89-117 I *• *�.%' �� �-_ �-- �`a._ �- _ i _ _ I ��� �_._..%, City of St.Paul COUNCIk� FILF'1V0. � / ' FINAL ORDER IN ^,� -.,�Z ' ,,f� l � ��" t, �� ' �'Y / . � CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS l�gg�,� -�""`f ?'```> _ i File No. 9oting In the Matter�of condewniag ��8 tr�king a 20—fvot esee�aent !`or aeo►sr purpoeea foz Ward �}�� �rt c�f Lot 13. 81ock 1, �evn��n'e Sth Arlditio�, iyin� eauth of ,� 5 11n� hat is 20 fe�et south of a��d pa�alZel �o the north li�a of Lot 13. ,I ° � � l J�1�:?��=- _ � �� � - � � -�-� , under Administrative Orde � approved � z ,�:� under Preliminary Order appre�'ed A public hearing ha ing been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and ecommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered th same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That th�e Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby orders said improv ment to be made X��1���� ��#�$X�� �X���� FURTHER RESOLVE , That the Council hereby determines that the estate required tpr thie improvement be as describ- ed above, and tLat the pro er City otficers eubmit a report Lo the City Counoil for the pur ose of the Counail's making an award of damages for the in erest�qsbeec�and determination of asaessmente, if any, againet t e benefited ptoperty. acquired COUNCIL� Adopted by the Council: D te Yea�i�ga Nays ���_� Certified Passed by Counci Secretary ���g i In Favor By $cheibel � $ottnatl ; Against idilton , Mayor � , I —�- . ;,: � .. , , . * : ,,, - � '�� . � � . � � , _ ��� , ; , . � City of St.Paul � , ,� , COUNC FI�0. ' . . 4 . � .� ... '.n .s :S,,,x.. _,; f , .... � , _ , � , f � , . FINAL O`�: QER� IN . � . # { . „ ,. . . . , . . '� . .A _. ..�F'.� , Y � I R� .- � .; r � + l . . . { . .. ,. . .. .. . . . �F . .� •?� �n CONDEMNATION PR CEEDINGS 1 , ' `�'` �' File Nb. �`� . .. �.�.,. �b�i�lt* Ia the Mattersof i . � � A �� �l�.��' f�MMk� � ��' . -«,-��--» th+i►t �e e!' L�t 13r l,t�rlt is �r�►'�r �► ��1atr, � ,�+w�e�► +rt a : � , � ` � ��t t� � l�+se sr�►�i i! a�M �� Rs f:� �fr L�ais e�' �et 3.�.' . :. � _ ;� " . .,v� , . k` : � �,." �a �.� s �'�"" , - � �. � . ; . . .� - . , a . ;.: .���., " , . : - . . . . . � �... . _ � .�r�� _ . . . . . : _ �„ .: . , : � j. . . , .:`, under'Adlninisfrati�re Order � '`approved �' '� , . �.- � . , . under Preliminary Order � approved . � • $ , . , . � .. '�� � - A public hearing hav' g been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and re ommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby orders said improvement to be made FUIiTHER RE30LVE . That the Council hereDy deterp�ines tbst cIIe estate reqnited tpr thie improrement be se desctib- ed above. and LLat the pr r City of[ic�s enbmit a repaet to the Citq Connoil ta the pnrpose ot tbe Connail's madking an award of damsgea tor the i est�and determiaaLion ot asse.emeats. it any. against tLe be�fited property. acquired COUNCILM�N Adopted by the Council: Date Yea�,� Nays ��_� Certified Passed by Council Secretary �� � In Favor By �� �st'bir�. �jp Apinst � Mayor , ? � V&A 11/21/88 ���� ORIGiNATOR �f � y DATE INRIATED OATE COMPIETED {� De artm�nt of�Public Works � 8/5/88 GREEN SHEET NO. 02� 2 J P . CONTAYT PERSON � , DEPARTMENT DIRECTOp � MIIYOR(OR ASSISTMIT) Roy Bredahl ^�GN FlNANCE 8 MAN0.GOAHJT SERVICES DiREC10R 1 cm c��nc NUMBER FOR �NTACT 0 . � NTACT PlpNE . ROUTING 9UDOEf DIRECTOR 2 Council Research Sewers 292-613 ���R� - cm�rroANer Must b h C ' SUBJECT/DESCRIPTION O PROJECT/RECUES : no later than Monday noon, December 5, 1988. SEE ATTACHED SHEET i Must be on Agenda December 6, 1988 FILE N0. 18505 ' I Finance File o. `s 18505, 18505W and 18505-E RECOMMENDATIONB:(Approve(A)or Rejeet(R)) COUNGL RESEARCM REPORT: PIANNINO COMMflSSION CML SERVICE SSION DATE IN DATE OUT . ANALYST PMONE NO. ZONH�10 COMMISSION ISD 8?3 9CN001.�OARD � . A srnaF cw�+rEn coMw sia+ coM��s is _�wot o+ro.�ooeo* _�.ca�r+w.'*� _��En"�ooeo+ DI3TRICT CWNGL -� •OIPU�NATION: -SUGPORTS NMH:Fi COUNCIL 061ECT1VE7 .) i .. . . I Ward 5 ' i I - INITIATING PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNfTY(Who.Wh .When.Where,Whyl: ' I Will provide sewer and wai�er to an area presently unserved. I . i "JtlBTIFICA170N(Coet/B�neflts.Adventeges.RewlUl: Will create housing oppor unities and provide for tax base expansion. ;` � 4- I • R'. ;'.CONSEOUENCES(What Whsn.and To Whorn): rr � . .. , . i .- . _ . _ . .. _ . . ` None � , .. ._. � . ..... : . . � .. _ , .. . . .... , - _ - i _.. . _ _ i� � ALTERNATIVES: PROS CONS r .. ; : None. By doing nothing, housing � opportunities will be loist and tax base expansion will not �occur. i i � i MI8TOAY/PRECEDBNTS: i . i Follows standard operat�ng procedure. i �an�issues: i None. I� , • � � �f�/�� _ _ _ . ---- . _ _ __._: .�. -- -..�:�,�.- _ PR�3I.IA�IINARY U&�B� . �,,.:_ ,. +,, t:�;, , .f, .:, i3 .C��Zi-'�� -4T�V..�.�Q^Iiii,/_.'�'.:$p�WALI�r,�L6m$t�.-. , , � . F ;:`y� •'�.'. In the_ atter of cori�em�iag �and takin���-Ztl�faot e�.seme�nt �tis� �+e� ' purpos� that part ot�;,ot 1�.;Block 1;Dawsbii�`�5th A�df�tic�i,'� south�ots� lin�tha!is feet south of anc��jar�ei ta th�e noith line o�Lot I3 in�cft��VV�iI � 5. _ • � � The Co cil of the City of S�int Paul having recei�ei+�e repar�.oi'the:il�tagar�; upon the bove improvemea�•''°and.'havi�g cwnstdei+e�3��said-report; �w. i resotv��: , -; 1-. the said TePprt and �e sa�uR�is' }�e�eby.,�PR�'nt'ed wtf$ � . '�I't atives. �ad��hat t�te e�tfl�ated�-�c?�t�b�'eo�,is to be reim�rttrsed i�r �ss slxientS with_the sa�itary.sewes prc►�ect.,. , z'2olz� a,public he�ri�tg.be 3iad �n said imp�i�emeait�ea'�"Z�t& v?isc ���3�'ei�.Y� ��i�� ` 1 ; tlll�fi��fri�he�y bi�S�i�I�' ' '� . -��•. ��aivti?�e Q� L� a be ives,to the,�¢ ' � y � ��.� �?�a� S 8� � .. ... r pmvad�d�b�y�Cha�eT. stettti�ng the tin�ie an�!~�,l '�`Ci����r�tig; �t,�e lia�ure of t�ae�spt�orrr,crsent�nd the tata�cost`khenept as.es�x , F4Ie No. 1 5=E . Adopt by the(;ouncil De�embes 13,1988: , . . AP ` . Dece�'��,��8. � _ .., t . �Secember 24, 1988)' , - i i �