89-112 WMITE - C�TV CLERK I COUflCll //� PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L CAFlARY - DEPARTMENT BLUE - �Q,pVOR File NO. � - - Return copy to: I Council Resolution Valuations -- m 2 8 I� (27-1987) (RM) . Presented B Y i Referred To � Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, �that upon the petition of Gregory Closmore and Elizabeth Clos ore and Peter J. Fleming and Carole M. Fleming, per Finance De artment File No. 27-1987 , that part of a utility easement in Lot 2 and 6, Block 1, Edgcumbe Place Addition lying easterly of E gcumbe Road and southerly of Albion Avenue, hereinafter de cribed, be and the same is hereby vacated and discontinued as public property. The vac ted area is described as follows: All hat part of the utility easement in Lot 2, Bloc 1, Edgcumbe Place Addition described as foll ws : The easterly 30 feet of Lot 2, Block 1, of said addition except the northerly 30 feet thereof and except the southerly 12.5 feet thereof; also All that part of the utility easement as ded ' cated in Lot 6, Block 1, Edgcumbe Place Add ' tion wich lies southerly and westerly of the fol owing described line: Commencing at the most southerly corner of said Lot 6; thence northerly alonq the southeasterly line of said Lot 6, a distance of 56.67 feet to the point of Ibeginning of the line to be described; thence to the left on a line concentric with the arc of the 35-foot radius of the Icul-de-sac as platted in Edgcumbe Place of I said addition to the intersection with a I line 12.5 feet southerly of and parallel to the southerly line of said Edgcumbe Place; COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays I Dimond • �.ong i In Favor , Gosw;tz Rettman I B Scheibel � A gai n s t Y Sonnen Wilson i Form Appro d 'ty Attornt�X _ Adopted by Council: D�te � /'� Certified Yassed by Council Sjecretary BY C �� (Z 2 � gl, 6lpproved by Mavor: Date �-- Approved by Mayor for ubmission to Council BY —t--- � I I . , . � .� , (�-��/� . t�ence westerly along said parallel line to t e intersection with the northwesterly liine of said Lot 6 and there terminating. This vaication shall be subject to the following conditio�ns : 1 . '�hat the vacation be subject to all the �'erms and conditions of Chapter 130, qodified March 1, 1981 , of the Saint Paul Ilegislative Code, as amended. 2. '�hat the petitioners , their heirs and �ssigns, by acceptance of the terms and �onditions of this vacation, agree to indemnify, defend and save harmless the �ity of Saint Paul , its officers and �mployees from all suits, actions or claims bf any character brought as a result of �.njuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons , or property on hccount of this vacation or petitioner ' s �ZSe of this property including but not �imited to a claim brought because of any �act of omission, neglect or misconduct of ,said petitioner or because of any claims or !liability arising from any violation of any ilaw or regulation made in accordance with ithe law whether by the petitioner or any of !its agents or employees. 3. iThat the petitioners , their heirs and ,���-)_J�... �v- � �,� � 1� �2 2 WHITE - CITY CLERK COl1I1CII PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL 1 BLtJERY - MAVORTMENT � Flle NO.���_//� Valuations -- Room z�8 Council Resolution (27-1987) (RM) Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By I Date �ssigns , shall within 60 days of the �ublication date of this resolution file �ith the City Clerk an acceptance in riting of the conditions of this esolution and shall within the period (s) pecified in the terms and conditions of his resolution comply in all respects with hese terms and conditions. � COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays nimona Finance & Management Services �� [n Favor Goswitz Rettman __�o�_ Against BY Dire tor Scheibel � Sonnen 1�ilS88 Adopted by Council: Dat JAN � '� ��679 Form Approv b Attorney � , 2 �2��� Certified Passe b Co cil Se re ry BY By . Appr d by 17avor: Dat JAN Z 5 �959 Approved by Mayor for Submis 'on to Council By BY � lSt�B : ':�� �b i 989