89-157 WHITE - C�TV CLERK ��
PINK - FINANCE ' � G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council (//��_J
BLUE - MAVOR File NO. V 7 -
Counci Resolution =�
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Presented By ,
Referred To Committee: Date ��� 9
Out of Committee B Date
WHEREAS, the Ci y of Saint Paui in 1967 sep�ated the sewer system u�n, along
and adjacent to Mi nehaha Avenue (Trunk Hi�way No. 5) between Frank Stre�t and
Johnson Parkway n Saint Paui as p�-t of the Seventh-Frank Sewer Sep�ation
Project and rec�ue ed State cost p�ticipation in certain portions of this storm sewer
project because it ncluded Trunk Hi�way No. 5 ctainage; and therefore
BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Saint Paul enter into Ageement No. 6536U writh the
State of Minnesot , Dep�tment of Transport�tion to provide for payment of
approximately �42, .� by the State to the City af the State's share of the sewer
separation project onstructed by the City on Minnehaha Avenue beiween Frank
Street and Johnso Parkway within the corporate City limits under State Pro�ect
No. 6229-27 (T. H 5=109); and
BE IT FURTHER ESOLVED, that the proper City Officers are hereby authorized and
c�ected to execut such ageement.
I <�' "
COUNCIL MEMBE Requested by Department of:
Yeas s
vimona �a.ic W ks 1-6-89 DJD
Lo� In Favor j ;.
Rettman p
Scheibel A gai n s t BY
.fAN 3 1 1g89 Form Ap roved by Cit Attorney
Adopted by Council: Dat .
Certified Passe ncil Se r BY �'^(a
Approv Mavor: Date _� �D — ! 1989 Appro ed by May r Su issi to Council
BY - - �
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�DOt) and the ci.ty Sa�i:nt Pao�tl t�o share cx�.strtict�az cyoets �a� �e Sevenfi3r�Fratalt
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Part of the Sewer Separ tii� k�'o�ect involved M�innehaha Ave. wha:ch ��.s��(�.`"ar�d
c�esigna.�ed Tn�c�c Hi No, 5. 2l�erefore, the sewer i�taap�wn�.nts wi11; bene�it:t�e Gi:ty of
; , _ �
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�he State will Uoritr' appr+�arimately $42,000 towat�d t�e total c��struetic�n oo�t o�
approQCimately $3,OU0,0 °for,�.�e $e�nth�-Frank Sewpx Separation Project. .
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. C,aod c�ooperatic� the C�.ty of Sai.nt Pa�u1 arid t�e Stat�e o� Minnesota with px+�i�us
�tiaci,�+gre�ts.' _
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S.P. 6229-27 (T.H. 5=109)
State Funds
Agreement be ween AMOUNT E[JCUMBERED
The State of Minnesot.s
Department o Transportation, and $45,395.48
The Cit of t. Paul ~
Re : State c st storm sewer and AMOUNT
roadway construction by the RECEIVABLE
City on Trunk Highway No. 5
(Minneh ha Avenuz ) in St. Paul (None)
THIS AGREEMEfNT made and entered into by and between the State of
Minnesota , D partment of Transportation, h�reinafter referred to
as the "Stat " and the City of St. Paul, Minnesota , acting by and
through its ity Council , hereinaft�r referred to as the "City" .
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WHEREAS in the early part of 1987 the City was about to award a
contract for slewer separation construction and other ass�ciated
construction tO be <performed upon, along and adjacent to Trunk
Highway No. 5 I(Minnehaha Avenue) from Frank Street to Johnson
Parkway and up�n and along various City avenues, oarkways,
streets an� al�eys within the corporate city limit in accordance
with City prep�r�d plans and specifications therafor designated
by the City asllCity Projects No. 87-S-3032 and No. 87-P-8014 and
by the Stat2 a� State Project No. 6229-27 (T.H. 5=109) ; and
WHEREAS the Cit�y requestzd State cost oarticipation in certain
portions of said storm sewer project because it included Trunk
Highway No. 5 (IlMinnehaha Avenue) drainage; and
WHEREAS there was not sufficient time to properly prepar� and
execute a coop�rative agreement; and
WHEREAS the Sta�lte approved the City' s commencement of their
project with th� understanding that a cooperative agreement would
be entered into at a later date; and
WHEREAS said Ci�y project has now been completed; and
WHEREAS Minneso�a Statute 16A.15 provides, in part, that no
payment shall b� made and no obligation shall be incurred against
any fund, allot�ent or appropriation unless the Commissioner of
Finance shall
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first certif� that ther� is a sufficient unencumoered balance in
such fund , a�.lotment or. approQriation to meet the same . However,
said statute � also �provides that claims presented against �xisting
appropriatio�ps without prior allotment or encumbrance may upon
investigatior�, review and approval by the Commissioner of Finance
be determinec� valid where the services, materials and supplies
for which pay�ment is claimed have been actually rendered or
furnished to the State in good faith without collusian and
without intenit to defraud. Thereafter, the Commissioner of
Finance may d aw his warrant in payment of such claims i�► the
same manner i which other claims properly alloted and encumbered
prior to ince�tion thereof , are paid; and
WHEREAS it is �� the opinion of the State that said roadway and storm
sew�r faciliti�es construction performed by the City is reasonable,
valid and just�ified and was performed in good faith without collusion
and without intent to defraud; and
WHEREAS the St�te is willing to participate in ths costs of said
roadway and st�rm sewer facilities construction as hereinafter set
forth; and
WHEREAS it is �nticipated that the construction performed under State
Project No. 62�9-27 (T.H. 5=109) will be eligible for F2deral Grant
funds particiPa�tion, and in that event, the costs of the state cost
II�� ����
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participation construction hereunder will be reduced by the Federal
Gra�t funds r�ceiv�d by the City for the construction costs incurred
in the p�rfor�nanc�' of said state cost participation construction.
Section A. Co�istruction Costs
The State sha�l pay to the City, as the State' s full and complete
share of the �ity contract construction performed in accordance with
st�te approve� City plans, spzcifications and special provisions
therefor desi�nated by the City as City Projects No. 87-5-8032 and ivo.
87-P-8014 and by the State as StatP Project No. 6229-27 (T.H. 5=109)
which are on ile in the offic� of the City Engineer at St. Paul ,
Minnesota , an in the office of the Commissioner of Transportation at
St. Paul, Minr�esota , and are made a part hereof by reference with the
same force anc� effect as though fully set forth herein , the costs of
the constructi�on described below under "STATE COST PARTICIPATION
CONSTRUCTION" � Said payment by the State under this agreement for
construction c�ork item costs is based on the final quantities of State
cost particip tion construction work itams performed multiplied by the
appropriate u it prices contained in the construction contract.
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It is herabylunderstood and agreed that 3ny and all liquidated dam3ges
assess2d thejCity' s contrac tor in conn�ction with the work performed
under said Ci�ty contract shall result in a credit sharad by the City
and the Stat�, in the same proportion as their total shara of
construction iicontract work is to the total contract cost without any
deduction for�i liquidated damages.
Attach2d here�to, made a part h2raof by raferance and markzd SCHEDULE
"I" , is a fin�l construction cost form which lists all of the State
cost particip tion construction and construction engineering it�ms
performed h2r under. Also attached herzto, made a part hereof by
reference andlmarked EXHIBIT "A" , ar2 four color coded shzets which
show and/or d�scribe all of the State cost participation storm sewer
f3cilities cor�struction performed hereunder.
All of the fol�lowing construction performed upon , along and adjacent
to Trunk Highw�y No. 5 (Minnehaha Avenue) from Frank Street to Johnson
Parkway and up�n various City avenues, oarkways and streets within the
corporate Cityi� limits under State Project No. 6229-27 (T.H. 5=109) .
- -
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60 PERCENT S ATF. COST minus all antici�ated Federal Grant funding
All of the c�operative joint-use storm sew�r facilities construction
as shown and,�or described in "Green" color on th� attached EXHIBIT "A"
including al associated roadway construction. Said construction
includes but is not limited to those construction items as described
and tabulate� on She2t No. 2 of the attached SCHEDULE "I" .
9 PER�ENT ST TE CO5'P minus all antici ated Federal Grant funding
All of the c�operative joint-use storm sewer facilities construction
as shown and or described in "Orange" color on the attached EXHIBIT
"A" includin all associated roadway construction. Said construction
includes but is not limited to those construction items as described
and tabulate on Sheets No. 3, No. 4 and No. 5 of the attached
Section B. rorated Construction Costs
In addition , said payment by the State shall also include an amount
equal to the State' s final total share of construction costs as
determined i accordance with Section A. above multiplied by the
State' s pror ted shares of the contract costs of Items No. 2021 . 501
"Mobilizatio " , No. 2031 . 503 "Field Office" and 412. 501 "Project
Sign" . The ormula by which said additional payment shall be
determined i set forth in said attached SCHEDULE "I" . Said
addi tional payment represen ts the Sta te' s proportiona ta shares of the
i -�- ���
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. .
mobilization�, field office and project sign costs incurred in
connection wllith the aforesaid state cost participation construction.
S�ction C. onstruction Engineering Costs
In addition , llsaid payment by the St3te shall also include an amount
equal to 8 p rcent of the Stat�' s final total share of construction
costs as det rmined in accordance with Section A. and B. above , as the
State' s prop�rtionatz sharz of construction engineering costs incurred
by the City �n connection with said state cost participation ,
The City doe� hereby certify and attest to tha following :
a. The sati�sfactory performance and completion, in accordance with
State approve�d City Qlans, specifications and special provisions m3de
a part hereof� by reference , of the contract construction represented
in the Ci ty' sj invoice .
b. The accel�ptance and approval of all materials furnished for said
invoice construction relative to the compliance of such materials to
the State' s c�irrent "Standard Specifications for Construction" .
c. The City having made payment in 'full to its contractor for the
contract cons�ruction represented in the City' s invoice.
-7- ��
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Section A. �stimate and Advancement of the State ' s Cost Shara
It is estima�ad, f,or accounting purposes, that the State' s share of
the costs ofllthe construction work performed by the City hereunder
which includ�s the State' s shares of the prorated itzms
"Mobilizatio�" , "Field Office" and "Project Sign" plus the 8 percent
construction �lengineering cost share and a $3 ,000.00 contingency amount
is the sum o� $�5,395.48 as shown in the attached SCHEDULE "I" . The
attached SCHEDULE "I" form lists all of the State cost participation
construction it�ms and was prepared using final quantities and
contract unitlprices. The aforesaid contingency amount is provided to
cover overrun of the State cost participation due to a decreasz in
the Federal G�ant percentage.
The State sha�l advance to the City an amount equal to $42 ,395.48 as
shown in said attached SCHEDULE "I" forthwith at such time as the
following con itions have been met;
1. Encumbrar�ce by the State of an amount aqual to $45, 395.48 as
shown in saidlattached SCHEDULE "I" .
2. Full and Ilcomplete execution of this agreement and thz State' s
transmittal of same to the City.
3. Receipt b� the State of a written request from the City for said
advancement of funds.
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Section B. Records Keeping and Invoicing by the City
The City shall kzep such records and accounts that will enable tha
City, before final• payment is made by the State in accordance with
Section C. of this article , to provide the Statz with the following :
1. Receipt by the State of Federal Grant percentage and th2 proper
d�cumentation, acceptable to th� State ' s Ext�rnal Audit Unit, used to
determine said percentage. The Federal Grant percentage shall be
determined usi�ng the method and formula set forth in the attached
2. Receipt by the State of copies of the appropriate endorsed and
cancelled City warrant( s) or check( s) for payment on the city
contractor' s i�voice( s) covering the State cost participation
construction p�rformed hereunder.
3. When requ�sted by the State , receipt by the State of copies,
c�rtified by t�e City' s Engineer, of matarial sampling reports and of
material testi g results for the materials furnished for the city
contract const uction work represented in the City' s invoice .
4. Receipt b the State of a formal invoice (one original signed
copy and four eproduced copies) in the amount of the total State cost
participation �er the terms and conditions of this agrsement.
I � ��
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. .
Section C. Final Pa ment b the State
Final payment� by the State to the City hereunder in accordance with
Article II helreof rof thz State' s total cost participation amount less
the total amo nt of advanced payment made by the State pursuant to
Section A. ab'pve shall be made (1 ) upon the satisfactory completioR of
all of the St�te cost participation construction work performed under
said City conl�tact, acceptance thereof by the State and invoicing the
State by the �ity in accordance with a written procedure furnished the
City by the S�tate and (2 ) upon the completion of all of said City
contract cons�ruction. If the amount found due from the State is less
than the amou�t of funds advanced, then, and in that event, the
balance of sa�d advanced funds shall be promptly returned to the State
without inter�st.
Pursuant to M�nnesota Statute 15.415, the City waives claim for any
amounts less �han $2 .00 over the State payment funds earlier received
by the City, a�nd the State waives claim for the return of any amounts
less than $2.Q0 of such funds advanced by the State.
Section A. Ma�intenance
It is hereby u�nderstood and agreed that, upon the full and complete
execution of t�his agreement, the City shall thereafter properly
maintain , without cost or expense to the State , all of the storm sewer
-10- r' �
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f3cilities, s�nitary sewer facilities and watermain facilities
constructed w' thin the corporat� City limits under the aforesaid City
contract and hat .neither oarty to this agreement shall drain any
additional ar�as into said storm sewer facilities that are not
included in t�e drainage areas for which said storm sewer facilities
were designed without first obtaining permission to do so fro� the
other oarty. ' The drainage areas served by the st�rm sewer facilities
constructed u�der the construction contract are shown in a drainage
area map, EXH�BIT "Drainage Area" , which is on file in the office of
the State' s D�strict Hydraulics Engineer at Oakdale and is made a part
thereof by re erence with the same force and effect as though fully
set forth her in.
It is hereby nderstood and agreed that, upon the full and complete
execution of his agreement, the City shall thereafter properly
maintain, wit out cost or expens2 to the State , the entire portions of
all of the Ci�y streets and all of the facilities a part thereof
constructed o tside of the Trunk Highway No. 5 (Minnehaha Avenue)
right of way imits within the corporate City limits under the
aforesaid Cit contrac t. Said maintenance shall be understood to
include , but ot be limited to , snow and debris removal, resurfacing
and/or seal c�ating and any oth�r maintenance activities necessary to
perpetua ts sa�d roadway portions in a safe and usable condition.
-11- ,/�
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It is hereby �inderstood and agreed that� uQon thz full and complate
execution of 1�his agreement, the City shall thereaf ter properly
maintain, witl�out ,.cost or expense to tha State , all of the concrete
w31k and conc�$zte driveway pavement used as concrete walk constructed
within the co�porate City limits under the aforesaid City contract.
Said maintenar�ce sh311 be understood to include, but not be limited
to, snow and c�ebris removal and any other maintenance activities
necessary to �,erpe tua te said concre te wa lk and concre te driveway
pav�ment in a Ilsafe and usable condition.
Section B. Ex mination of Books, Records, Etc.
As provided by Minnesot3 Statute , Section 16 .095, the books, records,
documents, and accounting procedures and practices of the City
relevant to th�s agreement are subject to examination by the
contracting de artment or agency, and either the legislative auditor
or the state a. ditor as appropriate .
Section C. Cl�ims
The City indemr�ifies, saves and holds harmless the State and all of
its agents andllemployees of and from any and all claims, demands,
actions or cau�es of action of whatsoever nature or character arising
out of or by r�ason of the City contract construction, associated
construction er�gineering and maintenance work or services by the City
hereunder, and Ilfurther agrees to defend at its own sole cost and
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expense any a�tion or oroceeding commezced for the purpose of
asserting anylclaim of whatsoever character arising as a result of
said City con�rac� construc tion, a ssocia ted construction engineering
and maintenan�e work and services by the City h�raunder.
It is hereby �nderstood and agreed that any and all employe�s of the
City and all c�th�r �ersons employed by the City in the performance of
any constructillon, construction engineering and/or maintenance work or
services required or provided for heraund2r by the City shall not be
considered emp�loyees of the State and that any and all claims that may
or might arise� under the taorker' s Compnnsation Act of the State of
Minnesota on b�half of said employees while so engaged and any and all
claims made by !� any third parties as � consequence of any act or
omission on th part of said City employees while so engaged on any of
the constructi n, construction engineering and/or maintenance work or
services to bellrendered herein by the City shall in no way be the
obligation or r�esponsibility of the State .
Section D. Agr��ement Approval
Before this agr�ement shall become binding and effective, it shall be
approved by res�lution of the City Council of the City and shall also
receive the app�oval of such state officers as the law may provide in
addition to the Commissioner of Transportation or his duly authorized
representative .
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IN TESTIMONY b4HEREOF the parties have duly executed this agreement by
their duly a�ithorized officers and caused their respective seals to be
h�reunto aff�.xe3.
Recommended �Eor approval : (Signatures and City Seal)
BY---T----� -- -- - BY
Director o�Public Works � Mayor
Aoproved as �o form: Date _
By �
Assistan City Attorney Sy
Director of Finance and
Dat� __� Management Services
Da t� � Da te
Recommended or approval :
Deputy Commissioner
By � �� /Z-a/_88 of Transportation
C�"y� Director�- Agreement
��� • Servi�es Section Date
�Dat� of Agreement)
By _`
By ` Department of Administration
Deputy ivision Director
Technica Services Division
By By
Executiv Budget Officer (Authorized Signature)
Approved as o form and execution:
. Da t?
By -
Special A�istant Attorney General
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