89-167 ��
City of St.Paul I COiJNCIL FILE NO. —
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File No. }�3•�4�
����"�� In the Matter of I
Condemning and t king pernanent utility easements for the TROUT
BROOK OUTLET—PHAS A Storm Sewer System on , under and across parts
of the following escribed property :
Blocks 36 , 51 , 5� , 53 , 81 , 84 and 85 , Kittsons Addition to Saint
Paul, Block 88 , runsons Addition to Saint Paul , Block 42 , Lyman '
Dayton ' s Additio to Saint Paul , the Southwest Quarter of the
Southeast Quarter of Section 32 , Township 29 North, Range 22 West , r
Vacated Brown Street , Kittson Street , First Street and Herbert
Street , as shown n Drawing No 1203 , Pages 1 and 2 , Bin 11 , on file
in the Department', of Finance and Management Services , Division of
Valuations and As�essments attached hereto and in`corporated herein
by reference. I
Also condemning a d taking temporary construction easements as shown
on said Drawing o . 1203 , Pages 1 and 2 , Bin 11 on File in the
Department of Finance and Management Services , Division of Valuations
and Assessments. Said temporary construction easements t.,o expire on
December 31 , 199 , or upon completion of the project '�whichever
occurs first .
A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard
all persons, objections and reco mendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the C uncil of the City of Saint Paul hereby orders said improvement to be made
� ��
FURTHER RESOLVED, hat the Council hereby determines that the estate required C,or this improvement be as describ-
ed above, and LLat the proper ity ofticers submit a repott to the City Counoil tor the purpose of the Counoil's making an
award ot damages for the intere t s��and determination of assessmenta, if any, againat the benetited propercy.
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date JAN 3 1 1989
Yeasl�i�oAd Nays
�p�t� Certified ss Council Secretary
�qyt �, � �In Favor By �
S�AsiDel �
Sonn�n Against
F g _ 1 �� Mayor
PUBIlS�D ;=�::"� 1 1 1989
��i� 7
. .
! Goumcil Fi No. 88-1994:—Hy.Tom Dimond.- _ -
_. . Inthe, o#ooad�nningaad;takingpern�ane�trtility-ease�erits#o�•the
Trout B Or�tlet—Pl�ase A 3torm Se�ver S�stem on,under and'acro�parts of
the f�I descrfbed Pmperty: _
Blocic`s 6,51,5Y,Si9;fi1,84 and 85,Kittsans Addition t,o Saint Paul,Biock
68,'B _ ons Addition to Saint Paul,Block 42,Lyman_Dayton's Addition
to Sain Paul,the Southwest Qm�� f}� � ..;
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Drawin' __ �����'Y���'���€�asernenis as�ovtru on said
g . 1�Q�,Pag�s i and 2,Bin 11 on F�e.in the Departme,�t df guianee,and
Managem' t Seryi�es Division of Val�ations�nd Assess�ents:,�aid'�,einporar.y. : ,
constructio ea�ements to�pxre ors Decer�k�er 31,1991,o�upon co�ip�.e�ion of t�g ''
project whi hever occurs fixst in Voting Ward 7: ' " ' ,!
�'he Ca cil o�i,ie�ity of Saint Pa�h&�ri��j.�¢��Q�p��,��the A�agqr ,
upo`n the bove i�prove�ent, an�t�� �vYng„considered'said.�rg�rt, liei�ebjr ,
resolves: . , . _ . _...
� I• Tha the said reporx and the_s�me is h�reby approved �iith np
alte ativeS;and that the estirrt�t,et}cast t}�ere��is$250,f�)f4i�anced b�r
the torm Sewer System Charge.: - ••�,�: ..
2. That a public hearing be had on said'i�p�qyement on the�31st day crt
n� g . , k a.m.,in the Council Chamber�'8ffiie't,^ify
Ha 1 and Court House BuiIding in the City of Saint PauL '
, 3. That notice.of said public hearing b��given'to the persons and in the
m r provided by the Charter, stating ttt+e`:time a�d place of hearing, .
the ture of the improvement and the total;cost thereaf as estimated:. �
File No.,185 4E .
Adopted by the CotYncil December 15, T9�: -
�APP�� °December 16;1988. :` .�' ':� '
+ (Decexnber 24, 1988) . -'_
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6. 1/31/89 FE _ -�R: Acquiring p,ez�at�e�,t .., .u��,�,�.�.ty �-�,l�ppxoved
eas enC$, _fvr the TROUT �BAiJt� OUTLET-1'HASE A 3-0
� SZ'EM.
7. 1/31/89 FIN L ORDER: Acquiring permanent utility Approved
eas ments for the SYNDICATE/FAIRMOUNT SEWER 3-0
SEP RATION PROJECT along railroad right-of-way
bet een St. Clair and Lexington Parkway.
8. 1/31/89 RAT�FICATION OF AWARD OF DAMAGES: Acquiring Approved
per anent utility easements in conjunction with 3-0
PRO ECT near University Avenue and Pascal
9. FIN�L ORDER: Construction of sanitary sewer in Laid Over
WHE LOCK PARKWAY from 100 feet west of Edgemont in
St. ' to 170 ft. east of Edgemont Street. Also, Committee
- con truction of sanitary sewer service to
con ections. 2-22-89
Als , for the construction of a water main in
Whe lock Parkway from Edgemont Street to 170
ft. east of Edgemont Street. Also, construct
wat r service connections. Also, condemning
and taking a 20-foot easement for sewer ,� f
pur oses for that part of Lot 13, Block 1,
Daw on's 5th Addition, lying south of a line
tha is 20 ft. south of and parallel to the
nor h line of Lot 13. (Laid over in Committee
to /25/89) .
10. RES LUTION 88-1970: Authorizing proper City Approved
� off cials to pay Ed and Barbara Orndorf $23,000 3-0
for the purchase of property located at 524 N.
DAL STREET for the widening of Dale Street
bet een Sherburne and Van Buren Avenues. (Laid
ove in Committee to 1/25/89) .
11. RES LUTION 89-42 - Establishing residential Laid Over
per it parking on LINCOLN between Cleveland and in Comm.
Pri r. (Referred to Committee 1/10/88) . to 2-8-89
12. DIS USSION: Bernie Fritz will talk about the No Action
rat problem in Dale/Hoyt. Necessary
13. DIS USSION: Set up policy Public Works can No Action
foll:ow on granting of waivers - time certain Necessary
and person specific.
14. DIS USSION: What effect elimination of No Action
Preliminary Orders will have on alerting Necessary
couT�cilpersons to work being done in their
. I 2