89-119 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE C I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT ii / BI.UE - MAVOR ��, FIIe NO• /L �_ ' ouncil Resolution f �.I Presented By R To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date I �I RESOLVED: T at application (ID #�9266) for renewal of a Class A G mbling License by the Military Order of the Purple Heart N�ls Wold Chapter No. 5 at 1060 University Avenue, be and t e same is hereby approved/�ed. i COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� � In Favor Goswitz Rettman Q B Scheibel A g8i n s t Y Sonnen �� � JAN 2 4 1989 Form Ap roved by ity torney Adopted by Council: Date ' • Certified Passed o ncil Secr t By / ~G "�� By Appr by Mavor: D te r AN 2 5 1989 Appcoved by Mayor Eor Submission to Council sY p{�llSNEB t��-� 4 1989 , . �� �����9 �•-�,,. Charitable Gambli g Control Board '�� Rm N-475 Griggs- idway Bldg. . For Board Use Only 1821 University A . Paid Amt: - St. Paul, MN 5510 -3383 CheCk No. . ':•••;'� (612) 642-0555 Date: GAMBLING LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION UCENSE NUMBER: A-�ia'.�8�A�1 /EFF. DATE:, 83 j�l j83 /AMOUNT OF FEE: �2��.d8 1.Applicant-Legaf Name of Organi ation 2. Street Address !lILITARY ORDE;t 4F ?�E P9APl; ii AR� iYAPT�, i 364 Charles avz 3.City, State,Zip 4. County 5. Business Phone St Paui, !IM 55183 R��s?Y ( blt 222-'s�.3 6. Name of Chief Executive Officer � 7. Business Phone �'oit:�idk6i+s�cs Ja::��s �o::::l :;y:�-�:i�37 � 41: '�vq;�:�T2g:��.>:-�»�7 8. Name of Treasurer or Person Wh Accounts for Revenues 9. Business Phone Car; ��l�.cuski ( oI? � �?�-�2:"s 10. Name of Gambling Manager I 11. Bond Number 12. Business Phone Betty iean ��1%eus�i ii5?S'.' ) 13. Name of Establishment Where Ga bling Will Take Place 14. County 15. No. of Active Members !I G P i{ oin,o ;?di1 it ?aui ?„msey 3^ 16. Lessor Name 17. Monthly Rent: �l1iCdCy $�G '?� PliCy!° hedit i54fl 18. If Bingo will be conducted with thi�license, please specify days and times of Binga Days Times , Days Times Days Times rrida;,s 7:�7.�.:3J ?.;� -_ 19. Has license ever been: ❑ f�evoked Date: ❑ Suspended Date: ❑ Denied Date: 20. Have internal controls been submi�ted previously? �ll Yes 0 No(If"No,"attach copy) „ 21. Has current lease been filed with t�e board? ttJ Yes O No(If"No,"attach copy) 22. Has current sketch been filed with'Ithe board? Ci] Yes ❑ No(If"No,"attach copy) I GAMBLING SITE AUTHORIZATION By my signature below, local law enfo�Cement officers or agents of the Board are hereby authorized to enter upon the site,at any time, gambling is being conducted,to observe the gambping and to enforce the law for any unauthorized game or practice. BANK RECORDS AUTHORIZATION � By my signature below,the Board is h�reby authorized to inspect the bank records of the General Gambling Bank Account whenever necessary to fulfill requirements of current gambling rules and law. OATH I hereby declare that: 1. I have read this application and all formation submitted to the Board; 2. All information submitted is true, ac urate and complete; 3. All other required information has b en fully disclosed; 4. 1 am the chief executive officer of t e organization; 5. I assume full responsibility for the f�ir and lawful operation of all activities to be conducted; 6. I will familiarize myself with the law of the State of Minnesota respecting gambling and rules of the board and agree, if licensed,to abide by those laws and rules, inciuding amendme ts thereto. 23. Official Legal Name of Organizatio Signature(Chief Executive Officer) Date Title .i�ls .Jol�i -=5; :�i�itar;iI +7r�l�r ; `�' oi t`•1e �'ur�I� �P�r*, �.T!.�..1. (� � , '� �'�� r .• �( ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF NOTICE BY LOCAL GOVERNING BODY ^ I hereby acknowledge receipt of a copy�of this application. By acknowledging receipt, I admit having been served with notice that this application will be reviewed by the Charitable Gamblin Control Board and if approved by the Board, will become effective 60 days from the date of receipt(noted below), unless a resolution of the local overning body is passed which specifically disallows such activity and a copy of that resolution is received by the Charitable Gambling Control Board within 60 days of the below noted date. 24.City/County Name(Local Governin Body) Township: If site is located within a township,please complete items 24 - ! -` :(, '�?�l_� :_ and 25: Signature of Pecso�.Receiving Applicat n: 25. Signature of Person Receiving Application , � _ .. ;`il , ,�,,_ Title Date Received(t is date begins 60 day period) Title: . , ;� , ; % , X. Name of Persaq Delivering Application o Cocal Governing Body: Township Name :i���--.I_. �- � ''G.r- K"����� CG-00022-02(8/88) White Copy-Board Canary-Applicant Pink-Local Governing Body I . . ' ����9 , �j r/ UiVISION OF LICENSE AND P�RMIT AI)MINISTRATION DATE J � �� O �a' /� Q � INT�,RDF.PARTMENTAL K VIEW CHECKLIST A.ppn P oce sed/Receiv by Lic Enf Aud � �Applicant �t�� � 4( K�(,c�S J�, Home Acldress ��e'� �.�Q✓I�'S Business Name �Ur�,��E'.. �Q� Home Phone �a a - 3a�3 ,--�. Business Address � I��D Type of Lic.ense(s) �p j�p�Q,� ���C[�5.� Business Phone �� � ���J S ' `� -�� ��C�S � � �m �r� � c�►5-e Public Hearing Date ' � a b License I.D. �{ � � a � 5c� at 9:00 a.m. in the �Counci Ch mbers, � 1 3rd floor City Ha11 �and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �� �v .�} llate Nutice Sent; I'�� r ���� jp� Dealer �/ � j'`� to Applicant (J f�� Y�O) rederal I'irearms �� Public Hearing DATE ITSPECTIUN REVIEW VERFIED (COMPUTER) COMMENTS A proved Not A roved � Bldg I & D � lU �}. , Health Divn. � 1J�,9- ' , Fire Dept. � ; � �,� t Police Dept. I f � a-� � l d/C � License Divn. ' I� �3 � �l� City Attorney � +�lo $� � t7<< � D�te Received: Site Plan A p� To Council P.esearch < <!Q p Lease or Letter � D e from Landlord � t �� � I I CURRENT INFORMATION NEW INFOItMATION Current Corporation Name: New Corporation Name: Current DBA: New DBA: Currer.t Officers: Insurance: Bond: Workers Compensation: New Officers: Stockholders: 8'9��,� I City of Saint Paul ' � , Department of Finance and Management Services �i,G��--��% License and Permit Division �/' ' ' 203 City Hall � St. Paul, Minnesota 55102-298•5056 . APPLICATION FOR LICENSE CASH CHECK CIASS NO New Renew � , � ; � a � � �— � � � �, � � � � , r�y�� �J x, Date � � 19 " - � I' Code No. Title of icense From "� � �� 19'S'�To ��r l'� 19�/r `� � I � ��� �' /� � � � ' �.���7 `V ,"�L �! �vl ',J "� ( ��I!\LJIr:�J%� / 7 /, q � " I _• 100 ;L I � ++�-h✓�7 !�r' _'�1'rt� � � .r�z. j i 1 r.:l�� ' !�1 l;�.�-, `:� APPIica�UComdany Name � — 100 �-�*:�r'� ...f' ` . �� , �� r n � 1`?;'� i /� ! �:�:;iT�I '�11-:��- ' 100 Business Name I ' � � � ,y i `�v�i�) � 100 � � � y,r(,( r. \� �'� 1 Business Address � Phone No. 100 100 Maii to Address Phone No. � ��; � � ' I �r-,.�� _ - , ,00 r ,; � .;�%G � , � � ';7. t�,i. ManagedOwner•Name 100 i � : –^�=�"' , -�r�' �1 � �l.ii �'F � I �_1 i :i 100 AlanagerfGwner•Home Address Phone No. 4098 Application Fee Z 5o �- "� Received the Sum of J� 100 �,i � � ��t��� � ;`'i ; � : - � ✓�-�' L?� ManagedOwner-City,State 8 Zip Code 100 Total 100 ^ � �i � � � /; � . �J ' � ,,�. ,�,'--�,*�_/� ��� j� .��! , .,. .:_._� License Inspecto� By: ` ' � Signature of Applicant Bond: ompa�y Name Policy No. , Expiration Oate Insurance: : ompa�y Name Policy No. Expiration Date . M(nnesota State Identification No� Social Security No. Vehicle Information: Serial Numbe� Plate Number Other: � I THIS IS A RECEIPT FOR APPLlCATION THIS IS NOT A UCENSE TO OP�ERATE.Your application for license will either be granted or rejected subject to the provisions of the zoning i ordinance and completion of th�e inspections by the Health, Fire, Zoning and/or License Inspectors. ��� �h.°»� I � �{�- ���3 $15.00 CHARGE FOR ALL RETURNED CHECKS _ � C��� " —l.�'�' /� -C�/� � . • Cic•� or Saint Paui �,��l�/ - III _ • C/' . . � Deoar�eac oi :izance an d :i anagemea c Se r�3 c e s , � � Divisien cc Lice�se and ?e:aic 2egisc�ac�on INFORMATION tt£OUI°� ��+�LTH :�P°LIC�LTION ?OR ?��'iIT TO CONDUCi C�.dI.R.I'r.�3L� G�,►�L:'�G Ga2�' ?'V S�INT ?4UL i 1. Full aad cancpleca�� name a= arganizacica �hich is applying far license Nels Wold Chapter #5; Military Order of the Purple Heart, U.S.A. 2. Address vhere gam�s �].1 be heid 1060 University Ave. St.Paul, Minn.55104 - I Yumcer Streec City Zip 3. Name o r maaager s�gn�sg chis appZicat:on vna .ri?? conduct, o�erace aad aaaage Gambliag Games i Betty Jean Falkowski Dace oi 3irca Julv 6. 1929 (a) Length a= t�m� manager has be�a �ember a� aool.'_canc oraani_ac�oc 40 years 4. Address o= Manage� 364 Char�es Avenue St.Paul, Minn. 55103 � Yumber Screec Cicr Z'_p 5. Day, daces, aad zollurs chis applicac�cn is :or Every Fridav evenins 7:'�0 - 11 �'�� P M 6. Is t:�e apoi�canc o� organizat:on otgaa�.:ed under c:�e ?a.�:s o? c:�e Scac= a= :��_*I? vP.�_ 7. Daze oi i:.coz�arac�.on �une 8 19`i5 8. Date whea register�d v�ch che Staca or �.�esaca June 8.1935 9. How long has orgaa�.zac�on be�a =a e:siscaacs? 56 years 10.` FFaW Loag has orgaa zatiaa beea i.a �Y_�csaca ia S�. 2au�? 56 years 1I. Gl�ria� i�s t;� �urp,�s of ctta o:gaa��atioA?to aid and assist hospitalized veterans and t eir ami i s. o look after the good and� are o t e needy citizens of the community and to p omote the ideals of the Militarty Order of the Purple heart which are � . I2. Of`icers o= aeplic ac argaa�zat_on Na�e am Ya�e Eugene P. McDonnell Address 1791 Juno ve. 4adras� 2194 Powers Ave. T�tle Commander � DOB 4/16/25 T=_?= Sr. Vice Cmdr. DOB 5/26/23 G Name H. Boyd Teigll ��e Carl A. Falkowski address 2131 Burnsl�ve �dd:ass 364 Charles Ave TicZe Finance Offic�r DOB 6J8/15 �'___aAdjutant 70B 3/7/23 13. Give names oc oc�ic�rs, or aav oc=e: �ersar.s -raa :a__ :�r se�"_css =� -:e or�a^-==-==on- I Vame � Vame Address �dd_ess �.T = T___a Ij (.:ctac^ se?a==_a �;.a�- -. - '-�=-=---=- �•-_=-• I � . • �/ � � � � 9 , . 14, ac�ached �ereco i}s a iisc of names and add:esses ai a11 �embers or �ye organizac�on. 15. Ia wnose csscodyll�vill organisac{oa's records be kepc? � Name Carl A. IlFalkowski address 364 Charles Ave. I6. Persons vho will �e conducciag. assiscing ia conducCing, or operat_ng che games: V�e DaLB aL BizL:l address ;Tame oi Soousa � Data of 9irth Daces vhen suc^ o�rsan Vfi� ccnduct, assist, cr operace Yame Ili � � Da_e or 3i_th :�ddress Narse o= Socuse Dace oz Bi:t:� Dates :ien suc: pe son sriZ? coac::ct, ass:s�, or epe=ace L7. I�ave ;�ou raac aac o 7au c�orou�ai� eincerstauc che orovisieas oc a�I Lavs, ordiaancas, } and re�ulac:or.s c•�e�_,;_ cae ooerac_n cr` C'sa�tab_a Gar�.b�:^.g ���es? Yes .. I . 18. ?,ctac::ed here.� oa c�e :o-= ;:urished a�� c'�,e C��? o� Sc. Pac? is a =iaaac:al Repor� vE�ici =�e�=�as �?= :acs:_cs, a:�e�sas, aad �=s�u�SP.�HACS o= c^a 3DDZicanc organizac.on ' as aa?, as a?_ o~a ._za�:ozs :aa ia��e _�_�_rea �acs :or ��e grscac'�.g calaadar JE3r �7f11C.^. 435 J 88:: a'_�:: �, C:'_78r�d, 3IIG V2:==:L'C 7'I ti�dmH � �t1.G�855 � Whe is c:�e A ll 'utanti a= c�e a�n L c ? �� ' . J . . , icai lr,in_..zc_�n � "V�e �_ Q�__�e � . I4. Operaco: or pra�=,es� �ae-_ 3ames :::: �e ae�d: Name Nels Woll� #5 Military Order of the Purple Heart B�siness tidd=es5 �I 208 Veterans Service Building Home address �64 Charles Avenue Z�. e�II101SI1C OL ^E.^.0 Jd�.: �V a7fl���2IIC t7�?sia::�3C�CII �OT :e^.0 .7� C::B ��??� SDQC��;T dIIOLILIt pafd per '�-%�au: ;e--�;,a ���S nn � il �� � �. � � ���-��9 ZI. ,The ptoceeds o:', t:te ;aaes vill be disbursed aicer deduc�:ng prfze ?ayau: coscs and ' • operacizg ex�en es ror che collowing purpases and uses: Welfare assistance to the hospitalized veteran and their families, Community Service programs of the Organization; other non profit co unity service organizations; Volunteer service programs at the V.A . Hospi is, an . ou ; e assis ance at t e ationa ervice o ice at the Fort Snelling Fe arl office which assist indigent veterans in their claims against the Veter in�u in e ime u y o e oun ry. e a so assist t e Conuty Veterans Serv'ce officers in furthering the education of veterans and their calims. �2. Has che premisel vhere c4e g�nes ara co Se held beea cercified Eor occupancy by che C!.cy oc Sai:tc ° uI? Yes 23. Eias your or3ar.��ac'_on Lz1ad :edera? :or� 990-�° YPC I� ansver is ves, �Lease ac�acz a coo;� v{c4 c::: apoi'_cac:on. I: ansuar is :o , e:c�lain :rny: Any changes dasi_ec •r .ae a�??'_ca::c :ssec_ac_on �a� be raae orcl;r c:icz c::e consec:c o� �:�e Cicy C�unc_?. � Nels Wold Chapter #S Militarv Order of the Pur�le Heart. U.S.A. I � =- '�-=ac:an , � �!�� -���s��+��9�G� � Dace 3y: aa3er � caar3a oi gaae C � _ <. �' I �� _ — " .. — ,^, cn � � a � _ — = � � ` � r' r► •- �a = �W � � -i r- - — : � �9 ro : =j :7 - r� - �^ = r. � f9 � . I ¢� ,� ' � v ,. g � r- t9 = n .^� ^� = _ � : ^ •� � � T = ('1 Q 4/y�M/1/4�/1M11 n �- � � � 3 � � i'�:. v ^ ,T � ro r � �-+ � �_ =1 p�"�� � - ='• - 3 - " � � � � = r- z a �s � � ,�i � '�/i � 3 � = E 3 , � � � . C � 7 r' � � � �• � � � � � � � � R � (9 Clf 1 � . � -r � 71 J � � `� � `t : r 5� < 3 , �S � ,� _ � • ^3�� � 7 - :i i � �..; c N � _ .- ! � a � , � •�!� � _ � -?Z � = �a L � � � ` ....... Or�+ r- ` �� � -_ _ �.a \,, � Q � 3 � vi � � _ : _ , - :� i � � � �.. � � ; _ = � �� �= � .- � � F � „ , f , _ � � � � � � = = co c- ' -* � _ '`,x �(/� . n r.. 7 � � ` � -`� '-r � �- � i = n rp j} - a � r] , ,T � .9 I I� ^ ^ ' l�NWVVWVN■ I '� � r. � � I� I 3 � ' �D :� i � � � :� C I � � a � ' �A � � � � r* f0 � � .� : . � � � � 1 I `� ' sl I� ' E � ; 7 a I � I = ii � I { T ; ,� � C � � I � � i t i � . ��/9 � City of Saint Paul Page 1 Departmant of Finance and Management Services . " Divisioa of License and Pes�it Administration UNIFORM CHARITABLE GAM$LING FINANCIAI. REPORT DatenF,r . 7� j C)$$ . i. x�e of o�gantZBrton Nels Wold #5 , Militarv Order of the Purnle Heart 2. Addresa whiere Charitable Gaabling is conducted 1�6 f� U n i v e r s i t v A V 2 . 3. Report forll period covering D e c e m b e r 1 , 1$� through N o v e . 3�. 19 $$ , 4. Total numb�r of days played � 5. Grosa rece�Cpts for above period S 2 3 2 . 3 6 7 . 8 0 6. Gross priz� payouts for above period (include cash short) � 7 7�3 �5 7 . 1�� 7. Net receipks - line 5 minus line 6 � 54 , 1 1�. �� 8. Expenses i�curred in conducting and operating game: A. Gross �ages paid. Attach worker list with names, laddresses, gross wagea, number of hours � 19 � �$,n nn worked� and amount paid per hour. •` B. Rent fc�z �� weeks $ 7 , �2� . �� C. Licensel fee ; � 600 . 0� D. Insuran�ce $ (�n n _ n Q ( 1�3� E. Bond � 1 �5 . �� F. Dishono�ed checks not recovered $ 2 2�. ��. G. Account�tng Expense � H. Employe�s F.I.C.A. 5 1 � S�n_ n� I. PulltabllTax Paid to Department of Revenue 3 � 7 R R _ n n r J. Minn. U�C. Tax 3 1 76 _ 1 h �3 periods ) x. Federali��ige T� a sc�p � 400. 99 L. State G�mbling Tax S 2 . �2� . ]$ M. Miscell�neous Expenaes. Identify the amount and to hom paid. i. Gdpher Broke ; 2 , 401 . 74 pull tabs z. F�TA � 186.1�A 3, Wholesale Club = 370. 00 Supplies 4• i 2 . 173 . 34 (See attached sheet of expenses 9. Total Expena�s ToTpi, ; 4 0, 9 6 2 . 41 10. Net Income -II line 7 minua line 9 j 1 3 , 14 8. Z 9 11. Chec[cbook ba�ance beginning of period ; �)� $nq _ $n 12. Total of lia� 10 and 11 S ����$ 1�C�_ 13. Total contrit�utiona (from attached vorkaheet) $ 1 � �]fi� _ 7 5 14. Checkbook ba�.ance end of reporting period - line 12 less�I line 13 , ; 1 1 , 2 5 5 . 0 2 . _...:_ : i I . . ��� � ���-��� � ���. � : ��- �iI� ARY ORD�R of the P�1RPL� fl�ART INC. �1.S.A. 178Z ��� �_����������' 193 Z � � � �::;�::.� ' Nels Wold Chapter No. 5 ' i ;� I St. Paul, Minnesota ., � Danations mac�e by Chapter #5 from the Bingo Account From Dec. 1987 thru Novemb�r 1988 12-10-87 4 75 Seeger ' s Greenhouse Flowers for sick 47 . 40 15 4 77 Carl Falkowski ( Reimbursement for clothing for Edna McKinney) 40. 00 1 -6-88 4398 &4563 on 8/8/88 $300 . 00 each to - H. Boyd Teig for Hospital and Welfare program 600. 00 4397 & 4633 each for $250 . 00 to the Anderson Nelson VFW Meals on Wheels program 500 . 00 1-8-88 4400 Joe Benkovics Welfare pragram 500 . 00 4401 Spartan Specialties( Christmas gifts for patients at V. A Hospital 1 , 159 . 21 2-20-88 4432 Off . Eugene Polyak Gift for wounded Police Officer 100 . 00 4433 St .Paul Police Federation � Donatiion towards the purchase of bullet proof vest 2, 000. 00 44�34 M.O. P .H. Youth Scholarship fund 1 , 000. 00 44f35 Citation for wounded officer _ 12 . 00 Chceks 4450�4500/4540/4584/4615/4638 made to WMIN Public awareness announcements at 92. 50 each 555 . 00 3-2-88 44 1 Minn Public Radio 150. 00 3-7-88 44 4 Servicemen ` s Center 234. 95 3-14-88 44 5 & 4499 $675 . 00 each Depat . of Minn . M.O.PH. Service and Rehab program at Ft Snelling 1 , 350. 00 4-6-88 44 � 3 Ladies Aux . Dept . of Minn .M.O.P.H. 12 . 00 44 5 Chapter #8 M. O.P.H . 10. 00 4-23-88 44 1 Twin City Lawman Athletic Ass 'n 200 . 00 5-4-88 44 7 Earnest Woods ( Reimbursement for an awards dinner for 40 people) 145 . 34 5-5-88 44�8 Dept . of Minn . . M. O.P.H. (Our share for � a chai 'r. to assist a muscular dystrophy patient . 1/3 of cost 588 . 34 45C�1 Northwest Moulding (Frame for citation) 20 . 41 5-6-88 45C�3 Lee Klein (Reimbursement for printing) 281 . 40 5-30-88 45 '9 & 4520 National Cemetery Committee $100 each 200. 00 6-23-88 45 4 Hulme Co . ( Flag for Sherburne House) 31 . 75 45 4/4566/4594/4621/4653 City of St .Paul 294. 13 7-29-88 455�9/4656M.O.P .H. National Hdqts . 24 . 00 8-4-88 456�0 Minnesota Veterans Home (Hastings) 1 , 500. 00 9-9-88 458I5 Challenge Printing (National Conv . ) 196. 23 9-21-88 459I0 Lee klein ( Tri County Law Enforcement 284. 00 , i � � 1������� � �� ��- ��� �� l�I��TARY ORD�R of t6e PIIRPL� fl�ART INC. i1.S.A. . , , , 178Z �� �� ;�� 1932 � ��,�� Nels Wold Chapter No. 5 , � �` St. Paul, Minnesota , Page 2 10-16-88 4E�13 Oakland Home , Inc . (for mentally 100 . 00 retarded adult�) 46I14 V. A. Hospital St . Cloud 500. 00 _ 46I18 & 4635 Ramsey Co . Veterans Council 80 . 00 46�37 Lake Elmo Lumber ( for Hastings State ' veterans Home) 47 . 59 Total 12 , 763 . 75 ■/�yyyV�M/y�,MMNVU/lM�'V1/'v'VV�MA/�M/11 j'+" � �N T �t ��n i�y.,�� ' �GiAAv � � _ ` `i'ii: ..+,\,` i ZT.':�._ '�'�1�' . My Comm�ssi�r, Exp;re�,1�g. 15, i394 r ' ` `��� �- � I�..v � 3��`l ��� Prepared by ��a/'�� G�C� �rl A/ alkowski i �I I I I � , ���-�/R . - � I�I�IT RY ORD�R of the PIIRPL� ��ART INC. �1.S.A. �� � � , , 1782 �ti, � `' 1932 �,�;,, !; Nels Wold Chapter No. 5 St. PauJ, Minnesota , Other expensesl'Ifor the operation of the Bingo Game . 12/23 4393 Stationery Sales 71 . 23 1/7/88 4399 Clash ( Money returned from - � deposit) 370 . 00 1/12 4402 Wholesale Club (Typewriter) 150 . 20 �- 1/22 4404 Tpm Bonniwell 100 . 00 2/15 4430 C�sh (Cash. back f�om d�posit) 346 . 10 9/3 4582 W� B . Sepion (Deposit Stamps) 18. 97 9/7 4583 E ployees Benefit Adm. 795 . 00 (Unemployment Insurance) 9/15 4588 F rtmeyer/Lange (Stationery) 89 . 04 9/24 4591 U. S . Postmaster (Stamps) 25. 00 9/26 4592 S . J. S . C. ( Cash register advertment for bingo games) 350. 00 9/29 4606 Bob Conner ' s Insurance 600. 00 � ( 1/3 hall liability Insurance) 10/S 4610 Employee Benefit Adm. ( Additional premium 8. 00 Total I 2, 923 . 54 , I . I I �.�, ,�,�,� ��� ��'-�j9 , �G��IV S�E�' No.0 03�$� Mr. 3. Ca �T�" na+�tn�rrr o�croR w�va+rop i�erMm � _ N�ER F�1 _ �a rwr�0eaevr a�v�s owecron �crtr aa�c ,►c►o�r: No. p�ryHp euooFr ow�croA �'_.f o[�nc 31 [�QSp„�a rch . , � �111d11C@ 8t M t. .. 5C ORDER. �., cmArioa�v � Applacatio far renewal o�f a State C1ass A Gamt�ling License. : Notificati Qate: '1-5-89 ` H+�aring Date: 1-2�-$9 . r�Ows:t�oa�w�.w«� � ���'_ �ooM�eq�, c�y� oo�seqN w�w w�wr �rsr a�no: . m►�+0�Dei : r� eCr�oa eO�nD sT� � ���s is ��oot�o.�o�a* _�ro�ot.�� _��oro+' o�srwcr ca�x�cx � •�ruraN: si�roms wiacM oouic�-oe�crnE� _ M1Y►t1110 Pli�t�lM,MlUE,OMORTt&IIfY- .whet.w►+en,wnere,why): _ _ , Ms. Betty lkowski , on beha1f of the Military E�rder of the Pur�le Heart Ne�s : Wold ha_pter No. 5,�, requests Council �ppr�c3val of h�r ap�lication �f�r . 'rener�al of State of Minhesota Ciass A ga�lfng iicense at. 1a6U Uni.versi��y�. , . .Avenue, P ceeds from th�e charit�ble ga►�b1i��.�ac� used:�or...va�riaus cMaritab�e . , activities. ' - : - ;.asnrronrow�.,�evdr.o... r. . , . , : ; . .._ . . , - �11 requir fees and app�ications have b�eert submitted. _ , Ai.1 14% pa nts ta: the C�ty-Wide Youth. A�h'fetic Fur�d �re current. , - � � � �� ���, � �� _ � �iW�t.�Nrh.and To VN�an): , . :i , a: . j _ . . � If Council pproval is given, The Military Order. af the Purple Heart will � eontinue t sponsor Bingo�Pulltabs an Friday eve�ings at 1�6Q Un�arersity Ave� . , .._ � �,�rw+►�nre�:. , vaos co� ��u;�ci1 n�s .arch Cen�er . _ � � -, , _ _ , ' . J�-1N � 1 i��� . ; , i ,�,►,.��: , _ _ . � - , _ ��: