue Pldrtt2 Louis Irving Ka lan Pho�te " @98-8853 First Middle Maiden Last 5. Date of Birth 1/30/ 5 Place of Birth st. Paul, Minnesota Month, Day, ear 6. Are you a citizen of t e United States? Yes Native Yes Naturalized 7. Home Address 525 So. L xington Parkway �503, St. Paul Home Te]ephone 698-8853 MN 8. Including your present business/employment, what business/employment have you followed for the past five year ? Business/Em 1 ment Address Scrap Metal Limited P rtnership 345 Shepard Road, St. Paul, MN 55102 H. S. Kaplan Scrap Iro & Metal Co. , Inc. 345 Shepard Road, St. Paul, MN 55102 9. Married? YeS I answer is "yes" , list the name and address of spouse. Mildred Kaplan, 525 So Lexington Parkway, 46503, St. Paul, MN 55116 10. Have you ever been convicted of any felony, crime or violation of any cfty ordinance, •. , other than traffic? Yes� No x Date of arrest 19 Where Charge _ Conviction � Sentence Date of arrest 19 Where Charge Conviction Sentence 11. Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp Retail Liquor Federal Tax Stamp will be used. Federal Control ��1988154-089-1� 12. C7osest 3.2 Place Mi11_er's Church t. Mar�'s School Aa�mhnldt 13. Closest intoxicating liquor place. On Sale Gallivan's Off SaTe Moudry Drug 14. list the names and residences of three persons of Ramsey County of good moral character, not related to the applicant or financially irrter�sted in the premises or business, who may be referred to as to the applicant's character. Name Address Irving Lebo 1501 St. Paul Ave. , ��8, St. Paul, MN 55116 Armin Koch 1543 Asbury, St. Paul, MN 55108 Lewis Harris 740 River Road, St. Paul, MN 55116 15. Address of premises for which application is made 345 Wabasha st. , st. Paul, rQt Zone Classification Unknown Phone 222-8407 � 16. Between what cross streets? 4th st. and 5th St. Which side of Street West 17. Are premises now occupied? YeS What Business? �PPY�s Liquor, Incorporated HOw LOng? 10 years, 8 months 18. List licenses which you currently hold, or formerly held, or may have an interest in. . Kappy's Liquor, Incorporated - Off Sale Intoxicating Liquor Metals Reduction Company, Inc. - Junk Dealer's License 19. Have any of the licenses listed by you in No. 18 ever been revoked? Yes No x If answer is "yes", list the dates and reasons � . Z�l. If business is 'ncorporated, give date of incorporation�te��er 2* a �I�� 19� . and attach copy of Articles of Incorporation and minutes of'f�rst meeting. ' 21 . List all office s of the corporation, giving their names, office held, home address and home and busine s telephone numbers. Louis St. Paul , Mn 55116 Home 698- 85 7- Ste hen Ka la Direct r cre & Treasure 2835 Riviera Dr IVorth White k Home 426-0915 Office 227-5124 22. If business is artnership, list partner(s) , address and telephone numbers. Name Address Phone 23. Is there anyone else who will have an interest in this business or premises? 1vo :, 24. Are you going t operate this business personally? yec If not, who will operate it? Name� Home Address Phone � 25. � Are you going t� have a manager or assistant in this business? cp, f • If answer is "yes" , give nam , home address, and home telephone number. Name Home Address Phone ANY FALSIFICATION OF NSWERS 6IVEN OR MATERIAL SUBMITTED WILL RESULT IN OENIAL OF THIS APPLICATION. I hereby state under ath that I have answered all of the above questions , and that the information contained therein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge a�d belief. I hereby state furthe under oath that I have received no money or other consideration, directly, or indirectly, in connection with the transfer of this license, from any person by way of loan, gift, contribution or otherwise, other than already disclosed in the application which I h ve herewith submitted. ' ' State of Minnesota) ) � ,�- / County of Ramsey ) � •�.� � � � ' , Signature af App icant Subscribed and sworn o before me this �� day of � 19__�__� � - Notary Pub ic, R ounty Minnesota My cortmission expires �w�wM�Mnnnnnnn�,,�nn,���M,�N�M/�M■ �: _, , CAIVIN �. LERMAN NOTARY PUBLIC-MINNESOTA � O�KOTA COUN7Y Z My Comm.'xplres Msy,7,1993 •wwwwvtrvwwwv��vwyyyy�w�W■ . ' (��'�'��v ,6,.. ., C1TY OF SAINT PAUL �`� ':� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGE�IENT SERVtCFS � ��'�� :� DtVI510N OF UCENSE ANO PERMlT ADMIN157RATlON . . • , ,��� Room Z03.City Hali . . Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 ' George Latimer Mayor I) Have you, LOUIS KAPLAN , completed your fiaaacial. obiigation to REUBEN KAPLAN � Yes. 2) Was there any ot er consideratioa other than the original sale price of $21,648.50 ? $21,648.50 was pa ent for all stock of Kappy's Liquor, Incorporated owne by Reuben Kaplan and all in ebtedness of Kappy's Liquor, Incorporated owed to Reuben Kaplan. The stock had no alue and all of the payment was attributable to indebtedness. 3) Does Reuben K lan have aay security iaterest in the business kaown as Ka 's Li uo , Incor orated or property where the busiaess is Ioca�:ed? No � 4) List a11 persoas viag a 5 percent interest or more ia this Liquor Lice�RsF.. Louis Kaplan � ���� �� .� State of Minaesota) ) S� Couaty of Ramsey ) LOUIS KAPLAN I being first dul.y swora, deposas aad says upon oath that he has read the foreg iag statement bearing his sigaature and kaows the contents thereof, and that the same is rue of his owa Imovledge except as to those matters thereia stated upon information aad e].ief and as to those matters he believes them to be true. Subscrfbed aad sworn efore me this ���'` da of Se t. , 19 88 Notary Public, County, Minaesota .n�n�^^^"�`�'"'""'„"'"`""""��" CA�VIN J. LERMAN � �� ..; NOTARr PUBLIC-MINNESOTA Mp Co�ission e�ires ��e� p�KOTACOUNTY My ComT.'x01r�t May.7,��w� �VvWW`/+N`NWVVWV�NNVWW . � - , ��.��� - . KAPPY'S LIQUOR, INC. II 345 WABASHA ST. ST. PAUL, M1V 55102 612-222-8407 I SPECIALIZING IN SERVICE AND SELECTION OCTOBER 4, 1988 To Whom It �iay Concern, I , Louis Ka lan, sole owner of Kappy' s Liquor Incorporated, do give to itchell Niriam St. George a 10% (ten percent) share of th business known as Kappy' s Liquor Incorporated, located at 45 Wabasha Street, St. Paul, Mn 55102 . This 10% (t n percent) interest in Kappy' s Liquor Incorporated is given to Mitchell Miriam St. George as a bonus for her efforts in ringing the business into a profitable status, with no mon tary exchange. �' �� � t✓��/��1,.� /l/! Louis Kapla Subscribed and sworn before me this 4th day of Oct . 1988 C� Notary Public, �� County, Mn •M i �, _�ission expires ��� : �ACViw►' � � �..�� Nor�Rr N� �fR ����"`"��,,,,'�'��n►�"PU��covNN�q8p,A • '.�'Di ., ' xIN. TY ��r,r>G�..'E4 At�h� .2 I� � •�, i �"""ww�� . . . . ' - ��,��� �plication No. Date Received BY CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATI N FOR ON SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE SUND Y ON SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE . PRI ATE CLUB INTOXICATI�VG LIQUOR LICENSE 0 F SALF INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE ON SALE MALT BEVERAGE LICENSE ON SALE WINE LICENSE rections: This form must e filled out with typewriter or by printing in ink by the sole owner, by eact� artner, by each person who has interest in excess of 5� in the corporation and or association in which the nan�e of the license will be issued. THIS APPL CATION IS SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY THE PUBLIC Application for (name of license) of Sal Tntnxiratin� T.i r»nr Locdted dt (addre5s) 34 Wabasha Street, St. Paul, Mn 55102 Name under which business wil l be operated Kappy� s Liquor, Incorporated True Plame rt' Phone tiqq_�nti� First Midd e Maiden Last Date Of Bir'th A ril 9 1942 P1dCE of Bit'th Trnman . Minneso .a Manth, Da , Year Are you a citizen of the �Jnited States? Yes Native�yes Naturalized Home Address 1061 Mont eal Ave. St Paul Mn Home Telephon� h�q_�nti� 55116 Including your present b iness/employment, what business/e�loyment have you followed for the past five years? Business/Em lo nt Address K ' �,45 [•t�l��ch� C� St- Paul Mn �+�+1_fl') Kaplan Scrap �Iron Metal Co. , Inc 345 Shepard Rd. St Paul, Mn 55102 Married? No If a swer is "yes", list the name and address of spouse. � � 10'. Have you ever been convicted of any felony, crime or violation of any city ordinance, other than traffic? Yes�_ No x _ � � Oate of arrest 19 Where Charge Conviction � Sentence Date of arrest 19 Where Charge Canvictlon Sentence 11. Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp Retail Liquor Federal Tax Stamp wi11 be used. Fe�eral Control � 1988154-089-102 12. Closest 3.2 Place M; � � P,-� Church c,;�„M,;�_� School xumbold _ 13. Closest intoxicating liquor place. On Sale Gallivan � s Off Sale Moudrv Druci 14. List the names and residences of three persons of Ramsey County of good moral character, not related to the applicant or financially iRterested in the premises or business, who may be �referred to as to the applicant's character. N� Address L20 Schmeltzer � �QQ C' �T' °?' �'i-�—��,r���2jJ �'���'T1i= Irving Lebo 1501 .St. Paul Ave. St. Paul, Mn 55116 . Leir�h Lerner 701 Round Hill Rd Mendota Hgt Mn 5507� 15. Address of premises for which application is made �4s Wahacha �+ �_��.� p4� y�� Zone Classification oNknown Phone 222-8407 � 16. Between what cross streets? 4th st. & 5th st. Which side of Street west 17. Are premises now occupied? Yes What Business? Kappy � s Liquor znc. How Long? 10 Years 8 Months 18. List licenses which you currently hold, or formerly held, or may have an interest in. None 19. Have any of the licenses listed by you in No. 18 ever been revoked? Yes N� No If answer is "yes", list the dates and reasons . , - ��r'��� ' c0. �If business is incorporated, give date of incorporation September 21 T9 64 . and attach copy of Articles of Incorporation and minutes of first meeting. 21 . List all office s of the corporation, giving their names, office held, home address and home and business telephone numbers. Louis Kaplan, D rector and President, 525 So. Lexington Parkway #503, St. Paul, MN 5511E Home - 698-8853 Off e - 227- 124 Steven Kaplan, irector, Secretary and Treasurer, 2835 Riviera Drive North, White Bear Lake, MN 55110 Home - 426-0915 Office - 227-5124 22. If business is p�rtnership, list partner(s) , addr.ess and telephone numbers. n/a Name Address Phone I 23. Is there anyone �lse who will have an interest in this business or premises? No 24. Are you going to operate this business personally?Yes, in my. �����o�v� ay�a����rate it? Name Home Address Phone 25. Are you going to have a manager or assistant in this business? Yes . If answer is "yes" , give name home address,_ and home telephone number. Name Mitchell St George HOme Addl"2SS1601 Montreal, St. Phone 699-7065 Paul, MN 55116 ANY FALSIFICATION OF NSWERS GIVEN OR MATERIAL SUBMITTED WILL RESULT IN DENIAL OF THIS APPIICATION. I hereby state under o th that I have answered all of the above questions, and that the information contained therein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I hereby state furthe under oat�i thai I nave received no money or other consideration, directly, or indirectl , in connection with the transfer of this license, from any person by way of loan, gift, ontribution or otherwise, other than already disclosed in the application which I ha e herewith submitted. State of Minnesota) ) �� County of Ramsey ) G " �a. ignature of p �icant Subscribed and sworn t before me this �o�c� day of Pt 19 8 . Notary Pub ic, ty Minnesota I�'�,y COR1R115S1011 expires �M���,M��������i�„nnnn,v,nnnnnn. CAIViN J. IERMAN �<<��� �� NOTARY PUSIIC-MINNESOTA 5�� OA�OTA COUNTY 2 My Comm._zplres Mey.7.1993 r VV�/VVVVVV'JVV'd'.'vJVVVVVVWVVVVVWVW• . ...:;A .'. �„ .. . - - _ � �011TE M111ATED� � � DAT!OO�LRim .. � � ����`��� . �rose h F. .�a.rc edi :-��1'�"�1'#��" No.O 03�4�"` � �„�„�� ►�,���„�;�, Kris VanHortt �� = �s��� ��� ^� . �°. -,�,n�a� �� _ �Council Research Fin & M mt. . -50�5 � '�� 3- ��„� -- � , - Transfer of an DfF Sale Liquor & Original Corttair�er License. � �aoN4:tM�tp«t�efec�iR)) couNCC�a�roRr: �.• .�AN�MK�COIiN8810N . . . ..CNIL COMMI8910N DA7E IN �� DATE OUT . � ANILLYST � � � � � AICME Iq. �. .. , � DOtlM10 OOMMI�ON . �18�1628 . BOARD _ � � � . . � . .. BTArF � . . GNRTER ONMI8310N � � � COMPLEIE AS t3� -AODL�MIW..ADDFD* -��TOOL�AI�T- -F ,.�Rt� . . ♦ D161'RIC�Cal1WCIL i � � � � . . �'EI�LAN11T10N: .... . . . � - � BkRPOR78 WNICII OOl11M,IL OBJE<:TlVt'7� � - . � . � . - � � � -� . .. . . Nf11A1M19 PNON.EY.alIIR.OMa1R71NQ1'Y(mw WAat.When�VN�we.Why): Request for Co ncil approval of the trar+sfer of an Off Sa1e Liquor License atul � : Or.igir�a't. Gont� ner License cuxrent.ly issu�cl to Ka#py's Liquor Inc. DB�►<Kzip�y's at 3d� Wabasi�a St. (Louis=Kap1an-Pres. ; Reuben Kap1an-VP, Miidred Ka�lan=Sec. & Esther f�aplan, Treas. ) to Kappy's Liquor In c. (Louis iCap1a�r & Ste�s��rt:'K�p��►t�-6f'F�c�i^s) Mitchell M. St George & Louis Kaplan - Stockholders at the sarr� address. . ; .�►,��.n�v.n�o�:�: , All fees and a plications have been submitted. A11 required departtnents have reviewed and a proved this application. coraeo�+B+ces twr�r,�.�a Ta ra,o�): ,:: . . _ If Council app val is not received, the license wi11 not be tr��sferred to Louis Kaplan & Mitchell St. 'George. �c�w►n�: vr�os _ c�s �*°'"�: "�=� esearch Center . . JAN 2 0 i�89 ��: -