89-110 WHITE - CI7V CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council � /� CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOF - �� FII@ NO• � / II • • Council Resolution � � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, on June 26, 1983, Gwynder Robinson was operating a car that wa involved in an accident with a squad car driven by Officer Ma�ie Lanford. Ms. Robinson indicated she sustained permanent in��ries to her back because of this accident; and WHEREAS, Ms. Robinson claims Officer Lanford was negligent in the operat ' on of her squad car. Officer Lanford claims Ms. Robinson was egligent by making an improper lane change; and WHEREAS, the City Attorney' s office has investigated this matter and det rmined that because of two versions of how the accident occur ed it is uncertain what the jury might conclude with respect t fault and the extent of injuries, if any. Because of this uncert inty the City Attorney' s office recommended that this case be f lly and completely settled for $2, 325 . 00; now, therefore, be ' t . RESOLVED, that upon receipt of a Release and Stipulation for Dismissal ith Prejudice, the propert;� City officials are hereby authori ed and directed to pay our of the Tort Liability Fund 09070-051 -000 to Gwynder Robinson and her attorney the sum of $2, 325. 00 t fully and completely settle any and all claims or matters mad or not made against the City of Saint Paul arising out of the aut mobile accident of June 26, 1983 ; and be it FURTHER R SOLVED, that Gwynder Robinson, by Stipulation of Dismissal with Prejudice, shall be required to indemnify the City of Saint Paul nd its employees and/or agents from any claim arising out of the accident of June 26, 1983 . II � � COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �ngnd � In Favor �ATio.2yE �5 aF'�tCE Gnswitz Rettman Scheibel �__ Against BY Sonnen �ic4icen' p� JAN 2 f� �90� Form Approved by City Attorne Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Yass b uncil Secre � ��� gy, Appro by lVlavor: a � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council --�� By BY � S�� r-.�r � 1�O�1 Attorne D�.PARTMENT � ���/� N:� ' _ 09��g � Walter A. Bows CONTACT - PHON� Januar 9, 198 DATE ��`�� ��, AISSIGN NUl�ER FOl2 ROUTING 0 DER C1 i Al l Locations for Si nature : Department Director � Director of Management/Mayor� Finance and Management ervices Director � City Cler,k. . Budget Director City Attorney . WHAT WILL BE �CHIEYED BY T ING ACTION ON TME ATTACHED �IATERIALS? F.:Purpose/ . '_ . Rationale) : Full settlertten of the claim of Gwynder M. Ro�inson f.or datnages and injuries s stained June 26, 1983 as a result of an accid�nt`_ with a city ve icle. . . : OST BENEFIT BUDGETARY AN PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPAT�D: n�a : �INANCING SOURCE AND BUDGE ACTIYITY NUNBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- - ' ture not .:re= . Total Amount of'Transaction: $2, 325.00 quir�d if unider � " $10,000) Fur�ding Source: 090Z -0511-000 . � Activity Number: . TTACHMENTS List and Numb r All Attachments : . �ouncil Research Center resolution . �AN .� 1 w i�8� .� � . , . , . . ., ; DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REViEW �Yes No Council Resolution Required? ' Resolation Required? �'Yes No _ _,,,_Yes �No Insurance Re uired? i�surance Suffici��t? Yes�lo � Yes�No Insurance At ched: ( EE •REVERSE SIdE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) � Revised 12/84 . :