89-125 WMITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council ///f CANARY - DEPARTMENT / �- OLUE - MAVOR I File NO• � Council Resolution �� � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By.1 Date WHEREAS, The Mayor's Offi e, through.the Human Rights Co�ission, is in the process of selecting a new City Human Rights D�partment Director, and WHEREAS, Due to the exist�ng Director's announcement of her departure in 1988, no money was budgeted in 198 for the selection process, and WHEREAS, The Mayor pursu�nt to Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter recommends the following transfers for the �989 Ge#�eral Fund budget: Current Amended TRANSFER FROM: i Budget Changes Budget General Government Acco nts ------------ -------------- -------------- Contingent Reserve Ge eral 09060-0537 Operating ransfer Out 206,000 (29,800) 176,200 206,000 (29,800) 176,200 TRANSFER T0: Executive Administratiqn Personnel Office 00158 Recruitment an Selection 00158-0219 Fees-Othe Projessional Services 18,000 29,800 47,800 00158-0251 Transport tion 300 0 300 00158 All Other Spen ing 365,767 0 365,767 Al1 Other Fund Spend ng 123,523,631 0 123,523,631 ------------ -------------- -------------- 123,907,698 29,800 123,937,498 NET CHANGE 0 RESOLVED, That the City Council approves these changes to the 1989 budget. _ Approval Recommended: . G�� I -- --- -- �--------------- Budget D r tor COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � ^ Dimond Long j In Favor xecutive Administration G°S"''tz � p SFER.WK1 Rettman s�neibe� _ Against BY Sonnen Wilson JAN 2 6 1989 Form Ap r ved by City Att ey Adopted by C ouncil: D�te Certified Passe y u .il cr a y By B� � � Approv y Mayor for Submiss' to Coun`il A►pproved 19avor• Date I — By � � ��� • � I I . � � � G,���/� COUNCIL ADOPTED 1989 BUDGET • GENERAL CONTINGENT RESERVE (09060-0537) as of January 5, 1989 I - Council Changes/Transfers Adopted ------------------------------- 1989 Council Budget File Date Amount Available ---------- --------- ------- ------------ ------------ Be innin Balance 206 000 8 8 , Human Rights Directo Search pending (29,800) ----------- ------------ ------------ Ending Balan e 206,000 (29,800) 176,200 �__ r����a� I pending - Pending acti n by the Finance Committee or identified but not yet submitted by the departme t. withdrawn - Request wit drawn before council action OMBS/ eanetta � 1/5%B�ESRV89.wk1 II � �i � �i � ii III � II� �I �I � il II I II I i III : ���� � � � ` ' �l° �12041 , Personnel Of f ice Dgp��� � Kell Tanzei� CONTACT NAME 298-4221 PAONE , �- , 1-5-89 DATE . ASS G F RD (See reverse side.) - `�AN � �l�°I � 1 Department Direc or 4 Mayor (or�s�i$,tant� ,� Finance and ldana ement Services Director 5 City Clerk � � �1 '�°r`� p, Z Budget Airector _ U #Y�� 3 City Attorney � _ _ 0 TUR l (Clip all locations for signature.) W V ? (Purpose/Rationale) Human ftights Direct r,� Marilyn �onroe Johnson, resigned in 1988. No money was budgeted in 1988 or 1989 to select replacement. 1988 budget was revised to authorize $1,000 sp ndin� for beginning selection process. Personnel Office would like to sign ontract with PDI to complete search and replacement process as directed by the uman ftights Commission. Budget amendment creates spending authority in 1989 t search, recruit and select new Human Rights Director. COS BUDGET N S C . Spending au.thority s created through transfer from•Contingent Reserve: General. No net 'change to Ge eral Fund Financing P1an, . Spending PLan nor autho���E�"rEs. JAN 1 N 19$9 MAYOR'S OFFICE FIN C V B R C 0 ED: (Mayor's signature n t required if under $10,000.) Total Amount of Tr nsgction: $29,800 Activity Nwnber: 00158 �� Funding Sourca: 09060 Cont�.ngent Reserve Geaeral . JAN t l��1�9 ���fiR��� ATTACHMENTS: (List nd number all attachmenta.) C'.-- (�`TM(',(��( 1. Resoluti,on JAty � '��`�9 2. 1988 Resolution COI;^�s, �����;u;c;� Ce�ter 3. Contingent Reser e Gener�.l STatus re ort - �.��,t � J�N 1 � ��89 �, gUa��� `" � ADMINISTRATIVE PROC UR S • �� s _No Ru es, Regulatio�s, Procedures. or Budget Amendment required? Y�es _No If yes, are they or timetable attached? D AR NT R VI W GITY ATTORAIEY REVIET�1 ' � _Yes o Coun il resolution required? Resolution required? _Yes _No _Yes Insu ance required� Insurance sufficient? _Yes _No Yes No Ins ance attached? WHITE - CITY GLERK � ' 1 PINK � F�NANCE ^F' CANAR : OEPARTMENT C I TY O� SA I NT l �U L COUIICII 0LU - MAVOR [i��e NV. ' . � . , Council Resolu�ion ���a-S P �•°nted E3y ' �. Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee $y Date WHEREAS, The Mayor's Off'ce, through,the Human Rights Commission, is in the process of selecting a new City Human Rights epartment Director, and WHEREAS, Due to the,ex s n Director's apnouncement of her departure in mid-year, no money was _budgeted in �9 � �or the selection process, and WHEREAS, The Mayor, pu s �nt to Sect�on,10.07.1 of t�ie City Cha ter, does �ertify inatheh���8$budget;lande or appropriation revenues in excess o� those estimated WHEREAS, Tfie Mayor reco ends the following changes to the 1988 budget: ' Cu rent Am nded FI CING PLAN __Bu�dget___ _ Changes___ __Bu�get . �� G a 1.Fund ' . _. .���� Us of Fund alance, Unreserved 1 6g3 465 l 6g 465 All Oth�rsFgnanci 118'7.61'4Q6. 1,008 118'Z61'40b , , > > ------------ ------------ --a--------- 120,444,871 1,000 120,445,871 SPE�ING PLAN . .. , .... .. . . .. . 00 General,Fund .Pxesunne� O�ficest ation p g uitme�t �d Selection 8 ��� -0��+� Publicatio�s and Advertising , 1,00 3 , $ Al1. .Opher,Sg nding . �4������ $ 120,01�;�7� A 1. .Other S endin 120 0 ------------ ------------ ------------ T20,444,871 1,000 I20,445,871 .. . . ... .'..... .. . . . � sT CHANGE 1 000 RESOLVED, That,the budget for sel Ging the Human Rights pi�r ector wijl be a 1988 and 1989 proc�ss _requiring t�e Per onnel O��ice to recommend a 1989 budget ad�ustment..to,the Mayor to comp ete the selection pr cess. _ � .. . FURTHER RESOLVED, That th{e City Council approves these changes to the 1988 budget. ' Approval Recommended ------------------------ • Budget Director G�%�fi� � ,/'7/�/v�/:n i.,� COUNCIL MEMBERS �Q� �j � � . Yeas Nays '�/�/1 I "O (�i ��.3 / Dimond V X� CIG"^' ` Long CJ ���� �� b� /�,Q-/C,� .. Rettman Scheibel . Sonnen -�� ,n //� l/ ,rq Wilson /l/��J ii✓ ��' � ��'/ I / ���' Adopted by Council: Date �^W„ ' � � � �� fied Yassed by Council Secr ' ���,�n,�e �� � ����Q 'I Vl�r B}� ' '�" /�'��� ,� G�,� I r��'o�'�—� Approved by Mavor: Date —� � " C���"� ""` U � ' " By �� � , �� � � , �Fi n�, �rn m �,�M��t � �' � _...._._ .__..--.. _ .__.,. ........��., _ __-__..-- - -,_ _ ._.__ U . ����� �`�''i . . -_ ��- ��`/� t� .�-� - _.�.r ., _ ..,.�:�.�.= _ .� , � 2�3. Resolution 88-1896 - ,amending the 1988 ;budget by Approved as - adding $30,800 to the Financing and Spending Plans amended for Execu iuQ����istration Personnei Office. �ed t`ol� Counc i 1 December 1) C,��f� 0 � 29. Resolutio 88-1898 - amending the 1988 budget by Approved adding $2,139 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Perso nel Office Speciai Projects. (Referred _ from Coun il December 1 ) v 30. Resolutiol 88-1899 - amending the 1988 budget by Approved adding $6,�0�0 to the Financing and Spending Plans in Financ� and Management Services Risk Management. (Referred ',from Council December 1 ) 31. Resolutiorh 88-1918 - adopting the St. Paul Capital Laid over Allocatiorh Policy for the years 1990 through 1994 to 1-9 and trans�nitting it to neighborhood contacts, Long Range CIB'Committee and its task force, the Planning ommission and City staff. (Laid over Dzcember 2) PERSONNEL 32. Resotutio 88-1858 - approving by the Mayor the Approved appointme ts of persons listed to serve on the St. Paul CIB o�nrnittee. (Laid over December 12) 33. Resoluti n 88-1948 - establishing the rate of pay Laid over for Municipal Equipment Coordinator in Grade 07, to 1-9 Section ID3 of the Professionai Non-Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensat$ion Resolution. (Referred from Council December '13) 34. ResolutiOn pertaining to Fire Chief selection process. Approved �' I ', , 'i _ _ . . _ . ��-i�.� WNITE - CITY CLERK PINK• - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council /� . CANARV - DEPAi7TMENT � �' /J�/ BLUE - MAVOF File �0. �� ��� �� - � Council Resolution ������ � ,,,I � - Presented By � ' � `"` eferred o � � Committee: Date �O`- � �� Out of Commi,ttee By � Date WHEREAS, The Mayor's�Offi e, through,the Human Rights Commission, is in the process of selecting a new City Human Right� D partment Director, and WHEREAS, Due to the.ex � 'n Director's ar�nouncement of her departure in mid-year, no money was budgeted in �� �or the selection process, and WHEREAS, The Mayor, p�r�su ut to Sect�on,10.07.1 of tJ�e City Cha te , does Gertify inatheh���8a�udget;lande d appropriation revenues in excess o� t�iose estimated WHEREAS, The Mayor recomm nds the followin chan es to the 1988 bud et: � g g g � Cu rent Am nded Bu�get Changes Bud�get FI�TQ.�TCING PLAN ------------ ------------ ------------ VU1 Gg a1 Fund I y��� Us� o� Fund Bhlance, Un eserved Un esignated I � � p 30,80 � ����Qp All Other Financin� 119 035 071 S 119 0 il ------------ ------------ ------------ SPENDING PLAN 119,035,071 30,800 119,065,871 001 General,Fund .Executiv Adm�nist ation nnel O�fice - � uitment nd Sel ctipn Fees-Ot er �ro�essional Se ices 5 , �9,g � , - 2�� Tr n$po �ation �, Q,Q� , - 2 Pu�lica i �s and Advertisin 372, 1,U 37 , � A 1 Other Spendin� n�ing 118,b01; 118,60 ; 7 ------------ ------------ ------------ ' 119,035,071 30,800 119,065,871 NET CHANGE 30,800 RESOLVED Th t,the ud et for el Gin the Hum n Ri h s Director will be a �988 and 1989 ����ess r'e�uir��ng t e �er onne� O��ficegto encum�e fun�s pr contracted services and recommend a budge a �ustment to the Mayor to complete t�ie selec �.on process. FURTHER RESOLVED, That th� City Council approves these chan� s to the 1988 budget. App oval �eommended ,�'' -�f�� `!%:1.�---- Bu e�Directo g COUNCIL MEMBERS equested by Depa • • Yeas Nays Dimond ,i ��v In Favor xec v atio Goswitz Amend .wkl ! Rettman s�be;be� , Against BY Sonnen Wilson Form App o ed by City A rney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Vassed by Council Secr tary BY ! B� A►pproved by 1�lavor: Date Appr by Mayor for Submiss o � ♦ � I I s� L ; WHI7E - G�TV CLERK �� PINK - FINANCE �� COI�I1C11 IJ �/ � CANAiiV•_oEP,,RTMENT ���� GITY OF SAINT PAUL ���rI BI.UE - MAVOR ' FLle �O• iI � / V� . • �' �ouncil .Resolution (��-�� Presented By � Referred To ` Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Mayor's Off'ce, through,the Human Rights Commission, is in the process of selecting a new City fluman Rights epartment Director, and WIiEREAS, Due to the,ex�$ �n� Director's amnouncement of her departure in mid-year, no money was .budgeted in y or the selection process, and �EREAS, The Mayor, p��s �nt to Sect�on,10.07.1 of t�ie City Char�te , does �erti�y inatheh���8a�udget;lande or appropriation revenues in excess o t�iose estimate WHEREAS, Tfie Mayor recom�ends the following changes to the 1988 budget: � ' Cu rent Am nded I Bu�dget Changes Bud�get FIg CING PLAI3 j ------------ ------------ ------------ 0� G �i a 1.Fund . .�tS�� Us o� Fund alance, Unreserved 1 g3 465 l 6g 465 Un�esignate� $'§61'40b. 1'��� 118'761'406 All Other Financi g 11 , , ------ ' = SPEN�ING PLAN I 120,444,871 1,000 120,445,871 00 General,Fund Executiv Adm�nis ration �nnel O�fice R uitme�t a�d Selection -0��+� Public tior�s and Advertising , 1,00 , Al1 .Other,S ending 43 $$ g 43 $ A Other Spendin 120,01�;�73 0 120,01�; �3 ------------ ------------ ------------ 120,444,871 1,000 120,445,871 NET CHANGE 1,000 RESOLVED, Th�t,the bud e for sel Ging the Human Righ s i ector w �.1 be a 1988 and 1989 proc ss requiring t�e �e sonnel O��ice to recommend a �98� �udget ac��ustment to. the Mayor to comp�ete the selection p ocess. FURTHER RESOLVED, That tt�e City Council approves these changes to the 1988 budget. Approval Recommende -`� -- _'�1_-���=_-�- Budget r tor COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Lo�g In Favor ��,,.,� � Amend .wkl Rettman B Scheibel � A gai ns t Y Sonnen Wilson Adopted by Council: Dat DEC '= � � Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed Co cil Se�re y By � B5, _Q��� , C�� Approved y A�1av r: Date QEC 2 � ��G Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � gy , BY �,;gg��3 G�C � 11988 , _ : __ ____ �����'_ � �:� � - � �-� , .____._ '�, � - , ��..�'�`, CITY OF SAINT PAUL .�+`' ''= h'. 333..d 1 : .I��t� �t:' I• � OFFICE OF '1`FiF. CIT� COIINCIL - , _. - Committee Report Fi n n '� a �e. Manaqement. & Personnel Committee January 23, 1989 I . Approvai o1� minutes of January 9 rreeting. Approved 2. Resolution $8-1918 - adopting the St. Paul Capital Allo- Approved substitute cation Pol �cy for the years 1990 through 1994. {Referred from Councill December 8, laid over January 9) 3. Resolution �89-XXXX (�o be assigned) - providing funds for- Approved substitute 1 evee and fi��i oodwa 1 1 i rnprovements. 4. Resolution 188-1964 - amending the 1988 Capital Improvement Approved substitute 8udget by t�-ansferring $373,000 from Finance and Management Services tolCapital Project Building Improvements. (Referred f�om Council De�ember 13) 5. Resolution $8-1965 - amending the 1988 budget by adding Approved substitute $373,000 tolthe Financing and Spending Plans for City Property Mar�agement Fund City Hall Annex. (Referred from Counci1 December 13) 6. Oiscussion �f Personal Service Contracts, a�piicable 1R5 Information only regulations� and need for modification of existing prac- tices. 7. Reso I ut�o�� -�kXkX (tc+ b� ia�i gned) - aill�nc!i ng the ��ro� �;�� 1989 budge!t° `.��ransf�rr�ng ,$29,:$�A frca�n,Gont i ngent Reserv� to�' '�Y..t�rce-°�dh�r���s��eticm/P�rsannei Office/ Recruitment. 8. Resoiution $ -1945-A - establishing the rate of pay Approved substitute for E.D.P. A�ide in Grade 24, Section IO2 of the Technical St ndard Ranges in the Salary Plan and � Rates of Com�ensation Resolution. (Referred from Council Decerhber 13, laid over January 9) 9. Resolution 8�3-1946 - changing the rate of pay for Approved Environmenta� Health Clirector in Section IQ4 of the Professional �Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan �nd Rates of Compensation Resolution. (Referred frc�m Council December 13, laid over January 9) i CITY HALL II SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESO?A 55102 s�.ae I � � ' � �?�"s �� /a � f ••y � I 2�l �/J� / � �a�' CITY OF SAINT P/�UL �a� INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM RECEIVED ��� FEB o s 1989 February 3, �.989 CITY CLERK TO: Copncilmember Tom Dimond Councilmember Roger Goswitz Coy�ncilmeinber Bob Long Coy�ncilmember Janice Rettman Co�ncilmember Jim Scheibel Co�ncilmember Kiki Sonnen Co�ncilmember William Wilson ! .- _�` FROM: Ga�y Norstrem /-f%������1 ' 4 " RE: $1]1,750,000 Capital Improvement Bonds $ 7, 000,000 Street Assessment Bonds $ 9, 000,000 Como Conservatory Bonds $ 51,500,000 Warner/Shepard Road Bonds ' $ 21,275,000 Capital Improvement Refunding Bonds On February 113, 1989 the City intends to receive and open bids for the abovel referenced bond issues as authorized by the 1989 Capital ImproWement Budget and the City Budget Goals and Policies. OnlFebruary 14, 1989 at 10:00 a.m. the winning bids will be reco�ended to the Council for your approval. Five (5) votes are nec ssary for approval, so I hope you will be able to commit to attend. Please mark your calendar for this date. If there is a co�flict in your calendar, please call Shirley Davis at 292-7038. Attached is a draft resolution which accepts the winning bid and also sets the�itax levy on those issues that require same. The question as raised at the Finance Committee meeting of January 30, 1�89 as to whether the size of any of these issues will change. iThe answer is "NO" on the four new issues. We expect that t�e $2,275, 000 Capital Improvement Refunding issue will change a much as $25, 000 either way - up or down. It is typical on th� refunding issue to reserve the right to change the numbers at th� last minute to provide the most benefit to the City. This sa�me procedure was used with the 1987 WPA refunding issue. The ir�terest rates received the day of bid opening will dictate the si�ze of a refunding issue. We don't want excess moneys because� of th�e arbitrage problem and rebate; we don't want too little mon�ey, as the City would have to kick in an additional amount to full� fund the escrow account which pays the principal and interest o�n these bonds. The bottom line is: if present value savinqs Kio not exceed $50,000 the issue will be aborted. i I . , , . , �� If you have any questions, please call Shirley Davis or me at 292-7016. � cc: Gene Scl�iller Lee Ann� Turchin Gerry Si�rathman. Gary Pe$ersen Jim Har � Xl Olso� /sd/a:2-3-891! I . _ _ . . i