89-126 I
- FINANCERK 569T I C�UflCll �f /A
�' Council Resolution �
Presented By
Referred To ' Committee: Date
Out of Committee jBy Date
WHEREAS, the Director, Department of Finance
and Mana ement Services, has presented affidavits showing
publicat ' on of notice of the sale of $11, 750 , 000 General
Obligatilon Capital Improvement Bonds, Series 1989A (the
"Bonds" ),I', of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (the "City" ) ,
for whi�h bids were to be considered at this meeting in
accorda ce with Resolution No. 89-14 adopted by this Council
on Janu ry 17, 1989, and approved by the Mayor on January
18, 19 9 ; and the affidavits have been examined, have been
found o comply with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes,
Chapte 475, and have been approved and ordered placed
on fil ; and
WHEREAS, the bids set forth on Exhibit A attached
heret were received pursuant to the Official Terms of
Offer ng by the Director, Department of Finance and Management
Servi es, at the offices of Sprir�gsted Incorporated at
2 : 00 P.M. , Central Time, on February 13, 1989 ; and
COUNCIL EMBERS Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
D�moa Finance and Mana ement Services
L.o [n Favor ,, �
Go 'tz ? ,, f ,
Ret n � ' L,.
scn ;net Against By
So en �
W n
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted bylCouncil: Date
Certified Y�issed by Council Secretary BY
By I
Approved y ;Vlavor. Date Appr ed by Mayor for Submi ' n o�ouncil
By B .
� �
h9[IEREAS, the Director, Department of Finance and
ManaqementiServices , Ilas advised this Council that the bid of
Pip?r, J��tfray � Ho��wood Incorp�rated was Eound to be the most
advantagec��us ancl lias recommended that said bid be accepted;
WHERGAS, tlle proceeds of the Bonds will finance
certain !capital improvements , for which the City is proceeding
pursuan� to its Charter and Laws of Minnesota for 1971 ,
Chapterj773 , as amended; and
WHEREAS, the City has heretofore issued registered
obliga'tions in certificated form, and incurs substantial
costs /associated with their printing and issuance, and
subst�ntial continuing transaction costs relating to their
paym�nt, transfer and exchange; ar��'
WHEREAS, the City has determined that significant
sav�ngs in transaction costs will result from issuing bonds in
"g1pUa1 book-entry form" , by which bonds are issued in
ce�,'tificated form in large denominations , registered on the
bo�iks of the City in the name of a depository or its nominee,
an�! held in safekeeping and immobilized by such depository,
arid such depository as part of the computerized national
s�curities clearance and settlement system ( the "National
�'ystem" ) registers transfers of ownership interests in the
bonds by making computerized book entries on its own books and
�iistributes payments on the bonds to its Participants shown
ion its books as the owners of such interests; and such
iParticipants and other banks , brokers and dealers
;' participating in the National System will do likewise (not as
i agents of the City) if not the beneficial owners of the bonds;
WHEREAS, "Participants" means those financial insti-
tutions for whom the Depository effects book-entry transfers
and pledges of securities deposited and immobilized with the
Depository; and
WHEREAS, Midwest Securities Trust Company, a limited
purpose trust company organized under the laws of the State of
Illinois , or any of its successors or successors to its func-
tions hereunder ( the "Depository" ) , will act as such deposi-
tory with respect to tlie Bonds except as set forth below, and
there is before this Council a form of letter agreement (the
"Depository Letter Agreement" ) setting forth various matters
relating to the Depository and its role with respect to the
Bonds ; and
�G� �°��
WHIEREAS, the Cit will deliver the Bonds in the form
of one cert�ficate per maturity, each representing the entire
principal a�nount of the Bonds due on a particular maturity
date (each � "Global Certificate" ) , which single certificate
per maturit� may be transferred on the City' s bond register as
required by' the Uniform Commercial Code, but not exchanged for
smaller deruominations unless the City determines to issue
Replacement� Bonds as provided below; arid
�hHEREAS, the City will be able to replace the
Depository ;or under certain circumstances to abandon the
"global bo�k-entry form" by permitting the Global Certificates
. to be exch�nged for smaller denominations typical of ordinary
bonds regi�tered on the City' s bond register; and "Replacement
Bonds" mea s the certificates representing the Bonds so
authentica�ted and delivered by the Bond Registrar pursuant to
paragraphsl 6 and 12 hereof; and
iWHEREAS, "Holder" as used herein means the person in
whose nam� a Bond is registered on the registration books of
the City maintained by the City Treasurer or a successor
registrar; appointed as provided in paragraph 8 (the "Bond
Registrar f' ) :
� NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the
City of Slaint Paul, Minnesota, as follows :
' 1 . Acceptance of Bid. The bid of Piper, Jaffray &
Hopwood �jncorporated (the "Purchaser" ) to purchase $11, 750, 000
General (�bligation Capital Improvement Bonds, Series 1989A, of
the City ; ( the "Bonds " , or individually a "Bond" ) , in
accordan�e with the Official Terms of Offering for the bond
sale, atithe rates of interest set forth hereinafter, and to
pay for �he Bonds the sum of $11, 609 , 000, plus interest
accrued ,�to settlement, is hereby found, determined and
declaredjto be the most favorable bid received and is hereby
accepted�, and the Bonds are hereby awarded to said bidder.
The Direlctor, Department of Finance and Management Services,
or his c�esignee, is directed to retain the deposit of the
Purchas�r and to forthwith return to the unsuccessful bidders
their g�od faith checks or drafts .
2 . Title; Original Issue Date; Denominations;
Maturit�.es . The Bonds shall be titled "General ObligaL-ion
Capital; Improvement Bonds , Series 1989A" , shall be dated
March lj, 19II9 , as the date of original issue and shall be
issuedjforthwith on or after such date as fully registered
i ���CJ-/oi�0
bonds . The �onds shall be numbered from R-1 upward. Global
Certificatesjshall each be in the denomination of the entire
principal amPunt maturing on a single date . Replacement
Bonds, if issued as provided in paragraph 6 , shall be in the
denominationlof $5, 000 each or in any integral multiple
thereof of alsingle maturity. The Bonds shall mature, without
option of pr�payment, on March 1 in the years and amounts as
follows :
Ye r Amount Year Amount
19�0 $ 825 , 000 1995 51,200, 000
19 1 925 , 000 1996 1, 275, 000
19 2 1, OU0, 000 1997 1, 350, 000
19 3 1 , 050 , 000 1998 1,450, 000
19 4 1, 125 , 000 1999 1, 550, 000
3 . I Purpose. The Bonds shall provide funds for the
constructionlof various capital improvements (the "Improve-
ments" ) in tl�e City. The proceeds of the Bonds shall be
deposited an used as provided in paragraph 17 , for the
purpose desc�ibed by Laws of Minnesota for 1971, Chapter 773 ,
as amended. IThe total cost of the Improvements , which shall
include all c�osts enumerated in Minnesota Statutes, Section
475 .65, is e�timated to be at least equal to the amount of the
Bonds . Workjon the Improvements shall proceed with due
diligence to completion.
4 . I Interest. The Bonds shall bear interest payable
semiannuallyjon March 1 and September 1 of each year (each,
an "InterestjPayment Date" ) , commencing September 1, 1989,
calculated o�} the basis of a 360-day year of twelve 30-day
months, at tt�e respective rates per annum set forth opposite
the maturity !lyears as follows :
Maturity Yea� Interest Rate Maturity Year Interest Rate
1990 6 . 50$ 1995 6 . 65$
1991 6 .50 1996 6 .70
1992 6 . 50 1997 6 . 75
1993 i 6 . 55 1998 6 . 80
1994 I 6 . 60 1999 6 . 90
5 . Description of the Global Certificates and
Global Book-�ntr S stem. Upon their original issuance the
Bonds will b issued in the form of a single Global Certifi-
cate for eachl maturity, deposited with the Depository by the
Purchaser andl inunobilized as provided in paragraph 6 . No
beneficial bwners of interests in the Bonds will receive
certificate;s representing their respective interests in the
Bonds exceI�t as provided in paragraph 6 . Except as so
provided, during the term of the Bonds, beneficial ownership
(and subsec�uent transfers of beneficial ownership) of
interests �.n the Global Certificates will be reflected by book
entries ma�e on the records of the Depository and its
Participanl�s and other banks, brokers, and dealers partici-
pating in the National System. The Depository' s book entries
of benefic�al ownership interests are authorized to be in
increments� of $5,000 of principal of the Bonds, but not
smaller in�rements, despite the larger authorized
denominations of the Global Certificates. Payment of
principal lof, premium, if any, and interest on the Global
Certificat�'es will be made to the Bond Registrar as paying
agent, anc� in turn by the Bond Reqistrar to the Depository or
its nominde as registered owner of the Global Certificates,
and the D�pository according to the laws and rules governing
it will r�ceive and forward payments on behalf of the
beneficia owners of the Global Certificates .
Paym�nt of principal of, premium, if any, and interest on
a Global �ertificate may in the City' s discretion be made by
such othe� method of transferring funds as may be requested by
the Holde,� of a Global Certificate.
�.�' ,.:,...._,^ � y,.f 6 . -�-Immobili2at�o�-._.cz lobal Certificates b the
De ositor �. Successor De osito • Re lacement Bonds . Pursuant
to the r quest o�'� th����P o the Depository, which
request i�s required by the Official Terms of Offering, immedi-
ately upcin the original delivery of the Bonds the Purchaser
will depqsit the G1oba1 Certificates representing all of the
Bonds wi�h the Depository. The Global Certificates shall be
in typew�itten form or otherwise as acceptable to the
Deposito�y, shall be reqistered in the name of the Depository
or its n�minee and shall be held immobilized from ci���,;,.�,�t;��
X. �--�he>.o�f�i:ces...of.. �.��,.D�ps�a�itox� ..9n.,.�tehalf�of the��rchaser �
�,�,.��,...;�nd subslequent bondowners . The Deposito or its� nominee wil,��r
� � they�lob'a��'e=ti ica.. es anc� no
e the � ��tiwholder of record of
investor� or othe"r'°`pa=�y�"pu�C�?t�C�irt�'; selling or otherwise
transferring ownership of interests in any Bond is to receive,
hold or �deliver any bond certificates so long as the
Depositqry holds the Global Certificates immobilized from
circulat�ion, except as provided below in this paragraph and in
paragra�h 12 .
Ce�tificates evidencinq the Bonds may not after their
originaD. delivery be transferred or exchanged except:
� i
� i U on registration of transfer of� ownership of
K ) P
a Globa,� Certificate, as provided in paragraph 12,
(�ii) To any successor of the Depository (or its
nominee;) or any substitute depository (a "substitute
deposit�'ory" ) designated pursuant to clause ( iii) of this
subpara�graph, provided that any successor of the
Deposit}ory or any substitute depository must be both a
"cleari,'.ng corporation" as defined in the Minnesota
Unifornh Commercial Code at Minnesota Statutes,
Sectio 336 .8-102, and a qualified and registered
"clear�ng aqency" as provided in Section 17A of the
Securi�ies Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,
( �ii) To a substitute depository designated by and
accept¢ble to the City upon (a) the determination by the
Deposiitory that the Bonds shall no longer be eligible for
its del�ository services or (b) a determination by the
City t�hat the Depository is no longer able to carry out
its fWnctions, provided that any substitute depository
must }�e qualified to act as such, as provided in clause
( ii) cif this subparagraph, or
jl ( iv) To thase persons to whom transfer is
reque�ted in written transfer instructions in the event
that: �
(a) the Depository shall resign or discontinue
�ts services for the Bonds and the Cit is unable to
� Y
,�ocate a substitute depository within two (2 ) months
ffollowing the resignation or determination of non-
eligibility, or
(b) upon a determination by the City in its
'Iso et'on that 1 the continuation of the
le discr i ( )
�book-entry system described herein, which precludes
;the issuance of certificates (other than Global
�Certificates) to any Holder other than the
�Depository (or its nominee) , miqht adversely affect
� the interest of the beneficial owners of the Bonds,
; or (2) that it is in the best interest of the
; beneficial owners of the Bonds that they be able to
� obtain certificated bonds,
in e�ither of which events the City shall notify Holders
of i,�ts determination and of the availability of
certlificates (the "Replacement Bonds" ) to Holders
� �-��'-�a�
request.�ng the same and the reqistration, transfer and
exchange of such Bonds will be conducted as provided in
paragraphs 9B and 12 hereof.
In' the event of a succession of the Depository as
may be authqrized by this paragraph, the Bond Registrar upon
presentatior� of Global Certificates shall register their
transfer to !the substitute or successor depositories, and the
substitute c�r successor depository shall be treated as the
Depository �or all purposes and functions under this
resolution. ; The Depository Letter Agreement shall not apply
to a substi�ute or successor depository unless the City and
the substit�te or successor depository so agree, and a similar
agreement �'ay be entered into.
7! . No Redemption. The Bonds shall not be subject
to redempti�on and prepayment prior to their maturity.
$ . Bond Registrar. The Treasurer of the City is
appointed to act as bond registrar and transfer agent with
respect to; the Bonds (the "Bond Reqistrar" ) , and shall do so
unless and� until a successor Bond Registrar is duly appointed.
A successolr Bond Registrar shall be an officer of the City or
a bank or �trust company eligible for designation as bond
registrar ;pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 475, and may
be appoin�ed pursuant to any contract the City and such
successor �Bond Registrar shall execute which is consistent
herewith. ! The Bond Registrar shall also serve as paying agent
unless an�l until a successor paying agent is duly appointed.
Principaliand interest on the Bonds shall be paid to the
Holders (ar record holders) of the Bonds in the manner set
forth in 'the forms of Bond and paragraph 14 of this
j9 . Forms of Bond. The Bonds shall be in the form
of Global� Certificates unless and until Replacement Bonds are
made ava�lable as provided in paraqraph 6 . Each form of bond
may cont�:in such additional or different terms and provisions
as to th� form of payment, record date, notices and other
matters �s are consistent with the Depository Letter Agreement
and appr�ved by the City Attorney.
' A. Global Certificates . The Global Certificates,
togethe� with the Certificate of Registration, the form of
Assignm�nt and the registration information thereon, shall be
in subs�antially the following form and may be typewritten
rather t�han printed:
R- $
March 1, 199_ March 1, 1989
Saint Pau]l, Ramsey County, Minnesota (the "Issuer" or "City" ) ,
certifies �that it is indebted and for value received promises
to pay to � the registered owner specified above or on the
certifica�e of reqistration below, or registered assigns,
without o�tion of prepayment, in the manner hereinafter set
forth, th�e principal amount specified above, on the maturity
date speclified above, and to pay interest thereon semiannually
on March �l and September 1 of each year (each, an "Interest
Payment aate" ) , commencing September 1, 1989, at the rate per
annum sp�cified above (calculated on the basis of a 360-day
year of �welve 30-day months) until the principal sum is paid
or has b�en provided for. This Bond will bear interest from
the most; recent Interest Payment Date to which interest has
been pai�l or, if no interest has been paid, from the date of
original� issue hereof. The principal of and premium, if any,
on this �ond are payable by check or draft in next day funds
or its e��quivalent (or by wire transfer in immediately
availabl,'e funds if payment in such form is necessary to meet
the timi�nq requirements below) upon presentation and surrender
hereof �t the principal office of the Treasurer of the Issuer
in Saint� Paul, Minnesota (the "Bond Registrar" ) , acting as
payinq �qent, or any successor paying agent duly appointed by
the Iss�er. Interest on this Bond will be paid on each
Interest Payment Date by check or draft in next day funds or
its equ�valent mailed (or by wire transfer in immediately
availab;le funds if payment in such form is necessary to meet
' ��9-i��
the timing �requirements .l�e,low� to the person in who,��, .na�ne .
,�. this Bond �s re istered,�' (the "Holder" or "Bond�iolder" ) on tfie�
:: �<..._ ,,.,.. .,. .,... _9r.�.� �...� ,,,.
�: °istratiqn books of the. Is uer maintained b� the,F Bond,, a -.--�
, _�_,,,�9 .�„y......,�_�,.,�.�..._._.�w�,,...,,.e,,.,�,,.�:���...,�..�_. ��..��.___w.�.,._��
` �egistrar�'"'�rid at the address appearing thereon at the close of
bus'�i'�i .�'� or1 the fifteenth calendar day preceding such Interest
Payment Dat�e (the "Regular Record Date" ) . Interest payments
shall be r�ceived by the Holder no later than 12 :00 noon,
Chicago, I linois, time; and principal and premium payments
shall be r�ceived by the Holder no later than 12 :00 noon,
Chicago, I linois, time, if the Bond is surrendered for
payment en�ugh in advance to permit payment to be made by such
time. Any� interest not so timely paid shall cease to be
payable toithe person who is the Holder hereof as of the
Regular Re�ord Date, and shall be payable to the person who is
the Holderihereof at the close of business on a date (the
"Special R�ecord Date" ) fixed by the Bond Registrar whenever
money beco�nes available for payment of the defaulted interest.
Notice of ithe Special Record Date shall be given to
Bondholde�{s not less than ten days prior to the Special Record
Date. The� principal of and premium, if any, and interest on
this Bondiare payable in lawful money of the United States of
America. i
;Date of Payment Not Business Day. If �the date for
payment o� the principal of, premium, if any, or interest on
this Bond � shall be a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday or a day
on which l�anking institutions in the City of Chicago,
Illinois, � or the city where the principal office of the Bond
Registrar; is located are authorized by law or executive order
to close, ' then the date for such payment shall be the next
succeedin day which is not a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday
or a day �n which such banking institutions are authorized to
close, an�d payment on such date shall have the same force and
effect as� if made on the nominal date of payment.
� No Redemption. The Bonds of this issue are not
subject t�'o redemption and prepayment prior to their maturity.
� Issuance; Purpose; General Obligation. This Bond is
one of ar� issue in the total principal amount of $11, 750,000,
all of lyke date of original issue and tenor, except as to
number, �aturity, interest rate, and denomination, which Bond
has been � issued pursuant to and in full conformity with the
Constituition and laws of the State of Minnesota, including
particul�rly Laws of Minnesota for 1971, Chapter 773 , as
amended, � and the Charter of the Issuer, and pursuant to a
resoluti�n adopted by the City Council of the Issuer on
Februaryil4 , 1989 (the "Resolution" ) , for the purpose of
. ���-�a�
providing money to finance the acquisition, construction and
repair of various capital improvements in the City. This Bond
is payabl out of the General Debt Service Fund of the Issuer.
This Bond constitutes a general obligation of the Issuer, and
to provid moneys for the prompt and full payment of its
principal, premium, if any, and interest when the same become
due, the �ull faith and credit and taxinq powers of the Issuer
have been and are hereby irrevocably pledged.
Denominations; Exchange; Resolution. The Bonds are
issuable c�riginally only as Global Certificates in the
denominat 'on of the entire principal amount of the issue
maturing n a single date. Global Certificates are not
exchangea le for fully registered bonds of smaller
denominat 'ons except in exchange for Replacement Bonds if then
available. Replacement Bonds, if made available as provided
below, ar issuable solely as fully reqistered bonds in the
denominat 'ons of $5,000 and inteqral multiples thereof of a
single ma urity and are exchangeable for fully registered
Bonds of ther authorized denominations in equal aggregate
principal 'amounts at the principal office of the Bond
Registrar, but only in the manner and subject to the
limitations provided in the Resolution. Reference is hereby
made to t e Resolution for a description of the rights and
duties of�the Bond Registrar. Copies of the Resolution are
on file in the principal office of the Bond Registrar.
Replacement Bonds . Replacement Bonds may be issued
by the Issuer in the event that:
(a) the Depository shall resign or discontinue its
services for the Bonds, and only if the Issuer is unable
to 1qcate a substitute depository within two (2) months
follc}winq the resignation or determination of non-
eligi;bility, or
(b) upon a determination by the Issuer in its sole
disc�etion that ( 1) the continuation of the book-entry
syst m described in the Resolution, which precludes the
issua�nce of certificates (other than Global Certificates)
to any Holder other than the Depository (or its nominee) ,
migh� adversely affect the interest of the beneficial
owne s of the Bonds, or ( 2) that it is in the best
inte�est of the beneficial owners of the Bonds that they
be a�ile to obtain certificated bonds.
Transfer. This Bond shall be registered in the name
of the pa�ee on the books of the Issuer by presenting this
' ��'�'t/��P
Bond for r�gistration to the Bond Registrar, who will endorse
- his, her o its name and note the date of registration , _ ...
�..��.,.W..,r�,.....�.. ;
.," �opposite t e riame��of ttie payee�� in the certi"f�icate of ;
�;' �°-;'registrati n attached hereto. - Thereafter this Bond ma be�
`,transferre Rb� delivery with an assi nment duly xecute�°`�y
',�, �.>:; �, ;. � �.F.w.,,. ,�_.,..�..,,.,..,
£he Holder or 3�is`; 'T�er"r'oi�`"i�'s �ega'.J�"'�represen a ives, and the
Issuer and� Bond Registrar may treat the Holder as the person
exclusivel entitled to exercise all the rights and powers of
an owner u til this Bond is presented with such assignment for
registrati n of transfer, accompanied by assurance of the
nature pro ided by law that the assignment is genuine and
effective, and until such transfer is registered on said books
and noted ereon by the Bond Registrar, all subject to the
terms and onditions provided in the Resolution and to
reasonable regulations of the Issuer contained in any
agreement ith, or notice to, the Bond Registrar. Transfer of
this Bond ay, at the direction and expense of the Issuer, be
subject to certain other restrictions if required to qualify
this Bond �s being "in registered form" within the meaning of
Section 14j9(a) of the federal Internal Revenue Code of 1986,
as amended�.
jFees upon Transfer or Loss . The Bond Registrar may
require p�yment of a sum sufficient to cover any tax or other
governmentjal charge payable in connection with the transfer or
exchange di this Bond and any legal or unusual costs regarding
transfersiand lost Bonds .
iTreatment of Registered Owner. The Issuer and Bond
Registrarimay treat the person in whose name this Bond is
registered as the owner hereof for the purpose of receiving
payment a� herein provided (except as otherwise provided with
respect td the Record Date) and for all other purposes,
whether o�t not this Bond shall be overdue, and neither the
Issuer no� the Bond Registrar shall be affected by notice to
the contr�ry.
�Authentication. This Bond shall not be valid or
become obligatory for any purpose or be entitled to any
security �nless the Certificate of Authentication hereon shall
have been,lexecuted by the Bond Registrar.
! Not Qualified Tax-Exempt Obligations. The Bonds
have not �een desiqnated by the Issuer as "qualified
tax-exemp obligations" for purposes of Section 265(b) (3) of
the feder�l Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.
conditions and things required by the Constitution and laws of
the State c�f Minnesota and the Charter of the Issuer to be
done, to h�ppen and to be performed, precedent to and in the
issuance o$ this Bond, have been done, have happened and have
been perfo ed, in regular and due form, time and manner as
required b law, and this Bond, together with all other debts
of the Iss er outstanding on the date of original issue hereof
and on thejdate of its issuance and delivery to the original
purchaser, ldoes not exceed any constitutional or statutory or
Charter li�nitation of indebtedness .
�N WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey
County, Minnesota, by its City Council has caused this Bond to
be sealed ith its official seal and to be executed on its
behalf by �he photocopied facsimile signature of its Mayor,
attested b�y the photocopied facsimile signature of its Clerk,
and counte�signed by the photocopied facsimile signature of
its Directbr, Department of Finance and Management Services.
. ���i-i��
Date of R� istration: Re istrable by:
9 9
Payable at:
This Bond �is one of the
Bonds des�ribed in the
Resolutio mentioned Mayor
' , City Clerk
Bond Regi trar
By Countersigneds
Authori�ed Signature
, Director, Department of Finance
and Management Services
General O�ligation Capital Improvement Bond, Series 1989A, No.
. C��r'-�a�
The translfer of ownership of the principal amount of the
attached IBond may be made only by the registered owner or his,
her or it legal representative last noted below.
, 1
i �-��-i��
The f llowing abbreviations, when used in the inscription
on the fac of this Bond, shall be construed as though they
were writt n out in full according to applicable laws or
regulation :
TEN COM - s tenants in common
TEN ENT - s tenants by the entireties
JT TEN - a joint tenants with right of survivorship
a d not as tenants in common
UTMA - � as custodian for
( Cust) (Minor)
und�er the Uniform Transfers to Minors Act
iAdditional abbreviations may also be used
though not in the above list.
, 15
' ���-ra�
F�or value received, the undersigned hereby sells,
assigns anc� transfers unto
the within Bond and does
hereby irr vocably constitute and appoint
attorney tc} transfer the Bond on the books kept for the
registratic#n thereof, with full power of substitution in the
premises . I
Dated: I
�iotice: The assignor' s signature to this
assiqnment must correspond with the name
as it appears upon the face of the within
Bond in every particular, without
alteration or any chanqe whatever.
Siqnature Guaranteed:
Signature(�) must be guaranteed by a national bank or trust
company or by a brokerage firm having a membership in one of
the major istock exchanges.
i�The Bond Reqistrar will not effect transfer of this
Bond unless the information concerning the transferee
requestedilbelow is provided.
Name and A�ddress:
( Include information for all joint owners
if the Bond is held by joint account. )
BI. Replacement Bonds . If the City has notified
Holders tha�t Replacement Bonds have been made available as
provided in� paragraph 6, then for every Bond thereafter
transferredjor exchanged the Bond Registrar shall deliver a
certificatej in the form of the Replacement eond rather than
the G1oballCertificate, but the Holder of a Global Certificate
shall not oltherwise be required to exchange the Global Certif-
icate for dne or more Replacement Bonds since the City recog-
nizes that some bondholders may prefer the convenience of the
Depository' s registered ownership of the Bonds even though the
entire iss�e is no longer required to be in global book-entry
form. ThelReplacement Bonds, together with the Bond
Registrar' � Certificate of Authentication, the form of
Assignmentland the registration information thereon, shall be
in substant�ially the following form:
, C�-��-�a�
R- S
�� March 1, 1989
Saint Paull, Ramsey County, Minnesota (the "Issuer" or "City" ) ,
certifies !that it is indebted and for value received promises
to pay to �the registered owner specified above, or registered
assigns, w!ithout Qption of prepayment, in the manner
hereinafte�r set forth, the principal amount specified above,
on the matlurity date specified above, and to pay interest
thereon s�miannually on March 1 and September 1 of each year
(each, an !"Interest Payment Date" ) , commencing September 1,
1989, at he rate per annum specified above (calculated on the
basis of 360-day year of twelve 30-day months) until the
principalisum is paid or has been provided for. This Bond
will bear interest from the most recent Interest Payment Date
to which �nterest has been paid or, if no interest has been
paid, fro the date of original issue hereof. The principal
of and pr mium, if any, on this Bond are payable upon
presentat on and surrender hereof at the principal office of
, in ,
(the "Bond Registrar" ) , acting as payinq
agent, or any successor paying agent duly appointed by the
Issuer. $nterest on this Bond will be paid on each Interest
Payment D�te by check or draft mailed ta the person in whose
name this Bond is registered (the "Holder" or "Bondholder" ) on
the regis�ration books of the Issuer maintained by the Bond
Registrar and at the address appearing thereon at the close of
business Pn the fifteenth calendar day precedinq such Interest
Payment D�te (the "Regular Record Date" ) . Any interest not so
' U1-_-. �-/��
timely pai shall cease to be payable to the person who is the
Holder her of as of the Reqular Record Date, and shall be
�� payable to the person who is the Holder hereof at the close of
business o a date the "S ecial Record Date" fixed b ��e,;., _..
�� ( P ) 9.,X.,
� Bondy Re�is rar whenever money,,be�omes, .,avaiy,l,ab�,�, f,p,r ayment of�"-rv;
`� �he de�aul edyinterest. Notice of the S ecial Recor Date 4
'.�hall �� � ven to Bondholders not less ;than ten �"s' �'ic�r�"to'
b��... --.,�`'
�� ,��
�,,.�� ,,,.;, .,,..
the Specia �ecoriiT'Date: `"'�T�ie'��principal of and premium, if
any, and i terest on this Bond are payable in lawful money of
the United�States of America.
conditionsiand things required by the Constitution and laws of
the State bf Minnesota and the Charter of the Issuer to be
done, to hlappen and to be performed, precedent to and in the
isguance olf this Bond, have been done, have happened and have
been perfofrmed, in regular and due form, time and manner as
required b�Y law, and this Bond, together with all other debts
of the Issluer outstanding on the date of oriqinal issue hereof
and on thel date of its issuance and delivery to the original
purchaser,! does not exceed any constitutional or statutory or
Charter lilmitation of indebtedness.
!IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey
County, Milnnesota, by its City Council has caused this Bond to
be sealedlwith its official seal or a facsimile thereof and to
be execut�d on its behalf by the original or facsimile
signature of its Mayor, attested by the oriqinal or facsimile
signature �of its Clerk, and countersigned by the oriqinal or
facsimile !signature of its Director, Department of Finance and
Managemen� Services.
I ��q i�� .:
Date of Rec�istration: Registrable by:
Payable at: �
This Bond �.s one of the
Bonds desc ibed in the
Resolution�mentioned Mayor
within. I
, City Clerk
Bond Regis rar
By Countersigned:
Authoriz d Signature
Director, Department of Finance
and Manaqement Services
(SEAL) i
. ; �i��-���
Djate of Payment Not Business Day. If the date for
payment of ithe principal of, premium, if any, or interest on
this Bond shall be a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday or a day
on which b nking institutions in the City of Chicago,
Illinois, r the city where the principal office of the Bond
Registrar i�s located are authorized by law or executive order
to close, t�hen the date for such payment shall be the next
succeeding day which is not a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday
or a day or� which such banking institutions are authorized to
close, and �payment on such date shall have the same force and
effect as i�f made on the nominal date of payment.
I�o Redemption. The Bonds of this issue are not
subject toiredemption and prepayment prior to their maturity.
�ssuance; Pur ose; General Obligation. This Bond is
one of an ssue in the total principal amount of $11,750,000,
all of lik� date of original issue and tenor, except as to
number, mal�urity, interest rate, and denomination, which Bond
has been i sued pursuant to and in full conformity with the
Constituti�n and laws of the State of Minnesota, including
particular�y Laws of Minnesota for 1971, Chapter 773, as
amended, a�d the Charter of the Issuer, and pursuant to a
resolutionjadopted by the City Council of the Issuer on
February 1 , 1989 (the "Resolution" ) , for the purpose of
providing oney to finance the acquisition, construction and
repair of arious capital improvements in the City. This Bond
is payablelout of the General Debt Service Fund of the Issuer.
This Bond �onstitutes a general obligation of the Issuer, and
to providejmoneys for the prompt and full payment of its
principal, premium, if any, and interest when the same become
due, the fp11 faith and credit and taxing powers of the Issuer
have been Jand are hereby irrevocably pledged.
penominations; Exchange; Resolution. The Bonds are
issuable splely as fully registered bonds in the denominations
of $5,000 nd integral multiples thereof of a single maturity
and are e hangeable for full�r registered Bonds of other
authorize denominations in equal aggregate principal amounts
at the pr'ncipal office of the Bond Registrar, but only in the
manner and� subject to the limitations provided in the
Resolutior�. Reference is hereby made to the Resolution for a
descriptio�n of the rights and duties of the Bond Registrar.
Copies of the Resolution are on file in the principal office
of the Bor�d Registrar.
. i ���'-ia�
Tlansfer. This Bond is transferable by the Holder
in person o by his, her or its attorney duly authorized in
writing at �he principal office of the Bond Registrar upon
presentatiot� and surrender hereof to the Bond Registrar, all
subject to �the terms and conditions provided in the Resolution
and to reasPnable regulations of the Issuer contained in any
agreement w th, or notice to, the Bond Registrar. Thereupon
the Issuer �hall execute and the Bond Registrar shall
authenticat�e and deliver, in exchanqe for this Bond, one or
more new fujlly reqistered Bonds in the name of the transferee
(but not re istered in blank or to "bearer" or similar
designatio ) , of an authorized denomination or denominations,
in aggrega e principal amount equal to the principal amount of
this Bond, lof the same maturity and bearinq interest at the
same rate. Whenever ownership of this Bond should be
transferre under any other circumstances or be registered in
nominee n e only, the registered owner of the Bond shall, if
and to thelextent required to qualify this Bond as being "in
registered �form" within the meaninq of Section 149(a) of the
federal In ernal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and at the
direction nd expense of the Issuer, maintain for the Issuer a
record of he actual owner of the Bonds .
ees u on Transfer or Loss. The Bond Reqistrar may
require pa ent of a sum sufficient to cover any tax or other
governmenta�l charge payable in connection with the transfer or
exchange o$ this Bond and any legal or unusual costs regarding
transfers �nd lost Bonds.
reatment of Reqistered Owner. The Issuer and Bond
Reqistrar �ay treat the person in whose name this Bond is
registeredjas the owner hereof for the purpose of receivinq
payment as herein provided (except as otherwise provided on
the revers� side hereof with respect to the Record Date) and
for all ott�er purposes, whether or not this Bond shall be
overdue, a�d neither the Issuer nor the Bond Registrar shall
be affecte�l by notice to the contrary.
�uthentication. This Bond shall not be valid or
become obl ga�ory for any purpose or be entitled to any
security u�less the Certificate of Authentication hereon shall
have been �xecuted by the Bond Reqistrar.
�iot Qualified Tax-Exempt Obligations. The Bonds
have not b en desiqnated by the Issuer as "qualified
tax-exempt obliqations" for purposes of Section 265(b) (3) of
the federa� Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.
he following abbreviations, when used in the
inscriptio on the face of this Bond, shall be construed as
though the were written out in full accordinq to applicable
laws or requlations:
TEN COM - s tenants in common
TEN ENT - s tenants by the entireties
JT TEN - a joint tenants with right of survivorship
a d not as tenants in common
UTMA - � as custodian for
( ust) (Minor)
und�r the Uniform Transfers to Minors Act
' (State)
dditional abbreviations may also be used
' though not in the above list.
. � ��-�.��
For value received, the undersigned hereby sells,
assigns an�l transfers unto
the within Bond and does
hereby irr vocably constitute and appoint
attorney t� transfer the Bond on the books kept for the
registrati�n thereof, with full power of substitution in the
INotice: The assignor' s siqnature to this
assignment must correspond with the name
as it appears upon the face of the within
Bond in every particular, without
alteration or any change whatever.
Signature �uaranteed:
Signature(�) must be guaranteed by a national bank or trust
company or 'by a brokeraqe firm havinq a membership in one of
the major s�tock exchanqes.
�he Bond Registrar will not effect transfer of this
Bond unlessi the information concerning the transferee
requested b�elow is provided.
Name and Ac�dres s:
( Include information for all joint owners
' if the Bond is held by joint account. )
I _
, ,
• �J ��.,���.
. (�
i �
1�0. Execution. The Bonds shall be executed on
behalf of �he City by the signatures of its Mayor, Clerk and
• Director, �epartment of Finance and Management Services, each
with the e fect noted on the forms of the Bonds, and be sealed
with the s al of the City; provided, however, that the seal of
the City m y be a printed or photocopied facsimile; and
provided f rther that any of such signatures may be printed or
photocopie facsimiles and the corporate seal may be omitted
on the Bon s as permitted by law. In the event of disability
or resigna ion or other absence of any such officer, the Bonds
may be sig ed by the manual or facsimile signature of that
officer wh� may act on behalf of such absent or disabled
officer. �n case any such officer whose signature or
facsimile pf whose signature shall appear on the Bonds shall
cease to b�e such officer before the delivery of the Bonds,
such signa�ture or facsimile shall nevertheless be valid and
sufficient�� for all purposes, the same as if he or she had
remained i,�n office until delivery.
�il . Authentication; Date of Registration. No Bond
shall be v�alid or obligatory for any purpose or be entitled to
any securi�ty or benefit under this resolution unless a
Certificat$e of Authentication on such Bond� substantially in
the form l�ereinabove set forth, shall have been duly executed
by an autt�orized representative of the Bond Reqistrar.
Certifica$es of Authentication on different Bonds need not be
signed by,' the same person. The Bond Reqistrar shall authenti-
cate the $ignatures of officers of the City on each Bond by
execution� of the Certificate of Authentication on the Bond and
by insert�ing as the date of registration in the space provided
the date on which the Bond is authenticated. For purposes of
deliverin� the original Global Certificates to the Purchaser,
the Bond �teqistrar shall insert as the date of registration
the date {�f original issue, which date is March 1, 1989 . The
Certifica�te of Authentication so executed on each Bond shall
be concluisive evidence that it has been authenticated and
delivered' under this resolution.
; 12 . Registration; Transfer; Exchanqe. The City
will cau�e to be kept at the principal office of the Bond
RegistraQ a bond reqister in which, subject to such reasonable
regulatic�ns as the Bond Registrar may prescribe, the Bond
Registra� shall provide for the reqistration of Bonds and the
registrat�ion of transfers of Bonds entitled to be reqistered
or trans�erred as herein provided.
; A Global Certificate shall be registered in the name
of the p$yee on the books of the Bond Registrar by presenting
. � i ���� '��
the Global �ertificate for re istration to the Bond Re istrar
9 9 .
who will endorse his or her name and note the date of regi-
stration op�osite the name of the payee in the certificate of
registratio� on the Global Certificate. Thereafter a Global
Certificateimay be transferred by delivery with an assiqnment
duly execut�ed by the Holder or his, her or its legal repre-
sentative, �and the City and Bond Registrar may treat the
Holder as t�he person exclusively entitled to exercise all the
rights andipowers of an owner until a Global Certificate is
presented v�ith such assignment for registration of transfer,
accompaniec� by assurance of the nature provided by law that
the assign�ent is genuine and effective, and until such
transfer i� registered on said books and noted thereon by the
Bond Regist�rar, all subject to the terms and conditions
provided ir� the Resolution and to reasonable regulations of
the City c�ntained in any agreement with, or notice to, the
Bond Regisicrar.
�ransfer of a Global Certificate may, at the
direction �nd expense of the City, be subject to other
restrictio�s if required to qualify the Global Certificates as
being "in �eqistered form" within the meaning of Section
149(a) of �he federal Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as
Upon surrender for transfer of any Replacement Bond
at the pri�cipal office of the Bond Reqistrar, the City shall
execute ( i;f necessary) , and the Bond Registrar shall
authentica�te, insert the date of registration (as provided in
paragraphill) of, and deliver, in the name of the desiqnated
transferee� or transferees, one or more new Replacement Bonds
of any aut�horized denomination or denominations of a like
aggreqate ;principal amount, havinq the same stated maturity
and inter�kst rate, as requested by the transferor; provided,
however, tihat no bond may be reqistered in blank or in the
name of "�earer" or similar desiqnation. Whenever ownership
of any Re�lacement Bonds should be transferred without
surrender ,of the Replacement Bond for transfer or should be
registere in nominee name only, the registered owner of the
Replaceme�t Bond ahall, if and to the extent required to
preserve �he exclusion from qross income of the interest on
the Bonds� and at the direction and expense of the City,
maintain �or the City a record of the actual owner of the
Replaceme�t Bond.
; At the option of the Holder of a Replacement Bond,
Replaceme t Bonds may be exchanqed for Replacement Bonds of
any autho,�ized denomination or denominations of a like
; �
, � ��y-_ia� �
aggregate p�incipal amount and stated maturity, upon surrender
of the Repl�cement Bonds to be exchanged at the principal
office of tihe Bond Registrar. Whenever any Replacement Bonds
are so surrendered for exchange, the City shall execute ( if
necessary) ,' and the Bond Registrar shall authenticate, insert
the date o� registration of, and deliver the Replacement Bonds
which the older making the exchange is entitled to receive.
Global Cer�ificates may not be exchanged for Global
Certificat�s of smaller denominations.
�11 Bonds surrendered upon any exchange or transfer
provided f�r in this resolution shall be promptly cancelled by
the Bond R�qistrar and thereafter disposed of as directed by
the City. i
�,11 Bonds delivered in exchange for or upon transfer
of Bonds shall be valid general obligations of the City
evidencinq�ithe same debt, and entitled to the same benefits
under thisjresolution, as the Bonds surrendered for such
exchange oir transfer.
�very Bond presented or surrendered for transfer or
exchange s�all be duly endorsed or be accompanied by a written
instrument of transfer, in form satisfactory to the Bond
Registrar,jduly executed by the holder thereof or his, her or
its attorn,�y duly authorized in writinq.
�he Bond Reqistrar may require payment of a sum
sufficien to cover any tax or other governmental charqe
payable ir� connection with the transfer or exchange of any
Bond and ainy leqal or unusual costs reqardinq transfers and
lost Bonds�.
iTransfers sha�ll also be subject to reasonable
regulatior�s of the City contained in any agreement with, or
notice to� the Bond Registrar, includinq regulations which
permit th� Bond Registrar to close its transfer books between
record dai�es and Fayment dates.
� 13. Rights Upon Transfer or Exchange. Each Bond
deliverediupon transfer of or in exchanqe for or in lieu of
any otheriBond shall carry all the rights to interest accrued
and unpai�i, and to accrue, which were carried by such other
! 4 . • . Interest on an
1 Interest Payment, Record Date y
Global Ce�rtificate shall be paid as provided in the first
paragraph� thereof, and interest on any Replacement Bond shall
Date b check or draft mailed
be paid on each Interest Payment y
to the pers�n in whose name the Bond is registered (the
"Holder" ) o the registration books of the City maintained by
the Bond Re istrar, and in each case at the address appearing
thereon at �he close of business on the fifteenth ( 15th)
calendar day preceding such Interest Payment Date (the
"Regular Re�ord Date" ) . Any such interest not so timely paid
shall cease to be payable to the person who is the Holder
thereof as pf the Regular Record Date, and shall be payable to
the person �aho is the Holder thereof at the close of business
on a date (jthe "Special Record Date" ) fixed by the Bond
Registrar w�enever money becomes available for payment of the
defaulted i�terest. Notice of the Special Record Date shall
be given by� the Bond Registrar to the Holders not less than
ten ( 10) da�ys prior to the Special Record Date.
L5 . Holders; Treatment of Registered Owner; Consent
of Holders .�
(A) Ror the purposes of all actions, consents and other
matters af�ecting Holders of the Bonds, other than payments,
redemption , and purchases, the City may (but shall not be
obligated tto) treat as the Holder of a Bond the beneficial
owner of tt�e Bond instead of the person in whose name the Bond
is registe�ed. For that purpose, the City may ascertain the
identity o� the beneficial owner of the Bond by such means as
the Bond R�gistrar in its sole discretion deems appropriate,
including but not limited to a certificate from the person in
whose nameithe Bond is registered identifying such beneficial
(B) �he City and Bond Registrar may treat the person in
whose name, any Bond is registered as the owner of such Bond
for the pu�pose of receiving payment of principal of and
premium, iif any, and interest (subject to the payment
provisionsi in paragraph 14 above) on, such Bond and for all
other purpioses whatsoever whether or not such Bond shall be
overdue, �nd neither the City nor the Bond Registrar shall be
affected by notice to the contrary.
(C) ;Any consent, request, direction, approval, objection
or other �nstrument to be signed and executed by the Holders
may be in !any number of concurrent writings of similar tenor
and must l�e signed or executed by such Holders in person or by
agent app�inted in writing. Proof of the execution of any
such cons�nt, request, direction, approval, objection or other
instrument or of the writing appointing any such agent and of
the owner�hip of Bonds, if made in the following manner, shall
, �������
be sufficie�t for any of the purposes of this Resolution, and
shall be co�clusive in favor of the City with regard to any
action take by it under such request or other instrument,
namely: i
( 1) The fact and date of the execution by any
personiof any such writing may be proved by the
certifjicate of any officer in any jurisdiction who by law
has po�wer to take acknowledgments within such
juris iction that the person signing such writing
ackno�ledged before him the execution thereof, or by an
affidalvit of any witness to such execution.
(j2) Subject to the provisions of subparagraph (A)
above� the fact of the ownership by any person of Bonds
and tl�e amounts and numbers of such Bonds, and the date
of th� holding of the same, may be proved by reference to
the b�nd register.
16 . Deliverv; Application of Proceeds. The Global
Certificat�s when so prepared and executed shall be delivered
by the Dir ctor, Department of Finance and Management
Services, to the Purchaser upon receipt of the purchase price,
and the Pu�chaser shall not be obliged to see to the proper
applicatio� thereof.
�7 . Fund and Account. There is hereby created a
special ac�ount to be designated the "Capital Improvement
Bonds of 11989 Account" (the "Account" ) to be administered and
.�,-�' maintainediby the City Treasurer as a bookkeeping account
-:%' separate aind apart from ,all�„o�her ._3c.coun�ts :.maintained_ir�.--th
'�of"ficial financial �records of the City. There has een
.,. ,
�`"`'1�ex�to�or� created and established_ �.�,.�.._.Ger,��.1.�,..R. 5ervice
Fund (numl�ered ��95�0,� herein the� "Fund" ) . The Fund and the
Account sl�all each be maintained in the manner herein
specified ;until all of the Bonds and the interest thereon have
been fully� paid.
( i) Account. To the Account there shall be
!credited the proceeds of the sale of the Bonds, less
;accrued interest received thereon, and less any
iamount paid for the Bonds in excess of $11,609,000.
! From the Account there shall be paid all costs and
� expenses of making the Improvements, including the
icost of any construction contracts heretofore let
� and all other costs incurred and to be incurred of
; the kind authorized in Minnesota Statutes , Section
� 475 . 65; and the moneys in the Account shall be used
I ������
fa�r no other purpose except as otherwise provided by
la,�a; provided that the proceeds of the Bonds may
aljso be used to the extent necessary to pay interest
or� the Bonds due prior to the anticipated date of
c mmencement of the collection of taxes herein
c venanted to be levied; and provided further that
i upon completion of the Improvements there shall
r�main any unexpended balance in the Account, the
b lance may be transferred by the Council to the
f nd of any other improvement instituted pursuant
t Laws of Minnesota for 1971, Chapter 773, as
a�ended, or to the Fund. All earnings on the
Ac�count shall be transferred to the Fund.
( ii) Fund. There is hereby pledged and there
sl�all be credited to the Fund, to a special sinking
f�nd account which is hereby created and established
tl�erein for the payment of the Bonds: (a) all
a�crued interest received upon delivery of the
Bc�nds; (b) all funds paid for the Bonds in excess of
$11,609,000; (c) any collections of all taxes which
. a�e herein levied for the payment of the Bonds and
i terest thereon as provided in paragraph 18; (d)
a 1 funds remaining in the Account after completion
o the Improvements and payment of the costs
thereof, not so transferred to the account of
a�other improvement; and (e) all investment
e rnings on moneys held in said special account in
t�e Fund or on moneys held in the Account.
- Said special account created in the Fund shall be used .
solely to p�ay the principal and interest and any premiums for
redemption of the Bonds and any other bonds of the City
heretofore br hereafter issued by the City and made payable
from said s�eaial account in the Fund as provided by law, or
to pay any �rebate due to the United States . No portion of the
proceeds of the Bonds (and any other obligations treated as
one issue w�ith the Bonds) shall be used directly or indirectly
to acquire Ihigher yielding investments or to replace funds
which werejused directly or indirectly to acquire higher
yielding ir�vestments, except ( 1) for a reasonable temporary
period unti;l such proceeds are needed for the purpose for
which the �onds (and such other obligations) were issued, and
(2 ) in add3ltion to the above in an amount not greater than
$100,000. �To this effect, any proceeds of the Bonds (and such
other oblic�ations) and any sums from time to time held in the
Account orlsaid special account in the Fund (or any other City
account wh�lch will be used to pay principal or interest to
, ��q-�a�
become due ori the bonds payable therefrom) in excess of
amounts which under then-applicable federal arbitrage
regulations �ay be invested without regard as to yield shall
not be invested at a yield in excess of the applicable yield
restrictions imposed by said arbitrage regulations on such
investments �fter taking into account any applicable
"temporary p riods " or "minor portion" made available under
the federal �irbitrage regulations . In addition, the proceeds
of the Bonds and money in the Account or the I'und shall not be
invested in bligations or deposits issued by, guaranteed by
or insured b� the United States or any agency or instrumen-
tality there�f if and to the extent that such investment
would cause �he Bonds to be "federally guaranteed" within the
meaning of S ction 149 (b) of the federal Internal Revenue Code
of 1986 , as �mended ( the "Code" ) .
18 . Tax Levy; Coverage Test . To provide moneys for
payment of t e principal and interest on the Bonds there is
hereby levie� upon all of the taxable property in the City a
direct annua ad valorem tax which shall be spread upon the
tax rolls an�l collected with and as part of other general
property tax�s in the City for the years and in the amounts as
follows :
Year of Tax Year of Tax
Levy� Collection Amount
1988 1989* 51,689 , 109*
1989� 1990 1,737 ,803
1990 1991 1,753,422
1991 1992 1,737, 672
1992 1993 1,744 , 208
1993 1994 1,744, 995
1994 1995 1,739, 995
1995 1996 1,729,009
1996 1997 1,738, 328
1997 1998 1,739 , 798
*heretofore levied or provided from other available City funds
TY�e tax levies are such that if collected in full
they, togett{er with estimated collections of any other
revenues he ein pledged for the payment of the Bonds, will
produce at ]�east five percent ( 5�) in excess of the amount
needed to meet when due the principal and interest payments on
the Bonds . IThe tax levies shall be irrepealable so long as
any of the Bonds are outstanding and unpaid, provided that the
City reserv�s the right and power to reduce the levies in the
. GI,� �q-/�� '�
manner and t�o the extent permitted by Minnesota Statutes,
Section 475.,61, Subdivision 3 .
l� . General Obliqation Pledge. For the prompt and
full paymen of the principal and interest on the Bonds, as
the same re�pectively become due, the full faith, credit and
taxing powe s of the City shall be and are hereby irrevocably
pledged. I the balance in the Fund (as defined in paragraph
17 hereof) s ever insufficient to pay all principal and
interest th n due on the Bonds payable therefrom, the
deficiency hall be promptly paid out of any other funds of
the City wh ch are available for such purpose, including the
general fun of the City, and such other funds may be
reimbursed �ith or without interest from the Fund when a
sufficient alance is available therein.
2 . Certificate of Registration. The Director,
Department �f Finance and Management Services, is hereby
directed to file a certified copy of this Resolution with the
County Auditor of Ramsey County, Minnesota, together with such
other info�ation as the County Auditor shall require, and to
obtain the ounty Auditor' s certificate that the Bonds have
been entere� in the County Auditor' s Bond Register, and that
the tax lev required by law has been made.
2 . Records and Certificates . The officers of the
City are he�eby authorized and directed to prepare and
furnish to he Purchaser, and to the attorneys approving the
legality of�the issuance of the Bonds, certified copies of all
proceedings and records of the City relating to the Bonds and
to the fina�cial condition and affairs of the City, and such
other affid vits, certificates and information as are required
to show the� facts relating to the legality and marketability
of the Bond�s as the same appear from the books and records
under their custody and control or as otherwise known to them,
and all suc� certified copies, certificates and affidavits,
including a y heretofore furnished, shall be deemed represen-
tations of he City as to the facts recited therein.
2 . Nectative Covenant as to Use of Proceeds and
IJarovement . The City hereby covenants not to use the
proceeds of the eonds or to use the Improvements, or to cause
or permit them or any of them to be used, or to enter into any
deferred pa�ent arrangements for the cost of the Improve-
ments, in s ch a manner as to cause the Bonds to be "private
activity bo ds" within the meaning of Sections 103 and 141
through 150�of the Code.
. � C�,����a��
23I. Tax-Exempt Status of the Bonds; Rebate. The
City shall cbmply with requirements necessary under the Code
to establish and maintain the exclusion from gross income
under Sectio 103 of the Code of the interest on the Bonds,
including wi hout limitation requirements relating to
temporary pe�iods for investments, limitations on amounts
invested at � yield greater than the yield on the Bonds, and
the rebate o excess investment earnings to the United States .
24. No Designation of Qualified Tax-Exempt
Obligations . The Bonds exceed in amount those which may be
qualified as "qualified tax-exempt obligations" within the
meaning of S ction 265(b) ( 3) of the Code, and hence are not
designated f�r such purpose.
25I�. Depository Letter Agreement. The Depository
Letter Agree ent is hereby approved, and shall be executed on
behalf of th� City by the Mayor, Treasurer and Director,
Department o Finance and Management Services, in
substantiall the form approved, with such changes,
modification , additions and deletions as shall be necessary
and appropri�te and approved by the City Attorney. Execution
by such offi ers of the Depository Letter Agreement shall be
conclusive e�idence as to the necessity and propriety of
changes and heir approval by the City Attorney. So long as
Midwest Secu�ities. Trust Company is the Depository or it or
its nominee �s the Holder of any Global Certificate, the City
shall comply with the provisions of the Depository Letter
Aqreement, a it may be amended or supplemented by the City
from time to�time with the agreement or consent of Midwest
Securities T�ust Company.
I 33
Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee Byl Date
26. I Severability. If any section, paragraph
or provision �f this resolution shall be held to be invalid
or unenforceal�le for any reason, the invalidity or unenforce�
ability of su�h section, paragraph or provision shall not
affect any of the remaining provisions of this resolution.
27. Headings. Headings in this resolution are
included for c�onvenience of reference only and are not
a part hereof,l and shall not limit or define the meaning
of any provisi�on hereof.
COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays I
nimond Finance and Ma.nagement Services
�ng !� In Favor - —
Goswitz I 1
Rethnan � B �� 1
�he1�� _ Against Y
l��g � � 1989 Form Approved 'ty Atto ey
Adopted by Council: Date
� �-6-�
Certified Pa• ouncil re BY
sy t�i'�'`�
Approv Mavor. Date I' ��EB � �i 1989 Appr ved by ayor for Submission to Co ncil '
/� �, . � ._ �9a�
�11BL1S�iED I� � -� iJ U
� ��=5 �'��' /°��
r� y
, �� ���
85 East Seventh Place,Syite 100
Saint Paul,Minnesota 551Q1•2143
612•2233000 i
Fax:612•223�3002 i
Februar 13 19�9
Y ,
Mr. Eugene Sch Iler, Director
Department of inance & Management Services
365 City Hall �
Saint Paui, MN� 55102
Dear Mr. Schilller:
We have revie ed the proposals received for the City of Saint Paul's 1989 general
obligation capi�tal financing program. The best proposal received on each issue is
shown below t�gether with the Springsted estimate prepared at the time these issues
were original IyI structured in December, I 988.
Estimate Actual
Interest Interest
Issue i NIC Cost NIC Cost
$I 1,750,000 CIjP
Series A � 7.03% $4,992, 114 6.9304°�O $4,918,900.00
$2,000,000 Sp�cial
Assessment�, Series B 7.459'0 $I ,646,638 7. I 929% $I ,589,637.50
�5,000,000 Co�-no
Conservatony, Series C 7.03% $2,060,775 6.9339% $ 2,031 ,650
$5,500,000 Warner/Shepard
Road, Serie$ D 7.03% $2,329,765 6.9312% $ 2,295,630
$2,275,000 Crbss Over
Refunding ; 6.36% $ 364,050 6.799345% $ 389,262.50
8ased on mar�Cet conditions at the time of sale we believe the proposals received on
the Series A,iB, C, and D issues are competitive and acceptable and we recommend
the sale of �II the issues be awarded to the bidding syndicate headed by Piper,
Jaffray, & Hbpwood. We have attached a bid tabulation which shows the syndicate
head for eacF� proposal by issue.
Th� long-terrjn Bond Buyer's Index on Monday, February 13, was 7.38%, up 9 points
from the preWious week. That upward revision was caused in part by concern over the
expanding ecpnomy and the fear that interest rates would continue to increase over
the near term. The current BBI compares with a 7.50% rate in late December, 1938
when these i�sues were first structured.
Indiana Office: Wisconsin Office:
251 North Illinois Street,Suite 1510 500 Elm Grove Road,Suite 101
Indianapolis,Indiana 46204•1942 Elm Grove,Wisconsin 53122•0037
317•237•3636 414•782•8222
Fax:317•237•3639 Fax:414•782•2904
Cit of Saint P ul Minnesota
Y �
February 13, I 89
Page 2 j
Short-term int rest rates have increased dramatically over the past week, spurred in
part by the de�sion by most major banks on Friday, February IOth to raise the prime
rate from IO.Sp% to I I.00%. Those short-term rate increases adversely affected the
$2,275,000 cro s-over refunding issue, Series E. However, the rates actually received
will produce a gross net interest savings of $75,775, with a present value of $66,171.
This present v lue exceeds by $I o,17 I the city's minimum requirement of $50,000 for
a general obli�ation present value savings. The higher rates permitted a reduction in
the size of thel final issue to $2,265,000.
As a result w recommend the City Council award the sale of the $2,265,000 General
Obligation Cr ss-Over Refunding Bonds to the First National Bank of Chicago at a
net interest ra e of 6.799429%, with a total interest cost of $387,227.50.
We enjoyed w Irking with you and your staff on these issues and wish to specifically
thank Mr. Gar� Norstrem and Ms. Shirley Davis for their substantial assistance.
If you have an� questions about the bidding results, please feel free to contact me.
ruly you�-,
obert D. Pul cher
President, Chi�ef Executive Officer
Attachments �
85 East Seventh Place,ISuite 100
Saint Paul,Minnesota 56101•2143
SALE: February 13, 1989 Moody's Rating: Aa
I Standard & Poor's Rating: AA+
Net Interest
Bidder I Price Cost & Rate
PIPER, JAFFRAY& HOPI�VOOD $11,609,000.00 $4,918,900.00
-And Associates-
CHASE SECURITIES, IN�. $11,610,731.75 $4,922,905J5
-And Associates- (6.9361%)
BLUNT ELLIS & LOEWI, �NC. $11,614,649.50 $4,952,050.50
-And Associates- (6.9771%)
THE NORTHERN TRUSI� COMPANY $11,614,875.00 $4,964,975.00
-And Associates- (6.995%)
MERRILL LYNCH CAPIT�IL MARKETS $11,609,011.75 $4,965,750.75
-And Associates- '� � (6.996479%)
FIRST CHICAGO CAPITI�L MARKETS $11,609,082.00 $4,981,193.00
INC. I (7.018236%)
-And Associates-
CHEMICAL SECURITIE�, INC. $11,609,025.00 $5,002,937.50
CITICORP SECURITIES IMARKETS, INC. $11,609,000.00 $5,093,700.00
These bonds are being reoffered at par.
BBI: 7.38
Average Maturity: 6.02 Years
Indiana Office: N,�isconsin Office:
251 North Illinois Street,Suite 1510 500 Elm Grove Road,Suite 101
Indianapolis,Indiana 46204•1942 Elm Grove.Wisconsin 53122•0037
317•237•3636 414•782•8222
Fax:317•237�3639 Fax:414•782•2904
85 East Seventh Place,ISuite 100
Saint Paul,Minnesota 5�101•2143
SALE: I February 13, 1989 Moody's Rating: Aa
Standard & Poor's Rating: AA+
Interest Net Interest
Bidder � Rates Price Cost & Rate
PIPER, JAFFRAY & HOP�IVOOD, 8.00% 1991-1995 $2,000,000.00 $1,589,637.50
INCORPORATED 7.50% 1996 (7.1929%)
-And Associates - 6.75% 1997
6.80% 1998
6.90% 1999
6.95% 2000
7.00% 2001-2002
7.05°� 2003
7.10% 2004-2005
7.20°� 2006-2007
7.25% 2008-2010
BLUNT, ELLIS & LOEWI,� 8.25% 1991-1994 $2,000,124.50 $1,607,513.00
INCORPORATED I 7.90% 1995 (7.2738%)
- And Associates - 6.80% 1996
6.90% 1997-1998
7.00% 1999-2000
7.10% 2001-2002
7.20% 2003
7.25% 2004
' 7.30% 2005-2010
Indiana Office: Wisconsin Office:
251 North Illinois Street,Suite 1510 SJO Elm Grove Road,Suite 101
Indianapolis,Indiana 46204•1942 Elm Grove,Wisconsin 53122�0037
317•237•3636 414•782•8222
Fax:317�237�3639 Fax 414•782•2904
Interest Net Interest
Bidder Rates Price Cost& Rate
THE NORTHERN TRUST COMPANY 8.25% 1991-1994 $2,000,045.00 $1,612,117.50
-And Associates - 7.87°�6 1995 (7.294%)
6.80% 1996
6.85°k 1997
6.90% 1998
6.95% 1999
" 7.00°� 2000
7.10% 2001
7.15% 2002
7.20°� 2003
7.25% 2004
7.30% 2005-2006
7.35% 2007-2008
7.40% 2009-2010
Rate Year Yield
8.00% 1991 6.50%
8.00% 1992 6.50%
8.00% 1993 6.55%
5.00% 1994 6.60°�
8.�96 1995 6.65%
7.50°k 1996 6.70%
6.75% 1997 Par
6.80°� 1998 Par
6.90% 1999 Par
6.95°� 2000 Par
7.00% 2001 Par
7.00% 2002 Par
7.05% 2003 Par
7.10% 2004 Par
7.10°� 2005 Par
7.20� 2006 Par
7.20% 2007 Par
7.25% 2008 Par
7.25°k 2009 Par
7.25°�6 2010 Par
BBI: 7.38
Average Maturity: 11.05 years
� � I
85 East Seventh PI e,Suite 100
Saint Paul,Minneso�55101•2143
SALE: February 13, 1989 Moody's Rating: Aa
Standard & Poor's Rating: AA+
I --
Interest Net interest
Bidder Rates Price Cost & Rate
PIPER, JAFFRAY& HOPIWOOD 6.50% 1990-1992 $4,940,000.00 $2,031,650.00
-And Associates- I 6.55% 1993 (6.9339%)
6.60% 1994
6.65% 1995
6.70% 1996
6.75% 1997
6.80% 1998
6.90% 1999
BLUNT, ELLIS & LOEWI,j 6.30% 1990 $4,943,006.00 $2,044,219.00
INCORPORATED 6.40% 1991 (6.9768%)
-And Associates- � 6.50% 1992
6.60% 1993
6.70% 1994
6.75% 1995
6.80% 1996-1997
' 6.90% 1998-1999
MERRILL LYNCH CAPIT/�L MARKETS 6.50% 1990-1992 $4,940,004.50 $2,050,908.00
-And Associates- I (6.999686%)
i 6.60% 1993
6.70% 1994
6.80% 1995-1996 -
6.875°/a 1997-1999
Indiana Office: Wisconsin Office:
251 North Illinois Street,Suite 1510 500 EIm Grove Road,Suite 101
Indianapolis,Indiana 46204•1942 Elm Grove,Wisconsin 53122•0037
317•237•3636 414•782•8222
Fax:317•237•3639 Fax:414•782•2904
_ _
. .
Irrterest Net Interest
Bidder j Rates _ Price Cost & Rate
NORTHERN TRUST COIV�PANY 6.30% 1990 $4,940,500.00 $2,052,050100
-And Associates- � 6.40% 1991 (7.003%)
6.50°� 1992
6.60% 1993
6.70% 1994
6.75% 1995
6.80% 1996
� 6.85°� 1997
� 6.90°� 1998
6.95% 1999
FIRST CHICAGO CAPIT/�L MARKETS, 6.60°� 1990-1993 $4,940,836.75 $2,056,713.25
INC. ! 6.70% 1994 (7.019499%)
-And Associates- 6.80%a 1995-1996
6.90% 1997-1999
CITICORP SECURITIES �11IARKETS, INC. 6.40% 1990 $4,940,000.00 $2,103,075.00
-And Associates- 6.50% 1991 (7.1777%)
6.60% 1992
6.70% 1993
6.80% 1994
6.90% 1995
7.00% 1996
7.05% 1997
7.10% 1998
7.15% 1999
------- ------------ -�--_-- _____ ----------------------_______ ___---------_____-------------
These bonds are being reoffered at par.
BBi: 7.38
Average Maturity: 6.02 Years
- - - -
85 East Seventh Place Suite t00
Saint Paul,Minnesota�5101•2143
Fax:612•223•3002 '
' $5,500,000
SALE: February 13, 1989 Moody's Rating: Aa
Standard & Poor's Rating: AA+
interest Netinterest
Bidder I Rates Price Cost & Rate
PIPER, JAFFRAY & HOP'�JVOOD INC. 6.50°� 1990-1992 $5,434,000.00 $2,295,630.00
-And Associates- 6.55% 1993 (6.9312%)
6.60% 1994
6.65°k 1995
6.70% 1996
6.75% 1997
I 6.80% 1998
6.90°� 1999
BLUNT, ELLIS & LOEWI,I 6.30°�6 1990 $5,436,745.65 $2,310,884.35
INCORPORATED 6.40% 1991 (6.9773%)
-And Associates- I 6.50°� 1992
i 6.60°� 1993
6.70% 1994
6.75% 1995
6.80°� 1996-1997
6.90% 1998-1999
MERRILL LYNCH CAPITI L MARKETS 6.50% 1990-1992 $5,434,018.75 $2,317,445.00
-And Associates- � 6.60% 1993 (6.997117%)
6.70% 1994
6.80°� 1995-1996
6.875% 1997-1999
Indiana Office: Wisconsin OffiCe:
251 North Illinois Street,Suite 1510 500 Elm Grove Road,Suite 101
Indianapolis,Indiana 46204•1942 Elm Grove.Wisconsin 53122�0037
317•237•3636 414•782•8222
' Fax:317�237•3639 Fax 414•782•2904
(rrterest Net Interest
Bidder Rates Price Cost & Rate
NORTHERN TRUST COMPANY 6.30�0 1990 $5,434,550.00 $2,319,245.00
-And Associates- 6.40°� 1991 (7.002%)
6.50% 1992
6.60% 1993
_ 6.70°� 1994
6.75% 1995
6.80°� 1996
6.85% 1997
6.90% 1998
6.95% 1999
FIRST CHICAGO CAPITAL MARKETS 6.60°� 1990-1993 $5,434,107.30 $2,324,617.70
INCORPORATED 6.70% 1994 (7.018773%)
-And Associates- 6.80% 1995-1996
6.90% 1997-1999
CITICORP SECURITIES MARKETS, INC. 6.40% 1990 $5,434,000.00 $2,377,150.00
-And Associates- 6.50% 1991 (7.1773%)
6.60% 1992
6.70°r6 1993
6.80°� 1994
6.90°�6 1995
7.00% 1996
7.05°� 1997
7.10°� 1998
7.15% 1999
These Bonds are being reoffered at par.
BBI: 7.38
Average Maturity: 6.02 Years
85 East Seventh Place,Suite 100
Saint Paul,Minnesota 5 101•2143
SALE: February 13, 1989 Moody's Rating: Aa
Standard & Poor's Rating: AA+
� Interest Netlnterest
Bidder '� Rates Price Cost & Rate
FIRST CHICAGO CAPITA MARKETS 6.40% 1991 $2,255,662.50 $389,262.50
INCORPORATED 6.50�0 1992 (6.799345°�)
-And Associates -
BLUNT, ELLIS & LOEWI, 6.40% 1991 $2,254,752.50 $390,172.50
INCORPORATED 6.50°� 1992 (6.8152°�)
-And Associates - �',
PIPER, JAFFRAY & HOPV1'IOOD, 6.50% 1991 $2,255,662.50 $391,462.50
INCORPORATED 6.50°� 1992 (6.8377%)
- And Associates -
MERRILL LYNCH CAPITAI� MARKETS 6.40% 1991 $2,252,250.00 $392,675.00
- And Associates - ' 6.50% 1992 (6.858952%)
CITICORP SECURITIES MIARKETS, 6.50% 1991 $2,254,525.00 $396,125.00
INCORPORATED 6.60% 1992 (6.9192%)
-And Associates - �
SHEARSON LEHMAN HU ON, 7.25% 1991 $2,252,250.00 $439,575.00
INCORPORATED 7.30% 1992 (7.6781%)
------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
These Bonds are being reoffered at par.
I� BBI: 7.38
�' Average Maturity: 2.52 years
* Subsequent to bid op�ning, the issue size was decreased to $2,265,000, with the $10,000 reduction being
made in the the 1992 I�naturity. The adjusted N.I.C. is 6.799429°k, based on an adjusted net interest cost
Indiana Office: Wisconsin Office:
251 North Illinois Street,Suite 1510 500 Elm Grove Road,Suite 101
Indianapolis,Indiana 46204•1942 Elm Grove,Wisconsin 53122•0037
317•237•3636 414•782•8222
Fax:317•237•3639 Fax:414•782•2904
... .. �F�E-L_-l'=�=� -- - � --� , :��� _-=_ .. =,=C�°= F?,�. . . I�... .. . . . =------�=--=' F. --
s'r.HC.►�s�p�S c�:+r��gK
� dE►Cti�16 il1 the LMA ver th3t;H�E�-yFBt pgt�OC wi,h lOSSes ol 0'�CC.�1, z987'.0�Srase IiC��O�!!S@tS.4�?"�C3�C9 USed i0
i.aa%:nowever,cne ct+arge behrree� �956-1987 w3s�n!y prepey ceot cr pro��Ca supac*t'o;t�e gene�a�+u��
0.i 9�0.Another pos��ive f3CtOr is;t18i 1�yr9uke9 Cc7untY's iabor
� iptCA 9xpanded 59�i�u!ing 1986-�99'. ��At.Co�pIOC w�th NON OttuCtUt�:�+e ser�es 798914 r.otes are securea by an�r- �
flrCwi�in em0�oym�nt.n�5 brourht tht u�prn��0ymgr�t rate ravocabie pleCce of t'�29;ene�a�t�nC revenvos collec;aC!rom
down to 5.6R�o.tt►e we3t�t has Leen s�rCe th9 late 79?Os !,I- F�b. �4 mrougn�ec.3�, 1989."'�s�i�on,Cn or Def:rs Oac.
' ;hougn Sa�ns�+bo 3rrCl0ymerN 8nd Isbo►torC4 have been 29. 19E9.the ci,y vviA inevocaCly�,eROS�t w,�'�tM ttustve tun�s
; mOCest.th9y�6A@C th9 3�ea e:o�omy'S r�Over/and favor So purchaae airect oD6qatio�s o'7fe U.S.��an gm0unt Sut�-
aWe outboK. c�ent,iogether w�th eaminql.;o�av prinC'ra1 and ir:terest en
ssnss 1989A notes.A second se�+�s ot notes w�be�ssued�a-
� Rin�ecss:M:�wau e�'s f,nancia�pos�tia��s sou�d.Conserva• ter th�s year as panty debt.The c�r's pro�ecte�9enera�funa
tive b•.�CSebnq tech ques and pobaes ha�e a��wep the c;ty►.o c�an now�or ca�enc�x year t989,dcetusive ot note re.!:p!s.rg•
; rr,a:nta�n;ts�inanc� m:egnry.!A�Ixaukee'S 3tnerpl fund�as�3- vsa�s that�casn siup�s c'rea�y Sc"0 m�d�en is excrcte0.Tr,e
' corde0lcu�consecjvut:ve ysar;;hSCais 1?34-t�R7}of pos�t+vQ �nt�C��at�racert ot$ta9�nl�ort�n s'ate-sh�ec rev�ues in
� tinanciai pertorma��8.�4sw6n�a���a�ance:n t"e tdx Sti4�:i�a• Npvemb�wip r�suK�n enCUgh nst rtvsnues tor the monih to
tion h,nd ot 525.9 nfi�G�ai.or 7�b ot expenses. a-et+M�nary esti- Cover tne a��CDa�paymant of CoLti �988 no!e senes as wetl as
mates tor nsca�ye . er.a�c Cec::t. �?88�naicatt!'�e c;y to prov�ee sut�Gertt casn for;ne�+ty�Or t�i rect ct tne year.
acMered Dreak-ev n operati..,ns a,a'nat cne raiance+n ms tax `�Ihen aN receipts and c�sCurs�nts'or 4�year�re cors�d•
� stab�uzat�on}ur,a w s eauac ta f:scal t98Ts. 'he 5sr.al t984 erPd,the c�;y's ne!genera�tunC recs�ots tor;938 are sxGQCCeC
• buCqet 900�Cqrislt 53 6 m��c�on t�om tne;ax s;a5���zat�a^'unC to prov�Ce coverage ct�.3 t�.*•'�ea�+s 338:rn�c�sor�es�no!e �
' aS 8 t@v@rue SOwCIe.Subst3nti81 C��dr,�o�in the puG�C 0_Ct p�i1�CiC81.i hG C+:y h8S 8 hiS�Ory 4f SrCtt-tem+�rrow�n� :a'a: `
• amCR+iauG�itsnC,QB:t^t the Cify 5�@b'serv�ce'und,pf�I�d2 6scat year,lvxlwaukee is��eC two seties af^Ct°_S,5°t�CE 'S$i A �
a4Qilb�ai".nar,ci+�i Ye�ubti�h.The puW�:deot tu�a ba►snce is an.8,'er a ccmbine�prir:c�pal eI Si 5 m�Aion.
3�5 9 m�r�on.ot wtuch$53.�rtr^��s cas�ar�C�nv3sfmsnis as Moresn Keliyy�orrarneo(2121203-%i%.3
. ' A�crrrca Rrc�ter(21?)20B•F797
. I
� �4� St. Paul, Minn sota
� �� St. Psul Port uthority, Mir�nesot�
; ,
526.5 m:tl�on Ge^�ra�cbi�gaf�n bonhs Cue '99�-?�70
Conrpetitive.Febrtuary 13 --
: Ra;ed'AA��, ou stanC�rg raungs��firm4d
� R9tionalo:St.Pau.M�tn,';:S26 5^��n.on 9ene�a�obnqai�on rn�er,;;rQ program�s Rna�+cec throuqh a:om��atiar.ct 3 0.
y �onos se*�s 1989 -E Cue ;990-2C�0 sra ra:ec'��a+' Tne tcnos,sewer revenue banes,siatr anC federy gran;s ar.�
:i � 'AA+'r3t�nq is atAr ed o�S%aB.S rr,�n;�n ot outstanC�o+�•�y toar.s.anc�service ct�ar4es.,� 5998 aec�aan to ti�a�+c4:•"•e pr4-
j aebt ana S8.9 m�N� oi outs±an�+ng G O.aebt of S:.?avl PcMt aram�art:a�ly tnrouqh revenue bonds reiktts�cth t�e conser-
- AuLtieri.y.The ratinp relfects rt;3nageabl�debt an�a continuing v�tive deCt m�►na9ert►ent por,cy�an e!tort to imoose user
- moCerat�on m cebt I�ur�en,a strocg�co.^.omic�ase!hat con- Charges t0�^�t @xpanang se�vi..,,E demards.
t�nues to outperforr�me atate artd rey:cn,saund fi�ancial eFer•
_ ations,an�qrowin incC^la�ovsis.Gi.y official_aRpear�o be ECO�oR►y:A3 s:ate Caq�ts�.St.Paw serves�s a ma�o►�o•+ern-
mest�n9 tne:t�ane s oi mam;a�nino pr��rams desp�te'aCerai n'e�tai cen±e�.1n tSBS,g�wsmr,.erft orr,�ioy�s acccunceo br
cutba.ks �3�P tqv ra�h�•+�aws tne!eaCe�sr,�p St.Paui raa Osm• 1dQY;o!county empbymani.i�e Cpur.ly e:w a�y�s s��g�iy �
onst�ateC�n deC, ana�er•+srt pract�CSS tr.roug'+�'S'�vE-y@�r concenirated In manu!acivr�q.rv�!h Z�°k o'errploy�^ent vers�s
- 1dx-SUApCN2d C9b St�3�tsqY f0�Cv�lappinQ juns���;io'S. Tt�ig '�io/o 81 tR!81�tt aflp U$-'4v@I9.�QNh:QS�ira`?'e'@�1C��etlC
proflram. wr.�cr.+s a+r�ns natwna�reco�Mt:on.c�^�ec:s��ower (19%)�iso ara najor empbymert ia::ors.��+3ddi6on to Qov
ovpnapa+nq debt bti+►Cen:�> �992. emment.�na�or prnate e�plCye!S inCluGe U���esCta M�ring 3
- Manufachu�nq Co.(3M).1;n�sys:or�.,��lort*:west Airt�n�ss�nc.,
. DoDt:TMS�ssue.��M�'vt S��°S,!:n��ces�s-�cus projec?s in t�e �orh MC:J�C4.,Jt.°aul C0.��C..�eluxe Carc.,EC�l3b I�C..
. city'3 cea�tai�mpre�ere�t Cuog�am.�rima��ly st�er.t�mpr�v.r and Wesi PubNSr��g Co.A!`!w SmaM�!echn±s u+ t982-�983
ne++;s.DeC!�s�e_ eC�j',"e f,,�ll ta�'h,crec�t, and un�irrnte� Rar^sey:ou�ry's en+D�oyr,en;;re,•9.;^;�eareen t983-'��?
proDeny taxes o�, c:.y,in additicn!o sppcial asssssn:ar.ts anC��t0�ti�UiA9 t0 2��8ftd 3S aatt 01;h?�^tesratQd svv°�•
a�4 grants. St. P�9u'�anC overla�pMa un+ts'COrr,D�rwd r.;t CaOt CCu.�ty M�„eapoli3iSt.?aul meto�s�;;a�staGSt�ca�ares iF���). !
�s St33 3 m.iuon w�r.t��s sale.G?bt�urden�s modes�te cn a Tr.e 3.3�unemproyment rata ovc«ean C:taeer z967-'9�8
Ger caC�ta oas+s asti,S693 anC rep�esents a Iow 2 3�'0 oE rarkPt riss wey oe!ow s!ats and U.S �YQCd9$3.BU��r,�aerm�t ac;;r�ry �
��Slue4.i ht S8?index,a measu�p at pet C3p�2,�Cebt 3S 8�?�• continues St.'�nq•N�lh�ri9�5.0"vG CBrrt+�tS vah:eC as S 19 t 3 rr��•
centage of per caq�ta e?'ect�Ye ovy��ny�rcc^�e. aiso�s r�caerate ��On�ssuQC+n 1938 Most Constr�c�on tnv�;�e;commerc�a! f
at a.6�: Oepf sa a c."ar�e;wal re�+a�n re!a;�veiy n�rh.3t Du;lC�nq witt!a nurrGa of ma�o-proj�cs uncsr way or ccm. �
' about 15�'�O�buC E�in fiSCd1 1�?9 bui hAve i!r.p�pveti;m.reCent p�eted�R OOw�;owrt St.Paul,�nc:;�ng'he A1.nn$SO!3'NCNO �
y48�5.?ond met�ti ieS 3re rg�,iC w1tM 89"�0�CtirEtl�� iQ ye!frs. �'r�de Cetlter,Galiier?��z3,t1e t,rFnrsesOia TgltCent9r Pro�g;t. �
e@Cd'JS2 01 C3�S!: At��r 4e0t man8�e!'E�t 3it1Ce 19�8.CeCi ano trre new CO�pCfete heaC4�,:ar�s Of th4�: �aui Cam�ar,�es
bur�e�na3 stea4�� decreaseC fro:n ovfr St.00O c�rt�me�r.et Tr+e :935 par�apita mor.sy mcor.:s ot SZ�,55��s a4.ut '2`h
per eso�ta deb2�n 490 to tr.e;,ur�rt 5693,wr,iCh Ci'y CtfiC�als belOw tht I�AaA,out 3.346 ard'^e aoo�e state and U.S.aver•
p�an io:naincain ordecrease throu;h t993.The c:ty s S278.2 ages.resaect�vey.mc�+e y�cw;��s ebost O�;.A�wi^me:rc•
r�illion fOUt-ye8r C81p�t31 im�r�v�R1�R!afOC�fER1 wt�l 4•21°;n. pe�d8n,3t31�af1C U S 1@vWS.�Ot*,3pi;d�Cf211 37fICS 0`S7 93E�n
n&nced wdh G O bcn�s ir '935,:"a cii�,^>23te, a�C U S tnw- 1997 w�re�4ove mehepa�ta�.state,srx�n�honat aver3qas.
rocim•ntal Frc4eci� n Ag�cy be9a��COn`pr�,�r,^�e sewer supocr,;ng tne c�ty's ciaiim as a:^�;or certet ot whc14s818�nC �
' � separdUOn an0 Sir et�mprpvempn!OrCGrBr.�!'�2:�,0'r«`rtdtES the rgt8il t�aCe. +
c�ty's Cap�ta��mwc erer.+cro�ram.,�s;orm sewer s�tem�s �
� • urdz�Construc��c�an0 e�CSC;ed to te cahG�et2d by 1�C�, �hg FinenCps:St pdui;lndnc�d�ODa2t�Or3^3vd C°'`0'!'�°rJ�+'?'�
c�ty al:C w�1 re0av aa�!rr.prove a;{city str°ets�ver �S yea�s. s�no? �900.Oe4p�tB f�St3f g;rP53 px?er�Cr.�M by n+Am�c.ties�n �
' (oonfNwd o���a1 Da„s)
� �r a_ •"' '_ __ . . . ,. . _ ... ' ' ' ' '�. . . . - ' -------- --- - --
. �
$?�>`r:iR:^, r, :.��:: ��M*ttQ�!(
� lT1P!3flY 1990s St.Paul�?3rty CR�t:M,d:IS Uf7�?SE!ti'O•C gene��� S'�C�}'Pf:1 1Q8Z-1d8;.vR2�2:mg rpvem.+es�e+rr.air!y!r1m I
tun0 b8:2M.E M 51e 3 mif!bn(?•:..O�2?CC°•tiGdv�PS)!�C�S1�•i 6 A'C�at�r t�YQi�52�'�!Snd Si$'.Q i�Q:3�°.?b) p@:3•i;'�gg°g �
m�iiion{t t�ol beh+►esn t980-t5' .eeca�se os s co�roatab�a francn:sa tees a�a��C.�a�revtnue sna►,r±g yce o7set cy csco- ,.
Hcrtn sa�arr C�scute thst nas De ^setfl8'�,tRe u��SE�+�u fu�'J erty tax le�ry�r.crea�es.�hC.x�,r Lhe c:h•DI3ns co par;�al�Y!nance
balanC4 Was�n!enLOn3IlY r?CuC to°�W"ouc�zd S�C 7 Tililo� ��C�easeC futUrQ neec3'hr0'JQh 3erviCZ fp3S ��aC�2xC3rQ;•
� ,n 19a8 i4 0°%0 ot zxps��itures) ��e�i�'�8S�y'�atL'S��s 0!itS �u�es inc!uCp�ubuc sa'C•.Y(:�°'c?.�na'=�'•F��'�Q�frr�Ce tler.eMs �
c�el�eral!V�.d 5813�C9 t�f C83h f1 r,seds e�C C�arts to��reasr (�5?kl. raul J.Fiynr
t:��s.e�e!t: iQ`ro by 2900 Cohs usr.ny.the c:N no;onpar (?r2)20b-';8 t
nQeos to�ssue!ax ar.C�c�at�on c i1+:ates w�Gh nad been�s•
Cabarrus County, Na�tt� Carolina
y�'.3 ni�i�on gsneral o5ligat� n�onds due �99"v-2C:0 �
SaIC.FeCruary 7.Wachov�s ar,k&�rust Co.
F1a:�d'A'.ou;stac+ding rat,ng afhrmed
• �o ti ^� o C�t.?OC•ltS`,'On
�O�Of1i�0:f1n'A'ra2ir,g��B.iS��ned'o Caoarrus Cocn�;. qro Ytn��foCt'R:y9dfS Q250�.�S•����.IC�.T
{V C�S�b��.�f11iIf,011 gcne�al ob!��ti3��L`o*es�er�e� "�2�J d�B ��tGwt":iS S!Ow.�@SS ttl.it7 �?f0 CY�!�8r.'A CO�DB'�SO^`.=T�tiC"1
1 J�j�2�?Q�vRS�S:`f1g O}�17 ThilAn 4:."'OC�bonCS.���."1tih.^•f1 S�fO�Qif¢:�te 911C na;�onal�ro�rate^:. T^e co�^t}S l$x 8��'�.
ip�hrnCa�co:�?d2 bonCS.anC S :�'1!H�Oft wa;�:�CO^4'a '1e�� yCOROmi�Oase re�"dm conC°rttatpd.W�t�'.h!!wG�93�;�y:��•
t8?in��s a;tirme�o�S7.2 t^i!IiC�Of OCt5;3'��'1w 08ti�/C2Ct D3n�?4.F'�dh9�COfr'ai USA tM. d�d�N31CC'6sl Car�vn I^c..3C•
�Cred�t Qu�lat:�.r@C 61.T~e rat^9 r811eC:3 m3n3�eab�?d0�; COur,UnY fo�22 �c.essessed YBk+e 2na e^'p'�Y�,�y�•'��
ieve�4,3 r.a�row econ�mi:b25 w�ih!riil`�Md���•°.'Sifi�3!:0�.3v. 1?,00:.`h2 CCu�!y'�p'9x�1!,y SG trsa strCr�Charir,Na:C:."C'�}'
Q�age mCC"^•E�a,va_IS.3�0 a stro g`��nciai pos�tion 7^a he:been of f�m:teC Ce�s2dt.wrtr�on;y 31���Gf„ou^:ty��g,,gn�s
COUnty's t+Ax DBSe anC7°.0�^.�1 rems�r C�rk.e�7�te��n•PX�j°� M�Crscir.g outs�Ce�ts�'JT�°-�5 I�10St CCUtt1Y!''"D��Y•'^�°�t�4•'Q�a'P0
HpwEvot,S0�!'!8�CG(1Cn'1�C 8xpartsion hds b2gun t0 JCCUf:n 3 i0 S�8 lZx:it6 ii'G"..it'y wniCh 3�D�e�'"0'OvS C�Er i�y�o`thg i
. oorSK�n ot fhe c0unh ad;acert tp Meckle��e�c,'�.OU�'Y i�SG�U� COU�ti'id�0'`���° �''CC�TC�?yY�S'�1"9+�.�OSB�C S'dtt 2'/@•'• �
deve�oGm°nt acb�ty :he ce,�ntb has ti�dCE+�diat s/5'?�'��• B�eS,bvt h9v8�?'=°^t�y S�G�^t0 tsdf}d SbA?!;'.1 CCr+!"ti'3��,�%'-
pa���ons ar�d eCucat+on taci��ty IiTpfCYeR1°�lS,^d!O��t/C'1p�2' °171p1^.y:�1@�I;dt2s,•�aCh Curre�tA�are ot�Gar w�m"e siate.9!O
needs. �ow at 3 7?ro;howQVec,tne acos:o�^��,s senG!�vs ie�ecess�crary
;resw�es Guf�!1�ti�S�34�dCOt10K�c Cowrt!u�n.�lnerr.o�cwmar!
Dobt:i he Coun.y r�a<been a inlreauent CeC::s3�s�.o�e!e�• rose t. '0 1�a�tl unhke tr+Q si►lt,thQ ccunf;3ca�orr/�agged
linq p2/-ES-yGU•�O fiI18HC��Q C :8���•d��°.!d�,wh:Gl`hSs'kED'. �n t�e reccvery.w�th�rs ll�e cov�ty afe e�gr:t�^CuStt�a+OarkS.
CsCt�atws�Cw an9 debt Serv�C reau�ret"�en;s at 5ao Cf Dudcet. swre Ct wh�Cr.3r8 t;�py SE�Cad b�Wa1dr and srtwe:18C���bas
Wdh t�:is iS3v@.Clebt IevelS t@tnl�+n r"3n0Q8a0�s w�th OG�C3G�t2 CCU�lY OfiC�8�5�xp�C:.�!CQ1rtICDmB•^.l Ot!hlSe petk5.10Ca'2d
d?bt at 573a and Gvera�i rst d$Ct as a ptr:s�t ot marr,et van�e tl^roupMOUt the cc��ty.and CO��!ue0 rfs�e^G8���a+�`��r
at 2.5?k �eDt 3erviCQ requu ents w�ll rse tc 20Froximat8h/ CharloN�!�a�d�n��s�fi�'��e�or;s �.
10?'0 0�bu�get as the senes 1 8S��*as mat,�,e �r�e caun;•.
w1i.;h OOQS�Ot hevC 3 C�m�t he��0 Cap�131 imp'0�+'1'�e�'• Flnancos:�:n3�^..SI CR'�fa'.i4"S:,Ot�:���e!^�e 9oad.Y��`+tt+�
D�&R.!18S OU�;;neC$�milhpn Ct CaD�t3i C�O;eCt3 SO h?Under,ake� Cv1ifl�Y C1,flEfd�iT!�t t 0��►w0.°'�'E�r 0•*ri f@'IM'�3'.�23}:hf
irt fiSC3! S�8?,ir.�luC+�C d;d�l a �:ti;.n.COnst.'�.�"��o�8�2w Fast Shte_ ±e3rS. ..:,,• /' ,81e5
gcvtrnnent cen;@r,dqCitiOnA! �C¢sOaC!tp!vancus 4°O�r,- �ome3`�Cm thre!�"?a;or 4o�:�s:OtGpsRY t3xsS 135°-ai,"
mQnts.AnC ihe p�rc�ase o,l�, d;.^r a��a�rpOrt It�s}not ex• m2^�`se,e I�r erset ex0e��hsr��`�br�sa}3��:ot t tnD�G•
peC?z��+At a4�t�cna�debt w�i{b��ssve�thi5 Ye�'•7�t.ese �
� proi°cts.Cut;r,at tney w�n oe a:�ce.��ca�;ta,�°+S�i�3nd S�f• get Smce!fs:a� t9E�:.ths c�u�+.y has soen!�oCrox��as°!y 35;
Ol�y'CC°f3TiC,g casra.Outstar.r�ng',a.L.v0^C authl0.'�:dti0�3 b:dl mifli7�;'cm t�^e ge^^-"��'w'�a"�a��1v!C�:3p't2f C�CIB�:t!!�3t•
c14 m�ilio��G�waier SySt3.^•"•$ �SCh?0�AfO�P':25 i`:ZS°DJ�1C"iS �f1�1Q i'?6 d@v@:CG"�Cf1'.'vl itC LQC.'i�8 Cf'Ek.•B48NOrt 20?'�9�yg
��y*�gs-ave Dse���°�
2re expec;ed t�be��Id�mt~i frie v28'S.T�°CCUr!'/S:wo an�;axia�d t"e w�ier systs^� F�n��
r+ ',o n T9d8 A�3 8xC211.".i'.S'N8•.4•'5vg- S��^.f�udqei i^o,�r_�?t th21z�i!'•[8Z�S^•31`�sa's Fc'`•SC°_� I
rcism C3p�1a1 p��.r�t'.s ar_io� 9 ., ea�eRo���une:C. t°88.�e coun,y reai�z°�'s s�crg e:w:+-,�.
Ser�t0 D�9m�tC°:.�Or�iC 4° eK�Prterlt 8�d,�imO�Ove aS Y
' 3CR�01�ySt2f71 vnde�require,�@f1�S Gt th!S^''Cf`t Cd�1�2�BS^�- D'atBnC@�t S�7.��^�:��c�i ot wr.;cn 53.3 r^i�liO;t•�t[i�^Ct.^.I:ny2t
m r.;�r,terCs'c c:n�nus �
1 09n�.@ A:f 0t 1537.Undor',^C'8C!.th0:CU�.�:�as�de�t�"ed SBS was unCQS�9net�!.'.:CUf�ty!'+'12•t�h�&a�G�dt;�9��ST t:'8�25�,
� rntaon�n cac�;a�naeds�vr�ts sc�ce�s. These n,r:r.s w�:i be mam.a�n�ng ds Iar.�e un.,es�qna -
tunaeo f�Cr+'�as port�cn et;ne�se��es ?989 bc•^•c arc�.eeds, ar, os sxFEnC;tura3�r in°`uh,w �he 1989 Cv:ce:�s ba�a�ceC w+,a ;
� � 'd n�funtl�ai3nce a:,c►OCt�eri�n5 ��tJt?:27t fd!?'"Cre'�585 4` �
adC�t�onel 3o m�inon bond sa�+n f�e^�a�fui:re.as wa•i e.� a �
n�7:Cr in 8'SC�Daie�4t3t9 re _nudS 4ve�tt±�o¢xi SO yPSrg fr, b2?w2e��Cry fo��+0:e�t3 3e'S;Q4 p'asses5?�:value d�9°x-
1he fprm o`r2str�C;ed 5a��s t �ea an;;:�rpora+e�ncoTe taxes debl serv�ce re uir�enes�CTe�6negt�om no��•t�a t°5
EcAnomy:Caoarrus Cou�f's wes:°�n nor�er is sd;9car.;:C Cc�ds rieth?een�+ i,�ari
: � Me�klerbei g GCUnf�l a�d is C�:U1C31t��'•'?h6 Ctty 0�Ch3fbti9. !2 J2,�e"C6•'3i%
' Wr,ile 85��0 ot Cabanvs Cou r��emains��deveioced o�`a�►�-
� • {1!10.th�s�ves!er.,p�;t�on t;aS expe:;er,:eo goud res�Ce�t�as
, ; •
' � �
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, . I� : IP�� JA�FI�AY
� P ��8�ns .
A�oGcnr� M
.. _ _.
Account Membe s• ' - - --�
+ fa.?:.' .. . ; . ., '..,. . . . _. ... _ .. :.: -- .
4 'S ,
PIPER,-JAFFRAY�� & HOPWOOD,INC Jt Mgr `' " ' �� �- `` �
. , .._ ..
i INC. Jt Mgr. _ ,_ , ; : . _r _;
, _ . ,_
� . '
Allison-Willia�ms Company, Inc. . „
. ; � - �, • , ..y.;...
_ ; ;1 , . .�; . . ; , ,:; � ; .
American Nati al Bank St': Paul', Mn. • °� ' - - `��� �_ �
Cronin & Comp y Inc � _
.. _... . ,_. Y '.}.�Qt :y �i r� ' L . ..
,.x : .
Juran & Moody, Inc. .; ;. " �'.�-��:-� . � .
Miller & Schro�der Financial; Inc�.� °f ---.--. �'-�t '�,-' �� ` ` ' -
`#� Miller Securit�CS"'�.� ,,..i+.J�:$ '�l.��=i3 &�9:p rfpe�a�;�.'►t• ?'i� +'+.,^,e; .�a ' -_*�' � _ - ".r:
� .- -
.. _ ._ .. .- ..._.r .. . �.
Dougherty, `D�w ins` Sf rand &'�Yost;�'Inc:`�� �'3'' �`" ' ' � �3 - � - ;,'
_ ,� ` . . � _ _
�, � •
John�,G. Kinnar. �&�Company� Inc �,cc,t � �. �.� �!, ,�+� :�, , , ,��:� . �`� . .
� a=• �•. .� �. . . _ . , _,�.,.,... _.
., , Marcott Hume-& Assoc., Inc. �: .. - '` x .�.���+•__ '.- _ ';:
._ _ : � . .� .
� : " Marquette. Bank�Mpl's ' . _ .. ; .. ,. ti:�•l� . �i . �� . � . -.
McClees Invest�nents, Inc� � ---=-�-- ' -� -� -•�---
�� Inc. .., r- \+ .
Moore. .Juran &� Company. . „. :, �� .� ,,;, � �`; �
�: .
H.M: Novick�& �ompany, Inc. _ ._�..__ ,.., - -.- - . .�_ . ._ ..._
Park Investmen�s „� �` ,4
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`nt of Finance and
WH�REAS, the Direct r, Departme /� J
M nagement S�rvices, has adv'�sed this C 'uncil that the bid of
,' � � a f �e u woo l��•�r ��4 was found to be the /a�
mos ad anta�eou and as recommen ed that said bid be �a�
accepted; an
WH REAS, the proceeds of the Bonds will finance
certain capi al improvements, for which the City is proceeding
pursuant to ts Charter and Laws of Minnesota for 1971,
Chapter 773, 1as amended; and
WH REAS, the City has heretofore issued registered
obligations �n certificated form, and incurs substantial
costs associ�ted with their printing and issuance, and
substantial �ontinuing transaction costs relating to their
payment, tra�sfer and exchange; and
WIiIEREAS, the City has determined that significant
savings in t�ransaction costs will result from issuing bonds in
"global boo entry form" , by which bonds are issued in
certificate� form in large denominations, registered on the
books of the� City in the name of a depository or its nominee,
and held in safekeeping and immobilized by such depository,
and such de¢ository as part of the computerized national
securities c�learance and settlement system (the "National
System" ) re isters transfers of ownership interests in the
bonds by ma�ing computerized book entries on its own books and
distributeslpayments on the bonds to its Participants shown
on its book� as the owners of such interests; and such
Participant$ and other banks, brokers and dealers
participati�g in the National System will do likewise (not as
agents of t�e City) if not the beneficial owners of the bonds;
' WIEREAS, "Participants" means those financial insti-
tutions for�whom the Depository effects book-entry transfers
and pledgesiof securities deposited and immobilized with the
Depository; and
W�iEREAS, Midwest Securities Trust Company, a limited
purpose trulst company organized under the laws of the State of
Illinois, olr any of its successors or successors to its func-
tions hereulnder (the "Depository" ) , will act as such deposi-
tory with �lespect to the Bonds except as set forth below, and
there is bejfore this Council a form of letter agreement (the
"Depository� Letter Agreement" ) setting forth various matters
relating tc� the Depository and its role with respect to the
Bonds; andi
WH�REAS, the City will deliver the Bonds in the form
of one certi�icate per maturity, each representing the entire
principal am�unt of the Bonds due on a particular maturity
date (each a� "Global Certificate" ) , which single certificate
per maturitylmay be transferred on the City' s bond register as
required by �the Uniform Commercial Code, but not exchanged for
smaller deno$ninations unless the City determines to issue
Replacement �onds as provided below; and
WH REAS, the City will be able to replace the
Depository r under certain circumstances to abandon the
"global boo -entry form" by permitting the Global Certificates
to be excha ged for smaller denominations typical of ordinary
bonds regist�ered on the City' s bond register; and "Replacement
Bonds" meansl the certificates representing the Bonds so
authenticat�d and delivered by the Bond Registrar pursuant to
paragraphs 8 and 12 hereof; and
W EREAS, "Holder" as used herein means the person in
whose name Bond is registered on the registration books of
the City ma ntained by the City Treasurer or a successor
registrar a�pointed as provided in paragraph 8 (the "Bond
Registrar" ) t
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the
City of Sai#�t Paul, Minnesota, as follows:
1�. Acce tance of Bid. The bid of �i� sr �L�
�' M� w � 1hGo� ru� (the "Purchaser" ) to purc iase �
p $11,750,0 O, General Obligation Capital Improvement Bonds,
Series 1989jA, of the City (the "Bonds" , or individually a
"Bond" ) , inlaccordance with the Official Terms of Offering for
the bond sa�le, at the rates of interest set forth hereinafter,
and to payifor the Bonds the sum of $ Il Oq 0 , plus
interest ac!crued to settlement, is here y found, determined
and declar�d to be the most favorable bid received and is
hereby acc�pted, and the Bonds are hereby awarded to said
bidder. TY}e Director, Department of Finance and Management
Services, qr his designee, is directed to retain the deposit
of the Purckhaser and to forthwith return to the unsuccessful
bidders th�ir good faith checks or drafts .
• � . Title; Original Issue Date; Denominations;
Maturities1 The Bonds shall be titled "General Obligation
Capital Im rovement Bonds, Series 1989A" , shall be dated
, March 1, 1�89, as the date of original issue and shall be
issued for�hwith on or after such date as fully registered
bonds . The, Bonds shall be numbered from R-1 upward. Global
Certificate� shall each be in the denomination of the entire
principal a ount maturing on a single date. Replacement
Bonds, if i sued as provided in paragraph 6, shall be in the
denominatio� of $5, 000 each or in any integral multiple
thereof of single maturity. The Bonds shall mature, without
option of prepayment, on March 1 in the years and amounts as
Year Amount Year Amount
1590 $ 825,000 1995 $1,200,000
1�91 925,000 1996 1,275,000
1 92 1, 000, 000 1997 1, 350,000
1�93 1,050,000 1998 1,450, 000
1 94 1, 125, 000 1999 1,550, 000
3 Purpose. The Bonds shall provide funds for the
constructio� of various capital improvements (the "Improve-
ments" ) in �he City. The proceeds of the Bonds shall be
deposited a d used as provided in paragraph 17 , for the
purpose des�ribed by Laws of Minnesota for 1971, Chapter 773,
as amended. The total cost of the Improvements, which shall
include alllcosts enumerated in Minnesota Statutes, Section
475 . 65, is �stimated to be at least equal to �he amount of the
Bonds . Wor�C on the Improvements shall proceed with due
diligence tb completion.
41 Interest. The Bonds shall bear interest payable
semiannuall on March 1 and September 1 of each year (each,
, an "Interes� Payment Date" ) , commencing September 1, 1989,
calculated �n the basis of a 360-day year of twelve 30-day
months, at �he respective rates per annum set forth opposite
the maturit years as follows:
Maturity Ye�r Interest Rate Maturity Year Interest Rate
1990 i `.SOg 1995 �..b5 �
(�Sd 1996 �.70
1992 `.Sp 1997 �•7S
1993 I �.fs 1998 �•�O
1994 4,� 1999 b.qp
• 5� Description of the Global Certificates and
Global Book-►Entry System. Upon their original issuance the
Bonds will e issued in the form of a single Global Certifi-
cate for ea�h maturity, deposited with the Depository by the
Purchaser aid immobilized as provided in paragraph 6 . No
I 4
become due o� the bonds payable therefrom) in excess of
amounts whicl� under then-applicable federal arbitrage
regulations ay be invested without regard as to yield shall
not be inves�ed at a yield in excess of the applicable yield
restrictions imposed by said arbitrage regulations on such
investments �fter takirig into account any applicable
"temporary p riods" or "minor portion" made available under
the federal rbitrage regulations . In addition, the proceeds
of the Bonds and money in the Account or the Fund shall not be
invested in �bligations or deposits issued by, guaranteed by
or insured b the United States or any agency or instrumen-
tality there�f if and to the extent that such investment
would cause he Bonds to be "federally guaranteed" within the
meaning of S�ection 149 (b) of the federal Internal Revenue Code
of 1986, as ;amended (the "Code" ) .
18II. Tax Levy; Coverage Test. To provide moneys for
payment of tlhe principal and interest on the Bonds there is
hereby levi�'d upon all of the taxable property in the City a
direct annua;l ad valorem tax which shall be spread upon the
tax rolls ar�d collected with and as part of other general
property ta�es in the City for the years and in the amounts as
follows :
Year o� Tax Year of Tax
Lev Collection Amount
198�* 1989* $1� L����q *
198� 1990 �) ?37� �63
199 1991 ��7S3��F22
199� 1992 � 737 6 7z
199 . 1993 __-----�}��'f',-�..o�._____
199$ 1994 �� ?Y��yqS
� 199� 1995 �� ?3g�9 Ss
199 1996 1��2q�vOg
199� 1997 1�?SS��3z8
199 1998 li T34�7'g
*heretoforellevied or provided from other available City funds
T e tax levies are such that if collected in full
they, toget�er with estimated collections of any other
revenues he ein pledged for the payment of the Bonds, will
produce at �east five percent ( 5�) in excess of the amount
' needed to mleet when due the principal and interest payments on
the Bonds . IThe tax levies shall be irrepealable so long as
any of the Bonds are outstanding and unpaid, provided t11at tt�e
City reserv�s the right and power to reduce the levies in the
I��6�1 S'!_ S �L�?� �"s�2 sS w-�� - � 2� �1�
uvp wvo� Jr.to�De✓�t�
WH�RE , the Director, Department of Finance and
Manage t Services, has advised this Council that the bid of �,
f�,'P.tar ��.� ',� was found to be the most advantageous
and has recommended that said bid be accepted; and
WH�REAS, the proceeds of the Bonds will finance
certain stre�t improvements to be specially assessed, for
which the City is proceeding pursuant to its Charter and not
Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429 ; and
WHEREAS, the City has heretofore issued registered
obligations in certificated form, and incurs substantial costs
associated w�th their printing and issuance, and substantial
continuing txansaction costs relating to their payment,
transfer and exchange; and
WHEREAS, the City has determined that significant
savings in transaction costs will result from issuing bonds in
"global book--entry form" , by which bonds are issued in
certificated form in large denominations, registered on the
books of the City in the name of a depository or its nominee,
and held in safekeeping and immobilized by such depository,
and such deppsitory as part of the computerized national
securities clearance and settlement system (the "National
System" ) registers transfers of ownership interests in the
bonds by making computerized book entries on its own books and
distributes �ayments on the bonds to its Participants shown on
it5 books as the owners of such interests; and such
Participants and other banks, brokers and dealers
participatin�g in the National System will do likewise (not as
. agents of the City) if not the beneficial owners of the bonds;
WH�REAS, "Participants" means those financial
institutions for whom the Depository effects book-entry
transfers and pledges of seeurities deposited and immobilized
with the Depository; and
WHEREAS, Midwest Securities Trust Company, a limited
purpose trus�t company organized under the laws of the State of
Illinois, or any of its successors or successors to its
functions hexeunder (the "Depository" ) , will act as such
depository with respect to the Bonds except as set forth
below, and there is before this Council a form of letter
agreement (t�e "Depository Letter Agreement" ) setting forth
various matters relating to the Depository and its role with
respect to tne Bonds; and
WH�REAS, the City will deliver the Bonds in the form
of one certi icate per maturity, each representing the entire
principal am unt of the Bonds due on a particular maturity
date (each a "Global Certificate" ) , which single certificate
per maturity may be transferred on the City' s bond register as
required by he Uniform Commercial Code, but not exchanged for
smaller deno inations unless the City determines to issue
Replacement onds as provided below; and
WH REAS, the City will be able to replace the
Depository o under certain circumstances to abandon the
"global book, entry form" by permitting the Global Certificates
to be exchanged for smaller denominations typical of ordinary
bonds regist�red on the City' s bond register; and "Replacement
Bonds" means the certificates representing the Bonds so
authenticated and delivered by the Bond Registrar pursuant to
paragraphs 6 and 12 hereof; and
WHEREAS, "Holder" as used herein means the person in
whose name a Bond is registered on the registration books of
the City mai�tained by the City Treasurer or a successor
registrar ap�ointed as provided in paragraph 8 (the "Bond
Registrar" ) : �
NO , THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the
City of Sain Paul, Minnesota, as follows:
1 . Acce tance of Bid. The bid of �i�Q�'�j ���� �
� N� �dc� Irt,o� (the "Purchaser" ) to purchase
2, 000,000 G neral Obligation 5treet Improvement Special
Assessment B nds, Series 1989B, of the City (the "Bonds" , or
' individually! a "Bond" ) , in accordance with the Official Terms
of Offering �or the bond sale, at the rates of interest
hereinafter set forth, and to pay therefor the sum of
$ 000 0�d, plus interest accrued to settlement, is hereby �
found, determined and declared to be the most favorable bid
received and is hereby accepted, and the Bonds are hereby
awarded to said bidder. The Director, Department of Finance
and Manageme�t Services , or his designee, is directed to
retain the d�eposit of the Purchaser and to forthwith return to
the unsucces�sful bidders their good faith checks or drafts .
2 .'�I Title; Original Issue Date; Denominations;
Maturities . The Bonds shall be titled "General Obligation
Street Impro ement Special Assessment Bonds, Series 1989B" ,
shall be dat d March 1, 1989, as the date of originaJ_ issue
and shall be issued forthwith on or after such date as fully
registered b nds . The Bonds shall be numbered from R-1
upward. G1 bal Certificates shall each be in the denomination
of the enti e principal amount maturing on a single date, or,
if a portio of said principal amount is prepaid, said
principal a ount less the prepayment. Replacement Bonds, if
issued as p ovided in paragraph 6, shall be in the denomi-
nation of $ ,000 each or in any integral multiple thereof of a
single matu ity. The Bonds shall mature on March 1 in the
years and a ounts as follows :
Year Amount Year Amount
1991 $125, 000 2001 $100, 000
1992 125,000 2002 100,000
1993 100, 000 2003 100,000
1994 100,000 2004 100,000
1995 100, 000 2005 100,000
1996 100, 000 2006 100, 000
1997 �� 100,000 2007 100, 000
1998 ' 100, 000 2008 100,000
1999 100,000 2009 75, 000
2000 100, 000 2010 75, 000
3 Purpose. The Bonds shall provide funds for the
constructio of various street improvements (the "Improve-
ments" ) in he City. The total cost of the Improvements,
which shall include all costs enumerated in Minnesota
Statutes, S�ction 475 . 65, is estimated to be at least equal to
the amount 4f the Bonds . Work on the Improvements shall
proceed witY� due diligence to completion.
4 . Interest. The Bonds shall bear interest payable
semiannually on March 1 and September 1 of each year (each, an
"�nterest Payment Date" ) , commencing September 1, 1989,
calculated on the basis of a 360-day year of twelve 30-day
months, at the respective rates per annum set forth opposite
the maturity years as follows:
Maturit Yea Interest Rate Maturity Year Interest Rate
1991 �.Od � 2001 ?.O� �
1992 2002 7.ob
1993 2003 7•°$
1994 � 2004 �.�° �
1995 2005 7•��
1996 �� �.So 2006 7.Zo
1997 4•75 2007 7•Zv
1998 ' 6.Qo 2008 7.25
1999 �.�to 2009 7.25
2000 6•9 5 2oio 7.25
5 . Description of the Global Certificates and
Global Book-�ntry System. Upon their original issuance the
Bonds will be issued in the form of a single Global Certifi-
cate for each maturity, deposited with the Depository by the
Purchaser an immobilized as provided in paragraph 6 . No
beneficial o ners of interests in the Bonds will receive
certificates representing their respective interests in the
Bonds except as provided in paragraph 6 . Except as so
provided, du ing the term of the Bonds, beneficial ownership
(and subsequ nt transfers of beneficial ownership) of
interests in the Global Certificates will be reflected by book
entries made on the records of the Depository and its
Participants�and other banks, brokers, .and dealers participat-
ing in the N tional System. The Depository' s book entries of
beneficial o�anership interests are authorized to be in
increments o�E $5,000 of principal of the Bonds, but not
smaller incr�ments, despite the larger authorized denomina-
tions of the Global Certificates . Payment of principal of,
premium, if any, and interest on the Global Certificates will
be made to the Bond Registrar as paying agent, and in turn by
the Bond Registrar to the Depository or its nominee as
registered owner of the Global Certificates, and the
Depository aGcording to the laws and rules governing it will
receive and �orward payments on behalf of the beneficial
owners of th� Global Certificates .
Pa ent of principal of, premium, if any, and
interest on Global Certificate may in the City' s discretion
be made by s ch other method of transferring funds as may be
requested by the Holder of a Global Certificate.
6 . Immobilization of Global Certificates by the
De ositor • uccessor De ositor • Re lacemeiit Bonds . Pursuant
to the reque t of the Purchaser to the Depository, which
request is r�equired by the Official Terms of Offering,
such consent, request, direction, approval, objection or other
instrument ar of the writing appointing any such agent and of
the ownership of Bonds, if made in the following manner, shall
be sufficient for any of the purposes of this Resolution and
shall be conclusive in favor of the City with regard to any
action taken by it under such request or other instrument,
( 1) The fact and date of the execution by any
person of any such writing may be proved by the certifi-
cate o� any officer in any jurisdiction who by law has
power to take acknowledgments within such jurisdiction
that the person signing such writing acknowledged before
him the execution thereof, or by an affidavit of any
witness to such execution.
(2) Subject to the provisions of subparagraph (A)
above, the fact of the ownership by any person of Bonds
and the amounts and numbers of such Bonds, and the date
of the holding of the same, may be proved by reference to
the bond register.
16 . Delivery; Application of Proceeds . The Global
Certificates when so prepared and executed shall be delivered
by the Director, Department of Finance and Management
Services, tm the Purchaser upon receipt of the purchase price,
and the Purchaser shall not be obliged to see to the proper
application thereof .
17 . Funds . There is hereby created a special fund
to be desigmated the "1989 Capital Projects Fund" (numbered
C-89, the "�apital Fund" ) , to be administered and maintained
by the City Treasurer as a bookkeeping account separate and
apart from �ll other accounts maintained in the official
financial records of the City. There has been heretofore
created and established the "General Obligation Special
Assessments -- Streets Debt Service Fund" (numbered 963, the
"Debt Servi�e Fund" ) . The Capital Fund and Debt Service Fund
shall be maintained in the manner herein specified until all
of the Bond� and the interest thereon have been fully paid.
( i) Capital Fund. To the Capital Fund there shall
be credited the proceeds of the sale of the Bonds, less
accrued interest received thereon, and less any amount
� paid for the Bonds in excess of $2,000, 000 and less
capitalized interest in the amount of $ � OU
(toget�er with interest earnings thereon and subject to
such other adjustments as are appropriate to provide
suffici nt funds to pay interest due on the Bonds on or
before a.rch 1, 1990 ) . From the Capital Fund there shall
be paid all costs and expenses of making the Improvements
listed n paragraph 18, including the cost of any
constru tion contracts heretofore let and all other costs
incurre and to be incurred of the kind authorized in
Minnesota Statutes, Section 475 . 65; and the moneys in the
Capital Fund shall be used for no other purpose except as
otherwi e provided by law; provided that the proceeds of
the Bon s may also be used to the extent necessary to pay
interes on the Bonds due prior to the anticipated date
of comm ncement of the collection of taxes or special
assessm�nts herein covenanted to be levied; and provided
further that if upon completion of the Improvements there
shall r main any unexpended balance in the Capital Fund,
the bal nce may be transferred by the Council to the fund
of any ther improvement instituted pursuant to the
City' s harter or Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429 . Al1
earning� on the Capital Fund shall be transferred to the
Debt Service Fund.
(i ) Debt Service Fund. There is hereby pledged
and the e shall be credited to a special account relating
to the onds in the Debt Service Fund: (a) collections
of spec al assessments herein covenanted to be levied, to
the ext�nt provided in paragraph 19; (b) all accrued
interest received upon delivery of the Bonds; (c) all
funds p�id for the Bonds in excess of $2 ,000,000; (d)
� capital zed interest in the amount of $ 1 0 0 0
(togeth r with interest earnings thereon an subject to
such ot er adjustments as are appropriate to provide
suffici nt funds to pay interest due on the Bonds on or
before March 1, 1990) ; (e) any collections of all taxes
which msy hereafter be levied in the event that the
special assessments herein pledged to the payment of the
Bonds a' d interest thereon are insufficient therefor; ( f)
all fun s remaining in the Capital Fund after completion
• of the mprovements and payment of the costs thereof, not
so tran ferred to the account of another improvement;
and (g) all investment earnings on moneys held in such
special account in the Debt Service Fund or on moneys
held in the Capital Fund.
Su h special account in the Debt 5ervice Fund shall
be used sole y to pay the principal and interest and any
premiums for', redemption of the Bonds and any other general
Theispecial assessments shall be such that if
collected in �full they, together with estimated collections of
other revenuels herein pledged for the payment of the Bonds ,
will produce 'at least five percent (5�) in excess of the
amount needed�� to meet when due the principal and interest
payments on he Bonds . At the time the assessments are in
fact levied t�he City Council shall, based on the then-current
estimated col�lections of the assessments, make any adjustments
in any ad va]lorem taxes required to be levied in order to
assure that he City continues to be in compliance with
Minnesota St�tutes, 5ection 475 .61, Subdivision 1 . M�{�
�,!'k''"� i
19 � ' it on S ecial As ssments Pled The City
Council herel�y inds , determines nd declares th the payment
of the Bonds ' oes not require t e pledge of al the special
assessments hich may be levi with respect o the
Improvemen lidentified in p agraph 18, an that it is
necessary, p�'oper and exped'ent to provide hat payments and
prepaymen �f special ass ssments in exc s of the debt 2
service r qu�rements of t e Bonds be put o use for other
purposes oo er than upo the terminatio of the Debt Se ice
Fund. On y �$ 1, � S��DOV iqinal princip 1 amount of t
special a se�ssme�t (wh ch amount is t "Pledged sess-
ments" ) , ncii interest ereon recogni ed in par raph 18 of
this Reso utiion (of w ch $ ? re neces ry prior to
their sch dtiled recei t in or er to ay debt ervice on the
Bonds on 1, 199 , and 1, 199 ) are or shall be
pledged to t�he payment of the Bonds, and payments of, or with
respect to, �such special assessments in excess of the Pledged
Assessments �shall be credited instead to a special account in
the CapitaliFund, and used for the purpose of paying any
additional c�osts of the Improvements and the costs of other
improvement� approved by the City, as follows : (a) the first
$ , 7 �f all prepayments of special assessments
recognized n paragraph 18 shall be credited to the Debt
Service Fun�, (b) thereafter until such time as the special
assessmentsjfrom time to time outstanding equal in original
principal a ount the Pledged Assessments or less, prepayments
of any of t�ie special assessments recognized in paragraph 18 �
shall be tr�ated as prepaymen�s of the portion of the special
assessmentslnot pledged to the Bonds and shall be credited
instead to lsaid special account of the Capital Fund, and used
as provided above, and (c) while the special assessments from
time to time outstanding equal in original principal amount
the Pledgec� Assessments or more, regular installment payments
made on th� Pledged Assessments only (not all of the special
assessment�,) shall be credited to the Debt Service Fund, and
regular installment payments on that portion, if any, of the
i 39
' 1 1 ��? � - G�M °
� sloogoo�
WHIREAS, the Director, Department of Finance and
Management S�rvices , has advised this Counci that the bid of
i r .J a.f Y a E� o o c� S►�(.0 r o ra. wa s
fou d o be he most ad antageous and has recommended that
said bid be �ccepted; and
WH�REAS, the proceeds af the Bonds will finance the
remodel_ing a d refurbishing of the Como Park conservatory, for
which the Ci y is proceeding pursuant to its Charter and Laws
of Minnesota for 1988, Chapter 686; and
WH�REAS, the City has heretofore issued registered
obligations n certificated form, and incurs substantial costs
associated w�th their printing and issuance, and substantial
continuing t�ansaction costs relating to their payment,
transfer and; exchange; and
WHIREAS, the City has determined that significant
savings in t�ansaction costs will result from issuing bonds in
"global book�-entry form" , by which bonds are issued in
certificated, form in large denominations, registered on the
books of thejCity in the name of a depository or its nominee,
and held in safekeeping and immobilized by such depository,
and such depbsitory as part of the computerized national
securities c,learance and settlement system (the "National
System ) registers transfers of ownership interests in the
bonds by mak�ing computerized book entries on its own books and
distributes �ayments on the bonds to its Participants shown on
its books as the owners of such interests; and such
Participants, and other banks, brokers and dealers
participatinlg in the National System will do likewise (not as
agents of tl�e City) if not the beneficial owners of the bonds;
-- WI�EREAS, "Participants" means those financial insti-
tutions forlwhom the Depository effects book-entry transfers
and pledges of securities deposited and immobilized with the
Depository; land
WI�EREAS, Midwest Securities Trust Company, a limited
purpose tru�t company organized under the laws of the State of
Illinois, o any of its successors or successors to its func-
tions hereu�der (the "Depository" ) , will act as such deposi-
tory with r spect to the Bonds except as set forth below, and
there is be�ore this Council a form of letter agreement (the
"DepositoryjLetter Agreement" ) setting forth various matters
relating to the Depository and its role with respect to the
Bonds; and I
WHEREAS, the City will deliver the Bonds in the form
of one certi�icate per maturity, each representing the entire
principal amount of the Bonds due on a particular maturity
date (each a "Global Certificate" ) , which single certificate
per maturity ,may be transferred on the City' s bond register as
required by �.he Uniform Commercial Code, but not exchanged for
smaller deno�minations unless the City determines to issue
Replacement �onds as provided below; and
WHBREAS, the City will be able to replace the
Depository o� under certain circumstances to abandon the
"global book�entry form" by permitting the Global Certificates
to be exclianged for smaller denominations typical of ordinary
bonds registered on the City' s bond register; and "Replacement
Bonds" means the certificates representing the Bonds so
authenticated and delivered by the Bond Registrar pursuant to
paragraphs 6 and 12 hereof; and
WH�REAS, "Holder" as used herein means the person in
whose name a Bond is registered on the registration books of
the City maintained by the City Treasurer or a successor
registrar appointed as provided in paragraph 8 (the "Bond
Registrar" ) :
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the
City of Sain� Paul, Minnesota, as follows :
} Acce tance of Bid. The bid of p��p?.�� ����j'
O wonu• V1�o� OY (the "Purchaser" ) to
purchase $5, 000, 00 General Obligation Como Conservatory
Bonds, Series 1989C, of the City (the "Bonds" , or individually
a "Bond" ) , ir1 accordance with the Official Terms of Offering
for the bond sale, at the rates of interest hereinafter set
forth, and to pay for the Bonds the sum of $� NU OOp ,
plus interes� accrued to settlement, is hereby foun ,
determined and declared to be the most favorable bid received
and is hereb�r accepted, and the Bonds are hereby awarded to
said bidder. The Director, Department of Finance and
Management Services, or his designee, is directed to retain
the deposit of the Purchaser and to forthwith return to the
unsuccessful bidders their good faith checks or drafts.
2 . Title; Oriqinal Issue Date; Denominations;
Maturities . The Bonds shall be titled "General Obligation
Como Conservatory Bonds, Series 1989C" , shall be dated
March 1, 1989, as the date of original issue and shall be
issued forthwith on or after such date as fully registered
bonds . The Bpnds shall be numbered from R-1 upward. Global
Certificates �hall each be in tlie denomination of the entire
principal amo nt maturing on a single date. Replacement
Bonds, if iss�ued as provided in paragraph 6 , shall be in the
denomination �of $5, 000 each or in any integral multiple
thereof of aisingle maturity. The Bonds shall mature, without
option of prepayment, on March 1 in the years and amounts as
follows :
Yelr Amount Year Amount
19�0 $450, 000 1995 $500, 000
19 1 450,OU0 1996 525,000
19�2 425, 000 1997 550,000
1993 425, 000 1998 600,000
19�4 450, 000 1999 625,000
3 . j Purpose. The Bonds shall provide funds to
remodel and �efurbish the Como Park conservatory (the
"Improvement�" ) in the City. The proceeds of the Bonds shall
be deposited and used as provided in paragraph 17 , for the
purpose desc�ribed by Laws of Minnesota for 1988, Chapter 686 .
The total cojst of the Improvements, which shall include all
costs enumerlated in� Minnesota Statutes, Section 475. 65, is
estimated to! be at least equal to the amount of the Bonds .
Work on thejImprovements shall proceed with due diligence to
completion. ;
4 .i Interest. The Bonds shall bear interest payable
� semiannually� on March 1 and September 1 of each year (each,
an "Interes�. Payment Date" ) , commencing September 1, 1989 ,
calculated on the basis of a 360-day year of twelve 30-day
months, at t�he respective rates per annum set forth opposite
the maturit�► years as follows :
Maturi�y Interest Maturity Interest
Yeari Rate Year Rate
1990� 6.50� 1995 6•�OS $
1991i �.SO 1996 �.?u
1992i �.Sv 1997 6•7S
1993� f�.SS 1998 6•ka
1994' (�. (�� 1999 6.9 Q
Si. Description of the Global Certificates and
Global Book�-Entry System. Upon their original issuance the
Bonds wil�be issued in the form of a single Global Certifi-
cate for e�ch maturity, deposited with the Depository by the
$100,000 . T this effect, any proceeds of the Bonds (and such
other obligations ) and any sums from time to L-ime held iii the
Account or said special account in the Fund (or any other City
account which will be used to pay principal or interest to
become due oln the bonds payable therefrom) in excess of
amounts whic'h under then-applicable federal arbitrage
regulations ay be invested without regard as to yield shall
not be invested at a yield in excess of the applicable yield
restrictionsl imposed by said arbitrage regulations on such
investments �lafter taking into account any applicable
"temporary p�eriods " or "minor portion" made available under
the federal '�arbitrage regulations . In addition, the proceeds
of the Bonds and money in the Account or the Fund shall not be
invested in obligations or deposits issued by, guaranteed by
or insured by the United States or any agency or instrumen-
tality thereiof if and to the extent that such investment would
cause the Boinds to be "federally guaranteed" within the
meaning of Slection 149 (b) of the federal Internal Revenue Code
of 1986, as amended (the "Code" ) .
18 . Tax Levy; Coverage Test. To provide moneys for
payment of t e principal and interest on the Bonds there is
hereby levie upon all of the taxable property in the City a
direct annual ad valorem tax which shall be spread upon the
tax rolls an collected with and as part of other general
property tax�es in the City for the years and in the amounts as
follows: i
Year of' Tax Year of Tax
Levy� Collection Amount
1988* 1989* $ " U - *
1989 1990 .1�� �"
1990 1991 .�,��I�2�
1991 1992 .��� �ty
1992 1993� ,�_ ��1,��_�
1993 1994 723�qyg
1994', 1995 715��.�'i
1995' 1996 7u�!`�
1996 1997 �����ZZ
1997 1998 �p 1�53z
Th tax levies are such that if collected in full
they, togeth r with estimated collections of any other
revenues her in pledged for the payment of the Bonds, will
produce at l�east five percent (5�) in excess of the amount
I, S{-r,��, p.f /�l�h�es0�}�. �°����,�,�o h
��„� u►���Gs5 ti�� Y �1"I�
4�� � �1J� s ��I
/ �
fs� S�o,000
WHER�AS, the Director, Department of Finance and
Mana ement Ser�rices, has advised this Council that the bid of
P,-Pl,,�.�,�� f,�,������,,,�,pd �t,�,�.,pu�.�was found to be the most
advantageous ak�d has recommen ed that said bid be accepted;
WHEI�EAS, the proceeds of the Bonds will finance the
reconstructior� of Shepard Road and Warner Road, for which the
City is proce�ding pursuant to its Charter and Laws of
Minnesota for � 1988, Chapter 686; and
WH� IEAS, the City has heretofore issued registered
obligations i certificated form, and incurs substantial costs
associated wi h their printing and issuance, and substantial
continuing tr�nsaction costs relating to their payment,
transfer and �exchange; and
WH�REAS, the City has determined that significant
savings in t�ansaction costs will result from issuing bonds in
"global book�{entry form" , by which bonds are issued in
certificated � form in large denominations, registered on the
books of thejCity in the name of a depository or its nominee,
and held in �afekeeping and immobilized by such depository,
and such deppsitory as part of the computerized national
securities c�earance and settlement system (the "National
System" ) reg;isters transfers of ownership interests in the
bonds by mak,'ing computerized book entries on its own books and
distributes ;payments on the bonds to its Participants shown on
its books as� the owners of such interests; and such
Participants and other banks, brokers and dealers
participatir�g in the National System will do l�ikewise (not as
agents of tl�e City) if not the beneficial owners of the bonds;
WHEREAS, "Participants" means those financial insti-
tutions for; whom the Depository effects book-entry transfers
and pledges; of securities deposited and immobilized with the
Depository;; and -
WHEREAS, Midwest Securities Trust Company, a limited
purpose tr�st company organized under the laws of the State of
Illinois, �r any of its successors or successors to its func-
tions here�nder (the "Depository" ) , will act as such deposi-
tory with �espect to the Bonds except as set forth below, and
there is b�fore this Council a form of letter agreement (the
"Depository Letter Agreement" ) setting forth various matters
relating tb the Depository and its role with respect to the
Bonds; andj
WHE�tEAS, Lhe City will deliver the Bonds in the form
of one certif `cate per maturity, each representing the entire
principal amo�nt of the Bonds due on a particular maturity
date (each a �'Global Certificate" ) , which single certificate
per maturity ay be transferred on the City' s bond register as
required by t e Uniform Commercial Code, but not exchanged for
smaller denom'nations unless the City determines to issue
Replacement B nds as provided below; and
WHE�tEAS, the City will be able to replace the
Depository or under certain circumstances to abandon the
"global book-Intry form" by permitting the Global Certificates
to be exchang�ed for smaller denominations typical of ordinary
bonds registeired on the City' s bond register; and "Replacement
Bonds" means 'the certificates representing the Bonds so
authenticated� and delivered by the Bond Registrar pursuant to
paragraphs 6land 12 hereof; and
WHE�REAS, "Holder" as used herein means the person in
whose name ajBond is registered on the registration books of
the City mai tained by the City Treasurer or a successor
registrar ap�ointed as provided in paragraph 8 (the "Bond
Registrar" ) : j
NO�, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the
City of Saint� Paul, Minnesota, as follows :
1 . � Acce tance of Bid. The bid of Pi�.J��•� �
��rwo�a 1lncorr��rt�, (the "Purchaser" ) to purchase �-
$5,500,000 G�neral Obligation Warner/Shepard Road Bonds,
Series 1989D, of the City (the "Bonds" , or individually a
"Bond" ) , in �ccordance with the Official Terms of Offering for
the bond sal�, at the rates of interest hereinafter set forth,
and to pay for the Bonds the sum of S 5�.43y�boo , plus
interest acc�ued to settlement, is hereby found, determined
and declaredjto be the most favorable bid received and is
hereby accep�ed, and the Bonds are hereby awarded to said
bidder. The� Director, Department of Finance and Management
Services, or� his designee, is directed to retain the deposit
of the Purch ser and to forthwith return to the unsuccessful
bidders thei� good faith checks or drafts .
2 .I Title; Oriqinal Issue Date; Denominations;
Maturities . IThe Bonds shall be titled "General Obligation
Warner Shepalyd Road Bonds, Series 1989D" , shall be dated
March 1, 198'9, as the date of original issue and shall be
issued forth�with on or after such date as fully registered
bonds. The Bonds shall be numbered from R-1 upward. Global
Certificates shall each be in the denomination of the eiltire
principal a ount maturing on a single date. Replacement
Bonds, if issued as provided in paragraph 6 , shall be in the
denominatio of $5, 000 each or in any integral multiple
thereof of a single maturity. The Bonds shall mature, without
option of prepayment, on March 1 in the years and amounts as
follows : I
Year Amount Year Amount
1990 $410, 000 1995 $555, 000
1991 435,000 1996 595, 000
1992 460, OQ0 1997 635,000
1993 490, 000 1998 675,000
1994 520, 000 1999 725,000
3 . Purpose. The Bonds shall provide funds to
reconstruct Shepard Road and Warner Road, excluding the
development of a grade-separated interchange at the
intersectionI of Shepard and Chestnut roads (the "Improve-
ments" ) , in Ithe City. The proceeds of the Bonds shall be
deposited and used as provided in paragraph 17 , for the
purpose desc ibed by Laws of Minnesota for 1988, Chapter 686 .
The total co�t of the Improvements, which shall include all
costs enumerated in Minnesota Statutes, Section 475 . 65, is
estimated to�be at least equal to the amount of the Bonds .
Work on the mprovements shall proceed with due diligence to
4 . Interest. The Bonds shall bear interest payable
semiannually on March 1 and September 1 of each year (each,
an "InterestI Payment Date" ) , commencing September 1, 1989 ,
calculated oh the basis of a 360-day year of twelve 30-day
months, at the respective rates per annum set forth opposite
the maturity years as follows :
Maturit Interest Maturity Interest
Year Rate Year Rate
1990 � •f° $ 1995 �O.l.S �
1991 6 So 1996 6.?O
1992 b•So 1997 6. 75
1993 �•SS 1998 G • �0
1994 I 4•� 1999 6.Qt�
Account or saiki special account in the Fund (or any other City
account which �uill be used to pay principal or interest to
become due on ;the bonds payable therefrom) in excess of
amounts which �under then-applicable federal arbitrage
regulations ma�y be invested without regard as to yield shall
not be invest�d at a yield in excess of the applicable yield
restrictions imposed by said arbitrage regulations on such
investments a�ter taking into account any applicable
"temporary pe�iods" or "ma.nor_ portion" made available under
the federal a�bitrage regulations . In addition, the proceeds
of the Bonds �nd money in the Account or the Fund shall not be
invested in opligations or deposits issued by, guaranteed by
or insured by, the United States or any agency or instrumen-
tality thereo�f if and to the extent that such investment would
cause the Bor�'ds to be "federally guaranteed" within the
mea�iing of Section 149 (b) of the federal Internal Revenue Code
of 1986, as �mended (the "Code" ) .
18{ Tax Levy; Coverage Test. To provide moneys for
payment of t�e principal and interest on the Bonds there is
hereby levie�i upon al1 of the taxable property in the City a
direct annua� ad valorem tax which shall be spread upon the
tax rolls an�l collected with and as part of other general
property taxles in the City for the years and in the amounts as
follows :
Year o� Tax Year of Tax
Lev�r Collection Amount
198 I * 1989* $ �I S��Yd *
198� 1990 '�l3��'o�s
1990 1991 g�p� y�,�
199�. 1992 �rlo 57�
199,2 1993 go�,3�Y
19913 1994 gpq�p�,�
199�4 1995 �EZ� 33L
199;5 1996 &I `��7
19916 1997 y0�� y72
19g7 1998 �13J�7
*heretofor� levied or provided from othe� available City funds
�he tax levies are such that if collected in full
they, together with estimated collections of any other
revenues herein pledged for the payment of the Bonds, will
produce at; least five percent (5$) in excess of the amount
needed to hneet when due the principal and interest payments on
the Bonds .� The tax levies shall be irrepealable so long as
J � �� ��
569T � � 2�Z•� ����
WHF�'REAS, the Director, Department of Finance and
Management Se'rvices, has presented affidavits showing
publication df notice of the sale of approximately $2,275,000
General Obliglation Capital Improvement Refunding Bonds, Series
1989E (the "�onds" ) , of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (the
"City" ) , forlwhich bids were to be considered at this meeting
in accordanc� with Resolution No. 89-14 adopted by this
Council on J�lnuary 17, 1989, and approved by the Mayor on
January 18, ]1989; and the affidavits have been examined, have
been found td comply with the provisions of Minnesota
Statutes, Ch�pter 475, and have been approved and ordered
placed on fi1e; and
WH�REAS, the bids set forth on Exhibit A attached
hereto were �eceived pursuant to the Official Terms of
Offering by �he Director, Department of Finance and Management
Services, at� the offices of Springsted Incorporated at 2: 00
P.M. , Centra�. Time, on February 13 , 1989; and
WHE�EAS, the Director, Depar ment of Finance and
Management Se�vices�, has advised this Council that the bid of �
f Ch ,'cz �; C2 � avlLl f"'S �1G• was found to be the most
advantageou nd as recommend d tha said bid be accepted;
ouncil of the Cit has heretofore
WHE � EAS, the Cit C y
� y
determined th�t it is necessary and expedient to provide
moneys for a �rossover refunding of all of the City' s callable
General Obligation Capital Improvement Bonds, Series 1982,
dated March l�, 1982 , issued in the original principal amount
of $7, 320,000� (the "Prior Bonds" ) , of which $2 , 225, 000 matures
on or after �iarch 1, 1991, and is callable on the earliest
call date of ;March 1, 1990; and
WHF,REAS, refunding the callable Prior Bonds is
consistent wi�th covenants made with the holders thereof, and
is necessary �and desirable for the reduction of debt service
cost to the �ity; and
WH�REAS, the City reserved the right to increase or
decrease the� amount of bonds issued for such purpose from the
$2,275,000 s�t forth in the Official Terms of Offering, and it
is necessary; and expedient to issue the Bonds in the amount of ✓
� $ 07 ��s 0 t,b finance the crossover refunding of the callable
Prior onds;; and
WI�EREAS, the City has heretofore issued registered
obligations !in certificated form, and incurs substantial costs
associated �ith their printing and issuance, and substantial
continuing t�ransaction costs relating to their payment,
transfer an� exchange; and
W�iEREAS, the City has determined that significant
savings in �ransaction costs will result from issuing bonds in
"global boo�C-entry form" , by which bonds are issued in
certificate�i form in large denominations, registered on the
books of thje City in the name of a depository or its nominee,
and held ir�� safekeeping and immobilized by such depository,
and such d�pository as part of the computerized national
securities �clearance and settlement system (the "National
System" ) registers transfers of ownership interests in the
bonds by making computerized book entries on its own books and
distribute� payments on the bonds to its Partici-pants shown
on its boo�s as the owners of such interests; and such
Participanl�s and other banks, brokers and dealers
participat�ng in the National System will do likewise (not as
agents of �he City) if not the beneficial owners of the bonds;
WF�EREAS, "Participants" means those financial
institutions for whom the Depository effects book-entry
transfers ar�d pledges of securities deposited and immobilized
with the Depository; and
W�EREAS, Midwest Securities Trust Company, a limited
purpose tru�t company organized under the laws of the State of
Illinois, or any of its successors or successors to its
functions he�reunder (the "Depository" ) , will act as such
depository w�ith respect to the Bonds except as set forth
below, and t ere is before this Council a form of letter
agreement (tl�ie "Depository Letter Agreement" ) setting forth
various matt�ers relating to the Depository and its role with
respect to t�e Bonds; and
WH�REAS, the City will deliver the Bonds in the form
of one certi�icate per maturity, each representing the entire
principal ampunt of the Bonds due on a particular maturity
date (each a"'Global Certificate" ) , which single certificate
per maturity�, may be transferred on the City' s bond register as
required by the Uniform Commercial Code, but not exchanged for
smaller deno inations unless the City determines to issue
Replacement �onds as provided below; and
WH�REAS, the City will be able to replace the
Depository o�t under certain circumstances to abandon the
"global book-�entry form" by permitting the Global Certificates
to be exchanc�ed for smaller denominations typical of ordinary
bonds registered on the City' s bond register; and "Replacement
Bonds" means �the certificates representing the Bonds so
authenticatec� and delivered by the Bond Registrar pursuant to
paragraphs 6 �and 12 hereof; and
WHE�tEAS, "Holder" as used herein means the person in
whose name a �ond is registered on the registration books of
the City main�ained by the City Treasurer or a successor
registrar apppinted as provided in paragraph 8 (the "Bond �
Registrar" ) : ' ,
NOWr THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Co il of the
City of Saint�� Paul, Minnesota, as follows :
1 . I� Acce tance of Bid. The bid o �tYS� G�n�Gayp
� 3 . M av S G. (the "Purchaser" ) to purchase the
General Oblig tion Capital Improvement Re unding Bonds, Series
1989E, of the City (the "Bonds" , or individually a "Bond" ) ,
offered in th� aggregate principal amount of $2 ,275,000
I' 3
sub 'ect to ch �n e, all in accordance with the Official Terms
7 � g
of Offering f�r the bond sale, at the rates of interest
hereinafter s�t forth, and to pay therefor the sum of
� $���.Sb, plus interest accrued to settlement, is hereby
found, determ ned and declared to be the most favorable bid
received and �s hereby accepted for Bonds in the aggregate
r principal amo� nt of $ a,2`S�QOf� and purchase price of
$ � a�s �Y . , plus ac rc ued interest to settlement, and the
✓ Bonds are her�eby awarded to said bidder. The Director,
Department of� Finance and Management Services, or his
designee, is �directed to retain the deposit of the Purchaser
and to forthwith return to the unsuccessful bidders their good
faith checks �or drafts .
2 . �I Title; Oriqinal Issue Date; Denominations;
Maturities . � The Bonds shall be titled "General Obligation
Capital Impr�vement Refunding Bonds, Series 1989E" , shall be
dated March �, 1989 , as the date of original issue and shall
be issued fo�thwith on or after such date as fully registered
bonds . The �onds shall be numbered from R-1 upward. Global
Certificates; shall each be in the denomination of the entire
principal a�r�'ount maturing on a single date. Replacement
Bonds, if i�'sued as provided in paragraph 6, shall be in the
denominatiori of $5,000 each or in any integral multiple
thereof of a single maturity.• The Bonds shall mature on
March 1 in tthe years and amounts as follows:
Year Amount
1991 1 100 000
$ � .
1992 1, 1 5,000 �
Im the Official Terms of Offering the City
specificall,�y reserved the right to increase or decrease the
aggregate principal amount of the 1992 maturity of the Bonds
by not mor� than $50,000 higher or lower, and the above
schedule di�ffers from the schedule in the Official Terms of
Offering b�t is within such right as so reserved. For the
purpose of � complying with Minnesota Statutes, Section 475 .54,
Subdivisio� 1, the maturity schedule for the Bonds has been
combined w�th the unpaid and uncallable maturities of the
Prior Bond� as permitted by Minnesota Statutes, Section
475 .54, Subdivision 2 .
�3. Purpose; Refundinq Findings . The Bonds
(together �with other available funds, if any, to be appropr� -
ated} shal,�l provide funds for a crossover refunding ��f all of
the City' s� callable Prior Bonds (which callable Prior Bonds
are hereinaf�er collectively referred to as the "Refunded
Bonds" ) . It is hereby found, determined and declared that
such refundimg is pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section
475 . 67 , Subd�vision 13, and shall result in a reduction of
debt service cost to the City.
4 . Interest. The Bonds shall bear interest payable
semiannually on March 1 and September 1 of each year (each,
an "Interest Payment Date" ) , commencing September 1, 1989,
calculated o� the basis of a 360-day year of twelve 30-day
months, at tk�e respective rates per annum set forth opposite
the maturityiyears as follows :
Maturity Year Interest Rate
, ,/� ' 19 91 `•yd �
�� 1992 6•5�
5 . Description of the Global Certificates and
Global Book- ntr S stem. Upon their original issuance the
Bonds will b issued in the form of a single Global Certifi-
cate for eac maturity, deposited with the Depository by the
Purchaser and immobilized as provided in paragraph 6 . No
beneficial o�aners of interests in the Bonds will receive
certificates representing their respective interests in the
Bonds except as provided in paragraph 6 . Except as so
provided, during the term of the Bonds, beneficial ownership
(and subsequ�ent transfers of beneficial ownership) of
interests in the Global Certificates will be reflected by book
entries made on the records of the Depository and its
Participants and other banks, brokers, and dealers participa-
ting in the �Jational System. The Depository' s book entries of
beneficial o nership interests are authorized to be in incre-
ments of $5,000 of principal of the Bonds, but not smaller
increments, despite the larger authorized denominations of the
Global Certi'�ficates . Payment of principal of, premium, if
any, and in erest on the Global Certificates will be made to
the Bond Reg��istrar as paying agent, and in turn by the Bond
Registrar ta the Depository or its nominee as registered owner
of the Global Certificates, and the Depository according to
the laws an rules governing it will receive and forward
payments on�behalf of the beneficial owners of the Global
Pa�yment of principal of, premium, if any, and
interest onla Global Certificate may in the City' s discretion
be made by such other method of transferring funds as may be
requested b� the Holder of a Global Certificate.
available fun�ls if payment in such form is necessary to
the timing requirements below) to the person in whose name
this Bond is �egistered ( the "Holder" or "Bondholder" ) on the
registration ooks of the Issuer maintained by the Bond
Registrar and at the address appearing thereon at the close of
business on t�e fifteenth calendar day preceding such Interest
Payment Date i(the "Regular Record Date" ) . Interest payments
shall be rec�ived by the Holder no later than 12 :00 noon,
Chicago, Ill 'nois, time; and principal and premium payments
shall be rec�ived by the Holder no later than 12 : 00 noon,
Chicago, I11�1nois, time, if the Bond is surrendered for
payment enouc�h in advance to permit payment to be made by such
time. Any interest not so timely paid shall cease to be
payable to tY�e person who is the Holder hereof as of the
Regular Reco�td Date, and shall be payable to the person who is
the Holder h�reof at the close of business on a date (the
"Special Rec�rd Date" ) fixed by the Bond Registrar whenever
money become� available for payment of the defaulted interest.
Notice of th� Special Record Date shall be given to
Bondholders �ot less than ten days prior to the Special Record
Date. The p�incipal of and premium, if any, and interest on
this Bond ar�e payable in lawful money of the United States of
Da�te of Payment Not Business Day. If the date for
payment of t�he principal of, premium, if any, or interest on
this Bond sY�all be a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday or a day
on which barlking institutions in the City of Chicago,
Illinois, o� the city where the principal office of the Bond
Registrar is located are authorized by law or executive order
to close, t�en the date for such payment shall be the next
succeeding ay which is not a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday
or a day on!which such banking institutions are authorized to
close, and payment on such date shall have the same force and
effect as i� made on the nominal date of payment.
Nb Redemption. The Bonds of this issue are not
subject to �edemption and prepayment prior to their maturity. �
I,�suance; Purpose; General Obligation. This nd is
one of an iissue in the total principal amount of $2 ,2 5,000,
all of lik�,' date of original issue and tenor, except as to
number, mat�urity, interest rate and denomination, which Bond
has been i�sued pursuant to and in full conformity with the
Constitutidn and laws of the State of Minnesota and the
Charter of �the Issuer, and pursuant to a resolution adopted hy
the City Council of the Issuer on February 14 , 1989 ( the
"Resolutior�" ) , for the purpose of providing, together with any
D te of Payment Not Business Day. If the date for
payment of t�he principal of, premium, if any, or interest on
this Bond shjall be a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday or a day
on which baniking institutions in the City of Chicago,
Illinois, o� the city where the principal office of the Bond
Registrar isl located are authorized by law or executive order
to close, th�en the date for such payment shall be the next
succeeding d��ay which is not a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday
or a day on �ahich such banking institutions are authorized to
close, and pjayment on such date shall have the same force and
effect as ifimade on the nominal date of payment.
No Redem tion. The Bonds of this issue are not �
subject to r demption and prepayment prior to their maturity.
Is uance• Pur ose• General Obli ation. This ond is
one of an is ue in the total principal amount of $2,2 ,000, �
all of like �late of original issue and tenor, except as to
number, matu�ity, interest rate and denomination, which Bond
has been iss�ed pursuant to and in full conformity with the
Constitutioniand laws of the State of Minnesota and the
Charter of tMe Issuer, and pursuant to a resolution adopted by
the City Cou�cil of the Issuer on February 14, 1989 (the
"Resolution" � , for the purpose of providing, together with� any
contribution of the Issuer, funds sufficient for a crossover
refunding on �,their earliest call date of the callable
maturities o� the Issuer' s General Obligation Capital
Improvement �onds, Series 1982 . This Bond is payable out of
the Escrow Adcount of the Issuer' s General Obligation Capital
Improvement ]1989 Refunding Bonds Account as to interest
through and i�ncluding March 1, 1990, and thereafter out of the
, General Debt Service Fund of the Issuer. This Bond
constitutes � general obligation of the Issuer, and to provide
moneys for t�e prompt and full payment of its principal,
premium, if a�ny, and interest when the same become due, the
full faith anjd credit and taxing powers of the Issuer have
been and are ihereby irrevocably pledged.
Denbminations; Exchanqe; Resolution. The Bonds are
issuable sole�y as fully registered Bonds in the denominations
of $5,000 andiintegral multiples thereof of a single maturity
and are excha�geable for fully registered Bonds of other
authorized de�ominations in equal aggregate principa._t amounts
at the principal office of the Bond Registrar, but only in tlie
manner and subject to the limitations provided in tr�e
li 22
... .
, ; �
WMITE - CITV CIERK �� - - �� `�� . , ' Y �ti;- .• '�
� � �--� ,, � Council Resolution �
Presented By . •` �
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
K7!'.�i!'tTfQ ftt� O�i A�iii O�
�11,?50,0 t t�#L �Qii'Ztfr l�TZ�iL
�S� 1!Sl�� l�VIDZ� !� '!�'I! I�i�
�� � '!� !OR '!�! �! ?�0�
, tbe Dis'iCto3c, tieptztMat vf liaasc�
aod lfaua�t Servf css, bas pras�atid a!`f i�a�rf ts shvwing
pabli�ti� o# �tic� af t� sale at �11,'75�.0�� 6faeral
O�ligatie�a Cs t�� Z�reyva�snt B�a, S�ries 19a91! tt.h�►
��lw)r O� C�tp Of Si�3�t FtIIl� 1[�flAl�Oti ��! *C#tt�f�
for �rhic�► b v�sr� to b� v�4iel�erid at t61s �s+stinq im
acoordaa� wi Aescrlati� llo. 89-1t adopt�d b�r this E?ova�eil
o� JannarT 17 �la9, aa8 ap�avee! by t� II�?or +an Janoar�
18, I9s9 t a�d th� a�'lids�rit� �a�na !� a�win�d. l�ave beat
_ fonnd to c�rp y rith tti+e pro�risions a� ltim�sc►ta Statn�, ��
Cbapte�r 495, bave �s approvad and �e'lers�d plaex�
oa lilej anel
, th� �ids set torth on E�ibit A attacl�sd
hereto �re sf� p�rsaast to t.he tt�tfieial Tszss oi
t�tl�rinq br Dire�tor, D�p�rt�at ot tiaasce a�d lY�sg�at
8arvicss, at hs oltices of SpriaqsY.ad Ia�orporated st .
3:8A F.M,, trsl 43as, va �svu�cy 23. 19i!� aaQ r
a� _ .. '
•COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of:
Yeas , Nays
Dimond �'!�� ifd � �i�t�l�i
Lo� [n Fador t
Goswitz . ., .
Rettu�an , � ' �
sc�t� Against BY � ' ,
Sonnen �
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: ate '-
Certified Passed by Counci Secretary By �
;:�:_ :
Approved by Mavor. Date pproved by Mayor for Submi$sion:to Council '�'
� -,:..i
By By . ,
. _ _ _ f _. __
W[I�REAS, the Director, Department of Finance and
rianaqement S�rvices , l�as advised this Council that the bid of
��iper, J��tfr��y & Ho�woocl Incorp�rate�i was found to be the most
advaritagec.�usl anc� lias recommended that said bid be accepted;
and ,
wH'IEREt�S , the procee�s of the Bunds will finance
certain capi,ltal improvements , for which the City is proceeding
pursuant to its Charter and Laws of Minnesota for 1971,
Chapter 773 ,1 as amended; and
WE�EREAS , the City has heretofore issued registered
obligationslin certificated form, and incurs substantial
costs associ�ated with their printing and issuance, and
substantial continuing transaction costs relating to their
payment, trinsfer and exchange; ar�-'_ �
WI�ERERS, the City has determined that significant
savings in $ransaction costs will result from issuing bonds in
"gloUal boo �k-entry form" , by which bonds are issued in
certificate form in large denominations, registered on the
books of th� City in the name of a depository or its nominee,
and held injsafekeeping and immobilized by such depository,
and such de ository as part of the computerized national
securities �learance and settlement system ( the "National
System" ) registers transfers of ownership interests in the
bonds by ma�Cing computerized book entries on its own books and
distributes payments on the bonds to its Participants shown
on its book;� as the owners of such interests; and such
Participant� and other banks, brokers and dealers
participating in the National System will do likewise (not as
agents of tlhe City) if not the beneficial owners of the bonds;
WIHERERS, "Participants" means those financial insti-
tutions fo� whom the Depository effects book-entry transfers
and pledges of securities deposited and immobilized with the
Depository;! and
V�HEREAS, Midwest Securities Trust Company, a limited
purpose tr�ist company organized under the laws of the State of
Illinois , �r any of its successors or successors to its func-
tions here nder (the "Depository" ) , will act as such deposi-
tory with �espect to tlie Bonds except as set forth below, and
there is b�fore this Council a form of letter agreement (the
"Depositor Letter Agreement" ) setting forth various matters
relating t� the Depository and its role with respect to the
� Bonds; and i
� � ��9 -���
� ;
WHERIEAS, the City will deliver the Bonds in the f
of one certifiicate per maturity, each representing the entire
principal amownt of the Bonds due on a particular maturity
date (each a "�Global Certificate" ) , which single certificate
per maturity may be transferred on the City' s bond register as
required by t}ie Uniform Commercial Code, but not exchanged for
smaller denomknations unless the City determines to issue
Replacement Bc�nds as provided below; artd
WHE�tEAS, the City will be able to replace the
Depository or� under certain circumstances to abandon the
"global book-entry form" by permitting the Global Certificates
. to be exchanged for smaller denominations typical of ordinary
bonds registe�ed on the City' s bond register; and "Replacement
Bonds" means �the certificates representing the Bonds so
authenticated� and delivered by the Bond Registrar pursuant to
paragraphs 6 �and 12 hereof ; and
WH�REAS, "Holder" as used herein means the person in
whose name a �Bond is registered on the registration books of
the City mai�tained by the City Treasurer or a successor
registrar ap�ointed as provided in paragraph 8 (the "Bond
Registrar" ) :
N0� THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the
City of Saint�Paul, Minnesota, as follows :
1 .� Acceptance of Bid. The bid of Piper, Jaffray &
Hopwood Inco�rporated (the "Purchaser" } to purchase $11,750,000
General Oblijgation Capital Improvement Bonds, Series 1989A, of
the City ( the "Bonds" , or individually a "Bond" ) , in
accordance with the Official Terms of Offering for the bond
sale, at th� rates of interest set forth hereinafter, and to
pay for the Bonds the sum of $11, 609 ,000, plus interest
accrued to �ettlement, is hereby found, determined and
declared to � be the most favorable bid received and is hereby
accepted, a�d the Bonds are hereby awarded to said bidder.
The Directo�, Department of Finance and Management Services,
or his desi�nee, is directed to retain the deposit of the
Purchaser a�d to forthwith return to the unsuccessful bidders
their good �faith checks or drafts .
2�. Title; Oriqinal Issue Date; Denominations;
Maturities .� The Bonds shall be titled "General Obligation
Capital Improvement Bonds , Series 1989A" , shall be -dated
March 1, 1�E39 , as the date of original issue and shall be
issued for�hwith on or after such date as fully registered
t /1
, G���'/_'�aS(�
bonds . The �onds shall be numbered from R-1 upward. Global
Certificates shall each be in the denomination of the entire
principal am�unt maturing on a single date. Replacement
Bonds , if is�ued as provided in paragraph 6 , shall be in the
denominationlof $5 , 000 each or in any integral multiple
thereof of a , single maturity. The Bonds shall mature, without
option of pr�payment, on March 1 in the years and amounts as
follows :
Ye r Amount Year Amount
1990 S 825 , 000 1995 S1,200, 000
19�1 925 , 000 1996 1,275,000
1992 1, OU0 , 000 1997 1, 350, 000
19�3 1, 050, 000 1998 1, 450, 000
1994 1, 125, 000 1999 1,550, 000
3 . I Purpose. The Bonds shall provide funds for the
constructionlof various capital improvements (the "Improve-
ments" ) in t�e City. The proceeds of the Bonds shall be
deposited an�i used as provided in paragraph 17 , for the
purpose described by Laws of Minnesota for 1971, Chapter 773,
as amended. jThe total cost of the Improvements , which shall
include all costs enumerated in Minnesota Statutes , Section
475 .65 , is ejstimated to be at least equal to the amount of the
Bonds . Work on the Improvements shall proceed with due
diligence t� completion.
4 .I Interest. The Bonds shall bear interest payable
semiannually on March 1 and September 1 of each year (each,
an "Iiiterest� Payment Date" ) , commencing September 1, 1989 ,
calculated c►n the basis of a 360-day year of twelve 30-day
months, at i�he respective rates per annum set forth opposite
the maturit�r years as follows :
Maturity Yea� Interest Rate Maturity Year Interest Rate
1990 6 . 50� 1995 6 . 65$
1991 6 .50 1996 6 .70
1992 6 . 50 1997 6 .75
1993 6 .55 1998 6 .80
1994 � 6 . 60 1999 6 . 90
5! Descri tion of the Global Certificates and
Global Book Entr S stem. Upon their original issuance the
Bonds will e issued in the form of a single Global Certifi-
cate for ea h maturity, deposited with the Depository by the
Purchaser a�d inimobilized as provided in paragraph 6 . No
' 4
, ' �'�=�����
beneficial �wners of interests in the Bonds will receive
certificates representing their respective interests in the
Bonds excep�t as provided in paragraph 6 . Except as so
provided, during the term of the Bonds, beneficial ownership
(and subseqµent transfers of beneficial ownership) of
interests ih the Global Certificates will be reflected by book
entries mad� on the records of the Depository and its
Participant� and other banks, brokers, and dealers partici-
pating in t e National System. The Depository' s book entries
of benefici�al ownership interests are authorized to be in
increments bf $5,000 of principal of the Bonds, but not
smaller inczements, despite the larger authorized
denominatio�s of the Global Certificates . Payment of
principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the Global
Certificate will be made to the eond Registrar as paying
agent, and �in turn by the Bond Registrar to the Depository or
its nominee as registered owner of the Global Certificates,
and the Dep�sitory according to the laws and rules governing
it will recleive and forward payments on behalf of the
beneficial �owners of the Global Certificates.
Paymenit of principal of, premium, if any, and interest on
a Global C rtificate may in the City' s discretion be made by
such other�ethod of transferring funds as may be requested by
the Holder of a Global Certificate.
6I. Immobilization of Global Certificates by the
De ositor • Successor De ositor • Re lacement Bonds . Pursuant
to the req est of the Purchaser to the Depository, which
request is required by the Official Terms of Offering, immedi-
ately upon 'the original delivery of the Bonds the Purchaser
will deposlt the Global Certificates representing all of the
Bonds with 'the Depository. The Global Certificates shall be
in typewrii�ten form or otherwise as acceptable to the
Depository, shall be registered in the name of the Depository
or its nom�nee and shall be held immobilized from circulation
at the off 'ces of the Depository on behalf of the Purchaser
and subseq ent bondowners . The Depository or its nominee will
be the sol� holder of record of the Global Certificates and no
investor or other party purchasing, selling or otherwise
transferri�g ownership of interests in any Bond is to receive,
hold or de iver any bond certificates so long as the
Depository holds the Global Certificates immobilized from
circulatior�, except as provided below in this paragraph and in
paragraph �2 .
Certi�icates evidencing the Bonds may not after their
original delivery be transferred or exchanged except:
` �.-�q-ia b
�i) Upon registration of transfer of� ownership of
a Globa�. Certificate, as provided in paragraph 12,
(�.i) To any successor of the Depository (or its
nominee� or any substitute depository (a "substitute
depository" ) designated pursuant to clause (iii) of this
subparat�raph, provided that any successor of the
Depositpry or any substitute depository must be both a
"cleari�ng corporation" as defined in the Minnesota
Uniform Commercial Code at Minnesota Statutes,
Sectionl336 . 8-102, and a qualified and registered
"cleari�g agency" as provided in Section 17A of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,
( ilii) To a substitute depository designated by and
acceptable to the City upon (a) the determination by the
Depositlory that the Bonds shall no longer be eligible for
its dep�ository services or (b) a determination by the
City that the Deposito=y is no longer able to carry out
its fur�ctions, provided that any substitute depository
must b� qualified to act as such, as provided in clause
(ii) o this subparagraph, or
('liv) To those persons to whom transfer is
reques�ed in written transfer instructions in the event
that: !
(a) the Depository shall resign or discontinue
it�s services for the Bonds and the City is unable to
l�cate a substitute depository within two (2 ) months
fQllowing the resignation or determination of non-
eligibility, or
� �
� (b) upon a determination by the City in its
sble discretion that ( 1) the continuation of the
bbok-entry system described herein, which precludes
t�e issuance of certificates (other than Global
C�rtificates) to any Holder other than the
D�pository (or its nominee) , might adversely affect
t�e interest of the beneficial owners of the Bonds,
o� (2) that it is in the best interest of the
b neficial owners of the Bonds that they be able to
o�tain certificated bonds,
in eit�her of which events the City shall notify Holders
of its� determination and of the availability of
• certifiicates (the "Replacement Bonds" ) to Holders
I 6
� ; �-�y�-�a�
requesti�ng the same and the registration, transfer and
exchang of such Bonds will be conducted as provided in
paragra�hs 9B and 12 hereof.
Inithe event of a succession of the Depository as
may be autho�ized by this paragraph, the Bond Registrar upon
presentation of Global Certificates shall register their
transfer to he substitute or successor depositories, and the
substitute o successor depository shall be treated as the
Depository fbr all purposes and functions under this
resolution. IThe Depository Letter Agreement shall not apply
to a substit�te or successor depository unless the City and
the substitu�e or successor depository so agree, and a similar
agreement ma� be entered into.
7 . ! No Redemption. The Bonds shall not be subject
to redemptio� and prepayment prior to their maturity.
8 . i Bond Reqistrar. The Treasurer of the City is
appointed to act as bond reqistrar and transfer agent with
respect to t�e Bonds (the "Bond Registrar" ) , and shall do so
unless and uhtil a successor Bond Registrar is duly appointed.
A successor �ond Registrar shall be an officer of the City or
a bank or tr�ust company eligible for designation as bond
registrar pu�suant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 475, and may
be appointed; pursuant to any contract the City and such
successor Bo!nd Registrar shall execute which is consistent
herewith. T!he Bond Registrar shall also serve as paying agent
unless and u�ntil a successor paying agent is duly appointed.
Principal ar�d interest on the Bonds shall be paid to the
Holders (or record holders) of the Bonds in the manner set
forth in th� forms of Bond and paragraph 14 of this
9 .i Forms of Bond. The Bonds shall be in the form
of Global C�rtificates unless and until Replacement Bonds are
made availaY�le as provided in paragraph 6 . Each form of bond
may contain such additional or different terms and provisions
as to the fc�rm of payment, record date, notices and other
matters as �re consistent with the Depository Letter Agreement
and approved by the City Attorney.
A Global Certificates . The Global Certificates,
together wi�h the Certificate of Registration, the form of
Assignment �nd the registration information thereon, shall be
in substant�ally the followinq form and may be typewritten
rather thaniprinted:
• ; �;?r=�r-�a�
R- S
March 1, 199_ March 1, 1989
Saint Pau1, Ramsey County, Minnesota (the "Issuer" or "City" ) ,
certifies t�at it is indebted and for value received promises
to pay to t2}e registered owner specified above or on the
certificateiof registration below, or registered assigns,
without option of prepayment, in the manner hereinafter set
forth, the �Drincipal amount specified above, on the maturity
date specified above, and to pay interest thereon semiannually
on March 1 �nd September 1 of each year (each, an "Interest
Payment Dat�" ) , commencing September 1, 1989, at the rate per
annum speci ied above (calculated on the basis of a 360-day
year of twe ve 30-day months) until the principal sum is paid
or has been� provided for. This Bond will bear interest from
the most reCent Interest Payment Date to which interest has
been paid oir, if no interest has been paid, from the date of
original is�sue hereof. The principal of and premium, if any,
on this Bonkl are payable by check or draft in next day funds
or its equi�valent (or by wire transfer in immediately
available f�unds if payment in such form is necessary to meet
the timing ;requirements below) upon presentation and surrender
hereof at tihe principal office of the Treasurer of the Issuer
in Saint Palul, Minnesota (the "Bond Registrar" ) , acting as
paying aqent, or any successor paying agent duly appointed by
the Issuer. Interest on this Bond will be paid on each
Interest Palyment Date by check or draft in next day funds or
its equival;ent mailed (or by wire transfer in immediately
available �unds if payment in such form is necessary to meet
� � l.� �� ���T
the timing req�irements below) to the person in whose name
this Bond is r�gistered (the "Holder" or "Bondholder" ) on the
registration bboks of the Issuer maintained by the Bond
Registrar and �t the address appearing thereon at the close of
business on the fifteenth calendar day preceding such Interest
Payment Date (Ithe "Regular Record Date" ) . Interest payments
shall be received by the Holder no later than 12 :00 noon,
Chicago, Illinois, time; and principal and premium payments
shall be recei�ved by the Holder no later than 12 :00 noon,
Chicago, Illir�ois, time, if the Bond is surrendered for
payment enougl� in advance to permit payment to be made by such
time. Any in�.erest not so timely paid shall cease to be
payable to th� person who is the Holder hereof as of the
Regular Recor� Date, and shall be payable to the person who is
the Holder he�eof at the close of business on a date (the
"5pecial Reco*d Date" ) fixed by the Bond Registrar whenever
money becomes� available for payment of the defaulted interest.
Notice of the� Special Record Date shall be given to
Bondholders nbt less than ten days prior to the Special Record
Date. The pr�incipal of and premium, if any, and interest on
this Bond are� payable in lawful money of the United States of
Da �e of Pa ent Not Business Da . If the date for
payment of the principal of, premium, if any, or interest on
this Bond sh�ll be a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday or a day
on which banl�ing institutions in the City of Chicago,
Illinois, or � the city where the principal office of the Bond
Registrar is ; located are authorized by law or executive order
to close, th�n the date for such payment shall be the next
succeeding d�y which is not a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday
or a day on �ahich such banking institutions are authorized to
close, and p�yment on such date shall have the same force and
effect as if; made on the nominal date of payment.
Nd Redemption. The Bonds of this issue are not
subject to �'edemption and prepayment prior to their maturity.
Issuance• Pur ose• General Obli ation. This Bond is
one of an i sue in the total principal amount of $11, 750, 000,
all of like � date of original issue and tenor, except as to
number, mat�rity, interest rate, and denomination, which Bond
has been is5ued pursuant to and in full conformity with the
Constitutio{� and laws of the State of Minnesota, including
particularl� Laws of Minnesota for 1971, Chapter 773, as
amended, and the Charter of the Issuer, and pursuant to a
resolution iadopted by the City Council of the Issuer on
February 14;, 1989 (the "Resolution" ) , for the purpose of
. ���-�a�
providing mdney to finance the acquisition, construction and
repair of v rious capital improvements in the City. This Bond
is payable q�ut of the General Debt Service Fund of the Issuer.
This Bond c nstitutes a general obligation of the Issuer, and
to provide oneys for the prompt and full payment of its
principal, remium, if any, and interest when the same become
due, the full faith and credit and taxing powers of the Issuer
have been a d are hereby irrevocably pledged.
D nominations • Exchan e• Resolution. The Bonds are
issuable ori�ginally only as Global Certificates in the
denomination of the entire principal amount of the issue
maturing on a single date. Global Certificates are not
exchangeable for fully registered bonds of smaller
denominations except in exchange for Replacement Bonds if then
available. Replacement Bonds, if made available as provided
below, are issuable solely as fully registered bonds in the
denominatior�s of $5,000 and integral multiples thereof of a
single maturity and are exchangeable for fully registered
Bonds of otY�er authorized denominations in equal aggregate
principal amjounts at the principal office of the Bond
Registrar, blut only in the manner and subject to the
limitations provided in the Resolution. Reference is hereby
made to the Resolution for a description of the rights and
duties of t e Bond Registrar. Copies of the Resolution are
on file in he principal office of the Bond Registrar.
R lacement Bonds . Replacement Bonds may be issued
by the Issu r in the event that:
(au) the Depository shall resign or discontinue its
servic�s for the Bonds, and only if the Issuer is unable
to locate a substitute depository within two (2) months
following the resignation or determination of non-
eligibility, or
(b�) upon a determination by the Issuer in its sole
discret�ion that ( 1) the continuation of the book-entry
system ,described in the Resolution, which precludes the
issuancie of certificates (other than Global Certificates)
to anylHolder other than the Depository (or its nominee) ,
might dversely affect the interest of the beneficial
owners of the Bonds, or (2 ) that it is in the best
interest of the beneficial owners of the Bonds that they
be abl to obtain certificated bonds .
T ansfer. This Bond shall be registered in the name
of the paye on the books of the Issuer by presenting this
� ��,--<��/��
� y
Bond for registration to the Bond Registrar, who will endorse
his, her or its name and note the date of registration
opposite th� name of the payee in the certificate of
registratio� attached hereto. - Thereafter this Bond may be
transferred by delivery with an assignment duly executed by
the Holder or his, her or its legal representatives, and the
Issuer and Bond Registrar may treat the Holder as the person
exclusively entitled to exercise all the rights and powers of
an owner unitil this Bond is presented with such assignment for
registration of transfer, accompanied by assurance of the
nature provided by law that the assignment is genuine and
effective, and until such transfer is registered on said books
and noted hereon by the Bond Registrar, all subject to the
terms and conditions provided in the Resolution and to
reasonable regulations of the Issuer contained in any
agreement with, or notice to, the Bond Registrar. Transfer of
this Bond m�y, at the direction and expense of the Issuer, be
subject to certain other restrictions if required to qualify
this Bond a� being "in registered form" within the meaning of
Section 149(a) of the federal Internal Revenue Code of 1986,
as amended.
Fees upon Transfer or Loss . The Bond Registrar may
require payment of a sum sufficient to cover any tax or other
governmental charge payable in connection with the transfer or
exchange of this Bond and any legal or unusual costs regarding
transfers and lost Bonds.
T�eatment of Registered Owner. The Issuer and Bond
Registrar m�y treat the person in whose name this Bond is
registered as the owner hereof for the purpose of receiving
payment as herein provided (except as otherwise provided with
respect to the Record Date) and for all other purposes,
whether or not this Boncl shall be overdue, and neither the
Issuer nor the Bond Registrar shall be affected by notice to
the contrary.
Authentication. This Bond shall not be valid or
become obligatory for any purpose or be entitled to any
security unless the Certificate of Authentication hereon shall
have been executed by the Bond Registrar.
Npt Qualified Tax-Exempt Obliqations . The Bonds
have not been designated by the Issuer as "qualified
tax-exempt obligations" for purposes of Section 265(b) (3) of
the federal Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.
` � �"�r-i��
. ;
conditions an�l things required by the Constitution and laws of
the State of Minnesota and the Charter of the Issuer to be
done, to happ{en and to be performed, precedent to and in the
issuance of t�is Bond, have been done, have happened and have
been performe�d, in regular and due form, time and manner as
required by l�aw, and this Bond, together with all other debts
of the Issuer� outstanding on the date of original issue hereof
and on the d��te of its issuance and delivery to the original
purchaser, daes not exceed any constitutional or statutory or
Charter limi�,ation of indebtedness .
IN ;WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey
County, Minn�sota, by its City Council has caused this Bond to
be sealed witth its official seal and to be executed on its
behalf by th� photocopied facsimile signature of its Mayor,
attested by t�he photocopied facsimile signature of its Clerk,
and counters�gned by the photocopied facsimile signature of
its Directory Department of Finance and Management Services .
� i ���-���
Date of Regis�tration: Registrable by:
Payable at:
This Bond is one of the
Bonds descri}�ed in the
Resolution m�ntioned Mayor
, City Clerk
Bond Registr�r
By I, Countersigned:
Director, Department of Finance
and Management Services
(sE�) !
General Obli;gation Capital Improvement Bond, Series 1989A, No.
� j ✓ �j-�a�
The transfe� of ownership of the principal amount of the
attached Bo d may be made only by the registered owner or his,
her or its �egal representative last noted below.
� l(�-_. ��-ia�
The fdllowing abbreviations, when used in the inscription
on the face' of this Bond, shall be construed as though they
were writteln out in full according to applicable laws or
TEN COM - a�s tenants in common
TEN ENT - as tenants by the entireties
JT TEN - asijoint tenants with right of survivorship
an�l not as tenants in common
UTMA - , as custodian for
(C�ZSt) (Minor)
unde� the Uniform Transfers to Minors Act
Aldditional abbreviations may also be used
though not in the above list.
. ���-�a�
Forivalue received, the undersigned hereby sells,
assigns and t�ansfers unto
the within Bond and does
hereby irrevo�ably constitute and appoint
attorney to t�tansfer the Bond on the books kept for the
registration ithereof, with full power of substitution in the
premises . i
Dated: �
Not'ice: The assignor' s signature to this
! assignment must correspond with the name
' as it appears upon the face of the within
Bond in every particular, without
alteration or any change whatever.
Signature Gua'ranteed:
Signature(s) �must be guaranteed by a national bank or trust
company or by a brokerage firm having a membership in one of
the major stc�ck exchanges.
Th� eond Registrar will not effect transfer of this
Bond unless �he information concerning the transferee
requested be ow is provided.
Name and Add�ess :
1 oint owners
i ( Include information for al j
if the Bond is held by joint account. )
. ���.���
B. � Replacement Bonds . If the City has notified
Holders that �Replacement Bonds have been made available as
provided in paragraph 6, then for every Bond thereafter
transferred dr exchanged the Bond Registrar shall deliver a
certificate i;n the form of the Replacement Bond rather than
the Global Certificate, but the Holder of a Global Certificate
shall not otY�erwise be required to exchange the Global Certif-
icate for on� or more Replacement Bonds since the City recog-
nizes that s�me bondholders may prefer the convenience of the
Depository' s �registered ownership of the Bonds even though the
entire issue � is no longer required to be in global book-entry
form. The R�placement Bonds, together with the Bond
Registrar' s ertificate of Authentication, the form of
Assignment a�d the registration information thereon, shall be
in substanti�lly the following form:
' C�i=��r-�a�
R- $
March 1, 1989
Saint Paul, ��Ramsey County, Minnesota (the "Issuer" or "City" ) ,
certifies that it is indebted and for value received promises
to pay to th�e registered owner specified above, or registered
assigns, wit�out option of prepayment, in the manner
hereinafter �et forth, the principal amount specified above,
on the matur�.ty date specified above, and to pay interest
thereon semi�nnuall� on March 1 and September 1 of each year
(each, an "I�terest Payment Date" ) , commencing September 1,
1989, at the, rate per annum specified above (calculated on the
basis of a 360-day year of twelve 30-day months) until the
principal su is paid or has been provided for. This Bond
will bear in�erest from� the most recent Interest Payment Date
to which int�rest has been paid or, if no interest has been
paid, from tme date of original issue hereof. The principal
of and premi�km, if any, on this Bond are payable upon
presentation , and surrender hereof at the principal office of
, in ,
(the "Bond Registrar" ) , acting as paying
agent, or an successor paying agent duly appointed by the
Issuer. Int�rest on this Bond will be paid on each Interest
Payment Date �by check or draft mailed ta the person in whose
name this Borld is registered (the "Holder" or "Bondholder" ) on
the registra�ion books of the Issuer maintained by the Bond
Registrar and at the address appearing thereon at the close of
business on t�he fifteenth calendar day preceding such Interest
Payment Date '(the "Regular Record Date" ) . Any interest not so
� C'r=��-ia�
timely paid �hall cease to be payable to the person who is the
Holder hereof as of the Regular Record Date, and shall be
payable to t�e person who is the Holder hereof at the close of
business on � date (the "Special Record Date" ) fixed by the
Bond Registr r whenever money becomes available for payment of
the defaulte� interest. Notice of the Special Record Date
shall be giv�n to Bondholders not less than ten days prior to
the Special Record Date. The principal of and premium, if
any, and int�rest on this Bond are payable in lawful money of
the United States of America.
conditions and things required by the Constitution and laws of
the State of� Minnesota and the Charter of the Issuer to be
done, to haplpen and to be performed, precedent to and in the
issuance of jthis Bond, have been done, have happened and have
been perforn�ed, in regular and due form, time and manner as
required by law, and this Bond, together with all other debts
of the Issue�r outstanding on the date of original issue hereof
and on the c�ate of its issuance and delivery to the original
purchaser, does not exceed any constitutional or statutory or
Charter limi�tation of indebtedness .
I� WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey
County, Min esota, by its City Council has caused this Bond to
be sealed w�th its official seal or a facsimile thereof and to
be executedion its behalf by the original or facsimile
signature o� its Mayor, attested by the original or facsimile
signature o its Clerk, � and countersigned by the original or �
facsimile s gnature of its Director, Department of Finance and
Management ervices .
� 19
' ��9'-/��
Date of Regi�stration: Registrable by:
Payable at: ,
This Bond i� one of the
Bonds descr'bed in the
Resolution �ientioned Mayor
I , City Clerk
Bond Regist�ar
By j Countersigned:
Authorize�l Signature
Director, Department of Finance
� and Management Services
� .
� 20
� �
�q �a�
Dat�e of Pa ent Not Business Da . If the date for
payment of t e principal of, premium, if any, or interest on
this Bond sh�ll be a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday or a day
on which banking institutions in the City of Chicago,
Illinois, orlthe city where the principal office of the Bond
Registrar isilocated are authorized by law or executive order
to close, then the date for such payment shall be the next
succeeding daly which is not a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday
or a day on �hich such banking institutions are authorized to
close, and payment on such date shall have the same force and
effect as if made on the nominal date of payment.
NolRedem tion. The Bonds of this issue are not
subject to r demption and prepayment prior to their maturity.
Isluance• Pur ose• General Obli ation. This Bond is
one of an is ue in the total principal amount of $11,750, 000,
all of like diate of original issue and tenor, except as to
number, matu�ity, interest rate, and denomination, which Bond
has been iss�ed pursuant to and in full conformity with the
Constitutionland laws of the State of Minnesota, including
particularlyiLaws of Minnesota for 1971, Chapter 773, as
amended, and the Charter of the Issuer, and pursuant to a
resolution a�lopted by the City Council of the Issuer on
February 14, � 1989 (the "Resolution" ) , for the purpose of
providing money to finance the acquisition, construction and
repair of va�rious capital improvements in the City. This Bond
is payable opt of the General Debt Service Fund of the Issuer.
This Bond co stitutes a general obligation of the Issuer, and
to provide m�neys for the prompt and full payment of its
principal, p�emium, if any, and interest when the same become
due, the ful faith and credit and taxing powers of the Issuer
have been an� are hereby irrevocably pledged.
De�ominations; Exchange; Resolution. The Bonds are
issuable solely as fully registered bonds in the denominations
of $5,000 anld integral multiples thereof of a single maturity
and are exch�angeable for fully registered Bonds of other
authorized dienominations in equal aggregate principal amounts
at the prindipal office of the Bond Registrar, but only in the
manner and s�ubject to the limitations provided in the
Resolution. Reference is hereby made to the Resolution for a
descriptioniof the rights and duties of the Bond Registrar.
Copies of th�e Resolution are on file in the principal office
of the BondlRegistrar.
. �
Tra�sfer. This Bond is transferable by the Holder
in person or y his, her or its attorney duly authorized in
writing at the principal office of the Bond Registrar upon
presentation �nd surrender hereof to the Bond Registrar, all
subject to th�e terms and conditions provided in the Resolution
and to reasonable regulations of the Issuer contained in any
agreement wit�, or notice to, the Bond Registrar. Thereupon
the Issuer shall execute and the Bond Registrar shall
authenticate jand deliver, in exchange for this Bond, one or
more new fully registered Bonds in the name of the transferee
(but not regilstered in blank or to "bearer" or similar
designation) , of an authorized denomination or denominations,
in aggregate �principal amount equal to the principal amount of
this Bond, of'I the same maturity and bearing interest at the
same rate. Whenever ownership of this Bond should be
transferred ulnder any other circumstances or be registered in
nominee name Ionly, the registered owner of the Bond shall, if
and to the e�dtent required to qualify this Bond as being "in
registered fqrm" within the meaning of Section 149(a� of the
federal Intetnal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and at the
direction and expense of the Issuer, maintain for the Issuer a
record of the actual owner of the Bonds .
Fe s u on Transfer or Loss . The Bond Registrar may
require paym nt of a sum sufficient to cover any tax or other
governmental �charge payable in connection with the transfer or
exchange of this Bond and any legal or unusual costs regarding
transfers anc� lost Bonds.
Tr�atment of Registered Owner. The Issuer and Bond
Registrar ma�► treat the person in whose name this Bond is
registered a� the owner hereof for the purpose of receiving
payment as h$rein provided (except as otherwise provided on
the reverse �ide hereof with respect to the Record Date) and
for all othe� purposes, whether or not this Bond shall be
overdue, and� neither the Issuer nor the Bond Registrar shall
be affected l�y notice to the contrary. �
Aulhentication. This Bond shall not be valid or
become oblig tory for any purpose or be entitled to any
security unl ss the Certificate of Authentication hereon shall
have been ex�cuted by the Bond Registrar.
Nol ualified Tax-Exem t Obli ations . The Bonds
have not bee designated by the Zssuer as "qualified
tax-exempt o�ligations" for purposes of Section 265(b) (3) of
the federal nternal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.
� 22
� � ��y-�a�
Th ' following abbreviations, when used in the
inscription �n the face of this Bond, shall be construed as
though they ere written out in full according to applicable
laws or regulations:
TEN COM - as tenants in common
TEN ENT - as tenants by the entireties
JT TEN - as joint tenants with right of survivorship
and �not as tenants in common
UTMA - as custodian for
(Cust) (Minor)
under the Uniform Transfers to Minors Act
Additional abbreviations may also be used
, though not in the above list.
. �� �.��
Foir value received, the undersigned hereby sells,
assigns and ransfers unto
the within Bond and does
hereby irrev cably constitute and appoint
attorney to transfer the Bond on the books kept for the
registration thereof, with full power of substitution in the
premises .
No�ice: The assignor' s signature to this
assignment must correspond with the name
as it appears upon the face of the within
� Bond in every particular, without
alteration or any change whatever.
Signature Gu�aranteed:
Signature(s) must be guaranteed by a national bank or trust
company or a brokerage firm having a membership in one of
the major st�ock exchanqes .
The Bond Registrar will not effect transfer of this
Bond unless 'the information concerning the transferee
requested b 'low is provided.
Name and Ad ress:
I ( Include information for all joint owners
if the Bond is held by joint account. )
' �" ��"���
` i
10 . Execution. The Bonds shall be executed on
behalf of th City by the signatures of its Mayor, Clerk and
Director, De artment of Finance and Management Services, each
with the eff ct noted on the forms of the Bonds, and be sealed
with the seal of the City; provided, however, that the seal of
the City maylbe a printed or photocopied facsimile; and
provided furt!her that any of such signatures may be printed or
photocopied flacsimiles and the corporate seal may be omitted
on the Bonds 'as permitted by law. In the event of disability
or resignatian or other absence of any such officer, the Bonds
may be signed by the manual or facsimile signature of that
officer who may act on behalf of such absent or disabled
officer. In case any such officer whose signature or
facsimile of whose signature shall appear on the Bonds shall
cease to be such officer before the delivery of the Bonds,
such signature or facsimile shall nevertheless be valid and
sufficient folr all purposes, the same as if he or she had
remained in oiffice until delivery.
11 . Authentication; Date of Registration. No Bond
shall be vali or obligatory for any purpose or be entitled to
any security r benefit under this resolution unless a
Certificate of Authentication on such Bond� substantially in
the form hereinabove set forth, shall have been duly executed
by an authorized representative of the Bond Reqistrar.
Certificates bf Authentication on different Bonds need not be
signed by theisame person. The Bond Registrar shall authenti-
cate the signiatures of officers of the City on each Bond by
execution of 'the Certificate of Authentication on the Bond and
by inserting ;as the date of registration in the space provided
the date on w�ich the Bond is authenticated. For purposes of
delivering the original Global Certificates to the Purchaser,
the Bond Registrar shall insert as the date of registration
the date of original issue, which date is March 1, 1989 . The
Certificate of Authentication so executed on each Bond shall
be conclusive evidence that it has been authenticated and
delivered undier this resolution.
12 . Registration; Transfer; Exchange. The City
will cause to be kept at the principal office of the Bond
Registrar a b nd register in which, subject to such reasonable
regulations a the Bond Registrar may prescribe, the Bond
Registrar sha l provide for the registration of Bonds and the
registration f transfers of Bonds entitled to be registered
or transferre as herein provided.
A G'�lobal Certificate shall be registered in the name
of the payee pn the books of the Bond Registrar by presenting
, ,�-��.- ,.��
the Global C�ertificate for registration to the Bond Registrar,
who will endprse his or her name and note the date of regi-
stration opppsite the name of the payee in the certificate of
registrationion the Global Certificate. Thereafter a Global
Certificate �nay be transferred by delivery with an assignment
duly execute�i by the Holder or his, her or its legal repre-
sentative, a d the City and Bond Registrar may treat the
Holder as th� person exclusively entitled to exercise all the
rights and pbwers of an owner until a Global Certificate is
presented with such assignment for registration of transfer,
accompanied Iby assurance of the nature provided by law that
the assignmet�t is genuine and effective, and until such
transfer is �egistered on said books and noted thereon by the
Bond Registr�r, all subject to the terms and conditions
provided in ithe Resolution and to reasonable regulations of
the City cont�ained in any agreement with, or notice to, the
Bond Registr�►r.
Tr�nsfer of a Global Certificate may, at the
direction anc� expense of the City, be subject to other
restrictions if required to qualify the Global Certificates as
beinq "in re istered form" within the meaning of Section
149 (a) of th federal Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as
Updn surrender for transfer of any Replacement Bond
at the princi�pal office of the Bond Registrar, the City shall
execute (if njecessary) , and the Bond Registrar shall
authenticate,� insert the date of registration (as provided in
paragraph 11)iof, and deliver, in the name of the designated
transferee ori, transferees, one or more new Replacement Bonds
of any author�ized denomination or denominations of a like
aggregate prijncipal amount, having the same stated maturity
and interest �rate, as requested by the transferor; provided,
however, that no bond may be reqistered in blank or in the
name of "bear�r" or similar desiqnation. Whenever ownership
of any Replac�ment Bonds should be transferred without
surrender of �he Replacement Bond for transfer or should be
registered in� nominee name only, the registered owner of the
Replacement Bbnd shall, if and to the extent required to
preserve the �xclusion from gross income of the interest on
the Bonds andlat the direction and expense of the City,
maintain for the City a record of the actual owner of the
Replacement B�nd.
At i�he option of the Holder of a Replacement Bond,
Replacement B nds may be exchanged for Replacement Bonds of
any authorize� denomination or denominations of a like
(,,c�� ,��
aggregate pr�.ncipal amount and stated maturity, upon surrender
of the Repla�ement Bonds to be exchanged at the principal
office of th� Bond Registrar. Whenever any Replacement Bonds
are so surre dered for exchange, the City shall execute ( if
necessary) , nd the Bond Registrar shall authenticate, insert
the date of egistration of, and deliver the Replacement Bonds
which the Ho der making the exchange is entitled to receive.
Global Certi icates may not be exchanged for Global
Certificates of smaller denominations.
A1� .Bonds surrendered upon any exchange or transfer
provided for in this resolution shall be promptly cancelled by
the Bond Req�.strar and thereafter disposed of as directed by
the City.
All Bonds delivered in exchange for or upon transfer
of eonds shall be valid general obligations of the City
evidencing tMe same debt, and entitled to the same benefits
under this r�solution, as the Bonds surrendered for such
exchange or �ransfer.
Ev�ry Bond presented or surrendered for transfer or
exchange sha 1 be duly endorsed or be accompanied by a written
instrument o transfer, in form satisfactory to the Bond
Registrar, d ly executed by the holder thereof or his, her or
its attorney duly authorized in writing.
Th Bond Registrar may require payment of a sum
sufficient t cover any tax or other governmental charqe
payable in c nnection with the transfer or exchange of any
Bond and anyllegal or unusual costs regardinq transfers and
lost Bonds. ',
Tr�nsfers sha�ll also be subject to reasonable
regulations of the City contained in any agreement with, or
notice to, the Bond Registrar, includinq regulations which
permit the Bond Registrar to close its transfer books between
record dates and payment dates.
13� Rights Upon Transfer or Exchange. Each Bond
delivered up�n transfer of or in exchange for or in lieu of
any other eo#�d shall carry all the rights to interest accrued
and unpaid, �nd to accrue, which were carried by such other
Bond. '
14 Interest Payment; Record Date. Interest on any
Global Certi icate shall be paid as provided in the first
paragraph th reof, and interest on any Replacement Bond shall
' ���/�--,�I°
be paid on elach Interest Payment Date by check or draft mailed
to the persan in whose name the Bond is registered (the
"Holder" ) on the registration books of the City maintained by
the Bond Reg�istrar, and in each case at the address appearing
thereon at t�he close of business on the fifteenth ( 15th)
calendar day preceding such Interest Payment Date (the
"Regular RecOrd Date" ) . Any such interest not so timely paid
shall cease to be payable to the person who is the Holder
thereof as of the Regular Record Date, and shall be payable to
the person w�o is the Holder thereof at the close of business
on a date (t�he "Special Record Date" ) fixed by the Bond
Registrar wh�e never money becomes available for payment of the
defaulted initerest. Notice of the Special Record Date shall
be given by the Bond Registrar to the Holders not less than
ten ( 10) dayjs prior to the Special Record Date.
15 . Holders; Treatment of Reqistered Owner; Consent
of Holders . I
(A) For the purposes of all actions, consents and other
matters affeCting Holders of the Bonds, other than payments,
redemptions, and purchases, the City may (but shall not be
obligated to) treat as the Holder of a Bond the beneficial
owner of theI Bond instead of the person in whose name the Bond
is registereld. For that purpose, the City may ascertain the
identity of the beneficial owner of the Bond by such means as
the Bond Regl'�strar in its sole discretion deems appropriate,
including bu�t not limited to a certificate from the person in
whose name t�e Bond is registered identifying such beneficial
owner. I
(B) Th� City and Bond Registrar may treat the person in
whose name a�ny Bond is registered as the owner of such Bond
for the purpbse of receiving payment of principal of and
premium, if ny, and interest (subject to the payment
provisions i�i paragraph 14 above) on, such Bond and for all
other purposes whatsoever whether or not such Bond shall be
overdue, and neither the City nor the Bond Registrar shall be
affected by �otice to the contrary.
(C) An consent, request, direction, approval, objection
or other ins�rument to be signed and executed by the Holders
may be in any number of concurrent writings of similar tenor
and must be igned or executed by such Holders in person or by
agent appoin�ed in writing. Proof of the execution of any
such consent, request, direction, approval, objection or other
instrument o of the writing appointing any such agent and of
the ownershi� of Bonds, if made in the following manner, shall
I 28
� I �,�-��-/�G
be sufficient or any of the purposes of this Resolution, and
shall be concl sive in favor of the City with regard to any
action taken b it under such request or other instrument,
namely: ',
( 1) ' The fact and date of the execution by any
person of any such writing may be proved by the
certificate of any officer in any jurisdiction who by law
has power to take acknowledgments within such
jurisdiction that the person signing such writing
acknowledged before him the execution thereof, or by an
affidavit of any witness to such execution.
(2 ) Subject to the provisions of subparagraph (A)
above, th� fact of the ownership by any person of Bonds
and the amounts and numbers of such Bonds, and the date
of the ho ding of the same, may be proved by reference to
the bond egister.
16 . Delivery; Application of Proceeds . The Global
Certificates w en so prepared and executed shall be delivered
by the Directo , Department of Finance and Management
Services, to t e Purchaser upon receipt of the purchase price,
and the Purcha er shall not be obliged to see to the proper
application th reof .
17 . ' Fund and Account. There is hereby created a
special accounit to be designated the "Capital Improvement
Bonds of 1989 1�ccount" (the "Account" ) to be administered and
maintained by �he City Treasurer as a bookkeeping account
separate and apart from all other accounts maintained in the
official financial records of the City. There has been
heretofore created and established the General Debt Service
Fund (numbered 960, herein the "Fund" ) . The Fund and the
Account shall �ach be maintained in the manner herein
specified until all of the Bonds and the interest thereon have
been fully paii.
( i) Account. To the Account there shall be
cred ted the proceeds of the sale of the Bonds, less
accr ed interest received thereon, and less any
amou t paid for the Bonds in excess of $11,609,000 .
From the Account there shall be paid all costs and
expe ses of making the Improvements, including the
costlof any construction contracts heretofore let
and �11 other costs incurred and to be incurred of
the ]kind authorized in Minnesota Statutes , Section
475 . 65; and the moneys in the Account shall be used
, i �,���-ia�
for njo other purpose except as otherwise provided by
law; ;provided that the proceeds of the Bonds may
alsoibe used to the extent necessary to pay interest
on thle Bonds due prior to the anticipated date of
commdncement of the collection of taxes herein
cover�anted to be levied; and provided further that
if u�on completion of the Improvements there shall
remai�n any unexpended balance in the Account, the
balar}ce may be transferred by the Council to the
fundiof any other improvement instituted pursuant
to L�ws of Minnesota for 1971, Chapter 773, as
amen�ed, or to the Fund. All earnings on the
Account shall be transferred to the Fund.
' (ii) Fund. There is hereby pledged and there
shal� be credited to the Fund, to a special sinking
fund, account which is hereby created and established
ther�in for the payment of the Bonds: (a) all
accrued interest received upon delivery of the
Bonds; (b) all funds paid for the Bonds in excess of
$11,�609,000; (c) any collections of all taxes which
. are �herein levied for the payment of the Bonds and
interest thereon as provided in paragraph 18; (d)
all �funds remaining in the Account after completion
of t�he Improvements and payment of the costs
the�leof, not so transferred to the account of
anot�her improvement; and (e) all investment
earriings on moneys held in said special account in
theiFund or on moneys held in the Account.
. Said spe�ial account created in the Fund shall be used .
solely to pay �the principal and interest and any premiums for
redemption of ; the Bonds and any other bonds of the City
heretofore or '� hereafter issued by the City and made payable
from said spe�ial account in the Fund as provided by law, or
to pay any relbate due to the United States . No portion of the
proceeds of t�e Bonds (and any other obligations treated as
one issue wit� the Bonds) shall be used directly or indirectly
to acquire hi her yielding investments or to replace funds
which were us�d directly or indirectly to acquire higher
yielding inve}stments, except ( 1) for a reasonable temporary
period until �uch proceeds are needed for the purpose for
which the Bonds (and such other obligations) were issued, and
(2) in additibn to the above in an amount not greater than
$100,000 . To� this effect, any proceeds of the Bonds (and such
other obligat!ions) and any sums from time to time held in the
Account or sa;id special account in the Fund (or any other City
account whicl� will be used to pay principal or interest to
� � `" -
_ _ � �-,� �n I
_ ���
therefrom) in excess of
bonds payable arbitrage
become due °n th licable federal ield shall
which un er then-aPpwithout reqard as to y ield
amounts e invested tne applicable y
regulations may t a yield in excess �f ulations on such
invested Sed by said arbitraqe reg
n�t be a licable
restrictions imP takinq into account any PP
' vestments afte , ortion" made avail�heeprodeeds
ln orary periods" °r mulations . In addition� shall not be
� temp arb' traqe reg the I'und
the federal money in the Account or uaranteed bY
of the Bonds an ations or deposits issued bY� or instrumen-
obl g any aqency
invested in t e United States or Within the
or insured bY f and to the extent ihaguaranteedestmen
tality thereof �� federal Y Internal Revenue Code
of the federal
would cause the Bonds to
meaninq of Section 149 (b� „Code" ) • S for
as am nded (the
of 1986 ► e Test . To provide money
�overac��— there is
I lg , Ta_ X�e al anci in�erest on the $Oinsthe City a
' payment of the Ponnall of the taxable PrOberspread upon the
levied P tax which shall eneral
hereby d valorem art of other q
direct annual ears and in the amounts as
tax rolls and o.11ected witfo ndhesy
taxes in the City
� follows : Year of Tax �=�
Year of ax Collection
51,689 , 109*
Lev 1989* 1�737 ,803
1988* 1990 1,�53 ,422
1989 1991 1��37 ,672
1990 1992 1��44 ,208
1991 1993 1��44 ,995
1992 1994 1,739 ,995
1993 1995 1,729 ,009
1994 1996 1��38 , 328
1995 1997 1��39 ,798
1996 1998
1997 funds
rovided from other available City
*heretofore levied or P �ollected in full
such that if other
= T e tax levies are the Bonds , will
et er with estimated colleCentnof f anY the amount
they, tOg ein pledged for the paYn'
ercent (5$) in excess of a ents on
revenues he east fiVe p rincipal and intereSSO lonq as
produce at�et When due the p be irrepealable
needed to and unpaid, provided that the
the Bonds . � The tax levies shall tYle levies in the
of the Bonds a�e httandnpo er to reduce
City reser es the 9
�' � 31
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� WHI'TE — CITY CLERK.. ���5 . � � ., «- �� ` � .,. � .. .•.
R�NK — FIiYANCE � f �ys� T�c * COIlI1Cl1 � J j �
,CANARY — DEPARTMENT ��Y - OF ���I1\ r �1' �11 1 y /�
..�B�LUE —MAVOF � FIIC NO• ,�( �� '•"�
� �ouncil Resolution
e _{
�Referr�d To `` . Committee: Date `f ` ' ` �
Out of Committ By D e
�� '!B ��:! t� �D E� �
�1�s7'.�Ot �I.��QI'lZt�' t�li"�t.
���i. � 1!tl�t
� �1 P�'�=11��C l�0� IliA�i�4!
, bi to�c th+s sal� :11,TS�,Ot10 Q�t�ral
0�1.igat�o�► Capi 1 I�p t HoAd�, rias 1l�911 t t� -�,
'�Hot�is•l, o! CitT o! i�t Fanl. t�l+s "Git2►').
at� t3o b�t ta�i c� ! 13� !a!r i1�d a�nsid�TM�d
oa l�tbzos�► I4, 1989. fa a sd tritl� �olatfa�a �o.
�!- ado�pt+td thfe i'b�ac Jaaaarr 1T, 19�9 t!.lia
"��nti+� Cal tng t�r aal�• apP�'v"r►�+d b� t�� Mia1er
+aa Ja►�t�►s'� ,,,_,, 989 i a�d �
, tba lar r tl�at t,.� � b� antho�- '
ris+�d br v�ote Q liva of s t'�Sncil t �d
, it is sible t livre �rs af
t.bis t�oascil �ri I a�t bs �seat +oa� l�i, 19Al=
� �
� �
� a►n lsbrnarT lt. 1!8l�ts�i2l�antboais� tbe`Bt�da��ds
tbs �s �olr fi a�i�sf a� t.�ls �cii, t is dairabls
. that t�is r�sol � aRlogti!! in � tl� �ale
o! t�e Ho�'!a :" t th� acp�a�ptaaor a! t�e t bid !w�
d�elegat�d to a� r thorf�! a►!!la�r af tII� Cit as p�raftt�d
b� �i�avt� at��. �cti� t7S,60� Svbdirri t� 3t s�d
! `
_. : �: .
Y� N r� Requested by Department o
Dimond /
� �� � In Favor
Rettmsn ` : ,i, s
sche�� `� Against BY �..: ;,.. �, :���,� s. ,:,.....,,,w.,
. ., '
sonnen �--f
Wilson _ ... -
Form Approved by City Attorney;`
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed Council Secreta BY °` �J �'�� �����
By f
Approved Ky Mayor for Submission to Counc �
: Approved by Navor: Date �-
_,. .. �,
_ ' .�,�
By BY �--�--...
� �=��-��� .
�1HEREAS, the proceeds of the Bonds will finance
certain ca ital improvements, for which the City is proceeding
pursuant t its Charter and Laws of Minnesota f 1971,
Chapter 773, as amended; and
�WHEREAS, the City has heretofore is ued registered
obligati r�s in certificated form, and incurs ubstantial costs
associate with their printing and issuance, and substantial
continuin ansaction costs relating to t ir payment,
transfer nd xchange; and
IWHER S, the City has determin d that significant
savings in trans tion costs will resul from issuing bonds in
"global baok-entr form" , by which bond are issued in
certificat{ed form i large denominatio s, registered on the
books of tlhe City in the name of a de ository or its nominee,
and held "�n safekeepi and immobili d by such depository,
and such �epository as art of the mputerized national
securitie clearance an settlemen system (the "National
System" ) �egisters trans rs of ow ership interests in the
bonds by �aking computeri d book entries on its own books and
distribut s payments on th bond to its Participants shown on
its books as the owners of ch nterests; and such
Participa ts and other banks, b okers and dealers
participa ing in the National ystem will do likewise (not as
agents of ;the City) if not th eneficial owners of the bonds;
and '
IIWHEREAS, "Partici nts" eans those financial insti-
tutions f r whom the Deposi ory eff ts book-entry transfers
and pledg s of securities eposited d immobilized with the
Depositor ; and
'WHEREAS, Midwe t Securities T st Company, a limited
purpose t�rust company o ganized under th laws of the State of
Illinois, ',or any of it successors or suc ssors to its func-
tions her�under (the " epository" ) , will a t as such deposi-
tory with '� respect to he Bonds except as se forth below, and
there is l�efore this ouncil a form of lette agreement (the
"Deposito�ky Letter reement" ) setting forth arious matters
relatinq to the Dep sitory and its role with r spect to the
Bonds; an41
' WHEREAS the City will deliver the Bon in the form
of one ce tifica e per maturity, each representin the entire
principal amoun of the Bonds due on a particular maturity
date {eac a "G obal Certificate" ) , which single certificate
per matur�ty may be transferred on the City' s bond register as
� ,
ode but ot exchan ed for
required by t�he Uniform Commercial C , n g
smaller deno�inations unless the City determines to issue
Replacement �onds as provided below; and
WH�REAS, the City will be able to rep ce the
Deposit y o� under certain circumstances to ab ndon the
"global oktentry form" by permitting the Glo al Certificates
to be exch n�ed for smaller denominations typ cal of ordinary
bonds regis red on the City' s bond register and "Replacement
Bonds " means the certificates representing e Bonds so
authenticatecl nd delivered by the Bond Re istrar pursuant to
paragraphs 6ian 12 hereof; and
WHIEREAS, "Holder" as used her n means the person in
whose name a� Bond i registered on the egistration books of
the City mai,�ntained y the City Treasu er or a successor
registrar a�pointed a provided in pa agraph 8 (the "Bond
Registrar" ) :�
N�W, THEREFORE, BE IT RE LVED by the Council of the
City of Sair�t Paul, Minnes ta, as ollows :
1 ; Acce tance of 'd. Notwithstanding that the
Resolution �alling the Sale c emplated that this Council
might accep� the bid on the sa of the Bonds, the bids to
purchase $1�, 750,000 General 1 'gation Capital Improvement
Bonds, Seri�s 1989A, of the ty the "Bonds" , or individually
a "Bond" ) , iin accordance wit the fficial Terms of Offering
for the bon sale, shall be reviewe by the Director,
Department f Finance and anagement Services (or, if he is
absent or navailable or isabled, th Treasurer or Budget
Director o Mayor or any ther office of the City approved by
the City A torney) . Suc officer may ject all bids if
deemed adv' sable after onsultation wit the City' s financial
consultanta If all bi s are not rejecte such officer shall
find, dete�mine and d clare which bid is e most favorable
bid receiv�d and acc t such bid and award he Bonds to such
bidder (th� "Purcha r" ) . In accepting such bid, such officer
shall set �.he inter st rates on the Bonds (to be those
interest r�tes set forth in such bid) , and sha 1 set the
purchase p�ice fo the Bonds (to be that purcha e price set
forth in s1�ch bi , plus interest accrued to sett ement) . The
Director, pepart ent of Finance and Management Services, or
his designlee, i directed to retain the deposit of the
Purchaser iand forthwith return to the unsuccessful bidders
their gooc� fai h checks or drafts .
� .-�a
��� �
2 . I Title; Oriqinal Issue Date; Denominations;
Maturities . ; The Bonds shall be titled "General Obligation
Capital Improvement Bonds, Series 1989A" , shal be dated
March 1, 198�9, as the date of original issue d shall be
issued forth�vith on or after such date as ful y registered
bonds . The �Bonds shall be numbered from R-1 upward. Global
Certific tes'� shall each be in the denominat 'on of the entire
principal miount maturing on a single date Replacement
Bonds, if i ,'sued as provided in paragraph , shall be in the
denominatio � of $5 , 000 each or in any in gral multiple
thereof of a ingle maturity. The Bonds shall mature, without
option of p�e yment, on March 1 in the years and amounts as
follows :
Y@ar Amount Year Amount
1�90 $ 825,000 1995 51,200, 000
1�91 925, 000 1996 1,275,000
1�92 1, 000, 000 1997 1, 350, 000
1�93 , 050, 000 1998 1,450,000
1 94 1 125, 000 1999 1, 550, 000
3: Purpose. T B nds shall provide funds for the
constructio� of various ca ' al improvements (the "Improye-
ments" ) in the City. The p ceeds of the Bonds shall be
deposited a�d used as prov' in paragraph 18, for the
purpose des�ribed by Laws f ' nnesota for 1971, Chapter 773,
as amended.,' The total co t of he Improvements, which shall
include allicosts enumer ed in innesota Statutes, Section
475 . 65, is !estimated to e at lea t equal to the amount of the
Bonds . Wo�k on the Imp ovements s all proceed with due
diligence t{o completio .
Intere . The Bonds sh 11 bear interest payable
semiannuall�y on Mar 1 and September of each year (each,
an "Intere$t Payme Date" ) , commencing eptember 1, 1989,
calculatedlon the asis of a 360-day yea of twelve 30-day
months, at ' the re pective rates per annum determined for each
of the mat�rity ars in the manner, and b the officer,
provided i�► par raph 1 of this resolution.
. escri tion of the Global Certi icates and
Global Boo -E tr S stem. Upon their original ' ssuance the
Bonds willib issued in the form of a single Global Certifi-
cate for e�c maturity, deposited with the Depository by the
Purchaser d immobilized as provided in paragraph 6 . No
beneficialjowners of interests in the Bonds will receive
certificat�es representing their respective interests in the
; 4
Bonds except as provided in paragraph 6 . Except as so
provided, du�ing the term of the Bonds, beneficial ownership
( and subsequjent transfers of beneficial ownership) of
interests inithe Global Certificates will be reflec d by book
entri s made on the records of the Depository and ' s
Partic 'pantsland other banks, brokers, and dealer partici-
pating ' n the National System. The Depository' s ook entries
of benef 'cial ownership interests are authorize to be in
increment olf $5,000 of principal of the Bonds but not
smaller in lements, despite the larger author' zed
denominatio of the Global Certificates . P yment of
principal of,, premium, if any, and interest on the Global
Certificates'� ' ll be made to the Bond Regi trar as paying
agent, and in t rn by the Bond Registrar o the Depository or
its nominee ,as r istered owner of the G obal Certificates,
and the Depoisitor according to the law and rules governing
it will rece'ive an forward payments o behalf of the
beneficial o�vners o the Global Cert' icates .
Payment of princi al of, premi m, if any, and interest on
a Global Certificate ma in the Ci y' s discretion be made by
such other m;ethod of tra ferring funds as may be requested by
the Holder o�f a Global Ce ifica e.
6 . Immobilization o Global Certificates b the
De ositor • Successor De osit r • Re lacement Bonds . Pursuant
to the request of the Purcha e to the Depository, which
request is required by the ffi ial Terms of Offering, immedi-
ately upon the original de very of the Bonds the Purchaser
will deposit the Global C tifica es representing all of the
Bonds with the Depositor . The G1 bal Certificates shall be
in typewrit en form or herwise as acceptable to the
Depository, ,shall be r istered in t e name of the Depository
or its nomiryee and sha 1 be held immo ilized from circulation
at the offi es of the Depository on be lf of the Purchaser
and subsequ nt bondo ners . The Deposit y or its nominee will
be the sole holder f record of the Glob Certificates and no
investor orl,other arty purchasing, selli or otherwise
transferrin owne ship of interests in any ond is to receive,
hold or del�ver y bond certificates so lo as the
Depository hold the Global Certificates imm ilized from
circulation, e ept as provided below in this aragraph and in
paragraph 17� .
Certif ' ates evidencing the Bonds may not after their
original de ivery be transferred or exchanged except:
'I �� ���
�� ( i) Upon registration. of transfer of nership of
a Glo �al Certificate, as provided in paragra 12,
( ii) To any successor of the Depos ' ory {or its
omin e) or any substitute depository (a 'substitute
d os tory" ) designated pursuant to cla se ( iii) of this
su pa agraph, provided that any succes or of the
Dep s tory or any substitute deposito y must be both a
"cl $�ing corporation" as defined i the Minnesota
Unif m Commercial Code at Minnesot Statutes,
Secti 336 . 8-102 , and a qualifie and registered
"clea� g agency" as provided in ection 17A of the
Secur�t s Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,
�( iii To a substitute de ository designated by and
accep�table to the City upon O the determination by the
Depos tory at the Bonds sh 11 no longer be eligible for
its d�posito services or ) a determination by the
City !that the epository i no longer able to carry out
its functions, rovided t t any substitute depository
must I�e qualifi d to act s such, as provided in clause
( ii) bf this sub aragrap , or
j ( iv) To tho e p rsons to whom transfer is
requejsted in writte ansfer instructions in the event
(a) the e sitory shall resign or discontinue
�its services or e Bonds and the City is unable to
�ilocate a sub itut depository within two ( 2 ) months
following t resig ation or determination of non-
ieligibility or
� (b) pon a dete ination by the City in its
Isole dis etion that ( 1 the continuation of the
book-ent system descri ed herein, which precludes
the iss ance of certific tes (other than Global
ICertif 'cates) to any Hold other than the
� Depos ' ory (or its nominee , might adversely affect
'Ithe i terest of the benefic al owners of the Bonds,
!� or O that it is in the bes interest of the
� ben ficial owners of the Bond that they be able to
� ob in certificated bonds,
in e't er of which events the City sh 11 notify Holders
of i determination and of the avail ility of
cert ' ficates (the "Replacement Bonds" ) to Holders
req Isting the same and the registratio , transfer and
! ����a�°
excha�ge of such Bonds will be conducted as provided in
parag�aphs 9B and 12 hereof .
�n the event of a succession of the Depo tory as
may be autlAorized by this paragraph, the Bond Reg' strar upon
presen ati�n of Global Certificates shall regis r their
transfe t� the substitute or successor deposi ories, and the
substit e or successor depository shall be t eated as the
Deposito '� for all purposes and functions u er this
resolutio The Depository Letter Agreeme shall not apply
to a subst ute or successor depository u ess the City and
the substi u e or successor depository s agree, and a similar
agreement �a be entered into.
N Redem tion. The Bo ds shall not be subject
to redempt�on an prepayment prior o their maturity.
$ . Bond e istrar. T Treasurer of the City is
appointed �o act as ond regist r and transfer agent with
respect to the Bonds (the "Bon Registrar" ) , and shall do so
unless and' until a su essor ond Registrar is duly appointed.
A successo� Bond Regis ar s all be an officer of the City or
a bank or �rust company li ible for designation as bond
registrar ursuant to Min sota Statutes, Chapter 475 , and may
be appoint�d pursuant to y contract the City and such
successor �ond Registrar sh 11 execute which is consistent
herewith. 'IThe Bond Reg' stra shall also serve as paying agent
unless and. until a suc essor aying agent is duly appointed.
Principal �nd interes on the onds shall be paid to the
Holders (o� record h lders) of he Bonds in the manner set
forth in t e forms f Bond and p ragraph 14 of this
� . Fo s of Bond. The B nds shall be in the form
of Global Gerti icates unless and un il Replacement eonds are
made avail ble as provided in paragra 6 . Each form of bond
may contai� s ch additional or differe t terms and provisions
as to the ,�o of payment, record date, otices and other
matters as' re consistent with the Depos tory Letter Agreement
and approvld by the City Attorney.
Global Certificates . The Glo 1 Certificates,
togethe w'th the Certificate of Registratio the form of
Assig nt and the registration information t reon, shall be
in su tan ially the following form and may be ypewritten
rath r tha printed:
I ���-/��
R- ' $
� March 1, 199_ M =ch 1, 1989
Saint Paul� Ramsey Count , innesota (the "Issuer" or "City" ) ,
certifies ithat it is inde ted and for value received promises
to pay to i�he registered o er specified above or on the
certificat of registra ion elow, or registered assigns,
without op�ion of prep yment, in the manner hereinafter set
forth, the principal mount sp cified above, on the maturity
date speci�ied above and to pa interest thereon semiannually
on March l and Sept mber 1 of ea year (each, an "Interest
Payment Dai�e" ) , co encing Septem r 1, 1989, at the rate per
annum spec ' fied a ove (calculated the basis of a 360-day
year of tw lve 3 -day months) until he principal sum is paid
or has bee pro ided for. This Bond ill bear interest from
the most r cen Interest Payment Date o which interest has
been paid ar, if no interest has been p id, from the date of
original iss e hereof . The principal of nd premium, if any,
on this Bo are payable by check or draf in next day funds
or its equ' alent (or by wire transfer in ediately
available nds if payment in such form is ecessary to meet
the timi equirements below) upon presenta ion and surrender
hereof t e principal office of the Treasur of the Issuer
in Sai Pa 1, Minnesota (the "Bond Registrar" acting as
payin agentt, or any successor paying agent dul appointed by
the I suer. �, Interest on this Bond will be paid o each
Inte est Pa�ment Date by check or draft in next day funds or
its equival�nt mailed (or by wire transfer in immediately
av ilable fi�nds if payment in such form is necessary to meet
�� ������
the timinglrequirements below) to the person in whose name
this Bond is registered (the "Holder" or "Bondholder" ) on the
registratipn books of the Issuer maintained by the Bo d
Reg' strar �and at the address appearing thereon at t close of
busi ess o� the fifteenth calendar day preceding s h Interest
Payme t Da e (the "Regular Record Date" ) . Inter st payments
shall r�ceived by the Holder no later than 1 .00 noon,
Chicago, Illinois, time; and principal and pre um payments
shall be ceived by the Holder no later than 2 : 00 noon,
Chicago, I linois , time, if the Bond is surr ndered for
payment enp h in advance to permit payment to be made by such
time. Any� in erest not so timely paid sh 1 cease to be
payable to the erson who is the Holder reof as of the
Regular Rejcord ate, and shall be payab to the person who is
the Holde hereo at the close of busi ess on a date (the
"Special ecord D te" ) fixed by the B nd Registrar whenever
money becopnes avai ble for payment f the defaulted interest.
Notice of Ithe Specia Record Date all be given to
Bondholder+s not less han ten day prior to the Special Record
Date. Th� principal o and prem' m, if any, and interest on
this Bondlare payable i lawful oney of the United States of
Date of Pa ent Business Da . If the date for
payment o� the principal of premium, if any, or interest on
this Bondjshall be a Satur ay Sunday, legal holiday or a day
on which l�anking institut 'ons the City of Chicago,
Illinois, or the city wh re the rincipal office of the Bond
Registrar is located ar authori d by law or executive order
to close, then the dat for such p ent shall be the next
succeedin day which ' s not a Satur y, Sunday, legal holiday
or a day n which su h banking insti tions are authorized to
close, an payment n such date shall ave the same force and
effect as �if made n the nominal date payment.
No Red tion. The Bonds of th' s issue are not
subject t rede tion and prepayment prio to their maturity.
Iss nce• Pur ose• General Obli at 'on. This Bond is
one of an is e in the total principal amount of $11, 750,000,
all of lilte ate of original issue and tenor, cept as to
number, m rity, interest rate, and denominati , which Bond
has been sued pursuant to and in full conformi with the
Constitu on and laws of the State of Minnesota, i cluding
particu ly Laws of Minnesota for 1971, Chapter 773, as
amende , nd the Charter of the Issuer, and pursuant to a
resol io adopted by the City Council of the Issuer on
Febr ry , 1989 (the "Resolution" ) , for the purpose of
, 9
providing mon�y to finance the acquisition, construct ' n and
repair of var�ous capital improvements in the City. his Bond
is payable ou of the General Debt Service Fund of he Issuer.
This Bond con�titutes a general obligation of the ssuer, and
to rovide mo�eys for the prompt and full paymen of its
prin ipal, pr mium, if any, and interest when t e same become
due, he fulljfaith and credit and taxing pow s of the Issuer
have b n andiare hereby irrevocably pledged
Denlminations • Exchan e• Resolut on. The Bonds are
issuable o 'g�nally only as Global Certi cates in the
denominatio bf the entire principal am nt of the issue
maturing on a, single date. Global Ce ificates are not
exchangeable �f fully registered bon s of smaller
denominations� e ept in exchange for Replacement Bonds if then
available. �epla ement Bonds, if m de available as provided
below, are isjsuabl solely as full registered bonds in the
denominations� of $5, 00 and inte al multiples thereof of a
single maturuty and a e exchang ble for fully registered
Bonds of oth�r authori ed deno nations in equal aggregate
principal am unts at th prin pal office of the Bond
Reg.istrar, b t only in t m ner and subject to the
limitations rovided in t esolution. Reference is hereby
made to the esolution for description of the rights and
duties of th Bond Regist r Copies of the Resolution are
on file in t}�e principal ffi of the Bond Registrar.
Re lacement nds . Re lacement Bonds may be issued
by the Issue in the ent that:
(a the pository shall resign or discontinue its
service for e Bonds, and onl if the Issuer is unable
to loca e a bstitute depositor within two ( 2 ) months
followi g t resignation or dete ination of non- •
eligibi�lit , or
(b) upon a determination by the Issuer in its sole
discreti n that ( 1) the continuation o the book-entry
system escribed in the Resolution, whi precludes the
issuan e of certificates (other than Glo 1 Certificates)
to an ;Holder other than the Depository ( its nominee) ,
migh a�dversely affect the interest of the beneficial
own rs !of the Bonds, or ( 2 ) that it is in t e best
in ere t of the beneficial owners of the Bon s that they
b abl to obtain certificated bonds .
T ansfer. This Bond shall be registered in the name
of t e paye on the books of the Issuer by presenting this
� e .
Bond for regis�tration to the Bond Registrar,
who will ndors
his, her or i�s name and note the date of registrati
opposite the �ame of the payee in the certificate o
regist ation �:ttached hereto. Thereafter this Bo d may be
transfe red b� delivery with an assignment duly ecuted by
the Hold r or� his, her or its legal representat' es, and the
Issuer an Bond Registrar may treat the Holder as the person
exclusivel entitled to exercise all the rig s and powers of
an owner unt ' ,� this Bond is presented with ch assignment for
registration f transfer, accompanied by a urance of the
nature providle by law that the assignmen is genuine and
effective, ar��d u til such transfer is re istered on said books
and noted hereon the Bond Registrar, all subject to the
terms and cor�ditio provided in the solution and to
reasonable r�gulatio s of the Issuer ontained in any
agreement witih, or no ice to, the B d Registrar. Transfer of
this Bond ma�, at the irection an expense of the Issuer, be
subject to certain othe restrict 'ons if required to qualify
this Bond as � being "in r istere form" within the meaning of
Section 149 (�) of i:he fede al I ternal Revenue Code of 1986,
as amended.
Fe� s u on Transfe Loss . The Bond Registrar may
require paym�ent of a sum s ffi 'ent to cover any tax or other
governmental,, charge payab e in c nnection with the transfer or
exchange of this Bond an any leg 1 or unusual costs regarding
transfers and lost Bond .
T�eatment o Re istered Ow r. The Issuer and Bond
Registrar m�y treat he person in whos name this Bond is
registered �s the ner hereof for the urpose of receiving
payment as I�erein rovided (except as ot erwise provided with
respect to �he R cord Date) and for all o er purposes,
whether or �ot is Bond shall be overdue, nd neither the
Issuer nor the ond Registrar shall be affe ed by notice to
the contrar�.
thentication. This Bond shall not e valid or
become ob �gatory for any purpose or be entitle to any
security r�less the Certificate of Authenticatio hereon shall
have be elxecuted by the Bond Registrar.
Not Qualified Tax-Exempt Obliqations . The Bonds
have not b�en designated by the Issuer as "qualified
tax exempt � obligations" for purposes of Section 265(b) ( 3) of
th federa�. Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.
; 11
conditions andjthings required by the Constitution nd laws of
the State of M�nnesota and the Charter of the Iss r to be
done, to happeh and to_be performed, precedent t and in the
issuance of th�is Bond, have been done, have hap ened and have
bee performed', in regular and due form, time nd manner as
requi ed by la�w, and this Bond, together wit all other debts
of the ssuer �outstanding on the date of or' ginal issue hereof
and on t e da�e of its issuance and delive y to the original
purchaser, do�s not exceed any constituti nal or statutory or
Charter lim' t�►tion of indebtedness .
IN I TNESS WHEREOF, the Cit of Saint Paul, Ramsey
County, Minne�o , by its City Counc ' has caused this Bond to
be sealed wit$� it official seal an to be executed on its
behalf by the' phot copied facsimil signature of its Mayor,
attested by t�he pho copied facsi le signature of its Clerk,
and countersilgned by he photoco ed facsimile signature of
its Director,� Departme t of Fin ce and Management Services .
' ��ia�
Date of Regi�stration: Registrable by:
' Payable at:
This Bond i one of the
Bonds descr� d in the
Resolution men ioned Mayor
within. i
i Attes .
, C ' y Clerk
Bond Regist�ar
gy I Co ntersigned:
Authorize Signature
Direct r, Department of Finance
'I and Man ement Services
�sE�� �
General Obl�ga ion Capital Improvement Bond, Series 1989A, No.
� 13
� ���=���
The transfer of ownershi of the rinci al amount of the
attached Bond� may be made only by the registere owner or his,
r or its le�gal representative last noted bel .
� � 14
The fdllowin abbreviations when used in th inscription
on the facd of thgs Bond, shall be construed as ough they
were writteln out in full according to applicabl laws or
TEN M - al�s tenants in common
TEN EN - a� tenants by the entireties
JT TEN - as� joint tenants with right of s vivorship
a not as tenants in common
UTMA - � as custodian for
(C�s (Minor)
unde� th Uniform Transfers to Minors Act
AQiditional bbreviatio may also be used
', though ot in t above list.
I 15
For ' value received, the undersigned he by sells,
assigns and t ansfers unto
the within ond and does
}ter y irrevo ably constitute and appoint
attor ey to transfer the Bond on the books pt for the
regist tion thereof, with full power of s stitution in the
premises .
No ice The assignor' s ignature to this
assignment mus correspond with the name
� s it appears upon the face of the within
nd in ever particular, without
al ration r any change whatever.
Si nature G �aranteed:
9 �
Signature( s,h must be gu anteed a national bank or trust
company or by a broker e firm ha 'ng a membership in one of
the major s��tock excha es .
'�he Bond gistrar will not ffect transfer of this
Bond unlessl the in rmation concerning he transferee
requested �elow is provided.
Name and Address
( Include information for all oint owners
if the Bond is held by joint ccount. )
B. ; Replacement Bonds . If the City has notif 'ed
Holders that� Replacement Bonds have been made availabl as
provided in �aragraph 6 , then for every Bond thereaf r
transferred pr exchanged the Bond Registrar shall d iver a
c tificate a.n the form of the Replacement Bond ra er than
the Global C�ertificate, but the Holder of a Globa Certificate
shal not otlherwise be required to exchange the lobal Certif-
icate r on;e or more Replacement Bonds since t e City recog-
nizes th t s�ome bondholders may prefer the con enience of the
Depositor ' s� registered ownership of the Bon even though the
entire issu is no longer required to be in lobal book-entry
form. The R lacement Bonds, together wit the Bond
Registrar ' s �Ce tificate of Authentication, the form of
Assignment nd t e registration informat ' n thereon, shall be
in substant�ally e following form:
� 17
�� ��-la�
R- $
Marc 1, 1989
Saint Pau1, Ramsey ounty, Min esota (the "Issuer" or "City" ) ,
certifies t at it is indebted and for value received promises
to pay to t e registe d own r specified above, or registered
assigns, wi hout optio of repayment, in the manner
hereinafter, set forth, e principal amount specified above,
on the matu�rity date spe ' fied above, and to pay interest
thereon semliannually on ch l and September 1 of each year
(each, an " nterest Pa nt Date" ) , commencing September 1,
1989, at th rate per num ecified above (calculated on the
basis of a 60-day ye of tw ve 30-day months) until the
principal s m is pai or has b n provided for. This Bond
will bear i terest f om the most recent Interest Payment Date
to which in erest h s been paid o , if no interest has been
paid, from he dat of original is ue hereof . The principal
of and prem'um, i any, on this Bon are payable upon
presentatio and surrender hereof at he principal office of
' , in ,
(the "Bond Registrar ' ) , acting as paying
agent, or a y uccessor paying agent dul appointed by the
Issuer. Init est on this Bond will be pa on each Interest
Payment Dat by check or draft mailed to t person in whose
name this nd is registered (the "Holder" o "Bondholder" ) on
the regis tion books of the Issuer maintain d by the Bond
Registrar a d at the address appearing thereon t the close of
business on the fifteenth calendar day preceding uch Interest
Paymen Dat (the "Regular Record Date" ) . Any interest not so
timel aid slall c e to be a able erson who is the
y p eas p y to the p
Holder hereof ; as of the Regular Record Date, and shal be
payable to th� person who is the Holder hereof at t close of
bu iness on a� date (the "Special Record Date" ) fix by the
Bon Registra� whenever money becomes available f r payment of
the efaulted� interest. Notice of the Special cord Date
shall be give� to Bondholders not less than te days prior to
the Sp ial Record Date. The principal of an premium, if
any, an inte�rest on this Bond are payable i lawful money of
the Unite Stlates of America.
HERE . !
conditions a�d thin s required by he Constitution and laws of
the State of 'Minneso a and the C rter of the Issuer to be
done, to hap�en and t be perfo ed, precedent to and in the
issuance of �his Bond, ave be done, have happened and have
been perform�d, in regul r an due form, time and manner as
required by �aw, and this o d, together with all other debts
of the Issuer outstanding the date of original issue hereof
and on the d�te of its iss a ce and delivery to the original
purchaser, dpes not excee an constitutional or statutory or
Charter limi�ation of in bted ess .
IN� WITNESS W REOF, th City of Saint Paul, Ramsey
County, Minn�esota, by its City Cou cil has caused this Bond to
be sealed wilth its o icial seal or a facsimile thereof and to
be executed �on its half by the ori inal or facsimile
signature of� its M or, attested by t original or facsimile
signature o� its erk, and countersig d by the original or
facsimile s�gnat e of its Director, Dep rtment of Finance and
Management erv'ces .
i /��.G/�—`0��0
Date of Reg�.stration: Registrable by:
Payable at:
This Bond i one of the
Bonds descri�b d in the
Resolution m�ien ioned Mayor
, City Clerk
Bond Registr�r
By ountersigned:
Authorized� Signature
irector, Department of Finance
a Management Services
�sE�� i
Datei of Pa ent Not Business Da . If the date or
p ent of th principal of, premium, if any, or inter t on
thi Bond sha�'1 be a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday a day
on w 'ch banki�ng institutions in the City of Chicago,
Illino ' s, or �he city where the principal office o the Bond
Registr r is Located are authorized by law or exe utive order
to close, theri the date for such payment shall the next
succeedin da� which is not a Saturday, Sunday legal holiday
or a day on wt�ich such banking institutions a e authorized to
close, and p ent on such date shall have e same force and
effect as if de on the nominal date of p ent.
No ed tion. The Bonds of t is issue are not
subject to re�empt 'on and prepayment pr'or to their maturity.
Iss ance• r ose• General li ation. This Bond is
one of an iss e in the total princip 1 amount of $11, 750,000,
all of like d�te of ori 'nal issue nd tenor, except as to
number, maturiity, intere rate, d denomination, which Bond
has been issued pursuant t and ' full conformity with the
Constitution nd laws of th St e of Minnesota, including
particularly �aws of Minnesot or 1971, Chapter 773, as
amended, and i�the Charter of t Issuer, and pursuant to a
resolution ad�opted by the Ci uncil of the Issuer on
February _, i1989 (the "Res lutio " ) , for the purpose of
providing mo ey to finance the acq ' sition, construction and
repair of va�ious capital improvemen s in the City. This Bond
is payable o�t of the Ge eral Debt Se vice Fund of the Issuer.
This Bond coristitutes a general obliga 'on of the Issuer, and
to provide m neys for he prompt and fu payment of its
principal, p emium, i any, and interest hen the same become
due, the ful faith nd credit and taxing owers of the Issuer
have been and are reby irrevocably pledg
De omi tions • Exchan e• Resolution The Bonds are
issuable sol ly s fully registered bonds in t e denominations
of $5, 000 an¢1 ' tegral multiples thereof of a s 'ngle maturity
and are exch� eable for fully registered Bonds f other
authorized d ominations in equal aggregate princ al amounts
at the prin 'pal office of the Bond Registrar, but only in the
manner and s bject to the limitations provided in t
Resolutio . iReference is hereby made to the Resoluti n for a
descript on bf the rights and duties of the Bond Registrar.
Copies f th� Resolution are on file in the principal office
of th Bond egistrar.
, ������
Iransfer. This Bond is transferable by the Holder
in person pr by his, her or its attorney duly authorized in
writing atlthe principal office of the Bond Registrar upon
presentati�n and surrender hereof to the Bond Registrar, all
subjec to the terms and conditions provided in t Resolution
and to a�onable regulations of the Issuer cont ned in any
agreemen �ith, or notice to, the Bond Registra . Thereupon
the Issue shall execute and the Bond Registr shall
authenticat� and deliver, in exchange for th' Bond, one or
more new f�l registered Bonds in the name of the transferee
(but not r$gi tered in blank or to "beare or similar
designatior�) , f an authorized denominat ' n or denominations,
in aggregat$e pr cipal amount equal to e principal amount of
this Bond, lof th same maturity and be ring interest at the
same rate. When ver ownership of t s Bond should be
transferre under y other circums nces or be registered in
nominee na e only, e registered ner of the Bond shall, if
and to the �extent re ired to qua ify this Bond as being "in
registered �form" withi the mean' g of Section 149(a) of the
federal Int�ernal Revenu Code o 1986, as amended, and at the
direction alnd expense of the I suer, maintain for the Issuer a
record of t��he actual owne of the Bonds .
F� es u on Transfe or Loss . The Bond Registrar may
require pay�nent of a sum s f icient to cover any tax .or other
governmentajl charge payab e i connection with the transfer or
exchange of� this Bond an any gal or unusual costs regarding
transfers ahd lost Bond .
T eatment o Re istered ner. The Issuer and Bond
Registrar m y treat e person in ose name this Bond is
registered s the ow er hereof for t e purpose of receiving
payment as erein p ovided (except as otherwise provided on
the reversejside h reof with respect t the Record Date) and
for all oth�r pur oses, whether or not his Bond shall be
overdue, an�l nei er the Issuer nor the ond Registrar shall
be affected�lby tice to the contrary.
A th ntication. This Bond shall ot be valid or
become obli a ory for any purpose or be enti led to any
security un ss the Certificate of Authentica ion hereon shall
have been e cuted by the Bond Registrar.
t ualified Tax-Exem t Obli ations . he Bonds
have not e n designated by the Issuer as "qualifi d
tax-exem t c�bligations" for purposes of Section 26 b) ( 3) of
the fed ralllInternal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.
; - ��9-�a�
TY�e following abbreviations, when u d in the
inscr tionjon the face of this Bond, shall construed as
though hey �were written out in full accord' g to applicable
laws or egullations :
TEN COM - tenants in common
TEN ENT - a tenants by the entireties
JT TEN - as j ' nt tenants with right o survivorship
an� no as tenants in commo
UTMA - as custodian for
(C�pst) (Minor)
unde* the Unif rm Transfers to Minors Act
P�dditional ab evia ons may also be used
though n i the above list.
� ��-�a�
�'or value received, the undersigned he by sells,
assig an�i transfers unto
the within ond and does
hereby i r vocably constitute and appoint
attorney b transfer the Bond on the books pt for the
registrati thereof, with full power of s stitution in the
premises .
�lotice: The assignor ' s s gnature to this
, assignment mus correspond with the name
s it appears pon the face of the within
nd in ever particular, without
I a eration any change whatever.
Signature jGuaranteed:
Signature(�s) must be guar nte d by a national bank or trust
company o�t by a brokerag firm aving a membership in one of
the major �stock exchang s .
IThe Bond Re strar will ot effect transfer of this
Bond unle�s the info ation concern ng the transferee
requested ;below is p ovided.
Name and �.ddress:
( Include information for all joint owners
if the Bond is held by j int account. )
10 . � Execution. The Bonds shall be executed on
beha f of the�City by the signatures of its Mayor, Clerk and
Direc or, Dep rtment of Finance and Management Service , each
with t e effeqt noted on the forms of the Bonds, and e sealed
with th seal of the City; provided, however, that e seal of
the City ay �e a printed or photocopied facsimile, and
provided rt er that any of such signatures may e printed or
photocopie f csimiles and the corporate seal m be omitted
on the Bond �s permitted by law. In the even of disability
or resignati or other absence of any such o ficer, the Bonds
may be signed y the manual or facsimile si ature of that
officer who m y act on behalf of such abse or disabled
officer. In �as any such officer whose ignature or
facsimile of hos signature shall appea on the Bonds shall
cease to be s�ch o icer before the de very of the Bonds ,
such signatur or fa simile shall nev theless be valid and
sufficient fo� all pu poses, the sam as if he or she had
remained in o�fice unt ' 1 delivery.
11 . Authentic tion• Da e of Re istration. No Bond
shall be vali�l or obligat ry for any purpose or be entitled to
any security r benefit un er t is resolution unless a
Certificate o� Authenticati n such Bond, substantially in
the form here ' nabove set for , shall have been duly executed
by an authori�ed representat ' of the Bond Registrar.
Certificates f Authenticat 'on n different Bonds need not be
signed by the same person. The ond Registrar shall authenti-
cate the sign tures of of icers o the City on each Bond by
execution of he Certifi ate of Au entication on the Bond and
by inserting s the dat of registra ion in the space provided
the date on w ich the ond is authent'cated. For purposes of
delivering th origin 1 Global Certifi ates to the Purchaser,
the Bond Regi�trar s all insert as the ate of registration
the date of o igina issue, which date i March 1, 1989 . The
Certificate o�f Aut ntication so executed n each Bond shall
be conclusive evi nce that it has been au enticated and
delivered under t is resolution.
12 . e istration• Transfer• Exchan The City
will cause t e kept at the principal office • the Bond
Registrar a d register in which, subject to uch reasonable
regulations the Bond Registrar may prescribe, the Bvnd
Registrar s 11 provide for the registration of B ds and the
registratio ,of transfers of Bonds entitled to be gistered
or transfe r�d as herein provided.
A (�lobal Certificate shall be registered in the name
of the ayee �on the books of the Bond Registrar by presenting
i 25
l ����"��
aggregate principal amount and stated maturity, upon surrender
of the Replac�ment Bonds to be exchanged at the principal
office of thelBond Registrar. whenever any Replacement Bonds
are so surren ered for exchange, the City shall execute ( if
necessary) , a d the Bond Registrar shall authenticate, insert
the date of r gistration of, and deliver the Replacement Bonds
which the Holder making the exchange is entit ed to receive.
Global Ce ifi�cates may not be exchanged fo Global
Certificate �f smaller denominations .
Al1 Bonds surrendered upon an exchange or transfer
provided for this resolution shall e promptly cancelled by
the Bond Regi ar and thereafter di osed of as directed by
the City.
All Bon s delivered in xchange for or upon �ransfer
of Bonds shal be alid general obligations of the City
evidencing th same debt, and ntitled to the same benefits
under this re olutio , as the Bonds surrendered for such
exchange or t ansfer.
Eve y Bond p s ted or surrendered for transfer or
exchange shal be duly orsed or be accompanied by a written
instrument of transfer, form satisfactory to the Bond
Registrar, du y execut the holder thereof or his, her or
its attorney uly aut riz d in writing.
The Bond gistrar may require payment of a sum
sufficient tolcover any tax o other governmental charge
payable in co�nect on with the transfer or exchange of any
Bond and any ega or unusual c sts regarding transfers and
lost Bonds .
Trah ers shall also be ubject to reasonable
regulations o the City contained i any agreement with, or
notice to, th Bond Registrar, incl ing regulations which
permit the B d Registrar to close i s transfer books between
record date nd payment dates .
3 . Ri hts U on Transfer or xchan e. Each Bond
delivered upoin transfer of or in exchang for or in lieu of
any othe Bon�i shall carry all the rights to interest accrued
and unp d, a�d to accrue, which were car 'ed by such other
Bond. ',
14 . Interest Payment; Record Date. Interest on any
Globa Certificate shall be paid as provided i the first
paragraph theireof, and interest on any Replacem t Bond shall
be paid onleach Interest Payment Date by check or draft mailed
to the pers�on in whose name the Bond is registered (the
"Holder" ) o�n the registration books of the City ma ' tained by
Bond Re�gistrar, and in each case at the addr s appearing
th eon at �the close of business on the fiftee ( 15th)
cal dar da� preceding such Interest Payment ate (the
"Reg lar Re'�COrd Date" ) . Any such interest t so timely paid
shall cease to be payable to the person wh is the Holder
thereo as bf the Regular Record Date, a shall be payable to
the per on �vho is the Holder thereof at he close of business
on a dat (Ithe "Special Record Date" ) ixed by the Bond
Registrar w�enever money becomes ava' able for payment of the
defaulted terest. Notice of the ecial Record Date shall
be given bylthe Bond Registrar to e Holders not less than
ten ( 10) da�r prior to the Specia Record Date. The term
"Holder" sh 1 also include thos lawfully entitled to take
actions on �eh f of the benefi ial owners of the Bonds for
purposes oflany onsent or app ovals given by Holders .
1� . Hol ers • Trea ent of Re istered Owner• Consent
of Holders • I
(A) F r the purp se of all actions, consents and other
matters aff�cting Holde of the Bonds, other than payments,
redemptions` and purcha s, the City may (but shall not be
obligated t�) treat as h Holder of a Bond the beneficial
owner of th� Bond inst ad i the person in whose name the Bond
is register�d. For t at pu ose, the City may ascertain the
identity ofithe bene icial o er of the Bond by such means as
the Bond Recqistrar ' n its sol discretion deems appropriate,
including by�t not imited to a ertificate from the person in
whose name �he Bo is register identifying such beneficial
( B) T e C ty and Bond Regist r may treat the person in
whose name ny ond is registered a the owner of such Bond
for the pur o of receiving payment f principal of and
premium, if a y, and interest (subjec to the payment
provisions � paragraph 14 above) on, ch Bond and for all
other purpo s whatsoever.whether or no such Bond shall be
overdue, an neither the City nor the Bon Registrar shall be
affected b Inotice to the contrary.
(C) A�y consent, request, direction, approval, objection
or other n�trument to be signed and executed by the Holders
may be i ar�y number of concurrent writings of similar tenor
and must e signed or executed by such Holders in person or by
agent app ir�ted in writing. Proof of the execution of any
� �i��
such conselnt re uest direction, a roval, ob 'ection or other
► q , PP 7
instrument��, or of the writing appointing any such agent and of
the owners�ip of Bonds, if made in the following ma er, shall
be suffici�nt for any of the purposes of this Reso ution, and
shall c�nclusive in favor of the City with re rd to any
actio tak�n by it under such request or other ' strument,
II�, 1 The fact and date of the exec tion by any
� )
per r� of any such writing may be prov d by the
cert icate of any officer in any ju sdiction who by law
has p er to take acknowledgments w' hin such
jurisdli tion that the person signi such writing
acknowjl ged before him the execu on thereof, or by an
affida±vi of any witness to such xecution. �
( I ) bject to the provis ons of subparagraph (A)
above, the f ct of the ownersh p by any person of Bonds
and th amoun and numbers o such Bonds, and the date
of the � holding f the same, ay be proved by reference to
the bor�d registe .
1� . Deliver A lic tion of Proceeds . The Global
Certificate�l when so pre red nd executed shall be delivered
by the Diredtor, Departme o Finance and Management
Services, ta, the Purchaser p n receipt of the purchase price,
and the Purc',haser shall not e obliged to see to the proper
application ��thereof .
17',. Fund and Ac oun There is hereby created a
special acco�nt to be des ' gnate the "Capital Improvement
Bonds of 198 Account" ( e "Acc nt" ) to be administered and
maintained b� the City T easurer a bookkeeping account
separate and '�, apart from all other counts maintained in the
official fin�ncial rec rds of the City. There has been
heretofore c�eated an established t General Debt Service
Fund (number�d 960, h rein the "Fund" The Fund and the
Account shall; each b maintained in th� manner herein
specified un il all f the Bonds and th interest thereon have
been fully pa�id.
( i Account. To the Accou t there shall be
crelll� ite the proceeds of the sale of the Bonds, less
acc�ued interest received thereon, and less any
amo�nt aid for the Bonds in excess of $11, 609 , 000 .
Fro t e Account there shall be paid all costs and
exp ns s of making the Improvements, including the
cos� f any construction contracts heretofore let
, 29
i ���-��
a}�d all other costs incurred and to be inc red of
t�e kind authorized in Minnesota Statutes, Section
475 . 65; and the moneys in the Account sha 1 be used
fpr no other purpose except as otherwise provided by
l�aw provided that the proceeds of the onds may
a s be used to the extent necessary pay interest
o t e Bonds due prior to the antici ated date of
c mm cement of the collection of t es herein
c ven nted to be levied; and provi d further that
i�f upo completion of the Improve nts there shall
remain y unexpended balance in he Account, the
b�alance y be transferred by t Council to the
flund of an other improvement ' stituted pursuant to
I�aws of Min esota for 1971, C apter 773, as amended,
c#r to the Fu d. All earning on the Account shall
k�e transferre to the Fund.
I ( ii) Fund There i hereby pledged and there
hall be credite to the und, to a special sinking
und account whi is h reby created and established
herein for the p en of the Bonds, (a) all
ccrued interest r ce' ed upon delivery of the
onds; (b) all fun aid for the Bonds in excess of
$11, 609, 000; (c) an collections of all taxes which
�re herein levied i the payment of the Bonds and
interest thereon p ovided in paragraph 18; (d)
�11 funds remaini g in the Account after completion
Q�f the Improveme ts and payment of the costs
�hereof, not so transfer ed to the account of
�nother improv ent; and e) all investment earnings
�n moneys hel in said sp ial account in the Fund
r on moneys eld in the A ount.
Said pecial acc unt created in t e Fund shall be used
solely to ay the pr' cipal and interes and any premiums for
redemption of the Bo ds and any other b ds of the City
heretoforelor herea ter issued by the Ci and made payable
from said �Special ccount in the Fund as rovided by law, or
to pay anyl rebate ue to the United States No portion of the
proceeds f the B nds shall be used direct or indirectly to
acquire h'gher y elding investments or to r lace funds which
were usedjdirec ly or indirectly to acquire '�gher yielding
investment�s, e ept ( 1) for a reasonable temporary period
until such� pro eeds are needed for the purpose for which the
Bonds wer is ued, and ( 2 ) in addition to the above in an
amount no g ater than the lesser of five percent ( 5�) of the
proceeds f he Bonds or $100,000 . To this effect, any
proceeds f he Bonds and any sums from time to time held in
, ���� `o� �
the Account o said special account in the Fund (or a other
City account hich will be used to pay principal or ' terest
to become due on the bonds payable therefrom) in exc ss of
amounts which under then-applicable federal arbitra e
regulations m y be invested without regard as to y'eld shall
not be inv t d at a yield in excess of the appli able yield
restriction 'mposed by said arbitrage regulatio s on such
investments !fter taking into account any applic ble
"temporary p iods " or "minor portion" made av lable under
the federal a bitrage regulations . In additio , the proceeds
of the Bonds d money in the Account or the und shall not be
invested in obl ' gations or deposits issued b , guaranteed by
or insured by th United States or any agen y or instrumen-
tality thereof i and to the extent that s ch investment would
cause the Bon s to be "federally guarante d" within the
meaning of Se tion 49(b) of the federal Internal Revenue Code
of 1986, as a ended the "Code" ) .
18 . Tax Le Prior ta th delivery of the Bonds
to the Purcha er, the 'ty Council s all by resolution levy a
tax for the playment of e principa and interest on the
Bonds .
19 .'i General Obl ' atio Pled e. For the prompt and
full payment pf the princip 1 a d interest on the Bonds, as
the same resp ctively becom d e, the full faith, credit and
taxing powers of the City sh be and are hereby irrevocably
pledged. If he balance in e Fund (as defined in paragraph
17 hereof) is' ever insuffic ' n to pay all principal and
interest then' due on the B ds ayable therefrom, the
deficiency shall be promp y pai out of any other funds of
the City whiclh are avail le for uch purpose, including the
general fund bf the Cit , and such other funds may be
reimbursed wi h or wit ut interes from the Fund when a
sufficient balance is vailable the ein.
20.� Cert' icate of Re istr tion. The Director,
Department of Fina e and Management rvices, is hereby
directed to file certified copy of t is Resolution with the
County Audito�r o Ramsey County, Minnes ta, together with such
other informa�ti as the County Auditor hall require, and to
obtain the Co y Auditor' s certificate at the Bonds have
been entered ' the County Auditor' s Bond Register, and that
the tax levy equired by law has been made
Records and Certificates . The officers of the
City are reby authorized and directed to prepare and furnish
to the Pu chaser, and to the attorneys approving the legality
i ��-/a�
of the iss�►ance of the Bonds, certified copies of all
proceedinq and records of the City relating to the Bonds and
to the fin�ncial condition and affairs of the City, and such -'
other affi�lavits, certificates and information as are requ' ed
to show th facts relating to the legality and marketabi ' ty
of the .Bon�s as the same appear from the books and reco ds
under t ei� custody and control or as otherwise known o them,
and all u h certified copies, certificates and aff ' avits,
including ny heretofore furnished, shall be deem represen-
tations ofj he City as to the facts recited ther in.
�2 . Ne ative Covenant as to Use of roceeds and
Improvemen�ts . The City hereby covenants not to use the
proceeds o the Bonds or to use the Improve ents, or to cause
or permit �hem o any of them to be used, r to enter into any
deferred p�ayment rrangements for the cos of the Improve-
ments, in �uch a m nner as to cause the onds to be "private
activity bpnds" wit in the meaning of S ctions 103 and 141
through 1510 of the de.
23 . Tax-Exe t Status of he Bonds• Rebate. The
City shalllcomply with equirement necessary under the Code
to establilsh and maintai the exc sion from gross income
under Sect�ion 103 of the de of the interest on the Bonds,
includinglwithout limitati re irements relating to
temporary �periods for invest e ts, limitations on amounts
invested a�t a yield greater t an the yield on the Bonds, and
the rebat� of excess investm earnings to the United States .
I24 . Nq Desi nat ' n o ualified Tax-Exem t
Obli atio s . The Bonds e eed i amount those which may be
qualified as "qualified x-exemp obliqations" within the
meaning o� Section 265( ( 3) of th Code, and hence are not
designate for such pur ose.
25 . De os ' or Letter A re ment. The Depository
Letter Ag�eement is ereby approved, a d shall be executed on
behalf oflthe City y the Mayor, Clerk nd Director, Depart-
ment of F�nance an Management Services, in substantially the
form appr ved, wi h such changes, modifi ations, additions and
deletionslas sha 1 be necessary and appro riate and approved
by the Ci y Att ney. Execution by such o ficers of the
Deposito Let r Agreement shall be conclu ive evidence as to
the neces ity nd propriety of changes and t eir approval by
the City tto ney. So long as Midwest Securi ies Trust
Company i th Depository or it or its nominee is the Holder
of any G1 bal Certificate, the City shall compl with the
provision of e Depository Letter Agreement, as it may be
Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: ate
Out of Committee By Date
amended or sup lemente by the City fr m time to time with
the agreement r consent of Midwest ecurities Trust Company.
26. Severability. If ny section, paragraph
or provision o this resoluti n hall be held to be invalid
or unenforceab e for any reaso the invalidity or unenforce-
ability of suc section, par ra h or provision shall not
affect any of he remainin provi 'ons of this resolution.
27 . Headings Headings i this resolution are
included for c nvenien e of reference only and are not
a part hereof, and s 11 not limit or efine the meaning
of any prov�si n he eof.
COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of:
Y�S rnmond Nays Finance and Management Services
�� In Favor
sche;n�� _ A gai n s t BY
Form Approved by City Attorn y
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Yassed by Council Sec etary By `
A►pproved by Mavor: Date _ Approve y Mayor for Sub ' 'on to Council
;: ;.� .
,< �, _ , -
�?,.. �_�--
-WHIT@ ��- CITV sIEKK . . :`�.-.__ . � .. � - ...
.P4LJK - FIN�fI�cE � (j I TY OF SA I NT PALT L Council r-: /
'� CAf�IARV -.DFyPARTMENT ' �.-1�..
BLUE -MAVOR - � I. . ��'�, �•fNO. � ��'; •�,.
: f �:�� . r�.� Cou�n�il Resolut`ion
; � - .
' Presented By
.� ,
Referred To •. ' Committee: - ate
Out of Committee By `"`� Date
a�d ar • 1�� b� t)� Cit�r f tit�s to tise �ritl�
tl� aqrs�t c�nt t Nfdvsst �ti�a i'rsst C�ap.
2i. Se�+��abi_]� It �r sactioe, psrayra►ph ;:
� ;: or ps•or►ision �e�ro t hall ba �id to bt ia�alid t
or an�►for �or ans rsa tbe iatalit9ftt az an�ntmr�s-
, �� sbilit? at s� sectic�. par os ps�avi�tio� ��all not
affact aaY of re�aini �ra4i oss 0f tl�3.s rtaolntitta�.
2�. �i lfsadi�qs t�is z�e�lotfon az�
� iacl�d�! �or o� r�f�r� t�el� iad ars not
' a p�i't L�tr101,� a�1d s 11 �1t 11aei.t Or liL� the s�ai�g
of an� prosisi f.
� _
Y� N� Requested by Department of:
Dimond �Ci � 1� ��
�08 " �R FBVOI
� Against By ,�,:`. ,''.'::
sonnen ` ——. - ... :`e
VVilson '
Form Approved by City Attomey
Adopted by Council: Date r'
Certified Passed b� Council Secret ry . r�,,: By ""t'�' ,`� .`���� F`
� By �
Approved by lVlavor: Date Approved��y Mayor for Submission to Coancil
By BY _ .
i V � �I{�l�-i
TOR a► wm►� w�is co� , e�/"' `
Finance & Man n S ices 0�/17189 ��� �� �. � v�
. OONTACT�CN . . �� � . OEMA1h1EtJ7�IXREC'TI�R � . � .. .. IAI1Y'OR(t)11 I1SR1/fFtify�-. . .
S h ir T ey Dav is �� � AwwcE:wr�oo�arF s�nnces os�cron �crrr aa�c
' � r�m�c e�o�so�c+oR �Cou�cil Research
Finance/Treas 29� 7�38 ' T o�c.: �
Five (5) resoYutions pro id�ag for the acceptance of bid on sale of Geaeral Obligati�n &onds,
Series 1989, authorizi.�ceg tl�em and prov�.ding for their issuanee.
1. $�1,75Q,000 Gapital provement Bon�s 4. $S,SOO,OOO Warner/Shepard Road Bonfls
2. $ 2,fl00,00D Street . Sgect$1 Ass ss. Bonds 5. $2,275,000 Capital Ir�p. xefundiAg Bonds
���- ��. $ S,OL1Q,Q�0 Como Cone rvatozy Bonds j
��W�x�(R1) �s�r►a�w�oirr:
r���arwo oa�aM cnrw oorrrseioN ' au� �n un�our �t.rar �►a�raa -
xa+�x�ca�ion reo ezs ea�nu
, A� BTAFF., � . -d/ARiER �� � I � .�1PLETE AS 13 � �IODL�i0.ADGED* - RET'0 TD CONTA�.T �� COI�TRUENP �
ow�wcr oa�cw �Bond Gouaeel ± — —���. —���+
a�,a w�xa+oa�.�rnreo A F ina c ia1 Adv i sa ,, -
A CIB vmmittee � : _
. ��c�rv�� : .
. .
_ , � �
� �I���� 1 � i�S9 - ,
..,+r►� ., ».�. +�:�,a,.�..�►:
1.} To best acco�plish t�► sale of these �onds on February 14, 1989,, and s�il� su�ha�f�e t�e �aDd�
by �otes o#�five �emb rsa of the Ci�y Council, it is desireable t�ia.t these resoluti�ns be' -�
adopted ia arlvance of the sale- a€ tt�e bonds and the acceptar�ce nf the best �bid' b�:� d�I.�gated
to a�,.author,'ized.offi er of 'the City. as permitted by_Minnesota Statutes. �
2) Ano.�t�er- resolution pr sented to Cou�cil on February 14, 1989, will ratifg_�th�.accepta�ce of
bi�l an+� set. the tax 1 vy':�.if aeees�alry) . '. �.
. ,�1CA�If�..�.t�e«,I�: , ' _. � .:
This resolutioa�p�atect:s._ the Cit� (as the low bid must be acted nn wi�2iin 24 itours 'in arder to
�chi�,ve ma��cet ,iaterest ates) in the �vent that: five members of th� council are nat grea�t
� oa February 14, 1989. '� '_ �
Y .. . . .. . . . � � .• . I � . � . . . . . . ._ . . . . ,
. . . . - . . � � � . . � , � .
. � . � I .. . . . . .
. . , . .'.-,M
- , �IMNt.�Mhen.arMl To YNwni$ �
If the resolutions are n t passed..by f e votes, it would require tescheduliag of ttie" boad sale
at a later date tb�reb3� gosiug addit nal coste and delays.
A nu�ber _of Ceuitc;il ger s. were eithe ill or out of town duriag the �eek ttTat th� I988 C�� _
issues eaid. It was. a s am�1e to hav 5 members at the meeting �o sward the �ds, .
_ �a.�� i rao� eo�s
_ _ C�'��cil .Research Center
: .J N 1 �1�89
'� �.s,�o�n►�s. .
a-� The Weter Revenue :�ssue 1988 was suc essfully aold using the procedure described in this
This method of award is thorized by M nnesota Statues Sectio� 475.60, Subd 3 and is . :
recommended bq Bond Coun "l and City At orney.
'� _
4 ...�.' : . . ..
. :��+orn aF sp+o�wow� , .
City of S,t. Patz1 general Qbligation-boads are r��ed AA,+ by Standard and Poor's and Aa bq
Moody's. We anticipate similar ratings for these issues.
�#1�I1QtA@M�;�q _ ro�fron c+,-:� � ,�-.wi.tst�r.�rne er+►�f�,.a..�a.ti ayuwrn� �
_ PNIiAMC.iA��YlFA�T : �s*'��•' sEOONO r�w rx�s:
� 1) Costs are. out-
a�aa�r: lined in the Capital
t�veMUes��� ....................:.........................................: Improvement Budget.
o4�e�: .
sa�eri.eJf'++�ge Ee�+e�ts.............._...................................
` 2) If the refe�nding
..............................�._..................... issue is not at a
�w�n+«n: ....,... . .
s�....................:.......................................................:.:.. present value sav-
c«w�r«s�;oa.................................._�......... .......,. � � ings of $50,000 +,
� it will be abor'�ed.
__ .
�r.t+� .......................................................................... _
w�s��t�nriosst���) 3) In 89, a $8QO,OQd
- gr.ant is 'availab].e
�.���, from State for Como
� �+cosrs...................... debt service.
.......................................................... �
�1l�Ff101tcc�ssTS..... ...... _ . .
.. ........._...... .
�ow cosrs ...............:. 4) Issuance of
...................._.................. ...
$5,000,000 Como &
TOTA1........................... .............._................... ....._... , $S,500,000 Warner/,�i
�e oF Fur�a cNa�ne e�d�a.,U Shepard:bonds pro�-;
vi.des forgiveness
,.�_, ��p,t�, for State interest
��y�� _ : _ _ free laans for CSO.
, ., ,.
�wour+r w acc�ss o�ctinr�r euoaEr....._..._:. ...__
_. , , ..
souACe oF�r.ove�euoc�r..........................._...........
�nr rw�s+�rrrtv u.osTi ......... .. _ :
�T/0F'F10E 01111S1I3N1. � FuND 717LE � � . � .
Finance/Budget Treasury General Debt Service Ft�nds
�r,+crnm ra�a rme . ncrnirr ranrvnaea
89989, 89389 General l�ebt Greg Blees/Tom Cran ,
�r a�'wau.�,�:
naoc�u�os,�es: Moaww nc�cnreas �sr rn. �+o ra.
Eviu.unr�oN�v: . -
�soh o�r. �No. Wap+owr cauwat.c*
Shirle Davis Finance 292-7038 �O��y 05/15/89 .,
,�-- �,�.� �.� r�
�������,�„ -- -- . .. --- ----
��= j� �
_ !� .
; Committee Report
� Financ I Mana ement & Personnei Committee
January 30, 1989
1 . Approvai c,f �iminutes of January 23 meeting. roved �..�
v �
.,�i�.� ��,��.�c��U
. Reso�n 9-126�� �- �+p�s�ri ng sa 1 e af CTg""Bon�s'"g�r i es Approved as-�nnene�ed
19�39A ($'11, 50,�0�) . (t��fei-red from Co+t���i J nuary 26?
�z �
3. Resolution 8�9-127 - epproving sal�f Street Improvemeni Approved as s�me�d
Special Asse�ssment Bonds Series 1989B ($�,000,000) .
(Referred fr�om Counci 1 Janua�-y 26) � � �/� U �����<.
4. R�so i ut i on 81p-128 - approv i ng sa 1�f Como Conservatory Approved as ar�e�id,ed
Bonds Seriesi1989C ($5,000,000) . (Refe�red from Council
January 26) � J � �"_ U
5. Reso l ut i on 89-12� - a ' ����
pproving sale of Warner/5hepard Approved as�er�d�d
Rdad Eionds S�ries 1989D (�5,500,000) . (Referred from
Counc i I Janu�ry 26) ����:�,�c�
' � (/ �.�.��:z��
6. ReSO 1 ut i on 8$-130 - apprc,v i ng sa 1 of Refunr�i r�g gonds Approve as--�xet�d
Series 1989E �I ($2,275,OOC) . fReferre� from Council
January 2b)
Resolution 8�-13t - ap�prr�v�ng tax ievy fvr �11";7�4,000 No action required
CIB Bonds. Referred from Council January 26}
8. Resolution 8 -132 - approving tax levy far $2,000,000 No action required
Street Impro�ement Special Assessment 8onds. (Referred
f rom Counc i 1 IJanuar,y 26)
9. Resolution 8'�-133 - approving tax levy for $S,OOO,G�O No action required
Como Corserv�tory Bonds. {�eferred from Council '
January 26) ��
f a�y 46
i _ .
• 585T
I' March _, 1989
Midwest Sec rities Trust Company
One Financi 1 Place
440 South L Salle Street
Chicago, IL 60605
R�: City of Saint Paul, Minnesota --
$11,750,000 General Obligation Capital
' � Improvement Bonds, Series 1989A
$2,000,000 General Obliqation Street Improve-
, ment Special Assessment Bonds, Series 1989B
' $5,000,000 General Obliqation Como Conservatory
Bonds, Series 1989C
$5,500,000 General Obligation Warner/Shepard
Road Bonds, Series 1989D
$2,275,000 General Obligation Capital
Improvement Refunding Bonds, Series 1989E
T e purpose of this letter is to set out certain
matters rel ting to the safekeeping and "Global" Book-entry of
$26,525,000 in aggregate principal amount of 1989 general
obligation bonds referenced above (the "Bonds" ) issued by the
City of Sai t Paul, Minnesota (the "Issuer" ) . Each series of
the Bonds i being issued in accordance with its own resolu-
tion (as ap ropriate to an issue, the "Resolution" ) of the
Issuer adop ed on February _, 1989, under which the Treasurer
of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, is acting as bond
registrar (the "Bond Registrar" ) , and is being sold pursuant
, ,
to bids acc' pted February 14, 1989, from Harris Trust and
Savings Ban , of Chicago, Illinois, and First Bank National
Association of Minneapolis, Minnesota, and
(collectively, the "Purchasers" ) , pursuant
to which th Purchasers have agreed to purchase, and the
Issuer has �greed to issue, the Bonds .
I}� order to induce the Issuer and Bond Registrar to
cause the P rchasers to deposit the Bonds with Midwest
Securities rust Company ( "MSTC" ) and in order to induce MSTC
to accept t e Boncls as eligible for deposit at MSTC and to
hold such B nds for the term thereof for the benefit of those
brokers, de lers, banks and other financial institutions which
are membersjof MSTC (the "Participants" ) , the Issuer, Bond
Registrar afid MSTC agree as follows:
1 ; Designation by MSTC. MSTC aqrees to designate
the Bonds a� eligible securities under its Bylaws and Rules,
and agrees o abide by such Bylaws and Rules, as well as the
Procedures dopted by MSTC pursuant thereto, at all times in
connection ith the performance of its obligations in connec-
tion with t e safekeeping and book-entry of the Bonds. MSTC
• agrees to use its best efforts to notify the Issuer of any
proposed cha�nges in such Rules, Bylaws or Procedures which
would affec� the Bonds or their transfer.
2 .� Deposit. At the closings of the initial
issuance of �the Bonds scheduled for March , 1989, and
March _, 19j89, the Issuer will cause the Purchasers to
deposit wit MSTC one Bond certificate for each maturity of
each series eqistered in the name of Kray & Co. , an Illinois
general part ership which is the nominee of MSTC, having an
aggregate fa e value of $26,525,000 and representing 100$ of
the principa�l .amount of such Bonds, and such Bond certificates
shall remainjin the custody of MSTC or its agent.
3 . 1 Notice of Redemption of All Bonds . In the event
of a redempt�on, or other early withdrawal, resulting in re-
tirement of ll Bonds of a series outstanding, the Issuer or
Bond Registr r shall give MSTC and the other registered
securities d positories notice of such event, including second
notices of a vance refundings, not less than thirty ( 30) nor
more than si�Cty (60) days prior to the redemption date.
4 . Notice of Partial Redemption. In the event of a
redemption, r any� other early withdrawal, resulting in the
retirement o less than a11 Bonds of a series outstanding, the
Issuer or Bo d Registrar shall give MSTC and the other
registered se�curities depositories notice of such event,
including sedond notices of advance refundings, not less than
thirty ( 30) or more than sixty (60) days prior to the
redemption da�te. MSTC, the Issuer and the Bond Registrar
shall cooperajte in determining the method of allocatinq the
reduction amc}ng beneficial owners .
5 . Information in Redemption Notices . All
redemption nc�tices to MSTC and other registered securities
depositories should contain the following: (a) CUSIP num-
ber( s) ; (b) �ertificate numbers and called amounts of each
certificate or partial calls; (c) publication date; (d)
redemption d te; (e) redemption price; ( f) redemption agent
name and add�ess; (g) nominal date of original issue;
(h) interest 'rate; ( i) maturity date; and ( j ) any other
descriptive �nformation that accurately identifies the called
Bonds .
6 . I Timinq and Addresses for Redemption Notices.
All redemptic�n notices (and, as to MSTC and Kray & Co. , other
notices) to STC or Kray & Co. and the other registered secu-
rities depos tories shall be forwarded by hand delivery (with
• receipt) or �xpress or Courier Service or certified or regis-
tered United�States mail at least two (2) days prior to the
publication ate (if published) to:
(i) Midwest Securities Trust Company
Capital Structures - Call Notification
One Financial Place
440 South LaSalle Street
Chicago, Illinois 60605
, FAX - (312 ) 663-2343
(ii) The Depository Trust Company
711 Stewart Avenue
Garden City, New York 11530
Attention: Diana Difiglia
FAX - (516) 227-4039 or 4190
(iii)Pacific Securities Depository
' Trust Compan�
Pacif.ic and Company
' P.O. Box 7041
'I San Francisco, California 94120
FAX - (415) 393-4128
� (iv) Philadelphia Depository Trust Company
' Reorqanization Division
1900 Market Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103
Attention: eond Department
� DEX - (215) 496-5058
The Issuer c�r Bond Registrar shall also send such redemption
notices to c#ne or more information services of national
recognitionithat disseminate redemption information, such as
J.J. Kenny a�r Financial Card Services .
7 .! Interest Payments . Interest payments shall
contain thelBonds ' CUSIP numbers and be forwarded to MSTC or
its nominee Kray & Co. (c/o P.O. Box 96625, Chicago IL 60693) ,
or its registered assigns, in next day funds or its equivalent
on each interest payment date no later than 12 :00 noon
(Chicago, Illinois, time) . At the option of the Issuer, such
interest pa ents may be made by wire transfer to:
Continental Illinois National Bank and Trust Company of
Chicago, for the credit of Midwest Securities Trust Company,
Account No. 552416, ABA No. 071000039 . Interest payments
' shall be mad payable to the order of Kray & Co. The payment
shall list e ch CUSIP number anci the respective interest
amount repre ented by that payment. MSTC agrees that it will
credit such ayments to the accounts of its Participants in
accordance w'th its Rules and Procedures, as in effect from
time to time�
8 . I Principal and Premium Payments; Other Payees .
MSTC underst�nds that, except as to partial prepayments of
principal, p incipal and premium are payable upon surrender of
the Bond ceri�ificates to the Bond Registrar. Payments of
principal orjpremium shall contain each Bond' s CUSIP number
and be wired 'or otherwise forwarded to MSTC or its nominee
Kray & Co. , �r its registered assigns, in next day funds or
its equivaler�t, on each payment date no later than 12 :00 noon
(Chicago, Il�inois, time) . In the event that a payment
reflects func�s paid on more than one CUSIP number, the payment
shall contai� a reference to each CUSIP number represented by
that payment.� _Principal payments shall be made payable to the
order of Kra�k & Co. and be sent to:
At the optior� of the Issuer, such payments of principal or
premium may e made by wire transfer to: Federal Reserve Bank
of Chicaqo, �or the credit of Midwest Securities Trust
Company, ABAINo. 071002299 .
If IBond certificates are authenticated and delivered
by the Issuerl or Bond Registrar other than to MSTC or its
nominee Kray & Co. , pursuant to the Resolution, any payment of
principal or interest due MSTC or Kray & Co. shall be made to
MSTC or its n�Ominee Kray & Co. on the payment date and in
immediately a�vailable funds if such other certificate holders
are entitled to receive payment of principal or interest in
such funds .
9 . IChanqe of Pavment Address; Notice of Nonpavment.
MSTC may requ�e st payment of interest or principal or premium
to be made tolanother address or in another manner than as
described in �aragraphs 7 and S hereof, and the Bond Registrar
and Issuer sh 11 cooperate with respect to such changes to the
extent permit�ted under the Resolution. If the Bond Registrar
or Issuer sha�ll be unable to make any interest or principal
' amounts by th payment date, the Bond Registrar or Issuer
shall so advi�e MSTC by telex (Number 254236) no later than
4 :00 p.m. (Ch'cago, Illinois, time) on the day prior to the
payment date.� Such sinqle notice shall be addressed to the
following thr e officers: (i) Senior Vice President of
Operations, (�i) Manager of Bond Interest Department and (iii)
Manager of Reprganization Department.
10. Addresses. MSTC may direct the Issuer or Bond
Registrar to �se any other address or department of MSTC as
the address o�C department to which notices may be sent.
11 . ' New Certificates or �Notation Upon Partial
Redemption. n the event a redemption or any other early
withdrawal ne essitating a reduction in the aggregate princi-
pal amount of Bonds outstanding, MSTC, in its discretion, (a)
may request t e Issuer or Bond Registrar to issue and authen-
ticate new Bo�d certificates, or (b) shall make an appropriate
notation on t e Bond certificates indicating the date and
amounts of su�h reduction in principal, and may present the
Bond certific�tes to the Bond Registrar for execution of such
notation. ,
12 . Another Depository or Replacement Bonds. The
Resolution pr vides that in the event the Issuer determines
that (a) MSTC is incapable of discharging responsibilities
� i
described hjerein and in the Resolution, or (b) it is in the
best interelst of the beneficial owners of the Bonds that they
be able to btain certificated Bonds, as more fully set forth
in paragrap 6 of each Resolution, the Issuer or Bond
Registrar mlay notify MSTC that it will arrange for another
securities �epository to maintain custody of the certificates
for the Bon s or issue Bond certificates to each Bondholder,
as appropriate. In the event that MSTC is no longer to serve
as securiti s depository for the Bonds, MSTC, the Issuer and
the Bond Re�istrar will cooperate with one another and others
in taking a�propriate action ( i) to make available one or more
separate ce�ktificates evidencing the Bonds to MSTC ' s Partici-
pants havinc� Bonds credited to their MSTC accounts or ( ii) to
arrange for �another securities depository to maintain custody
of one or mqre certificates evidencing the Bonds .
1� . MSTC Records of Ownership; Lists . MSTC shall
maintain a �ecord of ownership that identifies its Partici-
pants who a�e owners of an interest in the Bonds and shall,
upon request� of the Issuer or Bond Registrar, furnish the
Issuer or Bo�nd Registrar lists of the principal amount of
Bonds held fior the account of such Participants and the names
' and addressels of such Participar�ts to permit the Issuer or
Hond Registr r to ascertain the names and addresses of the
beneficial o ners of the Bonds and, if deemed appropriate, to
send noticesito such beneficial owners . The Issuer agrees to
pay all reas�nable fees to MSTC for the provision of such
lists. Thisisection is intended to enable the Issuer and Bond
Registrar toiidentify and communicate directly with beneficial
owners of th� Bonds and is not an implication that MSTC or
Kray & Co. w uld not forward notices in its ordinary course.
14 Lists; Signatures; Etc . The Issuer hereby
authorizes M TC to provide the Bond Reqistrar with lists of
the principa amount of Bonds held for the account of its
Participants and also authorizes the Bond Registrar to pro-
vide MSTC wi h such signatures, signature specimens and autho-
rizations to act as. may be deemed necessary by MSTC to permit
MSTC to disc arqe its obligations to its Participants and
proper regulajtory authorities . This authorization, unless
revoked by tl�e Issuer, shall continue for the term of the
Bonds, until �and unless the above-named Bond Registrar shall
no longer beiacting under_ the Resolution. In such event, the
Issuer shall�rovide MSTC with similar evidence of the
authorizatio of any successor Bond Registrar to so act.
15 .1i Bond Reqistrar and Issuer Not Responsible.
Neither the Bbnd Registrar nor the Issuer, as issuer of the
, , i
. Bonds, willjbe responsible or liable for maintaining, super-
vising or r�viewing the records maintained by MSTC, its Par-
ticipants o�t persons acting through such Participants; and the
Issuer and �ond Reqistrar will have no responsibility or
obligation tlo the Participants or beneficial owners with
respect to tlhe Bonds so long as MSTC or a nominee of MSTC is
the registe�led owner of the Bonds .
16�. Voting. In the event that a vote of Bond-
holders is tb occur, Bonds reqistered in the name of MSTC or
its nominee ay be voted in fractions representing portions of
such Bonds i the principal amount of $5,000, or any integral
multiple the eof.
17�. Bonds in Reqistered Form. The Issuer intends
that the Bon�is will at all times be obligations "in registered
form" within the meaning of Section 149(a) of the Internal
Revenue Codel� of 1986 . Consistent with the intent and notwith-
standing theiprovisions in the previous paragraphs of this
Letter Agree�ent, MSTC shall, pursuant to reasonable instruc-
tions of theiIssuer and to the extent permitted by MSTC's
Rules, Bylaw� and Procedures, and at the expense of the
• Issuer, takejsuch actions and assume such responsibilities not
otherwise cor�templated by this I;etter Agreement as required to
assure that t�he Bonds be obliqations "in reqistered form"
within the m�aning of said Section 149(a) .
li 7
� _ , . �
Very truly yours,
Gary Norstrem, Treasurer
And By
Director Department of
Management and Finance
' I� . B
Assistant City Attorney
aCCErTE� fYl:
Midwest Sec�rities Trust Company
� .
Letter Aqreelent relating to certain general obligation bonds
issued in 19�9. • -�-�
,I .
I .