89-163 City of St.P ul COLJNCIL LE N0. • ���� f,.---�, PRELIMINARY ORDER By ;;��; i File No. 18537E I �'� Voting In the Matter ofj �F� ' ` , 2 I Condemning a�d taking a perpetual easement for public utility purposes over , under nd across the following described properties : That part of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 6 , Township 28N, Range 22W, Ramsey County , Minnesota , described as follows : Com encing at the northerly most point of the Starkey Str et easement , at the centerline of the 50 foot wide sai easement ; thence south 60 degrees 37 minutes west for 30 feet to the point of beginning of the easement to e described : thence south 60 degrees 37 minutes west for 55 feet or the south corner of said property the ce north 27 degrees 53 minutes west for 150 feet ; the ce southeasterly 160 feet plus or minus to the poin,t of beginning. The west 20 feet of vacated Water Street located east of he Starkey Street east right—of—way line ; Lot 9 , and adjacent alley from Starkey Street to 20 feet west of Starkey Street and all of Lot 10 , Block 4 , Bazil and Rob� rts Addition ; all of Block 175 , Robertson ' s Addition; the west 35 feet of Lot 1 and 3 , Block 174 , Rob rtson ' s Addition ; the east 20 feet of vacated Starkey Street from Fillmore Avenue south right—of—way to the centerline of vacated Fairfield Avenue. That part of �ithe east half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 6 , Township 28N, Range 22 , Ramsey County, Minnesota , described as follows : The west 35 feet of vacated Fairfield Avenue located eas of the Starkey Street east right—of—way ; the west 35 feet of Lot 1 and Lot 2 , Block 173 , Robertson ' s Addi ion; the west 35 feet of vacated Indiana Avenue between Starkey Street and Custer Street ; the west 35 feet and ',the south 10 feet of Lot 1 , Block 172 , Robertson' s Add � tion ; the north 45 feet of Lot 2 , Block 172 , Robejrtson ' s Addition ; the east 20 feet of vacated Star�Cey Street from the centerline of Fairfield Avenue to 1'70 feet south of the south right—of—way of Indiana Aven e. The north 20 feet of the south 32 feet of vacated Indiana Avenue from the east right—of—way line of Wabasha Street to 10 feet east of the centerline of Star ey Street. That part of the east half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 6 and the west half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 5 , Township 28N, Range 22W, Ramsey County Minnesota , described as follows : IExcl ding the east 65 feet , the south 35 feet of Lot 3 , Bloc�k 13 , Bazil and Robert ' s Addition excluding the east� 110 feet , the north 20 feet of Lot 4 , Block 13 , and 'the west 45 feet of the east 110 feet of Lot 4 , Bloc�C 13 , Bazil and Robert ' s Addition. � That part of t e west half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 5 , Township 28N , Range 22W, Ramsey County , Minnesota , described as follows : The south 25 feet of the east 65 feet and the west 45 feet of the east 110 feet of Lot 5 , Block 13 , Bazil and Robert ' s Addition ; the north SO feet of vacated Chicago Avenu,e from a point 110 feet west of the west right—of— way lline of Custer Street ; to a point 15 feet east of the e��ast right—of—way line of Custer Street ; the north 20 fe�et of the south 30 feet of vacated Chicago Avenue from ; a point 15 feet east of the Custer Street east right—of—way to the west right—of—way line of Robert Street . The east 35 feet of vacated Custer Street from the north right—of—way line of Plato Boulevard to 10 feet north of the south right—of—way line of Chicago Avenue ; the south 25 feet of vacated Custer Street north of the north right—of—way line of Chicago Avenue. The west 30 feet and the south 30 feet of the west 50 feet of Outlot D , Registered Land Survey 4�350 ; the south 25 feet and the east 5 feet of Outlot K , Regi!stered Land Survey 4�350 ; the south 25 feet of the norCh 30 feet of vacated Plato Avenue from the west lin@ of Outlot K to the east right—of—way line of Stazkey Street ; the south 30 feet of vacated Plato Avenue from 50 feet east of Custer Street centerline to the east right—of—way line of Starkey Street , excluding the east 135 feet of the south 10 feet ; the north 10 feet of Lots 4 , 5 and 6 , Block 170 , West Saint Paul , Blo�ks 100 thru 171 etc.; vacated Plato Avenue from 150 fee east of Custer Street centerline to 180 feet east of uster Street centerline. Also , tempo�ary construction easements for the Starkey/Plato Combined Sewer Separ�tion Project across properties as shown on the map on file with the Department of Finance and Management Services , Division of Valuations 'and Assessments , Room 218 City Hall and Court House . Said temporary easements to expire on December 31 , 1990 or on completion of the project. - P����'t� ' ::_.�� e:. r5�� _ _ Starkey Street. That part of the east half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 6 and the west half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 5 , Township 28N , Range 22W, Ramsey County , Minnesota , described as follows : EXCluding the east 65 feet , the south 35 feet of Lot 3 , Block 13 , Bazil and Robert ' s Addition excluding the east 110 feet , the north 20 feet of Lot 4 , Block 13 , and the west 45 feet of the east 110 feet of Lot 4 , B1ock 13 , Bazil and Robert ' s Addition. � � � � �. , � � o � � � � �w � � [ � b o .� � � � _ � � � � � � � � .-- � a ,fl o' '~ '° � �. ¢, � � � rn � � �' � � .�° �� V � � U o i � � � � t `a � C.j �, � y v � � � V i '�, � b � Y b y � �� I � � y � G +'�'.+ � 'O �n cC �. � a G .0 ~ p c`" Q C Q7 r O � � ' `" ca V � G' �? 'cj � CCJ7 �, cyi� � c° � � � V — ��.. �. '... � � C +-� O �-'� �. q v�i o c° p V .--� � � ,1; F�.. � .�"' ..V � V .�i r�il � " "' � � O .Y' acd. . � _ . O � � � � G � p 1.!.__ . CL . � ,. 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