D00707• City of Saint Paul .'���[r]����Yii���S? ADMINISTRATIVE ORBER BUDGET REVISION Current Budget • 38,405 1,750 3,460 14,118 6,983,186 7,040,919 ADMINISIRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of Lib to amend the 1995 budget o£ the General £und, the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: General Fund-Division of Libraries 03400-0222 Telephone monthly 03400-0224 Telephone moves 03400-0275 Office equip maint. 03400-0368 5upplies misc. All others Pxepared by: Activity Manager �=z%��Nn/ r�-.� �.�-a'"' Requested by: Department Direc or a e (4,500) (800) (7�0) 6,000 -0- -�- No: � f Date: �� �� �J Amended Buda,et 33,905 950 2,76� 20,118 6,983,186 - 7,040,419 /'Y�- v�-"---� Approv by: Mayor �o- a � �.5� Date Libr�ries ATE INITIATED ��� f� N 3 2 9 0 4 10/17/95 GREEN SHEET _ _ _ �DEPAATMEMDIFiECTOfl aCITYCAUNCIL �NmpwAh ISSIGN � CRYATTOANEY � CIT� CIERK YUYBERFOB qp�� � BUDCaES DiRECfOA FIN, & MGT. SERVICES DIR. �� � MAYOR (OR ASSISTAN() � � y � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS POR SIGNATUR� Approval of Administrative Order-Budget Revision moving funds to supply code 'MMtryUAl1UN5: A�fOVB (A)Ol M2J0C[ (H) pERSONAL SERVICE CONiRACTS MUST ANSWER iHE FOLLOWING �UES'lIONS: PiANNING CAMMISS7ON � qVll SERVICE CAMMiSSION �� Ha5 tllis pBrSO�fin ever wofketl Under a conVaCt tof Mis d8paztmeM? - qB cOMMf�iEe _ YES NO S7AFF _ 2. Has this perSONFlrrn ever been a cify employee? YES NO DISTRICT COUFiT _ 3. DoCS this pEfsOn/Fiml possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? DFiS WHICN COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answen on separote sheet and attech to graen s�eet WITIpTING PR�9LEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Wh¢t, Wl�en, Where. Why): Increased paper costs and costs associated with increased usage of fax machines and computers have driveti the costs of the supply budget beyond budgeted amounts. There is monies available in telephone and maintenance line items to move to the suoply budget. Library wi11 have adeauate funds available in the supply code. None RECEtVEf� OCT 2 71g95 CI7Y CLER4� The Library wili not have sufficient funds in materials and supplies to meet current needs. AMOUNTOFTRANSACTfOti S -n- COST(REVENUE BUOGETED (CIRCIE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOUBCE ��ral Fund ACTIVITY NUMBER �� J (.t � FM1ANCiAL INFOFiMAT10N. (EXPLAIN)