89-154 wNi7e - cirr CLERK COURGI
BI.UE - MAVOR ' F�te NO• -
� C uncil Resolution --�
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Presented B °'----'
Referred To �" � ' Committee: Date � ����
Out of Committee �y Date
RESOLVEp, that the Saint Paul City Council does hereby
consent to ahd approve of the appointments, made by the Mayor,
of the follotaing-named persons to serve as members of the
Food and Nutxition Commission:
I Sam M. Ciresi
�� Patricia J. Brand
', John Flory
' James S. Kowalski
Terms shall �xpire on November 1 , 1990.
COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays I
�� � In Favor
Rettman �
scne�ne� _ A gai n s t BY
Sonnen I
' ��� � J 1�8� Form prove by C't Att
Adopted by Council: Dpte �
Certified Yas e o ci $ec . B —
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Approve by 1Aav • ate _' ' � � � � Approv y Mayor for Submis ' n t Council
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Ptf�l.tSi�D �v��3� �- 4 1989
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January 18', 1989
TO: Co�uncil President James Scheibel
Members of the Saint Paul City Council
FROM: Or�a Lee Patterson
Asisistant to the Mayor ,
RE: CO�INiITTEE APPOINTMENTS: Set-Aside Advisory Committee
�IFood and Nutrition Commission
On January 3 , 1989 you received a resolution appointing .
James Kowalski and Sam Ciresi to the Food and Nutrition
Commission� That resolution has been pulled, so please
discard--G een Sheet No. 012039 was attached to it.
Attached iis a new resolution which appoints John Flory,
Patricia B�rand, James Kowalski and Sam Ciresi to the Food and
Nutrition �Commission. Their terms will expire on November l,
Appointmenits have also been made to the newly-created
City of Sa;int Paul Set-Aside Advisory Committee. They are:
� ' Term Expires
Joseph T. IBoone 1 yr. 1/1/90
Arthur Garidner 1 yr. 1/1/90
Merle Harris 1 yr. 1/1/90
Mark McCreia 2 yr. 1/1/91
John G. Na7casone 2 yr. 1/1/91
Jann Peyer 2 yr. 1/1/91
Per our us�ual procedure, applications for the new appointees
are attached.
Mayor Latimer requests your consideration and approval of
these appojintments. If you have questions, do not hesitate to
call. I
OLP/drm I
cc: Jackie Hix, Purchasing,
Kate iDienhart, Public Health Division
FI1 Olson, For Council Agenda
. - � c� �',�',�
Community and Huma Services Committee -
February 16, 1989
Page Two
6. City Council A enda 11/22/88, Item No. 4: First Reading - 88-1826 - An
ordinance amen ing Chapter 411 of the Legislative Code pert�3ining to
entertainment. (For referral to the Community and Human Services Committee.)
(Laid over to anuary 18, 1988 for the drafting of two amendments.) (Laid
over as per Je ry Segal's request.)
Substitute resplution recommended for approval on 4-0 vote.
7. One of the goals of the City Council involves the Parks Systems. In order to
initiate the d"scussions, we will start with the NAG (Needs Assessment Group
Report; August 1988) . Mr. Bob Pirar.� will update the Council on :the work of
the Task Force (Ramsey County/Saint Paul Parks Task Force.)
Laid over to M rch 1, 1989.
&. City Council A enda 1/31/89, Item No. 20: Resalution - 89-154 - Approving
appointments b thP Mayor of Sam Ciresi, Patricia Brand, John Flory, and
James Kowalski to serve on the Food and Nutritior. Commission. (For referral
to the Community and Human Services Committee.)
Recommended fo approval on 3-0 vote.
9. Bernie Fritz t present contract with Humane Society. Resolution to be
presented movi g $15,000 out of contingent 1989 budget to go to Hu�ane Society
to accommodate expanded adoption program.
Laid over to E�ebruary 23, 1989, at which time a continuation meeting will be
held. ;
10. Library Followiup. We have seen the consultants' report. What does the Library
plan to do widh such a report other than what has been identified in the
adopted 1989 bjudget? Presentation by Gerald Steenberg.
Laid over to �ebruary 23, 1989, at which time a continuation meeting will be
held. I�
cc: Ed Starr
A1 Olson
.�- ��
� .5+, ��� Janice Rettman, chair
� -a �tf�.��i;L�, CZTY OF SAINT PAIJL gill Wilson
uEt ti IF:�11,�
` •�.., OIa`P'IC� OF 2`13� CI'1'Y COUNCIL Bob Long
Date: February 16, 1989
Councilperson Committee Report
To: Saint Paul City Council
From : Community and Human Services Committee
Janice Rettman, Chair
A meeting of the Community and Human Services Committee was held on Wednesday,
February 15, 1989, at 1:30 p.m.
1. Approval of Minutes of February 1, 1989 meeting.
Minutes approved on 3-0 vote.
2. City Council Agenda 1/12/89, Item No. 9: Resolution - 89-51 - Approving the
appointments of Kevin Kajer, Sam Verdeja and Barbara Wencl, and the
reappointments of Frank Horak, Robert Van Hoef, Dr. Earl Miller, Sr. ,
Gladys Morton, Gary Park, and Kathleeen Zieman by the Mayor to serve as members
of the Saint Paul Planning Commission. (For referral to the Community and
Human Services Committee.) (Laid over to February 15, 1989, per Mayor Latimer's
Previous motions from meeting of February 1, 1989 effected. Recommended for
approval on 3-0 vote.
3. City Council Agenda 1/3/89, Item No. 4: First Reading - 89-1 - An ordinance
amending Chapter 104 of the Legislative Code pertaining to Private Clubs and
adding a nondiscrimination provision. (Referred to Community and Human Services
Committee.) (Laid over to February 15, 1989 due to time cor.straints.)
Recommended for approval on 4-1 vote. Prior to third reading, Jim Murphy, with
Jerry Segal and Joe Carchedi, to send ordinance to all affected private clubs.
4. Health Merger Update. Presentation by Jim 0'Leary. (Laid over to February 15,
1989. Checklist of ALL City Health Division sPrvices to be initiated and
presented. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE is recommended for attendance at this
discussion. Further steps may be discussed.)
Presentation made by Jim 0'Leary. Update review.
S. Procedures and process for City Council and Departments regarding public health
enforcement and food eniorcement discussions.
Laid over to February 23, 1989, at which time a continuation meeting will be
CfTY HALL ROOM NO. 718 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5289
6�s�ja 46