89-130 WHITE `- C�TV CLERK i
BLUE - MAY�OR 569T I F�le �O.
� Council Resolution �o
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHER IS the Director De artment of Finance
� ► . P
and Management �Services, has presented affidavits showing
publication of �notice of the sale of approximately $2, 275, 000
General Obligat�ion Capital Improvement Refunding Bonds,
Series 1989E (t�he "Bonds" ) , of the City of Saint Paul,
Minnesota (the ; "City" ) , for which bids were to be considered
at this meetin� in accordance with Resolution No. 89-14
adopted by thi Council on January 17 , 1989, and approved
by the Mayor o� January 18, 1989 ; and the affidavits have
been examined, � have been found to comply with the provisions
of Minnesota S�tatutes, Chapter 475, and have been approved
and ordered pl�aced on file; and
WHEI�EAS, the bids set forth on Exhibit A attached
hereto were re�ceived pursuant to the Official Terms of
Offering by tY�e Director, Department of Finance and Management
Services, at he o�fices of Springsted Incorporated at
2 :00 P.M. , Ce. tral Time, on February 13, 1989 ; and
� _
COUNCIL MEMBERS � Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Dimond i
Lo� � In Favor
Rettman B
Scheibel i _ Against y
Sonnen I
� Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council �ecretary BY
Approved by iVlavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Y
By � BY
� ��� �� v
WHER�AS, the Director, Department of Finance
Management Ser�rices, has advised this Council that the bid of
First Chicago �apital Markets, Inc . , was found to be the most
advantageous a�d has recommended that said bid be accepted;
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City has heretofore
determined that it is necessary and expedient to provide
moneys for a qrossover refunding of all of the City' s callable
General Oblig�tion Capital Improvement Bonds, Series 1982 ,
dated March 1� 1982, issued in the original principal amount
of $7 , 320, 000 ; (the "Prior Bonds" ) , of which $2 , 225 , 000 matures
on or after M�rch 1, 1991, and is callable on the earliest
call date of �Iarch 1 , 1990; and
WHE�EAS, refunding the callable Prior Bonds is
consistent wi;th covenants made with the holders thereof, and
is necessary ;and desirable for the reduction of debt service
cost to the C�ity; and
WHEREAS, the City reserved the right to increase or
decrease the �amount of bonds issued for such purpose from the
$2,275,000 set forth in the Official Terms of Offering, and it
is necessary �and expedient to issue the Bonds in the amount of
$2, 265, 000 to finance the crossover refunding of the callable
Prior Bonds; � and
WH�REAS, the City has heretofore issued registered
obligations in certificated form, and incurs substantial costs
associated w�ith their printing and issuance, and substantial
continuing tjransaction costs relating to their payment,
transfer anc�� exchange; and
WF�EREAS, the City has determined that significant
savings in �ransaction costs will result from issuing bonds in
"global bool�-entry form" , by which bonds are issued in
certificate¢ form in large denominations, registered on the
books of th� City in the name of a depository or its nominee,
and held in; safekeeping and immobilized by such depository,
and such de�ository as part of the computerized national
securities learance and settlement system (the "National
System" ) re�gisters transfers of ownership interests in the
bonds by ma�Cing computerized book entries on its own books and
distributes� payments on the bonds to its Partici-pants shown
on its book's as the owners of such interests; and such �
Participants and other banks , brokers and dealers
participatiing in the National System will do likewise (not as
agents of t�he City) if not the beneficial owners of the bonds;
, �����'��.�
WHEREA;S, "Participants " means those financial
institutions for' whom the Depository effects book-entry
transfers and pledges of securities deposited and immobilized
with the Deposi�.ory; and
WHERE�IS, Midwest Securities Trust Company, a limited
purpose trust campany organized under the laws of the State of
Illinois , vr any of its successors or successors to its
functions hereu,�der (the "Depository" ) , will act as such
depository with' respect to the Bonds except as set forth
below, and the�e is before this Council a form of letter
agreement (the "Depository Letter Agreement" ) setting forth
various matter� relating to the Depository and its role with
respect to the Bonds; and
WHER�AS, the City will deliver the Bonds in the form
of one certifi,�ate per maturity, each representing the entire
principal amouint of the Bonds due on a particular maturity
date (each a ";Global Certificate" ) , which single certificate
per maturity miay be transferred on the City' s bond register as
required by tN�e Uniform Commercial Code, but not exchanged for
smaller denominations unless the City determines to issue
Replacement BQinds as provided below; and
WHE�EAS, the City will be able to replace the
Depository or� under certain circumstances to abandon the
"global book;entry form" by permitting the Global Certificates
to be exchanc�ed for smaller denominations typical of ordinary
bonds regist�red on the City' s bond register; and "Replacement
Bonds" means ' the certificates representing the Bonds so
authenticate�l and delivered by the Bond Registrar pursuant to
paragraphs 6iand 12 hereof; and
WH;�REAS, "Holder" as used herein means the person in
whose name a� Bond is registered on the registration books of
the City ma�;ntained by the City Treasurer or a successor
registrar a�pointed as provided in paragraph 8 (the "Bond
Registrar" ) #
NQW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, as follows:
1'. Acceptance of Bid. The bid of First Chicago
Capital Ma�kets, Inc . (the "Purchaser" ) , to purchase the
General Obligation Capital Improvement Refunding Bonds, Series
1989E, of �he City ( the "Bonds " , or individually a "Bond" ) ,
offered inithe aggregate principal amount of $2 , 275, 000
, �--�9_l�v
he 'cial Terms
sub 'ect to chang �� , all in accordance with t Off�.
of Offering for he bond sale, at the rates of interest
hereinafter set forth, and to pay therefor the sum of
$2 , 255, 662 . 50, p�lus interest accrued to settlement, is hereby
found, determin�d and declared to be the most favorable bid
received and is �hereby accepted for Bonds in the aggregate
principal amoun� of $2 , 265, 000 and purchase price of
$2 , 245, 747 . 50, �lus accrued interest to settlement, and the
Bonds are hereb� awarded to said bidder. The Director,
Department of F�nance and Management Services, or his
desi.gnee, is di�ected to retain the deposit of the Purchaser .
and to forthwit;� return to the unsuccessful bidders their good
faith checks or drafts .
2 . �itle• Ori inal Issue Date• Denominations •
Maturities . T ,e Bonds shall be titled "General Obligation
Capital Improv�ment Refunding Bonds, Series 1989E" , shall be
dated March 1, j1989 , as the date of original issue and shall
be issued fort�with on or after such date as fully registered
bonds . The Bo�nds shall be numbered from R-1 upward. Global
Certificates s;hall each be in the denomination of the entire
principal amouint maturing on a single date. Replacement
Bonds, if iss�ed as provided in paragraph 6 , shall be in the
denomination of $5,000 each or in any integral multiple
thereof of a $ingle maturity. The Bonds shall mature on
March 1 in th� years and amounts as follows :
I Year Amount
I 1991 $1, 100, 000
I 1992 1, 165, 000
In �lthe Official Terms of Offering the City
specifically! reserved the right to increase or decrease the
aggregate pr;�ncipal amount of the 1992 maturity of the Bonds
by not more �than $50,000 higher or lower, and the above
schedule dif!fers from the schedule in the Official Terms of
Offering but�' is within such right as so reserved. For the
purpose of domplying with Minnesota Statutes, Section 475 .54 ,
Subdivision � l, the maturity schedule for the Bonds has been
combined wii�h the unpaid and uncallable maturities of the
Prior Bonds ; as permitted by Minnesota Statutes, Section
475 .54, Subdivision 2 .
3 . Purpose; Refundinq Findings . The Bonds
(together w�ith other available funds , if any, to be appropri-
ated) shalli provide funds for a crossover refunding of all of
the City' s callable Prior Bonds (which callable Prior Bonds
, r'���'�-/�-�
�� d
are hereinafter; collectively referred to as the Refunde
Bonds" ) . It isihereby founcl, determined and declared that
such refunding ;is pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section
475 . 67 , Subdivilsion 13, and shall result in a reduction of
debt service cqst to the City.
4 . �nterest . The Bonds shall bear interest payable
semiannually or� March 1 and September 1 of each year (each,
an "Interest P�yment Date" ) , commencing September 1, 1989 ,
calculated on the basis of a 360-day year of twelve 30-day
months, at the� respective rates per annum set forth opposite
the maturity y�ars as follows :
Matu�rity Year Interest Rate
j1991 6 . 40�
i1992 6 . 50
5 . IDescription of the Global Certificates and
Global Book-E�try System. Upon their original issuance the
Bonds will be ; issued in the form of a single Global Certifi-
cate for each� maturity, deposited with the Depository by the
Purchaser andjimmobilized as provided in paragraph 6 . No
beneficial owhers of interests in the Bonds will receive
certificates 'representing their respective interests in the
Bonds except �as provided in paragraph 6 . Except as so
provided, during the term of the Bonds, beneficial ownership
(and subsequdnt transfers of beneficial ownership) of
interests in �the Global Certificates will be reflected by book
entries made ;on the records of the Depository and its
Participants � and other banks, brokers, and dealers participa-
ting in the �lational System. The Depository' s book entries of
beneficial o�vnership interests are authorized to be in incre-
ments of $5,�00 of principal of the Bonds, but not smaller
increments , kiespite the larger authorized denominations of the
Global Certi;ficates . Payment of principal of, premium, if
any, and intlerest on the Global Certificates will be made to
the Bond Rec�istrar as paying agent, and in turn by the Bond
Registrar tc� the Depository or its nominee as registered owner
of the Glob 1 Certificates, and the Depository according to
the laws an� rules governing it will receive and forward
payments onlbehalf of the beneficial owners of the Global
Certificate� .
P�yment of principal of, premium, if any, and
interest on� a Global Certificate may in the City' s discretion
be made by such other method of transferring funds as may be
requested b;y the Holder of a Global Certificate.
' n of Global Certificates b the
6 . IlImmobilizatio Y
De ositor • S � ccessor De ositor • Re lacement Bonds . Pursuant
to the reques , of the Purchaser to the Depository, which
request is required by the Official Terms of Offering,
immediately u�on the original delivery of the Bonds the
Purchaser wil�l deposit the Global Certificates representing
all of the Bo�nds with the Depository. The Global Certificates
shall be in tlypewritten form or otherwise as acceptable to the
Depository, s,�hall be reqistered in the name of the Depository
or its nomine'e and shall be held immobilized from circulation
at the offic�s of the Depository on behalf of the Purchaser
and subsequerit bondowners . The Depository or its nominee will
be the sole r,iolder of record of the Global Certificates and no
investor or �ther party purchasing, selling or otherwise
transferring� ownership of interests in any Bond is to receive,
hold or deliver any bond certificates so long as the
Depository hblds the Global Certificates immobilized from
circulation,; except as provided below in this paragraph and in
paragraph 12;.
Ce{rtificates evidencing the Bonds may not after
their origirial delivery be transferred or exchanged except:
� ( i) Upon registration of transfer of ownership of
a Glob�l Certificate, as provided in paragraph 12 ,
Kii} To any successor of the Depository (or its
nomine�) or any substitute depository (a substitute
de osi�'tor " desi nated ursuant to clause iii of this
P , Y ) 9 P ( . . . )
subpar;agraph, provided that any successor of the
Deposiitory or any substitute depository must be both a
"clea�ing corporation" as defined in the Minnesota
Unifo�m Commercial Code at Minnesota Statutes ,
Sectidn 336 . 8-102, and a qualified and registered
"clea�ing agency" as provided in Section 17A of the
Secur3.ties Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,
kiii) To a substitute depository designated by and
accep;table to the City upon (a) the determination by the
Depos�itory that the Bonds shall no longer be eligible for
its dlepository services or (b) a determination by the
City ;that the Depository is no longer able to carry out
its Eunctions, provided that any substitute depository
must ;be qualified to act as such, as provided in clause
( ii) ;of this subparagraph, or
� � ��'�j-/�d
i( iv) To those persons to whom transfer is
reque�ted in written transfer instructions in the event
that: �
I ( a) the Depository shall resign or discontinue
�ts services for the Bonds and the City is unable to
locate a substitute depository within two ( 2 ) months
�ollowing the resignation or determination of non-
eligibility, or
(b) upon a determination by the City in its
!sole discretion that ( 1 ) the continuation of the
;book-entry system described herein, which precludes
;the issuance of certificates (other than Global
�Certificates ) to any Holder other than the
�Depository (or its nominee) , might adversely affect
�the interest of the beneficial owners of the Bonds,
�or ( 2 ) that it _s in the best interest of the
� beneficial owners of the Bonds that they be able to
; obtain certificated bonds,
in either of which events the City shall notify Holders
of i�'ts determination and of the availability of
certlificates (the "Replacement Bonds" ) to Holders
requ�esting the same and the registration, transfer and
exct�ange of such Bonds will be conducted as provided in
para�graphs 9B and 12 hereof .
; In the event of a succession of the Depository as
may be auithorized by this paragraph, the Bond Registrar upon
presenta�ion of Global Certificates shall register their
transferito the substitute or successor depositories , and the
substitute or successor depository shall be treated as the
Deposito�y for all purposes and functions under this
resolutipn. The Depository Letter Agreement shall not apply
to a sub;stitute or successor depository unless the City and
the subs;titute or successor depository so agree, and a similar
agreemerit may be entered into.
7 . No Redemption. The Bonds shall not be subject
to rede � tion and re ayment prior to their maturity.
�P P P
S . Bond Registrar. The Treasurer of the City is
appoint�d to act as bond registrar and transfer aqent with
respect� to the Bonds (the "Bond Registrar" ) , and shall do so
unless and until a successor Bond Registrar is duly appointed.
A succe�ssor Bond Registrar shall be an officer of the City or
a bank �or trust company eligible for designation as bond
. ��_�3a
registrar py�rsuant to Minnesota Statutes , Chapter 475 , and may
be appointe�l pursuant to any contract the City and such
successor Bpnd Registrar shall execute which is consistent
herewith. '�he Bond Registrar shall also serve as paying agent
unless and �ntil a successor paying agent is duly appointed.
Principal a,nd interest on the Bonds shall be paid to the
Holders. (or' record holders ) of the Bonds in the manner set
forth in ttYe forms of Bond and paragraph 14 of this
� . Forms of Bond. The Bonds to be issued hereunder
shall be irt the form of Global Certificates unless and until
Replacemen� Bonds are made available as provided in
paragraph 6 . Each form of bond may contain such additional or
different terms and provisions as to the form of payment,
record datl�, notices and other matters as are consistent with
the Deposi,^tory Letter Agreement and approved by the City
Attorney. ;
jA. Global Certificates . The Global Certificates,
together Fbith the Certificate of Registration, the form of
Assignmen� and the registration information thereon, shall be
in substa�htially the following form and may be typewritten
rather th�n printed:
� ��-��d
. ,
_ � $
March 1, 199 March 1, 1989
Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota ( the "Issuer" or "City" ) ,
certifie� that it is indebted and for value received promises
to pay tC the registered owner specified above or on the
certific�te of registration below, or registered assigns ,
without option of prepayment, in the manner hereinafter set
forth, the principal amount specified above, on the maturity
date spe�ified above, and to pay interest thereon semiannually
on March� l and September 1 of each year (each, an "Interest
Payment ;Date" ) , commencing September 1, 1989, at the rate per
annum sp'ecified above (calculated on the basis of a 360-day
year of �twelve 30-day months ) until the principal sum is paid
or has been provided for. This Bond will bear interest from
the mos� recent Interest Payment Date to which interest has
been pa}d or, if no interest has been paid, from the date of
origina�. issue hereof . The principal of and premium, if any,
on this � Bond are payable by check or draft in next day funds
or its �quivalent (or by wire transfer in immediately
availab,�e funds if payment in such form is necessary to meet
the timsng requirements below) upon presentation and surrender
hereof �at the principal office of the Treasurer of the Issuer
in Sair�t Paul, Minnesota (the "Bond Registrar" ) , acting as
paying �agent, or any successor paying agent duly appointed by
the Is�uer. Interest on this Bond will be paid on each
IntereSt Payment Date by check or draft in next day funds or
its eq�ivalent mailed (or by wire transfer in immediately
. �' �v�-��.���n
, �
available fun�s if a ment in such form is necessary to meet
the timing re uirements below) to the person in whose name
this Bond is �egistered (the "Holder" or "Bondholder" ) on the
registration books of the Issuer maintained by the Bond
Registrar and� at the address appearing thereon at th� close of
business on t,�e fifteenth calendar day precedinq such Interest
Payment Date �( the "Regular Record Date" ) . Interest payments
shall be rec�ived by the Holder no later than 12 :00 noon,
Chicago, 1111'nois, time; and principal and premium payments
shall be received by the Holder no later than 12 :00 noon,
Chicago, Illinois , time, if the Bond is surrendered for
payment enouc�h in advance to permit payment to be made by such
time. Any ir�terest not so timely paid shall cease to be
payable to the person who is the Holder hereof as of the
Regular Recojrd Date, and shall be payable to the person who is
the Holder hereof at the close of business on a date (the
"Special Recprd Date" ) fixed by the Bond Registrar whenever
money become�s available for payment of the defaulted interest.
Notice of th�e Special Record Date shall be given to
Bondholders ;not less than ten days prior to the Special Record
Date. The principal of and premium, if any, and interest on
this Bond a�e payable in lawful money of the United 5tates of
D�te of Payment Not Business Day. If the date for
payment of the principal of, premium, if any, or interest on
this Bond shall be a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday or a day
on which banking institutions in the City of Chicago,
Illinois , o�r the city where the principal office of the Bond
Registrar i;s located are authorized by law or executive order
to close, t,'hen the date for such payment shall be the next
succeeding ;day which is not a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday
or a day or� which such banking institutions are authorized to
close, and payment on such date shall have the same force and
effect as �.f made on the nominal date of payment.
�lo Redemption. The Bonds of this issue are not
subject to; redemption and prepayment prior to their maturity.
jIssuance; Purpose; General Obligation. This Bond is
one of an issue in the total principal amount of $2,265, 000,
all of lil�e date of original issue and tenor, except as to
number, malturity, interest rate and denomination, which Bond
has been �ssued pursuant to and in full conformity with the
Constitution and laws of the State of Minnesota and the
Charter o� the Issuer, and pursuant to a resolution adopted by
the City �ouncil of the Issuer on February 14 , 1989 (the
"Resolution" ) , for the purpose of providing, together with any
� 10
. C���_��°
io ' of the Issuer, funds sufficient for a
contribut n
refunding or1 their earliest call date of the callable
maturities di the Issuer ' s General Obligation Capital
Improvement ; Bonds , Series 1982 . This Bond is payable out of
the Escrow �lccount of the Issuer' s General Obligation Capital
Improvement; 1989 Refunding Bonds Account as to interest
through and� including March 1 , 1990 , and thereafter out of the
General Deb�'t Service Fund of the Issuer. This Bond
constitutes; a general obligation of the Issuer, and to provide
moneys for �the prompt and full payment of its principal ,
premium, if; any, and interest when the same become due, the
full faith �and credit and taxing powers of the Issuer have
been and as�e hereby irrevocably pledged.
I�enominations ; Exchanqe; Resolution. The Bonds are
issuable o*iginally only as Global Certificates in the
denominatibn of the entire principal amount of the issue
maturing oj� a single date. Global Certificates are not
exchangeab,�e for fully registered bonds of smaller
denominations except in exchange for Replacement Bonds if then
available.; Replacement Bonds , if made available as provided
below, are issuable solely as fully registered Bonds in the
denominati;ons of $5 ,000 and integral multiples thereof of a
single ma�.urity and are exchangeable for fully registered
Bonds of qther authorized denominations in equal aggregate
principal � amounts at the principal office of the Bond
Registrar� but only in the manner and subject to the
limitatiol�s provided in the Resolution. Reference is hereby
made to the Resolution for a description of the rights and
duties of; the Bond Registrar. Copies of the Resolution are on
file in tlhe principal office of the Bond Registrar.
; Replacement Bonds . Replacement Bonds may be issued
by the I�suer in the event that:
I (a) the Depository shall resign or discontinue its
ser�ices for the Bonds , and only if the Issuer is unable
to �ocate a substitute depository within two ( 2 ) months
fol;�owing the resignation or determination of non-
elilgibility, or
(b) upon a determination by the Issuer in its sole
disllcretion that ( 1 ) the continuation of the book-entry
sy�tem described in the Resolution, which precludes the
is�uance of certificates (other than Global Certificates)
to � any Holder other than the Depository (or its nominee) ,
might adversely affect the interest of the beneficial
owners of the Bonds , or ( 2 ) that it is in the best
. �-�-�.��
interest�' of the beneficial owners of the Bonds that they
be able ;to obtain certificated bonds .
Tr �nsfer. This Bond shall be registered in the name
of the payee �on the books of the Issuer by presenting this
Bond for reg�stration to the Bond Registrar, who will endorse
his, her or its name and note the date of registration
opposite the� name of the payee in the certificate ef
registrationlattached hereto . Thereafter this Bond may be
transferred by delivery with an assignment duly executed by
t}ie Holder ox his , her or its legal representatives , and the
Issuer and Bond Registrar may treat the Holder as the person
exclusively ;entitled to exercise all the rights and powers of
an owner unt'il this Bond is presented with such assignment for
registratior� of transfer, accompanied by assurance of the
nature provi�ded by law that the assignment is genuine and
effective, �nd until such transfer is registered on said books
and noted h�reon by the Bond Registrar, all subject to the
terms and cpnditions provided in the Resolution and to
reasonable �regulations of the Issuer contained in any
agreement w;ith, or notice to, the Bond Registrar. Transfer of
this Bond m�y, at the direction and expense of the Issuer, be
subject to ,�certain other restrictions if required to qualify
this Bond a�s being "in registered form" within the meaning of
Section 149,(a) of the federal Internal Revenue Code of 1986 ,
as amended.l
E'ees upon Transfer or Loss . The Bond Registrar may
require pa�ment of a sum sufficient to cover any tax or other
government�l charge payable in connection with the transfer or
exchange o� this Bond and any legal or unusual costs regarding
transfers �nd lost Bonds .
�Treatment of Reqistered Owner. The Issuer and Bond
Registrar �may treat the person in whose name this Bond is
registered as the owner hereof for the purpose of receiving
payment a� herein provided (except as otherwise provided with
respect tq the Record Date) and for all other purposes,
whether o� not this Bond shall be overdue, and neither the
Issuer no* the Bond Registrar shall be affected by notice to
the contr�ry.
� Authentication. Th�s Bond shall not be valid or
become ob;liqatory for any purpose or be entitled to any
security �'unless the Certificate of Authentication hereon shall
have beenj executed by the Bond Registrar.
� ��y��.�'o
No�t ualified
Tax-Exem t Obli ations . The Bonds
have not be n designated by the Issuer as "qualified
tax-exempt qbligations " for purposes of Section 265 (b) ( 3 ) of
the federal ;Internal Revenue Code of 1986 , as amended.
conditions �nd things required by the Constitution and laws of
the State o� Minnesota and the Charter of the Issuer to be
done, to ha�pen and to be performed, precedent to and in the
issuance of this Bond, have been done, have happened and have
been performed, in regular and due form, time and manner as
required by law, and this Bond, together with all other debts
of the Issujer outstanding on the date of original issue hereof
and on the �date of its issuance and delivery to the original
purchaser, ;does not exceed any constitutional or statutory or
Charter limitation of indebtedness .
� � �/-'-��-i3d
IN �WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of Saint Paul , Ramsey
County, Minnejsota, by its City Council has caused this Bond to
be sealed wit�h its official seal and to be executed on its
behalf by th� photocopied facsimile signature of its Mayor,
attested by �he photocopied facsimile signature of its City
Clerk, and cquntersigned by the photocopied facsimile
signature of � its Director, Department of Finance and
Management S�rvices .
Date of Regi�tration: Registrable by:
Payable at:
This Bond is! one of the
Bonds descri'bed in the
Resolution mjentioned Mayor
within. i
� �
City Clerk
Bond Registrar
By ; Countersigned:
Authorized Signature
� Director, Department of Finance
Mana ement Services
and g
� ) ,
General Ob�igation Capital Improvement Refunding Bond, Series
1989E, No. � R-
, ��y-�3�
The transfer_ alf ownership of the princip
al amount of the
attached Bond ;may be made only by the registered owner or his ,
her or its legal representative last noted below.
. �-��-����'
The followin abbreviations , when used in the inscrip�ion
on the face mf this Bond, shall be construed as though they
were written� out in full according to applicable laws or
regulations • �
TEN COM - asl tenants in common
TEN ENT - asitenants by the entireties
JT TEN - as �joint tenants with right of survivorship
and' not as tenants in common
UTMA - as custodian for
(Cust) (Minor)
� under the Uniform
; (State)
Transfers to Minors Act
�ldditional abbreviations may also be used
though not in the above list.
� 16
' ��'9-/�0
For value received, the undersigned hereby sells ,
assigns and tr;ansfers unto
the within Bond and does
hereby irrevoc�ably constitute and appoint
attorney to t�ansfer the Bond on the books kept for the
registration �hereof, with full power of substitution in the
premises .
Not�.ce: The assignor' s signature to
this assignment must
, correspond with the name as
it appears upon the face of
the within Bond in every
particular, without
� teration or an chan e
al y 9
Signature Gu�ranteed:
Si nature s Imust be uaranteed b a national bank or trust
g ( ) 9 Y
company or b� a brokerage firm having a membership in one of
the major stpck exchanges .
Th,'e Bond Registrar will not effect transfer of this
Bond unless �the information concerning the transferee
requested below is provided.
Name and Adc�ress :
for all 'oint owners
( Include information �
if the Bond is held by joint account . )
� � 9���a
. ; �
B. Re lacement Bonds . If the City has notifie
j Holders that Replacement Bonds have been made available as
����' rovided in a a ra h 6 , then for ever Bond the�„�afte�,
�.:� p P �` 9 P w.�_Y�.�_._��....__,.�..,.� ;w.�_
transferred or �exchan ed ( including an exchange to reflect the ;
� .�.,.�,._..n..�.-�— C�'___..
..,� p-ar�ial"'�repayment of a Global Certificate not previously
. _g.��.... ��.... ....r.,.�
� exchan ed for e lacement Bonds e ond�e`Y'is�rar sha
q �.....�,T"�..'�,
�....�-..�,n� �:,r� '��k,.�o- .
�deTiver "�a�wcert` �'icate in the form of the Replacement Bond
rather �than th� Global Certificate, but the Holder of a Global
Certificate sh�ll not otherwise be required to exchange the
Global Certifi�ate for one or more Replacement Bonds since the
City recognize� that some bondholders may prefer the
convenience of� the Depository' s registered ownership of the
Bonds even tho;ugh the entire issue is no longer required to be
in global book-entry form. The Replacement Bonds , together
with the Bond ;Registrar' s Certificate of Authentication, the
form of Assigr�ment and the registration information thereon,
shall be in substantially the following form:
� �-�-��d
� $
� March 1, 1989
Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota (the "Issuer" or "City" ) ,
certifies that it is indebted and for value received promises
to pay tq the registered owner specified above, or registered
assigns , �without option of prepayment, in the manner
hereinaf�er set forth, the principal amount specified above,
on the m�turity date specified above, and to pay interest
thereon semiannually on March 1 and September 1 of each year
(each, at� "Interest Payment Date" ) , commencing September 1,
1989, at, the rate per annum specified above (calculated on the
basis of� a 360-day year of twelve 30-day months ) until the
principa�l sum is paid or has been provided for. This Bond
will bea�r interest from the most recent Interest Payment Date
to which! interest has been paid or, if no interest has been
paid, fr,'om the date of original issue hereof . The principal
of and premium, if any, on this Bond are payable upon
presentaltion and surrender hereof at the principal office of
, in
� (the "Bond Registrar" ) ,
acting s paying aqent, or any successor paying agent duly
appoint�d by the Issuer. Interest on this Bond will be paid
on each� Interest Payment Date by check or draft mailed to the
person �n whose name this Bond is registered (the "Holder" or
"Bondho�der" ) on the registration books of the Issuer
maintained by the Bond Registrar and at the address appearing
' 19
s ��q--/�d
thereon at t�ne close of business on the fifteenth calendar day
preceding su�h Interest Payment Date ( the "Regular Record
Date" ) . Any interest not so timely paid shall cease to be
payable to tthe person who is the Holder hereof as of the
Regular Reco�d Date, and shall be payable to the person who is
the Holder hereof at the close of business on a date ( the
"Special Rec�rd Date" ) fixed by the Bond Registrar whenever
money become� available for payment of the defaulted interest .
Notice of the Special Record Date shall be given to
Bondholders r�ot less than ten days prior to the Special Record
Date . The pr�incipal of and premium, if any, and interest on
this Bond are payable in lawful money of the United States of
America. �
conditions ar�d things required by the Constitution and laws of
the State of Minnesota and the Charter of the Issuer to be
done, to happen and to be performed, precedent to and in the
issuance of t�his Bond, have been done, have happened and have
been performad, in regular and due form, time and manner as
required by liaw, and this Bond, together with all other debts
of the Issuer outstanding on the date of original issue hereof
and on the da�te of its issuance and delivery to the original
purchaser, doles not exceed any constitutional or statutory or
Charter limit�ation of indebtedness .
INIWITNESS WHEREOF, the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey
County, Minnelsota, by its City Council has caused this Bond to
be sealed with its official seal or a facsimile thereof and to
be executed o�n its behalf by the original or facsimile
signature of iits Mayor, attested by the original or facsimile
signature of 'its City Clerk, and countersigned by the original
or facsimile �signature of its Director, Department of Finance
and Managemenit Services .
� ��-i�d
Date of Regis�ration: Registrable by:
Payable at:
This Bond is ;one of the
Bonds descrikied in the
Resolution m�ntioned Mayor
, City Clerk
Bond Registrar
BY Countersigned:
Authorizec� Signature
Director, Department of Finance
and Management Services
� �� ������
Dat� of Payment Not Business Day. If the date for
payment of th� principal of, premium, if any, or interest on
this Bond shall be a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday or a day
on which bank,'ing institutions in the City of Chicago,
Illinois, or �he city where the principal office of the Bond
Registrar is �located are authorized by law or executive order
to close, the'n the date for such payment shall be the next
succeeding da�y which is not a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday
or a day on �thich such banking institutions are authorized to
close, and paiyment on such date shall have the same force and
effect as if �made on the nominal date of payment.
No �Redemption. The Bonds of this issue are not
subject to r¢demption and prepayment prior to their maturity.
� Is�uance; Purpose; General Obliqation. This Bond is
one of an is�ue in the total principal amount of $2 ,265,000,
all of like date of original issue and tenor, except as to
number, matu�ity, interest rate and denomination, which Bond
has been issfued pursuant to and in full conformity with the
Constitution� and laws of the State of Minnesota and the
Charter of t,�he Issuer, and pursuant to a resolution adopted by
the City Cou'ncil of the Issuer on February 14, 1989 (the
"Resolution"�) , for the purpose of providing, together with any
contributior� of the Issuer, funds sufficient for a crossover
refunding on their earliest call date of the callable
maturities qf the Issuer' s General Obligation Capital
Improvement !Bonds, Series 1982 . This Bond is payable out of
the Escrow Account of the Issuer' s General Obligation Capital
Improvement ; 1989 Refunding Bonds Account as to interest
through and� including March 1, 1990, and thereafter out of the
General Debt Service Fund of the Issuer. This Bond
constitutes,' a general obligation of the Issuer, and to provide
moneys for the prompt and full payment of its principal,
premium, if; any, and interest when the same become due, the
full faith �and credit and taxing powers of the Issuer have
been and ar�e hereby irrevocably pledged.
aenominations; Exchanqe; Resolution. The Bonds are
issuable sqlely as fully registered Bonds in the denominations
of $5, 000 a�nd integral multiples thereof of a single maturity
and are exahangeable for fully registered Bonds of other
authorized ,'denominations in equal agg.regate principal amounts �
at the prir�cipal office of the Bond Registrar, but only in the
manner and � subject to the limitations provided in the
� ; ��-��a
� hereb made to the Resolution for a
Resolution. Reference is y
description of; the rights and duties of the Bond Registrar.
Copies of the �Resolution are on file in the principal office
of the Bond Rq'gistrar .
Tralsfer. This Bond is transferable by the Holder
in person or by his , her or its attorney duly auttiorized in
writing at the principal office of the Bond Registrar upon
presentation and surrender hereof to the Bond Registrar, all
subject to the terms and conditions provided in the Resolution
and to reason�.ble regulations of the Issuer contained in any
agreement wit�n the Bond Registrar. Thereupon the Issuer shall
execute and t�e Bond Registrar shall authenticate and deliver,
in exchange for this Bond, one or more new fully registered
Bonds in the �ame of the transferee (but not registered in
blank or to " earer" or similar designation) , of an authorized
denomination br denominations , in aggregate principal amount
equal to the �;rincipal amount of this Bond, of the same
maturity and 'bearing interest at the same rate. Whenever
ownership of ;this Bond should be transferred under any other
circumstances� or be registered in nominee name only, the
registered ov�jner of the Bond shall, if and to the extent
required to ualify this Bond as being "in registered form"
within the m�aning of Section 149 (a) of the federal Internal
Revenue Code �of 1986 , as amended, and at the direction and
expense of tN�e Issuer, maintain for the Issuer a record of the
actual owner � of the Bonds .
Fees u on Transfer or Loss . The Bond Registrar may
require paym, nt of a sum sufficient to cover any tax or other
governmental; charge payable in connection with the transfer or
exchange of �this Bond and any legal or unusual costs regarding
transfers anjd lost Bonds .
Tr�eatment of Reqistered Owner. The Issuer and Bond
Registrar may treat the person in whose name this Bond is
registered a}s the owner hereof for the purpose of receivinq
payment as herein provided (except as otherwise provided on
the reverse �side hereof with respect to the Record Date) and
for all other purposes, whether or not this Bond shall be
overdue, and neither the Issuer nor the Bond Registrar shall
be affected� by notice to the contrary.
Aµthentication. This Bond shall not be valid or
become obligatory for any purpose or be entitled to any
security un;�ess the Certificate of Authentication hereon shall
have been e�cecuted by the Bond Registrar.
i 23
, �v�.,�y'_�.30
Not; Qualified Tax-Exem t ObliQations . The Bonds
have not bee�i designated by the Issuer as "qualified
tax-exempt obligations " for purposes of Section 265(b) ( 3 ) of
the federal �nternal Revenue Code of 1986 , as amended.
The following abbreviations , when used in the inscription
on the face of this Bond, shall be construed as though they
were writteln out in full according to applicable laws or
regulation� :
TEN COM - �s tenants in common
TEN ENT - as tenants by the entireties
JT TEN - a�s joint tenants with right of survivorship
a''nd not as tenants in common
UTMA - as custodian for
�Cust) (Minor)
under the Uniform
Transfers to Minors Act
Additional abbreviations may also be used
though not in the above list.
' �i
, I �� �`3d
For value received, the undersigned hereby sells ,
assigns� and transfers unto
the within Bond and does
hereby �;irrevocably constitute and appoint
attorne�y to transfer the Bond on the books kept for the
registr!,ation thereof, with full power of substitution in the
premise'S •
i Notice: The assignor ' s signature to this
�� orres ond with the name
assignment must c p
I'i as it appears upon the face of the within
Bond in every particular, without
alteration or any change whatever.
Signatu�e Guaranteed:
Ill�e s must be uaranteed b a national bank or trust
Signatur, ( ) g Y
company �or by a brokerage firm having a membership in one of
the majo�r stock exchanges .
The Bondl�� Registrar will not effect transfer of this Bond
unless t�e information concerning the transferee requested
below is�, provided.
Name andl��, Address :
( Include information for all joint owners
e Bond is held b oint account. )
if th Y j
. � ��-��d
10 . IExecution. The Bonds shall be executed on
behalf of the City by the signatures of its Mayor, City Clerk
and Director, epartment of Finance and Management Services,
each with the ffect noted on the forms of the Bonds, and be
sealed with the� seal of the City; provided, however, that the
seal of the Cit�y may be a printed or photocopied facsimile;
provided furth�r that any of such signatures may be printed or
photocopied favsimiles and the corporate seal may be omitted
on the Bonds a� permitted by law. In the event of disability
or resignation or other absence of any such officer, the Bonds
may be signed l�y the manual or facsimile signature of that
officer who ma� act on behalf of such absent or disabled
officer. In c se any such officer whose signature or
facsimile of w�iose signature shall appear on the Bonds shall
cease to be su�h officer before the delivery of the Bonds,
such signature� or facsimile shall nevertheless be valid and
sufficient for� all purposes, the same as if he or she had
remained in of�fice until delivery.
11 . ' Authentication; Date of Reqistration. No Bond
shall be valid' or obligatory for any purpose or be entitled to
any security ojr benefit under this resolution unless a
Certificate of, Authentication on such Bond, substantially in
the form herei�nabove set forth, shall have been duly executed
by an authoriaed representative of the Bond Registrar.
Certificates af Authentication on different Bonds need not be
signed by the �same person. The Bond Registrar shall
authenticate �he signatures of officers of the City on each
Bond by execu�ion of the Certificate of Authentication on the
Bond and by i�serting as the date of registration in the space
provided the ¢ate on which the Bond is authenticated. For
purposes of d�livering the original Global Certificates to the
Purchaser, th� Bond Registrar shall insert as the date of
registration the date of original issue, which date is
March 1, 1989�. The Certificate of Authentication so executed
on each Bond �hall be conclusive evidence that it has been
authenticated� and delivered under this resolution.
12 .� Reqistration; Transfer; Exchange. The City
will cause to, be kept at the principal office of the Bond
Registrar a b�ond register in which, subject to such reasonable
regulations a�s the Bond Registrar may prescribe, the Bond
Registrar sha�ll provide for the registration of Bonds and the
registration !of transfers of Bonds entitled to be registered
or transferr�d as herein provided.
A �lobal Certificate shall be registered in the name
of the payeeion the books of the Bond Registrar by presenting
, ���-./�
the Global Certificate for registration to the Bond Registrar,
who will endo�se his or her name and note the date of
registration bpposite the name of the payee in the certificate
of registratiqn on the Global Certificate . Thereafter a
Global Certif cate may be transferred by delivery with an
assignment du y executed by the Holder or his , her or its
legal represe tative, and the City and Bond Registrar may
treat the Hol er as the person exclusively entitled to
exercise all he rights and powers of an owner until a Global
Certificate i presented with such assignment for registration
of transfer, �ccompanied by assurance of the nature provided
by law that t e assignment is genuine and effective, and until
such transfer', is registered on said books and noted thereon by
the Bond Registrar, all subject to the terms and conditions
provided in the Resolution and to reasonable regulations of
the City contained in any agreement with, or notice to, the
Bond Registrar.
Transfer of a Global Certificate may, at the
direction and expense of the City, be subject to other
restrictions if required to qualify the Global Certificates as
being "in registered form" within the meaning of Section
149 ( a) of the', federal Internal Revenue Code of 1986 , as
Upol� surrender for transfer of any Replacement Bond
at the princi al office of the Bond Registrar, the City shall
execute ( if n cessary) , and the Bond Registrar shall
authenticate, insert the date of registration (as provided in
paragraph 11 ) and deliver, in the name of the designated
transferee or transferees, one or more new Replacement Bonds
of any author�ized denomination or denominations of a like
agqregate principal amount, having the same stated maturity
and interest rate, as requested by the transferor; provided,
however, that no bond may be registered in blank or in the
name of "bearer" or similar designation. Whenever ownership
of any Replacement Bonds should be transferred without
surrender of the Replacement Bond for transfer or should be
registered in nominee name only, the registered owner of the
Replacement �ond shall, if and to the extent required to
preserve the exclusion from gross income of the interest on
the Bonds and at the direction and expense of the City,
• maintain for the City a record of the actual owner of the
Replacement Hond.
At the option of the holder of a Replacement Bond,
Replacement onds may be exchanged for Replacement Bonds of
� �
any authoriz d denomination or denominations of a like
' ��y�/.��1
aggregate principal amount and stated maturity, upon surrender
of the Replacement Bonds to be exchanged at the principal
office of the Bond Registrar. whenever any Replacement Bonds
are so surrendered for exchange, L-he City shall execute ( if
necessary) , and the Bond Registrar shall authenticate, insert
the date of registration of , and deliver the Replacement Bonds
which the holder making the exchange is entitled to receive .
Global Certificates may not be exchanged for Global
Certificates of smaller denominations .
All Bonds surrendered upon any exchange or transfer
provided for in this resolution shall be promptly cancelled by
the Bond Registrar an� thereafter disposed of as directed by
the City.
All Bonds delivered in exchange for or upon transfer
of Bonds shall be valid general obligations of the City
evidencing tlne same debt, and entitled to the same benefits
under this resolution, as the Bonds surrendered for such
exchange or transfer.
Every Bond presented or surrendered for transfer or
exchange shall be duly endorsed or be accompanied by a written
instrument of transfer, in form satisfactory to the Bond
Registrar, duly executed by the holder thereof or his , her or
its attorney duly authorized in writing.
Th� Bond Registrar may require payment of a sum
sufficient to cover any tax or other governmental charge
payable in cpnnection with the transfer or exchange of any
Bond and any legal or unusual costs regarding transfers and
lost Bonds .
Transfers shall also be subject to reasonable
regulations of the City contained in any agreement with, or
notice to, the Bond Registrar, including regulations which
permit the Bond Registrar to close its transfer books between
record dates and payment dates .
13 . Riqhts Upon Transfer or Exchange. Each Bond
delivered upon transfer of or in exchange for or in lieu of
any other Bond shall carry all the rights to interest accrued
and unpaid, and to accrue, which were carried by such other
14 . Interest Payment; Record Date. Interest on any
Global Certificate shall be paid as provided in the first
paragraph th�ereof, and interest on any Replacement Bond shall
. � l�'�--����'�
be paid on e,ach interest payment date by check or draft mailed
to the persan in whose name the Bond is registered ( the
"Holder" ) on the registration books of the City maintained by
the Bond Re�istrar, and in each case at the address appearing
thereon at the close of business on the fifteenth ( 15th)
calendar da� preceding such interest payment date ( the
"Regular Re�ord Date" ) . Any such interest not so timely paid
shall cease to be payable to the person who is the Holder
thereof as of the Regular Record Date, and shall be payable to
the person who is the Holder thereof at the close of business
on a date (ithe "Special Record Date" fixed by the Bond
Registrar Whenever money becomes available for payment of the
defaulted �nterest. Notice of the Special Record Date shall
be given by the Bond Registrar to the Holders not less than
ten ( 10 ) days prior to the Special Record Date.
i15 . Holders ; Treatment of Reqistered Owner; Consent
of Holders .
i (A) For the purposes of all actions , consents and
other matters affecting Holders of the Bonds , other than
payments , redemptions , and purchases , the City may (but shall
not be ob�igated to) treat as the Holder of a Bond the
beneficia;l owner of the Bond instead of the person in whose
name the �Bond is registered. For that purpose, the City may
ascertairY the identity of the beneficial owner of the Bond by
such mear�s as the Bond Registrar in its sole discretion deems
appropri�te, including but not limited to a certificate from
the perspn in whose name the Bond is registered identifying
such ben�ficial owner.
(B) The City and Bond Registrar may treat the
name an Bond is registered as the owner of
person �,n whose y
such Borid for the purpose of receiving payment of principal of
and pre�ium, if any, and interest (subject to the payment
provisic�ns in paragraph 14 above) on, such Bond and for all
other p�rposes whatsoever whether or not such Bond shall be
overdue;, and neither the City nor the Bond Registrar shall be
affecteid by notice to the contrary.
(C) Any consent, request, direction, approval,
objecti�on or other instrument to be signed and executed by the
Holder$ may be in any number of concurrent writings of similar
tenor �nd must be signed or executed by such Holders in person
or by agent appointed in writing. Proof of the execution of
any suCh consent, request, direction, approval, obiection or
other jinstrument or of the writing appointing any svch agent
and ofi the ownership of Bonds , if made in the following
� ��:,�-�yy-�-�
manner, shall �be sufficient for any of the purposes of this
Resolution, ar�d shall be conclusive in favor of the City with
regard to any �action taken by it under such request or other
instrument, n�mely:
( 1 ) The fact and date of the execution by any
per�on of any such writing may be proved by the
cer�tificate of any officer in any jurisdiction who
by ;law has power to take acknowledgments within such
jur'isdiction that the person signing such writing
acknowledged before him the execution thereof , or by
an affidavit of any witness to such execution.
( 2 ) Subject to the provisions of subparagraph
(A) above, the fact of the ownership by any person
of Bonds and the amounts and numbers of such Bonds ,
anKi the date of the holding of the same, may be
pr�oved by reference to the bond register.
16 . Delivery; Ap lication of Proceeds . The Global
Certificates when so prepared and executed shall be delivered
by the Dire�tor, Department of Finance and Management
Services, t� the Purchaser upon receipt of the purchase price,
and the Pur�haser shall not be obliged to see to the proper
applicationithereof .
1'7 . Fund and Accounts . For the convenience and
proper admi'nistration of the moneys to be borrowed and repaid
on the Bonds and the Refunded Bonds , and to make adequate and
specific security to the Purchaser and holders from time to
time of th� Bonds and Refunded Bonds, there is hereby created
a special �ccount to be designated the "General Obligation
Capital Im�rovement 1989 Refunding Bonds Account" (the "Escrow
Account" ) to be administered and maintained by the City
Treasurer as a bookkeeping account separate and apart from all
other acco�unts maintained in the official financial records of
the City. � There has been heretofore created and established
the Genera�l Debt Service Fund (numbered 960, herein the
"Fund" ) . iThe Fund and the Account shall each be maintained in
the manne� herein specified until all of the Refunded Bonds
have been; paid and until all of the Bonds and the interest
thereon shall have been fully paid.
( i) Escrow Account. The Escrow Account shall be
mainitained as an escrow account with American National
Banl� and Trust Company (the "Escrow Agent" ) in St . Paul ,
Minr�esota, which is a suitable financial institution
witt�in the State whose deposits are insured by the
' , ��9-/��
Federal DI osit Insurance Corporation and whose combined
capital arnd surplus is not less than $500,000 . All
proceeds �f the sale of the Bonds shall be received by
the Escrow Agent and applied to fund the Escr�w Account
or to paylcosts of issuing the Bonds . Proceeds of the
Bonds not� used to pay costs of issuance are hereby
irrevocably pledged and appropriated to the Escrow
Account, together with all investment earnings thereon.
The Escrow Account shall be invested in securities
maturing pr callable at the option of the holder on such
date and �bearing interest at such rates as shall be
required �to provide sufficient funds , together with any
cash or o,'ther funds retained in the Escrow Account, to
pay when �due ( 1 ) the interest to accrue on each Bond to
and including March 1, 1990, and ( 2 ) upon redemption the
principal amount of each of the Refunded Bonds . From the
Escrow A¢count there shall be paid ( 1 ) all interest paid
on, or t� be paid on, or to accrue on, the Bonds to and
including March 1, 1990 , and ( 2 ) the principal of the
Refunded; Bonds due by reason of redemption on the call
date of March 1, 1990 . The Escrow Account shall be
irrevocably appropriated to the payment of the principal
of and i$�terest on the Bonds until the proceeds of the
Bonds therein are applied to payment of the Refunded
Bonds . �The moneys in the Escrow Account shall be used
solely fbr the purposes herein set forth and for no other
purpose,' except that any surplus in the Escrow Account
may be r;emitted to the City, all in accordance with an
agreement ( the "Escrow Agreement" ) by and between the
City and Escrow Agent, a form of which agreement is on
file in 'the office of the City Clerk. Any moneys
remitted to the City upon termination of the Escrow
Agreemer,lt shall be deposited in the Fund.
( ii) Fund. To the Fund, to a special sinking fund
account' which is hereby created and established therein
for the� payment of the Bonds, there is hereby pledged and
irrevoc�bly appropriated and there shall be credited:
( 1) any� balance remitted to the City upon the termination
of the ��Escrow Agreement; ( 2) any balance remaining on
March 2', 1990, in the separate sinking fund, or special
account in the sinking fund, recognized in paraqraph 10
of the ,'City' s February 2 , 1982 , resolution authorizing
the issuance of the Prior Bonds and created in the
Februa�y 18 , 1982 , resolution levying a tax for the
paymen� of the Prior Bonds ; ( 3 ) all taxes collected afte�-
March 1 , 1990, pursuant to levies made in said .r�saluti��ri
of Feb�uary 18 , 1982 , which levies shall not be cancelled
� ��r-/�-�
except � s permitted by Minnesota Statutes , Sec
475 . 61,�Subdivision 3 ; ( 4 ) any collections of all taxes
hereaftier levied for the payment of the Bonds and
interes�t thereon; ( 5 ) all investment earnings on funds in
the Fur�d; and ( 6 ) any and all other moneys which are
properl,�y available and are appropriated by the governing
body o� the City to the Fund. The amount of any surplus
r�main ng in the Fund when tre Bonds and interest thereon
are pa�d shall be used consistent with Minnesota
Statut�s, Section 475 . 61, Subdivision 4 .
The moneys in the Fund shall be used solely to pay
the principal and interest and any premiums for redemption of
the Bonds a�nd any other general obligation bonds of the City
hereafter i;ssued by the City and made payable from the Fund as
provided b� law, or to pay any rebate due to the United
States . Na portion of the proceeds of the Bonds (and any
other obligations treated as one issue with the Bonds ) shall
be used di�ectly or indirectly to acquire higher yieldinq
investment� or to replace funds which were used directly or
indirectly � to acquire higher yielding investments, except ( 1)
for a reasQnable temporary period until such proceeds are
needed for; the purpose for which the Bonds (and such other
obligation5 ) were issued, and ( 2 ) in addition to the above in
an amount not greater than $100,000 . To this effect, any
proceeds o�f the Bonds (and such other obligations ) and any
sums from jtime to time held in the Escrow Account or Fund (or
any other ;City fund or account which will be used to pay
principal �or interest to become due on the Bonds) in excess of
amounts wliich under the applicable federal arbitraqe
regulations may be invested without regard as to yield shall
not be in�ested at a yield in excess of the applicable yield
restrictibns imposed by said arbitrage regulations on such
investments after taking into account any applicable
"temporary periods" or "minor portion" made available under
the feder�l arbitrage regulations . In addition, the proceeds
of the Bo�ds and money in the Fund and the Escrow Account
shall not be invested in obligations or deposits issued by,
guaranteed by or insured by the United States or any agency or
instrumer�tality thereof if and to the extent that such
investmerit would cause the Bonds to be " federally guaranteed"
within tHe meaning of Section 149 (b) of the federal internal
Revenue �ode of 1986, as amended (the "Code" ) .
' 32
' i
18 . IPledQe of Existing Tax Levies; Coveraqe Test .
To provide mon�eys for payment of the principal and interest on
the Bonds , theire is hereby pledged to the payment of the Bonds
all those taxe�s relating to the Prior Bonds collected after
March 1 , 1990,i which were levied in the February 18 , 1982 ,
resolution of ,the City Council of the City relating to the
Prior Bonds ugon all of the taxable property in the City as
direct annual �ad valorem taxes to be spread upon the tax rolls
and collected ;with and as part of other general property taxes
in the City. ;Excluding taxes levied for earlier years , said
levies were fqr the years and in the amounts as follows :
Year ; Year
of i of Levy For
Tax � Tax Prior
Levy � Collection Bonds
lgg9 ; 1990 $1, 338, 225
1990 i 1991 1, 350,957
The� tax levies are such that if collected in full
they, togethe�r with estimated collections of investment
earnings (anc� until March 1, 1990, all amounts in the Escrow
Account) and �other revenues herein pledged for the payment of
the Bonds, will produce at least five percent ( 5� ) in excess
of the amoun� needed to meet when due the principal and
interest paytments on the Bonds . The tax levies shall be
irrepealable � so long as any of the Bonds are outstanding and .
unpaid, provided that the City reserves the right and power to
reduce the l�vies in the manner and to the extent permitted by
Minnesota St�tutes, Section 475 . 61, Subdivision 3 .
19 �. General Obliqation Pledge. For the prompt and
full payment� of the principal and interest on the Bonds, as
the same res�ectively become due, the full faith, credit and
taxing power�s of the City shall be and are hereby irrevocably
pledged. If' the balance in the Escrow Account or Fund is ever
insufficient' to pay all principal and interest then due on the
Bonds and an�y other bonds payable therefrom, the deficiency
shall be prolmptly paid out of any other funds of the City
which are av�ailable for such purpose, including the general
fund of the City, and such other funds may be reimbursed with
or without i�nterest from the Escrow Account or Fund when a
sufficient balance is available therein.
2(� . Appro riation. If an appropriation is
necessary tQ accomplish the crossover refunding of the Prior
' 33
. i
� ��'.���--��v
Bonds , such aplropriation is hereby authorized and made, and
payment shall �e made from the budgeted appropriations for
debt service for pending bond issues .
21 . ; Refunded Bonds; Security. Until retirement of
the Refunded Bbnds , all provisions heretofore made for the
security therebf shall be observed by the City and all of its
officers and agents .
22 . ; Securities; Escrow Aqent . Securities purchased
from moneys in the Escrow Account shall be limited to
securities se� forth in Minnesota Statutes , Section 475 . 67 ,
Subdivision 8,,' and any amendments or supplements thereto.
Securities pu�rchased from the Escrow Account shall be
purchased simultaneously with the delivery of the Bonds . The
City Council tias investigated the facts and hereby finds and
determines th�t the Escrow Agent is a suitable financial
institution t�i act as escrow agent .
23 . ! Redemption of Refunded Bonds . The Refunded
Bonds shall b� redeemed and prepaid on March 1, 1990, all in
accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the
Notice of Cal!1 for Redemption attached hereto as Exhibit A,
which terms aind conditions are hereby approved and
incorporated ,herein by reference. A Notice of Call for
Redemption i� substantially such form shall be first published
no later thar} thirty ( 30) days after the issuance of the
Bonds , and shall be published again not less than thirty ( 30 )
days prior to the redemption date pursuant to the Escrow
� 'ver
24 . Escrow Aqreement. On or prior to the deli y
of the Bonds ; the Mayor, Clerk and Director, Department of
Finance and D�ianagement Services, shall, and are hereby
authorized a�d directed to, execute on behalf of the City an
Escrow Agreement. All essential terms and conditions of such
Escrow Agreetnent are hereby approved and adopted and made a
part of this� resolution, and the City covenants that it will
promptly enfprce all provisions thereof in the event of
default thereunder by the Escrow Agent.
25. Purchase of SLGS. The City Treasurer, or
anyone desic�nated by the City Treasurer to act in his behalf,
is hereby a�thorized and directed to purchase the appropriate
United States Treasury Securities, State and Local Government
Series , fro� the proceeds of the Bonds in accordance with the
provisions of this resolution and to execute all such
documents ( including the appropriate subscription f��rm)
� 34
� ��
• i
required to ef£ect such purchase in accordance with the
applicable U.S . Treasury Regulations .
26 . ICertificate of Reqistration. The Director,
Department of �'inance and Management Services , is hereby
directed to fil�e a certified copy of this Resolution with the
County Auditor of Ramsey County, Minnesota, together with such
other information as the County Auditor shall require, and to
obtain the Coumty Auditor ' s certificate that the Bonds have
been entered iM the County Auditor' s Bond Register.
27 . IRecords and Certificates . The officers of �he
City are hereb� authorized and directed to prepare and furnish
to the Purchas�r, and to the attorneys approving the legality
of the issuanc� of the Bonds , certified copies of all
proceedings an�l records of the City relating to the Bonds and
to the financial condition and affairs of the City, and such
other affidavits, certificates and information as are required
to show the fa�ts relating to the legality and marketability
of the Bonds as the same appear from the books and records
under their custody and control or as otherwise known to them,
and all such c�ertified copies, certificates and affidavits,
including any heretofore furnished, shall be deemed represen-
tations of thel City as to the facts recited therein.
28 . I Neqative Covenant as to Use of Proceeds and
Im rovements . ! The City hereby covenants not to use the
proceeds of th�e Bonds or to use the improvements financed with
the proceeds of the Prior Bonds or to cause or permit them or
any of them td be used, or to enter into any deferred payment
arranqements �`or the cost of such improvements, in such a
manner as to cause ( 1 ) the Bonds to be "private activity
bonds " within �the meaning of Sections 103 and 141 through 150
of the Code o�c ( 2 ) the Prior Bonds to be "industrial
development bonds" or "consumer loan bonds" or "private loan
bonds" within the meaning of the federal Internal Revenue Code
of 1954 , as amended immediately prior to the enactment of the
federal Tax R�form Act of 1986 .
29 . i Tax-Exem t Status of the Bonds; Rebate. The
City shall co�nply with requirements necessary under the Code
to establish and maintain the exclusion from gross income
under Section! 103 of the Code of the interest on the Bonds ,
includinq wit�out limitation requirements relating to
temporary periods for investments, limitations on amounts
invested at a! yield greater than the yield on the Bonds, and
the rebate oflexcess investment earnings to the United States .
I 35
� �l�`..�-�/�
� i
30 . No DesiQnation of Qualified Tax-Exem.�t
ObliQations . T;he Bonds exceed in amount those which may be
qualified as "c�ualified tax-exempt obligations " within the
meaning of Section 265 (b) ( 3 ? of the Code, and hence are not
designated for �such purpose.
31 . � Depository Letter Aqreement . The Depository
Letter Agreememt is hereby approved, and shall be executed on
behalf of the �ity by the Mayor, Treasurer and Director,
Department of �inance and Management Services, in
substantially �he form approved, with such changes,
modifications , � additions and deletions as shall be necessary
and appropriat�e and approved by the City Attorney. Execution
by such office!rs of the Depository Letter Agreement shall be
conclusive evi�dence as to the necessity and propriety of
changes and their approval by the City Attorney. So long as
Midwest Securities Trust Company is the Depository or it or
its nominee is the Holder of any Global Certificate, the City
shall comply with the provisions of the Depository Letter
Agreement, as � it may be amended or supplemented by the City
from time to �ime with the agreement or consent of Midwest
Securities Trµst Company.
� i Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
32. S�everabilit . If an section ara ra h
Y Y . P g P
or provision of �this resolution shall be held to be invalid
or unenforceabl� for any reason, the invalidity or unenforce-
ability of such �section, paragraph or provision shall not
affect any of tY�e remaining provisions of this resolution.
33. leadin s. Headings in this resolution are
included for co venience of reference only and are not
a part hereof, nd shall not limit or define the meaning
of any provisio hereof.
� �
COUNCIL MEMBERS , R uested b De artment of:
Yeas Nays �i � Y P
Dimond ! Finance and Management Services
Lona � In Favor �
Goswitz ;
s�ne;be� � Against BY
Sonnen �
Wilson �
I F�B � '"° �989 orm Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Da�e �
Certified Pass ncil S t BY
By �� �
Appr by Mavor: Date ��� � � ���� Approv by May r f ission to Council
; pu��� ��� � � �sa9
� �
�; „__
y Y _>
. WHITE _ F1WA CERK � �� COpflCIl � . •.' .
BI.UE - MAVOR S6� '�
. � Council Resolution
t _ � .
Presented By
Referred To � Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
-��i -2�� lltX`.�!lZ�G >Z�1 flw �L� t�'
=3��'�lS. �iL #�Rf.IA�lIQM C#►�I'�t. 3�1'l�T�/'!
' I� ��� S� 1!s!E•
�RQ2�6 lAO� !'B�IA Z8�ts
. tt�►e �irectos, Depirtaeat of linsnce
aad Ilanag��t r�ric�ies, l�as ps�seal.�d a�fidarits sbv�riaq
pobllcatfv� erf c�ticee af t2� ul• ot ap�prosi�a�tlp $2,275,�a@
Gieneral t�bliqat �n Capital i�prof�snt �stundi�g H�n�ds,
Serita 19s98 t 'Sonaa'�, of th� City ot SaiAt Panl.
llinnesots tt2�a �itp•�. �or �rhida. bi�la �rs to be consid�ered
at this �ting itA aa.rorda�a+t �itb ��lntio�n 110. a+!-I+t
- a8optid bp tbis Cc�n�cil om Jaaua�g 1�. 19gl, ane! a��ned
by tAe Mayor Je��sary 18, 19�9� aacl ttie �ffi8atvits haw
bees �sa�af.�l, b�ea �onnd to ec�rplY �ritl� the ps�eri►1�3o��
af l�aa�s�ota 8 Lates�, Ch+�pt�r �!?S, aad hav+e be� ap�pro�sd
aAtl os�dezed pl c� tila= and
, tbo bida t�t fortb on l�ibit 11 sttache�!
herlto aere z re�d p�cstunt tfl the Ot'ficial Terr��uu of
�ffsri�q bg @fr�cLor, Departa�t of li�tncs aa�'! Maaa�t
Ser�rita�s, at otfic�a o! Sprinqs�t�! Incorporatad �t
3:00 P.IL., C�a al ?iae, o� F+�hrnarg 13, 1984s and
COUNCIL $iIEMBERS Requested by Department of: �
Yeas Nays
i.ong [n Favor
scheibet A gai n s t BY
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Yassed by Council Sec tary BY
t�pproved by IVtavor. Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By By
d �y� ��v
t i
WHE EAS, the Director, Department of Finance and
Management Se vices, has advised this Council that the bid of
First Chicago Capital Markets, Inc . , was found to be the most
advantageous nd has recommended that said bid be accepted;
WHE',REAS, the City Council of the City has heretofore
determined thiat it is necessary and expedient to provide
moneys for a crossover refunding of all of the City' s callable
General Obligation Capital Improvement Bonds , Series 1982 ,
dated March 1, 1982 , issued in the original principal amount
of $7 , 320,000 (the "Prior Bonds" ) , of which $2 , 225,000 matures
on or after l�arch 1, 1991, and is callable on the earliest
call date of March 1, 1990; and
WHEIREAS, refunding the callable Prior Bonds is
consistent with covenants made with the holders thereof, and
is necessary and desirable for the reduction of debt service
cost to the ity; and
WH REAS, the City reserved the right to increase or
decrease the amount of bonds issued for such purpose from the
$2,275,000 s t forth in the Official Terms of Offering, and it
is necessaryland expedient to issue the Bonds in the amount of .
$2, 265, 000 td finance the crossover refunding of the callable
Prior Bonds; l,and
WHESREAS, the City has heretofore issued registered
obligations i,n certificated form, and incurs substantial costs
associated wi,th their printing and issuance, and substantial
continuing t�cansaction costs relating to their payment,
transfer and exchange; and
WHEREAS, the City has determined that significant
savings in t�ansaction costs will result from issuing bonds in
"global book-»entry form" , by which bonds are issued in
certificated � form in large denominations, registered on the
books of the 'ICity in the name of a depository or its nominee,
and held in afekeeping and immobilized by such depository,
and such dep sitory as part of the computerized national
securities c earance and settlement system (the "National
System" ) reg sters transfers of ownership interests in the
bonds by mak ng computerized book entries on its own books and
distributes ayments on the bonds to its Partici-pants shown
on its books as the owners of such interests; and such •
Participants and other banks , brokers and dealers
participatinc� in the National System will do likewise (not as
agents of th� City) if not the beneficial owners of the bonds;
!, �
t I ; 6,j-��.v
� �
WHER�AS, "Participant.� " means those financial
institutions f r whom the Depository effects book-entry
transfers and ledges of securities deposited and immobilized
with the Depos ' tory; and
WHERIEAS, Midwest Securities Trust Company, a limited
purpose trust jcompany organized under the laws of the State of
Illinois , or any of its successors or successors to its
functions herelunder (the "Depository" ) , will act as such
depository with respect to the Bonds except as set forth
below, and the�re is before this Council a form of letter
agreement (thd "Depository Letter Agreement" ) setting forth
various matte�s relating to the Depository and its role with
respect to the� Bonds ; and
WHE1#EAS, the City will deliver the Bonds in the form
of one certificate per maturity, each representing the entire
principal amo�lnt of the Bonds due on a particular maturity
date (each a ''Global Certificate" ) , which single certificate
per maturity �ay be transferred on �he City' s bond register as
required by the Uniform Commercial Code, but not exchanged for
smaller denom�nations unless the City determines to issue
Replacement Bbnds as provided below; and �
WHE�tEAS, the City will be able to replace the
Depository or� under certain circumstances to abandon the
"global book- ntry form" by permitting the Global Certificates
to be exchang�d for smaller denominations typical of ordinary
bonds registe�red on the City' s bond register; and "Replacement
Bonds" means ithe certificates representing the Bonds so
authenticatedjand delivered by the Bond Registrar pursuant to
paragraphs 6 jand 12 hereof; and
WHE�REAS, "Holder" as used herein means the person in
whose name a �Bond is registered on the registration books of
the City mainitained by the City Treasurer or a successor
registrar appointed as provided in paragraph 8 (the "Bond
Registrar" ) :
N04�, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the
City of Sain� Paul, Minnesota, as follows:
l . j Acceptance of Bid. The bid of First Chicago
Capital Mark ts, Inc . (the "Purchaser" ) , to purchase the
General Obli ation Capital Improvement Refunding Bonds, Series
1989E, of th City (the "Bonds " , or individually a "Bond" ) ,
offered in t e aggregate principal amount of $2 , 275 ,000
z � ���'y_��,v
subject to ch�nge, all in accordance with the Official Terms
of Offering f�r the bond sale, at the rates of interest
hereinafter sjet forth, and to pay therefor the sum of
$2 , 255, 662 . 501, plus interest accrued to settlement, is hereby
found, deter ined and declared to be the most favorable bid
received and is hereby accepted for Bonds in the aggregate
principal am unt of $2 , 265 , 000 and purchase price of
$2 , 245, 747 . 5 , plus accrued interest to settlement, and the
Bonds are he eby awarded to said bidder. The Director,
Department o� Finance and Management Services, or his
desi.gnee, is �directed to retain the deposit of the Purchaser .
and to forthc�ith return to the unsuccessful bidders their good
faith checks � or drafts .
2 . ' Title; Oriqinal Issue Date; Denominations ;
Maturities . ; The Bonds shall be titled "General Obligation
Capital Imprpvement Refunding Bonds, Series 1989E" , shall be
dated March �1, 1989 , as the date of original issue and shall
be issued fo,rthwith on or after such date as fully registered
bonds . The IBonds shall be numbered from R-1 upward. Global
Certificates! shall each be in the denomination of the entire
principal ainount maturing on a single date. Replacement
Bonds, if islsued as provided in paragraph 6 , shall be in the
denominatior} of $5,000 each or in any integral multiple .
thereof of a single maturity. The Bonds shall mature on
March 1 in �.he years and amounts as follows :
Year Amount
� 1991 $1, 100 , 000
1g92 1, 165,000
of Offerin the Cit
In the Official Terms g Y
specificall� reserved the riqht to increase or decrease the
aggregate p�rincipal amount of the 1992 maturity of the Bonds
by not more� than $50,000 higher or lower, and the above
schedule di'ffers from the schedule in the Official Terms of
Offering bwt is within such right as so reserved. For the
purpose of !complying with Minnesota Statutes, Section 475 .54 ,
Subdivisior� 1, the maturity schedule for the Bonds has been
combined wuth the unpaid and uncallable maturities of the
Prior Bond� as permitted by Minnesota Statutes, Section
475 . 54 , Sumdivision 2 .
� : Purpose; Refun�inq Findings . The Bonds
(together w�th other available funds , if any, to be appropri-
ated) sha111 provide funds for a crossover refunding of all of
. the City' s� callable Prior Bonds (which callable Prior Bonds
t I �f r G 'i����/�'�
I -
are hereinafter� collectively referred to as the "Refunded
Bonds" ) . It isl hereby founcl, determined and declared that
such refunding 'is pursuant to Minnesota Statutes , Section
475 . 67 , Subdivi�sion 13, and shall result in a reduction of
debt service cqst to the City.
� . Interest . The Bonds shall bear interest payable
semiannually o March 1 and September 1 of each year (each,
an "Interest P�yment Date" ) , commencing September 1, 1989 ,
calculated on he basis of a 360-day year of twelve 30-day
months, at the� respective rates per annum set forth opposite
the maturity y�ars as follows :
� Matu�rity Year Interest Rate
!1991 6 . 40�
�'1992 6 . 50
5 . �Description of the Global Certificates and
Global Book-Er�try System. Upon their original issuance the
Bonds will beiissued in the form of a single Global Certifi-
cate for each �maturity, deposited with the Depository by the
Purchaser andiimmobilized as provided in paragraph 6 . No
beneficial owners of interests in the Bonds will receive
certificates �epresenting their respective interests in the �
Bonds except �s provided in paragraph 6 . Except as so
provided, dur�.ng the term of the Bonds, beneficial ownership
(and subseque�ht transfers of beneficial ownership) of
interests in the Global Certificates will be reflected by book
entries made �n the records of the Depository and its
Participants and other banks, brokers, and dealers participa-
ting in the N�tional System. The Depository' s book entries of
beneficial ow�ership interests are authorized to be in incre-
ments of S5,Oi00 of principal of the Bonds, but not smaller
increments, diespite the larger authorized denominations of the
Global Certif;icates . Payment of principal of, premium, if
any, and inte�rest on the Global Certificates will be made to
the Bond Regi�strar as paying agent, and in turn by the Bond
Registrar to ;the Depository or its nominee as registered owner
of the Globa]� Certificates, and the Depository according to
the laws and 'rules governing it will receive and forward
payments on kpehalf of the beneficial owners of the Global
Pa� ent of principal of, premium, if any, and
interest on �Global Certificate may in the City' s discretion
be made by sµch other method of transferring funds as may be
requested by� the Holder of a Global Certificate.
� 5
, � ,,'F_�y'-i3�a
6 . 1 Immobilization of Global Certificates by the
De ositor • uccessor De ositor • Re lacement Bonds . Pursuant
to the reque t of the Purchaser to the Depository, which
request is r�quired by the Official Terms of Offering,
immediately �pon the original delivery of the Bonds the .
Purchaser will deposit the Global Certificates representing
all of the B�nds with the Depository. The Global Certificates
shall be in �ypewritten form or otherwise as acceptable to the
Depository, �hall be registered in the name of the Depository
or its nomin�e and shall be held immobilized from circulation
at the offic�s of the Depository on behalf of the Purchaser
and subsequet�t bondowners . The Depository or its nominee will
be the sole �older of record of the Global Certificates and no
investor or pther party purchasing, selling or otherwise
transferring� ownership of interests in any Bond is to receive,
hold or deliWer any bond certificates so long as the
Depository hy�olds the Global Certificates immobilized from
circulation,; except as provided below in this paragraph and in
paragraph 12 .
� ---
C�rtificates evidencing the Bonds may not after
their origir�al delivery be transferred or exchanged except:
� ( i) Upon registration of transfer of ownership of
a Glob�l Certificate, as provided in paragraph 12 ,
kii) To any successor of the Depository (or its
nomine�) or any substitute depository (a substitute
de ositor ' desi nated ursuant to clause iii of this
P Y' ) g P � . . . �
subpar�graph, provided that any successor of the
Deposi ory or any substitute depository must be both a
"clear�ing corporation" as defined in the Minnesota
Uniform Commercial Code at Minnesota Statutes,
Sectio�n 336 . 8-102, and a qualified and registered
"cleariinq agency" as provided in Section 17A of the
Securi�ties Exchange Act of 1934 , as amended,
(�iii) To a substitute depository designated by and
accep�able to the City upon (a) the determination by the
Deposi�tory that the Bonds shall no longer be eligible for
its d�pository services or (b) a determination by the
City tthat the Depository is no longer able to carry out
its fu�nctions, provided that any substitute depository
must e qualified to act as such, as provided in clause
( ii) �f this subparagraph, or
, ! -� �g-i�d
( i}v) To those persons to whom transfer is
request�d in written transfer instructions in the event
� (a) the Depository shall resign or discontinue
it$ services for the Bonds and the City is unable to
lo�ate a substitute depository within two ( 2 ) months
fo lowing the resignation or determination of non-
el gibility, or
(b) upon a determination by the City in its
so�e discretion that ( 1 ) the continuation of the
bobk-entry system described herein, which precludes
th� issuance of certificates (other than Global
Ce�tificates ) to any Holder other than the
Delpository (or its nominee) , might adversely affect
thle interest of the beneficial owners of the Bonds ,
o�' ( 2 ) that it _s in the best interest of the
beneficial owners of the Bonds that they be able to
oqtain certificated bonds ,
in eitller of which events the City shall notify Holders
of its �determination and of the availability of
certif�cates ( the "Replacement Bonds " ) to Holders
requeslGing the same and the registration, transfer and
exchan e of such Bonds will be conducted as provided in
paragr�phs 9B and 12 hereof .
I� the event of a succession of the Depository as
may be authorized by this paragraph, the Bond Registrar upon
presentatioh of Global Certificates shall register their
transfer to the substitute or successor depositories , and the
substitute br successor depository shall be treated as the
Depository ,for all purposes and functions under this
resolution.� The Depository Letter Agreement shall not apply
to a substi!tute or successor depository unless the City and
the substit�ute or successor depository so agree, and a similar
agreement �ay be entered into.
7 . No Redemption. The Bonds shall not be subject
to redempt�on and prepayment prior to their maturity.
� . Bond Registrar. The Treasurer of the City is
appointed to act as bond registrar and transfer agent with
respect to� the Bonds (the "Bond Registrar" ) , and shall do so
unless and until a successor Bond Registrar is duly appointed.
A successo� Bond Registrar shall be an officer of the City or
. a bank or ltrust company eligible for designation as bond
� �
. (,��-���
. i
475 and ma
Statutes Cha ter , Y
registrar pu�suant to Minnesota , p
be appointed pursuant to any contract the City and such
successor Bor�d Registrar shall execute which is consistent
herewith. Tt�e Bond Registrar shall also serve as paying agent
unless and u�htil a successor paying agent is duly appointed.
Principal an�i interest on the Bonds shall be paid to the
Holders (or �ecord holders ) of the Bonds in the manner set
forth in the; forms of Bond and paragraph 14 of this
resolution. !
9 .' Forms of Bond. The Bonds to be issued hereunder
shall be in ,the form of Global Certificates unless and until
Replacement iBonds are made available as provided in
paragraph 6 .'' Each form of bond may contain such additional or
different t�rms and provisions as to the form of payment,
record date,, notices and other matters as are consistent with
the Depositqry Letter Agreement and approved by the City
Attorney. �
A� Global Certificates . The Global Certificates ,
together wi�th the Certificate of Registration, the form of
Assignment �nd the registration information thereon, shall be
in substant ally the following form and may be typewritten
rather than� printed:
, � ���-��o
� I
R- $
March 1, 199 March 1, 1989
Saint Paul Ramsey County, Minnesota (the "Issuer" or "City" ) ,
certifies �hat it is indebted and for value received promises
to pay to the registered owner specified above or on the
certificat� of registration below, or registered assigns ,
without op�ion of prepayment, in the manner hereinafter set
forth, the principal amount specified above, on the maturity
date specilfied above, and to pay interest thereon semiannually
on March ljand September 1 of each year (each, an "Interest
Payment Daite" ) , commencing September 1, 1989 , at the rate per
annum specified above (calculated on the basis of a 360-day
year of tw�elve 30-day months ) until the principal sum is paid
or has bee�n provided for. This Bond will bear interest from
the most �ecent Interest Payment Date to which interest has
been paid or, if no interest has been paid, from the date of
original i�ssue hereof . The principal of and premium, if any,
on this Bcbnd are payable by check or draft in next day funds
or its equivalent (or by wire transfer in immediately
available funds if payment in such form is necessary to meet
the timin� requirements below) upon presentation and surrender
hereof at the principal office of the Treasurer of the Issuer
in Saint �aul, Minnesota {the "Bond Registrar" ) , acting as
paying ag nt, or any successor paying agent duly appointed by
the Issue . Interest on this Bond will be paid on each
Interest ayment Date by check or draft in next day funds or
its equivalent mailed (or by wire transfer in immediately
� 9
� r !.�
' � /G� ;,�..�t�
' I
available fund� if payment in such form is necessary to meet
the timing req irements below) to the person in whose name
this Bond is r gistered (the "Holder" or "Bondholder" ) on the
registration b�oks of the Issuer maintained by the Bond
Rer,istrar and �t the address appearing thereon at the close of
business on th� fifteenth calendar day preceding such Interest
Payment Date (�the "Regular Record Date" ) . Interest payments
shall be recei�red by the Holder no later than 12 :00 noon,
Chicago, Illin�is, time; and principal and premium payments
shall be receiped by the Holder no later than 12 :00 noon,
Chicago, Illin�is, time, if the Bond is surrendered for
payn►ent enough� in advance to permit payment to be made by such
time. Any int�rest not so timely paid shall cease to be
payable to the person who is the Holder hereof as of the
Regular Record' Date, and shall be payable to the person who is
the Holder her�eof at the close of business on a date (the
"Special Recorkl Date" ) fixed by the Bond Registrar whenever
money becomes lavailable for payment of the defaulted interest.
Notice of the ISpecial Record Date shall be given to
Bondholders no�t less than ten days prior to the Special Record
Date. The prilncipal of and premium, if any, and interest on
this Bond arejpayable in lawful money of the United States of
America. j
Dat� of Payment Not Business Day. If the date for
payment of th� principal of, premium, if any, or interest on
this Bond shal�l be a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday or a day
on which bank.�ng institutions in the City of Chicago,
Illinois, or �he city where the principal office of the Bond
Registrar is ocated are authorized by law or executive order
to close, ther� the date for such payment shall be the next
succeeding da which is not a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday
or a day on w�ich such banking institutions are authorized to
close, and pa�iment on such date shall have the same force and
effect as if ilnade on the nominal date of payment.
No �tedemption. The Bonds of this issue are not
subject to req�emption and prepayment prior to their maturity.
Iss�uance; Purpose; General Obligation. This Bond is
one of an iss e in the total principal amount of $2,265,000,
all of like d�te of original issue and tenor, except as to
number, maturity, interest rate and denomination, which Bond
has been issujed pursuant to and in full conformity with the
Constitution �and laws of the State of Minnesota and the
Charter of th�e Issuer, and pursuant to a resolution adopted by
the City Counicil of the Issuer on February 14 , 1989 (the
"Resolution" )�, for the purpose of providing, together with any
� 10
. I ���_��o
contributi n of the Issuer, funds sufficient for a crossover
refunding n their earliest call date of the callable
maturities of the Issuer ' s General Obligation Capital
Improvemen Bonds , Series 1982 . This Bond is payable out of
the Escrow ,Account of the Issuer' s General Obligation Capital
Improvemen� 1989 Refunding Bonds Account as to interest
through an including March 1, 1990, and thereafter out of the
General De�t Service Fund of the Issuer. This Bond
constitute a general obligation of the Issuer, and to provide
moneys for the prompt and full payment of its principal ,
premium, i� any, and interest when the same become due, the
full faith , and credit and taxing powers of the Issuer have
been and a�e hereby irrevocably pledged.
�enominations ; Exchanqe; Resolution. The Bonds are
issuable o iginally only as Global Certificates in the
denominati�n of the entire principal amount of the issue
maturing o a single date. Global Certificates are not
exchangeab�e for fully registered bonds of smaller
denominatipns except in exchange for Replacement Bonds if then
available. l Replacement Bonds, if made available as provided
below, are'Iissuable solely as fully registered Bonds in the
denominatipns of 55 , 000 and integral multiples thereof of a
single mat rity and are exchangeable for fully registered
Bonds of o�her authorized denominations in equal aggregate
principal ;amounts at the principal office of the Bond
Registrar,l but only in the manner and subject to the
limitatior�s provided in the Resolution. Reference is hereby
made to tl�e Resolution for a description of the rights and
duties of the Bond Registrar. Copies of the Resolution are on
file in th�e principal office of the Bond Registrar.
IRe lacement Bonds . Replacement Bonds may be issued
by the Issuer in the event that:
I (a) the Depository shall resign or discontinue its
serv�ces for the Bonds , and only if the Issuer is unable
to 1 cate a substitute depository within two ( 2 ) months
foll�wing the resignation or determination of non-
elig bility, or
I (b) upon a determination by the Issuer in its sole
disc etion that ( 1) the continuation of the book-entry
syst�m described in the Resolution, which precludes the
� issu nce of certificates (other than Global Certificates )
to a y Holder other than the Depository (or its nominee) ,
migh adversely affect the interest of the beneficial
owne s of the Bonds , or ( 2 ) that it is in the best
, �-�- �30
. ;
interestl of the beneficial owners of the Bends that they
be ableito obtain certificated bonds .
Tr nsfer. This Bond shall be registered in the name
of the payeeion the books of the Issuer by presenting this
Bond for reg�.stration to the Hond Registrar, who will endorse
his , her or �ts name and note the date of registration
opposite the � name of the payee in the certificate cf
registrationiattached hereto. Thereafter this Bond may be
transferred by delivery with an assignment duly executed by
the Holder o� his , her or its leqal representatives , and the
Issuer and B�nd Registrar may treat the Holder as the person
exclusively �ntitled to exercise all the rights and powers of
an owner unt�il this Bond is presented with such assignment for
registrationiof transfer, accompanied by assurance of the
nature provi�ded by law that the assignment is genuine and
effective, a,'nd until such transfer is registered on said books
and noted hqreon by the Bond Registrar, all subject to the
terms and cqnditions provided in the Resolution and to
reasonable �tegulations of the Issuer contained in any
agreement wi�th, or notice to, the Hond Registrar. Transfer of
this Bond m�y, at the direction and expense of the Issuer, be
subject to �ertain other restrictions if required to qualify
this Bond a� being "in registered form" within the meaning of
Section 149 �a) of the federal Internal Revenue Code of 1986 ,
as amended. .
Fees upon Transfer or Loss . The Bond Registrar may
require paytnent of a sum sufficient to cover any tax or other
governmenta�l charge payable in connection with the transfer or
exchange of� this Bond and any legal or unusual costs regarding
transfers aind lost Bonds .
�+reatment of Re istered Owner. The Issuer and Bond
Registrar ay treat the person in whose name this Bond is
registeredias the owner hereof for the purpose of receivinq
payment asiherein provided (except as otherwise provided with
respect to �the Record Date) and for all other purposes ,
whether or ; not this Bond shall be overdue, and neither the
Issuer nor ,' the Bond Reqistrar shall be affected by notice to
the contra�y.
�,uthentication. Th_s Bond shall not be valid or
become obl�gatory for any purpose or be entitled to any
security u less the Certificate of Authentication hereon shall
have been �executed by the Bond Registrar.
, � ������o
Not� Qualified Tax-Exempt Obliqations . The Bonds
have not beer� designated by the Issuer as "qualified
tax-exempt o�ligations " for purposes of Section 265(b) ( 3 ) of
the federal �nternal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.
condir.ions a�d things required by the Constitution and laws of
the State of Minnesota and the Charter of the Issuer to be
done, to hap�en and to be performed, precedent to and in the
issuance of this Bond, have been done, have happened and have
been perform�d, in regular and due form, time and manner as
required by 0.aw, and this Bond, together with all other debts
of the Issueir outstanding on the date of original issue hereof
and on the diate of its issuance and delivery to the original
purchaser, dpes not exceed any constitutional or statutory or
Charter limi;tation of indebtedness .
IN' WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey
County, Minniesota, by its City Council has caused this Bond to
be sealed with its official seal and to be executed on its
behalf by the photocopied facsimile signature of its Mayor,
attested by the photocopied facsimile signature of its City
Clerk, and c�untersigned by the photocopied facsimile
signature of its Director, Department of Finance and
Management S�ervices .
Date of Regi�stration: Registrable by:
, Payable at:
This Bond is one of the
Bonds described in the
Resolution mientioned Mayor
City Clerk
Bond Regist�ar �
gy Countersigned:
Authorized Signature
Director, Department of Finance
and Management Services
General Obl�gation Capital Improvement Refunding Bond, Series
1989E, No. �t-
, I' ��y-i��
The transfe�- of ownership of the principal amount of the
attached Bo d may be made only by the registered owner or his ,
her or its �egal representative last noted below.
� �-.�y_.,��>
The following abbreviations , when used in the inscrig�ion
on the face �f this Bond, shall be construed as though they
were written' out in full according to applicable laws or
regulations :l
TEN COM - as� tenants in common
TEN ENT - asl tenants by the entireties
JT TEN - asjjoint tenants with right of survivorship
and not as tenants in common
UTMA - as custodian for
(C�st) (Minor)
under the Uniform
, (State)
� Transfers to Minors Act
P�dditional abbreviations may also be used
though not in the above list.
� I
. I /� -�y-��o
Flor value received, the undersigned hereby sells ,
assigns and transfers unto
the within Bond and does
hereby irr vocably constitute and appoint
attorney t� transfer the Bond on the books kept for the
registratidn thereof, with full power of substitution in the
premises . �
I�otice: The assignor' s signature to
�' this assignment must
correspond with the name as
it appears upon the face of
the within Bond in every
particular, without
alteration or any change
Signature t�uaranteed:
Signature( � ) must be guaranteed by a national bank or trust
company or' by a brokerage firm having a membership in one of
the major $tock exchanges .
'�he Bond Registrar will not effect transfer of this
Bond unless the information concerning the transferee
requested �elow is provided.
Name and A�idress :
( Include information for all joint owners
if the Bond is held by joint account. )
, j ��..�y���.d
B. Replacement Bonds . If the City has notified
Holders that Replacement Bonds have been made available as
provided in aragraph 6 , then for every Bond thereafter
transferred r exchanged ( including an exchange to reflect the
partial prep yment of a Global Certificate not previously
exchanqed fo Replacement Bonds) the Bond Registrar shall
deliver a ce tificate in the form of the Replacement Bond
rather �than he Global Certificate, but the Holder of a Global
Certificate Shall not otherwise be required to exchange the
Global Certi icate for one or more Replacement Bonds since the
City recogni�es that some bondholders may prefer the
convenience f the Depository' s registered ownership of the
Bonds even tl�ough the entire issue is no longer required to be
� in global boc�k-entry form. The Replacement Bonds, together
with the Bon Registrar' s Certificate of Authentication, the
form of Assi�nment and the registration information thereon,
shall be in �ubstantially the following form:
, i ��-��-i.�d
March 1, 1989
Saint Pau1, Ramsey County, Minnesota (the "Issuer" or "City" ) ,
certifies tl�at it is indebted and for value received promises
to pay to tme registered owner specified above, or registered
assigns, without option of prepayment, in the manner
hereinafter, set forth, the principal amount specified above,
on the matu�ity date specified above, and to pay interest
thereon semiannually on March 1 and September 1 of each year
(each, an "�nterest Payment Date" ) , commencing September 1,
1989 , at th�e rate per annum specified above (calculated on the
basis of a 360-day year of twelve 30-day months ) until the
principal s�m is paid or has been provided for. This Bond
will bear ilnterest from the most recent Interest Payment Date
to which ir�terest has been paid or, if no interest has been
paid, from 'the date of original issue hereof . The principal
of and pre�ium, if any, on this Bond are payable upon
presentation and surrender hereof at the principal offine of
(the "Bond Registrar" ) ,
acting as �aying agent, or any successor paying agent duly
appointed y the Issuer. Interest on this Bond will be paid
on each In�erest Payment Date by check or draft mailed to the
person in whose name this Bond is registered (the "Holder" or
"Bondholde�" ) on the registration books of the Issuer
maintained by the Bond Registrar and at the address appearing
I 19
, i ���-��o
thereon at t�e close of business on the fifteenth calendar day
preceding su�ch Interest Payment Date ( the "Regular Record
Date" ) . Any� interest not so timely paid shall cease to be
payable to t'Ihe person who is the Holder hereof as of the
Regular Recojrd Date, and shall be payable to the person who is
the Holder hlereof at the close of business on a date ( the
"Special Recjord Date" ) fixed by the Bond Registrar whenever
money becomqs available for payment of the defaulted interest .
Notice of thle Special Record Date shall be given to
Bondholdersjnot less than ten days prior to the Special Record
Date. The principal of and premium, if any, and interest on
this Bond ate payable in lawful money of the United States of
America . I
HERE . '
conditions �nd things required by the Constitution and laws of
the State o� Minnesota and the Charter of the Issuer to be
done, to ha�pen and to be performed, precedent to and in the
issuance of this Bond, have been done, have happened and have
been perfor�ned, in regular and due form, time and manner as
required byjlaw, and this Bond, together with all other debts
of the Issu r outstanding on the date of original issue hereof
and on the �ate of its issuance and delivery to the original
purchaser, �loes not exceed any constitutional or statutory or
Charter limjitation of indebtedness .
I�N WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey
County, MinInesota, by its City Council has caused this Bond to
be sealed w!ith its official seal or a facsimile thereof and to
be executec� on its behalf by the original or facsimile
signature qf its Mayor, attested by the original or facsimile
signature df its City Clerk, and countersigned by the original
or facsimilje signature of its Director, Department of Finance
and Manage�ent Services .
'� 20
. l��-��d
Date of Rec�istration: Registrable by:
, Payable at:
This Bond iis one of the
Bonds descr'ibed in the
Resolution �nentioned Mayor
, City Clerk
Bond Regist�ar
By �,
Authorize Signature
I Director, Department of Finance
and Management Services
' I �� ��1"����
Date �f Payment Not Business Day. If the date for
payment of the �rincipal of, premium, if any, or interest on
this Bond shall ; be a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday or a day
on which banking� institutions in the City of Chicago,
Illinois, or th� city where the principal office of the Bond
Registrar is lo�ated are authorized by law or executive order
to close, then �he date for such payment shall be the next
succeeding day Which is not a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday
or a day on which such banking institutions are authorized to
close, and paymlent on such date shall have the same force and
effect as if maide on the nominal date of payment.
No Reidemption. The Bonds of this issue are not
subject to redeimption and prepayment prior to their maturity.
Issua�nce; Purpose; General Obligation. This Bond is
one of an issu� in the total principal amount of $2 ,265,000,
all of like datie of original issue and tenor, except as to
number, maturi�y, interest rate and denomination, which Bond
has been issue� pursuant to and in full conformity with the
Constitution amd laws of the State of Minnesota and the
Charter of the � Issuer, and pursuant to a resolution adopted by �
the City Council of the Issuer on February 14 , 1989 (the
"Resolution" ) , ' for the purpose of providing, together with any
contribution o the Issuer, funds sufficient for a crossover
refunding on t eir earliest call date of the callable
maturities of lthe Issuer' s General Obligation Capital
Improvement Bojnds, Series 1982 . This Bond is payable out of
the Escrow Acc�OUnt of the Issuer' s General Obligation Capital
Improvement 19�89 Refunding Bonds Account as to interest
through and in luding March 1, 1990, and thereafter out of the
General Debt Service Fund of the Issuer. This Bond
constitutes a general obligation of the Issuer, and to provide
moneys for th prompt and full payment of its principal,
premium, if any, and interest when the same become due, the
full faith and credit and taxing powers of the Issuer have
been and are 1lereby irrevocably pledged.
Den �minations • Exchan e• Resolution. The Bonds are
issuable sole y as fully registered Bonds in the denominations
of $5,000 andiintegral multiples thereof of a single maturity
and are excha�geable for fully registered Bonds of other
authorized de ominations in equal aggregate principal amounts �
at the princi al office of the Bond Registrar, but only in the
manner and su�ject to the limitations provided in the
. ' -'�--�'y/�a
Resolution. iReference is hereby made to the Resolution for a
description af the rights and duties of the Bond Registrar.
Copies of th� Resolution are on file in the principal office
of the Bond Ftegistrar.
Tr�nsfer. This Bond is transferable by the Holder
in person or !by his , her or its attorney duly authorized in
writing at tMe principal office of the Bond Registrar upon
presentation � and surrender hereof to the Bond Registrar, all
subject to tlhe terms and conditions provided in the Resolution
and to reasot�able regulations of the Issuer contained in any
agreement with the Bond Registrar. Thereupon the Issuer shall
execute and the Bond Registrar shall authenticate and deliver,
in exchange lEor this Bond, one or more new fully registered
Bonds in theiname of the transferee (but not registered in
blank or to !"bearer" or similar designation) , of an authorized
denomination' or denominations , in aggregate principal amount
equal to the� �rincipal amount of this Bond, of the same
maturity and bearing interest at the same rate. Whenever
ownership of� this Bond should be transferred under any other
circumstanc s or be registered in nominee name only, the
registered wner of the Bond shall, if and to the extent
required to �qualify this Bond as being "in registered form"
within the eaning of Section 149 (a) of the federal Internal
Revenue Cod of 1986 , as amended, and at the direction and
expense of he Issuer, maintain for the Issuer a record of the
actual owne� of the Bonds .
�es u on Transfer or Loss . The Bond Registrar may
require pa ent of a sum sufficient to cover any tax or other
governmenta�jl charge payable in connection with the transfer or
exchange of; this Bond and any legal or unusual costs regarding
transfers a�d lost Bonds .
Treatment of Reqistered Owner. The Issuer and Bond
Registrar �ay treat the person in whose name this Bond is
registered �as the owner hereof for the purpose of receiving
payment as ,herein provided (except as otherwise provided on
the revers� side hereof with respect to the Record Date) and
for all ott�er purposes, whether or not this Bond shall be
overdue, ar�d neither the Issuer nor the Bond Registrar shall
be affecte� by notice to the contrary.
l�uthentication. This Bond shall not be valid or
become obl gatory for any purpose or be entitled to any
security u�less the Certificate of Authentication hereon shall
have been �xecuted by the Bond Registrar.
, 23
. ��,�-�y�-i.3o
II ' ns . The Bonds
No�t Qualified Tax-Exempt Obligatio _
have not bee�n designated by the Issuer as "qualified
tax-exempt dbligations" for purposes of Section 265 (b) ( 3 ) of
the federal !Internal Revenue Code of 1986 , as amended.
The fo�.lowing abbreviations , when used in the inscription
on the face' of this Bond, shall be construed as though they
were writte#� out in full according to applicable laws or
TEN COM - a}� tenants in common
TEN ENT - al� tenants by the entireties
JT TEN - as� joint tenants with right of survivorship
anid not as tenants in common
UTMA - as custodian for
(Gust) ( )
under the Uniform
j (State)
Transfers to Minors Act
�,dditional abbreviations may also be used
though not in the above list.
: .
• C�'��3d
For� value received, the undersigned hereby sells ,
assigns and t,'ransfers unto
the within Bond and does
hereby irrev cably constitute and appoint
attorney to t�lransfer the Bond on the books kept for the
registration 'thereof, with full power of substitution in the
premises . !
Dated: �
No � ice: The assignor' s signature to this
� assignment must correspond with the name
' as it appears upon the face of the within
' Bond in every particular, without
alteration or any change whatever.
Signature Gu�ranteed:
I be uaranteed b a national bank or trust
Signature(s )i must g Y
company or �y a brokerage firm having a membership in one of
the major s�ock exchanges .
The Bond Re istrar will not effect transfer of this Bond
unless the �nformation concerning the transferee requested
below is pr¢vided.
Name and Ad�.ress :
I ( Include information for all joint owners
if the Bond is held by joint account. )
. �1�-�-���
10 .�' Execution. The Bonds shall be executed on
behalf of the City by the signatures of its Mayor, City Clerk
and Director, Department of Finance and Management Services ,
each with the� effect noted on the forms of the Bonds, and be
sealed with t'he seal of the City; provided, however, that the
seal of the aity may be a printed or photocopied facsimile;
provided furtlher that any of such signatures may be printed or
photocopied facsimiles and the corporate seal may be omitted
on the Bonds 'Ias permitted by law. In the event of disability
or resignatictn or other absence of any such officer, the Bonds
may be signed by the manual or facsimile signature of that
officer who c�ay act on behalf of such absent or disabled
officer. In 'case any such officer whose signature or
facsimile of whose signature shall appear on the Bonds shall
cease to be uch officer before the delivery of the Bonds ,
such signatu�e or facsimile shall nevertheless be valid and
sufficient fqr all purposes , the same as if he or she had
remained in �ffice until delivery.
llt Authentication; Date of Reqistration. No Bond
shall be val�d or obligatory for any purpose or be entitled to
any security or benefit under this resolution unless a
Certificate f Authentication on such Bond, substantially in
the form her inabove set forth, shall have been duly executed
by an author' zed representative of the Bond Registrar.
Certificates'� of Authentication on different Bonds need not be
signed by th� same person. The Bond Registrar shall
authenticate the signatures of officers of the City on each
Bond by exec�ution of the Certificate of Authentication on the
Bond and by �inserting as the date of reqistration in the space
provided the date on which the Bond is authenticated. For
purposes of idelivering the original Global Certificates to the
Purchaser, the Bond Registrar shall insert as the date of
registration the date of original issue, which date is
March 1, 1989 . The Certificate of Authentication so executed
on each Bonc� shall be conclusive evidence that it has been
authenticateid and delivered under this resolution.
12j . ReQistration; Transfer; Exchange. The City
will cause Co be kept at the principal office of the Bond
Registrar a 'Ibond register in which, subject to such reasonable
regulationslas the Bond Registrar may prescribe, the Bond
Registrar sY�all provide for the registration of Bonds and the
registratior� of transfers of Bonds entitled to be registered
or transfer$ed as herein provided.
A' Global Certificate shall be registered in the name
of the paye� on the books of the Bond Registrar by presenting
i 26
� ��' ��-/.�
� � �f
the Global C�rtificate for registration to the Bond Registrar,
who will endc�rse his or her name and note the date of
registrationiopposite the name of the payee in the certificate
of registrat�.on on the Global Certificate. Thereafter a
Global Certi�icate may be transferred by delivery with an
assignment d�ly executed by the Holder or his , her or its
legal repres�ntative, and the City and Bond Registrar may
treat the Ho�.der as the person exclusively entitled to
exercise all the rights and powers of an owner until a Global
Certificate �is presented with such assignment for registration
of transfer, accompanied by assurance of the nature provided
by law that !the assignment is genuine and effective, and until
such transfejr is registered on said books and noted thereon by
the Bond Reg,istrar, all subject to the terms and conditions
provided in 'the Resolution and to reasonable regulations of
the City conitained in any agreement with, or notice to, the
Bond Registr�ar.
Transfer of a Global Certificate may, at the
direction ar�d expense of the City, be subject to other
restrictions if required to qualify the Global Certificates as
being "in r�gistered form" within the meaning of Section
149 ( a) of tY}e federal Internal Revenue Code of 1986 , as
U�on surrender for transfer of any Replacement Bond
at the prin�ipal office of the Bond Registrar, the City shall
execute ( if necessary} , and the Bond Registrar shall
authenticat�, insert the date of registration (as provided in
paragraph 1 ) and deliver, in the name of the designated
transferee �r transferees , one or more new Replacement Bonds
of any auth�rized denomination or denominations of a like
aggregate p incipal amount, having the same stated maturity
and interes� rate, as requested by the transferor; provided,
however, thlat no bond may be registered in blank or in the
name of "be�arer" or similar designation. Whenever ownership
of any Replacement Bonds should be transferred without
surrender olf the Replacement Bond for transfer or should be
registered in nominee name only, the registered owner of the
Replacementl Bond shall, if and to the extent required to
preserve tt�e exclusion from gross income of the interest on
the Bonds a�nd at the direction and expense of the City,
• maintain for the City a record of the actual owner of the
Replacementt Bond.
t the option of the holder of a Replacement Bond,
Replacemen� Bonds may be exchanged for Replacement Bonds of
any author�.zed denomination or denominations of a like
' I
' 27
. �F.�"���3
aggregate prir�cipal amount and stated maturity, upon surrend
of the Replac�ment Bonds to be exchanged at the principal
office of the � Bond Registrar. Whenever any Replacement Bonds
are so surren�iered for exchange, the City shall execute ( if
necessary) , a�d the Bond Registrar shall authenticate, insert
the date of r�gistration of , and deliver the Replacement Bonds
which the holjder making the exchange is entitled to receive.
Global Certif,'icates may not be exchanged for Global
Certificates ;of smaller denominations .
A11' Bonds surrendered upon any exchange or transfer
provided for in this resolution shall be promptly cancelled by
the Bond Reg�strar an� thereafter disposed of as directed by
the City.
A1�. Bonds delivered in exchange for or upon transfer
of Bonds sha�l be valid general obligations of the City
evidencing the same debt, and entitled to the same benefits
under this riesolution, as the Bonds surrendered for such
exchange or �transfer.
Ev!ery Bond presented or surrendered for transfer or
exchange sh�ll be duly endorsed or be accompanied by a written
instrument di transfer, in form satisfactory to the Bond
Registrar, �uly executed by the holder thereof or his, her or
its attorne� duly authorized in writing.
T�e Bond Registrar may require payment of a sum
sufficient �to cover any tax or other governmental charge
payable in ;�onnection with the transfer or exchange of any
Bond and anly legal or unusual costs regarding transfers and
lost Bonds .'
�'ransfers shall also be subject to reasonable
regulation� of the City contained in any agreement with, or
notice to, ; the Bond Registrar, including regulations which
permit the ' Bond Registrar to close its transfer books between
record dat�s and payment dates .
�13 . Riqhts Upon Transfer or Exchanqe. Each Bond
delivered �upon transfer of or in exchange for or in lieu of
any other ;Bond shall carry all the rights to interest accrued
and unpaic�, and to accrue, which were carried by such other
t• Record Date. Interest on any
� 14 . Interest Paymen ,
Global Ce�ktificate shall be paid as provided in the first
paragraph; thereof , and interest on any Replacement Bond shall
; 28
� � �'�-��--���
aid on eacl interest payment date by check or draft mailed
be p �
to the person �in whose name the Bond is registered ( the
"Holder" ) on t�e registration books of the City maintained by
the Bond Regis�trar, and in each case at the address appearing
thereon at the; close of business on the fifteenth ( 15th)
calendar day p�receding such interest payment date ( the
"Regular Recor!d Date" ) . Rny such interest not so timely paid
shall cease ta be payable to the person who is the Holder
thereof as of 'the Regular Record Date, and shall be payable to
the person whq is the Holder thereof at the close of business
on a date (th� "Special Record Date" fixed by the Bond
Registrar whe�ever money becomes available for payment of the
defaulted int�rest. Notice of the Special Record Date shall
be given by t�e Bond Registrar to the Holders not less than
ten ( 10) days'� prior to the Special Record Date .
15 .� Holders ; Treatment of Reqistered Owner; Consent
of Holders . '
(A); For the purposes of all actions , consents and
other mattersi affecting Holders of the Bonds , other than
payments , re emptions , and purchases , the City may (but shall
not be oblig�ted to) treat as the Holofrthe aerson inewhose
beneficial o�ner of the Bond instead p
name the Bon is registered. For that purpose, the City may
ascertain th identity of the beneficial owner of the Bond by
such means a� the Bond Registrar in its sole discretion deems
appropriate, jincluding but not limited to a certificate from
the person i� whose name the Bond is registered identifying
such benefic�ial owner.
(H) The City and Bond Registrar may treat the
person in w2�ose name any Bond is registered as the owner of
such Bond fctr the purpose of receiving payment of principal of
and premiuma if any, and interest (subject to the payment
provisions �n paragraph 14 above) on, such Bond and for all
other purpo�es whatsoever whether or not such Bond shall be
overdue, an�i neither the City nor the Bond Registrar shall be
affected by! notice �to the contrary.
�C) Any consent, request, direction, approval,
objection ojr other instrument to be signed and executed by the
Holders may� be in any number of concurrent writings of similar
tenor and �ust be signed or executed by such Holders in person
or by agent� appointed in writing. Proof of the execution of
any such cc�nsent, request, direction, approval, obiection or
other inst�ument or of the writing appointing any suCh agent
and of theiownership of Bonds, if made in the following
i 29
� ..�:�-�y- �.��
manner, sh�lll be sufficient for any of the purposes of this
Resolution„ and shall be conclusive in favor of the City with
regard to �lny action taken by it under such request or other
instrument,l namely:
' ( 1 ) The fact and date of the execution by any
�erson of any such writing may be proved by the
qertificate of any officer in any jurisdiction who
by law has power to take acknowledgments within such
j�urisdiction that the person signing such writing
a�cknowledged before him the execution thereof, or by
a�n affidavit of any witness to such execution.
( 2 ) Subject to the provisions of subparagraph
(�A) above, the fact of the ownership by any person
df Bonds and the amounts and numbers of such Bonds,
alnd the date of the holding of the same, may be
�roved by reference to the bond register.
]J6 . Delivery; A plication of Proceeds . The Global
Certificatqs when so prepared and executed shall be delivered
by the Dirdctor, Department of Finance and Management
Services , t�o the Purchaser upon receipt of the purchase price,
and the PurIchaser shall not be obliged to see to the proper
applicatior� thereof .
1�7 . Fund and Accounts . For the convenience and
proper admi;nistration of the moneys to be borrowed and repaid
on the Bonc�s and the Refunded Bonds , and to make adequate and
specific se�curity to the Purchaser and holders from time to
time of th Bonds and Refunded Bonds, there is hereby created
a special �ccount to be designated the "General Obliqation
Capital Imp�rovement 1989 Refunding Bonds Account" (the "Escrow
Account" ) �o be administered and maintained by the City
Treasurer s a bookkeeping account separate and apart from all
other accou�nts maintained in the official financial records of
the City. There has been heretofore created and established
the General� Debt Service Fund (numbered 960, herein the
"Fund" ) . T�he Fund and the Account shall each be maintained in
the manner 'herein specified until all of the Refunded Bonds
have been p�aid and until all of the Bonds and the interest
thereon sha�ll have been fully paid.
!(i) Escrow Account. The Escrow Account shall be
maintajined as an escrow account with American National
Bank a�nd Trust Company (the "Escrow Agent" ) in St . Paul ,
Minneslota, which is a suitable financial instit��tion
withir� the State whose deposits are insured by the
�' 30
' �(f--�G-/�o
, �
Federal; Deposit Insurance Corporation and whose combined
capital; and surplus is not less than $500, 000 . All
proceec�s of the sale of the Bonds shall be received by
the Esc�row Agent and applied to fund the Escr�w Account
or to pay costs of issuing the Bonds . Proceeds of the
Bonds �ot used to pay costs of issuance are hereby
irrevo�ably pledged and appropriated to the Escrow
Accounk, together with all investment earnings thereon.
The Es�row Account shall be invested in securities
maturi�ng or callable at the option of the holder on such
date at�d bearing interest at such rates as shall be
requir,�d to provide sufficient funds , togetner with any
cash o!r other funds retained in the Escrow Account, to
pay wh�'en due ( 1) the interest to accrue on each Bond to
and including March 1 , 1990, and ( 2 ) upon redemption the
princi,pal amount of each of the Refunded Bonds . From the
Escrov� Account there shall be paid ( 1) all interest paid
on, o�r to be paid on, or to accrue on, the Bonds to and
inclu�ing March 1, 1990, and ( 2 ) the principal of the
Refun�led Bonds due by reason of redemption on the call
date �f March 1, 1990 . The Escrow Account shall be
irrevpcably appropriated to the payment of the principal
of an�i interest on the Bonds until the proceeds of the
Bonds� therein are applied to payment of the Refunded
Bonds�. The moneys in the Escrow Account shall be used
solel�i for the purposes herein set forth and for no other
purpo�se, except that any surplus in the Escrow Account
may a'e remitted to the City, all in accordance with an
agre�ment (the "Escrow Agreement" ) by and between the
City �and Escrow Agent, a form of which agreement is on
file �in the office of the City Clerk. Any moneys
remittted to the City upon termination of the Escrow
Agre�ment shall be deposited in the Fund.
' ( ii) Fund. To the Fund, to a special sinking fund
acco�unt which is hereby created and established therein
for �he payment of the Bonds, there is hereby pledged and
irreNOCably appropriated and there shall be credited:
( 1) jany balance remitted to the City upon the termination
of t!he Escrow Agreement; ( 2) any balance remaining on
Marc�h 2 , 1990, in the separate sinking fund, or special
acco�unt in the sinking fund, recognized in paragraph 10
of t�he City' s February 2 , 1982 , resolution authorizing
the 'issuance of the Prior Bonds and created in the
Feb�uary 18, 1982, resolution levying a tax for the
pay�ent of the Prior Bonds; ( 3 ) all taxes collected aftP�-
Mar�h 1, 1990 , pursuant to levies made in said r�saluti��r�
of �'ebruary 18 , 1982 , which levies shall not be cancelled
� t�,F���-/�30
. i
except 3sipermitted by Minnesota Statutes , Section
475 . 61, S�bdivision 3 ; ( 4 ) any collections of all taxes
hereafter�' levied for the payment of the Bonds and
interest jthereon; ( 5) all investment earnings on funds in
the Fund; iand ( 6 ) any and all other moneys which are
properly iavailable and are appropriated by the governing
body of t�he City to the Fund. The amount of any surplus
r=maining, in the Fund when tre Bonds and interest thereon
are paid ,shall be used consistent with Minnesota
Statutes , Section 475 . 61, Subdivision 4 .
The 'moneys in the Fund shall be used solely to pay
the principal ,'and interest and any premiums for redemption of
the Bonds and any other general obligatien bonds of the City
hereafter issued by the City and made payable from the Fund as
provided by l�w, or to pay any rebate due to the United
States . No p�rtion of the proceeds of the Bonds (and any
other obligat ons treated as one issue with the Bonds ) shall
be used directly or indirectly to acquire higher yielding
investments o� to replace funds which were used directly or
indirectly to' acquire higher yielding investments, except ( 1 )
for a reasona�le temporary period until such proceeds are
needed for th�e purpose for which the Bonds (and such other
obligations ) �aere issued, and ( 2 ) in addition to the above in
an amount not! greater than $100,000 . To this effect, any
proceeds of t��he Bonds (and such other obligations) and any
sums from tim}e to time held in the Escrow Account or Fund (or
any other Cit�y fund or account which will be used to pay
principal or �interest to become due on the Bonds ) in excess of
amounts whic� under the applicable federal arbitrage
regulations ay be invested without regard as to yield shall
not be invest�ed at a yield in excess of the applicable yield
restrictionsiimposed by said arbitrage regulations on such
investments �:fter taking into account any applicable
"temporary p�riods" or "minor portion" made available under
the federal �rbitrage regulations . In addition, the proceeds
of the Bondsland money in the Fund and the Escrow Account
shall not be� invested in obligations or deposits issued by,
guaranteed b�r or insured by the United States or any agency or
instrumentality thereof if and to the extent that such
investment wjould cause the Bonds to be "federally guaranteed"
within the mleaning of Section 149 (b) of the federal Internal
Revenue Codel of 1986 , as amended (the "Code" ) .
_ ��r�-/3�1
18 . PledQe of Existinq Tax Levies ; Coveraqe Test .
To provide mon�ys for payment of the principal and interest on
the Bonds, the�re is hereby pledged to the payment of the Bonds
all those taxe� relating to the Prior Bonds collected after
March 1, 1990,; which were levied in the February 18, 1982 ,
resolution of the City Council of the City relating to the
Prior Bonds upon all of the taxable property in the City as
direct annual ad valorem taxes to be spread upon the tax rolls
and collected with and as part of other general property taxes
in the City. Excluding taxes levied for earlier years , said
levies were fbr the years and in the amounts as follows :
Year Year
of of Levy For
Tax i Tax Prior
LevYi Collection Bonds
1989 1990 $1, 338, 225
1990� 1991 1, 350, 957
Th�'e tax levies are such that if collected in full
they, togetl�er with estimated collections of investment
earnings (arnd until March 1, 1990, all amounts in the Escrow
Account) and other revenues herein pledged for the payment of
the Bonds , will produce at least five percent ( 5$ ) in excess
of the amouht needed to meet when due the principal and
interest pa+yments on the Bonds . The tax levies shall be
irrepealabl,�e so long as any of the Bonds are outstanding and ,
unpaid, prqvided that the City reserves the right and power to
reduce the ;levies in the manner and to the extent permitted by
Minnesota $tatutes, Section 475 . 61, Subdivision 3 .
�9 . General Obliqation Pledge. For the prompt and
full payme�nt of the principal and interest on the Bonds , as
the same r'espectively become due, the full faith, credit and
taxing po�ers of the City shall be and are hereby irrevocably
pledged. IIf the balance in the Escrow Account or Fund is ever
insuffici�nt to pay all principal and interest then due on the
Bonds andiany other bonds payable therefrom, the deficiency
shall be �romptly paid out of any other funds of the City
which are available for such purpose, including the general
fund of t�'he City, and such other funds may be reimbursed with
or withoqt interest from the Escrow Account or Fund when a
sufficier�t balance is available therein.
i 20 . Appropriation. If an appropriation is
necessari� to accomplish the crossover refunding of the Prior
, �1
, ;a'F�y`/3v
Bonds , such appropriation is hereby authorized and made, and
payment sha 1 be made from the budgeted appropriations for
debt servic for pending bond issues .
2� . Refunded Bonds; Security. Until retirement of
the Refunde Bonds , all provisions heretofore made for the
security th reof shall be observed by the City and all of its
officers anl agents .
2� . Securities ; Escrow Aqent. Securities purchased
from moneys in the Escrow Account shall be limited to
securities �et forth in Minnesota Statutes, Section 475 . 67 ,
Subdivision 8, and any amendments or supplements thereto.
Securities �urchased from the Escrow Account shall be
purchased si�multaneously with the delivery of the Bonds . The
City Counci has investigated the facts and hereby finds and
determines hat the Escrow Agent is a suitable financial
institution to act as escrow agent.
2� . Redemption of Refunded Bonds . The Refunded
Bonds shall '.be redeemed and prepaid on March 1, 1990, all in
accordance �ith the terms and conditions set forth in the
Notice of Ca�ll for Redemption attached hereto as Exhibit A,
which termsjand conditions are hereby approved and
incorporatec� herein by reference. A Notice of Call for
Redemption i,n substantially such form shall be fi:st published
no later tha�n thirty ( 30) days after the issuance of the
Bonds , and s�hall be published again not less than thirty ( 30)
days prior t�o the redemption date pursuant to the Escrow
Agreement. �
24I. Escrow Aqreement . On or prior to the delivery
of the Bonds� the Mayor, Clerk and Director, Department of
Finance andjManagement Services, shall, and are hereby
authorized nd directed to, execute on behalf of the City an
Escrow Agre�ment. All essential terms and conditions of such
Escrow Agre�ment are hereby approved and adopted and made a
part of thisj resolution, and the City covenants that it will
promptly enforce all provisions thereof in the event of
default the�eunder by the Escrow Agent.
25i. Purchase of SLGS. The City Treasurer, or
anyone desi 'nated by the City Treasurer to act in his behalf,
is hereby a�thorized and directed to purchase the appropriate
United Stat s Treasury Securities , State and Local Government
Series , froml the proceeds of the Bonds in accordance with the
provisions a,f this resolution and to execute all such
documents ( i�ncluding the appropriate subscription fc�rm)
' /�,c"��-��3��
� r.�:
required to effect such purchase in accordance with the
applicable U.S.I Treasury Regulations .
26 . Certificate of Registration. The Director,
Department of inance and Management Services , is hereby
directed to fil�e a certified copy of this Resolution with the
County Auditor of Ramsey County, Minnesota, together with such
other informat�.on as the County Auditor shall require, and to
obtain the Cour�ty Auditor ' s certificate that the Bonds have
been entered im the County Auditor' s Bond Register.
27 . IRecords and Certificates . The officers of the
City are hereby authorized and directed to prepare and furnish
to the Purchasgr, and to the attorneys approving the legality
of the issuanc� of the Bonds, certified copies of all
proceedings and records of the City relating to the Bonds and
to the financial condition and affairs of the City, and such
other affidavi�ts, certificates and information as are required
to show the fa�cts relating to the legality and marketability
of the Bonds als the same appear from the books and records
under their cuistody and control or as otherwise known to them,
and all such aertified copies, certificates and affidavits,
including anyiheretofore furnished, shall be deemed represen-
tations of th� City as to the facts recited therein.
2g , � Neqative Covenant as to Use of Proceeds and
Improvements . ! The City hereby covenants not to use the �
proceeds of tlhe Bonds or to use the improvements financed with
the proceeds mf the Prior Bonds or to cause or permit them or
any of them tb be used, or to enter into any deferred payment
arrangements �or the cost of such improvements, in such a
manner as to �ause ( 1) the Bonds to be "private activity
bonds" within! the meaning of Sections 103 and 141 through 150
of the Code o!r ( 2 ) the Prior Bonds to be "industrial
development b�onds" or "consumer loan bonds" or "private loan
bonds " withi� the meaning of the federal Internal Revenue Code
of 1954 , as mended immediately prior to the enactment of the
federal Tax t�eform Act of 1986 .
29 ,' Tax-Exempt Status of the Bonds; Rebate. The
City shall cc�mply with requirements necessary under the Code
to establish and maintain the exclusion from gross income
under Sectio 103 of the Code of the interest on the Bonds,
including wi hout limitation requirements relating to
temporary pe iods for investments, limitations on amounts
invested at yield greater than the yield on the Bonds , and
the rebate o excess investment earnings to the United States .
, , , C��.-�-y i��-�
30 . I No Designation of Qualified Tax-Exem�t
Obliqations . The Bonds exceed in amount those whicn may be
qualified as "qualified tax-exempt obligations" within the
meaning of Se tion 265(b) ( 3 ? of the Code, and hence are not
designated fo� such purpose.
31 . � Depository Letter Aqreement. The Depository
Letter Agreem�nt is hereby approved, and shall be executed on
behalf of thelCity by the Mayor, Treasurer and Director,
Department of 'IFinance and Management Services, in
substantially the form approved, with such changes ,
mvdifications , additions and deletions as shall be necessary
and appropria�e and approved by the City Attorney. Execution
by such offic�rs of the Depository Letter Agreement shall be
conclusive ev�dence as to the necessity and propriety of
changes and their approval by the City Attorney. So long as
Midwest Securities Trust Company is the Depository or it or
its nominee i;� the Holder of any Global Certificate, the City
shall comply �with the provisions of the Depository Letter
Agreement, as it may be amended or supplemented by the City
from time to !time with the agreement or consent of Midwest
Securities T�1ust Company.
. i
� 36
k ; _._ .
WHITE - CI,T.V�CLERK � . - :. ; ° li�, � �. �i�� � �. .:.�. . .�:,..: :� .
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� Presented By �' � \
; �i. � 1,.
Refer�ed To Committee: Date
, ` t�,�`;`-p-
Out of Committee By Date
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�r sn��t�ccwbl� to�r a►� reas�, tb� ia�ralidi�p c►r �mtorce-
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Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Dimond �� � � � �,;
�.ong In Favor
Gosw;tz ,
� Against By � :�� .•.���.,,y� ' �;.
sonnen -�'� _
�Vilson �.
�,,, �g '� �4 '1989 �'F`orm Approved by City Attorney � . '',
Adopted by Gouncil:� Date •��
Certified Passed by Council Secretar By �.e
.-,, B5, :
"� Approved by Mayor for Submission to,�l �
A►pproved by 1Aavor. Date
. _ . ��,.-... "'
By ' ; - _ : .�:,- f
���-_.�. � � � / /�, r-�
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: n � __ _ --- -___. ----�----
erra �1� � OFFICE OF '1`HE CITY COIINCIL ��` j�
. I
;� Committee Report
� Finance. ��Manaaement. & Personnel Committee
' January 30, 1989
I . Approvai of mpnutes of Januar�y 23 meeting. Approved
, �� v� � .
2. Resolution 89�I26 - approving sale of CIB Bonds Series Approved as-�tend�ed
1989A ($1 1 ,75b,000) . (Ref ei�red from Cou��l J,�nua�-y 26) �
3. Resolution 8�-127 - approving sal�f Street Im�vemeni Approved as �meud�d
5pecial Asses,�sment 8onds Series 19898 ($2,000,000) .
(Re`erred frc�m Council Januery 26) � , ��-� .
°�' .��a�` �� U �
olution 89-128 - a rovin sal of Como Conservatory Approved �s?��a��ed
4. Res pP 9 �
Bonds Series ' 1989C ($5,000,000) . (Referred from Council
January 26) � J �C ,Qf�
"_ U � �C .c.�
5. Resoiution 89-129 - approving sal or Warner/Shepard Approved as�d
Rdad Bonds S�ries 1989D (�5,500,000) . (Referred from
Council Janu�ry 2G) y
� ��� �
6. Re c,iution 8 -130 - a�proving sai of Refundir�g Bonds Approved aJ�sd
g I �
Series 1989E, ($2,275,Od0) . {Referred from Council
� January 26) !
7. R250�UtiOf1 89-131 - approving tax levy for �t1 ,750,00� No action required
CIB Bonds. ' {fteferred from Council January 26)
8. Resolution E�9-132 - approving tax levy for $2,U00,000 No action required
Street imprpvement Special Asses�ment 8�nds. (Referred
from Counci ) January 26)
9. Resolution �9-133 - approving tax levy for $5,OOO,G00 No action required
Cam� Conser,Natory Bonds. (Referred from Counci ! '
January 26)
!a�p 46
10. R�salution 89-134 - approving tax levy for $5,500,000 No action required
Warner/Shepard Road bonds. (�eferred fron Counci ]
January 26)
I1. Resolution 89-135 appcovi►�g. ta�c l'�vy for $2,275.000 No action required ,
Refundinq Bonds. (Re e ry
12. Administrative Orders
D-10035 - budget revision in Police General Fu�d Discussed
(Referred from Council January 3)
D-10038 - budget revision in Fire and Safety Services Discussed
Generai Fund (Referred from Council January
D-10041 - budget revision in City Cle�k's Office Discussed
Generai Fund. (Referred from Council
� January 3}
D-10043 - authorizing payment for sponso�ship af Police Discussed
Ski Team. (Referred fr�m Council January 3)
D-10067 - budget revision in Public Works-Municipal L,ay over one week
Equipment Internal Service Fund.
13. Resoiution 89-90 - estabtishing the rate of pay for Approved
Customer Service Senior Representative in Grade 29,
Section ID1 of the Clerical Standard Ranges in the
Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution.
(Referred from Councii January 19)
14. Resolution 89-91 - estabtishing the rate of pay for Approved
Customer Service Representative in Grade 25, Section "
ID1 of the Clerical Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan
and Rates of Compensation Resolution. (Referred from
Council January 19)
15. Resulution 89-50 - allowing employees resigning in Approved
1988 who qualif,y for severance pay the option of
receiving it in full or in five equal installments.
tReferred from Council January 12}
16. Resolution 8�-92 - amending the 7uition Reimbursement Laid over one month
Policy in Section III , H in the Salary Plan and Rates
of Compensation Resolution. (Referred from Council
January 19)
17. Discussion of Bureau of Mediation Services Order to Continued discussion
release job evaluation system data. in three weeks
18. Resoiution 89-107 - approving continuation of the Laid over one week
process of considering the cbnsolidation of the
Fire Department Relief Association with the Public
Employees Retirement Association Police and Fire Fund.
(Referred from Council January 24)
569T �
THIS AG�tEEMENT made this day of March, 1989, by and
between Amer�ican National Bank and Trust Company, in St. Paul,
Minnesota (t�he "Escrow Agent" ) , and the City of Saint Paul,
Ramsey Countly, Minnesota (the "City" ) ,
A. WH�REAS, pursuant to a resolution adopted on
February 2 , �1982, the City has heretofore issued, and now has
outstanding in the principal amount of $3, 175,000, its General
Obligation �apital Improvement Bonds, Series 1982, dated
March 1, 19 2 (the "Prior Bonds',' , which include maturities not
to be refunc�ed as noted below) , payable on March 1 in the
remaining y�ars and amounts as follows:
_ �
rior Bonds
ot Refunded Refunded Bonds
Ye�r Amount Year Amount
19�0 $950,000 1991 $1,050, 000
, 1992 1, 175,000
The Prior B�nds maturing on or after March 1, 1991, being in a
principal artiount totalling $2,225,000, may be redeemed and
prepaid on �Iarch 1, 1990, at par and accrued interest; and
B. WH�REAS, by the terms of a resolution adopted on
February 1989 (the "Refunding Resolution" ) , the City has
called for �he redemption and prepayment on March 1, 1990, of
said $2 ,225�000 in principal amount of the Prior Bonds
maturing th�reafter, pursuant to a Notice of Call for Redemp-
tion attach�d hereto as Exhibit A, to be duly published in
accordance laith law; and
C. WH�REAS, only said $2,225,000 of the Prior Bonds
maturing afiter the earliest call date for the Prior Bonds are
to be refunded ipursuant to the crossover refunding accom-
plished by the ;Refunding Bonds defined below, and are referred
to herein as tl�e "Refunded Bonds" ; and
D. WHERE�S, to provide for ( 1) the refunding of the
Refunded Bonds (by the payment of the principal only thereof
on March 1, 19�0) and (2 ) the payment of all interest due on
the Refunding �onds defined below through and including
March 1, 1990, 1in the amounts set forth on Exhibit D, all in
accordance wit� Minnesota Statutes, Section 475 .67, especially
Subdivision 13 thereof, the City has pursuant to the Refunding
Resolution autl�orized the issuance of $2, ,000 General
Obligation Cap�ital Improvement Refunding Bonds, Series 1989E,
dated March 1, � 1989, as the date of original issue (the
"Refunding Bon�is" ) ; and
E. WHERE�AS, under the terms of the Refunding Resolution
$ ' of the proceeds of the Refunding Bonds and
certain other !sums appropriated to the Escrow Account
identified iniparagraph S below (the "Escrow Account" ) shall
be held and ir�vested in accordance with the terms and
conditions of �this Escrow Agreement as follows :
Amount o� Proceeds of Refunding Bonds $
Amount o� other
Availabl� City Funds S
Total $
$ � of the foregoing sum shall simultaneously be
invested in securities (the "Escrowed Obligations" ) as
described in �the report of Grant Thornton, dated March ,
1989 (the "Ac�countant ' s Report" ) , which Escrowed Obligations,
together withithe balance of cash in the amount of $ ,
shall be usedl to refund the Refunded Bonds (by payment of the
principal onliy thereof on March 1, 1990) and to pay all
interest on fihe Refunding Bonds through March 1, 1990, in the
amounts set �orth on Exhibit D. The Escrowed Obligations (or
evidence of �he investment therein and constructive receipt
thereof) and ,'cash are herein called the "Escrow Deposit" ,
provided thatt the term "Escrow Deposit" may include due bills
reflecting E$crowed Obligations not received by the delivery
of and paymemt for the Refunding Bonds (the "Bond Closing" ) so
long as suchidue bills are secured by the deposit of compar-
able securit�es identified as "Substitute Securities " in the
Accountant � s ! Report, or by a cashier' s check in an amount
equal to eith r the principal and interest due on the Escrowed
Obligations s due or any deficiency in principal or interest
due on the Su stitute Securities; and
F. WHER�AS, it is desirable and appropriate that
$ Iof the proceeds of the Refunding Bonds and
$ bf other available moneys of the City, for a
total of $ all to be used to pay issuance expenses
(the "Issuanc Expense Deposit" ) , be paid to the Escrow Agent
for its disbu sement of $ in accordance with the
schedule of d' sbursements (the "Issuance Expenses" ) set forth
in Exhibit B ttached hereto and incorporated herein by
reference, oflwhich $ is for its compensation as
Escrow Agent; jand
G. WHER�AS, the Escrow Agent is, and hereby represents
that it is, a corporation organized under the laws of the
United Statesy and its deposits are insured by the Federal
Deposit Insur�nce Corporation, and its capital and surplus is
not less thani $500, 000:
NOW, THEI�EFORE, in consideration of the premises and of
the respectiv� agreements on the part of the Escrow Agent and
City herein c�ntained, the parties hereto hereby agree as
follows :
1 . De o its . The City agrees upon delivery of and
payment for t e Refunding Bonds at the Bond Closing to forth-
with irrevoca ly de�osit with the Escrow Agent the Escrow
Deposit, as a appropriation of the Escrowed Obligations and
all payments f principal and interest thereon, in trust with
the Escrow Ag�nt for the security of the holders and owners of
the Refunded onds and Refunding Bonds . The City further
agrees upon t e Bond Closing to deposit with the Escrow Agent
the Issuance xpense Deposit; and the City authorizes the
Escrow Agent (and the Escrow Agent agrees) to disburse the
Issuance Expe se Deposit to pay Issuance Expenses ( including
the Escrow Agejnt' s compensation set forth in paragraph 3
hereof) . ;
2 . Ackno�taledgment of Deposit. Receipt of ( 1) the Escrow
Deposit and ( 2I) the Issuance Expense Deposit (to pay Issuance
Expenses, incl�usive of the compensation set forth in para-
graph 3 hereof�) shall be acknowledged on behalf of the Escrow
Agent at the 8 nd Closing by execution of an Acknowledgment in
the form attac ed hereto as Exhibit C by a duly authorized
officer of the Escrow Agent.
� � _
i 3
3 . Comp�ensation; Waiver of Lien. The Escrow Agent
hereby acknow�ledges receipt of the sum of $ as and
for full complensation for all services to be performed by it
as agent und�r this Escrow Agreement (exclusive of the cost
of publishinc� redemption notices in a New York paper as set
forth in para�graph 7 hereof) ; and the Escrow Agent expressly
waives any li}en upon or claim against the moneys and invest-
ments in the Escrow Account. The Escrow Agent will bill the
City for the cost of publishing such redemption notices in a
New York pap�r at the time of publication.
4 . Col�ection and Remittance; Payment of Principal of
Refunded Bondis and Interest on Refunding Bonds,_ Substitute
Securities . The Escrow Agent will collect all remittances of
interest on �he Escrowed Obligations in the Escrow Account as
and when such interest becomes due and payable and will cause
such Escrowe� Obligations to be presented for payment and
converted in o cash on their respective maturity or due dates
in accordance with the schedule of cash payments included in
the Accounta�t ' s Report, and will remit from the Escrow
Account ( 1) �to the paying agent for the Refunding Bonds the
funds requir�ed from time to time for the payment when due (at
each Interesi�t Payment Date on or prior to March 1, 1990) of
the interest� on the Refunding Bonds in the amount set forth on
Exhibit D at'tached hereto and hereby made a part hereof, and
(2 ) to the pjaying agent or agents for the Prior Bonds the
funds requi�ted for the payment when due on the redemption date
of March 1, i1990, of the principal of the Refunded Bonds . If
the delivery� of any Escrowed Obligations is secured at the
Bond Closin� by Substitute Securities and/or a cashier' s check
as hereinab ve provided and delivery of the Escrowed Obliga-
tions is not� made within thirty ( 30) days after the Bond
Closing, th� Escrow Agent shall, in accordance with the terms
of such sec�rity arrangement, substitute the Substitute Secur-
ities and/o* cashier' s check for the Escrowed Obligations to
assure that ' such schedule of cash payments can be complied
5 . Su�ficiency of Escrow Deposit; Further Deposits . In
reliance upon the Accountant ' s Report, the City represents,
and the Esc�ow Agent acknowledges, -that the Escrow Deposit, if
the princippl of and interest on the Escrowed Obligations are
paid in accbrdance with their terms, is sufficient to produce
cash in suc� amounts to enable the Escrow Agent to make full
and timely ayments as provided in paragraph 4 above. If at
any time it shall appear to the Escrow Agent that the money in
the Escrow ccount allocable for such use hereunder will not
be suffici nt to make any such payment due to the holders of
i 4
any of the R�funding Bonds or Refunded Bonds, the Escrow Agent
shall immedi$tely notify the City. The City thereupon shall
forthwith de osit in the Escrow Account from funds on hand and
legally avai able such additional funds as may be required to
meet fully t�e amount to become due and payable and, if neces-
sary, levy f r such purpose an ad valorem property tax on all
real propert in the City subject to taxation, without limita-
tion as to r te or amount. Included in the Accountant ' s
Report is a tatement that such cash and Escrowed Obligations
are sufficie t to comply with the requirements set forth in
paragraph 4 bove.
6 . No Bte eal of Refundin Resolution. The City will not
repeal, revo e or amend the Refunding Resolution calling the
Refunded Bon�is for redemption on their redemption date of
March 1, 1994, in accordance with the Notice of Call for
Redemption attached hereto as Exhibit A.
7 . Not ce of Redem tion. The Escrow Agent shall cause
the Notice o Call for Redemption attached hereto as Exhibit A
to be publisl�ed once in Northwestern Financial Review or some
other approp iate periodical or newspaper (being a daily or
weekly perio ical published in a Minnesota city of the first
class, or it metropolitan area, and printed in the English
language, wh ch circulates throughout Minnesota and furnishes
financial ne s as part of its service) and to be mailed to the
paying agent or agents for the Prior Bonds not more than
forty-five ( 5) days nor less than thirty ( 30) days before the
appropriate edemption date therefor. In addition, the Escrow
Agent shall ause the Notice of Call for Redemption to be
published on�e in a daily newspaper of general circulation, or
in a daily f�nancial paper, published in the City of New York,
New York, an�i printed in the English language, not less than
thirty ( 30) mor more than forty-five (45) days prior to the
redemption da�te therefor. Notice of such call will also be
published by the City forthwith.
8 . Tit�e to Moneys; Trust; Remission of Remaining
Moneys. It , is recognized that title to the Escrowed Obliga-
tions and mo�hey held in the Escrow Account from time to time
shall remain, vested in the City but subject always to the
prior charge ' and lien thereon of this Escrow Agreement and the
use thereof �equired to be made by the provisions of this
Escrow Agree�ent. The Escrow Agent shall hold all such money
and obligati ns in a special trust fund and account (the
"Escrow Acco nt" ) separate and wholly segregated from all
other funds nd securities of the Escrow Agent or deposited
with the Esc ow Agent, and shall never commingle such money or
securities wi h other money or securities, provided that
nothing conta'ned herein shall be construed as requiring the
Escrow Agent o keep the identical moneys, or any part
thereof, rece 'ved for the Escrow Account, on hand, but moneys
of an equal ount, except to the extent such are investments
permitted und r this Escrow Agreement, shall always be
maintained on hand as funds held by the Escrow Agent as
trustee, belo ging to the City, and a special account thereof
evidencing s h fact shall at all times be maintained on the
books of the Escrow Agent, together with such investments . In
the event of �the Escrow Agent ' s failure to account for any
money or obli�gations held by it in the Escrow Account, such
money and ob�igations shall be and remain the property of the
City, and if for any reason such money or obligations cannot
be identifiec�, all other assets of the Escrow Agent shall be
impressed witlh a trust for the amount thereof and the City
shall be enti�tled to a preferred claim upon such assets . All
moneys remair�ing in the Escrow Account after payment
therefrom of all sums required to be paid under this Escrow
Agreement sha�ll be promptly remitted to the City.
9 . Sal � and or Reinvestment. Except as otherwise
provided und r paragraph 5 hereof, the Escrow Agent may sell
or reinvest, ,or both, all or a part of the Escrowed
Obligations, �or proceeds thereof, in securities set forth in
Minnesota St�tutes, Section 475. 67, Subdivision 8, if and only
if (a) such ales or reinvestments, or both, are approved by a
duly authori ed agent of the City and otherwise permitted by
the laws of innesota, (b) an opinion of a certified public
accountant i� first obtained to the effect that such sale or
reinvestment� or both, will not prevent the Escrow Agent from
making the p yments to the paying agents for the Refunding
Bonds and Re unded Bonds as required in paragraph 4 above,
and (c) an o inion of nationally recognized bond counsel or
tax counsel �ecognized as having an expertise in the area of
tax-exempt f�nancing is first obtained to the effect that such
sales or rei vestments, or both, ( 1) will not cause the
Refunded Bon�s to become arbitrage bonds under Section 103(c)
of the feder�l Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended prior
to its amencl�nent by the federal Tax Reform Act of 1986, and
will not cau�e the Refunding Bonds .to become arbitrage bonds
or prohibite advance refunding bonds under Sections 148 or
149(d) of th� federal Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as
amended, andlthe applicable regulations and administrative
interpretati�ns thereunder, (2) will not otherwise cause the
interest on he Refunded Bonds or Refunding eonds to become
includible i gross income for federal income tax purposes,
and ( 3) do n t materially adversely affect the legal rights of
the holders bf the Refunded Bonds or Refunding Bonds .
Any excess funds created in the Escrow Account as a
result of sucl� sale or reinvestment, or both ( i.e. , funds not
required to p�y, when due, principal of the Refunded Bonds or
interest on tme Refunding Bonds) , shall be withdrawn from the
Escrow Accoun� and paid by the Escrow Agent to the City, free
of any lien o this Escrow Agreement, within ten ( 10) business
days of recei�t of the City' s written request to withdraw such
excess funds. �
10 . Ann�al Statement. For as long as any of the
Refunded Bonds are outstanding, in February of each year until
termination oif this Escrow Agreement, commencing February,
1990, the Esc�ow Agent shall render a statement for the
preceding yea� to the City, which statement shall set forth
the cash on h�and and Escrowed Obligations which have matured
and the amour��ts received by the Escrow Agent by reason of such
maturity, thej interest earned on any of the Escrowed Obli-
gations, a li�st of any investments or reinvestments made by
the Escrow A�ent in other Escrowed Obligations and the
interest and or principal derived therefrom, the amounts of
cash paid for, the interest on the Refunding Bonds and
principal on �the Refunded Bonds ,as said payments became due
and payable, and any other transactions of the Escrow Agent
pertaining tc� its duties and obligations as set forth herein.
11. Tr st• Safekee in . All Escrowed Obligations,
moneys and i vestment income deposited with or received by the
Escrow Agent � pursuant to this Escrow Agreement shall be
subject to tl�e trust created by this Escrow Agreement, and the
Escrow Agent � shall be liable for the preservation and safe-
keeping ther�of; provided, however, that it shall not be
responsible �or any depreciation in value of any of the
Escrowed Ob15.gations or for the reinvestment of the same
except as he�ein provided.
12 . Du� ies Obli ations and Liabilities . The duties and
obligations f the Escrow Agent shall be as prescribed by the
provisions oif this Escrow Agreement, and the Escrow Agent
shall not beI liable hereunder except for failure to perform
its duties alnd obligations as spec�fically set forth herein or
to act in gdod faith in the performance thereof, and no
implied dut�!es or obligations shall be incurred by the Escrow
Agent otherjthan those specified herein. The Escrow Agent may
consult with counsel of its choice, and except as provided in
paragraph 9 �hereof, the opinion of such counsel shall be full
and complet� authorization and protection with respect to any
action taker� or not taken or suffered by it hereunder in good
faith and ir} accordance with the opinion of such counsel .
; 7
13 . Re�iqnation; Successor. The Escrow Agent may at any
time resign and be discharged of its obligations hereunder by
giving to th� Clerk of the City written notice of such
resignation a;nd by refunding to the City the escrow fee set
forth in para�graph 3 hereof, not less than sixty ( 60) days
before the da�te when the same is to take effect, and by
publication olf a copy of such notice in any available daily or
weekly newspa�ier or periodical which circulates throughout the
State of Minnesota and furnishes financial news as part of its
service, not �ess than thirty ( 30) days prior to such date.
Such resignat�.on shall take effect upon the appointment and
qualification�, of a successor agent. In the event of receipt
of notice of uch resignation, a successor shall promptly be
appointed by �he City, and the Clerk of the City shall immedi-
ately give wr tten notice thereof to the predecessor agent and
publish the s e in a Minnesota newspaper as described above.
If in a prope case no appointment of a successor agent is
made within f rty-five (45) days after the receipt by the City
of notice of uch resignation, the Escrow Agent or the holder
of any Refund d Bond or Refunding Bond may apply to any court
of competent jurisdiction to appoint a successor Escrow
Agent, which pointment may be made by the court after such
notice, if an , as the court may prescribe. Any successor
agent appointe hereunder shall execute, acknowledge and
deliver to its predecessor agent and to the Clerk of the City
a written acce tance of such appointment, and shall thereupon
without any fu ther act, deed or conveyance become fully
vested with al moneys, properties, duties and obligations of
its predecesso�, but the predecessor shall nevertheless pay
over, transfer4 assign and deliver all moneys, securities or
other propertylheld by it to the successor agent, shall
execute, acknov�ledge and deliver such instruments of convey-
ance and do suc�h other things as may reasonably be required to
vest and confistm more fully and certainly in the successor
agent all right�, title and interest in and to the property
held by it her�under. Any bank into which the Escrow Agent
may be merged qr with which it may be consolidated or any bank
resulting fromlany merger or consolidation to which it shall
be a party or ajny bank to which it may sell or transfer all or
substantially a�ll of its corporate .trust business shall, if
the City approv s, be the successor agent without the execu-
tion of any doc�ent or the performance of any further act.
14 . Succe�sors and Assigns; Beneficiaries . This Escrow
Agreement shallibe irrevocable and binding upon and shall
inure to the be�efit of the City and the Escrow Agent and
their respectiv� successors and assigns . In addition, this
Escrow Agre ment shall constitute a third party beneficiary
contract fo the benefit of the holders at any time of the
Refunded Bo ds or Refunding Bonds. Said third party bene-
ficiaries shall be entitled to enforce performance and
observance dy the City and the Escrow Agent of the respective
agreements and covenants herein contained as fully and
completely ajs if said third party beneficiaries were parties
hereto. �
15 . Sul lemental A reements . For any one or more of the
following pu poses, the City and Escrow Agent may enter into
any suppleme�tal agreements to this Escrow Agreement as shall
not adversel� affect the rights of the holder or holders of
the Refunded, Bonds or Refunding Bonds and as shall not be
inconsistent; with the terms and provisions of this Escrow
Agreement, w#�thout the consent of or notice to the holder or
holders of the Refunded Bonds or Refunding Bonds :
' (a) To cure any ambiguity or formal defect or
omission in this Escrow Agreement;
(b) To grant to, or confer upon, the Escrow
Ag�nt for the benefit of the holder or holders of
th� Refunded Bonds or �Refunding Bonds any additional
rights, remedies, powers or authority that may law-
fulily be granted to, or conferred upon, such holder
or �holders; and
�� (c) To provide additional funds, securities or
prot�erties under this Escrow Agreement.
16 . Con' ent Otherwise to Amendments . Except as
expressly pro ided in paragraph 15 above, this Escrow
Agreement mayinot be repealed, revoked, altered or amended
without the uhanimous written consent of the City and the
holder or hol�ers of the Refunded Bonds and Refunding Bonds,
and the writt n consent of the Escrow Agent.
17 . Hea in s. Headings in this Escrow Agreement are for
convenience o reference only and are not a part hereof, and
shall not lim t or define the meaning of any provision hereof .
�� 9
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City and Escrow Agent have caused
this Escrow A reement to be executed in their respective
names and hav caused this Escrow Agreement to be dated as of
March , 198� .
Approved as t� form: By
Its Mayor
And By
Assistant Citly Attorney Its City Clerk
And By
Its Director, Department
of Finance and Management
(SEAL) !
ESCROW AGRE�MENT by and between the American National Bank and
Trust Company and the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota.
ESCROW AGREEME�IT by and between the American National Bank and
Trust Company Iand the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota.
! 11
I .
EXHIBIT A: Nc�tice of Call for Redemption
EXHIBIT B: ISsuance Expenses
EXHIBIT C: F�rm of Acknowledgment
EXHIBIT D: P�yments
$2, 225, 000 OUTSTANDING
1991 AND 1992
NOTICE IS HER�BY GIVEN that by order of the City Council of
the City of S�aint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, there have
been called �'or redemption and prepayment on
March 1, 1990
those outstahding bonds of the City designated as General
Obligation Capital Improvement Bonds, Series 1982, dated March
1, 1982, be ring serial numbers 1020 through 1464, having
stated matu ity dates on March 1 in the years 1991 and 1992,
totalling $ ,225,000 in principal amount, and having the CUSIP
numbers and The bonds are being
called at a� price of par plus accrued interest to March 1,
1990, on wh�'ich date all interest on said bonds will cease to
accrue. Holders of the bonds hereby called for redemption are
requested �o present their bonds for payment, with March 1,
1990, and $ubsequently maturing interest coupons attached, at
the Chemic&1 Bank, in New York, New York, on March 1, 1990 .
Dated': February _, 1989 .
/s/ A1 Olson
City Clerk
Addition$1 information
may be obtained from:
85 Eastj5eventh Place
Suite 1 0
Saint P ul, Minnesota 55101-2143
( 612 )22 -3000
Issuance Expenses
Party to Pay �, Role Amount
Briggs and Morg�n Bond Counsel $
Standard and Popr' s Rating Agency
Moody' s Investor
Services Rating Agency
American Natio�al Escrow Agent
Grant Thornton CPA
Springsted Incarporated Fiscal Consultant
For: Fee $
Prir�ting O.S.
Mail;ing, Copying
anc� Travel
Total $ Total $
� r
I, being dyily authorized to execute this acknowledgment
on behalf of th� American National Bank and Trust Company (the
"Bank" ) , as Esc$ow Agent, do hereby acknowledge that the City
of Saint Paul, �+iinnesota (the "City" ) , has this date
irrevocably deppsited with the Bank in trust for the security
of the holders �nd owners of the City' s outstanding General
Obligation Capi�tal Improvement Bonds, Series 1982, dated
March 1, 1982 , �and the City' s General Obligation Capital
Improvement Refjunding Bonds, Series 1989E, dated March 1,
1989, as the d�te of original issue, that certain Escrow
Deposit requir�d to be deposited with the Bank at the Bond
Closing in accc�rdance with the Escrow Agreement, dated
March _, 1989� by and between the Bank and the City, and has
in addition de�osited $ for use in paying
Issuance Expen�es .
Dated thi� day of March, 1989 .
� BY
; (all representing principal)
Date ; Amount
March 1, �1990 $2,225,000
(all representing interest)
ate Amount
September li, 1989 $
March 1, 19�90
i .
� "
$2 , 225, 000 OUTSTANDING
1991 AND 1992
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that by order of the City Council of
the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, there have
been called forlredemption and prepayment on
�I March 1, 1990
those outstandi�g bonds of the City desiqnated as General
Obligation Capi�al Improvement Bonds , Series 1982 , dated March
l, 1982, bearin� serial numbers 1020 through 1464 , having
stated maturity �dates on March 1 in the years 1991 and 1992 ,
totalling $2,225, 000 in principal amount, and having the CUSIP
numbers and The bonds are being
called at a priGe of par plus accrued interest to March 1,
1990, on which �ate all interest on said bonds will cease to
accrue. Holder� of the bonds hereby called for redemption are
requested to pr�sent their bonds for payment, with March 1,
1990, and subsequently maturing interest coupons attached, at
the Chemical Bartk, in New York, New York, on March 1, 1990 .
Dated: February _, 1989 .
I /s/ • Al Olson
, City Clerk
Additional info�mation
may be obtained from:
85 East Seventh Place
Suite 100
Saint Paul, Min esota 55101-2143
( 612)223-3000 '
585T j
' March , 1989
Midwest Secu�ities Trust Company
One Financia� Place
440 South La�alle Street
Chicago, IL ', 60605
RE: City of Saint Paul, Minnesota --
$11, 750, 000 General Obligation Capital
' Improvement Bonds, Series 1989A
', $2, 000,000 General Obliqation Street Improve-
'�i ment Special Assessment Bonds, Series 19898
$5,000,000 General Obligation Como Conservatory
Bonds, Series 1989C
' $5,500,000 General Obligation Warner/Shepard
'� Road Bonds, Series 1989D
$2,275,000 General Obligation Capital
Improvement Refundinq Bonds, Series 1989E
Th� purpose of this letter is to set out certain
matters rela ing to the safekeeping and "Global" Book-entry of
$26 ,525,000 �n aggregate principal amount of 1989 general
obligation bhnds referenced above (the "Bonds" ) issued by the
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (the "Issuer" ) . Each series of
the Bonds is', being issued in accordance with its own resolu-
tion (as app opriate to an issue, the "Resolution" ) of the
Issuer adopt d on February _, 1989, under which the Treasurer
of the City f Saint Paul, Minnesota, is acting as bond
registrar (the "Bond Registrar" ) , and is being sold pursuant
to bids acce�ted February 14, 1989, from Harris Trust and
Savings Bank of Chicago, Illinois, and First Bank National
Association �f Minneapolis, Minnesota, and
(collectively, the "Purchasers " ) , pursuant
to which the Purchasers have agreed to purchase, and the
Issuer has aqreed to issue, the Bonds .
Injorder to induce the Issuer and Bond Registrar to
cause the Pu;rchasers to deposit the Bonds with Midwest
Securities T!rust Company ( "MSTC" ) and in order to induce MSTC
to accept thle Bonds as eligible for deposit at MSTC and to
hold such Bands for the term thereof for the benefit of those
brokers, deajlers, banks and other financial institutions which
are members ,of MSTC (the "Participants" ) , the Issuer, Bond
Registrar a�d MSTC agree as follows:
1 .' Designation by MSTC. MSTC agrees to designate
the Bonds as eligible securities under its Bylaws and Rules,
and agrees �o abide by such Bylaws and Rules, as well as the
Procedures �dopted by MSTC pursuant thereto, at all times in
connection With the performance of its obligations in connec-
tion with tl�e safekeeping and book-entry of the Bonds. MSTC
• agrees to u�e its best efforts to notify the Issuer of any
proposed ch�►nges in such Rules, Bylaws or Procedures which
would affectk the Bonds or their transfer.
2 . Deposit. At the closings of the initial
issuance of ' the Bonds scheduled for March , 1989, and
March _, 1�89, the Issuer will cause the Purchasers to
deposit witlh MSTC one Bond certificate for each maturity of
each serieslregistered in the name of Rray & Co. , an Illinois
general partnership which is the nominee of MSTC, having an
aggregate f ce value of $26,525,000 and representing 100� of
the princip�l amount of such Bonds, and such Bond certificates
shall remait� in the custody of MSTC or its agent.
3i. Notice of Redemption of All Bonds . In the event
of a redemp�tion, or other early withdrawal, resulting in re-
tirement of, all Bonds of a series outstanding, the Issuer or
Bond Regist�car shall give MSTC and the other registered
securities idepositories notice of such event, including second
notices of iadvance refundings, not less than thirty ( 30) nor
more than siixty (60) days prior to the redemption date.
4i. Notice of Partial Redemption. In the event of a
redemption,; or any other early withdrawal, resulting in the
retirement !of less than all Bonds of a series outstanding, the
Issuer or Blond Registrar shall give MSTC and the other
� 2
reqistered secu � ities depositories notice of such event,
includinq secon notices of advance refundings, not less than
thirty ( 30) nor more than sixty (60) days prior to the
redemption date MSTC, the Issuer and the Bond Registrar
shall cooperate� in determining the method of allocating the
reduction among� beneficial owners .
5 . I�formation in Redemption Notices . All
redemption noti�es to MSTC and other registered securities
depositories shpuld contain the following: (a) CUSIP num-
ber(s) ; (b) cer�ificate numbers and called amounts of each
certificate for partial calls; (c) publication date; (d)
redemption dat�; (e) redemption price; ( f) redemption agent
name and addre�'s; (g) nominal date of original issue;
(h) interest r te; (i) maturity date; and ( j ) any other
descriptive in�ormation that accurately identifies the called
Bonds . ;
6 . �iminQ and Addresses for Redemption Notices.
All redemption notices (and, as to MSTC and Kray & Co. , other
notices) to MS�C or Kray & Co. and the other registered secu-
rities deposit�ries shall be forwarded by hand delivery (with
� receipt) or Ex ress or Courier S,ervice or certified or regis-
tered United S�ates mail at least two (2) days prior to the
publication date (if published) to:
� (i) Midwest Securities Trust Company
� Capital Structures - Call Notification
One Financial Place
440 South LaSalle Street
Chicago, Illinois 60605
j , FAX - ( 312 ) 663-2343
� (ii) The Depository Trust Company
711 Stewart Avenue
Garden City, New York 11530
Attention: Diana Difiglia
FAX - (516) 227-4039 or 4190
j (iii)Pacific Securities Depository
Trust Compan�
Pacific and Company
P.O. Box 7041
San Francisco, California 94120
' FAX - (415) 393-4128
, 3
' (iv) Philadelphia Depository Trust Company
' Reorganization Division
' 1900 Market Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103
Attention: Bond Department
', DEX - ( 215) 496-5058
The Issuer or $ond Registrar shall also send such redemption
notices to onelor more information services of national
recognition th t disseminate redemption information, such as
J.J. Kenny or inancial Card Services .
7 . �nterest Payments . Interest payments shall
contain the Bo�ds ' CUSIP numbers and be forwarded to MSTC or
its nominee Kray & Co. (c/o P.O. Box 96625, Chicaqo IL 60693) ,
or its reqiste�ed assigns, in next day funds or its equivalent
on each interest payment date no later than 12 :00 noon
(Chicago, Illi�ois, time) . At the option of the Issuer, such
interest payments may be made by wire transfer to:
Continental Ilkinois National Bank and Trust Company of
Chicago, for the credit of Midwest Securities Trust Company,
Account No. 7552416, ABA No. 071000039 . Interest payments
' shall be made payable to the order of Kray & Co. The payment
shall list each CUSIP number and the respective interest
amount represe�ted by that payment. MSTC agrees that it will
credit such pa�ments to the accounts of its Participants in
accordance wit� its Rules and Procedures, as in effect from
time to time.
8 . �rinci al and Premium Pa ents • Other Pa ees .
MSTC understan s that, except as to partial prepayments of
principal, prir�cipal and premium are payable upon surrender of
the Bond certi$icates to the Bond Registrar. Payments of
principal or p�temium shall contain each Bond' s CUSIP number
and be wired o� otherwise forwarded to MSTC or its nominee
Kray & Co. , or its registered assigns, in next day funds or
its equivalentr on each payment date no later than 12:00 noon
(Chicago, Illinois, time) . In the event that a payment
reflects funds paid on more than one CUSIP number, the payment
shall contain � reference to each CUSIP number represented by
that payment. Principal payments shall be made payable to the
order of Kray & Co. and be sent to:
'I .
� '
At the option ofl the Issuer, such payments of principal or
premium may be �ade by wire transfer to: Federal Reserve Bank
of Chicago, for the credit of Midwest Securities Trust
Company, ABA No.; 071002299 .
If Bond certificates are authenticated and delivered
by the Issuer o� Bond Registrar other than to MSTC or its
nominee Kray & Qo. , pursuant to the Resolution, any payment of
principal or in�erest due MSTC or Kray & Co. shall be made to
MSTC or its nominee Kray & Co. on the payment date and in
immediately available funds if such other certificate holders
are entitled to' receive payment of principal or interest in
such funds . '
9 . C�anqe of Payment Address; Notice of Nonpa_vment..:
MSTC may reques!t payment of interest or principal or premium .
to be made to a�other address or in another manner than as
described in pa�raqraphs 7 and 8 hereof, and the Bond Registrar
and Issuer shal�l cooperate with respect to such changes to the
extent permittejd under the Resolution. If the Bond Registrar
or Issuer shall�� be unable to make any interest or principal
" amounts by the �payment date, the, Bond Registrar or Issuer
shall so advis� MSTC by telex (Number 254236) no later than
4 :00 p.m. (Chic�ago, Illinois, time) on the day prior to the
payment date. ��Such single notice shall be addressed to the
following thre� officers : (i) Senior Vice President of
Operations, ( ii) Manager of Bond Interest Department and (iii)
Manager of Reo�ganization Department.
10. Addresses . MSTC may direct the Issuer or Bond
Registrar to u�e any other address or department of MSTC as
the address or� department to which notices may be sent.
11. ' New Certificates or �Notation Upon Partial
Redemption. Iln the event a redemption or any other early
withdrawal necjessitating a reduction in the aggregate princi-
pal amount of �Bonds outstanding, MSTC, in its discretion, (a)
may request th�e Issuer or Bond Registrar to issue and authen-
ticate new Bor�d certificates, or (b) shall make an appropriate
notation on th�e Bond certificates indicating the date and
amounts of sudh reduction in principal, and may present the
Bond certifica�tes to the Bond Registrar for execution of such
12 . ! Another Depository or Replacement Bonds. The
Resolution prqvides �hat in the event the Issuer determines
that (a) MSTC ,' is incapable of discharging responsibilities
_ ,
described here'n and in the Resolution, or (b) it is in the
best interest f the beneficial owners of the Bonds that they
be able to obt in certificated Bonds, as more fully set forth
in paragraph 6 of each Resolution, the Issuer or Bond
Registrar may otify MSTC that it will arrange for another
securities dep sitory to maintain custody of the certificates
for the Bonds �r issue Bond certificates to each Bondholder,
as appropriate� In the event that MSTC is no longer to serve
as securities �iepository for the Bonds, MSTC, the Issuer and
the Bond Regis�rar will cooperate with one another and others
in taking apprdpriate action (i) to make available one or more
separate certi�icates evidencing the Bonds to MSTC ' s Partici-
pants having Bbnds credited to their MSTC accounts or ( ii) to
arrange for an�ther securities depository to maintain custody
of one or more , certificates evidencing the Bonds.
13 . MSTC Records of Ownership; Lists. MSTC shall
maintain a rec rd of ownership that identifies its Partici-
pants who are �wners of an interest in the Bonds and shall,
upon request of the Issuer or Bond Registrar, furnish the
Issuer or BondiRegistrar lists of the principal amount of
Bonds held for '' the account of such Participants and the names
' and addresses c�f such Participan,ts to permit the Issuer or
Bond Registrar �to ascertain the names and addresses of the
beneficial own$rs of the Bonds and, if deemed appropriate, to
send notices to such beneficial owners . The Issuer aqrees to
pay all reason�►ble fees to MSTC for the provision of such
lists . This s�ction is intended to enable the Issuer and Bond
Registrar to identify and communicate directly with beneficial
owners of the �onds and is not an implication that MSTC or
Kray & Co. wou�d not forward notices in its ordinary course.
14 . ILists; Signatures; Etc . The Issuer hereby
authorizes MST(� to provide the Bond Reqistrar with lists of
the principal amount of Bonds held for the account of its
Participants ar�d also authorizes the Bond Registrar to pro-
vide MSTC with ',such signatures, signature specimens and autho-
rizations to aqt as may be deemed necessary by MSTC to permit
MSTC to discha�qe its obligations to its Participants and
proper regulatclry authorities . This authorization, unless
revoked by the ,Issuer, shall continue for the term of the
Bonds, until ar�d unless the above-named Bond Registrar shall
no longer be adting under the Resolution. In such event, the
Issuer shall p�,ovide MSTC with similar evidence of the
authorization df any successor Bond Registrar to so act.
15 . iBond Reqistrar and Issuer Not Responsible.
Neither the Bor�d Registrar nor the Issuer, as issuer of the
i _
� 6
Bonds, will be esponsible or liable for maintaining, super-
vising or revie ing the records maintained by MSTC, its Par-
ticipants or pe sons acting through such Participants; and the
Issuer and Bond Registrar will have no responsibility or
obligation to t e Participants or beneficial owners with
respect to the onds so long as MSTC or a nominee of MSTC is
the registered wner of the Bonds .
16 . otin . In the event that a vote of Bond-
holders is to o cur, Bonds registered in the name of MSTC or
its nominee may be voted in fractions representing portions of
such Bonds in t e principal amount of $5,000, or any integral
multiple thereo .
17 . �onds in Registered Form. The Issuer intends
that the Bonds �ill at all times be obligations "in reqistered
form" within the meaning of Section 149(a) of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986 . Consistent with the intent and notwith-
standing the prbvisions in the previous paragraphs of this
Letter Agreement, MSTC shall, pursuant to reasonable instruc-
tions of the Is$uer and to the extent permitted by MSTC' s
Rules, Bylaws a�d Procedures, and at the expense of the
• Issuer, take su�h actions and assume such responsibilities not
otherwise conte�plated by this Letter Agreement as required to
assure that theiBonds be obligations "in reqistered form"
within the mean�ng of said Section 149(a) .
. I
! Very truly yours,
i By
Gary Norstrem, Treasurer
; BY
; And By
Directo= Department of
Management and Finance
, Services
• . By
Assistant City Attorney
Midwest Secu�ities Trust Company
BY= i
Date• '
• �
Letter Agre�ment relating to certain general obligation bonds
issued in 1989 .
Council Resolution J�
Presented By
eferred To � Commi ttee: ate 1 — ��e' '�9
Ou o Committee By Date
HERE S, bids for the sale o approximately $2, 275, 000
General Obl gat ' on Capital Improveme Refunding Bonds,
Series 1989E (t e "Bonds" ) , of the C ty of Saint Paul,
Minnesota (th ' City" ) , are to be r ceived on February 13,
1989, and consi ered on February 1 , 1989, in accordance
with Resolution o. 89- adopte by this Council on January
17, 1989 (the " e lution Callin the Sale" ) , and approved
by the Mayor on Jan ary _, 198 ; and
WHERE S, the City C arter requires that the Bonds
be authorized b vote o fou members of this Council ; and
WHERE S, it is sible that four members of
this Council wi 1 not be p sent on February 14 , 1989 ; and
WHERE S, to be t ac omplish the sale of the Bonds
on February 14, 1989, a d stil authorize the Bonds by
the votes of fo r memb rs of th Council, it is desirable
that this resol tion e adopted i advance of the sale
of the Bonds an tha the acceptan e of the best bid be
delegated to an aut rized officer f the City, as permitted
by Minnesota S atut s, Section 475. 6 Subdivision 3 ; and
COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Dimond Finance and Management Services
I.ong In Favor � �
s�he;t�� __ Against BY
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secre ary By �
By - -�
Approved by iNavor. Date �— Approve y Ma or mission to Council
By —�-
� ���-��
WHE EAS, the City Council of the City has heretofore
determin d th�t it is necessary and expedient to provide
moneys fo a rossover refunding of all of the City' s callable
General Ob ig�tion Capital Improvement Bonds, Series 1982 ,
dated March 1 1982 , issued in the original principal amount
of $7 , 320, 00 � (the "Prior Bonds" ) , of which $2,2 , 000 matures
on or after M rch 1 , 1991, and is callable on e earliest
call date of rch 1, 1990; and
wHEREA , refunding the callable P ior Bonds is
consistent with c venants made with the ho ders thereof, and
is necessary �nd d sirable for the reduct 'on of debt service
cost to the City; a d
WHEREAS, th City has reserv d the right to increase
or decrease t�e amount of bonds issue for such purpose from
the $2 , 275, 000 set fort in the Offi ial Terms of Offering,
and it will b� necessary and expedi t for an authorized
officer of the City to de ermine t amount of Bonds required
to finance th� crossover r fundin of the callable Prior
Bonds; and '
WHEREAS, the City h s heretofore issued registered
obligations i� certificated fo m, and incurs substantial costs
associated wi+th their printin nd issuance, and substantial
continuing tr�ansaction costs e ting to their payment,
transfer and 'exchange; and
WHE�EAS, the Cit has de ermined that significant
savings in tr�ansaction co ts will r sult from issuing bonds in
"global book-�entry form" by which b nds are issued in
certificated 'form in lar e denominati ns, registered on the
books of the City in th name of a de sitory or its nominee,
and held in s�afekeepin and immobilize by such depository,
and such depository a part of the comp terized national
securities cl�earance nd settlement syst (the "National
System" ) regi'sters t ansfers of ownership 'nterests in the
bonds by making com uterized book entries its own books and
distributes p�aymen s on the bonds to its Pa ici-pants shown
on its books 'as t owners of such interests; and such
Participantsland ther banks, brokers and deal rs
participating in the National System will do likewise (not as
agents of the� C' y) if not the beneficial owners of the bonds;
and ,
WHFR AS, "Participants " means those financial
institutionslf r whom the Depository effects book-entry
transfers anc� pledges of securities deposited and immobilized
with the Depdsitory; and
� ��-i��
WHEAEAS, Midwest Securities Trust Company, a limited
purpose trust 'company organized under the laws of the State of
Illinois, or any of its successors or successors to its
functions ereunder (the "Depository" ) , will act as such
depository wi�h respect to the Bonds except as set forth
below, and here is before this Council a form of letter
agreement (t � "Depository Letter Agreement" ) setting forth
various matt s relating to the Depository d its role with
respect to th Bonds; and
WHE�tEA , the City will deliver e Bonds in the form
, of one certif#.cat per maturity, each re esenting the entire
principal amo�nt o the Bonds due on a p rticular maturity
date (each a "Globa Certificate" ) , whi h single certificate
per maturity m�ay be ansferred on the City' s bond register as
required by the Unifo Commercial Co , but not exchanged for
smaller denom�nations less the City determines to issue
Replacement Bbnds as pro ided below; and
WHE�tEAS, the Cit will b able to replace the
Depository or, under certain circu tances to abandon the
"global book-�entry form" by rmi ting the Global Certificates
to be exchang�ed for smaller d o inations typical of ordinary
bonds registe!red on the City' s nd register; and "Replacement
Bonds " means 'the certificates r resenting the Bonds so
authenticatec�' and delivered by t Bond Registrar pursuant to
paragraphs 6 �and 12 hereof; a
WHFREAS, "Holder" s used erein means the person in
whose name a �Bond is regist red on t registration books of
the City maintained by the ity Treas er or a successor
registrar appointed as pro ided in para raph 8 (the "Bond
Registrar" ) : '
NOW, THEREFOR , BE IT RESOLVED b the Council of the
City of Saint Paul, Min esota, as follows:
1 . � Acce ta e of Bid. Notwithstanding that the
Resolution C�lling th Sale contemplated that this Council
might accept' the bid on the sale of the Bonds, the bids to
purchase the! General Obligation Capital Improvement Refunding
Bonds, Serie� 1989E of the City (the "Bonds " , or individually
a "Bond" ) , o�fered n the aggregate principal amount of
$2 , 275,000 subject to change, all in accordance with the
Official Ter;ns of ffering for the bond sale, shall be
reviewed by �the Di ector, Department of Finance and Management
Services (or, if he is absent or unavailable or disabled, the
', ���--���
Treasurer or �udget Director or Mayor or any other officer of
the City apprC�v d by the City Attorney) . Such officer may
reject all bi s f deemed advisable after consultation with
the City' s fi anc ' al consultant. If all bids are not
rejected, suc of 'cer shall find, determine and declare which
bid is the mo�t fa rable bid received, determine the
principal amo nt of the Bonds, and ac ept such bid for the
appropriate p�incipa amount of the B nds and at the
appropriate pv�rchase rice, and awar the Bonds to such bidder
( the "Purchas�r" ) . T principal a ount of the Bonds shall be
$2 , 275, 000 or , such amo nt ( 1 ) whic is closest to $2 ,275, 000,
( 2 ) which is �n integra multiple f $5, 000 between $2 , 250, 000
and $2 , 300, OOd (both in lusive) a d ( 3) which, at the adjusted
purchase pric� and the i terest ates bid by the Purchaser,
accomplishes he crossove refu ding of the Refunded Bonds and
pays all cost of issuing the nds with the smallest
contribution f other appr pri ted moneys by the City. In
accepting suc bid, such o i er shall ( 1) determine the
principal amo nt of the Bon , ( 2 ) if the principal amount of
the Bonds is etermined to something other than $2 , 275,000,
set the purch se price for h Bonds as that amount which
bears the sam ratio to th p chase price set forth in such
bid as the ad �usted princ ' pal ount bears to $2 , 275 , 000, plus
interest accr ed to sett ment, ( 3) set the interest rates on
the Bonds (to be those i terest ates set forth in such bid) ,
( 4 ) determine the amoun of the a propriation, if any,
contemplated y paragr h 20, and 5) determine the reduction
in debt servi e cost t the City, e savings from the
refunding, an the pr sent value of such savings . The
Director, Dep rtment of Finance and anagement Services, or
his designee, '';is dir cted to retain t e deposit of the
Purchaser and�to fo thwith return to he unsuccessful bidders
their good fa' th c ecks or drafts .
2 . Tit e• Ori inal Issue Dat • Denominations •
Maturities . he Bonds shall be titled " eneral Obligation
Capital Improv�e nt Refunding Bonds, Seri s 1989E" , shall be
dated March l,l 989, as the date of origin 1 issue and shall
be issued fort ith on or after such date fully registered
bonds . The B ds shall be numbered from R- upward. Global
Certificates hall each be in the denominati of the entire
principal am �nt maturing on a single date. eplacement
Bonds, if is wed as provided in paragraph 6, s 11 be in the
denominatio f $5, 000 each or in any integral ltiple
thereof of �Single maturity. $1, 100,000 of the principal
amount of he �,Bonds shall mature on March 1, 1991, and the
balance of the aggregate principal amount of the Bonds shall
mature on Marc�lh 1, 1992 .
3 . �Purpose; Refunding Findinqs . The Bonds
( together wi• l� other available funds, if any, to be appropri-
ated) shall sovide funds for a crossover refunding of all of
the City' s ca lable Prior Bonds (which callable Prior Bonds
are hereinaft� collectively referred to as the "Refunded
Bonds " ) . It is hereby found, determined and declared that
such refunding i pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section
475 . 67 , Subdivis on 13, and shall npt be undertaken unless it
results in a �edu tion of debt service cost to the City. The
officer accepting he bid on the s le of the Bonds as provided
in paragraph '1 of is resolution shall determine the fact and
amount of sucn redu tion.
4 . Intere t. The Bo ds shall bear interest payable
semiannually on March 1 and Se tember 1 of each year (each,
an "Interest Payment D te" ) , ommencing September 1, 1989 ,
calculated orY the basi of a 360-day year of twelve 30-day
months, at the respecti e r es per annum determined for each
of the maturi;ty years in t manner, and by the officer,
provided in paragraph 1 o this resolution.
5 . ; Descri tio f the Global Certificates and
Global Book- ntr S ste . on their original issuance the
Bonds will b issued in the orm of a single Global Certifi-
cate for eacl� maturity depos ted with the Depository by the
Purchaser an�i immobil ' ed as p ovided in paragraph 6 . No
beneficial oVvners of nterests ' n the Bonds will receive
certificates; represe ting their espective interests in the
Bonds except� as pro ided in para aph 6 . Except as so
provided, du�ing t term of the nds, beneficial ownership
(and subsequ�ent tr nsfers of benef cial ownership) of
interests in� the lobal Certificate will be reflected by book
entries made� on e records of the D pository and its
Participants'I and other banks, brokers and deal,ers participat-
ing in the l�ati nal System. The Depos ' tory' s book entries of
beneficial dwn ship interests are auth rized to be in incre-
ments of $5„00 of principal of the Bon , but not smaller
increments, !d spite the larger authorize denominations of the
Global Cert� icates . Payment of principal of, premium, if
any, and inti rest on the Global Certificate will be made to
the Bond Re istrar as paying agent, and in t rn by the Bond
Registrar the Depository or its nominee as egistered owner
of the Glo �1 Certificates, and the Depository ccording to
the laws n41 rules governing it will receive an forward
payments n� behalf of the beneficial owners of th Global
Certificates .
i 5
; �"�r-%��
Pay�ent of principal of, premium, if any, and
interest on a ,Global Certificate may in t e City' s discretion
be made by su�h other method of transferr ng funds as may be
requested by �he Holder of a Global Cert ficate.
� Immobilization of Global ertificates b the
De ositor • •S�ccessor De ositor • Re cement Bonds . Pursuant
to the reque � of the Purchaser to th Depository, which
request is re uired by the Official erms of Offering,
immediately u n the original deliv ey of the Bonds the
Purchaser wil� eposit the Global rtificates representing
all of the Bond with the Deposit y. The Global Certificates
shall be in t�pe ritten form or o herwise as acceptable to the
Depository, s�all be registered ' n the name of the Depository
or its nominee and shall be hel immobilized from circulation
at the offices of t e Deposito on behalf of the Purchaser
and subsequen�t bond wners . T Depository or its nominee will
be the sole hiolder o record i the Global Certificates and no
investor or o�ther par y purc asing, selling or otherwise
transferring �Ownership of i erests in any Bond is to receive,
hold or deli�rer any bon ce tificates so long as the
Depository halds the Gl a Certificates immobilized from
circulation, !except as p ided below in this paragraph and in
paragraph 12 .I
Cer�tificates vid ncing the Bonds may not after
their origina�l deliver be t ansferred or exchanged except:
i) Upon registra ion of transfer of ownership of
a Globa� Certif ' ate, as p ovided in paragraph 12 ,
( �i) To any successor of the Depository (or its
nominee or a substitute de ository (a substitute
deposit ry" ) esignated pursua t to clause ( iii) of this
subpara raph, provided that any uccessor of the
Deposit�ry o any substitute dep itory must be both a
"clearing c rporation" as defined ' n the Minnesota
UniformjCo ercial Code at Minneso Statutes ,
Section 33 . 5-102 , and a qualified a d registered
"clearing gency" as provided in Sect'on 17A of the
Securit'ie Exchange Act of 1934, as am nded,
( iii ) To a substitute depository d ignated by and
accept le to the City upon (a) the determ' nation by the
Deposi ry that the Bonds shall no longer b eligible for
its de sitory services or (b) a determinatio� by the
City t at the Depository is no longer able to carry out
its fu ctions, provided that any substitute depository
�I 6
� ������
must be � qualified to act as such, as provided in clause
( ii) ofithis subparagraph, or
( �v) To those persons to whom transfer is
reques �d in written transfer i structions in the event
(a) the Depository s all resign or discontinue
it� s rvices for the Bond and the City is unable to
locate a substitute depos tory within two ( 2 ) months
fo�llowi g the resignatio or determination of non-
el�igibi ity, or
(b) upon a deter ination by the City in its
so;le disc tion that ( ) the continuation of the
book-entry ystem des ribed herein, which precludes
the issuanc of cert' ficates (other than Global
Certificates to any Holder other than the
D�pository (o its ominee) , might adversely affect
tl�e interest o th beneficial owners of the Bonds,
o� ( 2 ) that it ' s n the best interest of the
bdneficial owne of the Bonds that they be able to
ol�tain certifica d bonds,
in eitY�er of which e en the City shall notify Holders
of itsjdeterminatio and i the availability of
certif�cates (the " eplac ent Bonds " ) to Holders
request�ing the sam and th registration, transfer and
exchanc�e of such B nds will be conducted as provided in
paragr�phs 9B and 12 hereof .
I#� the even of a success 'on of the Depository as
may be auth�rized by this paragraph, the Bond Registrar upon
presentatiot� of Glo al Certificates s all register their
transfer to'' the sub titute or successo depositories , and the
substitute or succ ssor depository shal be treated as the
Depository �or al purposes and function under this
resolution. � The epository Letter Agreem nt shall not apply
to a substiltute successor depository un ess the City and
the substitµte o successor depository so a ee, and a similar
agreement m�ay b entered into.
71. o Redem tion. The Bonds shall n be subject
to redempti�on nd prepayment prior to their maturity.
8'. Bond Registrar. The Treasurer of the City is
appointed t act as bond registrar and transfer agent with
respect to 'the Bonds (the "Bond Registrar" ) , and shall do so
� �
� ��- i�
unless and unt;il a successor Bond Registrar is duly appointed.
A suc essor Bond Registrar shall be an officer of the City or
a bank or trust company eligible for designation as bond
registr r purst�ant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapt 475, and may
be appoi ted pursuant to any contract the City and such
successor ond' Registrar shall execute which s consistent
herewith. he�, Bond Registrar shall also ser e as paying agent
unless and til a successor paying agent ' duly appointed.
Principal an interest on the Bonds shall e paid to the
Holders (or re� ord holders) of the Bonds n the manner set
forth in the f''o s of Bond and paragrap 14 of this
9 . IForms f Bond. The Bo s to be issued hereunder
shall be in thie form f Global Certi icates unless and until
Replacement Bdnds are ade availabl as provided in
paragraph 6 . 'Each form f bond ma contain such additional or
different terms and provi ions as to the form of payment,
record date, notices and o her m tters as are consistent with
the Depositor�! Letter Agree ent and approved by the City
A. �Global Certific t s . The Global Certificates,
together withithe Certificat of Registration, the form of
Assignment anql the registra ion i formation thereon, shall be
in substantially the follo ing for and may be typewritten
rather than printed:
� 8
� •
� � ��- ��
R- � $
, March 1, 199_ Ma ch 1, 1989
Saint Paul, R�msey County, Minne ota (the "Issuer" or "City" ) ,
certifies that it is indebt d a d for value received promises
to pay to the registered own r specified above or on the
certificate o� registration b ow, or registered assigns ,
without option of prepayment, i the manner hereinafter set
forth, the principal amount pec ' fied above, on the maturity
date specified above, and t pay terest thereon semiannually
on March 1 and September 1 f each ear (each, an "Interest
Payment Date" � , commencing September 1, 1989 , at the rate per
annum specified above (ca culated on e basis of a 360-day
year of twelve 30-day mo hs) until the rincipal sum is paid
or has been p�ovided for This Bond wil bear interest from
the most recent Interes Payment Date to w ich interest has
been paid or, iif no in rest has been paid, rom the date of
original issue hereof . The principal of and remium, if any,
on this Bond re paya le by check or draft in xt day funds
or its equiva�ent (o by wire transfer in immedi tely
available fun�s if p yment in such form is necessary to meet
the timing re uirem nts below) upon presentation and surrender
hereof at the' prin ipal office of the Treasurer of the Issuer
in Saint Paul', Mi esota (the "Bond Registrar" ) , acting as
paying agent, or ny successor paying agent duly appointed by
the Issuer. Int rest on this Bond will be paid on each
Interest Paymient Date by check or draft in next day funds or
its equivalent mailed (or by wire transfer in immediately
, 9
available fund$ if payment in such form is necessary meet
the timinq req�iirements below) to the person in whos name
this Bond is r�gistered (the "Holder" or "Bondholde ' ) on the
registra ion b�oks of the Issuer maintained by the ond
Registra and �t the address appearing thereon at he close of
business n the fifteenth calendar day preceding such Interest
Payment Da e (�he "Regular Record Date" ) . Inte est payments
shall be r ceived by the Holder no later than :00 noon,
Chicago, Il inois, time; and principal and pr ium payments
shall be rec ived by the Holder no later tha 12 :00 noon,
Chicago, Illi ois, time, if the Bond is sur endered for
payment enoug in advance to permit paymen to be made by such
time. Any int rest not so timely paid sh 1 cease to be
payable to the erson who is the Holder reof as of the
Regular Record te, and shall be payab to the person who is
the Holder hereo at the close of busi ss on a date (the
"Special Record D te" } fixed by the B d Registrar whenever
money becomes vai ble for payment o the defaulted interest.
Notice of the peci 1 Record Date sh 11 be given to
Bondholders no less than ten clays rior to the Special Record
Date. The pri cipal f and premiu , if any, and interest on
this Bond are ayable ' n lawful m ney of the United States of
America. , �
Datelof Pa ent Not B siness Da . If the date for
payment of the principal , p emium, if any, or interest on
this Bond shall be a Satur y Sunday, legal holiday or a day
on which bankir�g institutio in the City of Chicago,
Illinois, or the city where e principal office of the Bond
Registrar is located are a h ized by law or executive order
to close, then the date fo su payment shall be the next
succeeding day which is n t a S turday, Sunday, legal holiday
or a day on which such b nking i titutions are authorized to
close, and payment on s h date s 11 have the same force and
effect as if m�de on t nominal da e of payment.
No R dem ti n. The Bonds o this issue are not
subject to red�mptio and prepayment p ior to their maturity.
Issulnce• Pur ose• General Obl ation. This Bond is
one of an issu i the total principal am unt of $2 , ,000,
all of like da�e f original issue and ten , except as to
number, maturi , interest rate and denomin ion, which Bond
has been issuetl pursuant to and in full confo mity with the
Constitution and laws of the State of Minnesot and the
Charter of the' Issuer, and pursuant to a resolution adopted by
the City Counc�l of the Issuer on February _, 1989 ( the
"Resolution" ) , for the purpose of providing, together with any
contribution o� the Issuer, funds sufficient for a cros ver
refunding on their earliest call date of the callable
maturities of �he Issuer' s General Obligation Capita
Improvem nt Bor�ds, Series 1982 . This Bond is payab e out of
the Escr Accqunt of the Issuer' s General Obligat ' on Capital
Improveme t 1989 Refunding Bonds Account as to in erest
through a d in�luding March 1, 1990, and thereaf er out of the
General De t Service Fund of the Issuer. This ond
constitute a c�eneral obligation of the Issuer and to provide
moneys for helprompt and full payment of its principal,
premium, if n�, and interest when the same ecome due, the
full faith a 'credit and taxing powers of he Issuer have
been and are ereby irrevocably pledged.
Deno�'nations • Exchan e• Reso tion. The Bonds are
issuable origina ly only as Global Cer ficates in the
denomination of t e entire principal ount of the issue
maturing on a sin e date. Global C tificates are not
exchangeable for f lly registered b ds of smaller
denominations excep in exchange f Replacement Bonds if then
available. Replacem nt Bonds , if ade available as provided
below, are issuable s lely as fu y registered Bonds in the
denominations of $5, 0 and inte ral multiples thereof of a
single maturit� and ar exchang able for fully registered
Bonds of other 'authoriz d deno inations in equal aggregate
principal amou�ts at the rin ipal office of the Bond
Registrar, but '�,only in th m nner and subject to the
limitations pr�vided in th esolution. Reference is hereby
made to the Re�olution for description of the rights and
duties of the �ond Registr Copies of the Resolution are on
file in the pr�.ncipal off ce. f the Bond Registrar.
Re l�cement B nds . placement Bonds may be issued
by the Issuer in the e nt that.
(a) the De ository sha resign or discontinue its
services for th Bonds, and o y if the Issuer is unable
to locate a su stitute deposit y within two ( 2 ) months
following the resignation or det rmination of non-
eligibility, or
(b) on a determination by t e Issuer in its sole
discretio that ( 1 ) the continuation of the book-entry
system �cribed in the Resolution, w 'ch precludes the
issuance ' f certificates (other than Global Certificates )
to any Ho der other than the Depository (or its nominee) ,
might adv rsely affect the interest of the beneficial
owners of the Bonds, or ( 2 ) that it is in the best
interest of the beneficial owners of the Bonds that they
be able to obtain certificated bonds .
Transfer. This Bond shall be registered in the name
of the payee on the books of the Issuer by presenting this
Bond for registration to the Bond Registrar, who will endorse
his , he ' or its name and note the date of re istration
opposit ' the name of the payee in the certi icate of
registra ion attached hereto. Thereafter is Bond may be
transfer� by delivery with an assignmen duly executed by
the Hold�r r his, her or its legal repr entatives , and the
Issuer and nd Registrar may treat the older as the person
exclusive',ly titled to exercise all t rights and powers of
an owner unti this Bond is presented ith such assignment for
registrat�on o transfer, accompanied by assurance of the
nature prpvided y law that the assi nment is genuine and
effective, and u il such transfer ' s registered on said books
and noted 'hereon b the Bond Regis rar, all subject to the
terms and 'condition provided in e Resolution and to
reasonable' regulatio s of the Is er contained in any
agreement tvith, or no 'ce to, t Bond Registrar. Transfer of
this Bond �ay, at the 'rectio and expense of the Issuer, be
subject to' certain other restr ctions if required to qualify
this Bond �s being "in re ' st red form" within the meaning of
Section 145 (a) of the fede Internal Revenue Code of 1986 ,
as amended.'
F�es u on Trans r o Loss . The Bond Registrar may
require payment of a sum uffici nt to cover any tax or other
governmenta� charge paya le in co nection with the transfer or
exchange of ',this Bond a d any lega or unusual costs regarding
transfers arld lost Bon s .
Tr'eatment Re istered Owne . The Issuer and Bond
Registrar may treat he person in whose name this Bond is
registered a� the o ner hereof for the p pose of receiving
payment as h�rein rovided (except as othe ise provided with
respect to the Re rd Date) and for all oth r purposes,
whether or not th s Bond shall be overdue, a neither the
Issuer nor the B nd Registrar shall be affecte by notice to
the contrary.',
Aut ntication. This Bond shall not be lid or
become obliga ry for any purpose or be entitled to any
security unle s the Certificate of Authentication hereon shall
have been ex �uted by the Bond Registrar.
Not Q�ualified Tax-Exempt Obligations . The Bonds
have not been d�signated by the Issuer as "qualified
tax-exempt oblilgations " for purposes of Section 265 (b) ( 3) of
the federal Int;ernal Revenue Code of 1986 , as amended.
condition and �things required by the Cons itution and laws of
the State f M�.nnesota and the Charter of he Issuer to be
done, to ha per� and to be performed, pre dent to and in the
issuance of his Bond, have been done, ve happened and have
been performe y in regular and due for , time and manner as
required by la , and this Bond, toget r with all other debts
of the Issuer o tstanding on the dat of original issue hereof
and on the date f its issuance and elivery to the original
purchaser, doe's n t exceed any cons itutional or statutory or
Charter limitation of indebtedness .
IN 'WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey
County, Minnesota, by its City Council has caused this Bond to
be sealed with its official seal and to be execu ed on its
behalf by the photocopied facsimile signature o its Mayor,
atte ed by t;he photocopied facsimile signatur of its City
Clerk, nd coluntersigned by the photocopied csimile
signatur of ,its Director, Department of Fi nce and
Management Services .
Date of Regis ation: Registrable
Payable at:
This Bond is Wne of the
Bonds describ�d in the
Resolution mer�tioned yor
Attes •
City Cler
Bond Registrar �
BY Countersigned:
Authorized S ' gnatu e
Director, Department f Finance
and Management Service
(SEAL) '
General Obl 'ga�ion Capital Improvement Refunding Bond, Series
1989E, No. -
I _
i �C�7" �°��
The transfer of ownership of the principal amo nt of the
attached Bondlmay be made only by the registe ed owner or his,
her or its legal representative last noted b low.
I -
I' �F ��%�o
The following abbreviations, when used in the inscription
on the face of this Bond, shall be construed as though they
were written �ut in full according to applicable laws or
regulations :
TEN COM - as t�enants in common
TEN ENT - as nants by the entireties
JT TEN - as jai t tenants with right o survivorship
and not as tenants in common
UTMA - as custodian for
(Cust') (Minor)
under the Uniform
, T ansfers to nors Act
Addi�tional ab revia ions may also be used
' though n t i the above list.
, ����
For !value received, the undersigned hereby sells,
assigns and transfers unto
hereby irrevocably constitute and appointthin Bond and does
attorney to transfer the Bond on the books kept for the
registration t'hereof, with full power of subst ' ution in the
premises .
Dated: �
Notice: The a signor ' s signature to
I this assignment must
cor espond with the name as
I it ppears upon the face of
� t within Bond in every
p rticular, without
lteration or any change
Signature Guar�nteed:
Signature(s ) must be guarante d by a national bank or trust
company or by � brokerage fi m havi a membership in one of
the major stock exchanges .
The Bond Registr r will not e fect transfer of this
Bond unless th ' informati n concerning t e transferee
requested belo� is provi ed.
Name and Addre�s :
( I clude information for all joi t owners
f the Bond is held by joint acc nt. )
'' 17
, �' ����b
B. �teplacement Bonds . If the City has otified
Holders that R placement Bonds have been made av lable as
prov' ded in paragraph 6 , then for every Bond th eafter
trans erred or exchanged ( including an exchang to reflect the
partia prepay�jnent of a Global Certificate no previously
exchang for l�eplacement Bonds) the Bond Re istrar shall
deliver a certificate in the form of the Re lacement Bond
rather tha the Global Certificate, but th Holder of a Global
Certificate hdll not otherwise be requir d to exchange the
Global Certi '�ate for one or more Repla ement Bonds since the
City recognize that some bondholders m prefer the
convenience of , e Depository' s regist ed ownership of the
Bonds even though the entire issue is o longer required to be
in global book�-ent form. The Repla ement Bonds, together
with the Bond Regist ar ' s Certificat of Authentication, the �
form of Assigr►�ent an the registra ion �nformation thereon,
shall be in sul�stantia y the foll ing form:
I 18
R- ' S
M rch 1, 1989
Saint Paul, Ramsey County, ' nesota (the "Issuer" or "City" ) ,
certifies t�at it is indebte and for value received promises
to pay to the registered ow specified above, or registered
assigns, wiGhout option of rep yment, in the manner
hereinafter' set forth, the princ ' al amount specified above,
on the matur�ty date spec ' fied ab ve, and to pay interest
thereon sem.�annually on rch 1 an September 1 of each year
(each, an "Interest Paym nt Date" ) , ommencing September 1,
1989 , at th� rate per a num specifie above (calculated on the
basis of a 360-day yea of twelve 30-d months ) until the
principal sum is paid r has been provi d for. This Bond
will bear imterest fr m the most recent I terest Payment Date
to which interest ha been paid or, if no terest has been
paid, from �he date f original issue hereo The principal
of and premium, if ny, on this Bond are paya le upon
presentation and s rrender hereof at the principal office of
, in
, (the "Bond Registrar" ) ,
acting as p�ying agent, or any successor paying agent duly
appointed b�Y th Issuer. Interest on this Bond will be paid
on each Intere t Payment Date by check or draft mailed to the
person in whos name this Bond is registered ( the "Holder" or
"Bondholder" ) on the registration books of the Issuer
maintained by the Bond Registrar and at the address appearing
thereon at th� close of business on the fiftee h calendar day
preceding sucM Interest Payment Date (the "Re lar Record
Date" ) . Any �nterest not so timely paid sha cease to be
paya le to the person who is the Holder her f as of the
Regul r Recorc� Date, and shall be payable the person who is
the Ho der he�reof at the close of busines on a date ( the
"Specia Reco�d Date" ) fixed by the Bond egistrar whenever
money be mes � available for payment of t e defaulted interest.
Notice of he Special Record Date shall be given to
Bondholders nmt less than ten days pri r to the Special Record
Date. The p �ncipal of and premium, ' f any, and interest on
this Bond are� ayable in lawful mone of the United States of
America. ,
conditions an�d things r quired by the Constitution and laws of
the State of Minnesota a d th Charter of the Issuer to be
done, to happ�en and to be e ormed, precedent to and in the
issuance of t�his Bond, hav een done, have happened and have
been perform�d, in regular d due form, time and manner as
required by ]�aw, and this , together with all other debts
of the Issue� outstanding n e date of original issue hereof
and on the da�te of its is uance and delivery to the original
purchaser, does not exce any c nstitutional or statutory or
Charter limi�ation of in ebtednes .
IN 'WITNESS W REOF, the Ci y of Saint Paul, Ramsey
County, Minn$sota, by ' ts City Counci has caused this Bond to
be sealed wi�h its of icial seal or a acsimile thereof and to
be executed on its be alf by the origin or facsimile
signature of ' its May r, attested by the iginal or facsimile
signature of its Cit Clerk, and countersi ned by the original
or facsimile signat re of its Director, Dep rtment of Finance
and Managememt Servi ces .
i 20
Date of Registration: Registrable by: _
Payable at:
This Bond i ane of the
Bonds descri d in the
Resolution me ioned Mayor
, City lerk
Bond Registrar
By Co ntersigned:
Authorized Signa.ture
Director, Department of Finance
nd Management Services
(,�,�-�9 i�
Date of Payment Not Business Day. If he date for
payme t of the principal of, premium, if any, o interest on
this B d shall be a Saturday, Sunday, legal liday or a day
on which banku.ng institutions in the City of hicago,
Illinois, or the city where the principal o ice of the Bond
Registrar i located are authorized by law r executive order
to close, t n the date for such payment s all be the next
succeeding d ' which is not a Saturday, S nday, legal holiday
or a day on w'h'ch such banking instituti ns are authorized to
close, and pa nt on such date shall h ve the same force and
effect as if �na on the nominal date f payment.
No �Redem tion. The Bonds this issue are not
subject to redempti n and prepayment prior to their maturity.
Issuance• P r ose• Gener 1 Obli ation. This Bond is
one of an issue in the total prin ipal amount of $2 , , 000,
all of like c�ate of ori inal iss and tenor, except as to
number, matu�f ity, intere t rate nd denomination, which Bond
has been issu�ed pursuant o and in full conformity with the
Constitution �and laws of t e S ate of Minnesota and the
Charter of tHe Issuer, and u suant to a resolution adopted by
the City Council of the Issu on February _, 1989 ( the
"Resolution" )� , for the purpo of providing, together with any
contribution of the Issuer, fu ds sufficient for a crossover
refunding on 'their earlies cal date of the callable
maturities o� the Issuer' s Gene 1 Obligation Capital
Improvement �onds, Series 1982 . his Bond is payable out of
the Escrow A�count of th Issuer' s General Obligation Capital
Improvement �989 Refund' g Bonds Ac ount as to interest
through and including rch 1, 1990, and thereafter out of the
General Debt ' Service F nd of the Issu r. This Bond
constitutes � general bligation of th Issuer, and to provide
moneys for tlne prompt and full payment f its principal,
premium, if �ny, and interest when the s e become due, the
full faith a�d cred' and taxing powers o the Issuer have
been and are; hereby irrevocably pledged.
Denomin tions • Exchan e• Resolutio . The Bonds are
issuable solely fully registered Bonds in e denominations
of $5, 000 an¢ in egral multiples thereof of a single maturity
and are exchang able for fully registered Bonds of other
authorized den inations in _equal aggregate principal amounts
at the princ!ipal office of the Bond Registrar, but only in the
manner and siubject to the limitations provided in the
Resolution. Reference is hereby made to the Resolut on for a
description of the rights and duties of the Bond R istrar.
Copies of the Resolution are on file in the princ ' al office
of t Bond Reigistrar.
Tran�fer. This Bond is transferable by the Holder
in person or b�y his, her or its attorney dul authorized in
writing at thelprincipal office of the Bond egistrar upon
presentatio a�nd surrender hereof to the B d Registrar, all
subject to t I� terms and conditions provi d in the Resolution
and to reason le regulations of the Iss r contained in any
agreement with' he Bond Registrar. Ther upon the Issuer shall
execute and the ond Registrar shall au henticate and deliver,
in exchange for t is Bond, one or more new fully registered
Bonds in the name f the transferee ( ut not registered in
blank or to "bearer" or similar desi nation) , of an authorized
denomination or deno inations, in a regate principal amount
equal to the principa amount of t s Bond, of the same
maturity and bearing i terest at t e same rate. Whenever
ownership of this Bond hould be ransferred under any other
circumstances or be regi tered i nominee name only, the
registered own�er of the B nd sh 1, if and to the extent
required to qu�alify this B nd being "in registered form"
within the meaning of Secti n 49 (a) of the federal Internal
Revenue Code of 1986, as ame ed, and at the direction and
expense of the' Issuer, maint ' n for the Issuer a record of the
actual owner o'f the Bonds .
Fees' u on Trans r or oss . The Bond Registrar may
require payme�t of a sum ufficie t to cover any tax or other
governmental clharge paya le in con ection with the transfer or
exchange of this Bond a d any legal or unusual costs regarding
transfers and lost Bon s .
Treatment o Re istered Owne . The Issuer and Bond
Registrar may treat he person in whose name this Bond is
registered as the o ner hereof for the p pose of receiving
paymerit as herein rovided (except as oth ise provided on
the reverse side reof with respect to th Record Date) and
for all other pu oses, whether or not this ond shall be
overdue, and nei her the Issuer nor the Bond egistrar shall
be affected by otice to the contrary.
Aut ntication. This Bond shall not be valid or
become obliga �ory for any purpose or be entitled to any
security unlesis the Certificate of Authentication hereon shall
have been exeGUted by the Bond Registrar.
i ��/�
Not ualified Tax-Exem t Obli ations . The Bonds
have not bee designated by the Issuer as "q lified
tax-exempt o�ligations " for purposes of Sec ion 265 (b) ( 3 ) of
the f eral Znternal Revenue Code of 1986 , as amended.
The foll:o ' ng abbreviations, w en used in the inscription
on the face of is Bond, shall be construed as though they
were written '�out ' n full accordin to applicable laws or
regulations :
TEN COM - as 'tenants in common -
TEN ENT - as tenants the en ireties
JT TEN - as j'�oint tena ts wit right of survivorship
and 'not as ten ts ' n common
UTMA - � as cu to ian for
(Cus�,t) (Minor)
under t Uniform
' Trans rs o Minors Act
Additional breviati ns may also be used
j thoug not in th above list.
, 24
For value received, the undersigned he eby sells ,
assigns and trsnsfers unto
the within ond and does
hereby ' rrevoc�bly constitute and appoint
attorney to transfer the Bond on the books pt for the
registrat on thereof, with full power of s stitution in the
premises .
Dated: '
Notice. The assignor' s si nature to this
assignment must orrespond with the name
as it appears u on the face of the within
' ond in every rticular, without
a teration or ny change whatever.
Signature Guar�nteed:
Signature( s) must be guaran ed by a national bank or trust
company or by � brokerage r having a membership in one of
the major stoc�C exchanges .
The Bond Registrar will ot effe t transfer of this Bond
unless the information oncerning he transferee requested
below is provided.
Name and Address :
' ( Include information for 11 joint owners
�, if the Bond is held by joi t account. )
10 �1 Execution. The Bonds shall be exec ed on
behalf of th� City by the signatures of its Mayor City Clerk
and Director,' Department of Finance and Managem t Services ,
each ith the effect noted on the forms of the onds , and be
seale with the seal of the City; provided, h ever, that the
seal o the City may be a printed or photoco ied facsimile;
provide further that any of such signature may be printed or
photocopi d �acsimiles and the corporate s al may be omitted
on the Bon s as permitted by law. In the event of disability
or resignat n or other absence of any s ch officer, the Bonds
may be signe by the manual or facsimil signature of that
officer who ma act on behalf of such sent or disabled
officer. In ca e any such officer wh e signature or
facsimile of who e signature shall ap ear on the Bonds shall
cease to be such fficer before the elivery of the Bonds,
such signature or acsimile shall n vertheless be valid and
sufficient for all urposes, the s e as if he or she had
remained in office u til delivery.
11 .'� Authenti ation• D te of Re istration. No Bond
shall be valld or oblig ory fo any purpose or be entitled to
any securityl,or benefit der is resolution unless a
Certificate csf Authentica 'on n such Bond, substantially in
the form hereinabove set f t , shall have been duly executed
by an authorized representa 've of the Bond Registrar.
Certificates 'of Authenticat' on different Bonds need not be
signed by the same person. Th Bond Registrar shall
authenticate the signature of fficers of the City on each
Bond by execution of the ertifi ate of Authentication on the
Bond and by inserting as the date of registration in the space
provided the date on wh' h the Bon is authenticated. For
purposes of delivering he original Global Certificates to the
Purchaser, the Bond Re istrar shall 'nsert as the date of
registration the date of original iss e, which date is
March 1, 1989 . The rtificate of Aut entication so executed
on each Bond shall b conclusive eviden e that it has been
authenticated and d livered under this r solution.
12 .', Re stration• Transfer• Exc an e. The City
will cause tc� be ept at the principal offi of the Bond
Registrar a Nond register in which, subject t such reasonable
regulations als e Bond Registrar may prescrib , the Bond
Registrar sha�ll provide for the registration of Bonds and the
registration ',o transfers of Bonds entitled to be registered
or transferred as herein provided.
A Global Certificate shall be registered in the name
of the payee on the books of the Bond Registrar by presenting
, ����
the Global Ce�rtificate for registration to the Bond Registrar,
who will endo'rse his or her name and note the date of
registration 'opposite the name of the payee in the ertificate
of reg' stratiion on the Global Certificate. Therea er a
Global rtif!icate may be transferred by delivery ith an
assignme duly executed by the Holder or his , h or its
legal repr sentative, and the City and Bond Reg' strar may
treat the H lder as the person exclusively ent ' tled to
exercise all the rights and powers of an owne until a Global
Certificate i presented with such assignmen for registration
of transfer, � ompanied by assurance of th nature provided
by law that the ssignment is genuine and ffective, and until
such transfer' is egistered on said books and noted thereon by
the Bond Regi�tra all subject to the t rms and conditions
provided in the Re olution and to reaso able regulations of
the City cont�ined any agreement wi , or notice to, the
Bond Registrat.
Tramsfer of Global Certi icate may, at the
direction and �expense o the City, e subject to other
restrictions if required to qualif the Global Certificates as
being "in registered form within the meaning of Section
149 (a) of the federal Inte nal R enue Code of 1986 , as
amended. ,
Upon surrender for ansfer of any Replacement Bond
at the principal office of th Bond Registrar, the City shall
execute ( if necessary) , and e Bond Registrar shall
authenticate, 'insert the dat o registration (as provided in
paragraph 11) 'and deliver, ' n the name of the designated
transferee or 'transferees, one or ore new Replacement Bonds
of any authori�zed denomin ion or nominations of a like
aggregate prinlcipal amou , having e same stated maturity
and interest riate, as re uested by t transferor; provided,
however, that ino bond m y be register in blank or in the
name of "bearejr" or si ilar designatio Whenever ownership
of any Replace�nent Bo s should be tran erred without
surrender of t�he Repl cement Bond for tr sfer or should be
registered in �nomine name only, the regi tered owner of the
Replacement Bo�d sh l, if and to the exte t required to
preserve the exclus on from gross income of the interest on
the Bonds and at t e direction and expense o the City,
maintain for the C ty a record of the actual ner of the
Replacement Bot►d.
At the option of the holder of a Replacement Bond,
Replacement Bo�ds may be exchanged for Replacement Bonds of
any authorized� denomination or denominations of a like
' 27
ggregate pri�ncipal amount and stated maturity, upon urrender
o the Replacement Bonds to be exchanged at the pri ipal
of 'ce of the� Bond Registrar. Whenever any Replac ent Bonds
are surrerudered for exchange, the City shall e ecute ( if
necess ry) , aind the Bond Registrar shall authen cate, insert
the dat of r�egistration of, and deliver the R lacement Bonds
which th holrier making the exchange is entit ed to receive.
Global Cer if'icates may not be exchanged for Global
Certificate bf smaller denominations .
All' onds surrendered upon any xchange or transfer
provided for in this resolution shall b promptly cancelled by
the Bond Registr and thereafter disp sed of as directed by
the City. '
All '' Bonds livered in ex ange for or upon transfer
of Bonds shall be vali general ob igations of the City
evidencing th� same deb , and ent ' tled to the same benefits
under this re�olution, a the Bo ds surrendered for such
exchange or transfer.
Eve�y Bond presen or surrendered for transfer or
exchange shal]; be duly endor d or be accompanied by a written
instrument of 'transfer, in or satisfactory to the Bond
Registrar, du];y executed b the older thereof or his, her or
its attorney c�uly authori d in iting.
The ,Bond Regis rar may re uire payment of a sum
sufficient to ,cover any tax or other overnmental charge
payable in connection ith the transf or exchange of any
Bond and any l�egal or unusual costs reg rding transfers and
lost Bonds .
Transfer shall also be subject reasonable
regulations of� th City contained in any ag ement with, or
notice to, the� B nd Registrar, including regu ations which
permit the Bond egistrar to close its transfe books between
record dates a d payment dates .
13 Rights Upon Transfer or Exchange. ach Bond
delivered u n� transfer of or in exchange for or in lieu of
any other nd shall carry all the rights to interes accrued
and unpai , an¢1 to accrue, which were carried by such ther
14 . Interest Payment; Record Date. Interest on ny
Glob Certifi�ate shall be paid as provided in the first -
para raph therQof, and interest on any Replacement Bond shall
' 28
, ���lo�
I ft mailed
be paid on ea�h interest payment date by check or dra
to the personiin whose name the Bond is registered ( the
"Holder" ) on the registration books of the City main ained by
the Bond Regiistrar, and in each case at the address appearing
thereon at the close of business on the fifteenth 15th)
alendar day 'preceding such interest payment dat (the
" egular Reco,rd Date" ) . Any such interest not o timely paid
sh 11 cease to be payable to the person who is the Holder
the of as of� the Regular Record Date, and s 11 be payable to
the rson who is the Holder thereof at the lose of business
on a te ( th'e "Special Record Date" ) fixe by the Bond
Registr r whe�never money becomes availabl for payment of the
defaulte in�erest . Notice of the Speci Record Date shall
be given tihe Bond Registrar to the H ders not less than
ten ( 10) d s prior to the Special Rec d Date. The term
"Holder" sha !1 also include those law lly entitled to take
actions on b alf of the beneficial o ners of the Bonds for
purposes of an consent or approvals given by Holders .
15 . H lders • Treatment f Re istered Owner• Consent
of Holders .
(A� For t e purposes of all actions, consents and
other matter� affecti g Holder of the Bonds, other than
payments, redemptions, nd pu chases, the City may (but shall
not be oblig�ted to) tr t a the Holder of a Bond the
beneficial owner of the B n instead of the person in whose
name the Bond is registere . For that purpose, the City may
ascertain th� identity of h beneficial owner of the Bond by
such means a� the Bond R ist r in its sole discretion deems
appropriate, ', including t not imited to a certificate from
the person i whose na the Bon is registered identifying
such benefic�al owner.
(Bh The C ty and Bond Reg' strar may treat the
person in wh�se nam any Bond is regi ered as the owner of
such Bond fo� the urpose of receiving ayment of principal of
and premium, ' if a , and interest (subje t to the payment
provisions in pa agraph 14 above) on, such Bond and for all
other purposles atsoever whether or not su Bond shall be
overdue, and n ther the City nor the Bond R istrar shall be
affected by n ice to the contrary.
(C Any consent, request, direction, ap oval ,
objection o ' other instrument to be signed and execu d by the
Holders ma be in any number of concurrent writings o similar
tenor and must be signed or executed by such Holders in person
or by ag ntjappointed in writing. Proof of the execution of
any such conse�t, request, direction, approval, objection r
other instrume�t or of the writing appointing any such a nt
and of the own�rship of Bonds, if made in the following
manner, shall e sufficient for any of the purposes o this
esolution, and shall be conclusive in favor of the ity with
gard to any action taken by it under such request or other
in trument, na�nely:
( 1 ) The fact and date of the ex ution by any
pers n of any such writing may be pr ed by the
cert ' ficate of any officer in any j isdiction who
by l�w has power to take acknowled ents within such
jurisdiction that the person sign' g such writing
cknowledged before him the exec ion thereof, or by
a a�fidavit of any witness to ch execution.
( 2 ) Subject to the prov' ions of subparagraph
(A) a ove, the fact of the ow ership by any person
of Bon s and the amounts an numbers of such Bonds,
and the date of the holdin of the same, may be
proved b reference to the bond register.
16 . Deliv r • A licati n of Proceeds . The Global
Certificates when so epared an executed shall be delivered
by the Directox, Depar ent of F nance and Management
Services, to the Purcha r upo receipt of the purchase price,
and the Purchaser shall t be obliged to see to the proper
application th�reof .
17 . IFund and Acc nts . For the convenience and
proper adminis�ration of t e oneys to be borrowed and repaid
on the Bonds ahd the Refu ded onds, and to make adequate and
specific secur�ty to the Purcha r and holders from time to
time of the Bohds and R funded B ds, there is hereby created
a special account to b designate the "General Obligation
Capital Improv�ment 1 89 Refunding onds Account" (the "Escrow
Account" ) to b� admi istered and mai tained by the City
Treasurer as a book eeping account se rate and apart from all
other accounts mai tained in the offici 1 financial records of
the City. There as been heretofore cre ted and established
the General Debt Service Fund (numbered 9 0, herein the
"Fund" ) . The F nd and the Account shall e h be maintained in
the manner her in specified until all of the Refunded Bonds
have been pai and until all of the Bonds and he interest
thereon shal have been fully paid.
( i) �� Escrow Account. The Escrow Account shall be
maintaine�l as an escrow account with American National
� �-�`�
I .. ,.
Bank an� Trust Company (the Escrow Agent ) in t. Paul,
Minnesoi�a, which is a suitable financial inst ' ution
within t�he State whose deposits are insured the
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and w ose combined
capital �and surplus is not less than $500, 00 . All
roceed� of the sale of the Bonds shall received by
t e Escr�ow Agent and applied to fund th Escrow Account
or to pa�y costs of issuing the Bonds . roceeds of the
Bon s nqt used to pay costs of issuan are hereby
irre oca�bly pledged and appropriated o the Escrow
Accou t,l together with all investme earnings thereon.
The Es �jow Account shall be invest in securities
maturin or callable at the optio of the holder on such
date an bearing interest at such rates as shall be
require o provide sufficient f nds, together with any
cash or t er funds retained in the Escrow Account, to
pay when du ( 1) the interest o accrue on each Bond to
and inclludin March 1, 1990, d (2) upon redemption the
pXincipa'i� amo t of each of e Refunded Bonds . From the
Escrow A' count there shall b paid ( 1) all interest paid
on, or t be pai on, or to accrue on, the Bonds to and
includin March 1990, a d (2) the principal of the
Refunded Bonds due by rea on of redemption on the call
date of �iarch 1, 1 0 . he Escrow Account shall be
irrevoca�ly appropri te to the payment of the principal
of and i terest on th onds until the proceeds of the
Bonds th�rein are app ed to payment of the Refunded
Bonds . '�he moneys i t e Escrow Account shall be used
solely fbr the purpo es rein set forth and for no other
purpose, �, except tha any rplus in the Escrow Account
may be r�mitted to he Cit all in accordance with an
agreemen (the "E row Agree ent" ) by and between the
City and Escrow ent, a form f which agreement is on
file in he offi e of the City lerk. Any moneys
remitted �to the City upon termin tion of the Escrow
Agreemen� shal be deposited in t e Fund.
(iil Fu d. To the Fund, to a pecial sinking fund
account �hic is hereby created and e tablished therein
for the �}a nt of the Bonds, there is hereby pledged and
irrevocak}ly appropriated and there shal be credited:
( 1) any bla ance remitted to the City upo the termination
of the Es� row Agreement; (2) any balance r aining on
March 2, 990, in the separate sinking fund; or special
account n the sinking fund, recognized in paragraph 10
of the ilty' s February 2, 1982, resolution authorizing
the iss a ce of the Prior Bonds and created in the
Februar 18, 1982, resolution levying a tax for the
' 31
payment �f the Prior Bonds; ( 3) all taxes ollected after
March 1, ', 1990, pursuant to levies made i said resolution
of Febru�ry 18, 1982, which levies shal not be cancelled
xcept a permitted by Minnesota Statu es, Section
4 5. 61, �ubdivision 3; (4 ) any collec ions of all taxes
he eafte�r levied for the payment of he Bonds and
int estlthereon; (5) all investme earnings on funds in
the nd� and ( 6 ) any and all oth moneys which are
prope y ' available and are appro iated by the governing
body o t�he City to the Fund. e amount of any surplus
remaini in the Fund when the onds and interest thereon
, are paid ; hall be used consis nt with Minnesota
Statutes� ection 475 . 61, Su ivision 4 .
The �!Imo ys in the Fun shall be used solely to pay
the principal and 'nterest and ny premiums for redemption of
the Bonds andjany her gener obligation bonds of the City
hereafter iss ed by he City nd made payable from the Fund as
provide�d by l�w, or pay a y rebate due to the United
States . No pc�rtion o the roceeds of the Bonds shall be used
directly or i directly o cquire higher yielding investments
or to replace funds whic ere used directly or indirectly to
acquire highe yielding ' vestments, except ( 1) for a
reasonable te�porary per o until such proceeds are needed for
the purpose fqr which t e B nds were issued, and (2 ) in
addition to tHe above ' an mount not greater than the lesser
of five percer�t (5�) the p oceeds of the Bonds or $100, 000 .
To this effecti, any p oceeds o the Bonds and any sums from
time to 'time l�eld in the Escro Account or Fund (or any other
City fund or ccoun which will e used to pay principal or
interest to b�come ue on the Bon s) in excess of amounts
which under tl�e ap licable federal arbitrage regulations may
be invested wijtho t regard as to yi ld shall not be invested
at a yield in 'ex ess of the applica e yield restrictions
. imposed by sai�d rbitrage regulation on such investments
after taking ijn o account any applica e "temporary periods"
or "minor por ''on" made available unde the federal arbitrage
regulations . n addition, the proceeds f the Bonds and money
in the Fund a 'd the Escrow Account shall ot be invested in
obligations �, deposits issued by, guaran ed by or insured by
the United 5 altes or any agency or instrum tality thereof if
and to the xt�ent that such investment woul cause the Bonds
to be "federal',ly guaranteed" within the meani g of Section
149(b) of the !federal Internal Revenue Code o 1986, as
amended (the "ICode" ) .
I 32
18. '� Pled e of Existin Tax Levies• Cove a e Test.
To provide mo�eys for payment of the principal an interest on
the Bonds, th�re is hereby pledged to the payme of the Bonds
all t� ose tax�s relating to the Prior Bonds co ected after
March , 1990� which were levied in the Febru ry 18, 1982,
resolut'on of the City Council of the City lating to the
Prior Bo ds u�on all of the taxable proper in the City as
direct an ual; ad valorem taxes to be spre upon the tax rolls
and collec ed with and as part of other neral property taxes
in the City iExcluding taxes levied fo earlier years, said
levies were r the years and in the a unts as follows :
Year '. Year
of of Levy For
Tax � Tax Prior
Levy ' Collection Bonds
1989 1990 $1, 338,225
. 1990 ! 1991 1, 350, 957
The' tax levi s are ch that if collected in full
they, togethe* with est ate collections of investment
earnings (andjuntil Marc 1, 1990, all. amounts in the Escrow
Account) and �ther revenu s herein pledged for the payment of
the Bonds, ar expected to roduce at least five percent (5�)
in excess of �he amount n e ed to meet when due the principal
and interest �ayments on the onds . The tax levies shall be
irrepealable �o long as any o the Bonds are outstanding and
unpaid, provi�ied that e City eserves the right and power to
reduce the le�►ies in e manner and to the extent permitted by
Minnesota Sta�utes, S ction 475 . 1, Subdivision 3 . If
necessary to �rovide said five pe cent (5$) in excess of the
amount needed ' to me t when due the rincipal and interest
payments on tme Bo ds, prior to the delivery of the Bonds to
the Purchaser ! the ity Council shall y resolution levy an
additional ta�K.
19 . ,' eneral Obli ation Pled For the prompt and
full payment � the principal and interes on the Bonds, as
the same resp ctively become due, the full faith, credit and
taxing �power of the City shall be and are ereby irrevocably
pledged. I ithe balance in the Escrow Accou t or Fund is ever
insufficie �o pay all principal and interes then due on the
Bonds and ny ;other bonds payable therefrom, th deficiency
shall be rom�tly paid out of any other funds of the City
which ar ava lable for such purpose, including the general
fund of e C�ty, and such other funds may be reimbursed with
or without int�erest from the Escrow Account or Fund when a
sufficient ba�ance is available therein.
� ��1��
20. Appropriation. If an appropriation s
necessary to ccomplish the crossover refunding o the Prior
onds, such a propriation is hereby authorized a d made, and
yment shalllbe made from the budgeted approp ations for
de t service ffor pending bond issues . The of icer accepting
the bid on th{e sale of the Bonds as provided in paragraph 1 of
this resolutipn shall determine if an appro riation is
neces ary, an�i if so the amount thereof .
21. , Refunded Bonds; Security. Until retirement of
the Refu ded �onds, all provisions her ofore made for the
security hereof shall be observed by he City and all of its
officers a d agents .
22 . 5ecurities• Escrow A ent. Securities purchased
from moneys i the Escrow Account hall be limited to
securities se� orth in Minnesota Statutes, Section 475 . 67,
Subdivi�ion 8' a d any amendment or supplements thereto.
Securities pu cha ed from the E crow Account shall be
purchased sim ltan ously with e delivery of the Bonds . The
City Council as in estigated he facts and hereby finds and
determines th t the scrow A nt is a suitable financial
institution t act as escro agent.
23 . ��, Redem ti n f Refunded Bonds . The Refunded
Bonds shall b redeemed d prepaid on March 1, 1990, all in
accordance wi h the term nd conditions set forth in the
Notice o� Cal for Rede ti n attached hereto as Exhibit A,
which terms a�d condit' ns a e hereby approved and
incorporated erein b refere ce. A Notice of Call for
Redemption in' substa ially su form shall be first published
no later thanjthirty ( 30) days ter the issuance of the
Bonds, and sh 11 be published aga'n within forty-five ( 45) and
ninety (90) d ys o the appropriat redemption date pursuant
to the Escrow Agr ement.
24 . � crow A reement. On o prior to the delivery
of the Bonds Mayor, Clerk and Direc r, Department of
Finance and M agement Services, shall, a d are hereby
authori�zed an directed to, execute on beh f of the City an
Escrow Agree nt. All essential terms and c nditions of such
Escrow Agre m nt are hereby approved and adopt d and made a
part of th' s esolution, and the City covenants� hat it will
promptly e o$�ce all provisions thereof in the event of
default there�nder by the Escrow Agent.
'� ���'q`��
25 . Purchase of SLGS . The City Treasurer,
anyone designat�ed by the City Treasurer to act in his ehalf,
is hereby auth�rized and directed to purchase the a ropriate
United States Treasury Securities, State and Local Government
Se� ies, from the proceeds of the Bonds in accord ce with the
pro isions of this resolution and to execute al such
docu ents ( inc�uding the appropriate subscript 'on form)
requi ed to effect such purchase in accordanc with the
applic ble U.S ; Treasury Regulations .
26 . Certificate of Re istration The Director,
Departmen of Finance and Management Servi ces, is hereby
directed t file a certified copy of thi Resolution with the
County Audi or of Ramsey County, Minnes ta, together with such
other inform tion as the County Audito shall require, and to
obtain the Co ty Auditor ' s certifica e that the Bonds have
been entered i the County Auditor' s Bond Register.
27 . Re ords and Certifi ates . The officers of the
City are hereby au horized and di cted to prepare and furnish
to the Purchaser, a d to the att neys approving the legality
of the issuanc� of t e Bonds, c tified copies of all
proceedings anc� recor of the ity relating to the Bonds and
to the financi�l condi 'on an affairs �f the City, and such
other affidavi�s , certi 'cat and information as are required
to show the facts relatin the legality and marketability
of the Bonds as the same a ear from the books and records
under their custody and co ol or as otherwise known to them,
and all such c�rtified co ie certificates and affidavits,
including any heretofore furni hed, shall be deemed represen-
tations of the 'City as o the f cts recited therein.
28 . Ne ati e Covenant to Use of Proceeds and
Improvements . �,The C ' y hereby cov ants not to use the
proceeds of th� Bon or to use the 'mprovements financed with
the proceeds o� th Prior Bonds or to cause or permit them or
any of them to be sed, or to enter in o any deferred payment
arrangements fctr he cost of such impro ements, in such a
manner as to calu e ( 1) the Bonds to be " ivate activity
bonds " within t e meaning of Sections 103 nd 141 through 150
of the Code or ( 2) the Prior Bonds to be "i dustrial
development b ds" or "consumer loan bonds" "private loan
bonds" withi �he meaning of the federal Inter 1 Revenue Code
of 1954, as �nded immediately prior to the enactment of the
federal Tax e orm Act of 1986 .
29 . Tax-Exem t Status of the Bonds; Rebate. The
City shall comply with requirements necessary under the Code
to establish �nd maintain the exclusion f m gross income
under Section ' 103 of the Code of the int rest on the Bonds,
i cluding wit�out limitation requiremen s relating to
te porary per ods for investments, lim tations on amounts
inv sted at a yield greater than the ield on the Bonds, and
the ebate of ',excess investment ear ngs to the United States .
30 . No Desi nation of alified Tax-Exem t
Obli ati ns . �The Bonds exceed i amount those which may be
qualified s "qualified tax-exe t obligations" within the
meaning of ection 265(b) ( 3 ) o the Code, and hence are not
designated f such purpose.
31 . e ositor L ter A reement. The Depository
Letter Agreemelnt is hereby pproved, and shall be executed on
behalf of the Cit by the ayor, Clerk, and Director,
Department of Finan e and Management Services, in
substantially !the fo a proved, with such changes,
modifications, additi and deletions as shall be necessary
and appropriate and ap oved by the City Attorney. Execution
by such office'rs of t e epository Letter Agreement shall be
conclusive evidence s to the necessity and propriety of
changes and thjeir a roval y the City Attorney. So long as
Midwest Securi�ties rust Co any is the Depository or it or
its nominee isl the Holder of ny Global Certificate, the City
shall comply w,,ith the provisio s of the Depository Letter
Agreement, as 'it may be amended or supplemented by the City
from time to ti e with the agree nt or consent of Midwest
Securities Tru, t Company.
i 36
BLUE — MAVOR File NO• • /�
Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
32 . everabilit . If any section, paragrap
or pro ' sion of this resolution shall be held to be ' valid
or unen rceabl for any reason, the invalidity or nenforce-
ability o such section, paragraph or provision s 11 not
affect any f t e remaining provisions of this r solution.
33. eadin s. Headings in this re olution are
included for co enience of reference only d are not
a part hereof, n shall not limit or defi the meaning
of any provisio he of .
COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Long � In Favor
s�ne;be� _ Against By
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secret ry By
Approved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
BY �— BY
� _ - ;:� � J - * 4
wHiT�. - �.tM:. aK r_ � ' ; ..� �.� . ., - + �
� PINK — NA � TT �
CANARV — D�EPA� ENT`}� � .. ;. ���TY�GZ�,,,_ SA I 1�T.T PA�l L: ,CO11fIC�11 /� . � �- � .�. f ... �
BLU E;� —NkX V O . --w.w..-- FI�P. �N V. �J
� �; �, � � `•, , ou�ncil l�esolutior� . .
�' _�
� : ; .
� , , . . :
Presented By ' t -
Refefc�d To l ' Committee: Date
� �
Out of Gomm�ttee Date
_`` ���`�= �- 3 . S��nrrabilit . T� �f hctio�: parsgra
; �' p :��i of t�i� r�o��etio� sl�ail �s" l�ld_ t@ be vwli8
ar r ble t`�`aeY re�t�s. t�s imralid#��r or orer�-
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CbUNCIL MBERS ":� RequestecF by �epartment of: - , �'�, ri't�
'Yeas, Nay�;d; , � >" `
�' ; ,
Di� +�'
�� In Favor
� Goswit74 - , '3 � �
Retlai'n t `
sc�e� ' �- Against � By � x
Sonnen_ ,
'� Wilson
�= / Form Approved by City Attorney �-- ,�
.�` ,
"A�lopt�tl by Council: "' �te • _
,., ,__ . =
� Certified Passed by Gounc' -�aecretary BY �ti -
„F .�
,� ,_ w
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�,,. -.,�
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y . ` ¢ �. .._: � �
-� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Cotmei� x -
APprc�,d by„�avor: Date � `
-_ :-- � ______ _..._. .
_ y y '
,_ _ . ,
�� .