89-118 i WNITE - C��TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE � COUnCII ///y CANARV - DEPARTMENT �� GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. tl � // BLUE - MAVOR ��, /�� � Council Resolution Presented By �����`�" . Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee B Date RESOLVED: �That application (ID #63073) for renewal of a Class A IGambling License (A11 Forms) by the Catholic Athletic ssociation at 408 Main Street, be and the same is hereby pproved/�krr're�ch. , ; COUNCIL MEMBERS ', Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays / Dimond �p Long In Favor c4�tZ � Rettman s�he;n�� _ Against By Sonnen �'iF9su JAN 2 4 1989 Form Ap roved by City Att rney Adopted by Council: Dalte � Certified Passe cil S�c r By /- � -� 1 By Appro by INavor: D e — l-��j [ � ��C�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY !PU�I.l�HED : :=_�: �� 1989 li -//� i �� ' T�IVISION OF LICEN$E AND P�:RMIT ADMINISTRATION llATE ��' �� b/ �� o( 0 � , INTERDF.PARTMENTALIKEVIEW CHECKLIST Appn roc ssed/Recei ed I Lic Enf Aud Applicant CA I ��L A-��{�'l L �"TSS�Home Address _ Rusiness Name � Home Phone Business Address I �O !� � `C Type of License(s) IQ�YL2I.�J� 0 f Business Phone �_ ClQsa C� �`�Ct�►'► b'f/'1C �1 C.QiI� 5-e� Public Hearing Da e o� T O � License I.D. 41 � 3 Q?J at 9:00 a.m, in t e Counc 1 Chambers, � a$ 30�3 3rd floor City Ha 1 and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �� llate Notice Sent;' i � .- ��� Dealer �1 1� '�" to Applicant i �� � ) T——r '� rederal P3_rearms �� N � Public He�.iring �� DATE TNSPECTIUN REVIEW VERFIED (COMPUTER) CUMMENTS A proved Not A roved � Bldg I & D � N � Health Divn. ` � N ,� � � Fire Dept. � � ; �v�� � � Yolice Dept. � �e ht ��� z�i�g � � s1�1 � (� IL. I ' License Divn. ' �� � 1�3 �5� �� � 1 , City Attorney , � i � � �'1 ± 6� Date Received: Site Plan I Z �� � � To Council P.esearch 0 Lease or Letter I �) te f rom Lar�dlord � � ZI Z b �� � i � . . , .. : '_,,.� , r., � rt�-� . , � � � �° „ -_��, ,���, � , CURRENT INFORMATION NEW INFORMATION Current Corporation Name: New Corporation Name: Current DBA: New DBA: Currer.t Officers: Insurance: Bond: - • Workers Compensation: New Officers: Stockholders: _ _ � ��-��� ,_ Charitable Gamb ing Control Board Rm N-475 Grigg�Midway Bldg. For eoard Use Only • �'� 1821 University A�ve. Paid Amt: " - - St. Paul, MN 551�4-3383 Check No. :• •:`� (612)642-0555 Date: � GAMBI.ING LICENSE RENEWAL APPUCATION LICENSE NUMBER: _ g5 _�p /EFF. DATE: �r 4;0, I AMOUNT OF FEE: t p 1. Applicant-Legal Name of Orga ization 2.Street Address F' A; 1� ii!r � 4 1 �t�PP 3. City, State,Zip :4.County 5. Business Phone � � � ,4� „ ' p S� � ,,,_a041 6. Name of Chief Executive Office 7. Business Phone. JJn�1 4a'lo (F ° ) ,^._a s 8. Name of Treasurer or Person W o Accounts for Revenues 9. Business Phone ,iUAif,M !':�Ai'•l:;! (.;1 ' ) ^,�tt.RAA' 10. Name of Gambling Manager 11. Bond Number 12. Business Phone �OAIQ!1!,r, A:.G1c �ISi,�� � 13. Name of Establishment Where ambling Will Take Place 14.County 15. No.of Active Members K C 8?n�?o Hail �t ?zui �aasev 16. Lessor Name 17. Monthly Rent: hSSGCldiio� 46�CA ;tar 3ui!Gin ' { 18. If Bingo will be conducted with t is license, please specify days and times of Bingo. Days Time� Days Times Days Times �;+},. �� ,� -•r n�,r �O �. :�0 pwt 19. Has license ever been: Revoked Date: n� � � Suspended Date�*+n ❑ Denied Date: ^:� 20. Have internal controls been sub itted previously? ;�Yes � No(If"No,"attach copy) 21. Has current lease been filed wit the board? �Yes 0 No(If"No,"attach copy) 22. Has current sketch been filed wi h the board? Y.�] Yes ❑ No(If"No;'attach copy) GAMBLING SITE AUTHORIZATION By my signature below, local law en orcement officers or agents of the Board are hereby authorized to enter upon the site,at any time, gambling is being conducted, to observe the ga bling and to enforce the law for any unauthorized game or practice. BANK RECORDS AUTHORIZATION By my signature below,the Board i hereby authorized to inspect the bank records of the General Gambling Bank Account whenever necessary to fulfill requirements of current gambl' g rules and law. OATH I hereby declare that: 1. I have read this application and II information submitted to the Board; 2. All information submitted is true, ccurate and complete; 3. All other required information ha been fully disclosed; 4. I am the chief executive officer o the organization; 5. I assume full responsibility for th fair and lawful operation of all activities to be conducted; 6. I will familiarize myself with the I ws of.the State of Minnesota respecting gambling and rules of the board and agree,if licensed, to abide by those laws and rules, including amend ents thereto. 23. Official Legal Name of Organiza ion Signature�Ct�ief Eke utiveAfficer) Date Title CATF�.Oi,IC A^1�:LF:�IC ASS IP^_'i0iv v'%� ``!`�' �t T''�� JO�'ltl w• i i f 7 �i C*' D �n �- ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF NOTICE BY LOCAL GOVERNING BODY I hereby acknowledge receipt of a c py of this application. By acknowledging receipt, I admit having been served with notice that this application will be reviewed by the Charitable Gam Iing Control Board and if approved by the Board,will become effective 60 days from the date of receipt(noted below), unless a resolution of the I al governing body is passed which specifically disallows such activity and a copy of that resolution is received by the Charitable Gambling Control Bo rd within 60 days of ihe below noted date. 24. CitylCounty Name(Local Gover ing Body) Township: �f site is located within a township, please complete items 24 S t. ��ul - ::ar''sc�r Cou tv and 25: Signature of Person Receiving Appli ation: 25.Signature of Person Receiving Application ( � � . � � �-, � ! 't�� Titte Date Receiv .,,(Ihis date begins 60 day period) Title: - .r ;.` - - . r�i�� +�� Name of Person Delivering Applicati n to Local Governing Body: Township Name CG-00022-02(8/88) White Copy-Board� Canary-Applicant Pink-Local Governing Body �p�U �.� . � City of Saint Paul Department of Finance and Management Services %,__ GQ�/�� License and Permit Division Cj!"Q 7 203 City Halt � , St. Paul, Minnesota 55102•29&5056 � � ' APPLICATION FOR LICENSE CASH CHECK CLASS NO New Renew C] 0 "� � 0 . Date �`` /%'� 19�` Code No. Title of icense From �Z '�� ig�Tp �% � � �� X 19` �n 'Q S<. � " I� ;�n �/�'�r � 1 I , - t ,� 100 �' � � � � ' '/ . l`N� D I-C- T%'.� ;�) .a�;� ,^� �_.,^G l,t (�n �� %�� yU �., 1G,� �!�� �(1, ApplicanGCompany Name 100 � � � � �, -�-- ee ��>� �i�;�;;." ��i,�:_,� 100 8usfness Name , � ,00 S I� �-��:_ �, ,-�'1;� -�-- ;c� Busi�ess Address Phone No. 100 100 Maii to Address Phone No. ' ' , � � � � 100 � `�.n Ct��'"'� ���� :`t C� /�' .I�`, ManagerlOwner•Name � aa�.� 100 1� � , � �j/ �t�'� /' �, `'` � � i� � J � :'�,{ 100 Atanager/Gwner-Home Address Phone No. 4098 AppliCatfon Fee � 2. 50 Received the Sum ot 10/0� S(. '�'��i f �� ( � ) �:,��� (� � � (/Q �OV ManageNOwner•City,State 3 Zip Code 100 Total 100 n � � ! �,� t� C��,.�.:`r�. �� `�:�.�.,. ��� c-, �._.�.�� liCense Inspector �� By: � � Signature of Appiicant \, Bond• mpany Name Policy No. Expirati0n Oate Insurance: ompany Name Policy No. Expiretion Date Minnesota State Identification No Social Security No. Vehicle Information: Serial Number Plate Number Other. THIS IS A RECEIPT FOR APPLlCAT10N THIS IS NOT A LICENSE TO OP�RATE.Your application for license will either be granted or rejected subject to the provisions of the zoning ordinance and completion of th inspections by the Health, Fire,Zoning and/or license Inspectors. $15.00 CHARGE FOR ALL RETURNED CHECKS .��c�� �a���'� • • I City of Saint Paul Fin�nce and Management Services%License & Permit Division C��``�� INFORMA�ION REQUIREDIWITH APPLICaTION FOR PERMIT TO CONDUCT CHARITABLE GAMBLIVG GAME IN SAINT PAUL (To be u ed with the following: New A & C application, renew A � C Licenses, and new an renew B in Private Clubs.) 1. Full and comple�e name of organization which is applying for license CATHOLIC A�T,FTIC ASSOCIATION 2. Address where g�mes wi11 be held 408 Main Street St Paul Minnesota 55102 Number Street City Zip 3. Name of manager signing this application who will conduct, operate and manage rank S. Cotroneo 9/4/16 Gambling Games J Date of Birth 5/10/27 (a) Length of ti�me manager has been member of applicant organization both 20 plus years 1578 Claxence, St. Paul, Minnesota 55106 (Frank) 4. Address of Mana er 1310 Lincoln Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota 55105 (Nick) - Number Street City Zip Thursday evenings : March 9, 1989 thru 5. Day, dates, and Ihours this application is for March 8, 1990 - 7:30 PM to 11:30 PM 6. Is the applicantl or organization organized under the laws of the State of MN? Yes 7. Date of incorpor�tion January 2, 1951 8. Date when regist�ered with the State of Minnesota January 24, 195I 9. How Iong has org�nization been in existence? 40 years May 1988 10. How long has org�nization been in existence in St. Paul? 40 years 11. What is the purp se of the organization? To organize, promote and supervise athletics and recreational activities for the youth of the Parochial Schools in the Greater Saint Paul and Suburb areas. 12. Officers of appl'cant organization: Name James F. hy N�e Michael Doran Address 1876 We�llesley Avenue Address 1554 Randolph Avenue Title Presidentl Dpg 11/15/39 Title Vice President DOB 9�9�a � Name James Ha�rtburge N�e George P. Sweeney Address 1976 Ju�Liet Address 555 S. Saratoga Title Secretary ' DOB 11/1?/48 Title �'z'easurer Dpg 5/14/19 � 13. Give names of of�icers, or any other persons who paid for services to the organization. Mark P. Courtney Name John W. H I j lo N�e J�ith Lundquist 1598 Bruce, Roseville, i�Il+T 55113 Address 760 B�rtelmy Lane Address 244 Hawes Ave., Shoreview 55126 Athletic Director Title Executiv� Vice President _ Title Secretarv (Attach separate sheet for additional names.) I � � ���� � , 14. Attached heretolis a Iist of names and addresses of all members of the organization. 15. I� whose custod will organization's records be kept? Name CAA/J. L dquist Address 408 Main Street 5/11/47 16. List all person with the authority to sign checks for dispersal of gambling proceeds: Name John W. ajlo Name Judith M. Lundquist Address 760 B rtelmy Lane , Address 244 Hawes Avenue Member of Member of DOB 5/23/22 Organization? Ye$ DOB 5/11/47 Organization? Yes i Name Name Address ' Address Member of Member of DOB � Organization? DOB Organization? 17. a) Does your or�anization pay or intend to pay accounting fees out of gambling funds? yes no X b) If you do pa accounting fees, to whom will such fees be paid? N/A Name Address DOB Member of Organization? c) How are the accounting fees charged out? (flat fee, hourly, etc.) N/A 18. Have you read ai�d do you thoroughly understand the provisions of all laws, ordinances, and regulations governing the operation of Charitable Gambling games? vP� 19. Attached hereto, on the form furnished by the city of Saint Paul is a Financial Report which it .emizes! all receipts, expenses, and disbursements of the applicant organiza— tion, as well a all organizations who have received funds for the preceding calendar year which has een signed, prepared, and verified by Judith M. Lund�ruist 244 Hawes Avenue, Shoreview, Minnesota 55126 Address who is the I� Secratary and Bingo Treasurer of the applicant organization. , Name 20. Operator of pre�ises where games: will be held: Name North Star Buildin Association Business Addres 408 Main Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Home Address I Same i ����� 21. Amount of rent paid by applicant organization for rent of the ha11: , . $105.00 per �our hour session 22. The proceeds of� the games will be disbursed after deducting prize layout costs and operating expenses for the following purposes and uses: To operate e Catholic Athletic Association programs of sports for the Parochial S hools in the St. Paul and Suburban Area. 23. Has the premise� where the games are to be held been certified for occupancy by the City of Saint P�ul? Yes 24. Has your organi ation filed federal form 990-T? yes If answer is yes, please attach a copy with thi� application. If answer is no, explain why: Any changes desired �y the applicant association may be made only with the consent of the City Council. ' CATHOLIC ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION Organization Name -�, Dat�,g 12 20 88 By: �L�j� �� -Ci°x-2� f Manager in charge of game ` ,�\ n� � �. � ��'U rganization Pres dent or CEO 7 7 � 9 �� �< � , ^ � � n � � ^ 3 ti 'D '� n T . r0 T S � � � � - �9 A � �! � � � :A !* r0 7 � � '0 ' � ; ,'7 7 � `� .y r'. n 3 •e� t _ re 3 `e � 3 i 3 c + ^ ' � '� � r0 r� C � "� �- 3 n C �e �e ,+ �- � +-� "' -� n .� ' a T • �. :a - - `e _ ti3 ...���._...,- � � � 7 7 � � 3, j � � � 3 3 � :o m � � ,'► ^ 'I 3 A ' � K ,. � � � h I r O 71 'D � f .s s.'� � � R 3 �t � � x a � o a a ._ I r* � �t i E • .. 3 ,. -, �r A 7 � � � A � .� ; - � ,a m ,9 � r _ � � J '� O1 c0 ' � �< ( . . .9 = I Y. v .� .� � Ip ►� � � "� - � � � � I 7 .- �r - � . � , I � -•, a � r f0 ^f '9 � A �': � .:.I �a . _ .- ,�_ I � I rl I � S � 71 `G � c. �( � - �i ] '� 7 � e�► 9 �; � I . i - � �' � �p � n - � r9 � � '� � � ' , i r� � r► � re I � "' � b -; c " I 3 - 3 � n .., A i � ? i - - - I �e t r* � T S � .. ,,' � d O �A `,� �: � 9 < � '��, \\G I .+,�....,,...�.�. � � 7' � A 1 'I ��?� .. .. � d � 9 J 3 + y �I ��:7 S. A '�t � � � , �O O A � 3 , ( � ' � � '.' 7 .• I ! � CitqRof Saint Paul Page 1 ��/"(� /( � i Department of Finance and Hanagement Services Division of License and Yermit Admiaistration UNIFORM CHARITABLE GAliSLING 1PINANCZAL REPORT Date 12/10/88 1. Name qf Organizatloa CATHOLIC ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION 2. Addre s where Charitable Caabling ia conducted 408 Main Street, St. Paul 55102 3. Repor for period covering 12/31- ' 19 87 through 11/30 19 88 4. ?otal 'number of days played 47 5. Crosa receipts for abova period � 135,653.40 6. Groaa prize payouts for abwa period (iaelud� cash short) = 104,803.50 7. Net r ceipts - line 5 minua line 6 � 30,849.90 8. Expen es iacurred in conducting and operating g�e: , A. G oss vages paid. Attach worker liat vith 3,410.00 n mea, addressaa, groes wagas. number of honrs � w rked, and amouat paid per hour. - B. R�nt for 47 weeks S 4,935.00 C. Li;cense fee ; 100.00 D. Is�surance S E. Bqnd ; 191.76 P. D shonored checks not recovered ; 46 0.0 0 G. A counting Expenae 3 - H. Ea�ployers F.I.C.A. S 25$.1.5 I I. P lltab Tax Paid to Dapartment of Revenue ; 1,492.00 " J. M nn. U.C. Tax ; 32.00 R. F deral Excise Tax 6 Stamp ; 17.1$ L. S ate Gambliag Tax S 1.526.86 H. H acellaneous Ezpensss. Identify ehs mount a d to vhom paid. 1 City Gambling License ; 500.00 2,IRS—Pull Tab Income Ta� 772.73 Fed. Tax 1987 3 Equipment Rental = >>s �0 �, Bank Charges � 44.74 9. 'Lotal Expenses �pL ; 17,023.39 10. N�e I cose - line 7 siaus Iine 9 = 13,826.50 I1. Check ook balanee begianing of Qeriod ; 1�882.74 12. Total of line 10 and 11 ; 15�790.25 ' 13. Total contributions (froi attached vorluheet) = 14,922 75 14. Check ok balance end of rsporting period - 7 86.5 0 line 12 leas liae 13 � �a � � �r �i . rnu� � . UNIFORM CHARITABIE GAMBLING FINaNCIAL REPORT /��G��� � LAWFUL PURPaSE CONTRIBUTIONS - WORKSHEET (: � � � , Line #13 - l�otal Lawful Purpose Contributions. y 14,922.�5 �: List b�1ow ali checfcs written frnm qamblinq funds which are charit ble lawful purpose contributions. The tatal dollar amount of these checks must match the amaunt claimed in line � 3. Use additional sheets as necessary. CNECK # DATE ! � PAYEE CHECK AN�UN PURPOSE 1. 1682 3/29/88';; Catholic Athletic Ass. $ 1,500.00 Operate Athletic Programs for thE Parochial Grade Schools St. Paul Z. 1690 4/29/88 " 1,000.00 arid Suburbs " 3. 1698 5/30/88I " 1,500.00 " 4. 1�04 6/2s/ss " 2,000.00 '� 5 . 171� �/31/ss " 2,000.00 �48dc 7/26/88 City of St. Paul Dept. 6. 1716 Finance & Management 73.87 Pull Tab Tax-Donation for City- Wide Youth Athletic Programs 7. 1720 8/30/88I " 34.99 " ' $. 1721 8/30/88 Catholic Athletic Assn. 2,500.00 (Same as above stated) 9. � Finance & Management Dept #1727 9/29/88 City of St. Paul �E� 99.52 (Same as� above stated) 10. 172g 9/29/88 Catholic Athletic Assn. 2,000.00 " � I1. 1736 10/25/81� City of St. Paul Dept. 63.54° ��Same as above) Finance & Management 12• 1739 10/30/8 Catholic Athletic Assn. 1,000.00 (Same as above) 13. 1744 11/30/8� City of St. Paul�Dept. 150.83 (same as above) Finance & Management_ 14. 1745 11/30/8� Catholic Athletic Ass. 1,000.00 ESame as above) TOTAL CHECK AhqUNT $i4,�22_�s NOTE: These exp nditures will be provided to Council Me�nbers at your Council hearing. � Be sure th t your financial report is complete and accurate. - � ., _ . .. � .. _ � : � 3 ' = ��_ � � 1 = •• .. ' o ' w � {JI .. r � i e > • � s C» � '� 3 � � � N A � ! � w nZi t7 � � O s � '�� = � � ;� � Q � i.✓��+..-,..•..dry � • 4 f �y , r s , . e . _,� > �-�,. � : . . . 0 � = • • � � r: '.o ,- . �. ,i .s w O ! = ♦ e .� � � r ,s s �i:i ? � Z � � � f . � � Z y �� :.`�1 _. � • � 7 t� � 1 / ^ � � ' r n W + �� s � � � a= � � a . o + :' 'a - ! • ^ � �a � � � i � s a �; � --• : � � �es �1 7 O � ` a .� O: - 4 � � 1 O � ro A • . � • i: �-A � ' A w.rr 7� � 7 , r I '� � ` ,� .r.n v � �� :. _ -? i� 1 � ' � t 1 ��{ 7 � 3 a{. . � � s '� s • 1 . � � � � a -�r �� " • � � .s � r • .. ! ' � ' C � n �4 �� , :;� � : �� _ + � � ti , . A � � � � '�; ' -- A �1 ^ � s • s w s �� . _ ... (� � ! '�.� 1 T ' e ^1 � .' _ . `�� ` � " � � " � I a � ;,; ._ _ � � � �: .: y� i s � i .�j ' a� �.w s....v.l�� s 1 , � � i �� . , i I � ' roe w►�e.m�eo a►a cors�reo . `�`� �. �. �ar t�eei : t�i�E�t<����"f No.� 0 3 4 9�'i � �� ����� • Chr^isti ne ozek 1 �"R r�, ��'�°�`�°"�'°". -�ounei l Research oonr . � . i ROU7ING euocEr o�n�an _ Finance & M t.- 298-505b; °�oa': `I- ��„� — Appl�catio. for r-ea.gwal af a State Class A Gambling �icense (All Forms). : Natificati E�te: 1-5-8� Hearing Date. 1-2�-$9 :c�eo�!�(�«�el�a )) �ou+ca.n�►aa��oNr:; _ , xrr�rwio oo�tesaK c� c�esbn , � � � DATE 1N � �. �CATE OUT ' . .. ANIILVST � . PFpNE . . .. � , ..TD�NWG COMM�lIdl . ISD SClpOL BOARD . . . . � � � . . . �.,. .BTAFF- . � . � R COMMI�ION .- COMRETE AS 13 .-. �... �.AD01 MFO.�ADDED+ � __���R'11DD'L��. � _PE�dAOk ADDFD* . . � OIBTRICT CaUNCIL . � � . . . ... .. .'. *EI�UINATION: . .. - . . �BUPPORIB YN11Cf1 COINiCM_OBJECC11VE9 -. - . . � � . _ � � � � � � . � . � . . J � . _ �iM7N9 MIO�L�I.NWE,GAOR1lMRY .WhYC WhM�,MIIMw�WM): , . JWdath Lund uist, on behalf of the Catholic Athletic Asso�ia��on, requests ; Cit�r Counci appraval of iher applicatian for renewal of a Stat� C�ass A ; 'Gambl i�g Li .ense (Al l Fo s) at 408 �Ma�a:_ Street. Gambl i ng sess iahs "are , ; held Thursd evenings b�ween the hours of 7.:3d.PM and:11:30 PM. F�^o�eeds. from the ga ling sessions are used ta organize, promote and supervise atfi]etics a d recreationa� activitaes for the youth of the Paroch9al School� in the Grea er St. Paul and suburban areas. �xaillQl►�19q K�o.vs.nM�t:Adw�+1�t... :, ,. , � .- Aj1 applica ions and fees �have been: submitted. �11 �O� payments to the �ity Wide Y uth Fund are current. : ' �.t�.►,wn«�.r,a ra w►wi,a: .. ,,. . :.; : ; . : ` if Council pproVal is given; the Cathol'ic Att�let�c Association wiil �ct�r►t�nue ' ' to sponsor weekly gambli',ng session. - , _ - _ . . ! �,�w►m�: , �oa . co,�e . , - i ' Cou��i� Res arc� Cenier - � - _ , � i � ,�,'�1 i'� 1 1 "�``- • , .., a;-,.�;� . ; FN'fOR11JlI�EIfiS: � L[OAL�I�E: